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Grade 12 STEM Student Perception of AMT and Aeronautical Engineer’s

Roles and Functions

A Study Presented to

Senior High School Department

WCC Aeronautical & Technological College

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for PR 2 (Practical Research 2)
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Strand

Joshua Davo

Ervin Diesta

Vlademir Wynne R. Roco

Rowell Saavedra

Ralph Sagnip

Adrian San Juan

Kyle Mendoza

December 2018
Chapter III


This chapter discusses the method of research utilized in the study. This includes the

subjects and respondents, research method, research instrument, sampling technique, statistical

treatment, actual fieldwork and budget plan.

1. Subjects / Respondents

The researchers will focus on Grade 12 STEM Students on what is their perception to the

course of Aeronautical Engineer and Aircraft Maintenance Technology. The researchers are

most likely to get information and limit it to STEM students in order to have a connection on

the problem that or to have a connection on getting information.

2. Research Method

The researchers will use descriptive method, the descriptive method is a scientific method

which involves observing and describing the behavior of a subject. It is used to get information

and interpret on what is their perception on Aeronautical engineering and aircraft maintenance

technology. It is considered in there the perception, are the students well oriented about the

course, using this method will get the precise and accurate answer to the study.

3. Research Instrument

The researchers will use surveys to the grade 12 STEM students in order to get an

information about the perception to Aeronautical Engineer and get the 10% of the Grade 12 STEM
students and interview to have the precise answers that the researchers can get to put it on the


4. Sampling Technique

5. Statistical Treatment

6. Actual Fieldwork

 The actual fieldwork on this is on school that has senior high school

 School that teach about aeronautics

 The researchers will get the data from STEM students

 World Citi Colleges or PATTS

 The researchers goal is to get an exact result to get the precise and accurate answers

7. Budget Plan

The researchers keep an eye on the expenses in order to know what is the amount or the

fund of the research, the table below shows the expenses on what the researchers cost:

Quantity Cost / Unit Total Cost

Transportation 7 ₱50 ₱350

20 papers and
Supplies ₱3 ₱60

Tokens for Panelist 4 ₱500 ₱2,000

Printing 20 pages ₱3 ₱60

Food 7 ₱200 ₱1,400

Other expenses ₱1,000

Total = ₱4,870

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