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Trading From Levels of Energy & The Unconscious Mind


 Power V Force – David R Hawkins

 Levels of Energy – Frederick Dodson

Life as Energy:

 Low Energy (Unhealthy) Levels are below 200

 Mid Energy levels(where Most live) – 200-300
 High Energy Levels – 400-600
 Humans mostly do not exceed 600

Trading as Energy:

 Fear – Level 100

 Greed – level 125

Energy Scale:

 Lowest Levels
o 80 – Grief, Sorrow, Self-Pity
o 50 – Apathy, Despair, Depression, Hopelessness
o 30 – Guilt, Suicidal, Psychosis, Humiliation, Hatred
 Low Levels
o 190 – Pride, Superiority, Arrogance
o 180 – Antagonism, Criticism, Discontent, Complaint, Blame
o 160 – ANGER, Domination, Aggression, Coldness
o 120 – GREED, Craving, Need, Compulsion, Unfulfilled, Desire
o 100 – FEAR, Paranoia, Worry, Shyness, Inferiority
 Mid/Upper Levels
o 400 – Acceptance, Eagerness, Optimism, Kindness. Shift viewpoint from yourself to
o 375 – Money, Riches, Wealth Accumulation.
o 320 – True Positivity to one’s self, others and the world. Willingness, Eagerness,
Optimism, Kindness
o 275 – Courage, Relaxation, Fun, Joy, Happy, Party
o 200 – Routine, Boredom, Functionality
 High Levels
o 530 – Pure Love(Unconditional), Intuition, Awareness beyond the ego/self (1% of
population here or higher)
o 500 – Transcend the ego/self. True Personal Power, Seeing life from a Spiritual
o 425 -475 – Scientist, Explorer, Researcher, professor, Inventor, Scientific Genius, “Stars”,

Question : Do you trade from fear? Is fear a factor in executing a trade?

 Do you fear a loss?

 Do you fear getting in too early or too late?
 Do you fear the price running away from you ( in either direction)?
 Do you fear giving back gains?
 Do you fear blowing up your account?
 Do you fear that you won’t make it?

Fear Busters : Do you Trade from Fear?

 Ask yourself the following questions..

o Is it programming (paradigm)? Book Fear Busters.
o Is it temporary (needing cash)?
 Subconscious blocks – need to be identified, cleared and re-programmed.

Question : Do you trade from Greed?

 Just one … more… tick?

 Did you miss moves because you wanted a better price? (from a LOE of greed)
 In it only for the money?
 Attached to an outcome of the trade?

T Harv Eker : How you do Anything is How You do Everything.

Question : What else shows up for you?

 Presuming Trading is a Spiritual Journey, what else shows up when you make a trade?
(especially one that does not work out?)
 Trust – (i.e. Do you trust your Indicators, System or Your Execution, Do you have trouble
trusting the high probability signals?)
 Control – (i.e. Do you tell the market what to do? Do you scream at the monitor?)
 Sabotage – (i.e. Do you allow a good trade to happen or do you figure out a way to mess up a
good trade?)
 What else? Think about this and make a list
 How you do Anything is How You do Everything.
A Law of the Universe – Rob Mitchell
 This is how Trading is indeed a Spiritual Journey.
 It takes you deep inside yourself to examine those areas you need to work on.
 If you resist, you are screwed.

The Subconscious Mind

 When certain events happen (trades) , It “fires” all of that subconscious programming.
o Fear
o Greed
o Sabotage etc..
 Or from “how you do anything is how you do everything, we trade from our own individual

The Subconscious mind is programmed by :

 Our childhood experiences – from early age through mid-teens
 What we experience with repetition
 What we experience with intense emotion
 Karma
 Beliefs
o constructed and owned by us on our life experiences, family, upbringing, etc.
o Our personal “evidence” that something is true and worthy of believing

The Subcounscious triggers are DEEP within

 You often know they are there if you stop long enough to connect to them
o Most people don’t
o Often Masked
 Trading will indeed bring them out and your results could be affected by them
 It’s Tough to face yourself.
 The reward is far greater than trading or your account size.
 The reward is YOUR LIFE.

1. Study levels of Energy and let it permeate your life. You will see things differently
a. Then you can incorporate it into your trading
2. Identify subconscious paradigms that are running your life
a. Best done in quiet or meditation
b. Journal
c. Coaching
3. Use repetition (with emotion) to change the paradigms you want to change

 Levels of Energy – Frederick Dodson (Book or Audiobook)

 Power v Force – David R. Hawkins
 The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – Joseph Murphy
 Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast – Rob Mitchell on # 95-97
 Fear Busters –Thomas Miller (book or audiobook)
 Thomas Miller :
 Audio files @ OTR Dropbox
Youtube Channel: Rob Mitchell Success

Rob Mitchell :
Lookout for the following
o Not trusting others : Is this a Self Trust Issue? Contemplate on this.
o Attachment to results or Money. Things in life come best to those that not trying to get
something but instead are following the process. i.e enjoying the journey.
 Attachment blinds you from going into higher levels of energy.

o Cause and Effect : You are either a Cause or an effect of other causes in your life.
 Grab yourself by the bootstraps and Be your own cause.
o Effortlessness : Become the cause and it will lead to effortless states of being and
executing whilst trading.
o What matters is what you do from this point on.
o Intuition: The only way to receive intuition is through feelings in your body.
o Time Line Therapy for releasing the Subconscious blocks
o Get more intuitive with techniques below : Dr Diamond
 Muscle testing
 Ask question and observe the response in the body.

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