Anda di halaman 1dari 4

Lora Rose Liao

Tuesday October 29, 2019

10.1 feeling~esthet/o
10.2 brain~encephal/o
10.3 bruise~contus/o
10.4 mind~psych/o
10.5 shaken together~concuss/o
10.6 brain covering~mening/o
10.7 process of producing a picture~-graphy
10.8 sensation, feeling~-esthesia
10.9 spinal cord~myel/o
10.10 nerve root~radicul/o
10.11 abnormal fear~phobia
10.12 burning sensation~caus/o
10.13 brain~cerebr/o
10.14 nerve, nerves~neur/o
10.15 having an affinity for~-tropic
10.16 the space between two neurons or between a neuron and a receptor organ is
known as a ​synapse​.
10.17 the white protective covering over some parts of the spinal cord and the axon of
most peripheral nerves is the​ myelin sheath​.
10.18 the ​dendrites ​are the root-like structures of a nerve that receive impulses and
conduct them to the cell body.
10.19 the ​pia mater​ is the layer of the meninges that is located nearest to the brain and
spinal cord.
10.20 seven vital body functions are regulated by the ​hypothalamus​.
10.21 the ​sympathetic ​nerves are the division of the autonomic nervous system that
prepare the body for emergencies and stress.
10.22 a ​plexus ​is a network of intersecting nerves.
10.23 cranial nerves are part of the ​peripheral​ nervous system.
10.24 the ​thalamus​ relays sensory stimuli from the spinal cord and midbrain to the
cerebral cortex.
10.25 the ​efferent ​neurons carry impulses away from the brain and spinal cord.
10.26 connects the brain and spinal cord~brainstem
10.27 controls vital body functions~hypothalamus
10.28 coordinates muscular activity~ cerebellum
10.29 controls basic survival functions~medulla oblongata
10.30 uppermost layer of the brain~cerebrum
10.31 a physician who specializes in administering anesthetic agents is an
10.32 a ​coma ​is a profound state of unconsciousness marked by the absence of
spontaneous eye movements, nor response to painful stimuli, and the lack of speech.
10.33 an ​anxiolytic ​drug is also known as a tranquilizer.
10.34 a/an ​hallucination​ is a sensory perception that has no basis in external
10.35 an excessive fear of heights is ​acrophobia​.
10.36 a migrane headache is characterized by throbbing pain on one side of the head.
10.37 alzhiemer's disease is a group of disorders involving the parts of the brain that
control thought, sensory, and perception. Alzheimer’s
10.38 an anasthetic is the medication used to induce anesthesia. Anesthetic
10.39 epalepsy is a chronic neurological condition characterized by recurrent episodes
of . seizures of varying severity. Epilepsy
10.40 siatica is a nerve inflammation that results in pain, burning, and tingling through
the thigh, leg, and foot. Sciatica
10.41 CP~cerebral palsy
10.42 CSF~cerebrospinal fluid
10.43 OCD~obsessive compulsive disorder
10.44 PTSD~post-traumatic stress disorder
10.45 TIA~transient ischemic attack
10.46 the acute condition that is characterized by confusion, disorientation, disordered
thinking and memory, agitation, and hallucinations is known as ​delirium​.
10.47 the term meaning inflammation of the spinal cord is ​myelitis​. This term also
means inflammation of bone marrow.
10.48 the medical term meaning an abnormal fear of being in small or enclosed spaces
is ​claustrophobia​.
10.49 the condition known as ​trigeminal neuralgia ​ is characterized by severe
lightning like pain due to an inflammation of the fifth cranial nerve.
10.50 the medical term for the condition also known as a developmental reading
disorder is ​dyslexia​.
10.51 a ​cerebral contusion ​is the bruising of brain tissue as the result of a head injury.
10.52 the mental conditions characterized by excessive, irrational dread of everyday
situations or fear that is out of proportion to the real danger in a situation are known as
anxiety disorders​.
10.53 a low grade chronic depression with symptoms that are milder than those of
severe depression but are present on a majority of days for two or more years is known
as ​dysthymia​.
10.54 a/an ​factitious ​disorder is a condition in which an individual acts as if he or she
has a physical or mental illness when he or she is not really sick.
10.55 a/an ​antipsychotic ​drug is administered to treat symptoms of severe disorders
of thinking and mood that are associated with neurological and psychiatric illnesses
such as schizophrenia, mania, and delusional disorders.
10.56 an ​anesthetic​ is the medication used to induce anesthesia. An-, esthet, -ic
10.57 somnambulism​ is commonly known as sleepwalking. Somn, ambul, -ism
10.58 electroencephalography​ is the process of recording the electrical activity of the
brain through the use of electrodes attached to the scalp. electr/o, encephal/o, -graphy
10.59 paresthesia​ refers to a burning or prickling sensation that is usually felt in the
hands, arms, legs, or feet. Par-, -esthesia
10.60 poliomyelitis​ is a contagious viral infection of the brainstem and spinal cord,
which sometimes leads to paralysis. poli/o, myel, -itis
10.61 True
10.62 True
10.63 False
10.64 False
10.65 True
10.66 bipolar
10.67 concussion
10.68 transient ischemic
10.69 thalamotomy
10.70 multiple sclerosis
10.71 insomnia
10.72 aphasia
10.73 syncope
10.74 hydrocephalus
10.75 hematoma
10.76 Persistent, severe burning pain that usually follows an injury to a sensory nerve
is known as ​causalgia​.
10.77 the classification of drug that depresses the central nervous system and usually
produces sleep is known as a/an ​hypnotic​.
10.78 a/an ​conversion ​disorder is characterized by serious temporary or ongoing
changes in function, such as paralysis or blindness, that are triggered by psychological
factors rather than by any physical cause.
10.79 during childbirth, ​epidural ​anesthesia is administered to numb the nerves from
the uterus and birth passage without stopping labor.
10.80 the condition known as ​amyotrophic lateral sclerosis​ is a rapidly progressive
neurological disease that attacks the nerve cells responsible for controlling voluntary
10.81 neuromyelitis
10.82 meningomalacia
10.83 neuroma
10.84 encephalopathy
10.85 polyneuralgia
10.86 neuromalacia
10.87 meningoencephalitis
10.88 myelopathy
10.89 encephalomalacia
10.90 meningoencephalomyelitis
10.91 cerebral cortex
10.92 frontal lobe
10.93 temporal lobe
10.94 parietal lobe
10.95 occipital lobe
10.96 thalamus
10.97 hypothalamus
10.98 medulla oblongata
10.99 spinal cord
10.100 cerebellum

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