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Task 5 final evaluation

Yajaira Rivera Ramírez


Mónica del rosario Guillen




Universidad nacional abierta y a distancia

Cead Valledupar

The impact of Krashen's hypotheses in the process of language teaching

It has generated many social, political and economic reasons that lead to the promotion of second

language learning and, above all, of English as a communication vehicle between subjects,

institutions, and countries of different cultures. Consequently an overwhelming need to learn or

acquire a new language, which has opened the opportunity to open countless educational centers,

online methods, social networks, university careers, etc. They promise that you will obtain

command of a second language in a few days or a few years, but nothing is further from the

truth. In many cases, the cognitive variations of our apprentices are not taken into account in

order to get them to develop those learning strategies that are more in line with their personal

learning styles.

Krashen's theories have generated significant changes in the process of teaching language


The essence of his theory is according to reality, more logical and definitely with much more

floor in an educator who faces the learning of a second language postulating that the true

acquisition of a language does not happen overnight, but is a slow process in which the ability to

speak arises after having developed the auditory ability for quite some time. But how does the

acquisition of language or a language occur? According to the author, the evidence supports a
simple hypothesis: we acquire the language when we understand the messages, that is when we

understand what is heard or what is read. Krashen (1977, 1983).

The different actors involved in the process of learning a second language have been positively

influenced by Krashen's theories that allow understanding the conditions that must be met to

obtain results in the acquisition and learning of a language different from the native "that

highlights the importance of the linguistic materials that are provided in the target language;

sufficient exposure must be produced to materials that are relevant or of interest to the receiver

and understandable (understandable input). If there is a high percentage of unknown vocabulary

in these materials, the text will not be comprehensible and the acquisition process will be

difficult to advance ". J, Hair (2007).

Krashen's theory led to subsequent developments in which it was observed that student

interaction and production are as important as the information that comes to him. When students

try to express themselves and make themselves understood in the target language, either in

interaction with their peers or the teacher, they are actively negotiating the input understood and

testing their assimilation. In contrast to Krashen's emphasis on input and the idea that there is no

need for production while the person does not feel ready or has the opportunity and wants to

express himself.
To conclude, it is relevant to express that the impact of Krashen theories in the language teaching

process have generated significant changes that allow bidders and applicants to obtain better

results in the processes and development of learning, where said actors must be aware of the

different situations and conditions so that the objective is reached and this is achieved when the

"learner obtains comprehensible data and when his effective filter is sufficiently open to allow

the entry of said data. That is to say, the only causative variable in the acquisition of languages is

the comprehensible data. "(Krashen, page 58ff).


The criteria used in this essay is in accordance with Krashen's theories, but without examples or

cases in which these theories are applied in a classroom or in which way a non-native student can

acquire an understanding of the words and texts that are assigned, it is only briefly mentioned

that texts should be included with simple language but the idea of symbolic practice is not

expressed with the things of life, the everyday, which positively influences the expression that is

to speak about routines, the day to day in a meaningful way. The writing seemed very formal and

I would be better if you add more personal input of how you think these practices are effective

for you and your colleagues.


Romero, F. (2004). Electronic journal of education and psychology. Stephen d. krashen: reading

and its relation to writing. pdf file. Recovered from:

J, Cabello (2007). Language Laboratory in secondary school. Theories of acquisition of second

languages. Recovered from:


International SIL (June 20, 2002). Summary of the five Krashen hypotheses. Retrieved from:

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