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Contoh Unit Kegiatan Belajar Matematika, Pasangan KD 3.3/4.



1. Identitas
a. Nama Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris X (Wajib)
b. Semester : Ganjil
c. Kompetensi Dasar :

3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji bersayap (extended), serta
menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji
bersayap (extended), dan menanggapinya dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai

d. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi :

3.2.1 Mengidentifikasi situasi dalam sebuah percakapan

3.2.2 Menyebutkan kejadian dalam percakapan
3.2.3 Mendaftar ungkapan memuji dan kata sifat dalam percakapan
3.2.4 Menyebutkan ungkapan memuji dan kata sifat yang ada dalam sebuah
3.2.5 Mencontohkan suasana yang tepat untuk menggunakan ungkapan memuji
3.2.6 Mengklasifikasikan daftar situasi yang sesuai untuk ungkapan memuji secara
3.2.7 menggunakan ungkapan memuji dalam situasi yang telah diklasifikasikan
4.2.1 Membandingkan dua conversation tentang ungkapan memuji
4.2.2 Menganalisis penggunaan Bahasa dalam conversation ungkapan memuji yang
berbeda (formal dan informal)
4.2.3 Menganalisis unsur yang dipuji dalam conversation yang diberikan sebagai
4.2.4 mengelola jumbled conversation menjadi percakapan penuh yang sesuai
4.2.5 Menyusun conversation menggunakan ungkapan memuji
4.2.6 Mempresentasikan conversation ungkapan memuji

©2017-Workshop Pengembangan UKB

Contoh Unit Kegiatan Belajar Matematika, Pasangan KD 3.3/4.3

e. Materi Pokok : Complimenting

f. Alokasi Waktu : 3 pertemuan ( 6 x 45 menit)
g. Pertemuan ke :
h. Tujuan Pembelajaran :

Melalui diskusi, tanya jawab, penugasan, presentasi dan analisis, peserta didik
dapat memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
procedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,
kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan
kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang
spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah dan
mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak
terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara
mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan, sehingga
peserta didik dapat menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang
dianutnya, mengembangkan sikap jujur, peduli, dan bertanggungjawab, serta
dapat mengembangankan kemampuan berpikir kritis, berkomunikasi,
berkolaborasi, berkreasi(4C).

i. Materi Pembelajaran
o Agar konsep dan teori yang akan Anda pelajari pada UKB ini dapat Anda
kuasai dengan baik, maka terlebih dahulu bacalah Buku Teks Pelajaran
(BTP) berikut: Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas X, Kementrian Pendidikan
Kebudayaan RI, Maret 2016; dan buku lain yang sekiranya Anda temukan
berkaitan dengan materi Complimenting, untuk keperluan ini Anda boleh
mencarinya di internet.

2. Peta Konsep


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Contoh Unit Kegiatan Belajar Matematika, Pasangan KD 3.3/4.3

Kegiatan Pembelajaran
a. Pendahuluan

Sebelum Anda memulai untuk mengikuti kegiatan belajar ini, amatilah gambar
di bawah ini.

1. Kalimat apakah yang diucapkan oleh tokoh dalam gambar?

Complimenting (ungkapan memuji).
2. Dalam situasi apa seseorang layak dipuji?
When someone did some good job.
3. Kata sifat apa saja yang sering digunakan ketika memuji seseorang?
Exellent, good job, impressed, etc
4. Mengapa seseorang dipuji?
Because they did some good job, they have good looking, etc
5. Bagaimana reaksi seseorang ketika dipuji?
They usually happy when someone complimenting them.

Setelah Anda sudah bisa menjawab pertanyaan di atas, silahkan dilanjutkan ke

kegiatan belajar berikut. Apabila belum paham, mintalah pada teman atau
guru Anda untuk membimbing kembali terkait ungkapan pujian

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Contoh Unit Kegiatan Belajar Matematika, Pasangan KD 3.3/4.3

Beberapa istilah penting

 Compliments express approval and are aimed at showing that you like
some aspect of the other person’s appearance, belonging or work. It
is also to appreciate other people.
 Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words, making
your writing and speaking much more specific, and a whole lot more
interesting. (
 Informal is without formality or ceremony; casual
 Formal is being in accordance with the usual requirements, customs,

Perhatikan kalimat berikut yaaa!!

Teacher : You look so energetic today, Fifi!

Martin, your new haircut is so classy.
How colorful eva’s pencil case is. Is it new?

Question: What was the adjectives I said to Fifi?

What adjectives did I say to Martin?
What did I say about Reva’s pencil case?
In your opinion, how did they feel when I said those sentences with
those adjectives?
In your opinion, how would they have reacted if I had said the
opposite adjectives?

Nahhh, bagaimana? Sudah ada bayangan untuk belajar materi

Complimenting? Yukkk kita lanjutkan belajarnya!

b. Kegiatan Inti
1) Petunjuk Umum UKB
a) Melalui UKB ini Anda akan mengembangkan kemampuan
menggunakan ungkapan memuji agar dapat menyelesaikan masalah
kontekstual dan melaporkan hasilnya melalui presentasi sehingga
Anda akan terlatih berkomunikasi dengan baik. Aktivitas berpikir yang
akan Anda latihkan dalam UKB ini adalah menganalisis permasalahan
kontekstual, mengevaluasi strategi-strategi penyelesaian masalah

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Contoh Unit Kegiatan Belajar Matematika, Pasangan KD 3.3/4.3

menggunakan ungkapan memuji, dan/atau merumuskan

persamaan situasi dari permasalahan tersebut. Untuk itu, Anda harus
belajar dengan sabar dan tekun sehingga Anda bisa tahu, mau, dan
mampu melakukan aktifitas berpikir tinggi tersebut melalui belajar
ungkapan memuji ini.
b) Baca dan pahami materi pada buku :
 Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas X, Kementrian Pendidikan Kebudayaan
RI, Maret 2016
dan buku lain yang sekiranya Anda temukan berkaitan dengan
materi SPLTV, untuk keperluan ini Anda boleh mencarinya di
c) Kerjakan UKB ini dibuku kerja atau langsung mengisikan pada bagian
yang telah disediakan. Anda bisa bekerja sendiri, namun akan lebih
baik apabila bekerjasama dengan teman lain sekaligus berlatih untuk
berkolaborasi dan berkomunikasi dengan baik.
d) Anda dapat belajar bertahap dan berlanjut melalui kegiatan ayo
berlatih, apabila Anda yakin sudah paham dan mampu
menyelesaikan permasalahan-permasalahan dalam kegiatan belajar
1, 2, dan 3 Anda boleh sendiri atau mengajak teman lain yang sudah
siap untuk mengikuti tes formatif agar Anda dapat belajar ke UKB

2) Kegiatan Belajar
Ayo……ikuti kegiatan belajar berikut dengan penuh kesabaran dan
konsentrasi !!!

Kegiatan Belajar 1

I. Read these conversations carefully.

Situation 1.

Tami: What a great car you have, Fima. I really like your vehicle.
Fima: Thank you, Tami. I just finished making it look colourful.
Tami: Do You mean this is the old car that you used to drive to school?
Fima: Yes, it is. You are absolutely right.

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Contoh Unit Kegiatan Belajar Matematika, Pasangan KD 3.3/4.3

Tami: Now your car looks more beautiful. What did you do to it?
Fima: Not much. I had it painted with a brighter colour and add some new accessories.
Tami: Great job!
Fima: Thanks.

Situation 2.

Abi: That’s a nice and cute T-shirt you’re wearing.

Bia: I appreciate you compliment. It was a birthday present from my mother.
Abi: Where did your mother buy it?
Bia: My mother said that she had bought it for me when she was in Singapore
Abi: Your look beautiful with that expensive T-shirt
Bia: Thank you but this is an inexpensive T-shirt.


Situation 3
Andi had passed on his final semester test. On the way home, he meets Desi, his friend. She
congratulates and compliments Andi.
Desi : Hi, Andi. How are you doing?
Andi : I am fine, thanks.
Desi : It’s very nice to meet you here, Andi. You look great today! I love your new hair style.
Andi : Thank you very much, Desi. You look great, too.
Desi : Thanks, Andi. By the way, how was your test? Have you got the result?
Andi : Yes, I’ve got it. You know what? I have passed for the final test. I’m so happy right now.
Desi : That’s great. Congratulations! How’s the score?
Andi : Thanks God. I got the highest score for the test.
Desi : Wow, that’s amazing. I know you are very smart, Andi. Well done!
Andi : Thanks for your compliment, Desi. You are so kind.
Desi : Never mind Andi. It’s my pleasure.

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Contoh Unit Kegiatan Belajar Matematika, Pasangan KD 3.3/4.3

Situation 4
Andi has won the national novel writing competition. The next day, Riska and Joko come to
his house to congratulate him
Riska : Is it true what the newspaper’s headline said?
Andi : What news?
Joko : The news about you winning the national novel writing competition. Is it really you?
Andi : Yeah. It is me.
Riska : Congratulations! We’re happy for you.
Andi : Thanks a lot guys.
Joko : It’s a terrific job, Andi.
Andi : Oh, no, I guess it’s just my luck.


II. Fill in this column based on the conversation above.

Conversation Situation Complimenting Adjectives

1 Fima had her car painted What a great car you Great
have, Fima.

2 Bia had a cute T-shirt That’s a nice and Nice, beautiful

cute t-shirt you’re

You’re look beautiful

with that expensive

3 Andi had his new hair style. I love your new Love, amazing,
Andi got the highest score hairstyle. congratulations
on his final test.
Wow, that’s

4 Andi had winning the Congratulations! Congratulations

national writing novel We’re happy for
competition. you.

III. Mention 5 other situations when you can apply the expressions of complimenting!
a. When my aunt has delivered a new baby.
b. When my sister just married.
c. When my friends had winning competition.
d. When my father just got a job.
e. When my car had a new car.
f. When my friends got the highest score in the class.

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Contoh Unit Kegiatan Belajar Matematika, Pasangan KD 3.3/4.3

Apabila Anda telah mampu menyelesaikan permasalahn di atas, maka Anda bisa
melanjutkan pada kegiatan belajar 2 berikut.

Kegiatan Belajar 2

Setelah Anda belajar tentang ungkapan memuji dan kata sifat kegiatan belajar 1,
sekarang perhatikan latihan berikut!
IV. Read these situations carefully.

1 a car driver hit a cat 11 one of your friends lost his money

2 your brother got a medal 12 Your nephew has a new motorcycle

3 a vagrant helped a kid to cross the road 13 Your little sister gave all her pocket
money to a beggar

4 your father was ticketed by a police 14 Your teacher got an accident

5 Mom has prepared a delicious meal 15 A street singer played guitar


6 your friends got the first prize in a 16 your partner has just bought a new
basketball derby pair of shoes

7 a postman lost his way in your area 17 An old friend called you

8 Your sister dropped your laptop 18 The janitor cleans the area

9 Your bestfriend showed her new 19 Your boss was cheated as much as a

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Contoh Unit Kegiatan Belajar Matematika, Pasangan KD 3.3/4.3

sophisticated handphone million dollar

10 Your neighbor got a new car 20 Your uncle has just been home.

Classify the situations above into this column.

situation compliment/ Compliment of Expression of

Not complimenting
compliment Appea Achieve possession Crea

rance ment tion

1 Not x x x x x

2 compliment v How smart!

3 Not X X X X X

4 Not X X X X X

5 Compliment V I like it

6 Compliment V Great job

7 Not X X X X X

8 Not X X X X X

9 Compliment V What a great


10 Compliment V Nice car

11 Not X X X X X

12 Compliment V What a great


13 Compliment V Good job

14 Not X X X X X

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15 Compliment V Nice perform

16 Compliment V I like your


17 Not X X X X X

18 Compliment V Good job

19 Not X X X X X

20 Not X X X X X

V. Read these conversations carefully.

A: You look really nice today.
B: Thank you, Sir. I just got this outfit the other day.
A: Really, where did you get it?
B: I got it from Macy's, Sir.
A: It's really nice.
B: Thanks again. You look nice today, too, Sir.
A: Thank you. I just got these shoes today.
B: Really? What kind of shoes are they?
A: These are called All Star Chuck Taylors.
B: I really like those, Sir. How much did they cost?
A: They were about forty dollars.
B: It looks perfect on you, Sir.
A: Thanks.
Now, let’s get to the business.
B: Yes, Sir. Here is the financial statement.

A: I absolutely love what you're wearing today, Dude.
B: You do? I just bought this outfit a couple days ago.
A: Seriously, it looks really nice on you. Where did you get it?
B: I got it from the Macy's at the Santa Anita mall.
A: Cool, I’ve been there a few times. I really like that outfit.
B: Thanks. I think you look cool too in those fancy shoes.
A: Thank you. I ‘ve waited forever for these.
B: Those are nice. What are they?
A: These are some Chucks.
B: How great. How much were they?
A: I got them for forty bucks.
B: I think I’m gonna get them too.
A: Well, while we’re here. Let’s go to its counter over there!

Source: modified from

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Contoh Unit Kegiatan Belajar Matematika, Pasangan KD 3.3/4.3

A: Hi! How are you? It’s been a long time since we last met.
B: Yes. I went to Georgia for almost three months for Maths olympiade.
A: I heard that you won the first prize.
I would like to compliment you on your recent achievement.
B: Thank you for saying so, but it was the work of the whole team.
A: You have done a great job.
B: Thank you.
By the way, that's a nice T-shirt you're wearing.
A: I appreciate the compliment. It was a birthday present from one of my classmates.
B : And I think your new hairstyle is lovely.
A: That's nice of you to say so. I love yours, too.
B: Thank you.
Well, here is my bus. I must go now. Bye.
A: Bye.

Source: modified from http://a-free-english-

4. A: Hi! What a nice uniform you guys are wearing.

B: Thanks. It’s our new batik at school.
A: You kidding me? They’re awesome. It’s so stylish and up to date.
Who designed it?
B: Well, the design was decided through a competition.
I won five hundred rupiahs for it.
A: You’re the designer of your school uniform? This fancy and stylish model?
Get out of here!
B: Yeah, it’s me.
A: What a modern uniform. I guess the students might want to wear it even on Sunday.
B: That’s too much. Thanks anyway.
I’ll pay your coffee, burger and this snack.
A: Ah, thank you. You’re such a freehanded friend!

5. A: I would like to say thank you for the charity. It helps us raise the orphans here.
B: Never mind. I’m glad that the kids here are well treated.
It’s very kind of you to have such an open heart for them.
A: Thank you; and we do appreciate your generosity.
B: It’s very nice of you to say so. Please let me know if the kids need something for their
A: Sure, Sir. You’re very helpful. Thank you.
B: Don’t mention it.

VI. Fill in the column based on the conversations above.

Conver Location Speaker’s Compliment formal In

sation position expressions formal

I Boss and A = Boss You look really nice V

employee B = employee today.

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Contoh Unit Kegiatan Belajar Matematika, Pasangan KD 3.3/4.3

II Someone and A: someone I absolutely love what V
his friend B: his friend you’re wearing today,
III Someone and A: someone You have done a great V
her/his friend B: her/his job.
who win a friend who win And I think your
math a math hairstyle is lovely
olympiad olympiad
IV Someone and A: someone What a nice uniform V
her/his B: the designer you guys are wearing.
V Manager of A: manager of You’re very helpful V
orphanage orphanage
and volunteer B: volunteer

Kegiatan Belajar 3

Ayo…sekarang terapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari!

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Contoh Unit Kegiatan Belajar Matematika, Pasangan KD 3.3/4.3

VII. Make a conversation containing expressions of complimenting based on the card situations

Your teacher was granted an Your friend succeeded

award for being the best finishing his painting
teacher in the city project in just a week

S: “Congratulations for being the best teacher in the city sir.”
T: “Thank you my dear.”
A: “Wow amazing! Do you finish this painting in just a week?”
B: “Yes, I do.”

Your English club team has Your sister who likes singing
won the second prize of a became an idol on TV after
debate competition joining a talent show
A: “What an amazing performance on that day. Good job guys.”
B: “Wow, thank you.”
A: “Nice job sis for became an idol on TV.”
B: “Thank you brother for complimenting me.”

The central park in your Your aunt plants many

town has just been orchids and other colorful
renovated flowers

A: “Wow, our central park now is more beautiful.”
B: “Yeah, it has just been renovated.”
A: “It’s amazing flower auntie. There are many of them.”
B: “Thank you.”

The volleyball team in your a group of young people

cleans the trash in the stadium
school has a new costume
after a football match

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A: “This new costume looks cool. Who design this?”
B: “Thank you. It’s me.”
A: “Good job guys for cleaning this stadium.”
B: “Thank you. We really need some rest.”

Setelah menyelesaikannya soal tersebut, dapatkah Anda memberikan contoh

permasalahan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang penyelesaiannya menggunakan
ungkapan memuji tersebut? Kerjakan bersama teman Anda di buku kerja masing-
masing! Periksakan seluruh pekerjaan Anda kepada Guru agar dapat diketahui
penguasaan materi sebelum Anda diperbolehkan belajar ke UKB berikutnya.

a. Penutup

Bagaimana Anda sekarang?

Setelah Anda belajar bertahap dan berlanjut melalui kegiatan belajar 1, 2, dan
3, berikut diberikan Tabel untuk mengukur diri Anda terhadap materi yang
sudah Anda pelajari. Jawablah sejujurnya terkait dengan penguasaan materi
pada UKB ini di Tabel berikut.
Tabel Refleksi Diri Pemahaman Materi
No Pertanyaan Ya Tidak

1. Apakah Anda telah memahami pengertian V

2. Dapatkah Anda menyebutkan beberapa kata sifat V
yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan pujian?
3. Apakah Anda mengetahui alasan mengapa V
seseorang dipuji?
4. Dapatkah Anda menyebutkan situasi yang tepat V
untuk menggunakan expressions of
5. Dapatkah Anda menyusun menentukan kapan V
menggunakan expressions of complimenting
menggunakan Bahasa formal dan informal?

Jika menjawab “TIDAK” pada salah satu pertanyaan di atas, maka pelajarilah
kembali materi tersebut dalam Buku Teks Pelajaran (BTP) dan pelajari ulang
kegiatan belajar 1, 2, atau 3 yang sekiranya perlu Anda ulang dengan

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bimbingan Guru atau teman sejawat. Jangan putus asa untuk mengulang lagi!.
Dan apabila Anda menjawab “YA” pada semua pertanyaan, maka lanjutkan
Dimana posisimu?
Ukurlah diri Anda dalam menguasai materi Expressions of Complimenting
dalam rentang 0 – 100, tuliskan ke dalam kotak yang tersedia.

Setelah Anda menuliskan penguasaanmu terhadap materi Expressions of

Complimenting, lanjutkan kegiatan berikut untuk mengevaluasi penguasaan

Yuk Cek Penguasaanmu terhadap Materi Expressions of


Agar dapat dipastikan bahwa Anda telah menguasi materi Expressions of

Complimenting, maka kerjakan soal berikut secara mandiri di buku kerja Anda

Make conversations containing expressions of complimenting based on the situation


1. Aggie has just bought a laptop and she likes it because the features are
sophisticated. She told Anna, her best friend about it.
2. Mrs. Parker is a businesswoman and he just signed an MOU with a new
colleague. She told her new colleague that she likes it to cooperate with him
because he was so humble, consistent and that his products are of high
3. Harry saw an old woman wearing shabby old clothes looked starving on the
pavement he was passing by. Then he bought a pack of ‘nasi campur’ and gave
it to her. The old woman was so grateful and she complimented Harry for
sparing his money for her.

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4. Laila is a smart student; she likes Physics so much. Last month she was sent to
Russia to join an international Physics Olympiad. She went back to Indonesia
bringing the second medal. Her elder sister, Tania was so proud of her and she
compliments her about it.

Setelah menyelesaikan soal di atas dan mengikuti kegiatan belajar 1, 2, dan 3,

bagaimana menurut pendapat Anda tentang penyelesaian permasalahan pada di
bagian awal pembelajaran tadi? Apakah ada alternatif lain untuk menyelesaikannya?.
Silahkan Anda berdiskusi dengan teman sebangku atau teman lain, dan tuliskan hasil
kerja Anda di buku kerja masing-masing. Tuliskan juga dalam buku kerja tersebut
refleksi Anda dengan menggunakan cara dan bahasa Anda sendiri sebagai bagian dari
pengakuan terhadap apa yang sudah Anda kuasai.

Ini adalah bagian akhir dari UKB materi Expressions of Complimenting, mintalah tes
formatif kepada Guru Anda sebelum belajar ke UKB berikutnya. Sukses untuk

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