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Disusun Oleh :
Kelompok 1
Setio Santoso 1309005128
Baiq Indah Pratiwi 1609511001
Yoga Mahendra Pandia 1609511005
Dimas Norman Medellu 1609511013
Pieter Mbolo Maranata 1609511016
Audrey Febiannya Putri B. 1609511023
Ni Kadek Deasy Pitriyawati 1609511024
Kelas 2016 C




Gastropexy merupakan salah satu jenis prosedur pembedahan yang

termasuk ke dalam bedah sistem digesti. Gastropexy adalah suatu prosedur
pembedahan pada lambung dimana menciptakan adhesi permanen antara antrum
pilorus dan dinding abdomen kanan untuk mencegah volvulus lambung.

Kata kunci : Gastropexy, Pembedahan, Lambung


Gastropexy is a type of surgical procedure that is included in the digestion

system surgery. Gastropexy is a surgical procedure on the stomach which creates
permanent adhesion between the pyloric antrum and the right abdominal wall to
prevent gastric volvulus.

Key word :Gatropexy, Surgery, Stomach

Om Swastiastu,
Puja dan puji syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Ida Sang Hyang Widhi
Wasa/ Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas asung kertha wara nugraha dan rahmat-
Nya kami dapat menyelesaikan paper individu dari mata kuliah Bedah Khusus
Veteriner yang berjudul “Gastropexy”.
Penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah
membantu terselesaikanya paper ini dengan baik dan tepat pada waktunya. Penulis
menyadari bahwa paper ini masih jauh dari sempurna dalam penyajian bahasa
serta wawasan yang ada.. Maka dari itu kami mengharapkan saran demi kemajuan
dalam penulisan paper selanjutnya.
Akhir kata penulis berharap agar karya tulis ini dapat bermanfaat dalam
pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan bagi pihak-pihak yang memerlukan. Atas
perhatiannya, terima kasih.
Om Santih, Santih, Santih Om

Denpasar, 29 Oktober 2019


HALAMAN JUDUL ................................................................................... i
RINGKASAN / SUMMARY ....................................................................... ii
KATA PENGANTAR ................................................................................. iii
DAFTAR ISI ............................................................................................... iv
DAFTAR GAMBAR ................................................................................... v
1.1 Latar Belakang ................................................................................. 1
1.2 Rumusan Masalah ............................................................................ 2
1.3 Tujuan Penulisan .............................................................................. 2
1.4 Manfaat Penulisan ............................................................................ 2
2.1 Definisi Gastropexy .......................................................................... 3
3.1 Prea– Operasi ................................................................................... 5
3.2 Operasi ............................................................................................. 6
3.3 Pasca Operasi ................................................................................... 13
4.1 Kesimpulan ...................................................................................... 15
4.2 Saran ................................................................................................ 15
DAFTAR PUSTAKA .................................................................................. 16



1.1 Latar Belakang

Minat masyarakat akan hewan peliharaan semakin tinggi, hewan
sangat diminati untuk penjaga, hiburan, dan teman hidup. Salah satu jenis
hewan yang paling diminati oleh masyarakat adalah anjing. Anjing seringkali
dimanfaatkan oleh manusia sebagai hewan penjaga, penyelamat dan pencari
jejak yang membantu polisi, dan keahlian-keahlian lainnya yang lebih banyak
dibanding dengan hewan jenis lainnya. Namun banyak diantara anjing –
anjing kesayangan tersebut mengalami gangguan penyakit, salah satunya
adalah Gastric Dilatation Volvulus (GDV). GDV adalah suatu sindrom pada
anjing dimana lambung mengalami distensi dan berputar atau melintir atau
torsio sehingga menimbulkan perubahan patologi kompleks lokal atau
sistemik dan perubahan fisiologis. Ras anjing tertentu biasanya lebih rentan
terhadap GDV daripada ras anjing lainnya. Biasanya GDV terjadi pada ras –
ras anjing dengan dada yang dalam dan sempit, salah satunya adalah ras
Labrador Retriver.
Gastric Dilation Volvulus ( GDV ) dapat terjadi bila lambung terisi
udara dan cairan ( bloat atau gastric dilation ) dan kemudian terbalik diatas
lambung itu sendiri yang disebut volvulus atau twisting. Derajat rotasi
lambung lebih dari 180 derajat, keadaan ini menyebabkan blokade suplai
darah yang menuju limpa dan jaringan mati pada dinding lambung.GDV
biasanya berhubungan dengan makanan dalam jumlah besar yang
menyebabkan lambung membesar karena adanya makanan dan gas. Saat
lambung mulai membesar, tekanan pada lambung meningkat ini dapat
mengakibatkan hambatan sirkulasi darah dari abdomen ke jantung, shock
hypovolemia karena hilangnya aliran darah pada lapisan lambung serta
ruptura dinding lambung, shock endotoksemia dan alkalosis serta acidosis
metabolik. Posisi lambung yang meluas juga dapat menyebabkan tekanan
pada diafragma yang dapat mencegah paru - paru untuk mengembang dan

mengempis sehingga menimbulkan kesulitan bernafas, hal ini menyebabkan
kematian sel pada jaringan.
GDV dapat mengancam jiwa dan menyebabkan kematian. Sehingga
membutuhkan perawatan yang cepat. Dalam keadaan darurat atau parah
biasanya akan dilakukan pembedahan pada daerah abdomen yang bertujuan
untuk mengembalikan posisi gastrium, agar tetap pada posisinya.
Pembedahan yang biasa dilakukan adalah gastrospexy, yaitu membuat insisi
pada dinding lambung bagian luar dengan dinding abdomen di dekatnya
untuk mencegah rotasi gastrium.

1.2 Rumusan Masalah

1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan pembedahan gastropexy?
2. Apa tujuan dari pembedahan gastropexy?
3. Bagaimana teknik pembedahan gastropexy?

1.3 Tujuan Penulisan

1. Untuk mengetahui pengertian dari pembedahan gastropexy.
2. Untuk mengetahui tujuan pembedahan gastropexy.
3. Untuk mengetahui teknik pembedahan gastropexy.

1.4 Manfaat Penulisan

Berdasarkan tujuan penulisan diatas, maka manfaat yang diperoleh
dari penulisan makalah ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Manfaat teoritis
Penulis mengharapkan makalah ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagi
pembaca untuk memahami dan mengerti mengenai teknik operasi
Gastropexy pada hewan serta dapat menjadi bahan bacaan untuk
matakuliah Ilmu Bedah Khusus Veteriner.
2. Manfaat praktis
Praktis pembuatan makalah ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagi penulis
yaitu dapat menambah wawasan mengenai operasi Gastropexy pada



2.1 Definisi Gastropexy

Gastropexy merupakan salah satu tindakan pembedahan elektif (elective

surgery) dimana dilakukan penempelan secara permanen salah satu ujung
bagian perut ke dinding tubuh. Prosedur ini sering dilakukan untuk mencegah
Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV). GDV merupakan salah satu bentuk
komplikasi dari kembung. Pembedahan biasanya direkomendasikan dibanyak
breed yang besar. Anjing yang memiliki berat lebih dari 99 lbs bisa dikatakan
memiliki kemungkinan 20% kembung dalam masa hidupnya, sehingga
gastropexy merupakan salah satu bentuk rekomendasi untuk dilakukan.

Berikut merupakan beberapa jenis breed anjing yang direkomendasikan

untuk melakkan gastropexy :

- Great Dane
- Golden Retriever
- Labrador Retriever
- St. Bernard
- German Shepherd dan lain-lain

Gastropexy sangat efektif untuk mencegah GDV dan baik dilakukan

bersamaan saat operasi sterilisasi pada hewan. Pembedahan dapat dilakukan
pada umur apa saja dan daerah pemotongan dapat dierkecil secara signifikan
bila menggunakan alat laparoscopic. Pada prakteknya, bagian perut akan
dilekatkan di bagian kanan dari dinding abdomen sehingga tidak terjadi
perpindahan atau terputar. Penggunaan Teknik laparoskopi menunjukan tidak
ada tanda kegagalan. Semua anjing tampak memiliki adhesi yang kuat antara
lapisan seromuscular perut dan otot transversus abdominis (Dujowich et al.,

2.2 Tujuan Gastropexy

Gastropexy adalah operasi elektif yang memiliki fungsi sebagai usaha

preventif dari penyakit Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus ( GDV). Tindakan
preventif ini biasanya dilakukan pada anjing besar. Karena setelah dilakukan
gastropexy, hanya ada kemungkinan 4,3% saja kejadian GDV terulang lagi,
dibandingan dengan 54,5% pada anjing yang tidak melakukan gastropexy (
Glickman et al., 1998). Terdapat dua indikasi dimana sebaiknya dilakukan
gastropexy :

1. Prophylactic gastropexy, jenis gastropexy yang dilakukan sebagai usaha

untuk mencegah GDV. Biasanya dilakukan di anjing mudah yang
memiliki resiko tinggi dan dilakukan saat bersamaan dengan operasi
sterilisasi. Sangat direkomendasikan dialkukan di breed Great Danes.
Karena diestimasikan ada kemungkinan 40% breed Great Danes untuk
terkena GDV pada waktu hidupnya.
2. Gastric dilatation and volvulus, anjing yang terkena GDV diperlukan
operasi emergensi untuk merotasi kembali bagian perut dan setelah itu
dilakukan gastropexy. Setelah dikembalikan dalam posisi normal maka
gastropexy dilakukan dengan melekatkan perut untuk mencegah GDV
terjadi lagi.

Gambar 1. Gastropexy pada Anjing



3.1 Manajemen Pre Operasi

Adapun beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan sebelum tindakan pembedah

diantaranya ; Persiapan ruang operasi, persiapan alat dan bahan, persiapan
operator, dan persiapan pasien

Ruang operasi dan meja operasi di desinfeksi di desinfeksi menggunakan

desinfektan. Selain itu, perlengkapan alat juga di desinfeksi. Kemudian difumigasi
dengan formalin 10% dan KMnO4 1% dan di biarkan selama 15 menit. Peralatan
bedah dan bahan terkait misalnya seperangkat alat bedah minor, Sterilisasi alat
bedah minor dengan alkohol 70%, desinfektan, bahan premeikasi dan anestesi,
cairan infus, antibiotik, dll. Operator harus menggunakan alat pelindung diri,
untuk tujuan sterilitas prosedur pelaksanaan operasi.

Sebelum tindakan operasi dilaksanakan, hewan terlebih dahulu

dianamnese, pemeriksaan fisik secara umum. Kebanyakan pasien yang akan
menjalani operasi gastropexy harus sehat atau mungkin memiliki penyakit
sistemik yang bersifat ringan. Sehingga dapat mendukung penggunaan anestesi
umum ketika operasi berlangsung. Pasien harus dipuasakan guna untuk
menghindari refluks selama teranestesi.

Premedikasi dan Anestesi

Premedikasi merupakan suatu tindakan pemberian obat sebelum

pemberian anestesi yang dapat menginduksi jalannya anestesi. Premedikasi
dilakukan beberapa saat sebelum anestesi di lakukan. Tujuan premedikasi adalah
untuk mengurangi kecemasan, memperlancar induksi, mengurangi keadaan gawat
anestesi, mengurangi timbulnya hipersalivasi, bradikardia dan muntah selama
anestesi. Anastesi yang dilakukan pada operasi Gastropexy yaitu anestesi umum.
Pada operasi Gastropexy, premedikasi yang digunakan adalah Atropin
Sulfat dengan dosis 0,04 – 0,1 mg/kg BB secara sub kutan (SC). Selanjutnya

sebagai Anestesi, digunakan Ketamine yang dikombinasikan dengan Xylazine dan
disuntikkan 10 menit setelah Atropin Sulfat dengan dosis Ketamine 10 – 40mg/kg
BB dan dosis Xylazine 1 – 3 mg/kg BB yang disuntikkan secara Intramuskuler
(IM). Setelah pemberian anestesi, frekuensi nafas dan denyut jantung
dimonitoring setiap 5 – 10 menit sampai pembedahan selesai.
Untuk premedikasi dapat juga digunakan Acepromazine (0.05 mg/kg) dan
Morphine Hydrochloride (0.2 mg/kg) yang diberikan secara sub kutan (SC).
Setelah 30 menit diberikan anestesi umum menggunakan Thiopental (10-15
mg/kg) secara intravena (IV). Setelah pemberian anestesi, frekuensi nafas dan
denyut jantung dimonitoring. Ringer laktat diberikan (11mL / kg / jam IV) selama
operasi. Antibiotik tidak diberikan.

3.2 Prosedur Operasi

Gastropexy dilakukan dengan posisi hewan dorsal recumbency untuk

dilakukan laparotomy ( Belandria, Gerardo A. et al 2009) dan untuk dokter
hewan yang akan melakukan operasi disarankan untuk berdiri di bagian sebelah
kanan pasien untuk menarik dan memposisikan viscera. Sayatan dibuat dari
xiphoid ke preputium pada jantan dan dari xiphoid ke tengah antara umbilucus
pada betina. Jaringan kulit dan fascia kemudian diinsisi, dan rongga peritoneum
dimasukkan melalui sayatan di linea alba. ligamentum falciform diinsisi dan
ditarik ke kanan untuk memberikan visualisasi yang luas dan akses yang baik ke
tulang rusuk terakhir untuk di palpasi. dan untuk memungkinkan visibilitas yang
memadai dari insersi diafragma (Formaggini, 2001).

Laparoskopi gastropexy dilakukan dengan menggunakan tiga portal garis

tengah ventral untuk memanipulasi lambung, membuat sayatan seromuskuler
lambung longitudinal dan menjahit secara intracorporeal ini ke tepi sayatan otot
perut transversal horizontal.

Gambaran teknik operasi gastropexy adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Dinding bagian abdomen diinsisi sekitar 4-5 cm sampai bagian tranversus

abdominis, dan 2-3 cm sampai tulang rusuk terakhir, hati-hati saat melakukan
insisi agar tidak terkena diafragma

Gambar 1 : Insisi dinding

Sumber : (Rawlings, 2013)

2. Sayatan bagian antral di tengah dengan kelengkungan semakin besar dan

lebih rendah, dengan ujung aboral sekitar 6 cm oral dari pylorus. Sayatannya
panjang sama dengan transversus abdominis (4-5 cm). Hanya lapisan serosal
dan muskularis yang diinsisi, dilakukan hati-hati untuk menghindari penetrasi

Gambar 2 : membuat sayatan bagian antral

Sumber : (Rawlings, 2013)

3. Bagian submukosa harus menonjol dari insisi antral agar gampang
dipisah dari lapisan seromuscular. Aposisi pada batas cranial
dari antral dan dinding abdomen untuk diinsisi.

Gambar 3: insisi bagian submukosa yang menonjol

Sumber : (Rawlings, 2013)

4. Jahitan penguat digunakan untuk mempertahan aposisi selama

penjahitan pada gastropexy dan mengurangi ketegangan pada
penutupan primer setelah operasi. Penguat ini dapat
menggunakan pola jahitan terputus dan pola jahitan menerus.
Posisi dari antrum ke dinding abdominal, dimulai dari bagian
dorsal menuju ke ventral. Untuk lumen tidak diperbolehkan
menggunakan pola jahitan Connell.


Gambar 4: penjahitan untuk mempertahan aposisi

Sumber : (Rawlings, 2013)

5. Pada saat satu pola jahitan penguat dimulai, penutupan pertama

dimulai, jarum kemudian dimasukkan dari bagian yang diinsisi,
dan berhati-hati agar tidak terkena mukosa dan diperoleh dari
bagian substansial dari lapisan mukosa dan serosa.

5 1

Gambar 5: Penutupan pertama

Sumber : (Rawlings, 2013)

6. Diantara pola jahitan menerus kebagian ventral (medial) komisura,
dimana terikat sebelum dilanjutkan ke bagian caudal. Pentupan
utama pada batas caudal.

Gambar 6: Penutupan pertama pada batas caudal

Sumber : (Rawlings, 2013)

7. Bagian gastropexy diposisikan untuk menampakan bagian batas


Gambar 7: Bagian gastropexy diposisikan

Sumber : (Rawlings, 2013)

8. Jahitan utama menerus dari medial ke lateral,
dimana itu diikat untuk menandai dari simpul awal
untuk penutupan primer. Jahitan diperkuat pada
bagian batas caudal.

Gambar 8: Jahitan penutupan primer

Sumber : (Rawlings, 2013)

9. Setelah selesai garis jahitan pertama, jahitan penguat diikat

dari medial dan kemudian diteruskan kebagian caudal.

Gambar 9: Jahitan penguat ke arah caudal

Sumber : (Rawlings, 2013)

10. Gastropexy selesai (Rawlings, 2013).


Gambar 10: Gastropexy selesai

Sumber : (Rawlings, 2013)

3.3 Prosedur Pasca Operasi

Pasien harus dikurung selama minimal dua minggu setelah operasi untuk
memungkinkan luka operasi sembuh. Hanya tiga kegiatan yang diizinkan selama

1. Pasien dapat berada di rumah di bawah kendali (tali) pemilik, hanya di atas
permukaan karpet, tanpa bermain.
2. Pasien dibiarkan dalam kandang atau exercise pen sementara tanpa
pengawasan. Jangan pernah menempatkan pasien di luar untuk lari, di
teras atau bebas di halaman belakang.
3. Pasien berada di bawah pengawasan langsung dari pemilik dengan tali saat
berada di luar untuk berjemur.
Aktivitas yang Tidak Diijinkan:

1. Tidak Ada Aktivitas Bebas (bermain, melompat, berlari atau berjalan kaki yang

2. Tidak Ada Tangga (1 atau 2 boleh pergi ke luar)

3. Tidak ada runitas lari atau "Doggie Doors"

4. Tidak ada lantai yang licin (ubin, linoleum atau kayu)

5. Pengurungan umum (garasi, teras, kamar mandi, teras, ruang binatu, kamar
tidur atau dapur) diperbolehkan.

Sebagian besar anjing melakukannya dengan sangat baik dengan pembatasan

kurungan. Namun, jika anjing sulit dikendalikan atau memiliki jumlah energi
yang terlalu banyak, penggunaan obat penenang dalam jumlah kecil mungkin
diperlukan untuk membantu selama masa kurungan ini.

Petunjuk Operasional Pasca Lainnya

1. Jahitan atau Staples dilepas setelah sepuluh hari..

Menjilat pada sayatan harus dicegah karena dapat menyebabkan mengunyah

jahitan atau staples yang menyebabkan infeksi luka. Mungkin perlu untuk
membalut kaki atau menggunakan kerah Elizabethan untuk mencegah menjilati.


4.1 Kesimpulan

GDV adalah kondisi di mana perut membalik dan mengembang,

memerangkap udara dan gas di lambung. Gastropeksi adalah pencegahan yang
efektif terhadap kematian dari GDV pada anjing besar. Tanda-tanda GDV
termasuk distensi abdomen, muntah-muntah tanpa muntah, air liur berlebihan, dan
ketidaknyamanan perut. Anjing itu mungkin menjadi lemah dan telentang dan
mengembangkan tandatanda syok. Jenis-jenis Gastropeksi meliputi Belt Loop
Gastropexy, Gastropexy Circumcostal, Insisi Gastropexy, dan Tube Gastrotomy

4.2 Saran

Saran yang dapat diebrikan kepada owner ataupun pembaca, sebaiknya

hewan peliharaan selalu di periksa kesehatannya ke dokter hewan, terutama
kesehatan fisik. Dan memperhatikan nutrisi pakan yang baik dan tepat untuk
diberikan kepada hewan peliharaannya. Dan selalu memperhatikan tingkah laku
yang tidak biasa pada hewan.

Daftar pustaka
Hines, Ron. 2006. Gastric Dilatation Volvulus ( GDV) Bloat and Torsion. All
Creature Care. Australia.

Goldehammer,M.A. 2010. Assessment Of The Incidence Of GDV Following

Splenectomy In Dogs. Journal Of Small Animal Practice. Vol. 51: 23-28.

Anonim. Preventative gastropexy can save a large dog’s life. Toronto. 2017.
large-do. (Diakses pada tanggal 24 Oktober 2017)

Suka veteriner. 2011.Gastric dilation dan volvulus syndrome (GDV) . Diakses pada tanggal 17
oktober 2018.

Belandria dkk.2009. Gastropexy with an automatic stapling instrument for

the treatment of gastric dilatation and volvulus in 20 dogs.

Formaggini. Luca. 2001. Using a Modified Gastropexy Technique to


Recurrence of Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus in Dogs. University of Florida

L.T. Glickman, G.C. Lantz, D.B. Schellenberg, & N.W. Glickman .A

prospective study of survival and recurrence following the acute gastric
dilatation-volvulus syndrome in 136 dogs. Journal of the American Animal
Hospital Association, Vol 34, pages 253–259, 1998.

Dujowich, M., Keller, M. E., & Reimer, S. B. 2010. Evaluation of short- and
long-term complications after endoscopically assisted gastropexy in dogs.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 236(2), 177–

Evaluation of short- and long-term complications

after endoscopically assisted gastropexy in dogs
Mauricio Dujowich, dvm; Mattew E. Keller, ba; S. Brent Reimer, dvm, dacvs

Objective—To determine short- and long-term complications in clinically normal dogs after
endoscopically assisted gastropexy.
Design—Prospective case series.
Animals—24 dogs.
Procedures—Endoscopically assisted gastropexy was performed on each dog. Dogs were
evaluated laparoscopically at 1 or 6 months after surgery to assess integrity of the gastro-
pexy. Long-term outcome was determined via telephone conversations conducted with
owners ≥ 1 year after surgery.
Results—Mean ± SD gastropexy length was 4.5 ± 0.9 cm, and mean duration of surgery
was 22 ± 5 minutes. One dog had a partially rotated stomach at the time of insufflation,
which was corrected by untwisting the stomach with Babcock forceps. Two dogs vomited
within 4 weeks after surgery, but the vomiting resolved in both dogs. Four dogs had diar-
rhea within 4 weeks after surgery, which resolved without medical intervention. In all dogs,
the gastropexy site was firmly adhered to the abdominal wall at the level of the pyloric
antrum. Long-term follow-up information was available for 23 dogs, none of which had any
episodes of gastric dilatation-volvulus a mean of 1.4 years after gastropexy.
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Endoscopically assisted gastropexy can be a sim-
ple, fast, safe, and reliable method for performing prophylactic gastropexy in dogs. At 1
and 6 months after gastropexy, adequate placement and adhesion of the gastropexy site to
the body wall was confirmed. Such a procedure could maximize the benefits of minimally
invasive surgery, such as decreases in morbidity rate and anesthetic time. This technique
appeared to be suitable as an alternative to laparoscopic-assisted gastropexy. (J Am Vet
Med Assoc 2010;236:177–182)

D espite advances in critical care and anesthetic mon-

itoring and an increased awareness by owners of
dogs predisposed to develop GDV, the condition con- GDV
Gastric dilatation-volvulus
tinues to be associated with relatively high morbidity
and mortality rates. In the past, mortality rates for dogs
with GDV were approximately 50%1–3; however, mor- a perception of the invasiveness of the procedure. Pre-
tality rates between 15% and 20% have been reported sumably, similar reasons would contribute to a low fre-
more recently.4,5 For this reason, many veterinarians quency of prophylactic gastropexies being performed
have begun to advocate prophylactic gastropexy for throughout the United States.
higher-risk patients.6–13 The lifetime risk of certain Minimally invasive procedures continue to be in-
dogs predisposed to develop GDV has been estimated troduced to the veterinary field and are gaining popu-
to be between 4% and 37%.7 These dogs include, but larity among veterinary surgeons.17–22 Although poten-
are not limited to, large- to giant-breed dogs (especially tially challenging, these procedures are advantageous in
Great Danes), dogs with a first-degree relative that has humans in that they are associated with a decrease in
had GDV, excessively anxious dogs, and inappropri- incision size, decrease in the duration of hospitaliza-
ately rapid eaters.14–16 On the basis of inquiries about tion, decrease in morbidity, decrease in incisional com-
the number of prophylactic gastropexies performed by plications, and improved cosmetic appearance, com-
veterinarians in the geographic area surrounding the pared with results for conventional surgery.22–24 Clearly,
veterinary practice of the authors, we suspected that these advantages are magnified when performing a pro-
prophylactic gastropexy was not widely performed by phylactic procedure.
veterinarians for a number of reasons, including lack of Currently, prophylactic gastropexies can be per-
client and veterinarian education, cost, morbidity, and formed via an open approach or several techniques de-
scribed elsewhere.25–33 Each of these techniques requires
a large incision and is widely considered a major surgical
From the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary procedure as a result of the necessary large exposure and
Medicine, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011. Dr. Dujowich’s present
address is Veterinary Specialty Hospital, 10435 Sorrento Valley Rd, San
amount of time required to perform the surgery. Many
Diego, CA 92121. Dr. Reimer’s present address is Iowa Veterinary Spe- owners and veterinarians consider such a procedure ex-
cialties, 6610 Creston Ave, Des Moines, IA 50321. cessively invasive for a young healthy dog with an uncer-
Address correspondence to Dr. Dujowich ( tain probability of developing GDV later in life.

JAVMA, Vol 236, No. 2, January 15, 2010 Scientific Reports 177
More recently, minimally invasive alternatives have Each dog was positioned in left oblique recumbency.
been described and are gaining interest among veteri- The table was tilted (head upward) 30° from a horizon-

narians.8–11 These include laparoscopic-assisted gastro- tal plane such that the hind quarters were approximately
pexy, grid-approach gastropexy, and total laparoscopic 30° below the head. A videogastroscopea (insertion tube
gastropexy. The major drawback to these procedures is length, 103 cm; outer diameter, 8.6 mm) was passed
the need for expensive instruments for the laparoscop- through the mouth of each dog and advanced to the
ic technique, duration of the procedure, and possible stomach. The stomach was then insufflated with room air
increase in the risk of damaging other organs by use until rugal folds were minimally visible and adequate dis-
of the grid approach.8–10,34,35 In another report36 by our tention was achieved. In a few dogs, the cervical portion
laboratory group, we described a technique for evaluat- of the esophagus was compressed by an assistant to help
ing the feasibility of performing endoscopically assisted achieve gastric distention. To locate the anatomic site for
gastropexy. Such a procedure may have benefits simi- location of the procedure, external compression across
lar to those of other minimally invasive procedures de- the body wall was performed by use of curved Rochester-
scribed for prophylactic gastropexy. Carmalt hemostatic forceps, with simultaneous viewing
Briefly, endoscopic-assisted gastropexy involves of the pyloric antrum via the endoscope. The stomach
insufflation of the stomach and concurrent use of en- was briefly evaluated for evidence of gross pathological
doscopy to provide surgeons with adequate visibility changes. Number 2 polypropylene sutureb on a cutting
during percutaneous placement of stay sutures into the needle (needle length, 76 mm) was passed through the
region of the pyloric antrum. The stay sutures are then right lateral aspect of the body wall immediately caudal
pulled taut in an effort to place the stomach directly to the 13th rib; the needle and suture were viewed endo-
against the body wall. An incision between the stay su- scopically as they entered and exited the stomach at the
tures provides an approach to the pyloric antrum of the level of the pyloric antrum (approx 2 to 3 cm proximal
stomach. A gastropexy is then performed. The purpose to the pylorus) before exiting the body wall again. The
of the study reported here was to evaluate the short- resulting stay suture incorporated approximately 2 cm of
and long-term outcome for dogs in which endoscopi- tissue. The suture was then pulled taut and temporarily
cally assisted gastropexy was performed to aid in the secured in place with mosquito hemostats. An addition-
prevention of GDV. al piece of suture was then inserted approximately 4 to
5 cm aborad from the initial suture in the region of the
Materials and Methods pyloric antrum.
An incision was made through the skin, subcuta-
Animals—Twenty-four client-owned dogs were se- neous tissues, and layers of the abdominal musculature
lected for use in the study because of an increased risk between the 2 stay sutures; dissection of tissues was per-
for developing GDV, as determined on the basis of signal- formed until the stomach was visible. Orientation of the
ment or a family history of GDV. Dogs were not excluded incision differed but typically was perpendicular to the
on the basis of body weight, breed, age, or sex. For each 13th rib. The abdominal musculature was incised sharp-
dog, results of a serum biochemical analysis and CBC ly; the various muscles were not bluntly dissected in a
were assessed prior to inclusion in the study. Owners grid manner. Hemostasis was achieved by application of
were charged a reduced fee for the endoscopically assisted manual pressure, use of curved hemostats, and ligation
gastropexy and were not charged a fee for the follow-up of larger vessels with 3-0 polydioxanone suture.b Two
laparoscopic procedure. At the time of enrollment of their Gelpi self-retaining retractors were placed perpendicular
dogs, clients signed a consent form acknowledging the to each other in the incision to allow better visibility. A
potential risks from the gastropexy and anesthesia as well longitudinal incision (approx 4 cm in length) was then
as potential complications associated with the subsequent made through the serosal and muscular layers of the py-
laparoscopic examination 1 or 6 months after the gastro- loric antrum, as described elsewhere.36
pexy. The study was approved by the Iowa State Univer-
For the purposes of the study, an adequate gastro-
sity Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
pexy was considered to be a minimum of 3 cm in length.
Surgical procedures—Food was withheld from each Length of each gastropexy was measured to the nearest
dog for 12 hours before anesthesia. Each dog was anes- millimeter by use of the scale on a scalpel handle. The
thetized in accordance with a protocol approved by the seromuscular layer was sutured to the transversus ab-
attending anesthesiologist. Briefly, dogs were premedi- dominis muscle by use of 2 separate continuous patterns
cated with 1 or a combination of the following: butor- with 0 polypropylene sutureb (Figure 1). Suture bites
phanol tartrate, hydromorphone, acepromazine maleate, through the seromuscular layer were initiated at least
or diazepam. Anesthesia was induced by administration 1 cm from the cut edge. The external abdominal oblique
of propofol or thiopental. Anesthesia was then main- muscle was then approximated with 2-0 polydioxanone
tained by administration of isoflurane in oxygen. Hair on sutureb in a simple continuous pattern. Subcutaneous
the abdomen of each dog was clipped, and the abdomen tissues were closed in a routine manner, and a simple
was routinely prepared for surgery. Each dog was also continuous intradermal pattern with intermittent sutur-
placed on a recirculating warm water blanket to reduce ing to the underlying tissues was performed by use of 3-0
the likelihood of it becoming hypothermic, and routine poliglecaprone 25.b Skin sutures were not inserted. Stay
monitoring was performed throughout the procedure. sutures were subsequently removed while the stomach
Lactated Ringer’s solution was administered IV at a rate was endoscopically evaluated and decompressed.
of 10 mL/kg/h (4.5 mL/lb/h) during the procedure. All All dogs received hydromorphone (0.1 mg/kg
surgeries were performed by one of the authors (SBR). [0.045 mg/lb], IV) immediately after completion of the

178 Scientific Reports JAVMA, Vol 236, No. 2, January 15, 2010
place firm traction on the adhesions that had formed
between the abdominal wall and pyloric antrum. A

5-mm laparoscopic biopsy instrument was then used to
obtain biopsy specimens from the interface between the
body wall and stomach. Biopsy specimens were submit-
ted for histologic examination.
Long-term postoperative evaluation—All owners
were contacted via telephone at least 1 year after the
gastropexy and asked to participate in a brief survey.
Questions included specific details regarding subse-
quent episodes of GDV, any gastrointestinal signs after
the surgery (eg, vomiting, diarrhea, or anorexia), cli-
ent perception of signs of pain exhibited by the dogs,
and client satisfaction associated with the cosmetic re-
sult. Overall scores for client satisfaction and pain were
rated on a scale of 1 to 10, with a score of 10 being the
Figure 1—Photograph of the abdomen of a representative dog most satisfied or the most pain, respectively. Owners
during endoscopically assisted gastropexy. The head of the dog were asked to recall the amount of pain and any poten-
is to the left. Stay sutures (white arrows) have been placed by
use of an endoscope and are used to indicate the area for the tial complications, despite the prolonged interval since
abdominal incision. Notice the seromuscular layer that has been the prophylactic procedure was performed.
sutured to the transversus abdominis muscle (black arrow) and
the stomach mucosa, which appears yellow because of illumina- Statistical analysis—Mean, median, range, and SD
tion from the endoscope (dashed black arrow). values for duration of surgery, length of the gastropexy,
and body weight were calculated. Additionally, mean,
procedure and were subsequently administered trama- median, range, and SD values were calculated for the
dol (2 to 3 mg/kg [0.9 to 1.4 mg/lb], PO, q 8 h for 3 to client survey of pain perception and client satisfaction.
5 days, as necessary to alleviate pain). Dogs were hos-
pitalized overnight after surgery to enable observation; Results
dogs were discharged to owners the following day.
Animals—Prophylactic endoscopically assisted
Postoperative laparoscopic evaluation—At the gastropexy was performed on 24 dogs. Follow-up
time of enrollment, the first 10 dogs were assigned to monitoring was performed for 0.3 to 1.8 years (mean,
be laparoscopically evaluated 6 months after the endo- 1.4 years; median, 1.5 years). Although all breeds were
scopically assisted gastropexy was performed, whereas considered susceptible to developing GDV, breeds
the remaining dogs enrolled in the study were to be lapa- represented in the study included 10 Great Danes, 5
roscopically evaluated 1 month after the endoscopically large mixed-breed dogs, 2 Boxers, 1 Irish Wolfhound,
assisted gastropexy procedure. Food was withheld from 1 French Bulldog, 1 Standard Poodle, 1 Mastiff, 1 Do-
each dog for 12 hours before anesthesia. Each dog was berman Pinscher, 1 Bernese Mountain Dog, and 1 Gi-
anesthetized in accordance with a protocol approved ant Schnauzer. There were 6 sexually intact females, 3
by the attending anesthesiologist and maintained with spayed females, 4 sexually intact males, and 11 neu-
isoflurane in oxygen. Hair on the abdomen was clipped, tered males. Dogs ranged from 0.3 to 8.3 years of age
and the abdomen was routinely prepared for surgery. (mean ± SD, 2.33 ± 1.9 years; median, 2.0 years) at the
Each dog was also placed on a recirculating warm water time of surgery. Mean body weight ranged from 12.5 to
blanket to reduce the risk of becoming hypothermic, 79.1 kg (27.5 to 174.0 lb), with a mean of 41.5 ± 17.3 kg
and routine monitoring was performed throughout the (91.3 ± 38.1 lb) and a median of 43.2 kg (95.0 lb). For
procedure. Lactated Ringer’s solution was administered all dogs, results of a serum biochemical analysis and CBC
IV at a rate of 10 mL/kg/h during the procedure. were within reference limits.
Briefly, each dog was positioned in dorsal recum-
bency and a Veress needle was introduced approxi- Surgical procedure—Mean ± SD duration of sur-
mately 1 to 2 cm caudal to the xiphoid. The abdomen gery for the 24 dogs ranged from 15 to 35 minutes
was insufflated with carbon dioxide to a pressure of (mean ± SD, 22 ± 5 minutes; median, 22 minutes).
approximately 14 cm H2O. After adequate insufflation There were no major surgical or anesthetic complica-
was achieved, a 5-mm trocar-cannula was introduced tions encountered during the surgery. The approximate
on the right side of the abdomen approximately 2 cm amount of time for introduction of the gastroscope into
cranial and lateral to the umbilicus. A 5-mm, 30° lap- the stomach and achievement of adequate insufflation
aroscopec was introduced into the abdomen, and the was 1 minute. Although intragastric pressure was not
abdominal cavity was briefly explored. The gastropexy measured, there were no substantial changes in values
site was laparoscopically evaluated to assess adequate for the monitored variables at the time of stomach in-
placement and healing. Adjacent abdominal organs sufflation. Gastropexy length ranged from 3.0 to 7.0 cm
were assessed for inadvertent entrapment at the gastro- (mean, 4.5 ± 0.9 cm; median, 4.5 cm).
pexy site. A 5-mm port was then established on the left One dog had a partial rotation of the stomach on
side of the abdomen approximately 2 cm cranial and insufflation. This was detected by identifying the pylorus
lateral to the umbilicus. Laparoscopic Babcock forceps to the left of midline via percutaneous palpation of the
were introduced into the abdominal cavity and used to pyloric antrum while viewing the stomach endoscopi-

JAVMA, Vol 236, No. 2, January 15, 2010 Scientific Reports 179
cally. Stay sutures in this dog were placed at the proposed dian, 4). Two owners believed the pain score was 10 im-
incision site, which corresponded to the body of the mediately after discharge from our veterinary hospital.

fundus as a result of the partial rotation. The abdomen The 2 owners who believed that their dogs had exces-
was incised between the stay sutures. Once the stomach sive pain were asked to describe the signs of pain. One
was visible, Babcock forceps were used to untwist the owner mentioned that his dog had always been sensitive
stomach until it was properly positioned for gastropexy. to painful conditions and thus was not surprised that
Proper positioning was confirmed endoscopically. the dog whined after returning home. The other owner
could not accurately recall the exact behavior of the dog
Postoperative laparoscopic evaluation—Lapa- to indicate pain, but he did remember that the dog had
roscopic examination was performed on 10 dogs at 1 signs of excessive pain.
month and 9 dogs at 6 months after the endoscopically Twenty-two of 23 owners were satisfied with the
assisted gastropexy. Five dogs were not laparoscopically cosmetic outcome of the surgery. On a scale of 1 to 10
evaluated because of owner noncompliance. All 19 dogs (10 indicated the most satisfaction), owner satisfaction
had a firm gastropexy at the level of the pyloric antrum. for the outcome of the procedure ranged from 7 to 10
All dogs subjectively had adequate adhesion formation (mean, 9.8; median, 10).
between the body wall and pyloric antrum, as deter-
mined on the basis of results when we attempted to pull
the pyloric antrum away from the body wall (Figure 2).
Results of histologic examination of biopsy specimens The short- and long-term outcome for endoscopi-
obtained laparoscopically from the gastropexy site cally assisted gastropexy in client-owned dogs was
were available for 9 dogs examined at 1 month and 9 evaluated in the study reported here. In another study,7
dogs examined at 6 months after gastropexy. All biopsy investigators reported that prophylactic gastropexy de-
specimens had mature granulation tissue, fibrous con- creased the mortality rate associated with GDV in Great
nective tissue, a tunica muscularis, or a combination of Danes, Irish Setters, Rottweilers, Standard Poodles, and
these 3 findings. Weimaraners. In the short-term period after surgery to
correct GDV, mortality rates among dogs can reach 16%
Long-term postoperative evaluation—The own-
to 33%.3,5,37,38 Issues associated with performing pro-
ers reported no complications associated with healing
phylactic gastropexy include invasiveness of the pro-
of the incision after the endoscopically assisted gastro-
cedure, lifetime risk of an episode of GDV, and actual
pexy. All dogs resumed typical activities within 1 week
necessity of prophylactic surgery, and many owners
after surgery. Of the 24 dogs, follow-up information
are unaware of the procedure.7–10,37,39,40 The procedure
was available for 23. None of the dogs with follow-up
evaluated in our study was similar to laparoscopically
monitoring had an episode of GDV after the gastro-
assisted gastropexy.8–10 The key difference was that the
pexy (range, 0.4 to 1.8 years; mean, 1.4 years; median,
procedure performed in our study requires only 1 inci-
1.5 years).
sion, which corresponds to the site of the gastropexy.
Two dogs vomited within 4 weeks after surgery; how-
Thus, our procedure was essentially the same as an in-
ever, vomiting resolved in both dogs after administration
cisional gastropexy.
of famotidine (0.5 mg/kg [0.23 mg/lb], PO, q 12 h for 7
days). Four dogs had diarrhea within 4 weeks after sur- Other investigators have evaluated the integrity of
gery; diarrhea in all dogs resolved without medical in- the adhesion between the stomach and body wall in-
tervention. On a pain scale of 1 to 10 (10 indicated the terface. The breaking strength of adhesions resulting
most pain), owner-assigned pain score for the dogs after from circumcostal, belt-loop, incisional gastropexy, and
surgery ranged from 1 to 10 (mean ± SD, 4.2 ± 2.9; me- laparoscopically assisted gastropexy ranges from 60 to
approximately 110 N, depending on the type of pro-
cedure and the interval between when the surgery is
performed and the adhesion strength is tested.10,13,27,35,41
We elected to not evaluate the strength of the adhe-
sions because we believed it would not add substantial
insights to the technique described. The ultimate load
necessary to cause failure at the adhesion site of a lapa-
roscopically assisted gastropexy has been described in
detail.10 Given the similarities between the procedures
in that study and the study reported here, we assumed
a similar mean ± SD failure load of 106.5 ± 45.6 N.
Regardless, the strength of an adhesion required to pre-
vent GDV is not known, and breaking strength has not
been correlated with clinical efficacy (ie, a reduction in
the incidence of GDV).10
In our study, we did not detect gross breakdown
of adhesions during the laparoscopic evaluation 1 or 6
months after the surgery. At both of these time points,
Figure 2—Laparoscopic view of the abdomen of a representative laparoscopic examination of the gastropexy site re-
dog 1 month after endoscopically assisted gastropexy. Babcock vealed no signs of failure. All dogs appeared to have
forceps are used to place traction on the stomach, which reveals
that a firm adhesion has developed between the site of the gas- a strong adhesion between the seromuscular layer of
tropexy (just caudal to the 13th rib) and the abdominal wall. the stomach and the transversus abdominis muscle. We

180 Scientific Reports JAVMA, Vol 236, No. 2, January 15, 2010
were able to confirm correct anatomic positioning of recall the amount of pain perceived by their dogs. This

the gastropexy in all dogs on which a laparoscopic ex- may have been overestimated or underestimated by the
amination was performed. Subjectively, there were no owners because of the time elapsed since the gastro-
obvious differences in the appearance of the gastropexy pexy. Although other minimally invasive procedures
at 1 and 6 months. Histologically, there were no find- have been compared with traditional open procedures
ings indicative of failure or complications in adhesion in regard to pain,44,45 the authors are not aware of any
formation between the seromuscular layer of the stom- specific studies on pain associated with a gastropexy
ach and the transversus abdominis muscle. technique. It would be interesting to perform a study
Complications associated with traditional gastro- to compare signs of pain associated with a variety of
pexy procedures include rib fracture, dehiscence of gastropexy techniques. Because this procedure is mini-
the incision, sepsis, pneumothorax, and recurrence of mally invasive, we assume that pain associated with the
gastric dilatation with or without volvulus.13,26,28,30,40,42,43 procedure would be minimal, compared with that for
Less invasive techniques have been described8–10,13,34 other techniques.
that can be used to decrease the morbidity associated Only 1 of 24 dogs was lost to follow-up monitor-
with gastropexy. On the basis of the results reported ing. All gastropexy procedures were performed in dogs
here, there were no major surgical complications en- predisposed to episodes of GDV as a result of their
countered, no issues with healing of the incision or gas- breed, behavior, or genetics. Postsurgical monitoring
tropexy site, and no failures identified at the time of was conducted for a mean of 1.4 years, and there were
postoperative laparoscopic examination. One dog did no episodes of GDV in the 23 dogs during that time.
have partial rotation of the stomach at the time of sur- Other potential limitations of this study include the
gery and required detorsion of the stomach for proper lack of a longer period (ie, lifetime of each dog) of fol-
positioning of the gastropexy. This emphasizes the im- low-up monitoring, the small sample size, and lack of
portance of having a surgeon who is comfortable with proof that the gastropexy will not fail sometime in the
endoscopy and anatomy perform the procedure to avoid future.
inadvertent placement of the gastropexy in an inappro- On the basis of the results for the study reported
priate position. Furthermore, certain complications, here, we believe that when performed by a trained and
such as perforation of a loop of bowel or major organ at experienced surgeon, an endoscopically assisted gas-
the time of percutaneous needle advancement into the tropexy is a safe, fast, reliable, and minimally invasive
stomach, can be envisioned. Needle breakage inside the alternative to other currently available prophylactic
abdomen is a potential complication, although the au- procedures. Endoscopically assisted surgery in humans
thors have not had this happen with the current selec- potentially maximizes the benefits associated with min-
tion of needles. On the basis of the limited number of imally invasive surgery, including a reduction in size
dogs in this study, we did not encounter this complica- of the incision, a decrease in postoperative pain and
tion, and we hope that adequate insufflation will make analgesic drug requirements, and a more rapid restora-
this complication an extremely rare event. tion of physiologic function of the intestinal tract.46,47
Regardless of potential complications, the tech- Subsequent to the study, the authors have performed
nique used here may have an advantage over other prophylactic endoscopically assisted gastropexy on a
less invasive techniques in that the instrumentation regular basis and have taught the procedure to other
required may be more widely available because veteri- veterinary surgeons. We perceive that becoming profi-
narians may already be using the equipment for other cient in the technique is most difficult for veterinary
procedures.36 Another notable advantage is that the du- surgeons who have no experience with endoscopy, and
ration of surgery may be substantially less than for oth- we believe that most veterinary surgeons will be com-
er prophylactic procedures, which have been reported fortable with the procedure after performing 4 or 5 sur-
to reach approximately 70 minutes of surgical time.35 geries. In our limited experience, we have found that
It is important to mention that practice and increased the surgery is simple to perform in most dogs but we
surgical efficiency can make it possible to perform all have infrequently encountered a dog in which it was
prophylactic procedures in similar surgical times. difficult to achieve the appropriate position or to access
After gastropexy, the dogs subjectively appeared to the stomach caudal to the 13th rib, which contributes
be comfortable and did not have signs of excessive pain to the duration of the procedure as a result of the need
while in our veterinary hospital. However, owner assess- to reposition the dog.
ment of pain indicated that dogs may have signs of pain
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182 Scientific Reports JAVMA, Vol 236, No. 2, January 15, 2010
Veterinary World, 2010, Vol.3(12):554-557 REVIEW

Gastric Dilation and Volvulus Syndrome in Dog

Ami S. Bhatia, P.H. Tank, A. S. Karle, H.S. Vedpathak and M.A. Dhami

Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology

College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry
Anand Agricultural University, Anand-388001, Gujarat, India

Gastric dilatation and volvulus syndrome (GDV) in dogs is an abnormal accumulation of gastric
gas (dilatation), which may be complicated by rotation of the stomach (volvulus) about its
mesentric axis. A number of factors, both environmental and host have been implicated in GDV.
This syndrome has a variety of effects on the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal,
metabolic, haemolymphatic-immune, renal and central nervous systems. Clinical signs include
distended, painful, tympanic abdomen, retching, unproductive vomiting, hypersalivation,
respiratory distress accompanied by varying degrees of shock. Treatment of GDV includes
medical and fluid therapy at shock dosages to initially stabilize the patient followed by gastric
decompression. Surgical procedure comprises of gastric derotation followed by partial
gastrectomy or spleenectomy depending upon gastric or spleenic viability and lastly,
permanent right sided gastropexy. Post surgical considerations include frequent small meals
instead of one large meal, avoiding vigorous activity immediately after meals and not allowing
animal to gorge on water after meals or activities.
Keywords : Gastric Dilatation,dogs,Volvulus.

Introduction factors unique to these cases.Treatment may range

from conservative to aggressive on the basis of these
Gastric dilatation and volvulus is an abnormal
accumulation of gastric gas (dilatation),which may be
complicated by rotation of the stomach (volvulus) Risk Factors
about its mesenteric axis. A series of per-acute patho- A number of factors, both environmental and
physiological changes occur that are responsible for
host have been implicated in gastric dilatation and
the high mortality rate associated with this condition
volvulus. These include breed, age, sex, chest
(Williams,1991). Acute gastric dilatation and gastric
confirmation, diet, stress and exercise patterns
dilatation with volvulus are differentiated from food
(Glickman et al.2000). In summary these multiple
engorgement (food bloat) which is charachterised by a
studies suggest the following:
known or presumed consumption of food resulting in
an overdistended, food filled stomach in a normal 1. Large and giant breeds viz. Great Dane, German
position. Chronic gastric volvulus is a subcategory of Shephard, Standard Poodle,Weimeraner, Saint
gastric dilatation with volvulus. Signs are subtle and Bernard, Gordon / Irish Setter, Large Mixed
varied; diagnosis may not be made until a routine Breed, Smaller Breeds: Bassett Hound,
diagnostic evaluation is carried out for intermittent Dachschund
bouts of weight loss, borborygmus, flatulence, 2. Dogs with close relative who’ve had GDV
eructation or vomiting and the volvulus happens to be 3. Large thoracic depth to width ratio
present during that evaluation (Frendin et al.,1988). 4. Underweight for breed
Acute gastric dilation and gastric dilatation with 5. Increasing age
volvulus have been recognised to affect the dog 6. Previous spleenomegaly or splenectomy
population for many decades, yet pathogenesis 7. Aerophagia/gulping food
remains unclear. Which condition develops first, 8. Eating from a raised bowl
dilatation or volvulus, has been debated extensively, 9. Stress
consensus suggests that dilatation precedes volvulus 10. Feeding once a day and small food particle
(Betts et al.,1974). The decision for care is based on the size (<30mm diameter) (Williams et al.,1999). Veterinary World, Vol.3 No.12 December 2010 554
Gastric Dilation and Volvulus Syndrome in Dog

Patho-Physiology restlessness, gums are pale or cyanotic, dog appears

Gaseous/fluid distension of the stomach alters “shaky” when standing, or cannot stand, abdomen very
the normal position of the pylorus and lower large, tachycardia (+100 bpm),weak pulse.
esophageal sphincter, limiting eructation and abroad Radiography
elimination of entrapped materials. Distension and Abdominal radiography is not performed until
displacement of the stomach have a variety of effects after medical stabilization. The right lateral position is
on the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, most revealing(Hathcock ,1984). Gastric dilation(with
metabolic, haemo-lymphatic, immune, renal and or without volvulus) is confirmed if a gas distended
central nervous system. gastric shadow is present with various degrees of gas
A. Direct cardiovascular effect : filled small or large intestine. Volvulus is suspected if a
A rapidly distending stomach and increased tissue density seperates the gas filled gastric shadow
general intra-abdominal pressure results in into two chambers or the pylorus is dorsocranial to the
compression of intra-abdominal veins, caudal fundus in the right lateral view.
venacava, portal vein and splanchnic vasculature.
(Wingfield et al.,1975).This venous occlusion causes Gastric Decompression
both a forward reduction in vascular volume and a 1. Orogastric intubation - “Stomach Tube”
backward increase in venous pressure leading to poor 2. Needle trocarization
venous return and splanchnic pooling with resulting Orogastric intubation: A lubricated stomach tube is
reduction in cardiac output and systemic blood passed to the stomach to relieve gastric
pressure. compression.Be sure to advance the tube carefully at
B.Direct Respiratory effects: the gastroesophageal junction. If resistance is found,
As the stomach distends, it pushes cranially on rotate tube and then advance. Passage of the stomach
the diaphragm preventing normal excursions; tidal tube into stomach lumen does not mean that there is no
volume is reduced in compensation, respiratory rate gastric rotation.
and effor ts are increased. Ultimately,these Needle Trocarization : An 18 gauge needle is used to
compensatory efforts cease to meet demands for puncture the distended stomach. The stomach wall is
oxygenation and carbon dioxide elimination; pCO2 against the body wall so other viscera is displaced,
rises first(stimulating more effort) and pO2 falls when hence low risk of injury to other tissues.
the respiratory system has exceeded its abilities. The
elevated pco2 creates a respiratory acidosis. Treatment of Shock
C.Direct Gastrointestinal effects: Fluid Type Rate
Increased intraluminal gastric pressure reduces Crystalloids Lactated Ringer’s solution Initially 0ml/kg/hr.monitor
response and reduce as
the myoelectrical activity of the stomach.(Hall et needed.
al.,1993) further exacerbating the accumulation of gas Colloids Haemaccel
and fluid and preventing normal recovery. Gastric (3.5% polygeline) 20ml/kg q24h
necrosis due to torsion, occlusion and avulsion of short Combinations 7% saline with colloid 5ml/kg over 15 min
Blood Haemoglobin
gastric arteries supplying the greater curvature and substitute glutamer 200
fundus of the stomach. Spleenic infarcts and necrosis (oxyglobin,biopure) 10ml/kg/hr
seen due to compromise of the spleenic vasculature Total dose should not
during volvulus. exceed 30ml/kg

D.Metabolic effects: Anaesthesia

Acid-base and potassium abnormalities, glucose • Neuroleptoanalgesics or narcotics preferred for
abnormalities, reperfusion injuries, disseminated induction.
intravascular coagulopathy, endotoxemia, renal effects • Phenothiazine derivatives,alpha agonists contra
have been seen. indicated since they further lower BP in
Diagnosis compromised patients. (Thurman et al.,1996).
• Maintained with gas anaesthetics viz. isoflurane
Signalment : Acute gastric dilation or gastric dilatation or sevoflurane.
with volvulus is usually diagnosed by signalment, • Nitrous oxide is contraindicated as it causes
history and physical findings. further gastric distension.
Presumptive diagnosis is based on:
1. Clinical findings Surgical Anatomy and Rotation
2. Radiography 1. Clockwise rotation of stomach is most common.
Clinical Signs: Pacing, restlessness, salivation, 2. Most rotations are between 180 and 270
panting, ineffective vomiting attempts, increased degrees. Veterinary World, Vol.3 No.12 December 2010 555

Gastric Dilation and Volvulus Syndrome in Dog

3. Occasionally, counterclockwise rotation of 90 for entry of 5-10mm laparoscope and a laparoscopic

degrees is seen. babcock forcep. This incisional gastropexy is strong
4. Stomach is rotated about the distal esophagus and is relatively quick and easy for a surgeon with entry
and tilted cranially. level laparotomy skills. (Rawlings, 2001). The initial
Determination of Stomach Ability trocar canula is placed on the midline 2-3 cm caudal to
the umbilicus and is used for the viewing telescope.The
After repositioning the stomach, gastric viability peritoneal cavity is distended with CO2 and the cranial
is assessed and devitalized areas are excised by abdominal area is viewed with a 5-10mm laparoscope.
partial gastrectomy.Fluorescein has been used to A 10mm trocar canula is inserted and a laparoscopic
predict gastric wall necrosis but does not provide better babcock forcep is used to grasp the antrum of the
predictability than visual and tactile means. (Wheatson stomach. An incision is made through the serosa and
et al.,1986). muscular layer of the antrum. A simple continuous
Serosal Color - gray / green,thickness of stomach pattern of 2-0,synthetic,monofilament, absorbable
wall – thin, fragile and no vascular patency indicates suture is placed to appose the seromuscular layer of
devitalized tissue. the antrum to the transversus abdominis muscle. After
Gastropexy: The goal of gastropexy is to produce a viewing the gastropexy for position and orientation, the
permanent adhesion between the pyloric antrum and laparoscope’s canula is removed and the incision is
the right lateral body wall to prevent rotation of the closed.
stomach. Recurrence rates can be as high as 80% if
gastropexy is not carried out.A number of gastropexy Prevention of Recurrence
techniques have been identified these are: Smaller meals to be fed more frequently to avoid
Beltloop Gastropexy: This technique uses a flap of excessive filling of stomach. Excessive exercise to be
gastric wall passed through a tunnelin the right lateral avoided especially after meals are fed to the animal.
abdominal wallto create a permanent gastropexy. Consumption of large amount of water after exercise to
Whitney et al.,1989 reported significant,short,fibrous be avoided to prevent distension.
adhesions between the pyloric antrum and the right Conclusion
body wall.
Incisional Gastropexy: This technique relies on the Gastric dilatation and volvulus is an abnormal
healing of the edges of a gastric seromuscular incision accumulation of gastric gas(dilatation),which may be
to the edges of a peritoneum-transverse the abdominal complicated by rotation of the stomach(volvulus) about
muscle incision for permanent gastropexy. The its mesentric axis.It is a life threatening emergency and
incisional gastropexy was evaluated clinically in 44 should be corrected within 4-6 hours of presentation.
dogs during a period of 5 years by (MacCoy et al.,1982) Common in dogs with a long and deep chest
with occasional surgical confirmation of adhesion and confirmation viz. Great Dane, German Shepherd,
with no reported recurrence. IrishSetter, Saint Bernard. This condition may be acute
Circumcostal Gastropexy: This technique relies on or chronic and has effects on the cardiovascular,
the flaps of gastric seromuscular tissue brought respiratory, haemopoietic and renal system. Typical
through a tunnel, which here is created behind the last clinical signs include retching, unproductive vomiting,
full rib. Experimental observations have confirmed the cranial abdominal distension, circulatory collapse and
formation significant adhesions with this technique dyspnoea. Blood sampling, biochemical tests do not
(Fox, 1985). show pathognomonic results. Hence surgery need not
Tube Gastropexy/ Gastrostomy: Tube gastropexy be delayed results are obtained. Radiography can be
has the advantage of being quick to perform and used to differentiate between simple gastric
allowing gastric decompression post operatively. obstruction and volvulus. Aggressive fluid therapy must
Though easy to place , increased morbidity and longer be started to stabilize the patient. Surgical options
hospitilisation periods are associated with this include Tube, Incisional, Circumcostal and Belt Loop
technique. A subcutaneous tunnel is made by means of Gastropexy. Frequent smaller meals should be fed and
blunt dissection with long artery forceps, from a stab minimum exercise allowed to prevent recurrence.
incision in the skin lateral to the laparotomy wound, and Laparoscopic assisted gastropexy can also be
caudal to the last rib on the right. Foley’s catheter is considered as an emerging surgical option.
drawn into the abdominal cavity. It is introduced in the References
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