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Good morning Cak Brothers and Ning Sisters, yo'opo kabarmu friends ?

Happy wednesday, .
Lepaskan penatmu setelah seharian bekerja, kuliah, dengan berbahasa inggris bersama kami, join us, meet up
tonight, 13 Nov at Teras Digital Cafe, jl.Citarum ( near Al Falah Mosque ), at 06.30 pm
😀 Teras Digital Cafe
Jl. Citarum No.19, Darmo, Kec. Wonokromo, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60241
with @surabaya_ecc , you will never speak alone 😀😀✅😀
#Surabayahitz #Surabayamendunia #international #keren #millenial #wonderfullindonesia #kelanakota #explor
esurabaya #lovesuroboyo #komunitassurabaya #bahasainggris #kampunginggris #englishsurabaya #meetup #e
nglishisfun #good #people #instagood


Posted at 17:09h in Activities by Surabaya ECC 0 Comments
Bangga Surabaya – Untuk mempermudah ruang belajar Bahasa Inggris di Surabaya, Komunitas
English Conversation Club (ECC) hadir berkontribusi bagi masyarakat yang mempunyai keinginan
bercakap-cakap menggunakan Bahasa Inggris, tanpa dipungut biaya sepeserpun alias gratis.
Salah satu penggagas berdirinya ECC Surabaya Faishal mengatakan, komunitas ini rutin
mengadakan pertemuan setiap hari Rabu pukul 18.30 WIB. Pertemuan itu, dilakukan di tiga tempat
pusat Kota Surabaya, yaitu di Loop Stadion, Hotel Cleo, dan Samchon Resto and Cafe secara
bergantian. Kegiatan ini juga diikuti dari berbagai kalangan, mulai dari mahasiswa, penjaga warung
kopi, hingga pengusaha.

“Jadi member kami itu ada office boy, penjaga warung kopi, angkatan laut sampai pengusaha,” kata
Faishal saat ditemui di Samchon Resto and Caffe, Rabu, (13/03/19).
Faishal menjelaskan komunitas ECC berdiri di Surabaya pada 3 Februari 2016, dengan tiga orang
pencetus, yakni Edi, Faishal, dan Sepekan. Ketiga orang ini, memiliki latar belakang profesi yang
sama di sebuah organisasi himpunan pramuwisata Indonesia. Organisasi ini tidak menggunakan
sistem class room (ruang kelas), yaitu ada tutor yang membimbingi setiap peserta yang hadir. Akan
tetapi, sistem yang diterapkan jalinan kekerabatan tanpa sekat-sekat hirarkis, sehingga dialog yang
dibangun tidak terkesan kaku namun perbincangan santai.
“Di ECC tidak ada tutornya, tapi pak faisal dan pak edi hanya sebagai Master of Ceremony (MC).
Terlepas itu semua yang hadir belajar bersama. Sebab ECC bukan room class, tapi semua yang
hadir dianggap teman. Sistemnya kami bukan guru dan murid,” ujar pria kelahiran Surabaya
Tak hanya kegiatan rutin setiap pekannya, komunitas ECC juga memiliki program tahunan, seperti i
English camp dan city tour yang mempelajari sejarah-sejarah yang ada di Surabaya dan
juga highlight program yang mana menghandle tamu-tamu kapal pesiar yang datang ke Kota
Pahlawan. “Kami juga memiliki program tahunan seperti English Camp Ubaya traning center,”
Dalam rangka menjaga eksistensi komunitas, ECC terus membuka ruang bagi siapa saja yang
mempunyai keinginan untuk belajar bersama. Salah satu member ECC adalah Kendis, perempuan
yang berasal dari Blora Jawa Tengah itu, tercatat sebagai mahasiswi ITATS prodi Teknik

Awalnya ia bergabung di ECC usai mendapat informasi dari akun instagram milik komunitas
tersebut. Kendis juga mengaku bahwa ia menyukai Bahasa Inggris sejak duduk di bangku SMA.

“Walaupun saya bukan orang asli Surabaya, tapi motivasi saya mengikuti ECC yaitu ingin mencari
orang atau komunitas yang se passion dengan saya. Karena saya penyuka Bahasa Inggris sudah
sejak lama,” pungkasnya. (Dhani).

Posted at 08:00h in Activities by Sunu Ria 0 Comments
Hello, Dear ECC Friends (English Conversation Club Surabaya), weekend has come. This weekend
ECC team was having a fun midnight travelling to Bromo. They are Burhan, Nizam, Trissa, Sunu,
Rika and our Beloved Mr Chariques (Mr. Faizal) who willing to spare his time to be our Guide.

We departed from Surabaya at 23:00 Western Indonesia Time by Car, and arrived in a villa in bromo
at 02:00. Then, we quickly changed our outfit to get ready for a cold weather such as syal, thick
jacket, shocks, buff, and etc while waiting for the Jeep to pick us up. In less than an hour, we’re
ready to continue our trip by Jeep. It was still dark and cold. Well, Bromo is very well known for its
amazing sunrise view and this was our first activity that day. Actually, we’re going to see the sunrise
at Bromo Crater but the queue was so long, and after waiting for almost an hour then we dicided to
go to Seruni hill/ Seruni Point. This hill located about 500 metres below Kingkong hill or the visitors
usually call it Penanjakan 2. Along the journey in the Jeep, we talked and laughed to forget the cold
air in Bromo.

After 30 minutes, finally our Jeep arrived at Seruni Point. Even, Seruni Hill is not as popular as the
The Penanjakan 1 but this place also crowded with domestic and non domestic tourists who want to
see the sunrise. , After we parked our Jeep,We continued by walking to reach at Seruni Climbing

Point for about 30-60 minutes and used our torch light if not you might step on a Horse dirt ( )
.On the way, due to the cold and thin air, one of our Friend named Trissa had a problem with her
health while hiking, so that we need to stop for about 10 minutes until she got better. From this case,
we can learn that we should make sure our health condition before having the this kind of trip. At
about 05.15 finally we arrived at Seruni Climbing Point. All along the journey we could see the
beautiful night view which emerge slowly as the sun start to shine from the east.

After the sun has fully rise, we could see the wide sand dessert. We also could see Mount Batok,
and the Mount Semeru that look so great and beautiful from the Seruni view point.

After seeing the sunrise we went to the next destination, Bromo Dessert and Crater.

It was really an amazing day. We had fun and collected the garbage on Poddang-poddang island. Thanks a lot
for our volunteer Karin (Austria) and everyone who was participating and joining our trip.
Volunteer Claudia (Spain) with the teacher and the students from conversation class.
Interested to be volunteer?

Volunteer Lena (France) is visiting the second largest karst in the world with the students.
Interested to be a volunteer?

The Bumi Sehat Youth Center provides free English and Computer classes for Balinese Youth. For more info please email
volunteer@bumisehatfoundation .org

Gambaran Perusahaan
Bumi Sehat established a Youth Center in Nyuh Kuning village to give young people valuable life skills, beginning with English
language and computer skills.There are now over 120 enthusiastic young people from the Ubud area attending classes. The
students practice English in a conversational setting that helps increase their confidence while learning. A team of Balinese staff,
teachers and international volunteers work together to grow the center’s capability and capacity.

The founder of the Youth Center, Robin Lim, is an internationally-recognized midwife and well-known author. In 2003 she and
her team opened a non-profit birthing clinic in Ubud, Bali that has saved hundreds of lives and delivered thousands of babies.
They serve the poor and medically disadvantaged people of Bali and in the tsunami ravaged province of Aceh. In 2006,
discussions with village women led Robin to expand her focus from childbirth, and look at ways to help local youth, including
some of the children she had delivered years before.

We’d love to have you volunteer with us!

The Youth Center Bumi Sehat is an after-school program offering free English classes to local children, teens, and youth aged
9+. Native language speaking teachers give them a chance to develop strong English skills that will help them get ahead. The best
teachers are those that bring a lot of energy and a fun-loving attitude to the classroom!

What does a volunteer do?

Volunteers teach classes for three hours per day, four afternoons a week, with an additional organizing and preparation meeting
held for less than an hour every Monday. In addition to this, volunteers will spend a few hours each week individually planning
lessons. Fridays through Sundays are free time and there is ample time every morning before class starts at 3pm to go out,
explore, and do any of the amazing local activities that YOU want to do once your classes are ready and prepared. When you first
arrive, our coordinator will help you get settled, and later our Head Teacher and local TA’s will be on hand to assist you, prepare
lessons, and help you to teach with confidence.

Who can volunteer?

The Bumi Sehat Youth Center welcomes volunteers who are:
Over 18 years of age
Available to teach for A MINIMUM of 4 weeks (longer stays are highly encouraged)
Adventurous spirits who are comfortable with the challenges of living in a developing country

Tanggal Berdiri
Yayasan Bumi Sehat in 2003

CNN Hero 2011

The Youth Center is closed every winter between Christmas and New Year's Eve.

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