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Organisme aerobik ata aerob adalah organisme yang melakukan metabolisme dengan

bantuan oksigen. Aerob, dalam proses dikenal sebagai respirasi sel, menggunakan oksigen
untuk mengoksidasi substrat (sebagai contoh gula dan lemak) untuk memperoleh energi.
substrat adalah permukaan dimana sebuah organisme (seperti tumbuhan, fungus dan hewan)
hidup. Substrat dapat meliputi material biotik dan abiotik dan hewan. Contohnya, alga
mengambang yang tinggal di bebatuan (substratnya) dapat menjadi substrat itu sendiri untuk
seekor hewan yang tinggal di puncak alga.
non-fotosintetik contoh FUNGI
Adenosina trifosfat (ATP) adalah suatu nukleotida yang dalam biokimia dikenal sebagai
"satuan molekular" pertukaran energi intraselular[1]; artinya, ATP dapat digunakan untuk
menyimpan dan mentranspor energi kimia dalam sel.
Fagositosis adalah konsumsi partikel padat diameter lebih besar dari sekitar 0.5μm melalui
endositosis. Fagositosis sering disebut sel makan. Dalam hal ini, membran plasma depan
menyatu dan mengelilingi partikel dekat permukaan sel untuk membentuk vesikel fagosit yang
disebut fagosom. Lisosom kemudian datang dan menyatu dengan fagosom ini dan melepaskan
enzim pencernaan mereka untuk mencerna konten dalam fagosom.
Fagositosis adalah proses dimana kebanyakan protozoa termasuk amuba, menelan dan
mencerna mangsanya. Pada hewan yang lebih tinggi, proses ini digunakan oleh neutrofil dan
makrofag dari sistem kekebalan tubuh untuk membela melawan benda asing
seperti bakteri, virus, partikel debu, sel mati, bagian seluler dan masalah sampah lainnya.

Pinositosis adalah asupan aktif tetesan cairan ekstraselular bersama dengan partikel kecil.
Karena sifat
bahan yang terlibat dalam pinositosis, sering disebut sel minum. Ini membantu untuk asupan
zat terlarut penting seperti insulin dan lipoprotein dalam bentuk terkonsentrasi. Selain itu, ion,
gula dan asam amino juga masuk ke dalam sel dengan metode ini. Dalam hal ini, cairan
ekstraselular pertama dengan partikel kecil mematuhi reseptor spesifik yang terletak di
membran sel. Kemudian membran plasma yang indaerah kewanitaantes daerah tertentu dan
mengelilingi partikel untuk membentuk membran dibatasi vesikel yang disebut pinosom.
Pinosomes kemudian pindah ke sitoplasma, dan konten dilepaskan. Pinositosis dapat dilihat
sangat sering pada sel-sel yang melapisi kapiler darah.

Zigot adalah sel yang terbentuk sebagai hasil bersatunya dua sel kelamin (sel ovum dan sel
sperma) yang telah masak.
Spora adalah satu atau beberapa sel (bisa haploid ataupun diploid) yang terbungkus oleh
lapisan pelindung. Sel ini dorman dan hanya tumbuh pada lingkungan yang memenuhi
persyaratan tertentu, yang khas bagi setiap spesies. Fungsi spora sebagai alat persebaran
mirip dengan biji, meskipun berbeda jika ditinjau dari segi anatomi dan evolusi.

Endospora merupakan sebuah fasa yang dilakukan oleh beberapa bakteri,

seperti Bacillus dan Clostridium memproduksi bentuk pertahanan hidup pada kondisi yang tidak
menguntungkan. Proses ini dikenal sebagai sporulasi
A Texas teen piloting a plane crashes and dies in Arkansas

(CNN) A 17-year-old from Texas was killed after the plane he was piloting alone crashed in
Washington County, Arkansas, late Monday night, according to the sheriff's office.

The single-engine Cessna plane being piloted by Gabriel Hatton crashed in a wooded area of
Prairie Grove, Arkansas, according to the Washington County Sheriff's Office(WCSO). The
crash was first reported to 911 at 8:43 p.m. by nearby residents, one of whom told CNN affiliate
KFSM that they heard the engine stall before impact.
"And then the plane just dove out of the sky," said Michael Anderson. "It sounded like the engine
was revving trying to pull it back up and it just went straight down."
The Federal Aviation Administration and National Transportation Safety Board will be
investigating the crash to determine the cause.
It took deputies a few hours to locate the crash site because the plane went down in a remote area
at night. Multiple fire departments from surrounding cities, along with Washington County
Urban Search and Rescue and even some residents with flashlights, assisted in the search. The
wreckage of the airplane, a fixed wing single-engine Cessna 150G, was located at 11:13 p.m.
Hatton, from McKinney, Texas, was the only one aboard the plane that departed from Drake
Field Airport and was heading to an unnamed location in Texas, according to WCSO. The
aircraft had only traveled a little over 20 miles before the crash.
Hatton's father, Clint, a pastor at Gates Church in McKinney, Texas, posted a statement on
Facebook on Tuesday.
"Our family was struck with incredible pain last night as our oldest son Gabriel Hatton was
involved in a tragic plane crash that took his life. We are grieving deeply but also full of the hope
and faith that He is safely in the Presence of Jesus for the rest of eternity."
A wildfire killed 80% of fish in a Colorado river

(CNN) The fish population in the Animas River in southwest Colorado has suffered a massive
loss following a wildfire from June 2018: It's down about 80%.

That's the assessment of the Colorado Parks & Wildlife, which conducted a full-scale survey last
week to get a picture of how much the river was affected by the 416 Fire.
The wildfire scorched an estimated 54,000 acres of land in the Hermosa Creek watershed.
Following the fire, heavy rain hit the region -- and that led to a runoff filled with ash that
suffocated fish in the river.
The survey showed there were just 28 pounds of trout per acre -- a sizable drop off from the
historical average of 78 pounds per acre.
There was also only one 14-inch fish found per acre, which is down from the historical average
of 22 per acre.

There's some good news though

However, despite the significant drop off, there are some promising signs.
Heavy snow during the winter led to a sustained runoff in the spring and summer that cleaned the
river bottom, which is home to a lot of fish and the food they eat. There was also a record
number of native bluehead suckers that were caught, which more than quadrupled the numbers
reported in 2016.
While the portion of the Animas River that was designated as a Gold Medal fishery -- a
designation awarded to creeks and rivers that provide great fishing opportunities -- won't lose its
gold medal designation, it will be a few years before it returns to that status.
"The river will not lose it's gold medal designation. That is a long process that requires several
years of data collection," CPW official Joe Lewandowski tells CNN.
In order to get the Animas River back to Gold Medal status, CPW will continue to have to stock
the river with fish.
As trout are unable to reproduce naturally in the Animas river since there are old mines that drain
heavy metals into the water upstream, fish are raised in a local hatchery and used to stock the
river, according to CPW.
An estimated 5,000 to 10,000 fish are added every year.

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