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Double-Entry Journal, Chapters

5&6, Reading Aloud and

Beyond Thinking: I have no idea why anyone would
choose to teach reading if they hated to
Reading: Pg. 36 – “As university-based
read. Perhaps these are like some of the
teachers, we shudder when we hear our
reading teachers I had in middle school who
graduate students share with us how much
were co-opted from other subjects to cover
they hate to read.”
the reading course? It was usually the
Language Arts teacher, but not always.

Thinking: I haven’t worked with this book as

a read aloud, but it’s the closest I’ve come
to it considering that I play an audiobook. I
Reading: Pg. 39 —“Did you enjoy the loved A Long Way Gone. I was actually
story?” surprised the first few times I had my
classes read/listen to this book and how I
suddenly got all sorts of great comments
and insights from normally disinterested
students. I don’t know if it was because the
book was good or my enthusiasm rubbed

Thinking: This perhaps isn’t natural for me

and is something I would have to work at. I
Reading, Pg. 42—“We read with confidence
honestly love reading, but I dislike reading
and passion, enunciating the words and
out loud. I don’t really think I’m very good
pacing the story to create maximum
at bringing anything to the text when I do.
dramatic effect.”

Thinking: I have first-hand experience with

Reading, Pg.34—“How do you deal with the this. I was one of those carpet inspectors
‘wigglers’ and the ‘carpet inspectors’ when when I was growing up. I still am, actually. I
you are reading aloud?” can’t just sit there listening the whole time.
I pay attention and know what’s going on,
but I’m probably watching anything but the
speaker. This drove some of my teachers
crazy because they quickly learned I wasn’t
ignoring them, but I didn’t act like I was
paying attention. I am actually a little
frustrated now when I have to make sure
my students are paying attention for fear of
what an administrator or visitor may think.
In the alternative school there were
students who were so volatile that on a bad
day, it was better to let them sleep and be
able to work with the others until you
worked up enough rapport with that
student for them to trust you. Now, if I
know a student well enough to know that
they are paying attention despite not
looking like it, it’d be nice to be able to let
them do their thing. I’m not sure if that’s
practical, if just for the fact that other
students wouldn’t see this as fair when they
really did want to go off to sleep or just not
pay attention.

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