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com/esps/ World J Gastroenterol 2014 July 21; 20(27): 9038-9049

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DOI:10.3748/wjg.v20.i27.9038 © 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.


WJG 20th Anniversary Special Issues (12): Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Translational approaches: From fatty liver to non-alcoholic


Natalia Rosso, Norberto C Chavez-Tapia, Claudio Tiribelli, Stefano Bellentani

Natalia Rosso, Claudio Tiribelli, Stefano Bellentani, Norberto noma. NAFLD may not always be considered a benign
C Chavez-Tapia, Fondazione Italiana Fegato, 34149 Trieste, Italy disease and hepatologists must be cautious in the
Norberto C Chavez-Tapia, Obesity and Digestive Diseases Unit, presence of fatty liver. This should prompt the use of
Médica Sur Clinic and Foundation, Mexico 14050, México the available experimental models to understand better
Claudio Tiribelli, Department of Medical Sciences, University of
the pathogenesis and to develop a rational treatment
Trieste, 34149 Trieste, Italy
of a disease that is dangerously increasing. In spite of
Stefano Bellentani, Department of Gastroenterology and Endos-
copy, Azienda USL di Modena, Ospedale “Ramazzini”, 41012 the growing efforts, the pathogenesis of NAFLD is still
Carpi (Modena), Italy poorly understood. In the present article we review the
Author contributions: Rosso N planned the research of the most relevant hypotheses and evidence that account
most relevant papers, reviewed the contents and wrote this work; for the progression of NAFLD to non-alcoholic steato-
Chavez-Tapia NC contributed to the research and the analysis hepatitis (NASH) and fibrosis. The available in vitro and
of the available in vitro models; Bellentani S contributed to the in vivo experimental models of NASH are discussed
study of the epidemiological data and revised the final version of and revised in terms of their validity in translational
the paper; Tiribelli C and Bellentani S contributed with the cor- studies. These studies must be aimed at the discovery
rection of the work and participated in the analysis of the contents
of the still unknown triggers or mediators that induce
of the present study; Tiribelli C edited the text.
the progression of hepatic inflammation, apoptosis and
Supported by European Union Seventh Framework Program (FP7/
2007-2013) under grant agreement, No. Health-F2-2009-241762, fibrosis.
for the project FLIP; Italian National Grant MIUR (Art.13 D.LGS
297/99 - Progetto Nutrizione e Salute); and an in house grant from © 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.
Fondazione Italiana Fegato, ONLUS
Correspondence to: Stefano Bellentani, MD, PhD, Depart- Key words: Fatty Liver; Obesity; Metabolic syndrome;
ment of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, Azienda USL di Inflammation; In vitro ; Experimental model
Modena, Ospedale “Ramazzini”, Via Guido Molinari, 41012
Carpi (Modena), Italy. Core tip: The molecular mechanism associated with the
Telephone: +39-59-371102 Fax: +39-40-3757832 accumulation of fatty acids in the liver cells and the re-
Received: October 21, 2013 Revised: March 3, 2014
sulting molecular cascade leading to hepatic damage is
Accepted: April 21, 2014
Published online: July 21, 2014 far from being understood. Due to the development of
reliable in vitro and in vivo models, we are starting to
open the “black box”. This will lead to a better under-
standing of the active clinical condition and hopefully to
a more effective treatment. This article critically reviews
Abstract what is known and what has still to be discovered
Over the past few decades, non-alcoholic fatty liver dis- about the link between the accumulation of fat within
ease (NAFLD) has become one, if not the most common, the liver and the resulting damage.
cause of chronic liver disease affecting both adults and
children. The increasing number of cases at an early
age is the most worrying aspect of this pathology, since Rosso N, Chavez-Tapia NC, Tiribelli C, Bellentani S. Translation-
it provides more time for its evolution. The spectrum of al approaches: From fatty liver to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.
this disease ranges from liver steatosis to steatohepa- World J Gastroenterol 2014; 20(27): 9038-9049 Available from:
titis, fibrosis and in some cases, hepatocellular carci- URL:

WJG| 9038 July 21, 2014|Volume 20|Issue 27|

Rosso N et al . From NAFLD to NASH: A translational view

DOI: 100


Incidence of chronic liver disease %

80% 80%
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a complex
spectrum of diseases ranging from benign steatosis (usu-
ally asymptomatic) to more severe alterations like non- 40
alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), cirrhosis and, in some 25% 25% 25%
cases, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The most serious 20
aspect of the disease is the high incidence in pediatric and
adolescent populations, providing longer time for evolu- 4%
tion[1]. Day by day, social and medical operators witness
1990 2010 2030
the dramatic increase in the incidence of this phenom-
enon. The “global society” is driving us towards a global Figure 1 Estimation of the main etiological incidence of past, present
epidemic of obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and future chronic liver diseases according to the available data from the
and metabolic syndrome (MS). NAFLD and NASH are United States[130] and Europe[131,132].
strictly linked to the presence of insulin resistance (IR)
and are nowadays considered the hepatic manifestation
and in vivo models.
of the MS[2]. Although most typical forms of NAFLD
are overwhelmingly associated with IR and MS, it cannot
be said that IR and MS are invariably associated with fatty Pathogenesis
liver[3]. Interestingly, NAFLD markers have also been as-
The most accepted scheme to explain the development
sociated with IR in type 1 diabetes[4], which is not closely
of NAFLD and the progression from simple steatosis
related to the MS. Hepatology and Gastroenterology
to NASH is still based on theories. In 1998, Day[11] pro-
communities are facing a great challenge since within few
posed the “two hits” theory. The “first hit” is character-
years, NAFLD will be the most important chronic liver
ized by the accumulation of lipids in hepatocytes due to
disease worldwide (Figure 1).
an altered intrahepatic lipid metabolism, where insulin
Lifestyle changes have occurred in the industrialized
societies due to the introduction of modern technologies resistance seems to be the key pathogenic factor for the
resulting in eating more and more importantly, moving development of hepatic steatosis[12], while the “second
less. According to the Food and Agriculture Organiza- hit” leads to hepatocyte injury, inflammation and fibrosis.
tion of the United Nations (FAO Several factors were suggested to initiate the second hit
crep/x0262e/x0262e23.htm), in the next 40 years the daily such as: (1) proinflammatory cytokines and adipokines[13];
caloric requirements will decrease by 350 calories. Several (2) mitochondrial dysfunction[13,14]; (3) oxidative stress;
epidemiological studies have linked NAFLD to unhealthy and (4) endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress[15] with sub-
diet and sedentary behaviors[5-7], and the only effective sequent apoptosis. In 2010, a more complex, global and
treatment for NAFLD and NASH is to guide the patient realistic model, the “multiparallel hits” hypothesis, was
to a healthier lifestyle[8] with lifestyle coaching including proposed to explain the pathogenesis of NAFLD[16]. In
personalized diet, physical activity and cognitive-behav- this model, the adipose tissue and gut-related factors play
iour therapy[9]. However, the lack of patient compliance a key role in the initiation of hepatic inflammation, sug-
is the main limitation of this approach. Although to a gesting that simple steatosis and NASH might be two dif-
lesser extent, NAFLD can also occur in non-obese popu- ferent disorders and pointing to new, non-hepatic players
lations[10], suggesting that dietary composition is not the in the mechanisms of NAFLD and its progression.
only cause of fatty liver. Several sets of data reviewed by
Caldwell et al[3] showed that both ethnicity and genetic Contributors to the development of insulin resistance
polymorphisms play a major role in the development and During the last few years, the interplay among gut mi-
progression of the disease, and different genetic profiles crobiota, obesity and the metabolic consequences (liver
might be also responsible for the variations of steatosis sensitization) has become important. Some of the main
in the MS. factors involved in this process are summarized in Fig-
It is therefore of pivotal importance to further de- ure 2. Several clinical and experimental studies recently
velop a strong translational approach to understand the reviewed in detail[17] suggest that microbiotal factors may
pathophysiology of this new disease and to translate it be the driving forces of IR[18], hepatic steatosis and sub-
into clinical practice. In the present paper, we review the sequent inflammatory state. Changes in the composition
most recently published data on the pathophysiology of of the gut microbiota might induce an increased perme-
NAFLD in an attempt to amalgamate the available infor- ability and translocation of bacterial endotoxins promot-
mation in order to contribute to the understanding of the ing a chronic inflammatory state. This condition can alter
factors involved, including a critical analysis of the in vitro pathways such as insulin signaling, promoting the devel-

WJG| 9039 July 21, 2014|Volume 20|Issue 27|

Rosso N et al . From NAFLD to NASH: A translational view


↓ Gallbladder motility
↑ TNF-α
↓ Flow bile acids to the intestine
↑ MCP-1
↑ IL-6
↓ Adiponectin

Insulin resistance

Chronic inflammatory state Pancreas

↑ Insulin secretion

Adipose tissue

↓ GLP1 secretion
↓ GIP activity
↑ Gut permeability
↑ LPS, Bacterial translocation

Figure 2 Extrahepatic factors involved in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The affected organs and their response are represented in a
dynamic circle; in the center are indicated the main factors that contribute to the initiation/perpetuation of the hepatic injury (insulin resistance and chronic inflammato-
ry state). The light blue arrows represent the organ-specific effects of each response. TNF-α: Tumor necrosis factor-α; MCP-1: Monocyte chemotactic protein 1; IL-6:
Interleukin-6; FFA: Free fatty acids; LPS: Lipopolysaccharides; TLR: Toll-like receptor; GIP: Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide; GLP: Glucagon-like-peptide.

opment of IR. The molecular basis of IR is the result of dence (reviewed extensively by Targher et al[26]) suggesting
multiple genetic[19] and non-genetic mechanisms. IR can that patients with NAFLD have multiple risk factors of
initiate a dangerous vicious circle, involving inflammation CKD and that NAFLD is associated with an increased
and hypercoagulability, which increases atherogenesis[20]. prevalence and incidence of CKD both in patients with
Data from animal models indicate that IR develops in and without diabetes. Renal dysfunction may be promot-
the vasculature well before these responses are detected ed by a mosaic of effects such as: (1) inflammatory cyto-
in muscle, liver, or adipose tissue[21]. These findings could kines released by the adipose tissue (TNF-α (tumor ne-
explain the high cardiovascular risk observed in subjects crosis factor-α), IL6, adiponectin[27], leptin[28]); (2) obesity-
with MS. Moreover, disruption in the endothelial insulin related mechanisms such as altered renal hemodynamics;
signaling can promote the development of atherosclero- (3) excess of renal sodium reabsorption; (4) activation of
sis in the absence of diabetes-related risk factors includ- renin-angiotensin and sympathetic nervous systems; and
ing hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. The develop- (5) physical compression of kidneys by adipose tissue.
ment of atherosclerosis is associated with a reduced Over the last 14 years there has been a surge in the
bioavailability of nitric oxide and an excessive production number of studies confirming that NAFLD is associ-
of reactive oxygen species[22]. The endothelial dysfunc- ated with IR (the “IR dogma”). Based on such studies,
tion might be mediated by FoxOs transcription factors; one could expect that, by correcting IR, NAFLD could
FoxOs inhibition in endothelial cells has been shown to be healed. Unfortunately, therapeutic studies[29] failed to
have promising atheroprotective effects[23]. Altogether confirm this expectation, suggesting a more complex in-
these findings are in agreement with previous data[24], terplay of factors involved in the pathogenic process.
reinforcing the idea that hepatic IR and hepatic steatosis
might precede the development of T2DM. Epidemio- Role of incretin hormones
logical evidence (reviewed in detail elsewhere[25]) also sug- Incretin hormones, such as glucose-dependent insu-
gests an association between MS and the risk of develop- linotropic peptide (GIP) and glucagon-like-peptide 1
ing chronic kidney disorders beyond the contribution of (GLP-1), are released by the gastrointestinal tract in re-
hyperglycemia and high blood pressure. The increased sponse to nutrients that increase the glucose-mediated
rates of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and cardiovascular insulin secretion,31]. In patients with T2DM the incretin
disease are the most important clinical features associated effect is severely reduced[32], due to an impaired secretion
with NAFLD. To date, there is a mounting body of evi- of GLP-1 and a decreased activity of GIP[33]. Recent in

WJG| 9040 July 21, 2014|Volume 20|Issue 27|

Rosso N et al . From NAFLD to NASH: A translational view

vitro[34] and in vivo[35] data clearly show that hepatocytes are stored mainly in adipocytes, and can be accumulated
express GLP-1 receptors, and the exposure to GLP-1 in other cell types only under particular circumstances.
agonists leads to: (1) a reduction of intracellular fat In this regard, an interesting example was presented by
load[36,37]; (2) enhanced fat oxidation[38]; and (3) an induc- Cohen et al[53] in migratory birds that store large quanti-
tion of macroautophagy[39], which is a critical process ties of TGs in the liver as an energy source in prepara-
for the removal of toxic fatty acids from cells. Other tion for prolonged seasonal flights. Like migratory birds,
important regulators of glucose homeostasis are the bile some humans who consume excess calories deposit fat
acids, which through various signaling pathways regulate in the liver, as a maladaptive process. The moiety of the
cholesterol, fasting and mealtime glucose, and metabo- intracellular fat has distinct toxic effects. As mentioned
lism/energy homeostasis, as well as their own synthesis before, hepatic accumulation of neutral cholesterol esters
and blood levels in the enterohepatic circulation[40,41]. The and TG appears not to be a threat[54,55] (though this is
composition of bile acids in T2DM has been shown to be still an open question[56]); however, the presence of the
altered[42] as a consequence of a reduced gallbladder mo- intermediate products seems to have a more deleterious
tility resulting in a reduced secretion of bile acids to the effect on liver cells. An altered lipid metabolism leads to
intestine. A low bile acid concentration is associated with the accumulation of intermediate products such as dia-
a reduction in the secretion of GLP-1 and consequently, cylglycerol (DG) and phospholipids (sphingolipids and
an impaired glucose homeostasis with a decreased insulin ceramides)[57-59], and these compounds account for the
secretion[43]. Paradoxically, patients with NAFLD can of- fatty acid-induced toxicity and for the hepatic IR (Figure
ten present a hyperinsulinemic state. However, instead of 3). Moreover, these metabolites promote the activation
a regulation of gluconeogenesis, insulin promotes de novo of numerous kinases, including nPKC isoforms, MAPK,
lipogenesis that exacerbates hepatic lipid deposition and ERKs and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), S6K and in-
accelerates the development of the disease. One possible hibitor kappa beta kinase beta (IKKβ), that participate
mechanism to explain this situation could be the activa- in the phosphorylation of the IRS inducing positive or
tion of sterol regulatory transcription factor element- negative effects on the insulin pathway[60]. Recent data
binding protein-1c (SREBP1c), a master transcription suggest a connection between altered cholesterol homeo-
factor regulator of lipid synthesis, through the stimulation stasis and hepatic free cholesterol (FC) accumulation as
of the target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1)[44]. The a trigger for the pathogenesis of NASH[61,62]. Most prob-
regulation of incretin hormones represents a promising ably, FC accumulates within the ER membrane impairing
strategy for NAFLD. Therapy with GLP-1 agonists (like its fluidity. The resulting stiffening of the ER membrane
exenatide) in T2DM patients promotes a positive effect in leads to an impaired activity triggering the ER stress and
the liver[45], since hepatocytes express GLP-1 receptor[34]. eventual unfolded protein response, cell apoptosis[63,64]
This compound might reduce or even reverse hepatic via JNK signaling and to the release of RE Ca2+ stores.
fat accumulation and reduce the triglyceride (TG) levels, Adjacent mitochondria readily take up the released Ca2+,
most probably as a consequence of a reduced caloric in- and the acute Ca2+ overload results in changes in mi-
take, which is one of the main therapeutic contributions tochondrial potential and opening of the permeability
of this kind of drug[46]. Unfortunately, the success of transition pores (PTPs)[65] ensuring a potent cellular cell
bile acid interventions is limited in clinical practice and signal[66]. Dysregulation in nuclear transcription factors
the results obtained are discordant from those observed SREBP-2[67], liver X-receptor (LXR)-α and farnesoid X
in experimental models[47]. Hyperinsulinemia in NAFLD receptor (FXR) might be the cause of cholesterol altered
leads to upregulation of the production of insulin-like homoeostasis (extensively reviewed by Musso[68]). Inter-
growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and activation of insulin recep- estingly, the incidence of NAFLD in the non-obese pop-
tor substrate (IRS)-1. This may activate several molecules ulation has been associated with a high dietary cholesterol
and signaling pathways including p53, mitogen-activated intake rather than intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids[69].
protein kinases (MAPK), and phosphatidylinositol-3 ki-
nase/Akt[48]. These pathways play a significant role in car- Chronic inflammatory state
cinogenesis by inducing cell proliferation and inhibition Persistent IR associated with an excessive caloric diet
of cell apoptosis[49,50]. Thus, NAFLD and HCC appear to and sedentary life style lead to obesity, now recognized
be regulated by similar signaling molecules and pathways as a chronic inflammatory disorder. Thus, inflammation
related to inflammation. This evidence is particularly is considered the major risk of obesity and is associ-
interesting to support the idea that NAFLD itself could ated with white adipose tissue dysfunction. An altered
promote HCC development in earlier stages, even in the adipokine profile has been suggested to play a pivotal
absence of cirrhosis[51,52]. role in the initiation and perpetuation of the pathologi-
cal events[70,71]. In NAFLD, adipose tissue contributes to
Alterations in hepatic lipid metabolism the systemic production of TNF-α[72], MCP1, IL6 and
TGs are the preferred nutritional storage to buffer fluc- adiponectin; these mediators modify the hepatic inflam-
tuations in energy demand and availability. TG physical matory/immune system[56-59]. Furthermore, it has been
properties allow their accumulation without adverse reported that the adipose tissue of obese subjects pres-
osmotic or colloidal effects. In higher organisms, TGs ents an increased number of macrophages[73], and they

WJG| 9041 July 21, 2014|Volume 20|Issue 27|

Rosso N et al . From NAFLD to NASH: A translational view

Extrahepatic From NAFLD to NASH

factors Activation
MAPK Oxidative stress
ERKs Mitocondrial dysfunction
C-Jun ↑ ROS generation
SREBP-1c S6K ↑ Lipidperoxidation
Acetyl-CoA FFA NF-κB
Inhibition Inflammation
IKKb ↑ IL8/IL-6/TNF-α

Profibrotic stimuli
TG DG ↑ ECM remodelling
Phospholipids (Collagen, Elastin, etc )

Simple steatosis

Figure 3 Effect of intracellular fat accumulation within the liver. Liver sensitization induces an alteration of the normal hepatic liver metabolism leading to simple
steatosis with neutral triglyceride (TG) accumulation or in the more severe cases, to the production of intermediate products (DG and phospholipids) responsible
for lipotoxicity. Alteration of several mediators of signaling pathways leads to the events observed during the progression from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
(NAFLD) to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (hepatic insulin resistance, oxidative stress, inflammation, and fibrosis). IKKb: Protein Kinase-1-mediated IB Kinase;
ROS: Reactive oxygen species; IL-6: Interleukin-6; TNFα: Tumor necrosis factor-α; IGF-1: Insulin-like growth factor-1; PDGF: Platelet-derivedgrowth factor; ECM:
Extracellular matrix; MAPK: Mitogen-activated protein kinases; ERKs: Extracellular signal-regulated kinases; NF-κB: Nuclear factor κB.

might account for much of the adipose tissue inflam- cytokines in humans and animal models can be found in
matory cytokine secretion. These cells presumably arise a recently published work from Braunersreuther et al[82].
from peripheral blood monocytes that become activated Collectively, these data confirm the close relationship
by hyperinsulinemia and the abnormal levels of FFA between lipid metabolism and liver cancer in animal ex-
encountered in individuals with IR. Monocytes have also perimental models, although there are still many doubts
been shown to be activated in poorly controlled type 1 regarding human studies.
diabetes, showing an increased ability to attach to the
endothelial cells[74], one of the early stages in atheroscle- Contribution of oxidative stress
rosis. Moreover, it has been reported that monocytes are Several papers demonstrate that oxidative stress occurs
strongly correlated with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), during NAFLD, especially due to mitochondrial dysfunc-
explaining the association between monocytes and IR tion[14,83-86]. It has been reported that activated hepatic
in type 1 diabetes[75]. Activation of these cells produces mitochondrial metabolism[87] is a common characteristic
abundant quantities of cytokines such as TNF-α and of NAFLD in both human subjects[88] and animal mod-
IL6. Studies performed in human monocytes suggest els[89]. However, the regulatory connection linking FFA
that these cells might respond to the increased concen- to altered mitochondrial function is still undefined. Cur-
trations of saturated non-esterified fatty acids observed rently, there are two competing views on the role of lipid
in IR conditions by producing high levels of IL6. This beta-oxidation in the development of NAFLD[88,89]. One
increased secretion of IL6 could prime these cells to gen- view holds that impaired or incomplete beta-oxidation
erate a robust local or systemic inflammatory response leads to hepatic steatosis and accumulation of lipid in-
contributing to the development of complications such termediates that inhibit insulin signaling. The other view
as T2DM and atherosclerosis[76]. In the liver, fatty acid holds that increased supply of FFA to the liver results in
accumulation induces mainly the up-regulation of IL8, excessive beta-oxidation that fuels reactive oxygen spe-
produced both by hepatocytes and non parenchymal cies (ROS) accumulation and inflammation. The loss of
cells[77-79]. It was reported that IL6 and TNF-α signaling electrons from complexes Ⅰ and Ⅲ in the mitochondrial
via TNF-α receptor-1 are important in NASH-related electron transport chain can combine with oxygen to
development of HCC, and that hypoadiponectinemia ac- generate ROS, powerful oxidizing agents that indiscrimi-
celerated hepatic tumor formation in the mouse model nately damage many important components of the cell
of NASH[80,81]. A detailed study of the role of the main including DNA, lipid membranes and proteins. ROS are

WJG| 9042 July 21, 2014|Volume 20|Issue 27|

Rosso N et al . From NAFLD to NASH: A translational view

known to activate pro-apoptotic pathways and initiate animal models have been established and proposed as
programmed cell death. However, it has also been re- preclinical platforms for the study of NASH develop-
ported that ROS-related lipoapoptosis appears to be cell- ment and the definition of therapeutic options. Table 1
type dependent[90,91]. Altogether, the role of specific FFA summarizes the most used animal models and their char-
metabolic pathways in promoting ROS accumulation acteristics. The main advantage of this approach is the
and damage remain largely unclear. The oxidative stress possibility to define pathogenic pathways in a cause-effect
observed in NAFLD subjects might probably be a by- response. The goals these models need to fulfill are: (1)
stander consequence of a sensitized liver, rather than the that the pathological pattern of liver injury reflects hu-
main cause of the disease. man steatohepatitis; and (2) that the model should repro-
duce the context in which human NASH develops. The
Progression of NAFLD to NASH most used models are genetically modified animals (see
The progression from simple steatosis to NASH is for detailed reviews[99-102]) such as the ob/ob mouse with a
determined by the initiation of the fibrotic response. mutation in the leptin gene[73] or the db/db mouse which
Understanding the regulation of the initiation, progres- lacks the leptin receptor. However, to develop fibrosis
sion and perpetuation of fibrosis will be very important, and consequent NASH, both models require a methio-
particularly from a therapeutic viewpoint. Hepatic stel- nine and choline deficient (MCD) diet[54]. A controversy
late cells (HSC) are the main regulators of extracellular still exists about the validity of this diet, since MCD feed-
matrix (ECM) production and play an essential role ing in normal animals induces weight loss and insulin
in the development of fibrosis (extensively reviewed sensitivity[103] despite the impairment of hepatic receptor
elsewhere[92,93]). Under normal conditions, HSC have a signaling[104]. Moreover, few human diets are deficient in
quiescent phenotype and constitute a third of the non- methionine and choline. Another genetic model consists
parenchymal cell population; 85% of hepatic vitamin A is of animals with deletions in acyl-CoA oxidase (ACOX).
dissolved and stored within quiescent HSC[94]. However, Although at an initial stage these animals present severe
these cells can be activated by noxious stimuli triggered steatosis and liver inflammatory infiltration with hepa-
by damaged hepatocytes. When activated, HSC undergo tocyte apoptosis, after 6-8 mo they become resistant to
several phenotypic and functional changes. A decrease in steatosis with (PPAR)-α dependent liver regeneration,
the retinoid content is accompanied by a strong increase limiting the utility of this model for the study of steato-
in the production of extracellular components and cell hepatitis. Deletions in methionine adenosyltransferase
proliferation. During the initial fibrogenic process, there (MAT)-1A (MATO mice)[105] and liver-specific pten lead
is a cross-talk between injured hepatocytes and HSC, to the development of steatohepatitis but without MS.
which is further stimulated in a paracrine mode by the Sterol regulatory element binding protein (SREBP)-1c
infiltrated leukocytes and activated Kupffer cells (KC). transgenic mice, which present an overexpression of this
The initial process is followed by the perpetuation of the protein in adipose tissue, show IR secondary to impaired
fibrogenic response. The master regulator of this process adipose differentiation leading to severe hepatic steatosis
is TGF-β[95], a pro-fibrotic cytokine released by almost with the histological features of steatohepatitis[106]. Con-
all the involved cells, whose effect is cell-type dependent. versely, these transgenic mice exhibit decreased adipose
For instance, in mature hepatocytes TGF-β is responsible mass limiting its application to NAFLD/NASH, where
for inhibition of cell proliferation and participates in the adipose tissue is the storage compartment that contrib-
induction of apoptosis[96], while in HSC it promotes cell utes to perturbations of whole-body lipid homeostasis.
activation[97] and enhanced production of ECM (collagen, An alternative genetically modified animal model is the
elastin, proteogycans, among others) associated with a KK-Ay mouse in which there is a heterozygous mutation
decreased degradation by inhibition of the activity of of the agouti gene (KK-Ay/a). Interestingly, these animals
matrix metalloproteinases. present impaired hypothalamic appetite suppression[107]
From 1980 when Ludwig et al[98] first defined the con- and consequently, they are hyperphagic and develop an
dition, great efforts have been dedicated to elucidate the obese phenotype. They also present hepatic steatosis in
underlying mechanisms involved in this multifactorial and conjunction with IR. However, the main limitation of
frequent disorder. In spite of data obtained in clinical set- this model is that NASH does not occur spontaneously,
tings, animal models and in vitro systems, the molecular and a MCD diet is required for the induction.
causes of NASH remains mostly speculative, and further The use of diet-induced models, extensively reviewed
investigations are needed. elsewhere[102], is another strategy in the study of NASH
development. Different diets for small animals have been
In vivo and in vitro experimental models characterized[108-110] with good results in the development
Due to ethical considerations, mechanistic studies are dif- of steatosis and inflammation, but marginal results in gen-
ficult (or impossible) to be conducted in humans. Conse- erating fibrosis. Different effects depending on the com-
quently, the development of experimental models able to position of the diet have been reported. High-carbohy-
mimic the human condition becomes a necessary tool in drate diets stimulate moderate hepatic lipogenesis in rats,
the study of the pathophysiology and progression from whereas animals fed with high-fat diets present a strong
NAFLD to NASH. Over the last two decades, several inhibition of this anabolic pathway. The plasma TG levels

WJG| 9043 July 21, 2014|Volume 20|Issue 27|

Rosso N et al . From NAFLD to NASH: A translational view

Table 1 Summary of the major findings obtained among the most widespread in vivo models

Model Genetic manipulation Diet Obesity Metabolic Hepatosteatosis Steatohepatitis Fibrosis

modifications syndrome (IR)
ob/ob Leptin Deficient No Yes Yes Yes Yes (in males) No (protected)
mice Yes Variable Yes Yes Yes Yes
MCD (loss weight in
db/db Mutation on leptin receptor No Yes Yes Yes No No
mice Yes Variable No Yes Yes Yes
MCD (age-related
weight gain)
AOX Nullizygous for acycil - No No No Yes Yes No
null mice CoA oxidase [before 6-8 mo (before 6-8 mo)
Resistant Resistant
(after 8 mo)] (after 8 mo)
MATO Nullizygous for (MAT)-1A No No No Yes Yes Yes
null mice
pten Liver specific pten deletion No No No Yes Yes Yes
null mice

(SREBP)-1c SREBP-1c overexpressed in No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

transgenic mice adipose tissue

KK-Ay Heterozygous mutation on No Yes Yes Yes No No

mice agouti gene (KK-Ay/a) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
LIRKO Liver-specific Leptin No No Hepatic IR No - -
mice receptor KO
C57Bl/6J No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
HFHC (mild)
Cholesterol-Cholate No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
(Atherogenic diet) Cholesterol (only hepatic IR) (over 1-6 mo) (over 1-6 mo) (over 1-6 mo)

MCD: Methionine choline deficient diet; HFHC: High fat-high carbohydrate diet; HF: High fructose diet; KO: Knock-out; IR: Insulin resistance.

are higher in the high-carbohydrates diets, whereas the which induces results similar to those observed in human
high-fat diet determines an accumulation of TG in the NASH[115]. In spite of the promising results, substantial
liver. However, both diets induce an increase of plasmatic objections remain: (1) the long term exposure required
levels of glucose and insulin[111]. Regarding the generation for observing the pathological phenotype[116]; (2) the in-
of fibrosis, promising evidence has emerged from mice clusion of only male animals excluding the application of
fed with an atherogenic diet containing 1.25% cholesterol this approach to the female population; and (3) rodents
and 0.5% cholate[112]. Under these dietary conditions, a might adapt to high-fat feeding and become resistant to
progressive formation of steatosis is observed associated the development of obesity[117].
with an evident inflammatory response, induction of Worthy of attention is the fact that under specific
oxidative stress and development of fibrosis in 6-24 wk. experimental settings, animals can develop NASH from
However, these animals are systematically insulin-sensi- simple steatosis. However, the data fail to explain why in
tive, albeit they develop hepatic IR and surprisingly, they humans only some individuals develop NASH while oth-
show a weight loss. This makes the cholesterol-cholate ers can live with NAFLD with no complications[118]. This
model substantially different from human NASH, se- crucial issue is still an open question, and most probably
verely limiting its application. A valid tool for the study of may be related to a different response of the cell to fat
hepatic IR and the effect of insulin on leptin homeostasis storage[119,120].
is represented by LIRKO mice, a liver-specific insulin Contrary to other liver diseases in which in vitro mod-
receptor knock-out[113]. These animals present abnormal els are important tools in research, convincing data are
glucose metabolism and progressive liver dysfunction, and still missing in NAFLD and NASH. One of the reasons
display focal dysplasia and hyperplastic nodules. However, may be related to the use of a rather simplistic set-up
serum TG levels are decreased, most probably by the to tackle the multistep process of the development of
inability of insulin to promote TG synthesis in the liver NASH. The use of an in vitro approach presents several
and by reduced lipolysis in adipose tissue. In spite of the advantages and disadvantages, as recently reviewed in
hyperinsulinemia and IR, these animals are not obese[114]. detail[121]. A broad spectrum of in vitro validated possibili-
A promising approach is the administration of a high-fat ties is available, such as the use of primary cell culture,
diet associated with high fructose to male C57Bl/6J mice, immortalized cell lines, or an even more sophisticated

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of free fatty acids (FFA), since it has been reported that sign better drugs that will combine with a much healthier
individual FFA have distinct inherent steatotic and toxic lifestyle to fight this plague.
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P- Reviewers: Bulum T, Kayadibi H, Lonardo A, Montecucco F,

Perazzo H, Takahashi Y, Zara V
S- Editor: Ma YJ L- Editor: Logan S E- Editor: Ma S

WJG| 9049 July 21, 2014|Volume 20|Issue 27|

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