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Things That Can Causes Flood

As a tropical country, Indonesia has various natural disasters. A form of the

country which is an archipelagic country also influence the variety of natural
disaster. Natural disaster occurs due to the influence of nature, such as earthquake,
volcanic eruption, tsunami, flood, etc. There are many things that can cause flood,
besides the high rainfall intensity. Natural disaster of flood can be very detrimental
to humans because it can cause minor or severe damage like many damaged houses
and waterlogged gardens so farmers experience a crop failure, and even could lead
to casualties. One of the natural disasters that harm humans that often happens in
Indonesia is flood. Flood is a situation that occurs when excessive water flow soaks
the land. One of the cities in Indonesia that always affected by flood every year is
Jakarta. According to the data of flood in Jakarta on December 2017 reported from
Data and Information Center of Disaster BPDB DKI Jakarta Province, there were
recorded nine districts affected by flood with a total refugees of 207 families or 564
lives. There are two factors that caused flood which is natural and human factors.

The first factor that can cause flood is the natural factor such as the
continuous rain that cause the river and seas water is overflowing. The general
pattern of rainfall in Indonesia is influenced by geographical location. The higher
the place, the more rain will fall. The place with the most rainfall are generally
located at altitudes between 600 – 900 meters above sea level. Therefore if the
intensity of rainfall in high places is very much, the water will flow to a low place
and will cause flood.

Second factor that can cause flood are the human factors such as illegal
logging, and throwing garbage into the river. Illegal logging is very destructive
because if all the trees in the forest are cut down, there will be no place for water
to absorb in the forest so that water will continue to flow to the lower place.
Moreover if the local people have a bad habits like throwing garbage into the river.
Pilling up the garbage in the river will become worst situation by making the water
overflow and even worse the water will flow into the local people’s houses. In fact,
many people are not aware that by throwing garbage into the river, it can cause
flood so that the flood has become an annual disaster in Indonesia and the
government has not yet found a solution to avoid flood.

In conclusion, there are two factors that can cause flood. There are natural
disaster and irresponsible human activities. The natural disasters such as continuous
rain and river or seas whose water is overflowing. The irresponsible human activity
such as illegal logging and throwing garbage into the river. In addition, if we want
our place free from flood disaster we should protect the forest from illegal logging
so that there are plenty of places for water absorption. We should apply the habit of
not throwing garbage into the river to keep the river always clean and our house
will be spared from the flood disaster.

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