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1. Kazue Salzabella Rachelinda (170403016)

2. Rustika Wati Ningsih (170403009)
3. Ahmad Fathoni (170403031)
4. Achmad Syihabuddin (14431024)



A. Definition
Grammar is a process of describing the structure of phrases and sentences in such
a way that we account for all the grammatical sequences in a language and rule out all
the ungrammatical sequences is one way (Yule,George.2010). According to George
Yule’s definition, grammar is important in describing sentences. This is one reason,
grammar is important in English skill especially on Writing skill.
When we make a good paragraph or text, grammatical correct are needed. In
grammar, there are a lot of rule and process. For example : tenses, active-passive
form, gerund, infinitive, etc.

B. Parts of Speech
There are 8 parts of speech explained in grammar, they have their own rule and
formula. To make it easiear remember how many and what are they ? we can call it
with PANCAVIP (Pronoun, Adjective, Noun, Conjunction, Adverb, Verb,
Interjection, Preposition).

No Part of speech Function Example Word Example Sentences

1 Noun Thing, I, You, They, Kazue is my sister.
Person, Place London, etc.
2 Verb Action or (to be), like, sing, She is beautiful
state etc.
3 Adjective Describe a Beautiful, good, She is beautiful
noun smart, etc.
4 Adverb Describe verb Here, there, She lives here with
and adjective quickly, seriously, her family.
5 Preposition Links noun After, from, at, She smiles at me.
with other etc
6 Conjunction Join For, and, nor, but, She looks at me but
clauses/word or, yet, so, etc. she does’t like me
7 Pronoun Replaces a Her, she, him, etc. Rustika brings my
noun phone. She is very
8 Interjection Short Yes! Amazing! Wow! She looks
Exclamation Wow! etc good.

C. Agreement
There are some agreement categories explained by George Yule’s book. Three of
them are : agreement number, agreement person and agreement gender.
1. Agreement number
My parents aren’t home yet, because they’re on their holiday

Subject Verb Agreement is usually used in this agreement. Subject verb

agreement is when subject meet with approriate verb. For example : subject plural
should meet with plural verb.
Example :
- A cat eats my fish, a cat refers to “it” so the subject should be in singular and
should agree with singular verb (eat)
- Three cats eat my fish, , three cats refers to “they” so the subject should be in
plural and should agree with plural verb (eat)

2. Agreement person

My mother’s very dissapointed because my father didn’t wash his car

Agreement person covers the distinctions of first person (involving the speaker),
second person (involving the hearer) and third person (involving any others). The
different forms of English pronouns can be described in terms of person and
number. We use I for first person singular, you for second person singular, and he,
she, it (or Cathy) for third person singular. So, in the sentence Cathy loves her
dog, we have a noun Cathy, which is third person singular, and we use the verb
loves (not love) to “agree with” the noun.

3. Agreement gender
Tari left her wallet at home

This agreement have relation with pronoun. For example Tari left her wallet,
“her” replaces tari, because we know that the gender of tari is female.

D. Traditional Analysis
In traditional grammar books, tables such as the following were often presented
for English verbs, constructed by analogy with similar tables of forms in Latin
grammars. Traditional analysis means that grammar in traditional perspective (the
rule have made). For example : all kind of tenses, for mastering grammar we should
learn the basic grammar/traditional grammar base called tenses.

E. Prescriptive Approach
Different with traditional analysis, prescriptive approch more modern. That was
an approach taken by a number of influential grammarians, mainly in eighteenth-
century England, who set out rules for the “proper” use of English. This view of
grammar as a set of rules for the “proper” use of a language is still to be found today
and may be best characterized as the prescriptive approach (Yule, George.2010)

F. Descriptive Approach
It may be that using a well-established grammatical description of Latin is a
useful guide for some European languages (e.g. Italian or Spanish), is less useful for
others (e.g. English), and may be absolutely misleading if you are trying to describe
some non-European languages. This last point became clear to those linguists who
were trying to describe the structure of the native languages of North America toward
the end of the nineteenth century. The categories and rules that were appropriate for
Latin grammar just did not seem to fit these languages. As a consequence, for most of
the twentieth century, a rather different approach was adopted.

G. Structural Analysis
One type of descriptive approach is called structural analysis and its main concern
is to investigate the distribution of forms in a language. The method involves the use
of “test-frames” that can be sentences with empty slots in them. There are a lot of
forms that can fit into these slots to produce good grammatical sentences of English
(e.g. car, child, donkey, dog, radio). As a result, we can propose that because all these
forms fit in the same test-frame, they are likely to be examples of the same
grammatical category. The label we give to this grammatical category is, of course,
“noun.” However, there are many forms that do not fit those test-frames. Examples
would be Cathy, someone, the dog, a car, and many others.

H. Constituent Analysis
An approach with the same descriptive aims is called constituent analysis. The
technique employed in this approach is designed to show how small constituents (or
components) in sentences go together to form larger constituents. One basic step is
determining how words go together to form phrases. In the following sentence, we
can identify nine constituents at the word level: An old man brought a shotgun to the

An old man brought a shotgun to the wedding

Adj N V Article N Adv

I. Labeled and Bracketed Sentences

An alternative type of diagram is designed to show how the constituents in
sentence structure can be marked off by using labeled brackets. The first step is to put
brackets (one on each side) round each constituent, and then more brackets round
each combination of constituents. For example:
[the] or [dog], at the phrase level [the dog] or [loved the girl], and at the sentence
level [The dog loved the girl]. We can then label each constituent using these
abbreviated grammatical terms:
Art (= article) V (= verb) N (= noun) VP (= verb phrase) NP (= noun phrase) S (=
Discussion Result

A. Agreement Voice
Agreement voice known as active-passive form in grammar. Change the passive
to active or active to passive. For example :
She sings a beautiful song (Active) – a beautiful song is sung by her (Passive).
The agreement in voice such as uses to be + V3 (Past Form), the object can be
changed to subject, the subject can be changed to object and put “by”, the sentence
must have transitive verb. The other rules depend on each sentence.

B. Grammatical Gender
Gender in grammatical structure or agreement its not about sex identity. We
know the word such as “Female” or “Male” its called sex identity. According to
Wikipedia, grammatical gender is a specific form of noun class system in which the
division of noun classes forms an agreement system with another aspect in language.
In grammatical gender we learn about innamate and animate. Innamate is unliving
thing, such as plane, car, table, book, laptop and etc. Animate is living thing such as
human, animal, plants. Gender in languade is not about gender sex. There are so many
gender in language. For example feminime, musculine, akhi, ukhti and etc.
Gender for animal is clear because we know about the gender of animal. We can
use “he/she/it” when we dont know about the gender. there is a question about god in
grammatical gender. In language, god usually use “He”. Although we know that god
dont have gender and some relion believe that god is not like human that have gender,
“He” always use for god. It caused by some reason. “She” prefer to woman that have
little power and emotional. God have a strong power, so “he” will approriate with it.

C. The rule in grammar

Grammar have a lot of rules. For example tenses, gerund, infinitive, pasive voice,
etc. The rule made for make the readers know and understand to differ tenses and
other’s grammatical structure. Grammar made by British (England) a hundreds year
ago because english as a derivation of languages. That is the reason why grammar
made for. In the english language its depend of the uses.
It called descriptive approch when it used for traditional grammar. It means when
we use tenses and some rule in agreement which is written on grammar book its
called by traditional grammar. But, now in modern time, there are some slang
language that is uncommon but uses in daily activity. Its not written in english
dictionary but uses for informal communication. It called by perspective approach.

D. Grammar common mistakes

There are set of rules in grammar. Sometimes, people do not understand with the
rule so they have a lot of mistakes arrange the word into sentences. For example :
Tenses, when change the sentence from present to past sometimes found difficulties.
Differ the plural and singular such as “You”, some people think that “you” uses in
singular form but it can uses for plural form it depens on the situation.
E. Grammar is difficult to Understand
Because to many rules explained on grammar, some people think that grammar is
difficult. Grammar is difficult to learn when people do not want to study hard. There
are some factors such as unfamiliar word make the learners lazy to learn or maybe
because english is not their common language.

Yule, George. (2010). The Study of Language Fourth Edition. USA : Cambridge University
Zubaidi, Ahmad. (2018). Mr.Green Mastering Grammatical Structure of English. Yogyakarta
: Samudra Biru.

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