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Universidad San Francisco of Quito.

Composition and Rhetoric.

Prof. Matthew Dolloff

September 26st, 2019

Martínez David

Inclusive language and the permanent dilemma of “Excuse me?”

Nowadays, it’s common to see people discuss how many genres are there and

what it’s happening with the feminism. World is demanding equality, but at what point

the change becomes imposition? Inclusive language is a kind of language that allows

referring to others avoiding terms that imply gender or sex. Although it provides an idea

of equality, I do not agree with this. First, in Spanish specifically, this inclusive language

is poorly structured. Second, using this language does not change the real problem and

finally this only makes communication difficult.

Language must have complete sense and structural. Language is a construction

that has taken hundreds of years to develop. Inclusive language is a passenger who has

decided to impose his will. Spanish language is a combination of various elements that’s

provide sense: subject, verbs, articles. Inclusive language tries to catch the equality

replacing “e” or “x” in subjects leaving aside the other rules, so people who use this

language do not consider the grammatical changes that this implies not only the language

is deformed but also that structure loses meaning.

Inclusive language do not change the real problem. People argue that using

inclusive words will eventually help change the situation, decrease hatred and bring

equality but, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Russia and others countries use

languages that have a neutral gender, base of the inclusive language. These countries have
the same problems against feminism or inclusion, so change the language it’s not a

solution. Education it’s the base to make permanents changes in a society.

Inclusive language makes communication difficult. If people use a language that

doesn’t have a correct structure the communication becomes ambiguous. Language it’s

an evolution and reflection of society, this needs a lot of time to be applied and

assimilated, generations even. Inclusive language is trying to be forced into an already

structured language, which only causes that the receptor language get distorted and for

this reason refuses it. Probably, this language should be defined and structured before to

try to apply it.

Language, eventually, adapts to society. I agree with the change and evolution,

but inclusive language it’s a mockery of change this is an imposition attempt. Probably,

Spanish in hundreds of years could create a neutral gender and this would only reflect the

necessity of this. But, nowadays we don’t need it, because language its not ready for

receive it. Spanish don’t have enough structure for a neutral gender, this idea doesn’t fight

the real problem for which it wants to implant itself and finally it only makes it hard to

understand each other. Language was born due to the need to communicate and if a

language only hinders it, It should simply be discarded.

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