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Jenjang Sekolah : SMPN 25 Padang

Mata Pelajaran :Bahasa Inggris
Kurikulum : 2013
Alokasi waktu : 40 menit
Jumlah Soal : 10
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda
Tahun Pelajaran : 2019 / 2020
Level No Bentuk
No. KompetensiDasar Kelas Materi Indikatorsoal Soal
Kognitif Soal
KD 3.3. VIII/ Must Disajikan sebuah dialogue, peserta Level 3 1,2,5 Pilihan ganda
Menerapkan fungsi sosial, 1 didik dapat melengkapinya.
struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks interaksi Disajikan sebuah kalimat
transaksional lisan dan tulis rumpang, peserta didik dapat Level 2 3,4 Pilihan ganda
yang melibatkan tindakan melengkapinya
memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait keharusan,
larangan, dan himbauan,
sesuai dengan konteks Disajikan sebuat kalimat rumpang,
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan peserta didik dapat Level 3 6
unsur kebahasaan must, should melengkapinya. Pilihan ganda
Disajikan sebuah dialogue
KD 4.3.
rumpang, peserta didik dapat Level 3 7,8, 10 Pilihan ganda
Menyusun teks interaksi melengkapinya .
transaksional lisan dan tulis
sangat pendek dan sederhana Disajikan sebuah situasi/keadaan.
yang melibatkan tindakan Speserta dapat membuat Level 3 9 Pilihan ganda
memberi dan meminta suggestion yang tepat.
informasi terkait keharusan,
larangan, dan himbauan,
dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai konteks
KD 3.3/4.3

Choose A,B,C or D as the best answer!

1. Anton : Why didn’t you go to school today?
Reyhan : I got a toothache. It’s so hurt.
Anton : Have you drunk a medicine?
Reyhan : Yes, I have. But it still hurt.
Anton : … .
A. You must see the doctor.
B. You must see the dentist.
C. You must see the nurse.
D. You must see the surgery.
2. The clouds in the sky are very black and thick.
Mother : Can you see the sky. I think it’s going to be rain. … .
Santy : Okay, Mom.
A. You shouldn’t buy the umbrella
B. You should bring the umbrella
C. You must bring the umbrella
D. You mustn’t bring the umbrella
3. You _____ eat healthier and stop smoking, you will feel better.
A. Must B. Mustn’t C. have to D. Haven’t to
4. We _____ be at the airport three hours before the flight leaves.
A. Must B. Mustn’t D. have to D. haven’t to
5. Situation : Rini is on her friend’s birthday. Her mother had told her go home at 9 pm and
now is 8.50 pm.
Dinda : why do you look so confuse.
Rini : it’s almost 9 o’clock. I … go now.
Dinda : but why? The party is not finish yet.
Rini : I’m sorry because my mom asked me to go home at 9.
Dinda : okay, thanks for coming.
A. Must B. mustn’t C. have to D. haven’t to
6. This road is slippery. You …. Be careful.
A. Should
B. Can
C. May
D. Will
7. Mrs. Diana : I’m worried about my son progress on learning English and math. What
should I do?
Mrs. Silvi : I think … .
A. You should find another school for your son.
B. You should ask the teacher.
C. You should send him to English and math course after school.
D. You should be angry to him and ask him to study hard.
8. Complete the dialogue with expression of suggestion!

Yanuar : San, Why don’t you join us to do Math homework?

Santi : Sorry Yan, I have a toothache.
Yanuar : Really? … , san.
Santi : I am afraid
Yanuar : It will be better that you feel it for days and weeks.
Santi : I’ll try. I hope it won’t hurt a lot. Thanks Yan.
Yanuar : You’re welcome. I hope you will get better soon.
A. You should go to a doctor.
B. You shouldn’t go to a doctor.
C. You must go to a doctor.
D. You don’t have to go to a doctor.

9. Anton had just got a toothache. He wants to buy a chocolate and candy. What suggestion
will you give to him?
A. You can buy the candy, because you are not having toothache, now.
B. You should buy the chocolate but not the candy.
C. You can’t buy the candy and chocolate.
D. You shouldn’t buy chocolate and candy.
10. Hanif : You are sick, you .... have a rest.
Thoriq : Thanks, I'll go home now.
A. Should C. Will
B. Shouldn't D. Won’t

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