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Lesson 40 - All the Chords You Are

- Now for a quick wrap up of everything we've seen in this course. I call this all the
chords you are. Cheeky I know. And there's no sheet music. So I really want you to pay
attention. I'm just gonna walk you through and play with you. Feel free to play to along with
me. You can take this like a quiz if you want. I'll name the chord and then play it. So pay
attention. Let's get going. Alright, let's review our shell voicing for dominant chords. C seven
shell. Like this. F seven shell. Like this. B flat seven shell. Like this. E flat seven shell like this.
Now let's review our minor seven shells. C minor seven shell like this. G minor seven shell
like this. Pretty good. And then let's talk about the major shells. So the B flat major seven
shell. B flat six shell. Easy right. Almost the same chord. Then F major seven shell. F six shell.
Pretty much almost the same chord. Alright, so we did all the qualities of shell. Now let's
start adding things on the second string. We won't play lose or anything. But C 13. Played
like this. F nine. Alright. B flat 13. E flat nine. Let's extend the minor seven shells. So C minor
seven with an extension on second string. Careful with that fingering. I made a note earlier.
G minor nine. Alright. B flat major seven with the second string added. B flat six with the
major string added. F now major nine with the second string added. And F major six nine
second string added. Only three fingers. Alright. Now let's run through the two five.
Complete two five in the key of B flat major. C minor seven extended. F nine to D flat major.
To D flat six. So the same thing in the key of F. G minor nine. No surprise. The C 13. To a F
major nine. And F six. And outside of covering the blues that we played a lot in the
beginning with the 13th and ninth after. We've been through all the chords now that I just
played for you right. It's a great, great review. And I want to insist on one thing now. All the
chords are moveable. Hence, it's a great idea to know the root notes. Remember the
beginning lessons on the bottom two strings.
So if you know your root notes, you can really start to move things around. You can
say oh, I know this shape, but what if I take everything I know three frets down and I go. Oh,
now it's in G major right. This is not in the sheet music provided with the course, but the
idea is that I want you to... To do your little you examine the progressions, and you do your
little mental work to connect the dots in your mind, and go like oh, I can do this. If you can
do it in one place, you could do it in 12 places. Alright, so let's get going with the rest of the
lessons. We're almost done in this course. I hope you enjoyed it. That you learned a lot from
it. This is really the best baby steps I can come up with to get you to gain an understanding
in the physical abilities to play jazz guitar chords and copy. Alright, so I'll see you in the next

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