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Waste and Technologies

Burning of Waste and replacing humans with technologies can both have a profound impact to
the humanity and can risk the economic status of the country.

Our country faces many economic issues and this two are the major problems here. Let’s
talk about first the toxic waste incineration. Toxic waste incineration is about burning a tons of
waste, giving off toxic smoke right to the atmosphere. As we all know that burning toxic waste
can have a negative impact to our world. These toxic waste have radioactive elements which is can
be fatal to humans. No matter how many technologies that can reduce air pollutants, still it could
create emission to the atmosphere thus can worsen the climate change. The animals and any other
types of organisms would be widely affected. This incineration is a great source of forest fire
because the smoke diffuse through the atmosphere and can cause greenhouse effect thus resulting
to the rising of the temperature. For the automation of jobs is all about replacing human labor with
technologies that can do all the job easily in no time and thus making lives easier. But the
disadvantages is that it would be a great catalyst and can have a negative impact on economic.
Humans would become useless in the future because they are supersede by the technologies. The
factories would be full of electronic robots that would do the job and there is less human would
work there. As what I have observed, the population of the people who are left jobless are
accumulating and the reason is the automation of jobs. In overall, these two issues would be a
disaster soon if the government doesn’t do anything to prevent it.

In my own observation, there is a lot of evidence that can substantiate my disagreement in

this two issues. Let’s start first with the toxic waste incineration. Burning of toxic waste is major
source of the climate change which emits carbon dioxide and any other organic compounds to the
atmosphere. We all know that this compound can create greenhouse effect which is can lead to the
rising of global temperature. Also, this can cause acid rain which the rain emits water with harmful
chemicals of sulfate oxide and nitrogen oxide which can be harmful to humans and any living
organisms. Humans would be likely to be risk in lung disease. We all know that waste incineration
offer less employment because it uses technologies thus it only needs less human to work thus
adding to the contribution of the automation of jobs. The plastics are the most common waste burn
by the factories. The plastic has a chemical known as Phtalates. The phatalates are proved to be
harmful to our human body that they can damage the liver, kidneys, lungs and reproductive system.
If the emission of smoke continues to spread through the atmosphere, then we would expect some
many catastrophic events like typhoon or hurricane because smoke from incineration builds up
heat temperature to the sea thus making the storm likely to evolve and can strengthen its power.

For the automation of jobs, there is a research based on a statistical data, many people who
are jobless are continuing to accumulate more and more and the reason is the automation. The AI
or Artificial Intelligence and Electronic Robots are the ones who will replace humans in the future.
This automations of jobs contributes most of the disadvantages in employment. Automation of
jobs. Humans would be at great risk in the future because the world is taken over by the
technologies and we would become helpless and useless. Also, automation is so expensive that it
requires a lot of money to build. Everyone cannot have an opportunity to widen their skills and the
degrees that we obtain in schools would become useless. And finally, people would be in a difficult
situation because no jobs means difficult to find money for survival.

This two major issues are connected because incineration offers less employment and thus
can both have negativity to our economic status and can worsen our global issues. The world would
be put into a greater risk because it can create sub-issues that would lead to the dissolution of the
economic, government and especially to the environment. This would lead for the people to fight
the government because there are losing hope of finding jobs and most of all, people’s health
because the environment that we lived on is polluted, the air we breathe is dirty thus it will result
in a demand of medical equipment and medicines , financial problems, etc.

Based on my research, there are some articles that they agree to the toxic waste incineration
and automation of jobs because they stated that it would be a fast and good way for the humans to
live in easier life. There is a lot of positive effects on our economic but on the other side, negative
effects is more. I know that with this, many people would disagree on me but I disagree to them
because they don’t think that what would be the consequences in the future. The weakness of their
information is that they are lack of knowing the negative effect of this, lack of knowledge about
incineration and automation and not knowing that it could create disastrous problems in the future.
They think that it would be helpful for the future generation but Incineration and automation would
only volatile the situation and thus making it hard to eradicate. Instead of doing this, recycling is
better than incineration because it would provide an opportunity for the humans to work and to
prevent risk and hazards and thus limiting the people who are jobless. This two major issues should
be taken action by the government immediately before it’s too late because the nature has a given
us the sign of a coming big event that everyone doesn’t want it to happen.

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