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AIM: To determine resistance per cm of a given wire by plotting a graph of potential

difference versus current.
Apparatus required:
1. Ammeter
2. Voltmeter
3. Rheostat
4. Resistance wire
5. One way key
6. Source of emf
Principle: (Circuit diagram on left page)
Under the same physical conditions, potential difference across a current carrying
conductor is directly proportional to the current flowing through it.
V = iR (Where R is proportionality constant)
Where ‘R’ is called resistance of the conductor.

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Observations: (Graph on left page)

1. Least count of ammeter = 10 mA
2. Least count of voltmeter = 10 mV
3. Length of the resistance wire = 50 cm = 0.5 m
4. Observation table for variation between voltage and current

Sl No Reading of Voltmeter Reading of ammeter Resistance

In Division x L.C. In division Division x L.C. R= V/i
1 8 80mV 4 40 mA 2
2 10 100 mV 5 50 mA 2
3 12 120 mV 6 60 mA 2
4 16 160 mV 7 70 mA 2.2 Ω
5 18 180 mV 9 90 mA 2
6 20 200 mV 10 100 mA 2
7 22 220 mV 11 110 mA 2
8 24 240 mV 12 120 mA 2

Plotting of graph:
1. Taking potential difference along x axis with scale 1cm = 10 mV
2. Taking electric current along y axis with scale 1cm = 10 mA
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R1 = V1/i1
= ---/---
= ---
R2 = V2/i2
= ---/---
= --- and so on
So Rmean = R1 + R2 + R3 +--------------------Rn
= ----- +----- +----- +----- +----- +----- +
= --------
= ________
Also Resistance of wire using graph = V2 –V1
i2 –i1
= --- - ----
---- - -----
= ________
Hence Resistance per unit length = resistance of wire/length of wire
= -------/0.5
= ------ m-1
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1. Graph between the voltage and the current through the given conductor is a straight
2. Resistance per unit length of given wire = m-1
1. emf of the source must remain constant during the experiment.
2. All the connection must be neat and tight
3. The voltmeter must be connected in parallel and ammeter must be in series with the
given conductor. These should be connected that the current enters at positive
terminal and leaves at negative terminal
4. The plug should be inserted while taking the observations only
Practical 2
Aim: To find resistance of given resistance wire using a meter bridge and hence find the
specific resistance of its material.
Apparatus required:
1. Meter bridge
2. Resistance wire
3. Resistance box (0.1  - 10)
4. One way key
5. A galvanometer
6. Source of emf
7. connecting wire

Theory: (Circuit diagram on left page)

Meter Bridge is based on Wheatstone bridge. Wheatstone bridge is an arrangement of four
resistors (of nearly same order) in the form of a quadrilateral with a galvanometer across
one diagonal and a source of emf across another diagonal. In the balance condition of
Wheatstone bridge there is no current through galvanometer
Balance condition of Wheatstone bridge is given by
P/Q = R/S,
Where P & Q are ratio arms, R is known resistance and s is unknown resistance
Formula used:
For balancing length ‘L’ , P = L/A
Q = (100-L)/A
So L = R
(100-L) S
Or S = (100-L)R
For specific resistance, = S x r 2

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1. Length of the resistance wire = 25 cm = 0.25 m
2. Radius of the wire= 0.22mm = 2.2 x10-4 m
3. Table for unknown resistance

Sl No Resistance ‘R’ Balancing (100-L) S = (100-L)R

(Ω) Length ‘L’ (cm) L
1 0.5 40 60 0.75
2 0.6 44 56 076
3 0.7 47 53 0.78
4 0.8 51 49 0.76
5 0.9 53 47 0.79
6 1.0 57 43 0.75
(i) S1 = (100-L1)R1
= ------ 
(ii) S2 = (100-L2)R2
= ----  and so on
Smean = (S1 + S2 + S3 + S4 + S5 )/5
= 0.75+0.76+0.78+0.76+0.79+0.75
= 4.59
= 0.76 
Also  = S x r2
= 0.76 x 3.14 x (2.2 x10-4)2
= 0.76 x 15.2 x 10-8
= 46x10-8 m
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1. Resistance of the given wire = -------
Specific resistance of material of the given wire = ------ x 10-6m
1. emf of the source must remain constant during the experiment.
2. All the connection must be neat and tight
3. The balancing point should be nearly 50cm to make meter bridge more sensitive
4. The plug should be inserted while taking the observations only
5. Plugs in the resistance box should be made tight
Practical 3
Aim:To verify law of series and parallel combination of resistances using a meter bridge.
Apparatus required:
1. Meter bridge
2. Two resistance coils
3. Resistance box (0.1  - 10)
4. One way key
5. A galvanometer
6. Source of emf
7. connecting wire
Theory: (Circuit diagram on left page)
For series combination
Rs = R1+ R2+ R3
For parallel combination
1/ Rp = 1/R1 +1/R2 +1/R3

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(a) For coil R1:

Sl No Resistance ‘R’ Balancing (100-L) S = (100-L)R

Length ‘L’ L
1 2 48 52 2.17
2 2.2 51 49 2.11
3 2.5 54 46 2.13
(b) For coil R2:

Sl No Resistance ‘R’ Balancing (100-L) S = (100-L)R

Length ‘L’ L
1 1.1 48 52 1.19
2 1.2 52 48 1.11
3 1.3 55 45 1.06
(c) For series combination:

Sl No Resistance ‘R’ Balancing (100-L) S = (100-L)R

Length ‘L’ L
1 3 48 52 3.25
2 3.1 49 51 3.23
3 3.5 52 48 3.23
(d)For Parallel Combination:

Sl No Resistance ‘R’ Balancing (100-L) S = (100-L)R

Length ‘L’ L
1 1 58 42 0.72
2 0.8 53 47 0.71
3 0.6 45 55 0.71
For Coil 1: R1 = (R1 +R2 +R3)/3
For coil 2: R2 =
For series combination : Rs = R1 +R2
= ------  (by calculation)
Rs’= -----  (by practical)
Thus Rs = Rs’
For parallel combination 1/RP = 1/R1 + 1/R2
Rp = R1R2
RP =
= ----- by calculation)
RP’ = -----  (by practical)
Thus Rp = RP’

Result: Laws of series and parallel combination of resistances are verified

1. emf of the source must remain constant during the experiment.
2. All the connection must be neat and tight
3. The balancing point should be nearly 50cm to make meter bridge more sensitive
4. The plug should be inserted while taking the observations only
5. Plugs in the resistance box should be made tight

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