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Encountered Challenges on Conducting

Researches on Child and Adolescent


A Case Study

Submitted by:

Manago, Trixy V.

Alvarez, Cris


Submitted to:

Dr. Roger Colisao

Child and Adolescent Development Professor

Table of Contents

Page No.




Proposed Solution………………………………………………………………..



Research has been defined as a“systematic investigation, including research

developments, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to

generalizable knowledge”. It also aims to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

(Ahmad, 2015).

Research has always been an integral part of our lives. It is done because it

helps in the development and improvement of the community’s way of living through

advancement of technologies and innovation to make living easier and better. With this,

it is important to do research more so in the field of child and adolescent development

because its subjects are primarily the hope of the future generations—the children.

However, it is inevitable that problems or certain challenges might be encountered or

arise in conducting these researches for the benefit of determining substantial

knowledge acquisition for the aforementioned.

This case study aimed to determine the challenges encountered on conducting

researches on the field of child and adolescent development. Specifically, this case

study sought to;

A. determine researches that made substantial contributions on the field of Child and

Adolescent Development (CAD); and

B. determine the challenges encountered on conducting these researches on Child and

Adolescent Development (CAD).


According to Dr. Susann V. Getsch ’08, the first challenge in conducting any kind

of research is choosing the right topic. The research topic is the foundation on which

everything else rests, so it’s crucial to choose carefully—it should be doable.

Determining what resources you have available—time, money, people—and choose a

topic that you can do justice.

Another challenge is choosing the right methodology-- a procedure for

conducting your research—in order to move forward. A researcher should take time in

the planning process. “It’s worth consulting other researchers, doing a pilot study to test

it, before you go out spending the time, money, and energy to do the big study,”

Crawford says. “Because once you begin the study, you can’t stop.” For a qualitative

study, you might use focus groups and interviews, for example, to collect data, whereas

a quantitative study may use test scores or survey results. Either way, the methodology

should be so clear that any other trained researcher should be able to pick it up and do

it exactly the same way.

The next challenge is finding the study participants. In choosing the right

participants, it is very important that you should leverage the power of a network. There

are many types of sampling methods and you should select the most appropriate one

for your study.

The next challenge is to get institutions to participate. Sometimes recruiting study

participants requires going through institutions, which may put up barriers, particularly if

your research is controversial or sensitive, and this presents an additional challenge. It

is important to build relationships with and among the participants of the study to build

good rapport.

The last challenge is dealing with the data acquired during sampling and

gathering of data. When you’ve completed your study, the final challenge is knowing

how to make sense of the data you’ve collected. Since the primary goal of conducting a

research is to make things clearer and to solve problems, it is very important that these

are being addressed well.

The aforementioned challenges are generalizations of all the challenges

encountered in making researches. It also speaks well about the challenges when it

comes to child and adolescent development.


With the inputs mentioned on the preceding pages, it is proposed that there

should be more researches to be conducted with regards to Child and Adolescent

Development (CAD) to further understand children’s development since development is

gradual and always changing. Researchers should bear in mind that each generation

has its own strengths and weaknesses and it is very useful to conduct researches to to

address differences and understanding of the aforementioned.


Based on this case study conducted, the following recommendations are made:

1. For the parents, their role as the primary caregivers of these children is crucial. With

this, it is important that they are aware of the new researches regarding Child and

Adolescent Development to improve their understanding on the growth and

development of their children, most especially physically, socially, intellectually and


2. For the teachers, their role as the second parents of these children when they are in

school is vital. Their knowledge about Child and Adolescent Development (CAD) will

greatly help them not only in understanding human development but as well as using

the knowledge on making conducive and efficient learning environment and in engaging

to effective teaching and learning strategies for the different levels of learners.

3. For the learners, it is also important that they are aware of the development taking

place in them to be able to understand and adapt to certain abrupt changes that would

either break or make them as individuals here on Earth.

4. For the education and community sectors, to be aware and understand the

importance of the inputs based on researches will help them in making suitable and
conducive environment for the children by proposing ways and means to improve way

of living through laws and rules and regulations.



Ahmad SS. Research and its impor-tance. Ophthalmol Open J. 2015; 1(1): e1-

e2.doi: 10.1714/OOJ-1-e001

7 Research Challenges (Retrieved from



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