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The Top 10 Inventions of All Time

#10 – Automobile
Providing people with incredible freedom of movement, the automobile has made traveling great distances
simple. In addition, it has led to the creation of suburbs as people no longer need to live in the city center.

#9 – Sanitation
You know what’s better than dying a horrible death at the age of 36? Living longer… Sanitation designs across
the board have improved the standard of living as well as more than doubled life expectancy. Just think of all the
extra years of work you can now enjoy!

#8 – Wheel and Axle

No list of top inventions can be complete without the wheel and axle. Before the wheel showed up around
3500BC, we were very limited in how much and how far we could travel with products. Adding a wheel to a cart
allows for easily carrying large amounts, opening the idea for trade centers, not to mention improving the lives
of any laborer. Add it onto a cart and you now have transportation. Add it to the car and you can travel almost

#7 – Internal Combustion Engine

This was a tough one, as the steam engine is pretty great too. We decided on the combustion engine primarily
because it’s small! Not to mention you don’t need some guy shoveling coal into a furnace to make the magic
happen. Without this, we’re still stuck on the train to get everywhere, the automobile doesn’t exist, and I’m still
cutting my grass with scissors.

#6 – Written Language
Dating back to Sumerian in 3300BC, this was the key step to disseminating knowledge from one generation to
the next. Just think where we would be if everything we learned was passed down through stories from one person
to the next. I can’t even remember a phone number any longer, so how could I be expected to how to understand
astrophysics without a book?!

#5 – Semiconductors
Are you reading this on a computer? iPad? iPhone? Watching TV while reading this? None of this would be
possible without our little friend the semiconductor. And considering the top inventions on the list, this stepping
stone is crucial for so many other amazing inventions.

#4 – Compass
Navigating by star light is a pretty cool skill to have, but it sure doesn’t work very well during the day or on a
cloudy night. The compass took care of that problem, enabling mariners to travel far away from land, opening up
trade routes around the world, and resulting in the discovery of unknown lands.

#3 – Light Bulb
We have a bit of a love / hate relationship with the light bulb. Before it was around, productivity was limited to
the daylight hours, so when the sun went down everyone went to bed, and then got up to start working when the
sun showed up again. The light bulb made it possible to work all day and night, significantly increasing

#2 – Computer
The computer has been a part of every significant advancement in the past 50 years or more. Getting to space
wouldn’t have been possible without it. Our top invention of all time wouldn’t be possible without it.

#1 – The Internet
Thanks to Al Gore, we have the greatest invention of all time, the internet! Really, Lawrence Roberts is given the
most credit for this amazing invention that has changed the way we live, design, are entertained, communicate,
learn and more. Thanks to the internet we can find information on just about any topic in seconds, while
revolutionizing the way people do business. And the best thing about the internet? Unlike inventions like the
wheel, the best is yet to come!

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