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Social media marketing (Review-3) YUVARAJ.


Research methodology CA IIIrd year

This chapter represents details of research methods used in the present study. The first section
describes data collection method. Second and third details the sampling method and sample size
of the study. Fourth and fifth details the major hypothesis and statistical tools used for the study.
Methodological aspects of the study including type of data sampling method, data collection etc.
have been explained in the later sections of this chapter.

Data Collection Method

Questionnaire method

A questionnaire is a set of questions typically used for research purposes which can be
both qualitative as well as quantitative in nature. A questionnaire may or may not be delivered in
the form of a survey, but a survey always consists of questionnaire.

Type of Questionnaire

 Unstructured Questionnaires:

Unstructured questionnaires collect qualitative data. The questionnaire in this case has a basic
structure and some branching questions but nothing that limits the responses of a respondent.
The questions are more open-ended

Types of questions in Questionnaire

 Multi choice questions

Multiple-choice questions are a close-ended question type in which a respondent has to

select one (single select multiple choice question) or many (multiselect multiple choice
question) responses from a given list of options. The multiple choice question is consisted of
an incomplete stem (question), right answer or answers, incorrect answers, close alternatives
and distractors. Not all questions would have all of the above and these guidelines can be
used as deemed fit or that best matches the expected outcome of the question.
Types of Questionnaires based on Distribution

 Computer Questionnaire

In this type, respondents are sent the questionnaire via email or other online mediums and the
respondent is required to complete this questionnaire. This method is that is cost-effective and
time efficient. Respondents can also answer at leisure and since they are not pressured, responses
could be even more accurate.

 In-House Questionnaire

This type of questionnaire is conducted by a researcher that visits the home or workplace of
the respondent. This type of questionnaire is that the respondent is in a comfortable and natural
environment and in-depth data can be collected.

Sampling Method

Probability Sampling

Probability Sampling is a sampling technique in which sample from a larger population are
chosen using a method based on the theory of probability. For a participant to be considered as a
probability sample, he/she must be selected using a random selection.

 Simple random sampling

In this case each individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member of the population has
an equal chance, or probability, of being selected. One way of obtaining a random sample is to
give each individual in a population a number, and then use a table of random numbers to decide
which individuals to include.

Sample size

The sample size used in this study is 50-100


Statistical tools
Sample Questionnaire

1. What is your purpose on social media?

2. What is your brand’s objective?

3. What do you hope to achieve using social media? How will you know you’ve achieved it?

4. What’s the biggest barrier to your success on social media?

5. How does social media fit into your growth plan?

6. Describe your target audience. Who are they?

7. What social platforms do they use?

8. What issues matter to them?

9. How does your brand engage them?

10. What social listening have you done? What does your audience say about you?

11. Who else (brands/celebrities/people) does your audience engage with?

12. Describe your brand voice.

13. What tone should social media updates have?

14. What is the main message your brand is trying to communicate?

15. What makes your brand different from others?

16. Why do people choose you over your competitors?

17. What’s your brand vision?

18. What resources do you have available for content creation?

19. What is your workflow process for content from inception to publication?

20. What sign-offs do you require?

21. How often do you want to publish new content to your profiles?

22. How does social media tie in with your offline campaigns?

23. What type of content does your audience respond to best (if known)?

24. What type of content do you want to create for your audience (images, video, quotes, blog
posts, etc.)?

25. What message are you trying to send with your content?

26. How do you use user-generated content in your campaigns?

27. What holidays does your client want to observe?

28. What profiles do you have and on which networks?

29. Are you looking to expand onto new networks?

30. Are you looking to narrow your focus to fewer networks?

31. Do you want to provide customer service on social media? If so, on which platform and from
which profile?

32. What tools have you used to manage your social media profiles until now?

33. How do you intend to measure return on investment?

34. What is working for you (and not working) right now?

35. How does social media fit into your sales funnel or buyer’s journey?

36. What have you tried in the past?

37. Have you got any tracking pixels installed on your site?

38. What do you expect from us as your account manager?

39. What reports do you want to see and how often?

40. Who is the person we should contact?

41. How much oversight and control do you want to have?

42. How much input do you want to have into campaigns?

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