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Regression analysis is a Statistical modelling


technique whichON IOTmany techniques they a
GUIDED JOHN SINGH.K Oversleeping in early morning which we have
daily routine works may cause person very
effectively that they can’t able to do their planned
ABSTRACT work which our planned works are vanished in a
flash We need force or something else wake up
In this modern world many working early as possible in the morning .In military
professionels ,students,soldiers are intended to training camp soldiers asked to get up early in the
getup early in the morning to start their daily morning he/she does not woke up They will give
routine works likebystudying
:-prof. Dr. Johnworkouts
,doing singh k. punishment to the respective candidates so they
etc.Alarm clocks are use to woke up a person at
are so stressed and praticehood of getting up early
the setted time.This system proposed for daily
routine individuals to getup early in the morning natural for them if he or she consumed alcohol at
night .Their daily routines is that to wake up early
in the morning do jogging,run
laps,jumping,exercising ,swimming etc to keep in
Keywords:Ardinuo uno ,gsm module,automated a manner.In a Survey of oversleeping
Callsetup ,smart alarm ,buzzer analysis,They are significantly more female
teenage people to younger people.In genral
population Sleeping plays,A negative factor of
Causing diseases Scientists are still studying about
Sleeping too much causes health issues.The work
Internet of things IOT which is connecting of which we preplanned is unstable and in complete
devices and things in a network is called as Excess amount of sleep Causes You To serve
internet of things.Alarm clock was first found to health problems It will lead to over BMIFat –
help the man to wake up early do their early which will be cautious To lead severe health
morning schedules,t,It was used as A instrument problems in future we become so lazy and careless
to waking up early the alarm clocks are different That we cant able to lead a happy lifewe can’t able
types or eg.Digital alarm clocks or even in Time to do our works At daily routines Ants are our
clock which the alarm can be setted. The smart example for activeness: The fact is that ant is the
alarm clock is one of the trends of the internet of living being in insect which searches food all the
things field this is exiciting application of iot time all the time in a routine manner without
related to smart homes appliances.In smart alarm sleeping.In fact it is the only living being thus not
clock system Sets a time at which time the alarm sleep ,We can get activeness from ants that they
must be ringed. In the existing system They save food in the tiiduame of summer.In existing
implemented that when the alarm is ringing it system the user sets the time at which alarm rings at
connects with all the electronic devices such as setted time With alarm it get connected to all
fan, light,airconditioner which the temperature electronic devices Which makes the Person to
rises and the the person gets disturbed by the awoke from the bed because of external
vibrance and effects of the effects of the the disturbances(ieelectronic interconnected things in
electronic things around him We propose a new the room ) which a person can get up and do their
system that a smart alarm clock connected to routine works like Studying,workouts etc.. Which
arduino uno .The user has to respond the alarm the user gears up to awake in aeffective manner.
within 5-10 minutes,or else the message is passed
to the network and the data is processed and a
message and call is forwarded to the person from PROPOSED SYSTEM
the warden room .This is very useful for our
indian army soldiers ,hostels,for everyone who Our proposed system defines that Authorization
want to do their daily routine jobs in early effect that a person Should Wake up the person
morning. should getup and do their job for his cause like in
place in army ,nss camp,or in hostel Whereever
authorization of getting up ,This System plays avital
role If the person unable to off the alarm the signal
processesd to espective connectivity state From
there data is processed get info .And the user is
alerted by text message or phonecall from warden
room and any authorised room. In a room there is a
person who is staying authorized by parent or
warden,belike in military training center or hostel
The person must awoke early in the morning and do
his/her duty in a regular manner This system defines
modules such as Ringing of alarm via speaker inside
room Responding to smart alarm clock ( which is
connected to speaker hanged parallel outside of wall
thus the speaker is connected to the alarm clock via
wire or wireless) Person must open the door and
respond to the smart clock within 10 minutes.

In this paper we proposed a idealogy that is very
useful in where the places like training military
camps,nss,Hostels where they want to woke up
early in the morning is essential and authorized
by the warden or by the senior officer.This
System is essential for both candidates and
authorities that the message and calls
automatically forwarded to the candidates .It is
also useful an analysis about the sleeping rate we
took,and gear up our senses
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