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We can define conflict, then, as a process that begins when one party perceives another party has or is
about to negatively affect something the first party cares about. This definition is purposely broad. It
describes that point in any ongoing activity when an interaction crosses over to become an interparty
conflict. It encompasses the wide range of conflicts people experience in organizations: incompatibility
of goals, differences over interpretations of facts, disagreements based on behavioral expectations, and
the like. Finally, our definition is flexible enough to cover the full range of conflict levels—from overt and
violent acts to subtle forms of disagreement.

Definisi konflik sebagai proses yang dimulai ketika satu pihak merasa pihak lain telah atau akan secara
negatif mempengaruhi sesuatu yang dipedulikan pihak pertama. Definisi ini sengaja luas. Ini
menggambarkan poin itu dalam aktivitas apa pun yang sedang berlangsung ketika interaksi melintas
menjadi konflik antarkelompok. Ini mencakup berbagai konflik yang dialami orang dalam organisasi:
ketidakcocokan tujuan, perbedaan atas interpretasi fakta, perbedaan pendapat berdasarkan harapan
perilaku, dan sejenisnya.

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