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Vol. 4, No.

2, August 2013 Irwan Sulistyo



Irwan Sulistyo
The objective of this research is: To find out how the generic structure is written
in the narrative texts, to find out the problems faced by the students of SMA
Yasiha Gubug the academic 2011/2012 is written in the narrative texts, and to find
out the solution of the problems. The writer uses descriptive quantitative. It is
class XI IPA I that consists of 39 students. The instrument used to collect data was
the writing test and observation sheet.The results of the research shows the
mastery on writing based generic structure of narrative text class XI Senior High
School Yasiha Gubug academic year 2012 is categorized into good score with the
average 75 and the mean score belongs to the interval 66-79 and the result of
observation sheet shows that there were 27 students in level of excellent, 10
students in good and 3 students in level fair. The problems that faced by the
students in arranging the generic structure of written narrative text are they did not
listen the material attentively given the teacher, the students only got the
information from what they read at glance and based on their experiences before.
The solution of the problem in arranging the generic structure of written narrative
text is the students have to listen their teacher when she explains the material
narratives. For example reading a legend and some books include narrative. Based
on the result above, the writer suggests that the teacher should apply all of the
things in the syllabi of genre in organizing the teaching learning process and the
teacher has to give explain the generic structure of narrative text more clearly and
give more exercises and more attention to the result of the assignment which are
given to the students so that the teacher knows how far the achievement of the
students in mastering material.

Key words: Generic Structure and narrative text.

Learning a language is a window to see an important role to gain information
the outside world. They are now broadly. Realizing how important a
increasingly required to communicate each language is, it is necessary to know about
other in getting information, understanding the language itself. Language is a
the culture, science the technology. systematic mean to communicate ideas of
Language as a means of information plays feeling by the use of conventionalized

Vol. 4, No.2, August 2013 Irwan Sulistyo

sign, sound, gesture or marks having government decides to include English in

understood meaning (Merriam 1985:672). the notion-wide school curriculum and put
More students are still very poor in their it as one of the compulsory subject in
reading comprehension, since they can’t elementary schools, secondary schools and
usually read or understand articles in senior high schools. Moreover narrative
English dailies magazines, which are now text is one of the materials of English
in curriculum here, let alone their ability in curriculum at junior and senior high
writing, which has mostly been overlooked school. In this curriculum, the students are
in our school. Speaking skill is another also expected to understand kinds of the
linguistic skill of our students, which is text. There are many kinds of the text. Of
least, developed. course the students have master the
The important thing that must be generic structure is the texts. It is newest
realized by the students is that every text knowledge where the teacher should
has two components of which the role of explain clearly and detail. Writing is the
them cannot be separated. They are most difficult because we have to attend in
structure and the texture. And the main spelling, pronunciation, words and
problem of reading activity is the low grammar or structure. If we can’t
mastery of them. The problematic of understand about grammar, we can’t write
education are very important to be solves. or speak English rightly. In this paper the
If not they will not have the base to writers want to observe about “The
mastery about reading. And he case will be students’ ability in identifying and using
continues have their idea in writing, to get the generic structure in writing narrative
some information, knowledge and soon. text.
For Indonesia students, English is the first Statements of the Problem
tough foreign language at in Indonesia. The statements of the problems can be
Most Indonesian students get some formulated as follows:
difficulties in learning English caused by 1. How is the generic structure written in
many factor such as the differences in the narrative texts by eleventh years
grammar, spelling, pronunciation, and the students of SMA Yasiha-Gubug?
culture concept. 2. What problems are faced in using the
Realizing the important role of English generic structure of written narrative
as an international language, Indonesia text by the students?

Vol. 4, No.2, August 2013 Irwan Sulistyo

3. What are the solutions of the problems by the student in writing narrative text
Related Theories
Many experts have opinion that Narrative includes fairy stories,
meaning of writing differently. Therefore, fables, mystery, stories, science fictions,
the ideas about writing are various. Byrne romance, horror, etc. Structure of the text:
(1988:1) in “Teaching Writing Skill” states 1. Orientation: Introduce the character,
that :“Writing can be said to be the act of place and time, 2. Complication: Develop
farming these symbol making marks on a a conflict, 3. Resolution: End of the
flat surface of some kind. However, conflict, 4. Coda: (if any) shows the
writing is clearly much more than the change that happens to the characters and
production of graphic symbols, just as the moral value of story.
speech is more than the production of Generic Structure of Narrative Text
sound. The symbols have to be arranged, All language in the world passes their
according to convention, to form word, own rules in order to meaning. Full
and word have to arranged to form regular, more precious and nice to be
sentences” heard and pronounced with the rules, the
According to Norrish (1983), writing language’s usage usually with also be
is more difficult than speaking. It is the controlled in communication. Like other
language skill with which native speaker language both English and Indonesian
has most problems and one which is not have their rules. One of the characteristic
mastered at all by some of them. It means of KTSP 2007 is the existence of the types
that writing is not simply speech written of the text introducing to the learner or
on paper. In fact, it is more complicated students such as descriptive, narrative,
than speech. It is not easy to practice argumentative, procedure, spoof, recount
though. Therefore, a writer needs some and the other. Regardless the students are
knowledge about writing and must practice skillful in English or not, they are
it regularly. demanded to understand those text.
Narrative According to the curriculum above,
A narrative is a story. Mostly generic structure is structure in text which
narrative are imaginary stories but usually used by learners in target language.
sometimes narrative can be factual too.

Vol. 4, No.2, August 2013 Irwan Sulistyo

Generic structure is divided into five 4. Re-orientation

element, they are: It tells what the story has told or tells
again the character and contains the
1. Orientation (introduction) message of moral value to the readers.
It contains the thesis of the text. In this Those elements must exist in narrative
level, the character of the story, text. It gives more explanation in order
introduce the students. In the story to make the story clear and
happened and who is involved on the understandable. But sometimes the
story. In this level also used to produce students find more than one
atmosphere so that makes the student complication and resolution. It can be
are persuaded to follow the story. In seen in the following example.
other words orientation of narrative text 5. Evaluation
tells who the character was / where, This part can be joined in orientation
where it happened, when it happened. part. It contains the narrative begin.
2. Sequence of Events (complication) Evolution tells about the time and place
This part tells the sequence of the story. of the event being storied.
The problem faced by the character. Those elements must exist in narrative
The complication makes they story text. It gives more explanation in order
more interesting because the Character to make the story clear and
is prevented to reach his or her wants. It understandable. But sometimes the
is in the middle of story. students (readers) find more than one
3. Resolution complication and resolution. It can
It tells the reader (students). How the happen when the problem
problem was solved it also called (complication) was still arisen or
solving problem. A satisfying narrative unsolved in scheme.
we well give the resolution of the

Vol. 4, No.2, August 2013 Irwan Sulistyo

Research Method
1. Type of the Research important step in conducting a research.
Research design contains everything A research may take 10%-15% or 20%-
that has purpose to get many 25% or more than a population used as
information of students. In this study, the sample. A sample that will be used
the writer use descriptive study. this research is 25% of population, so
According to Sudjana (2001:64) state a the number of sample is 39 students.
descriptive research is research that 3. Technique of sampling
tried to describe an event occurrence of In this case we must be able to
symptoms that occur in the present. In choose the technique of sampling in
other words, descriptive studies or take order to get representative sample or in
the issue to focus on actual problems as order. Sumanto (1990:23) states that
they are at the research conducted, so sampling is a process of choosing a
this study is descriptive research in number of individual for research, so
addition this study uses test instruments that individuals are investigated.
therefore the research of this study is Furthermore, the aim of sampling is
descriptive quantitative research. using the individuals which are chosen
2. Population and sample as sample to find information about
According to Arikunto (2002:108) population. In this research the writer
population is all the subject of a will use random sampling because this
research this research if one wants to technique is easier to do have better
observe all elements in research this resulting connection with the
research is called population research. population.
The researcher takes population from 4. Steps of collection the data:
the students who are at school year The data was taken from the written
SMA Yasiha-gubug 2011/2012. The test, administrated to the eleventh
total number of students is the student of SMA Yasiha-Gubug. There
population 163 students from eleventh are some steps that are used by the
class writer in collecting data, they are:
After determine the population, the
writer select a sample, which was very

Vol. 4, No.2, August 2013 Irwan Sulistyo

a. The research comes to SMA writer will use observation sheet and
Yasiha-Gubug and meets with test as the instrument to get the data.
the headmaster. 6. Technique of Data Analysis
b. The researcher comes to meet After collecting the data
the English teacher. the writer analysis it in doing score
c. The researcher comes into the the writing test. The writing the
class, which becomes subject of results of the students test. The
research. writer gives the score for each
d. The researcher explains about element of writing a use of generic
narrative text and how to structure.
identify the generic structure of Elements of writing score
it. a. Orientation 25
e. The researcher gives tests for b. Sequence of 25
events/complication 25
the students. c. Resolution 25
f. The researcher collects the tests. d. Reorientation
Total Score 100
5. Instrument of the Research After getting result of the test,
A research instrument is the the writer formulates the result to
way to get a data, in this study the gather the mean of each elements of
instrument that is used by the writing written generic structure that
is test and observation. Instrument researched by the writer as follow:
can indicate whether the research is In which
successful or not. There are several
kinds of research instrument which N
can be used to get the data. They are = the mean of score
test, questioner, interview,  x = the sum of all score
N = the total sample
observation, document etc. Arikunto
(1998:138) states that an instrument (Sudjana, 2002:67)
is a device or facility used in After finding out the mean of
collecting the data or information so all the score, the result will be
that the works can be easily and the
result can be better. In the study, the

Vol. 4, No.2, August 2013 Irwan Sulistyo

concluded based on the 66 - 79 Good

56 - 65 Fair
40 - 55 Poor
Level of Mastery Predicate 30 - 39 Fail
20 - 100 Excellent
1. Generic structure of narrative text Table 4.1
Student s’ score Percentages
written by the students.
No Name Code Total
Having conducted the test, the writer of Score
Studen Percenta
continues to analyze the data. The data
ts ge
is obtained from result of the students 1. Agus Budiman S–1 60
2. Ahmad Ahlul Uzza S–2 73
writing test of one sample class which
3. Diyana S–3 83
is students of class XI IPA I SMA 4. Dwi Septi Mulyani S–4 66
5. Eli Kiftiyah S–5 76
Yasiha Gubug. This consists of 39
6. Eri Noviasari S–6 90
students. In analyzing the data, first 7. Fendi Pradana S–7 90
8. Ira Maya Angggraini S–8 80
the writer scored the student mastery
9. Irvan Aryanto S–9 83
on writing narrative text by using 10. Iva Yulinar Astuti S – 10 90
11. Mawadatur Rohmah S – 11 90
analytic scoring based on the content
12. Mujayanah S – 12 86
of orientation, complication and re- 13. Nur Fitriani S – 13 76
14. Nurul Mahmudah S – 14 76
orientation. In each criterion the writer
15. Ria Ambarwati S – 15 73
gives 25 point and the writer will 16. Shofiaturrohmaniah S – 16 76
17. Sri Mujiyati S – 17 73
gives 100 when it got perfect.
18. Tika Wulansari S – 18 70
Table Criteria 19. Tri Susanti S – 19 70
20. Ayuk Safitri S – 20 63
The following is the result of the table
21. Hidayatur Rohmah S – 21 60
students in making written narrative 22. Rofiatul Wakhidah S – 22 73
23. Yuliana S – 23 66
24. Arina Safitri S – 24 80
No. Criteria Score
25. Dwi Putri Indriyani S – 25 80
26. Dzirwatul Fatimah S – 26 70
1. Content 25
27. Istikomah S – 27 80
28. Kukuh Budi Utom S – 28 80
2. Social 25
29. Wahyuri Nur S – 29 63
30. Rohmah S – 30 90
3. Generic 25 31. Yeni Andayani S – 31 80
Structure 32. Erika Ardiyaningsih S – 32 76
4. Language 25 33. Fuat Munsorof S – 33 63
Feature 34. Ana Fitria Alfiana S – 34 70
TOTAL 100 35. Heri Safuan S – 35 75
Vol. 4, No.2, August 2013 Irwan Sulistyo

36. Maratus Solehah S – 36 75 After finding out the mean of all the
37. Muhammad Rozi S – 37 83 scores, the result was consulted based on
38. Wawan Setyo S – 38 60 the following table criteria:
39. Utomo S – 39 76 Table 4.2
Rizal Fahruzi Score criteria
Muji Purwanto Level of Predicate
TOTAL   2934 mastery
80 – 100 Excellent
66 – 79 Good
55 – 65 Fair
40 – 55 Poor
The table above shows that
30 – 39 Fail
the sample of the research is 39 students Ngalim Purwanto (1996)
generic structure as the sample of this The figure of 75.5 is one the range
study and also it describe the score of the of 66 – 79 which is categorized into good.
student’s generic structure from the data of So it can be noted that the ability of the
the table; the writer calculates the total eleventh year students of SMA Yasiha
score of the student’s generic structure into Gubug in making a generic structure of a
the mean in calculating the mean. The text is good.
writer used the following formula: 2. Students’ Problems
x From the calculating of the mean
In which: above, the students’ ability the generic
X : The mean of score. structure of written narrative is good,
x : The sum of all score.
however, from the table of the students’
N : The total sample.
( Sudjana, 2002:67 ). score there are several students with the
In this case, there are 39 students score the average. So it means that there
(N) as the sample in this research. Where are several students that faced some
the sum of all the scores of the students (x) problems in doing the test.
is 2934 from the data. The writer inserts After analyzing their work and made
into the formula: interview, I found some reasons, which
x caused the students difficulties in
arranging their composition. Besides the
= two reasons given by the students after
doing the test, the writer had her own
= 75.2
opinion based on the result of analyzing
The mean of all the scores in
making a written generic structure is 75.2.

Vol. 4, No.2, August 2013 Irwan Sulistyo

their mistakes. Most of the students made Which part of the text is set of the
mistakes because of the reasons: orientation?
a. The student did not fully understand There were no one student answered the
the tense that they use when they opinion a. seeing that there was a beautiful
wrote the narrative text. princess and 1 of 39 students answered the
b. The students did not read the given option d. He was very angry and turned
material attentively. They only got the Jonggrang into the 100th statues.
information from what they read at Whereas the rights answer is b. There was
glance and based on their experience a powerful king in Prambanan. His name
before. was king Boko and there were 38 of 39 the
c. The students did not absorb students gave the correct answer.
pronounce, for examples: the use of” b. Item number 3
them, her, and his”. In which paragraph is complication of the
d. Some students failed to arrange the story?
story chronologically. Most of them There were no one student answered the
missed one of the generic structures of option b. fourth paragraph and 11 of 39
narrative text. students answered the option. c. Second
e. The students failed to apply the paragraph whereas the right answer is a.
knowledge of grammar third paragraph and there were 28 of 39
It was found that there were 27 students in students gave the correct answer.
level of excellent. 10 students in good and c. Item number 4
3 students in the level fair. So the students’ Which one is the resolution?
ability in the generic structure of written There were 4 of 39 students answered the
narrative text is good. option a. seeing that there was a beautiful
To find out problems which are princess from Prambanan, 4 of 39 students
faced by the students, the writer observed answered the option c. the kingdom of
the answer sheet of the students. The Prambanan was at war with the kingdom
writer found that there are some items of Pengging, and 2 of 39 students
which the students mostly answer them answered the option d. he was very angry
incorrectly are: and turned Jonggrang into the 100th statues
a. Item number 1 whereas the right answer is b. Roro
Jonggrang couldn’t avoid him. So she

Vol. 4, No.2, August 2013 Irwan Sulistyo

asked for requirement and there were 28 of incorrectly. Based on the interview and
39 students gave the correct answer. analysis, the problem faced by the students
d. Item number 5 is the difficulty in understanding the
In which paragraph does the story begin? meaning of the words in the items. So they
There were 4 of 39 students answered the made mistake in the generic structure of
opinion a. first paragraph, 1 of 39 students written narrative.
answered the option c. third paragraph and Item number 7:“Her step-mother and step-
4 of 39 answered the option e. fifth sister were very mean” (There are is
paragraph whereas the right answer is b students who are not able to understand the
second paragraph and there were 28 of 39 meaning of word mean)
gave the correct answer. Item number 15: Where does the story take
place? (There are 23 students who are not
The analysis of the writing test able to understand the meaning of the
The writer scored the students mastery on word to place)
writing narrative text by using analytic
based on the generic structure that they Solutions of the Problems
were used in writing narrative text. Based on the problems which are faced by
a. There were 39 students who arranged the students, the writer gives the
excellent orientation. suggestions to solve the problems, the
b. There were 39 students who make suggestion are the prediction of the writer:
good narrative text based on the 1. for the Teacher
content of complication. Through this research the writer
c. There were 6 students in level fair in found that there are several students that
writing narrative based the resolution have the score under the average, so the
form. writers suggest some possible solutions to
d. Based on writing re-orientation the solve these problems. The writers suggest:
writer analyzed there were 16 students a. The teacher should apply all of the
who make mistake. things in the syllabi of genre in
Difficulty to understand Meaning of the organizing the teaching learning
difficult word process.
These are the sentence of this items b. The teacher has to give explain the
which are several students answer them narrative more clearly and give more

Vol. 4, No.2, August 2013 Irwan Sulistyo

exercise and more attention to the b. the writers suggest the students to
result of the assignment which are increase their reading activity. For
given to the students so that the example reading a legend and some
teacher knows how for the books include narrative. Those are
achievement of the students in some possible solutions which are
mastering material. given by the writer to solve the
2. for the Students problems which are faced by the
The writer suggests the students: students.
a. the students have to listen their
teacher when she explains the material

From the previous computation, the written narrative. Finally, they made some
result of the mean score of the students mistakes in the generic structure of written
ability in the generic structure of written narrative. The last problem is, they are not
narrative is 75, 5. After that, their sum is able to differentiate the orientation,
consulted into the table categories. The evaluation, complication, resolution, and
mean score belongs to interval 66 – 79; it re-orientation is. So they made some
means that the student’s ability the generic mistakes in identifying the sentence.
structure of written narrative is good. Then Finally, from the problems which are
from the result of the score of the students’ faced by the students, the writer suggests
ability the generic structure of written some possible solutions. The writer offers
narrative, the writer found that there are the suggestion to the teacher to apply all of
several students with the score under the things which have planned a narrative
average. It means that there are some story in organizing the teaching-learning
problems which are faced by the students process, and the students have to listen
in the generic structure of written their teacher when she explain the material
narrative. The writer found out that of narrative story. In addition, the teacher
problem which might is faced by student must give more exercises and more
is: the students faced the difficulty in attention to the result of assignments
understanding the generic structure of which are given to the students in

Vol. 4, No.2, August 2013 Irwan Sulistyo

mastering material. Whereas for the b. The students only got the
students the writer suggest the students information from what they
have to listen their teacher clearly and do read at glance and based on
the exercise and improve their reading their experience before.
narrative story to support their developing 3. The solution of the problem in
knowledge of narrative story in generic, arranging the generic structure of
and in the generic structure of written written narrative text:
narrative especially. a. The students have to listens
their teacher when she explains
Conclusion the material narratives.
The statements of the problems can be b. The writer suggests the students
formulated as follows: to increase their reading
1. The generic structure of the written activity. For example reading a
narrative text is good. It is legend and some books include
categorized from the mean of the narrative. Those are some
student score, that is 75, 2. possible solutions which are
2. The problem are faced by the given by the writer to solve the
students in arranging the generic problems which are faced by
structure of written narrative text: the students.
a. The students did not listen the
material attentively given the

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