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Arranged By Group 2:

1. Abdul Fikri
2. Adi Hikmawan
3. Neng Tita Nurawaliah
4. Shintia Amtasari
5. Syuman Jaya
6. Tati Nurliyalita
7. Zuhri Gomrowi


1. Thermometer : Is a tool that has a function as a body measuring instrument, normal

temperature 36-37,5 oC
2. Stethoscope: Serves to hear and diagnose various sounds and abnormal lung and
respiratory sound abnormalities and sounds for hearing voices and peristaltic
abnormalities of the intestine.
3. Sphygmomanometer : Serves to measure blood pressure manually while pumping or
reducing pressure on the maset. Normal blood pressure according to WHO (World
Health Organization) is 110/70 mmHg - 140/90 mmHg.
4. Tool of span/ Korentang : Serves as a tool to take a sterile medical device to keep in
sterile condition
5. Crooked / Kidney Cup: Serves to place tools or dirt in the workplace or operation
6. Tub Instrument: To keep the equipment of operation that has been as sterile
7. Sterile gloves: High-level disinfection function for any procedure that will result in
contact with tissue beneath the skin such as labor, vaginal suturing or blood retention
Sterile gloves are used when a sterile procedure (eg replacing a bandage and inserting
a catheter)
8. Catheter : Serves to remove or take urine
9. Tromol : Its function is as a storage place of gauze
10. Abocath: Function Intravenous or intravenous needles or intravenous catheters,
generally given different colors for reasons to make it easier for the officer to
recognize the size of the abbock needed The lower the abochat size the larger the
needle abochat.
11. Scissors Bandage: Serves to form and cut bandages just before closing the wound,
these scissors are also safe to use to cut the bandage when the bandage has been
placed over the wound.
12. Anatomical Tweezers: To pinch the screen while pressing on the wound, pinching a
thin, soft tissue.
13. NGT Set / naso gastric tube : The function of a tube inserted through the nose to the
stomach. Often used to provide nutrients and medicines to someone who is unable to
consume food, fluids, and oral medications. Can also be used to remove the contents
of the stomach by aspiration.
14. Hammer Reflex: - To provoke reactions and reflexes, because testing reflexes an
important part of physical examination
-To detect abnormalities in the central or peripheral nervous system
15. Tuning Fork: Function of a tool for hearing test
16. Clamp: Function tool used to clamp the umbilical cord.
17. Gudel: It serves to prop up the mouth in a patient Koma medical device called an
additional airway used to keep the airway (open) patent
18. Tongue Spatel: Serves to suppress the tongue in seizure patients
19. Urinal male / female: Serves to accommodate the urine in patients who can not or
can to the toilet.
20. Infusion Set: Function for infusion fluids.
21. Linex: The midwifery tool to listen to the fetal heartbeat in the womb.
22. Tourniquet: Serves in emphasis and is used to control venous and arterial circulation
in the area of operation over a period of time. The tourniquet pressure must exceed the
systolic pressure, usually for the lower extremity pressure required 450mmHg (or
150mmHg above systolic arterial pressure), and for extruder pressure above
250mmHg (or 100 mmHg above systolic arterial pressure).
23. Hours Nurse: Serves to check and record patient's TTV, drug administration,
documentation and laboratory chart.
24. Penlight: Serves for examination of disorders around ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat)
25. Betadine: Serves as an antiseptic to treat minor injuries
26. Washcloth: Serves to cleanse the whole body of the patient by lying in bed using a
solution of clean water, soap, and / or antiseptic.
27. Syringe : Serves to insert fluid by injection
28. Kom: Place to put gauze, betadin, phlegm or phlegm, sterile gauze, depending on the
type of basin.

 Nurse : Good morning Mr. Kim.

 Mr. Kim : Good morning Nurse.
 Nurse : How are you today?
 Mr. Kim : I feel weak and do not want to eat.
 Nurse : Since when did this complaint come?
 Mr. Kim : Since yesterday nurse!
 Nurse : Well then. Then may I check your vital sign to know how your current
 Mr. Kim : Ok, of course
 Nurse : Can you roll your sleeve up? I will check your blood pressure now.
 Mr. Kim : Ok, how is the result nurse?
 Nurse : Your current blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg the result indicates
normal. Now raise your hand i will check your body temperature at this time i
will calculate your pulse
 Mr. Kim : Yes of course, how is the result of nurse?
 Nurse : The result shows, your temperature is 37 oC and your pulse 89x / min
result is still stable
 Mr. Kim : Well nurse, now what should I do again?
 Nurse : Mr.Kim. as indicated by my doctor will take action of 12cc insulin.
 Mr. Kim : What is insulin for?
 Nurse : insulin is given to keep blood sugar stable and prevent hyperglycemia
in your body condition now
 Mr. Kim : Well it's a nurse
 Nurse : Excuse Mr. Kim open your shirt now and take a deep breath before I
inject later
 Mr. Kim : Ok I understand, is this sick?
 Nurse : Yes, this act is indeed sick because the needle is inserted 90o
 Mr. Kim : Well nurse, start now
 Nurse : Has finished Mr. How do you feel ?
 Mr. Kim : I feel a little pain in the nurse when the needle is inserted into my
 Nurse : Yes of course because the needle is inserted 90 degrees
 Mr. Kim : Nurse, why have lately not felt my appetite lately?
 Nurse : Are you having difficulty swallowing?
 Mr. Kim : No nurse! But my mouth was bitter and my lips ached.
 Nurse : Can you open your mouth now?
 Mr. KIim : Why should I open my nurse's mouth?
 Nurse : I will check if there is any injury to your lips and tongue!
 Mr. X : Ok nurse.
 Nurse : Say "ah"
 Mr. Kim : "Ahh"
 Nurse : Put out your tongue, and keep your mouth open.
 Mr. Kim : How was the result of the nurse?
 Nurse : Your tongue looks dirty Mr, and there is a slight cut on the area of
your lips.
 Mr. Kim : How is the action to overcome this nurse?
 Nurse : I will report this to the doctor and for later action I will say again.
 Mr. Kim : Be good nurse, do the best thing.
 Nurse : For the last check I will do blood sampling through your veins.
 Mr. Kim : What is the purpose of taking the blood sample nurse?
 Nurse : Blood sampling is aimed at identifying and preventing any other
disease in your body
 Mr. Kim : How much blood will the nurse take?
 Nurse : Blood to be taken as much as 5 cc.
 Mr. Kim : All right.
 Nurse : Are you willing Mr.?
 Mr. Kim : Yes nurse, i am willing.
 Nurse : The blood taking is done, for the result will be checked by the
laboratory and will be conveyed by the doctor
 Mr. Kim : All right nurse, when will the doctor come to check on me?
 Nurse : The doctor comes at 11:30 AM, to check your condition.
 Mr. Kim : Well, I understand.
 Nurse : Thank you for your cooperation in all the actions that have been done.
If you need something, you can hit this bell.
 Mr. Kim : Youre welcome nurs! Well I understand
 Nurse : Have a good rest Mr. Kim.

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