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Yang dibina oleh Ns. Sri Wahyuni Adriani, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom

Intan Faratiti Dewi W. (1611011011)
Nunik Nurhidayatul M. (1611011026)
Nira Rahanta Nurul A. (1611011021)
Okta Savira Devi N. (1611011017)


April 2019
Writer : Edy Siswantoro
Nursing Study Program, STIKES Dian Husada Mojokerto

Tuberculosis (TB), a lung disease caused by the attack of the bacterium
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Diffusion of oxygen will be disrupted due to acne or
inflammation of the alveolar wall. If the lung part is attacked elongated, the cells die and the
lungs shrink. As a result, the patient's breath is panting. Symptoms of shortness of breath are
found when extensive pulmonary parenchymal damage or because there are things that
accompany such as pleural effusion and pneumothorax.
Out of breath. In mild pulmonary TB disease (new relapse) has not felt any shortness
of breath. Shortness of breath will be found in advanced pulmonary TB disease, where the
infiltration has covered half the part (Yessie & Andra, 2013). In pulmonary TB patients who
experience clinical symptoms, one of which is shortness of breath, usually the patient's family
panics in what way to do or reduce symptoms of shortness of breath in addition to using
oxygen when at home pulmonary TB patients do not have oxygen equipment, pulmonary TB
patients who experience clinical symptoms need to be taught a simple method with a simple
evaporation or inhalation method. Steam (boiling) inhaled (inhalation) to reduce shortness of
The current phenomenon is that there are still many pulmonary TB patients who
cannot cope with clinical symptoms such as shortness of breath using natural plants, namely
mint leaves. Mint leaves contain menthol and menthone essential oils. In the leaves and tip of
the flowering mint branch containing 1% essential oil, 78% menthol is free, 2% menthol is
mixed with esters, and the rest is resin, tannin, vinegar acid (Tjitrosoepomo, 2010).
Based on the explanation in the background above, the researchers were interested in
conducting a study of the therapeutic effects of mint aroma on a simple inhalation in
decreasing shortness of breath in pulmonary TB patients at the Sooko-Mojokerto Health
The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of changes in shortness of breath in
pulmonary TB patients who were treated with aroma of mint leaves with simple inhalation
and who were not treated with aroma of mint leaves with simple inhalation in the treatment
and control groups at Sooko Health Center, Sooko District, Mojokerto District .
The research design used was Pre Experimental with the design of One Group Pretest-
Posttest Design, which is a type of research that aims to determine the effect of an action on a
group of subjects treated, then compared with a group of subjects not treated.
The population in this study were 17 people. After adjusting to the research criteria,
an affordable population of 16 people was obtained. The study sample was 16 people to be
studied or the number of characteristics possessed by the population. Then from 16 people
divided into 2, 8 respondents as the treatment group and 8 respondents as the control group.
The sampling technique of this study was carried out by simple random sampling.
Retrieval of pretest data was carried out by observing one group at a time (treatment
and control) using measurements of the scale of shortness of breath in pulmonary TB patients
before being given an intervention using short breath measurements. Posttest data collection
was carried out in the treatment and control groups, to determine differences after treatment
and to find out how much the therapeutic effect of mint leaves with simple inhalation on
decreasing shortness of breath in pulmonary tuberculosis patients at the Sooko Health Center,
Sooko District, Mojokerto District. During the administration of simple inhaled aromatherapy
mint leaves, respondents were still permitted to take anti-TB drugs.
The instrument used in collecting data from the dependent variable that reduces
shortness of breath is the observation sheet, the measurement instrument used is the scale of
breathlessness of the American Thoracic Society (ATS). While the instruments for
independent variables use SAK (unit event activities).

Analysis of the Effect of Changes Before and After Given the Aroma of Mint Leaf
Therapy with Inhaled Against Decreased Shortness of Breath in Lung Tuberculosis Patients.
Table 1 Analysis of the Effect of Changes Before and After Given Aroma Therapy of Mint
Leaves with Simple Inhaled Against Decreased Shortness of Breath in Patients with Lung
Tuberculosis Experiments in Sooko Health Center, Sooko District, Mojokerto Regency.
Table 2 Analysis of the Effect of Changes Before and After the Aroma of Mint Leaf Therapy
with Simple Inhalation on Decreased Shortness of Breath in Lung Tuberculosis Patients in the
Control Group at Sooko Health Center, Sooko District, Mojokerto Regency.

Based on table 1 above shows that in the Pretest experimental group the experimental
group showed that from the previous 5 respondents experienced shortness of breath with a
heavy degree, a small number of 3 respondents experienced the scale of shortness of breath
with very heavy degrees.
Then after given the aroma of mint leaf therapy with simple inhalation there are 4
respondents with shortness of breath with mild degrees, 3 respondents moderate shortness of
breath and 1 respondent with difficulty breathing. Whereas in the control group at the time of
the pre-test there were 3 short respondents moderate breathing, 2 respondents with shortness
of breath with heavy degrees and 3 respondents with very heavy degrees then in the post test
there were 2 respondents who were short of breath with moderate degrees, 4 respondents with
shortness of breath with heavy degrees and 2 respondents with difficulty very heavy breath.

1. Results of Measurement of Shortness of Breath Scale Before Giving Aroma Therapy of
Mint Leaves with Simple Inhalation.
Based on the tabulation table before the administration of aroma therapy of mint leaves
with simple inhalation to decrease breathlessness in pulmonary tuberculosis patients,
showed that the number of respondents prior to the administration of aroma therapy mint
leaves with simple inhalation in the experimental group was found to experience
shortness of breath with shortness of breath scale weight as many as 5 respondents.
Whereas in table 4.10 the control group was found to be mostly experiencing shortness of
breath with a moderate scale of shortness of as many as 3 respondents.
When observing the research respondents before being given treatment it was known that
they appeared short and short of breath and the use of respiratory aids muscles in
respondents who were too short of breath when leaving the house or removing and
dressing or shortness of breath with very heavy degrees. Shortness of breath experienced
by respondents resulted in psychological changes such as anxiety, fear and feeling very
uncomfortable because of the ineffectiveness of the breath pattern. While shortness of
breath in pulmonary tuberculosis patients that are not immediately treated, the impact that
will be caused is the extent of lung parenchymal damage and can cause several
2. The Result of Measurement of Breathlessness Scale After Giving Aroma Therapy Mint
Leaf with Simple Inhaled.
Based on the tabulation table after the administration of aroma therapy of mint leaves
with simple inhalation to decrease shortness of breath in pulmonary tuberculosis patients,
showed that of the 8 respondents in the experimental group the value of the scale of
breathlessness was obtained after aroma therapy of mint leaves with simple inhalation
which was found to experience most values scale of shortness of breath with a light
degree that is as much as 4 respondents, almost some experienced a scale of shortness of
breath with a moderate degree that is as much as 3 respondents, a small portion
experienced the value of shortness of breath scale with a heavy degree that is as much as
1 respondent. While 8 respondents from the control group in table 4.12 who did not get
treatment found that most experienced the value of shortness of breath scale with a heavy
degree that is as much as 4 respondents, almost some experienced the value of shortness
of scale with a moderate degree of 2 respondents, there were similarities in the scale
value of congestion breathing with a moderate degree on a mild level experiences a
shortness of breath scale value of 2 respondents and none of them has shortness of breath
and no shortness of breath.
After the aroma therapy of mint leaves with simple inhalation was given to the
experimental group the respondents showed that breathing was not wheezing, because the
aroma of menthol contained in mint leaves had an anti-inflammatory effect, so that it
would open the respiratory tract. Whereas in the control group no treatment was given in
the form of mint therapy with simple mint leaves. So that in the experimental group
decreased the value of the scale of shortness of breath while in the control group did not
experience a decrease in the value of the scale of shortness of breath.
3. Analysis of Effects of Changes Before and After Given Aroma Therapy of Mint Leaves
with Simple Inhaled Against Decrease in Shortness of Breath in Lung Tuberculosis
From the results of this study it was found that there was an effect of the scale of
shortness of breath before and after the aroma therapy of mint leaves with simple
inhalation. Aroma therapy of mint leaves with simple inhalation found 5 respondents
experienced shortness of breath with severe degrees and 3 respondents experienced
shortness of breath with very heavy degrees. Then after giving the aroma of mint leaf
therapy with simple inhalation to 4 respondents experiencing shortness of breath with
mild degrees, 3 respondents experienced shortness of breath with moderate degrees, 1
respondent experienced shortness of breath with severe degrees. While in the control
group at the time of the pretest there were 3 respondents experiencing moderate
breathing, 2 respondents experiencing moderate breathing and 3 respondents
experiencing shortness of breath with very heavy degrees. Then at the time of posttest it
was obtained 3 respondents who experience shortness of breath with mild degrees, 3
respondents experienced shortness of breath with moderate degrees and 2 respondents
experienced shortness of breath with very heavy degrees.

1. The scale of shortness of breath before being given the aromatherapy of mint leaves with
simple inhalation in the experimental group found that most experienced shortness of
breath with a severe degree of as many as 5 respondents while in the control group most
experienced shortness of breath with very heavy degrees of 3 respondents.
2. The scale of shortness of breath after being given the aromatherapy of mint leaves with
simple inhalation in the experimental group was found to be almost half experiencing
shortness of breath with a degree of as much as 1 respondent while in the control group
most experienced shortness of breath with 2 respondents.
3. From the results of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and the Mann Whitney U Test
showed the effect of aroma therapy on mint leaves with simple inhalation on decreasing
shortness of breath in pulmonary tuberculosis patients.

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