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Thales of Miletus said that “the most difficult in life is to know yourself”
and Karl Rahner said that BODY and SOUL are united as one.Mencius said
that Human Person is good but Christian Philosophers also said that
Human Person is good because God is good.There are 3 methods of
philosophy, 1st is Material world of nature 2nd is Intra mental Realities 3rd is
The social world of intersubjectivity. MONISM holds that man is composed
of one basic substance while DUALISM holds that man is made of 2
irredusible elements (SPIRIT AND MATTER).THALES also said that man
came from WATER while HERACLITUS said that man came from
FIRE,ANAXIMENES said that man came from AIR and ANAXIMANDER
said that man is came from ANIMAL.


“The mosT difficulT in life is To know yourself”

VIEW- For me finding the reason of your existence is one

of the difficult task,and not all people know what they
will be in their future and they don’t know what are
their weakness and strengths in life.

Learning in this LESSON- What I learned for this lesson that many of the
philosophers are defining on their own what MAN is.
Table of Contents

Lesson 1: Introduction to Philosophy

Lesson 2 : Branches of Philosophy
Lesson 3 : The Human as Embodied Soul
Lesson 4 : Eastern and Western Philosophy
Lesson 5 : Doing Philosophy
Lesson 6 : Determining the Truth
Lesson 7 : The Power of Choice
Lesson 8 : Intersubjectivity
Lesson 9 : The Human Person
Lesson 10 : Philosophy and Spirituality
Lesson 11 : Man and his Environment
Lesson 12 : Happiness
Lesson 13 : Suffering
LESSON 1: introduction to philosophy
Philosophy derived from two Greek words (Philia and Sophia),Philia
means Love while Sophia means wisdom which means “LOVE OF
WISDOM”.Philosophy means is a painstaking discussion of questions that
has a system of beliefs about reality.Those person that involves themselves
to Philosophy called “sages” but now it is called “Philosopher”,and the
first Philosopher is THALES OF MILETUS. There are principles in
Philosophy, 1st is Principle of Identity, 2nd is Principle of Non-
Contradiction, 3rd is Principle of Excluded Middle and lastly is the Principle
of Sufficient Reason,and Philosophy is also used as a method of
questioning with critical mind.

Thales of miletus

" things to be ever canging, but is there something to

Them does noT change?”


For me Thales of Miletus is correct that things to be
everchanging , but is there something to them does not change
and that is WATER because even you put a salt,sugar,colored
powder and etc at the end it is still WATER.

Learning in this lesson:

In this lesson I know what is Philosophy and where it came from and what is the old
call for Philosopher, and I know that Thales of Miletus is the first Philosopher.And I
know that Philosophy have principles.
LESSON 2 : Branches of philosophy
In this lesson there are five main branches of Philosophy 1st is
Metaphysics,2nd is Epistemology, 3rd is Ethics, 4th is Politics and lastly is
Aesthetics. In this lesson Philosophy seek for the truth and opinion,opinion
is an expression of an individual feelings or emotion. Also, opinions can
make us encourage grow and improve but also could discourage and
inhibit us from growing.

"It is very nature of philosophy that a man searches for
the meaning of himself and his world"

I agree to Corazon Cruz because like me I don’t know if my
dream will be my future,and just like me a teenager I don’t
fully know what would be my future and why I exist.

Learning in this lesson:

In this lesson I learned that Philosophy have 5 main branches,and in doing
Philosophy we need to find the greatest truth not only at the opinion.

In this lesson Philosophers have argued four main questions that

still discussed.1st is Question of Reality, 2nd is Question of
Certainty, 3rd is Question of Causality,and lastly Question of
Ethics. The branch of philosophy that corresponds to this is
Epistemology wherein it paved way to three type of theory of
knowledge Skepticism believes that mind has limits in
understanding reality,Empericism believes that you get
knowledge in your experience. Rationalism or knowledge based
on reasoning.
In this lesson Truth is very important, determining the truth, there
are arguments, however there are kinds of arguments that is considered to
be invalid due to its fallacies. 1st is Ad Hominem a methods of attacking the
person instead the argument. 2nd is Appeal to Force is giving threat, 3rd is
Appeal to Emotion is taking the sympathy of others to agree to his/her .
Appeal to Popular is used to prove the truth because it is practice by many
and popular. Appeal to Tradition something is true because it was practice
long time ago until now.Begging the Question is using rights beyond
limitations.Cause and Effect is connecting parallel events to connect to
cause and effect of Phenomena. And the Fallacy of composition or the truth
to for the part it applying the whole and its complement Fallacy of division
when the whole concepts applied to its part.

Correspondence theory
I agree in this theory because a proposition is true if the corresponds to the

Learning in this lesson:

In this lesson I learned that knowing the truth is very important so that
when you know what will be the outcome when you make a mistake, you
will force yourself not to do that.And I learned that there’s have a fallacies
in argument.
LESSON 7 : power of choice
In this lesson the Power of Choice is might be bad or good. There are three
factors affecting in our choice. 1st is Metapersonal, 2nd is Intrapersonal, and
lastly is Interpersonal.We need to tackle this two things to make our choice
result in good, Patience and the ability to wait and Prudence that is good
judgement and being patient in making decisions.


"No man steps on the same river twice"


I disagree to Heraclitus because when you do it

once,you have the choice to do it again because you
know what is the feeling when you do that.

Learning in this lesson:

In this lesson I learned that choosing is not easy because you need to think
wisely and to know what will be the overcome when you choose
something.Power of Choice is very important because when you think
before choosing what you want you will be happy on the outcome because
that is all you want when you choose something.
LESSON 8 : Intersubjectivity
Intersubjectivity is all about interaction that is separated into two,
Objective and Subjective. In interacting with other people, there are several
approaches that can be practice. Pity is when you feeling you had seeing
around. Dialog or the communication with other people with Empathy or
putting yourself in the place of others, Sympathy or sharing feelings with
interaction and the combination of these two called Compassion and
Altroism that repels compassion for doing something because one believes
it is the right thing to do.

pope john paul ii

"Human person is community, we are body with

various parts"


I agree to Pope John Paul II because we need to

communicate and to be engage to the other people and
make a contribution to make our community better.

Learning in this lesson:

In this lesson I learned that in communicating we need some approaches to
to practice like pity,dialog,empathy, and sympathy. And in communicating
you need a subject and object.And Compassion is the combination of the
empathy and sympathy.
LESSON 9 : human person
Human or Man is a species and Person is Human being granted
recognition.There are different perspective of defining the nature of man,1st
is Biological Perspective, 2nd Psychological Perspective, 3rd is Economic
Perspective and Theoligical Perspective. .Culture is the most significant
achievement of man.Intelligence is the ability to perceive information while
Interception is the ability to examine own conscious thoughts.

Theological perspective

In this perspective I agree because we the mankind are created by God and
we have a special relationship to our creator “God”.

Learning in this lesson:

In this lesson I learned that Man,Human,Human Being have their own
definition and I learned here that there are perspective in human person.
LESSON 10 : philosophy and spirituality
Spirit is the immortal essence of man, and Embodiment is the central
concept of discussing the nature of human soul.Enactivism is about
Interaction, and when say It’s all about Interaction it means
Intersubjectivity.Christian Doctrines holds that the Spirit is created by
God.There are 4 Perception in Human Person and Spirituality.Plato
believes that Spirit is compose of Logos,Thymos,Eros.Aviccena said that
Self Awareness and Conciousness exist,Rene Descartes said that Body and
Mind are connected as one and interacting.God also have an attributes.

Rene Descartes
“Body and Mind are connected as one and


Here I agree to Rene Descartes because if Body and Mind

are not connected how our Spirit and how we can function
normally if they are not working each other.You cannot think wisely when
your tummy is aching.

Learning in this lesson:

In this lesson I learned that God has attributes like Omniscient,Omnipotent
Omnibenevolent,Omnitemporal and Omnipresen,And there are 4 process
of perception,they are Sense,Perception,Reaction and Experience.
LESSON 11 : Human and his environment
Environmental Philosophy is concerned with natural environment &
humanity’s place. Anthropocentrism tells that Humans are the central and
most significant species. Deep Ecology is the Interrelationship among
living organism & living things. Gaia Hypothesis is the Non-organic
elements plays the important role in environment. Theological Views is
Harmony with all creating.Dominion is the care for nature &
environment.Environmentalist discuss the environment issue.

Here belief that Humans are the central and most significant species on
earth. I agree on that because we have the right to make our Planet at good
at it is.Human have the power to contol all the movements that destroying
the planet so that we are the only one who can control or domain the planet
to make it clean and habitable.

Learning in this lesson:

In this lesson I learned that as a central and most dominant species on
Earth.We need to make a move to make our planet beautiful and habitable
to all of us.
LESSON 12 : happiness
Greeks used the term EUDAIMONIA or GOOD SPIRIT to refer to a
person’s state of well being or happiness.Thomas Aquinas said that they
define happiness as a union with God.Contemporary Philosophers said
that Whole life satisfaction is needed to achieve happiness.Happiness has 3
distinct elements,Contentment,Dignity,welfare.

My view here,we can achieve the happiness if you are contented or
satisfied to your life even you are poor.

Learning in this lesson:

In this lesson I learn that we need to be contented to our life to achieve
happiness and to attain a goodlife.
LESSON 13 : suffering
Suffering refers to an experience of unpleasantness, discomfort, and
pain.There are two types of Suffering, the Physical Suffering and Mental

My view here,No one or no person shall suffer even that is Physical or
Mental,because as a person suffering is a worst stage of living.

Learning in this lesson:

Suffering happens everyday,Physical or mental but as a person we need to
overcome it to achieve the goodlife that we want and to achieve happiness.

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