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Why Scale Forms and

How To Predict It
".E. Oddo, SPE, Water Research Inst. Inc. and M.B. Tomson, SPE, Rice U.

Summary. Predicting potential scaling problems can be difficult, and numerous saturation indices and computer algorithms have
been developed to determine if, when, and where scaling will occur. The Langelier, Stiff-Davis, and the Oddo-Tomson saturation in-
dices, all widely used in the oil field, are compared and contrasted relative to calcium carbonate scale. New saturation indices for bari-
um, strontium, and calcium sulfate scale formation are introduced and discussed, along with an updated version of the Oddo-Tomson
calcium carbonate index. An updated version of the CaC0 3 saturation index is presented that includes correction terms for fugacity
effects and changes in the solubility of COz in oil and gas wells as functions of temperature, pressure, water cut, and hydrocarbons
present. The CaC0 3 saturation index does not require a measured pH and can accommodate the presence of weak acids, such as HzS,
and weak organic acids in the system. The sulfate scale prediction methods (for gypsum, hemihydrate, and anhydrite) are easy to use,
reliable, and designed for field use by an operator who may be untrained in chemistry. The prediction methods can be applied to any
production well where calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, strontium sulfate, or barium sulfate scale occurs.

Introduction and Need for Improvements

As the petroleum industry produces more water to recover hydrocar- bility product term, K c ' is then used in the predictive equations.
bons more efficiently from existing fields, scale formation and cor- The general saturation index, Is (Eq. 29) can then be expressed
rosion will become increasingly difficult problems. Calcium as the log of the Fs:
carbonate and sulfate scale problems are incipient to some fields
but also occur where incompatible waters are introduced to the pro- [MeHAn]
duction scheme during waterfloods or workovers. A general dis- Is=log(Fs)=log " ...................... (2a)
cussion of saturation indices and sulfate and carbonate predictive
equations are given later. or Is=log[MeHAn]+pKc(T,p,Si) ..................... (2b)
The sulfate scales of Ca, Sr, and Ba are well described. 1-6 How-
ever, the chemistry of the individual scale formers is described brief- where the brackets represent concentration in molar units and
ly, along with supporting field application to lend credibility to the pKc = -log Kc'
predictive equations developed here. Predictive equations were de- When Is=O, the solution is at equilibrium with the solid scale;
veloped for celestite (SrS04), gypsum (CaS04 . 2H zO), hemihy- an Is >0.0 indicates a supersaturated or scaling condition; an
drate (CaS04 '1/2H zO), anhydrate (CaS04), and barite (BaS04)' Is < 0.0 is a subsaturated or nonscaling condition of the solution
BaS04 is a growing problem in the industry owing to the regula- with respect to the scale in question. Development of saturation
tion of naturally occurring radioactive materials in the scale. indices for the various salts depends on finding Kc values that are
Calcium carbonate scale is generally predicted with saturation a function of ionic strengths, temperatures, and pressures common
indexes 3,? that compare the amount of the scaling constituents in in the petroleum industry. The derivation of the sulfate and calci-
solution to the solubility. The original Langelier 8 saturation index um carbonate Is equations is analogous to that used by the authors
was proposed for corrosion control in municipal water distribution to develop the original Is for CaC0 3 . 9
systems. Numerous corrections for temperature, pressure, and ionic The conditional constants needed to solve the Is equations for
strength have been proposed for the Langelier index, and most of the salts of interest were derived from literature data as a function
these corrections have been in the form of either data tables or plots oftemperature, pressure, and ionic strength [total dissolved solids
and figures. In addition to the standard difficulties with sample col- (TDS)]. The advantage of using experimental solubility data is that
lection and analyses, all the above indices require measurement of the activities of the respective metal ions and the anion of interest
the brine pH. In municipal water plants, pH measurement is not need not be determined directly but are included implicitly in the
a problem; but in gas and oil wells, realistic pH measurement is conditional constants. Solubility data for the scales were obtained
rarely feasible. In the original version of the CaC0 3 saturation in- from the literature for gypsum,IO-14 hemihydrate,IZ,13 anhy-
dex published by the authors, the pH could be calculated; however, drite,IZ-15 celestite,16-19 and barite. 20,21 Pressure data for the
the effects of the changes in the fugacity of COz and the partition- CaS04 systems can be found in or calculated from data in the liter-
ing of COz were ignored as were the effects of weak acids on the ature. ll ,13-15,22 Pressure data for the BaS04 system also can be
alkalinity. All these effects have been included in the updated found in or calculated from literature data. 20 ,23 The approach and
version. results for calcium carbonate are similar to those reported previ-
ously,9 so the specifics are not repeated here.
Saturation Index Method Once data sets were located for the solubilities of the salts of in-
The saturation ratio, Fs, is usually defined as the ratio of the ion terest, a nonlinear least-squares fit 24 of the data sets was performed
activity product to the solubility product: on each to find a conditional constant with the NONLlN module
of SYSTAT. 25 The derived conditional constants and associated
Fs=[MeHAn]IKsp ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)
errors can be obtained from the authors.
where Me=Mg2+ , Ca2+ , Sr2+ , or Ba2+ , An=CO~- or SOi- , The derived equations are of the functional form
and Ksp = solubility product. pKc=a+bT+cTZ +dp+eS?.5 +jSigS?·5, .............. (3)
Activity is defined as the product of the activity coefficient and
the concentration. The activity coefficient is a function of temper- where pKc = the negative log of the conditional solubility product.
ature, T, pressure, p, and ionic strength, Si' It has been useful to Most published equilibrium constants are in molality units; how-
include the activity coefficients in the solubility constant term so ever, we have converted to molarity units for convenience. The
that the measured or free (discussed later) concentrations of the metal functional form for temperature dependence is similar to that used
and anion are used in the equations. The solubility product term by Blount and Dickson. 15. The form of the ionic strength depend-
is then a function of T, p, and Si' 9 The resulting conditional solu- ence is similar to that used by Millero. 26 The cross-product term
(S?·5 T) was introduced to allow the conditional solubility constants
Copyright 1994 Society of Petroleum Engineers to vary as functions of ionic strength in conjunction with tempera-

SPE Production & Facilities, February 1994 47


Calculate: log Kst = + 1.86 + 4.5 x 10 -3 T -1.2 x 10 -6 T2 + 10.7 x 10 -Sp -2.38S;' + 0.58S j -1.3 x 10 -3S;' T

2 - {1 + Kst(EC M -C .)} + ([1 + Kst(EC M -C so .)]2 +4K St C so • }o.s

Calculate free sulfate: [SO 4-) = - - - - - - - - - - ' -so
2K st

Calculate the free metals: [Mg 2+)=C Mg /(1 +Kst[SO~-));

[Ca 2+) = C ca /(1 + KsdSO~-))
[Sr 2 +) =C Sr /(1 + Kst[SO~-))
[Ba 2+)=C /(1 +KstlSO~-)) Ba
Calculate the Saturation Indices:
For CaS04 = log10 ([Ca 2+ )[SO~-)} +3.47 + 1.8 x 10 -3T + 2.5x 10 -6T2 -5.9 x 10 -sp -1.13S;' +0.37S j -2.0 x 10 -3S;' T
For CaS04 = log 10 {[Ca 2+ )[SO~-)} + 4.04 -1.9 x 10 -3T + 11.9 x10 -6 T2 - 6.9 x 10 -sp -1.66S;' + 0.49S j - 0.66 x 10 -3SY' T
For CaS0 4 = log 10 ([Ca 2+ )[SO~-)} + 2.52 + 9.98 x 10 -3 T - 0.97 x 10 -6 T2 - 3.07 x 10 -sp -1.09SY' + 0.50S j - 3.3 x 10 -3SY' T
For SrS04 = log 10 ([Sr 2+ )[SO~-)} + 6.11 + 2.0 x 10 -3 T + 6.4 x 10 -6 T2 -4.6 x 10 -sp -1.89SY' + 0.67S j -1.9 x 10 -3SY' T
For BaS04 = log 10 ([Ba 2+ )[SO~-)} + 10.03 - 4.8 x 10 -3 T + 11.4 x 10 -6 T2 - 4.8 x 10 -sp - 2.62SY' + 0.89S j - 2.0 x 10 -3SY' T
T = Temperature (OF); p = total absolute pressure (psia); S; = ionic strength (M),,'mg/L TDS + 53,470'" mg/L CI - + 32.460'; C so. = total sulfate concentration = mg/L
SO~ - + 96.060; C Mg = total magnesium concentration (M) = mg/L Mg + 24,305; C Ca = total calcium concentration (M) = mg/L Ca + 40,080; C s, = total strontium concentration
(M)=mg/L Sr+87,620; CBa =total barium concentration (M)=mg/L Ba+137,330 and ECM =CCa +CMg +Cs, +CBa .

• Average conversion factor for 20 oilfield brines.

mass-balance equations for the total dissolved calcium, magnesi-

THE NINAN FIELD IN THE NORTHERN SEA um, strontium, barium, and sulfate are
AND SEAWATER COMPOSITION C S04 = [CaSO~] + [MgSO~] + [SrSO~] + [BaSO~] + [SO~-],
Formation ................................... (6a)
Water" Seawater
CCa=[Ca2+]+[CaSO~], .......................... (6b)
Component mg/L mM mg/L mM
--- CMg=[Mg2+]+[MgSO~], ......................... (6c)
Na 8,440 367 10,680 464
K 159 4.1 396 10.1 CSr = [Sr2+] + [SrSO~], ............................ (6d)
Mg 25 1.03 1,279 52.6
Ca 150 3.75 409 10.2 and CBa=[Ba2+]+[BaSO~], ......................... (6e)
Sr 44 0.5 7.9 0.09
Ba 20 0.15 0.022 0.00016 where Cx = total molar concentration of Species x in solution (typi-
CI 12,555 354 19,193 541 cally, the measured amount in solution in milligrams per liter).
S04 14 0.15 2,689 28.0
HC0 3 1,418 23.2 141 2.31 Saturation Index Equations. The numerical values of the stabil-
Calculated Sj 396 692 ity constants for the four sulfate/metal ion complexes are nearly
Original molal values converted to molarity. equal at room temperature. 27 Assuming them to be equal greatly
"Personal communication with P.J. Schuler, Chevron Petroleum Technology Co. simplifies the calculation procedures and causes an error of ±0.1
log units or less in any practical calculation of Is values. With these
assumptions, Eqs. 5 and 6 can be solved as a quadratic equation
ture and was found to be significant for all salts except calcium
for the free metal and sulfate concentrations in solution. Numeri-
carbonate. The cross-product terms between temperature and pres-
cal values for K st and pKc from the literature can then be obtained
sure and the second-order ionic strength/temperature (S;T2) were as functions of T, p, and Si' Table 1 shows the final saturation in-
found to be insignificant. dex equations. The least-squares-curve-fitted equations for pKst
and pKc were then used to calculate the Is values for published
Sulfate Saturation Indices equlibrium solubility data. Because these experiments are assumed
Calculation of Is for the five sulfate salts under consideration re- to be at equilibrium, the calculated Is values should be zero. The
quires the concentrations of the free metal and free sulfate ions be- average calculated Is for 65 sulfates was 0.011 Is units. Details
cause of the complexing or ion pairing of the metals with sulfate of the derivation and data analysis are available from the authors.
in solution. The extent of complexation depends on the solution
temperature, pressure, ionic strength, and total concentrations of Calcium Sulfate Phases. CaS04 poses a unique problem for the
the metal and sulfate ions. salts under consideration because it occurs with various regularity
Complex formation between calcium and sulfate is used as an as one of three different phases. Gypsum, the most common scale
example: former,3 occurs at relatively low temperatures. At higher temper-
atures [above about 100°C (212°F)], the stable phase predicted is
Ca2+ +SO~- .... CaSO~ ............................. (4)
anhydrite (CaS04)' However, hemihydrate has been known to
The mass-action stability constant, Ksl' is given by form at about 212 to 250°F, especially in nonturbulent systems and
in high-ionic-strength brines. 2,6,22 Whether anhydrite, hemihy-
[CaSO~] drate, or gypsum is the actual phase that forms in any particular
K st = ............................... (5)
[Ca 2 + ][SO~-] production system in this transition temperature range is beyond
the scope of these and any other predictive equations. Field or lab-
CaSO~ refers to the neutral ion pair, or complex in solution, not oratory simulations should be conducted to gain insight into the ki-
to the solid. Similar chemical equilibria and stability constants can netically preferred phase, although some guidelines can be offered.
be written for magnesium, strontium, and barium sulfates. The Under 176 of, the most likely phase will be gypsum in brine solu-

48 SPE Production & Facilities, February 1994

C Ca = Ca 2 + = total calcium

Gas phase present

(Ca2+ )(HCO; )2l -3 -6 2 -s '/2

Is=log [ py~02f~02 J+5.85+15.19X10 T-1.64x10 T -5.27x10 p-3.334(S,) +1.431(S,) ........... . (T3-1)

pH = IOg[ p~~~~~L J + 8.60+5.31 x 10 -3T -2.253 x 10 -6T2 -2.237x 10 -sp-0.990(S,)'/2 + 0.658(S,) .............. (T3-2)

f~02 =exp p(2.84 x 10- 4

- ---
J co co /[ pf~02
(5.0 BWPO + 10.0 BOPO) x 10 -s
and Yg 2 =Yt 2 1.0+ .:........:'--......:....--------'-----
[ T+ 460 MMscf(T + 460)

Gas phase absent

Is = log [
(Ca2+ )(HCO -)2
C02 3
+ 3.63 + 8.68 x 10 -3T + 8.55 x 10 -6 T2 - 6.56 x 10 -sp - 3.42(S,) v, + 1.373(S,) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (T3-3)
C aq

PH=I09[ (H~~2;) l +6.39-1.198x 10 -3T +7.94x 10 -6T2 -3.53x 10 -sp-1.067(S,)'/2 +0.599(S,) .................. ("T3-4)
C aq J
Measured pH with gas phase present or absent

Is = log[(Ca 2 + )(HCO; I + pH - 2.76 +9.88 x 10 -3 T + 0.61 x 10 -6T2 - 3.03 x 10 -sp - 2.348(S,) '/2 + 0.770(S,) ............ (T3-5)

Ca 2+ stotal calcium (M = mglL +40,000); (HCO; sbicarbonate alkalinity (M= mg1L+61 ,000); pstotal absolute pressure (psia); Tstemperature (oF); S, sionic strength
(M)=mgIL TDS +53,470' HmglL CI - + 32,460'); f~o, sfugacity coefficient of C02 gas as a minor species in CH. + C02 gas; y~o, . mole or volume fraction of C02 in
the gas phase at the specified T and p; yyO, s mole or volume fraction of CO 2 considering gas plus oil plus brine-this is essentially the fraction CO 2 in the gas at the
surface; MMscfstotal number of MMscfID gas produced at standard temperature and pressure; BWPDsbarrels of brine produced per day; BOPDsbarrels of oil produced
per day; C~c?2 =7,289.3xnf0 2 1(V aq +3.04Vo); nf o , =MMscf of C02 per day at STP=(MMscf)(Yfo,).

'Average conversion factors fo 20 oilfield brines.

tions. Between 176 and 250 o P, any of the three phases may form, pKst = 1.86+4.5 x 10 -3(220 P) -1.2 x 1O-6(220 P)2
0 0

with gypsum being more likely at the low end and anhydrite at the
+ 10.7 x 10 -5 (4,300 psi) -2.38(0.42M) v, +0.58(0.42M)
high end. However, in this temperature range, hemihydrate is com-
monly found in a nonturbulent system with high ionic strength, -1.3 x 10- 3(0.42M) v, (220 P) ....................... (7)

which means that a scaling problem may not be as severe as one 0

Using the downhole temperature of 220 P and a pressure of 4,300
might think if the prediction equations for the less soluble anhy- psi, we find log K st = I. 79. The free [SO~-] and [Ba2+] concen-
drite were used. Above 250 o P, the produced scale will almost cer- trations are found to be 11.0 and 20 mg/L, respectively, or 0.00015
tainly be anhydrite. and O.ooOIIM.
The pKc can then be calculated from the equations in Table 1
Example of Use of the BaS04 's in the North Sea similarly to the log K st calculation (Eq. 7) and has a value of7.71.
Table 2 shows an example of a typical brine composition from the The necessary values have now been determined for substitution
Ninian field in the North Sea and the seawater composition. The into Eq. 2b to determine the Is for the Ninian field formation
logarithm of the conditional equilibrium constant for the MgSO~ waters at downhole conditions by use of the water composition in
Table 2:
and CaSO~ solution complexes is calculated with the first equa-
tion in Table I as follows: I s =log[(0.00015M)(0.0001lM)] + 7.71. ............... (8)


Gas phase present

Ll/S = log [ Pdy~02)1(f~02)1 J

P2(Y~ 2)2(f g 2)2
co +15.19x10
-6 ( 2
Ll T )-5.27x1
O-S Llp .............................. (T4-1 )

LlpH = log[ (PY~:2 f~:2 )1 l + 5.31 x 10 -3 LlT _ 2.253 x 10 -6 Ll(T2) _ 2.237 x 10 -s Llp ............................... : (T4-2)
(PY g 2 fg 2 h J
f~02 = exp p(2.84 x 10 -4 - - - -
J co [ pf~O 2 (5.0 BWPO + 10.0 BOPO) x 10- S
and Y g 2 = 1.0 + - - ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ T +460 MMscf(T +460)

Gas phase absent

Llls =8.68x 10- 3LlT -1.64x 10- 6Ll(T 2)-6.56x 10- s Llp ..................................................... (T4-3)
LlpH = -1.198 x 10 -3 LlT -7.94 x 10 -6 Ll(T 2) - 3.53 x 10 -s Llp .................................................. (T4-4)

pstotal absolute pressure (psia); Tstemperature (oF); fgco, sfugacity coefficient of CO 2 gas as a minor species in CH. +C02 gas; y~O, smole or volume fraction of
C02 in the gas phase at the specified T and p; MMscf~total number of MMscflD gas produced at standard temperature and pressure; BWPDsbarrels of brine produced
per day; BOPDsbarrels of oil produced per day.

SPE Production & Facilities, February 1994 49

Is= -0.07 ........................................ (9) tion and generally is calculated from compressibility data or from
some thermodynamic equation of state (EOS), such as the van der
Note that the formation is at equilibrium with barite. Waals or Peng-Robinson EOS.Z9 When the gas phase is a mixture
A similar calculation for the seawater composition in Table 2
of gases, the theoretical problem of calculating fugacity coefficients
determines Is = -1.45 for barite under the same conditions. How-
is more difficult than for a pure gas. Refs. 29 and 30 provide com-
ever, a 50/50 mixture of the two waters would generate Is=1.12
plete discussions of the background thermodynamics of fugacity.
at downhole conditions, and serious scaling with barium sulfate is
Two calculation procedures were used, Curl and Pitzer's3] "ta-
predicted. This is indeed the case in the wells, and scale treatment
ble look-up" accentric theory and an 18-term extended Redlich-
programs have been initiated to combat the problem. Z8
Kwong EOS.32 With the extended Redlich-Kwong EOS, includ-
ing the effect of water vapor was possible. Reid et al. Z9 discussed
Calcium Carbonate Saturation Indices
both calculation procedures. For gas-phase CO 2 and methane, a
Improvements to the original saturation index 9 for CaC0 3 include series of fugacity coefficients, f fO z and f f H 4, were calculated
algorithms to calculate the partitioning or changing mole fraction at various reduced temperatures, reduced pressures, and mole frac-
of CO 2 with varying temperature and pressure conditions, the in- tions. Theseffoz andff H4 values were plotted vs. pressure, and
clusion of both oil and CH 4 phases in the system, and an algorithm the shape of the curves suggested the use of an exponential func-
to calculate the fugacities of COz and CH 4 . Tables 3 and 4 give tion to represent the fugacity coefficients empirically. Least-squares
the equations needed to calculate Is for a calcium carbonate sys- curve fit of the calculated coefficients yielded the following for
tem. The Is similar to Eq. 2 for CaC0 3 is 9 CO 2 :
(Ca2+)(HCo3 )Zl ( Kz )
Is = log [ +log (T,p,S;) ffoz=exP[p(2.84XIO-4- 0.255 )l,r=1.00 ....... (17)
pyfOzffO z KspKJKr;;J;z T+460
................................. (10) and similar results were obtained for methane:
where p=total pressure and (T,p,Sj) are shown to emphasize the
temperature, pressure, and ionic strength dependence of the four ff H 4 =exp[p(1.35 x 10- 4 - 0.107 )l,r=1.oo . ...... (18)
conditional equilibrium constants. Table 3 summarizes these vari- T+460
Similarly, the value of pH = -log[H +] can be represented by For a detailed discussion and derivation of the curves, contact the
(HC03) l Note that, as the fraction of CO 2 in the gas phase approaches
pH = log [ -log(K[Kr;;J;z )(T,p,Sj) . ........ (11) zero,ffo z does not approach unity, as might be expected by anal-
ogy with aqueous species. For example, at 5,000 psia and 212°F,
Three issues need to be addressed to use these equations in oil- yfOz -+0, ff oz -+a constant, ff oz =0.62. The fugacity coeffi-
and gasfield situations: (1) the T, p, and Sj dependence of the cients calculated compare favorably with the Chevron Peng-
equlibrium constants; (2) the thermodynamic nonideality of the gas- Robinson code. TheffOz values varied from 0.45 to 0.97. Agree-
phase COz at high pressure; and (3) the variation of the mole frac- ment between the more elaborate Chevron code and Eq. 17 is gener-
tion of CO 2 in the gas phase with pressure and with gas/oil/water ally within about 5 %. Completely neglecting f f Oz could cause a
volumetric ratios. Remember that activity coefficients are included systematic error as high as 0.3 in Is, but an error of 5% inffOz
in the conditional constants. would change the calculated Is by only 0.02, which is well within
the expected error of the various pK values in Eqs. 12 through 15.
Temperature, Pressure, and Ionic Strength Effects. The explicit The final Is and pH equations will be expressed in terms off fO z
temperature, pressure, and ionic strength functional dependencies so that, in the future, any other algorithm can be used in place of
of the equilibrium constants (K 10 K2 , Ks?, and Kr;;J;Z) were ob- Eq. 17. A more formal derivation and explanation of the assump-
tained by nonlinear least-squares curve fittmg of the respective data tions is available from the authors.
and revised from the previous work 9 :
pK] =6.39-1.l98x 1O- 3 T+7.94x 1O- 6 T2 -3.53 x 1O- 5 p The yf0 2 Variation With Pressure and Gas/Oil/Water Volu-
metric Ratios. The fraction of CO 2 in the gas phase of a well can
-1.067(Sj) y, +0.599(Sj), .......................... (12) change as the pressure changes if there is a significant amount of
pK2 = 1O.70-5.19x 1O- 3 T+ 11.29x 1O- 6 T2 -3.57x 1O- 5 p brine, oil, or both because different gases at the same partial pres-
'sure have different solubilities in water or oil. Detailed calcula-
-1.332(S;) Ih +0.496(Sj), .......................... (13) tions are again available from the authors. The result for methane
and CO 2 in contact with water and oil is
pKsp =7.94-4.69x 10- 3 T+ 11.90x 10- 6 TZ -6.60x 1O- 5 p
-3.68(Sj) y, + 1. 270(Sj), ........................... (14)
and pKfoz =2.212+6.51 x 1O- 3 T-IO.19x 1O- 6 T2
yCOz =yfOz I[ 1.0+
ffOZ(5.0 BWPD+1O.0 BOPD)XIO- 5P

-1.290 x 1O- 5 p+0.077(Si) Ih +0.059(Sj)' ............ (15) ................................... (19)

Nonideality or Fugacity of CO 2 Gas. The thermodynamic where yfOz =mole fraction of CO 2 measured at standard condi-
nonidealities of aqueous solution components in the above discus- tions and BWPD, BOPD, and MMscf=production per day (see Ta-
sion were included by curve fitting the Sj and p dependence of the ble 3).
equilibrium constants (Eqs. 12 through 15), but the corresponding The validity of Eq. 17 has been tested directly with IGT reser-
gas-phase nonideality corrections were not made. The gas-phase voir recombination data for the Riddle-Saldana Well No. 2.33 Gas
nonideality can be considered in the saturation index derivation by containing the naturally occurring percent of CO z , methane,
including a dimensionless fugacity coefficient, ffoz, in the ethane, through heptanes at 300°F was pressurized to the bub-
denominator of the logarithmic term of Eqs. 10 and 11: b1epoint, 6,632 psia. The system was flashed in four steps to ap-
proximately atmospheric pressure (plus the vapor pressure of water).
Cr;;J;z =Kr;;J;zPcozffoz, .......................... (16)
The BOPD was negligible and the ratio of MMscf to BWPD was
where Cr;;J;z = aqueous-phase concentration of COz (M) and Peoz 1.40 x 10- 4 MMft 3 /bbl. When these values were used in Eq. 17,
ff Oz =fugacity of COz at a given temperature and pressure. The the calculated fraction of COz was calculated to change from
fugacity coefficient varies with pressure and gas-phase composi- 14.2% to 1.77% vs. the measured 14.2% to 1.80%. On commer-

50 SPE Production & Facilities, February 1994

cial gas wells with higher gas/water ratios, the CO 2 fraction rare- equivalent concentration of acetic acid (CAe)' The presence of car-
ly changes over such a wide range. boxylic acids often causes the brine acid titration endpoint to be
smeared and ill-defined. Hence, the concentration of carboxylic
Absence of Gas Phase (p~Bubblepoint). So far, the derivation acids in brine is generally measured by gas chromatography. When
has assumed that a gas phase was present. A gas phase might be the concentration of carboxylic acids is substantial relative to the
absent for two reasons: the system pressure may be greater than bicarbonate concentration, brine alkalinity can be assumed equal
the bubblepoint down the production hole and the gas phase might to the sum of the concentration of free acetate (Ac -) plus bicar-
be removed in a separator before brine disposal. (Note that the sys- bonate (HCO;):
tem pressure still exceeds the bubblepoint.) To evaluate the Is with
Alk=(Ac-)+(HCO;), ........................... (23)
Eq. T3-3 in Table 3, a value for cJiq°z, the molar concentration
of aqueous CO 2 , must be obtained. If the gas phase is absent be- where the units are moles per liter. This is an excellent assumption
cause the pressure is greater than the bubblepoint, C~oz can be from about pH 3.5 to 9. As long as neither a strong acid nor a strong
set equal to the total CO 2 produced per day in the equivalent base is added to the brine, alkalinity will be constant, but the
volume of brine and oil. The relative partitioning of CO 2 between (Ac - )/(HCO;) ratio will depend on pH, which in turn depends
oil and brine, C{;02 / CS:qoz , can be expressed by a ratio of the re- on Peoz and hence the total pressure. When K 1 and KH for car-
spective Henry's law constants: bonic acid and K Ae for acetic acid are substituted into Eq. 23, the
following quadratic equation in terms of readily measurable quan-
K{;Oz /KS:!?2 = C{;02 / Cs:!?z. .. ...................... (20)
tities can be obtained to calculate the (HCO;) needed in the cal-
By noting that all the CO 2 is in either the oil or the water and cite saturation index equations:
assuming that K[;o2/KS:!?2 =3.04, we can show that
(HCO;)2 + {K'Peo 2 +CAe-Alk}(HCO;)-K'Peo2Alk=0,
nF02 ................................... (24)
- - - - - .......................... (21)
Vaq +3.04BOPD where (HCO;), CAe' and Alk are in mollL(M); Peo2 is in psia;
and K' = K 1KH / K Ae' Al ways use the positive root of the quadrat-
This value of CS:!?z can be used in the denominator of Eq. T3-3
ic equation. The general solution of Eq. 24 using the quadratic equa-
when the system pressure exceeds the bubblepoint. The pH can be
tion is
calculated similarly, and the result is presented in T3-4.
Often, gas and oil are separated on the surface by a three-phase a=l.O,
separator, and the remaining brine is injected down a disposal well.
Eqs. T3-3 and T3-4 can be used to calculate the saturation index b=K'Peoz +TAe-Alk,
and pH of the brine, at least down to the receiving formation. Once c = - K'Peoz Alk,
the brine enters the new formation, it can either dissolve or precipi-
tate minerals, which will change the parameters in the Is and pH -b+(b 2 -4c) Yz
and (HCO;)= - - - - - ..................... (25)
equations. Additionally, the terms needed to calculate 0i,p2 should 2
be corrected for the CO 2 removed in the sales gas and oil. The
CS:!?z can be obtained by sampling the disposal brine, measuring The T, P, and Si dependence of K', or pK' = -loglO(K'), can
the residual Cs:pz directly by standard methods, and using this be calculated:
measured value in Eqs. T3-3 and T3-4. If it is not feasible to measure pK' =3.79+6.80x 1O- 3 T-13.2 x 1O- 6 T2 -3.66x 1O- 5p
CS:!?z in the disposal brine, a reasonable estimate can be calculat-
ed from the partial pressure of CO 2 in the separator gas: -0.097Si Yz +0.221Si .............................. (26)
10g(0i!?z )=log Peo2 -2.212-6.51 x 10 -3 T+ 10.19 X 1O- 6 T2 For completeness, the equation for KAe is included:
-1.290 x 10 -5 p -0.077(S,.} v, -0.059(S,.}, ............ (22) pKAc =4.81-1.49x 10- 3 T+ 1.095 x 10- 5 T2 -1.16x 10- 5 p
where the units are as defined in Table 3 and fa~02 = 1 has been -0.893S/' +0.437Si , ............................. (27)
assumed. In the disposal well in the absence of a gas phase, only
where the units are as defined before. Peo2 =Ptyf02ff02 as de-
temperature and pressure change. Therefore, once CJiq0 2 has been
fined in Table 3. The final unknown is the "true" alkalinity, Alk.
calculated or measured, it can be used in Eqs. T3-3 and T3-4 to
Measuring Alk is more difficult than it appears. Several methods
calculate Is and pH down the disposal well to the formation face.
are possible; the following three-step procedure is suggested for
use with oilfield brines. For illustration purposes, assume that
Cautions for Using Measured pH. It may be possible to measure
CAe =9.0 mM from gas chromatographic analysis.
the pH, or [H +], directly in surface facilities by use of a high-
1. Acidify the brine to about pH 2 with an excess of HCl and
temperature, high-pressure pH electrode. If the pH can be meas-
remove all the dissolved carbonic acid by either boiling the solu-
ured, the Is can be calculated directly with Eq. T3-5. The pH value
tion or sparging it with nitrogen. In the present example, assume
should be measured in the flowing brine stream, not in a collected
that 20.0 mM of HCl was added, although different amounts could
sample. As the collected sample degases, the dissolved CO 2
have been used.
evolves and various brine components react with atmospheric oxy-
2. Titrate the solution to a phenolphthalein-red endpoint with
gen. Degasing, reacting with oxygen, etc., change the solution pH.
NaOH. In this case, assume that 19.0 mM of NaOH was required.
Until a reliable in-line pH electrode is commercially available, we
3. Calculate the alkalinity with
would suggest caution in using equations like Eq. T3-5.
Alk=HCI Added to about 2 pH - NaOH To phenolphthalien endpOint
Effect of Carboxylic Acids on the Calcite Is Calculations.
Generally, alkalinity titrated to pH 4.5 to 4.7 can be assumed to +CAe ·
be equal to the HCO; and used in Is calculations. However, when In this example, that equation becomes
weak organic acids are important with respect to the total alkalin-
10.0 mM=20.0 mM-19.0 mM+9.0 mM.
ity, they should be taken into consideration. Most calcite and car-
bonate calculation algorithms use the dissolved bicarbonate-ion To illustrate the effect of acetic acid on the calculated IS for cal-
concentration (HCO;) and assume that the bicarbonate concentra- cite with the present example, further assume that a well produces
tion equals the total alkalinity. Furthermore, it is generally assumed 2,000 BWPD with si=0.8 M, 100 BOPD and 3 MMscflD total
that the bicarbonate concentration and the total alkalinity are in- gas with yfOz =0.05 mole fraction. Calculate the (HCO;) in the
dependent of Peoz' In produced waters, a substantial concentra- separator at 200°F and 160 psia and downhole at 240°F and 5,000
tion of carboxylic acids often is present, normally represented as psia. In the separator, pK'=4.33 (K' = 1O-4.33),ffo2 =0.98, and
SPE Production & Facilities, February 1994 51

Parameter Surface Bottomhole Well FAA-7 Well ZEB-8

T, of 196 214
p, psig 150 3,561 Parameter Surface Bottomhole Surface Bottomhole
Ca,M 0.0112 0.0112 T, OF 210 220 180 190
Total alkalinity, M 0.0198 0.0198 p, psig 340 1,558 360 1,114
Total acetic acid, M 0.0125 0.0125
0.00734 0.00762 Ca, mg/L 200 200 152 152
HC0 3 , M
0.68 0.68 HC0 3 , mg/L 766 766 897 897
5" M
CO 2 , % 0.65 0.30' S"M 0.22 0.22 0.24 0.24
MMscfID STP 0.76 0.76 CO 2 , % 4.38 2.40 1.94 1.80
Brine, BWPO 5,423 5,423 MMscf/O, STP 0.217 0.217 0.440 0.440
Oil, BOPO 27.6 27.6 Brine, BWPO 380 380 294 294
'Calculated with the mole fraction equation in Table 3.
Oil, BOPO 750 750 132 132

yfOz =0.0496. Therefore, Pcoz =160 psiaxO.98xO.0496=7.77 ration can be estimated. Henry's law constant, K~JS, and the first
psia. With CAe =0.009 M and Alk=O.OlO M, (HC0 3 )=0.00176 ionization constant, KF2S, are defined as for CO 2 , For H 2 S be-
M from Eq. 25. For downhole conditions, ff oz =0.67 and low pH 9, the bisulfide, (HS-), species contributes to alkalinity.
yfOz =0.043 at 5,000 psia and 240°F; therefore, Pcoz = 144 psia l\t a given pH, the bisulfide concentration is given by the counter-
and (HC0 3 )=0.005 M. part to the bicarbonate equation:
The solution concentration (HC0 3 ) increases from 0.00176 M
in the separator to 0.005 M at the bottom of the well. Because the _ _
(HS )-K J
Kaq S .......................... (28)
Is for calcite is related to the square of the (H C0 3 ) concentration (H+)
(Table 3), this increase in actual (HC0 3 ) with depth would cause
the Is to be 0.91 Is units higher at the formation face than if the Coincidentally, the product Kr 2S KU 2S is approximately equal
bicarbonate at the separator were used. Put another way, the actu- to the carbona~e pro~u~t, K JK~?2. Therefore,. at a given pH, ~he
al change in Is from the bottom of the well to the surface would (HS - )/(HC0 3 ) ratIo IS approxImately the ratIo of the respectIve
be 0.91 Is units lower than calculated without correcting for the partial pressures:
presence of acetic acid. This large difference in the calculated Is
could easily change the interpretation of what scale formation is ............................... (29)
expected. (HC0 3 ) PC02
Effects of H 2 S on Is Calculations. Some wells contain a signifi- Eq. 29 or one like it should be used to subtract the HS - effect
cant amount of H 2 S in the produced gas. The effect on calcite satu- from the total alkalinity. Crolet and Bonis' 34 thorough discussion
of the effect ofH 2 S on pH, alkalinity, and related solution chemis-
try should be studied if PH2S is similar to or greater than Pcoz'
0.007 1.00

. 1 a.
Concept of Change in the Saturation Index. In practical appli-
cations of the Is and pH equations, it is often sufficient to know
Q 0.006 only the change in the Is or pH. For example, when a field is
c 0.90
0 known to be completed in a calcite-cemented reservoir, the forma-
tion Is can be assumed to be 0.0 in the reservoir under shut-in con-
0.005 0.85 .
co ditions of pressure and temperature. The quantity, Ills, can be
defined as
...I! 0.004
Ms=IS2 -lSI' ................................... (30)
~ Mole Fraction
where the subscripts refer to brine Conditions 1 and 2; generally,
0.003 0.70 it is assumed that the reference condition is downhole at the pro-
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 duction zone, although this is not necessary. If it is assumed that
Depth (Feet) a gas phase is present, as is generally the situation, then Ms is
1.0 7.20 given by subtracting the two Is equations for the different condi-
0.9 1 b. tions of interest. In many production wells, the chemical parame-
7.00 ters, (Ca 2 +) and (HC0 3 ), and Si do not change more than a few
0.7 percent from bottomhole to the surface, and the ratio of (y~02) 1/
.5 0.6
(y~?2 h eliminates the need to measure the fraction of CO 2 ,
0 0.5 6.60
ypoz. With these simplifications, the Ms equation can be writ-
~:> ten as Eq. T4-1 in Table 4.
6.40 Eq. T4-1 is a function of only the physical variables of produc-
~ 0.3
tion, T, P, BWPD, BOPD, and MMscf/D gas produced-i.e., all
0.2 the chemical parameters have been eliminated.
0.1 In addition to the above measurement advantages of using M s
6.00 equations, systematic errors associated with the thermodynamic
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 equilibrium constants vs. temperature and other conditions will tend
Depth (Feet) to be reduced. Table 4 gives corresponding Ills equations for the
absence of a gas phase and IlpH. Some large-volume gas-producing
wells also produce a few barrels of brine per day. A significant
Fig. 1_(a)f;02 and y;02 vs. depth for the Prets well using
fraction of this brine volume often comes from condensation owing
the data in Table 5; (b) plot of saturation index and pH vs.
depth for the Prets well. to gas expansion and cooling. 35 When this is true, Eq. T4-1 should
be used with the appropriate dilution ratios.

52 SPE Production & Facilities, February 1994

Calibration of the Calcite Is. Scale does not form in well sys- rium with calcium carbonate, we obtained 4.84% CO 2 , which is
tems even though predicted at small positive Is values. Feitler 36 •37 in good agreement with the measured value. A downhole Is of
discussed the difficulties associated with assuming immediate scale 0.041 was calculated from Eq. T3-1 with the measured value of
formation as the saturation index becomes positive and developed mole percent of CO 2 , The fugacity and mole fraction of the CO 2
the concept of a critical pH for scale control. This critical pH was at bottornhole conditions were 0.868 and 0.024, respectively.
determined to be about 1.7 to 2.0 pH units above where scale is Is=0.39 was obtained at wellhead conditions. At the near-pump
strictly predicted by a saturation index. The critical pH was deter- conditions of approximately 220°F and 500 psi, Is =0.40 was cal-
mined by titrating NaOH into a saturated calcium carbonate solu- culated.
tion and noting the pH at which precipitation actually took place. Scale formed intermittently in the well near the submersible pump.
This range, however, is highly dependent on a number of varia- The temperature near the pump and pump motor can be signifi-
bles, such as temperature, impurities, flow rate, seed material avail- cantly (up to 100°F) higher than the formation temperature. A 20°F
able, and the presence of threshold inhibitors. 3 ,38-41 increase in temperature at 500 psig would raise the Is to 0.68 and
In our experience, the Ms value or Is value assuming Is=O at would indicate scaling conditions. The production parameters of
bottomhole conditions for scale formation to occur in systems the field in terms of pump type, downhole gas separator, wellhead
producing natural brines is about 0.40, assuming no turbulence in pressure, etc., all determine temperature/pressure differences that
the system. Turbulence can cause scale to form at small positive contribute to the well's potential to produce scale. It is not surpris-
Is values. ing from the scale analysis that some wells produce scale continu-
ously, some intermittently, and some not at all, based on the Is
Examples of Use of Calcite Is Equations regions calculated for the wells and the differences in Is values cal-
culated from small differences in production temperatures and
The Hitchcock Gas Field, South Texas. Several wells in the Hitch-
cock field produce between 5,000 and 8,000 BID brine. Scale has
The calculated CO 2 in Well ZEB-8 is 1.94%, assuming a bot-
been a continuous problem since the beginning of coproduction.
tornhole Is=O.O. The fugacity coefficient and mole fraction of the
Note that scale has been prevented by use of 0.5 to 1.0 mg/L of
CO 2 at bottornhole conditions were 0.886 and 0.018, respectively.
various inhibitors. 42 Reliable scale prediction has been of consider-
The Is at the wellhead was calculated to be 0.32. The calculated
able assistance in this field. For example, accurate prediction of
Is near the submersible pump at 190°F and 500 psig is 0.39. How-
scale-forming potential vs. depth permitted optimal scale-inhibitor
ever, at 210°F and 500 psig, Is=0.62, indicating scale formation.
injection through treat strings, thereby saving tens of thousands of It is difficult to know the actual temperatures and pressures near
dollars per well in wasted materials. the pumps and hence the true scaling potential of each individual
Table 5 lists the well data needed to predict the scale potential, well. Nevertheless, the estimated scaling potential is found to be
or Is. vs. depth for the Prets No.1 well in the Hitchcock field. in a region where the sale can be controlled by chemical inhibition.
Although most systems may not require the inclusion of weak or-
ganic acids in the calculation to account for alkalinity corrections Nomenclature
as discussed above, an example was chosen to illustrate the weak
acid correction. The well alkalinity was measured by many differ- An = anion
ent techniques. The value shown in Table 5 was measured by titrat- C = total amount of ionic species in solution, M
ing and determining the inflection point at about pH 3.5. Alkalinity f fO z = fugacity of CO 2
determined by titrating to pH 4.5 or 4.7 would be significantly Fs = saturation ratio, dimensionless
smaller in numerical value, and care must be taken to include total Is = saturation index, dimensionless
alkalinity when correcting for weak organic acids. If the alkalinity K~,?z = Henry's law constant (M -psi - 1)
value used in the calculation has an uncertain history, it is proba- Kc = conditional solubility product, M2
bly better not to make a weak acid correction, at least initially. Ksp = solubility product, M2
Fig. 1a plots the variation of the fugacity and mole fraction of K st = complex stability constant, M-I
CO 2 with depth as determined from Eq. T3-1, and Fig. 1b plots KI = first ionization constant of carbonic acid, M
the calculated saturation index and pH vs. depth. The CO 2 gas- K2 = second ionization constant of carbonic acid, M
phase fugacity coefficient drops from 0.98 down to 0.72, a factor Me = metal, { } denotes molar activity, [ 1 denotes molar
of 1.36. The CO 2 fraction drops from 0.65% to 0.30%, a factor concentration, M
of 2 .17. The two effects multiply in the denominator of the logarithm p = pressure, m/Lt 2 , psi
term of Eq. T3-1 to lower the calculated Is by 0.47 units at down- Si = ionic strength, M
hole conditions. Consequently, the calculated Is at the perforations T = temperature, T, OF
is -0.002, which is extremely close to the expected value ofO.OO. yfOz = mole fraction of CO 2 in the gas phase
Note the change in bicarbonate concentration in Table 5 resulting EM = CCa + C Mg + C Sr +CBa , M
only from the organic acid effect. When the well was not treated = change in the Is for two temperature/pressure
with a scale inhibitor for 2 weeks, scale formed from 600 ft to the conditions
surface. At 600 ft, the Is=0.40 but drops to <0.2 at 2,000 ft.
Therefore, scale inhibitors have been injected at 1 mg/L through Acknowledgments
a 316 L SS treat string at 2,000 ft and scale has not been observed.
This work was supported by the Gas Research Inst. (GRI) under
Contract No. 5088-212-1717, but in no way does this constitute
Oil Wells in Offshore Indonesia. Scale analyses were performed
an endorsement by GRI of any products or views contained here.
for Pertamina and Maxus Southeast Sumatra Inc. to determine the
This work also was supported by a consortium of companies in-
cause of scale buildup in and around the submersible pumps. A
cluding Exxon Chemical Co., Chevron Petroleum Technology Co.,
typical well for which CO 2 analyses were available was Well Far-
Arco Oil and Gas Co., Texaco Inc., Conoco Inc., Welchem, Cham-
ida A-7 (FAA -7). Another producing well , Well Zelda B-8 (ZEB- pion Technologies Inc., FMC Corp.-Product Additives Div., and
8), was included to demonstrate the calculated CO 2 mole fraction. Zapata Inc.
Table 6 shows chemical analyses for these wells and relevant pres-
sure/temperature data. References
When the CO 2 in the gas phase is not known for a particular
1. Shuler, PJ., Freitas, E.A., and Bowker, K.A.: "Selection and Appli-
well, which is often the case, the mole fraction of CO 2 can be cal-
cation of BaS04 Scale Inhibitors for a C02 Flood, Rangely Weber
culated as follows. The measured CO 2 in the produced fluids from Sand Unit, Colorado," SPEPE (Aug. 1991) 259.
Well FAA-7 was 4.38 mol % of the gas phase, or a mol fraction 2. Carlberg, B.L. and Matthews, R.R.: "Solubility of Calcium Sulfate
of 0.0438. By solving Eq. T3-1 for the mole percent of CO 2 at in Brine," paper SPE 4353 presented at the 1973 SPE Oilfield Chemistry
bottornhole conditions, assuming an Is=O.O or a brine at equilib- Symposium, May 24-25.

SPE Production & Facilities, February 1994 53

18. North, N.A.: "Pressure Dependence of SrS04 Solubility," Geochim.
Authors & Cosmochim. Acta (1974) 38, 1075.
19. Vetter, O.J.G., Vandenbroek, I. , and Nayberg, J.: "SrS04: The Ba-
John E. Oddo sic Solubility Data," paper SPE 11803 presented at the 1983 IntI. Sym-
earned a BS degree posium on Oilfield and Geothermal Chemistry, Denver, March 14-16.
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Akron, an MS to 300 C and 1400 Bars," Amer. Min. (1977) 62, 942.
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of Toledo, and a Solutions from 25 C. to 95 C.," f. Chem. & Eng. Data (Oct. 1960)
PhD degree from 5, 514 .
Rice U. He con- 22. Partridge, E.P. and White, A.H.: "The Solubility of Calcium Sulfate
tinued working at from 0-200 C," f. Amer. Chem. Soc. (1929) 51, 360.
Rice U. on prob- 23. Schulien, S.: "High-Temperature/High-Pressure Solubility Measure-
lems in scale and ments in the Systems BaS04 -NaCI-H20 and SrS04-NaCI-H20 in
Oddo Tomson corrosion before Connection With Scale Studies, " paper SPE 16264 presented at the 1987
. taking a position SPE IntI. Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry , San Antonio , Feb. 4-6.
wIth Conoco Inti. He lived and worked in London and West 24. Wentworth, W.E.: "Rigorous Least Squares Adjustment, " f. Chem.
Africa before returning to Rice U. In 1988 to continue scale Ed. (1965) 42, #2, 96.
and corrosion research. Mason Tomson has taught Water 25. Systat, Systat, Inc., 1800 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL (1987).
Chemistry In the Environmental Science and Energy Dept. at 26. Millero: " The Thermodynamics of the Carbonate System in.Seawater, "
Rice U. In Houston. He has published more than 60 papers Geochim. & Cosmochim. Acta (1979) 43, 1651-61.
on the fate of organic compounds in groundwater and precipi- 27. Butler, J.N.: Carbon Dioxide Equilibria and Their Applications,
tation inhibition. In 1988, Tomson established a Brine Chemis- Addison-Wesley Publishing, Reading, Massachusetts (1982) 246.
try Consortium at Rice U. among the GRI, Rice U., and eight 28. Shuler, PJ. and Jenkins, W.H. : "Prevention of Downhole Scale Depo-
011 and gas production and service companies. He holds a sition in the Ninian Field," SPEPE (May 1991) 221; Trans. , AlME, 291.
PhD degree in chemistry from Oklahoma State U. 29. Reid, R.C., Prausnitz, J.M., and Poling, B.E.: The Propenies of Gases
and Liquids, McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc., New York City (1984).
3. Cowan, J .C . and Weintritt, D.J.: Water Formed Scale Deposits, Gulf 30. Pitzer, K.S . and Brewer, L. : Thermodynamics , McGraw Hill Book Co.
Publishing Co., Houston (1976) 586. Inc., New York City (1961).
4. Patton, C.C .: Applied Water Technology, Cambell Petroleum Series, 31. Curi, R. and Pitzer, K.S.: Ind. Chem. Eng. (1958) 50, 265 .
Norman, OK (1986) 364. 32. Jacobs, G.K. and Kerrick, D.M.: "Methane: An Equation-of-State With
5. Vetter, O.J.: "Oilfield Scale-Can We Handle It?," fPT(Dec. 1976) Application to the Ternary System H20-C02-CH4," Geochim & Cos-
1402. mochim Acta (1981) 607.
6. Vetter, O.J .G. and Phillips, R.C.: " Prediction of Deposition of Calc i- 33 . Randolph, P.L.: " Gas/Brine Ratio From Tests of Five Wells of Op-
urn Sulfate Scale Under Down-Hole Conditions, " fPT(Oct. 1970) 1299. portunity," NTIS 158(3000)/PapGBR (1981).
7. Singley, J.E.: Corrosion Prevention and Control in Water Treatment 34. Crolet, J.L. and Bonis, M.R.: "pH Measurements Under High Pres-
and Supply Systems, Noyes Publication, Houston (1985) . sures of C02 and H2S," NACE, Houston (1985) 39-46.
8. Langelier , W.G.: "The Analytical Control of Anti-Corrosion Water 35 . Gautier, D.L., Karaka, Y.K., and Surdam, R.C.: " Relationship of Or-
Treatment," f. AWWA (1936) 28, 1500. ganic Matter and Mineral Diagenesis," NTIS (1985) 17_
9. Oddo, J.E. and Tomson, M.B.: "Simplified Calculation ofCaC03 Satu- 36. Feitler, H.: "The Scale Meter: A New Method for Determining the
ration at High Temperatures and Pressures in Brine Solutions," fPT Critical pH of Scaling," Mtls. Protect. & Perf. (1972) 11, 31.
(July 1982) 1583. 37. Feitler, H.: "Cooling Water Scale Control: The Scale Meter and the
10. Block, J . and Waters , O.B.J.: " The CaS04-NaS04-NaCI-H20 Sys- Critical pH of Scaling," Mtls. Protect. & Perf. (1972) 11, 6, 29 .
tem at 25 to 100°C, " f. Chem. & Eng. Data (1964) 9,2, 187. 38. Stumm, W. and Morgan, J.J.: Aquatic Chemistry, Wiley-Interscience,
11. Blount, C.W. and Dickson, F.W. :"Gypsum-Anhydrite Equilibria in New York City (1981) 780
39. Tomson, M.B.: "Effect of Precipitation Inhibitors on Calcium Car-
Systems CaS04 and CaS04-NaCI-H20," Amer. Min. (1973) 58, 323.
bonate Scale Formation," f. Crstl. Growth (1983) 62, 106.
12. Bock, E. : "On The Solubility of Anhydrous Calcium Sulfate and of
40. Stranski , I. N .: "The Theory of Crystal Growth," Z. Crystal Growth
Gypsum in Concentrated Solutions of Sodium Chloride at 25,30,40,
Abs. (1928) A136, 259.
and 50°C," Cdn. f . Chem. (1961) 39, 1746.
41. Kossel, W.: "Theory of Crystal Growth," Ann. Phys. (1934) 21.
13 . Marshall , W.L., Slusher, R., and Jones, E.V .: "Solubility and Ther-
42. Street, E.H., Oddo, J.E. , and Tomson, M.B .: "Scale Control Aids
modynamic Relationships for CaS04 in NaCI-H20 Solutions From 40
Gas Recovery," fPT(Oct. 1989) 1080.
to 200°C, 0 to 4 Molal NaCl," f. Chem. & Eng Data (1964) 9, 2,87.
14. Marshall, W.L. and Slusher, R.: "Solubility to 200°C of Calcium Sul-
fate and Its Hydrates in Seawater and Saline Water Concentrates, and SI MetriC Conversion Factors
Temperature-Concentration Limits, " f . Chem. & Eng. Data (1968) 13, bbl x 1.589 873 E-Ol
1, 83. ft x 3.048* E-Ol
15. Blount, C.W. and Dickson, F .W.: "The Solubility of Anhydrite ft3 x 2.831 685 E-02
(CaS04) in NaCl-H20 From 100 to 450 C. and 1 to 1000 Bars," Geo- OF (OF-32)/1.8
chim. & Cosmochim. Acta (1969) 33, 227.
psi x 6.894 757 E+OO
16. Jacques, D.F. and Bourland, B.I. : "A Study of Solubility of Stronti-
um Sulfate," SPEJ (April 1983) 292. ·Conversion factor is exact. SPEPF
17. MacDonald, R.W. and North, N.A. : "The Effect of Pressure on the Original SPE manuscript received for review April 7, 1991. Revised manuscript received
Solubility of CaC03, CaF2 and SrS04 in Water ," Cdn. f. Chem. Aug. 13, 1993. Paper accepted for publication Nov. 7, 1993. Paper (SPE 21710) first present·
(1974) 52, 3181. ed at the 1991 SPE Production Operations Symposium held in Oklahoma C~y, April 7-9.

54 SPE Production & Facilities, February 1994

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