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Why has Indian cinema incessantly and annoyingly been humiliating itself and the country in the
world forum ? It lies not in the filmmakers and producers alone but also in the citizens of the
country. As it is, we have numerous languages and probably each has an industry which churns
out films. So, a Tamilian wouldn't understand a Bengali film, and as defined 'world cinema' is
anything which is not of a lingual similarity to your first language. Though within the same
country, there is no unified Indian Industry. I am not pretentious to say we are united by blood
and divided by tongue____ (i.e) too metaphorical to come out of me, and NO !! Bollywood is
not Indian cinema, Bollywood has just bought first class tickets to a round table conference. For
all I know, Bollywood has the name, glitz, glamour, fame, money and heart throbs. (From now
on this will be called 'JULIA' ).

So, why isn't Indian cinema working its way in world array-- Shocking as it is true the citizens of
the country are stopping it. They've barricaded filmmakers to think originally by watching and
encouraging trash art which shouldn't be played even in a mental asylum. This is in a cyclic
process made producers think film is means to get money.

So, the next time we watch a 100 crore movie, please note that you are actually destroying the
reputation of the country.


Let the government control production of movies inside India. Though it sounds delusional ,
there will be quasi control given to film historians and filmmakers. This way there wouldn't be
an 'JULIA' for anyone and filmmakers would make movies only for the sake of art and not
money. The filmmakers would get a fixed salary for every film they make. Talk about Socialism!

This way the money which the audience give is again used to make good movies and pay taxes
to the government. So, the more movies you watch, you're doing good to yourself and the nation.
The cycle should have stringent rules to see no one get 'JULIA'.

This system can only be applied to movies as it is impossible to adhere to any other Art form.
Books and writing too is ambitious but to face facts a large number of Indians prefer cinema as a
form of education and entertainment as the experience is cheaper than the books.

There will be a thousand loopholes in the system like biased government authority, panel biasing
and monotonous film procedures. These can be tackled with the help of an educated fill up of the

Now that has its roots embedded in the Indian Education system which I don’t want to be a part

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