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The Problem and Its Scope

Group studying is one of the many ways to study. However it
is usually looked down upon as an ineffective method by most
people. It may be because it is distractive if ever it is not done
properly. Although, the main problem here is the way on how they
do the practice. Some study groups may be too many, a really
distractive location on where the practice is being done, or their
willingness is too low. We would like to get group studying out of
the bad light and make it much more effective. It may encourage
people to develop certain study habits or even improve their study
habits. While developing these habits, the members in the study
group can develop a better relationship with their peers.

There are quite a number of things that makes group

studying unique to other studying methods. First of all, it prevents
procrastination. People have a habit of postponing things or as we
Filipinos call it, Mañana habit. When studying alone, you can just
set the time on when you will start studying. If you do not feel like
studying at all, you can just move it to a later time. But, when
studying in a group, you have to follow the set schedule of the
group (“7 Benefits of Study Groups,” 2013). With this, the
members are not able to postpone the schedule. Second, you will
be able to develop better people skills. It will help the participants
in being more confident to speak up and respond to other people
through the group’s discussions. These skills will help you in the
long run. Third, the study session can double as support system
especially for those stressful school works and the like. It is a
great way to give and receive motivation and support from fellow
study mates (Loveless, n.d). Fourth, it makes studying a bit more
fun for the members. Studying alone can be lonely and boring at
times. Thus, making you lose motivation to study and end up
procrastinating. With group studying, you get to have a bit fun and
learn at the same time. Fifth, you get to understand a lesson you
may have difficulty in understanding by yourself faster and make
the lesson a bit easier to understand for others as well. For
example, a certain topic isn’t that clear for you, you can always
ask someone else in the study group for a clearer explanation on
the topic. Same goes for when someone needs clarifications
regarding the topic. There are still quite few more good points that
makes group studying unique to other studying styles but we have
to move on to the cons of the practice that we may have to deal
with in this study.

Despite having really good points as a studying method, it

also has its cons. According to multiple articles, the most
prominent thing that the practice struggles to deal with is constant
distraction. People tend to stray away from group studying since
this usually happens especially in a group that involves a lot of
members. Another disadvantage regarding group studying is that
everyone involved should be dedicated to studying or else the
whole thing will fall apart. This will then waste the members’ time
which could have been used for studying instead of studying.
Since people in a study group may involve different types of
people with different speeds in learning, the rest of the people in
the group may have to adapt to the “slower” one and will have to
dedicate a bit of time for that member. Everyone must keep track
of everyone to make sure they are on the same page in order to
move on with the topic. This leads us to another disadvantage,
time restriction (Gangle, 2018). Everyone knows we are scarce on
time. Group studying can quite the time and patience in order to
get through. Some people may have other business to do so we
have to make the session a bit faster for the person. Since group
studying is a scheduled meeting, it has a time limit. The members
in the study group may feel a bit a bit pressured as the time goes
by. These things hinders group studying from being a widely-
accepted form of studying. Although, acknowledging these
disadvantages helps to to understand and find out the things we
need deal with in this study.
Statement of the Problem

In this study, we aim to answer the following questions:

 What can be done in order to improve the practice?

 What kind of atmosphere is needed for a group study to take
 What methods from other studies can we implement on to
improve the practice?
 What is the best schedule for the practice?
 How can the diversity of the members affect the practice?
 How can the practice help the members improve their study
 What can be done to combat the cons of the practice?

Significance of the Study

Study groups can be used to improve the information intake

on a student on all levels of education when it is applied right.
This study can be used to further deepen our knowledge in the
application of study groups on students. An article in states that,
“There are many advantages to studying to studying together in a
small group. For one thing, it encourages good study habits. The
members usually meet on a regular basis –which means it’s
harder to avoid the unavoidable, in other words to procrastinate.”
(Learn Effectively in a Study Group, n.d). It helps students get into
the habit of studying, even when alone. Every member can bring
something positive to the group. You can compare knowledge
with your peers and even check your understanding of the
material. Which is why study groups can be an effective way to
help students learn faster.

This study will contribute to the aforementioned improvement

of information intake above. To make student life easier on future
generations. As time goes on, the education system becomes
tougher and rougher in tandem with our ever-growing world. We
believe study groups can ease the burden and workload of school
to make it easier and more fun to learn also improve social skills
with your study group peers. It can give your social skills a boost
in confidence as an added bonus due to the required human
interaction during study sessions.

Definition of Terms
In order to understand the study, the following words and
terms are defined.

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