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Tahun 2016 saya mengikuti contes LKS tingkat SMK terbaik di Papua

Barat. Saya merasa bangga atas apa yang telah saya perolah dari hasil
contes LKS tersebut .Saya belajar banyak belajar berhari-hari dan
didampingi oleh guru saya berserta teman-teman saya. Banyak sekali yang
saya pelajari hingga saya bisa mendapatkan bekal dan ilmu pengetahuan
yang luas.Berbagai lawan daerah kabupaten yang saya temui sangat
banyak dan mereka dari berbagai suku.
Dari situlah sayajuga belajar bahwa kita harus berjalan bersama,
bergandengan tangan, belajar menerima perbedaan, demi Indonesia
dengan Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Selama mengikuti kontes ini , saya
menempuh jalan panjang dan berliku tetap ada namun saya percaya satu
hari saya akan mendapatkan kemenangan dengan hasil kerja keras saya.
Kemenangan terindah dalam hidup saya dan takkan terlupakan. Dan saya
bertrima kasih kepada semua kawan yang gigih berjuang, melawan
ketidakadilan, berada di garis depan.Saya berharap contes selanjutnya
akan menjadi lebih baik dan menjadi penerus bangsa.Dan percayalah
bahwa kita tidak sendiri.
Name : Rusnawati Mahmud
Class : Speaking A
SRN :2016-51-031

Firstly Let me say thank you very much to change given to tell my
speech and let as raise our phrase and gratitude to God because who has
given has help and upportunity.

Leadis and Gentleman…

I really say thank you today, because now I attended the best LKS
vocational school contest in West Papua. I feel proud of what I have
processed from the contest LKS. I learned a lot of study for days and
accompanied by my teacher along with my friends. I learned so much that I
was able to get supplies and extensive knowledge. Various regional
opponents I encountered were very numerous and they were from various
From there I also learned that we must walk together, hand in hand,
learn to accept differences, for the sake of Indonesia with Bhineka Tunggal
Ika. During this contest, I took a long and winding road still there but I
believe one day I will get a victory with the results of my hard work.
The most beautiful victory of my life and will never be forgotten. And I
thank all my staunch friends, fight against injustice, be on the front line. I
hope the next contest will be better and become the successor of the
nation. And believe that we are not alone.

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