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Consensus statement

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-100193 on 25 April 2019. Downloaded from on October 10, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Imaging with ultrasound in physical therapy: What is
the PT’s scope of practice? A competency-based
educational model and training recommendations
Jackie L Whittaker,‍ ‍ 1 Richard Ellis,2 Paul William Hodges,‍ ‍ 3 Cliona OSullivan,4
Julie Hides,5 Samuel Fernandez-Carnero,6 Jose Luis Arias-Buria,7 Deydre S Teyhen,8
Maria J Stokes9

►► Additional material is Abstract in the evidence base, policy and needs of service
published online only. To view Physical therapists employ ultrasound (US) imaging users)12 and specialised training are growing.
please visit the journal online
(http://d​ x.​doi.o​ rg/​10.​1136/​ technology for a broad range of clinical and research At the time of the 2006 symposium, the majority
bjsports-​2018-​100193). purposes. Despite this, few physical therapy regulatory of reported uses of US by physical therapists involved
bodies guide the use of US imaging, and there are the evaluation of muscle structure (morphology)
For numbered affiliations see limited continuing education opportunities for physical and function, or as a source of biofeedback to aid
end of article.
therapists to become proficient in using US within rehabilitation of neuromuscular control. The term
their professional scope of practice. Here, we (i) outline RUSI was coined to encompass these applications,
Correspondence to
Dr Jackie L Whittaker, Faculty the current status of US use by physical therapists; (ii) and along with a definition (see below) an accom-
of Rehabilitation Medicine, define and describe four broad categories of physical panying visual representation (figure 1) of how the
University of Alberta, Edmonton, therapy US applications (ie, rehabilitation, diagnostic, practice of RUSI fits into the larger field of medical
AB T6G 2G4, Canada; US was developed.
intervention and research US); (iii) discuss how US
j​ whittak@​ualberta.c​ a
use relates to the scope of high value physical therapy Since 2006, three additional distinct categories
Accepted 25 March 2019 practice and (iv) propose a broad framework for a of physical therapist use of US beyond RUSI have
competency-based education model for training physical been identified. These applications include the
therapists in US. This paper only discusses US imaging— following: diagnosing and monitoring pathology
not ’therapeutic’ US. Thus, ’imaging’ is implicit anywhere (diagnostic US); guiding percutaneous procedures
the term ’ultrasound’ is used. involving ‘dry’ (eg, acupuncture) or ‘wet’ (eg, injec-
tion) needles (interventional US); and undertaking
research (research US; see figure 2).
The three clinical categories (ie, rehabilitative,
diagnostic and interventional US) of US use fall
Background under the umbrella of ‘Point-of-Care Ultrasound’
Many physical therapists embrace ultrasound (US) defined as an ultrasound examination performed
imaging as a means to deliver precise and person- by a qualified healthcare practitioner, usually as
alised rehabilitation. Since the first published use an adjunct to a physical examination, to clarify
of US by physical therapists (1980),1–5 there have uncertain findings, or provide image guidance that
been three notable milestones in the evolution of improves the success and safety of procedures in the
US use by physical therapists; a series of commen- acute care setting, particularly when time saving
taries6–8 and original research published after the for diagnosis or treatment is critical.13 Point-of-care
first International Symposium on Rehabilitative contrasts US evaluations performed in a dedicated
Ultrasound Imaging (RUSI; hosted by the US Army- imaging facility, or department, in a consultative
Baylor University Doctoral Programme in Phys- process between the treating healthcare practitioner
ical Therapy, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, 2006),9 a and a consulting imaging specialist. In the physical
networking session at the International Federation therapy context, point-of-care US can be defined
of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists as a form of examination using US undertaken in a
conference (Quebec City, Canada, 2012),10 and clinical practice setting with the intent of clarifying
a second (although not affiliated) international uncertain clinical examination findings to enhance
symposium hosted by the Universidad Francisco the quality and effectiveness of a physical therapy
de Vitoria and the Spanish Society of Ultrasound intervention. Given that physical therapy point-of-
in Physiotherapy (Madrid, Spain, 2016).11 Despite care US examinations fall within the scope of phys-
these efforts, there remains considerable confu- ical therapy practice and competence (knowledge,
© Author(s) (or their sion and inconsistencies in terminology associated skills and abilities) of the examining therapist (as
employer(s)) 2019. Re-use with physical therapist use of US due, in part, to
permitted under CC BY. per the regulations of their jurisdiction), it is essen-
Published by BMJ. the diversity of manners in which US is used across tial that it is understood that they are performed
the profession. It is also clear that previously iden- to direct a physical therapy intervention, not to
To cite: Whittaker JL, tified gaps related to scope of practice (a statement provide a medical diagnosis or direct medical
Ellis R, Hodges PW, et al.
Br J Sports Med Epub ahead describing physical therapy within the context of the treatment.
of print: [please include Day regulatory environment and the evidence base for Below, we define and describe the four broad
Month Year]. doi:10.1136/ practice within a jurisdiction. Scopes of practices are categories of physical therapy US applications,
bjsports-2018-100193 dynamic and evolving in accordance with changes discuss implications of the use of US by physical

Whittaker JL, et al. Br J Sports Med 2019;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-100193    1

Consensus statement

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-100193 on 25 April 2019. Downloaded from on October 10, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1  A visual representation of how the practice of RUSI evolved to fit into the larger field of medical us in 2006.1 12Reproduced with
permission from the J Orthop sports Phys ther.

therapists on scope of practice and training, and propose a broad result of injury prevention programmes29 or in response to
framework for a competency-based education model for training conditioning30 or therapeutic interventions.31 In the context of
physical therapists in US use. pelvic health, RUSI has been used to understand,8 predict32 33
and manage urinary incontinence.34
Uses of US by physical therapists
This section proposes definitions and provides descriptions Diagnostic US imaging
and examples of each of the four broad categories of physical Diagnostic US involves examining the effects of injury, lesion
therapy US applications outlined in figure 2. or disease on joint surfaces, muscle, tendon, ligament, bursa,
vessels, nerves and solid visceral organs.35 Traditionally, these
Rehabilitative US imaging applications have fallen under the scope of a consulting imaging
The most common uses of US by physical therapists reported in specialist (ie, radiologist or sonographer). Given that US is
the literature fall within the realm of RUSI and have involved the most cost-effective, safe and rapid method of obtaining
studies of the musculoskeletal system in a variety of settings static and real-time images, many healthcare professions have
(eg, sports medicine, orthopaedics, occupational, respiratory embraced the technology for point-of-care applications. In
and pelvic health). Rehabilitative US was originally defined the context of physical therapy, diagnostic US has been used
as a procedure used by physical therapists to evaluate muscle to identify tendon abnormalities, to screen for tendinopathy
and related soft tissue morphology and function during exercise risk,36 and assess humeral torsion or acromiohumeral distance
and physical tasks…and to assist in the application of thera- in persons with rotator cuff pathology,14 haemarthrosis within
peutic interventions aimed at improving neuromuscular func- the joints of persons with haemophilia,37 38 nerve excursion in
tion.9 This includes measuring muscle morphology (eg, length, entrapment neuropathy39 or ligament integrity after injury40
thickness, diameter, cross-sectional area, volume, fascicle to inform rehabilitation. Although many physical therapists
length and penation angle)14; changes or differences in muscle are appropriately trained in point-of-care diagnostic US, this
morphology over time (eg, with ageing),15 between groups of application may be the most controversial given the poten-
people16 or with events (eg, contraction,17 injury,18 surgery,19 tial overlap with other healthcare practitioners. A recent
exposure to microgravity20; assessing the impact of muscle New Zealand survey highlighted that many physical thera-
contraction on adjacent structures (movement and deforma- pists report confusion regarding their scope for diagnostic US
tion of fascia,21 nerve,22 linea alba23 and visceral organs such as applications.41
the bladder8 and urethra24; evaluating muscle composition25;
and providing biofeedback.26 In the context of musculoskel- Interventional US imaging
etal and sports physical therapy, RUSI has been used to assess Interventional US involves using gray-scale brightness-mode
trunk muscle size and contraction to screen for injury risk,27 28 (b-mode) US to accurately, efficiently and safely guide ‘dry’ and
provide feedback and measure changes in muscle size as a ‘wet’ needles for a variety of invasive interventions including

2 Whittaker JL, et al. Br J Sports Med 2019;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-100193

Consensus statement

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-100193 on 25 April 2019. Downloaded from on October 10, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 2  Current categories of US imaging use by physical therapists. US, ultrasound

acupuncture, dry needling, percutaneous electrolysis, injec- electrodes into muscles that are deep,48 small56 or associated
tion or aspiration. US-guided needling and injections have with high risk (eg, diaphragm.57 Beyond these applications,
been shown to be more accurate and efficacious than land- there is a large body of literature assessing the reliability
mark-guided injections.42 Although physical therapy practice and validity of US for examining various muscles,58–61 and
acts vary globally, in regions where therapists are allowed to nerves,22 as well as the application of US into physical therapy
use dry and wet needles, interventional US has been employed practice.62
to safely guide dry needles for acupuncture,43 trigger point
‘release’,44 and percutaneous electrolysis (ie, application
US technologies and display modes
of mechanical stimulation and electric current through an
It is important to note that within each of the four catego-
acupuncture needle theorised to provide controlled micro-
ries of physical therapy US applications, a variety of US-based
trauma to stimulate tissue repair).45 46
imaging techniques can be used depending on the clinical or
research goal. For example, gray-scale b-mode and motion
Research US imaging (m)-mode US may be used to measure the morphological char-
US is used in basic, applied and clinical research that aims to acteristics of a muscle,63 identify boney changes associated
inform physical therapy practice. For example, US has been with lateral epicondylalgia64 or guide an acupuncture needle.45
used to improve our understanding of the impact of pain and In contrast, real-time Doppler US allows for dynamic high-res-
injury on motor control47 and muscle morphology,18 and the olution evaluations of tendon neovascularity.65 Elastography
relationship between motor control and function,48 to deter- enables the quantification of the biomechanical properties (ie,
mine which patients may benefit from a specific treatment stiffness) of soft tissues (eg, muscle, tendon, ligament) and
approach,31 and to enhance motor learning and treatment subsequently may have a role in assessing the effectiveness of
efficacy via augmented feedback.49 More sophisticated appli- physical therapy interventions31 54 or stages of tissue healing.66
cations of US have been used to elucidate the mechanisms
underlying dry needling techniques,50 measure the excursion
of nerves with movement,51 assess the biomechanical parame- Implications for scope of practice, regulation and
ters (ie, stiffness) of soft tissues52 53 and how this is changed by training
treatment,54 the dynamics of pelvic floor muscle contraction,24 In addition to a lack of regulatory oversight, surveys conducted
and effectiveness of physical therapy interventions.55 Similar in the UK,67 Australia68 and New Zealand41 demonstrate
to image-guided interventions, US has been used for many that there is no internationally accepted curricula for phys-
years to guide insertion of intramuscular electromyography ical therapists training in US, with continuing education or

Whittaker JL, et al. Br J Sports Med 2019;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-100193 3

Consensus statement

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-100193 on 25 April 2019. Downloaded from on October 10, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
mentoring opportunities varying widely across countries, and access to postgraduate education to support safe compe-
no minimal competency required for using US for patient care. tent practice is needed. The sections that follow contain key
One explanation for these gaps is that unlike diagnostic and competencies, options for delivery and learning objectives
interventional US, RUSI is a relatively new application and for this training. This content is based on literature review,
one that sits almost entirely within the scope of the physical and the extensive experience of developing and delivering US
therapy profession (sports scientists, sport therapists and oste- training to physical therapists by the authors, in conjunction
opaths also perform RUSI applications). Faced with the rapid with consultation and collaboration with numerous medical
growth of US use by physical therapists over the last decade, and sonographic professionals and professional organisations
the profession is faced with a situation in which its traditional (eg, the British Medical Ultrasound Society), over the last 30
scope is being challenged to evolve. Clear and consistent guid- years. The intent of this material is to provide a foundation for
ance from regulatory and professional associations could assist individuals and organisations developing or evaluating RUSI,
in mitigating these gaps and confusion. diagnostic or interventional US courses for physical therapists.
Each category of physical therapy US is associated with
unique knowledge, skill sets and potential for perceived Core competencies for US use by physical therapists
infringement with the scope of other healthcare practitioners. The Canadian National Physiotherapy Advisory group defines
Although there is some foundational overlapping concepts, an essential competency as the repertoire of measurable knowl-
the issues and barriers associated with specialised training, edge, skills and attitudes required by a physical therapist
competent use and reporting of these applications differ. In throughout their professional career.70 For physical therapists
the fields of diagnostic and interventional US, there are estab- that use US in their practice, this includes the knowledge, skills
lished criteria for training, competent use and regulation, as and attitudes associated with safe, competent conduct and
outlined by the WHO,69 and international oversight from the interpretation of US examinations. Fundamental competencies
World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. that span all uses of US by physical therapists and those unique
Physical therapists wanting to become skilled in the use of to RUSI, diagnostic, interventional or research US examina-
diagnostic and interventional US can access training through tions are outlined in Box 1.
existing channels consistent with these standards. With that
said, it is acknowledged that in some countries there may be
limited access to these established training pathways afforded Delivery format
to physical therapists, and existing educational models may Given that physical therapists who utilise US must demonstrate
not include physical therapy-specific applications. It is also common fundamental and application-specific competencies,
important to consider that the practice of physical therapists a competency-based education model of training is suggested.
gaining their US training through courses established for other Competency-based education is driven by the ‘product’
healthcare practitioners (eg, radiologists, sport and exercise rather than the process,71 72 whereby learning outcomes are
medicine physicians, sonographers) may lead to physical ther- first identified and the curriculum is built in discrete ‘steps’
apists operating outside of their professional scope of prac- to ensure that students achieve the competencies described in
tice due to an increased familiarity with non-physical therapy the learning outcomes. In the case of US, ‘steps’ could take
applications. There is a need for evidence-based diagnostic and the form of an ‘introductory’ (ie, fundamental knowledge
interventional US training programme that meets the unique and proficiency) module followed by completion of one, or
needs of physical therapists and highlights the issues associated several, ‘application-specific’ modules (ie, RUSI, diagnostic or
with the scope of practice and licensing. interventional). The delivery of each module could take the
Beyond training, it is important to consider that although form of didactic and/or practical instruction with each culmi-
diagnostic and/or interventional US may fall within the scope nating in a practical examination of safety, technical aspects,
of physical therapy (assuming suitable training is obtained) in and image generation and interpretation competence. This
some jurisdictions, for the majority this is not the case. Regard- approach allows flexibility for the addition of future US appli-
less of training or expertise, physical therapists should clarify cations and could be supplemented with formal or informal
their scope of practice for these US applications by contacting mentorship, supervision and case-based examination. In addi-
their regulatory body prior to performing diagnostic or inter- tion to instruction by physical therapists who are experts in this
ventional US. In many instances, a change in legislation to field, training should, where possible, involve other imaging
extend the scope of physical therapy practice in a jurisdiction disciplines (eg, sonographer/radiologist/interventional radiol-
may be required before therapists can use US in this manner. ogists) and focus on the pathologies and disorders that phys-
In contrast to diagnostic and interventional US, and despite ical therapists treat. Furthermore, it is important to consider
increasing evidence that demonstrates a role for RUSI in phys- that training could be provided in many settings (eg, entry and
ical therapy, the field of RUSI lacks professional oversight, post-professional level) and through different delivery mech-
standard curriculum and regulation for training. These defi- anisms (eg, pre-reading and exams, online resources, practical
ciencies have resulted in a paucity of high-quality, evidence- courses, virtual mentoring and supervised scanning or review
based training opportunities; a lack of standardisation in the of stored images or real-time clips for quality assurance, etc).
performance and reporting of RUSI applications; and a poten- There may also be value in embedding training within existing
tial for insufficiently trained operators.41 67 68 coursework in entry-to-practice programme (eg, electrophys-
ical agents, anatomy, orthopaedics, neurology, professional
issues courses or yearly or programme-end capping exercises).
A framework for US training for physical
therapists Curriculum
As competent use of US for point-of-care or research purposes The competent conduct and interpretation (including back-
is not part of an entry to practice skill set, and generally absent ground knowledge) of US examinations vary by the level of
in physical therapy entry-to-practice education programme, operator skill (eg, introductory vs advanced) and application

4 Whittaker JL, et al. Br J Sports Med 2019;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-100193

Consensus statement

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-100193 on 25 April 2019. Downloaded from on October 10, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Box 1. Summary of fundamental competencies Box 1  Continued
(knowledge, skills and attitudes) for safe and efficacious
use of US by physical Therapists* *It is recommended that all physical therapists that use US meet the
fundamental competencies followed by one of the application specific
Fundamental Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes competencies.
RUSI, rehabilitative ultrasound imaging; US, ultrasound.
►► Professional and ethical considerations
►► Communication
►► Basic anatomy and physiology
►► US basic physics (eg, RUSI, diagnostic, interventional, research). Suggested
►► US safety, upkeep and hygiene learning outcomes for ‘introductory’ and ‘application’
►► Basic US terminology and instrumentation modules or courses are outlined in online supplementary table
►► Basic US image generation and optimisation 2 located in.
►► Basic US interpretation including artefact
RUSI Competencies Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes Recommendation and future directions
►► Physical therapy scope and history of RUSI Future efforts should focus on developing international stan-
►► Detailed anatomy and physiology dards for self-governance of US use by physical therapists
►► Theoretical foundations of neuromuscular function and and ensuring that training and practice standards are identi-
dysfunction fied, reached and maintained. Failure to do this may result in
►► RUSI terminology and instrumentation restricted use of US by physical therapists in various jurisdic-
►► RUSI image generation and optimisation tions. Greater interprofessional exposure to the use of US by
►► RUSI interpretation physical therapists is needed to avoid inaccurate assumptions
►► Special issues for specific body regions and applications about professional infringement and to foster understanding
►► Integration of RUSI findings for prevention and management of the unique applications of US that occur within physical
of clinical conditions therapy practice. Finally, it is imperative that physical ther-
►► Evaluate the use of RUSI in clinical practice apists continue to provide evidence that US enhances the
Diagnostic US Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes quality, effectiveness (including cost) and efficacy of physical
►► Physical therapy scope and history of diagnostic US therapy management.
►► Detailed anatomy and physiology
►► Theoretical foundations of pathoanatomical and Author affiliations
biopsychosocial models of pain Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
►► Diagnostic US terminology and instrumentation 2
Health and Rehabilitation Research Institute, School of Clinical Sciences, Auckland
►► Diagnostic US image generation and optimisation University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
►► Diagnostic US interpretation 3
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland,
►► Integration of diagnostic US for prevention and management Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
of clinical conditions Department of Physiotherapy and Performance Science, University College Dublin,
Dublin, Ireland
►► Evaluate the use of diagnostic US in clinical 5
School of Allied Health Sciences, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
practice 6
Departmento de Enfermeria y Fisioterapia, Universidad de Alcala de Henares,
Interventional US Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes Madrid, Spain
►► Physical therapy scope and history of interventional US Departamento de Fisioterapia, Universidad Francisco de Victoria, Madrid, Spain
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
►► Detailed anatomy and physiology 9
School of Health Professions and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of
►► Interventional US safety Southampton, Southampton, UK
►► Interventional US needle guidance principles, methods and
accuracy Acknowledgements  The authors acknowledge Drs C. Calvo-Lobo and A. Garrido-
►► Interventional US terminology and instrumentation Marin for their invaluable efforts and support of the International Symposium hosted
►► Interventional US image generation and optimisation by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria and the Spanish Society of Ultrasound
in Physiotherapy in Madrid, Spain (2016) as well as the support of the Arthritis
►► Interventional US interpretation
Research UK Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis, and University of Alberta,
►► Integration of interventional US for prevention and Canada.
management of clinical conditions
Contributors  JLW drafted the first version of the manuscript with assistance from
►► Evaluate the use of interventional US in clinical RE and MJS. All authors contributed to discussions leading up to the manuscript,
practice contributed to sections of the manuscript and approved the final version of the
Research US Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes manuscript. MJS, DST, PWH, JH and JLW were involved in the initial meetings to
►► History of physical therapy research using US discuss the standardisation of USI education for physical therapist at the first
international meeting on RUSI in 2006. DST hosted the first international meeting
►► Relevant anatomy and physiology on Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging in San Antonio, USA. SFC and JLAB hosted the
►► Research context background knowledge second RUSI meeting in Madrid, Spain.
►► Study design and research methodology Funding  The authors acknowledge the support of the Arthritis Research UK Centre
►► Research US methodology and approaches for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis (grant number 21595).
►► Research US ethics and safety Competing interests  All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure
►► Research US terminology, instrumentation and forms at www.​icmje.​org/​coi_​disclosure.​pdf.
applications Patient consent for publication  Not required.
►► Research US image generation and optimisation
Provenance and peer review  Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
►► Research US interpretation
►► Research US dissemination Open access  This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits
Continued others to copy, redistribute, remix, transform and build upon this work for any

Whittaker JL, et al. Br J Sports Med 2019;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-100193 5

Consensus statement

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