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Asri Yuda Trinanda, Wardi, Rini Mulyani

Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, Universitas Bung Hatta Padang
Email :,,


Secara geografis, Indonesia merupakan Negara kepulauan yang terletak pada pertemuan tiga
lempeng tektonik dunia, yaitu lempeng Eurasia, Indo-Australia dan Pasifik. Hal ini menyebabkan
sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia sangatlah rentan terhadap bahaya gempa dan tsunami. Shelter
evakuasi harus direncanakan sedemikian rupa sehingga memiliki ketahanan terhadap beban
gempa dan tsunami. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk merencanakan bangunan gedung 5 lantai
dari beton bertulang yang berfungsi sebagai shelter tsunami di Kota Padang. Gedung 5 lantai ini
memiliki ketinggian total 20 m dan berpedoman kepada SNI 03-2847-2013, SNI 1726-2012 dan
FEMA P-646. Analisis struktur dengan pemodelan gedung 3D berbasis Metode Elemen Hingga.
Berdasarkan SNI 1726-2012, diperoleh kategori risiko gempa IV, kondisi tanah lunak (SE), nilai
respons percepatan gempa SDS = 0,811g dan SD1 = 0,958g. Untuk penentuan gaya gempa,
digunakan Metode Analisa Statik Ekivalen dengan gaya geser dasar seismic arah-X yang
diperoleh sebesar 25335,10Kn dan arah-Y sebesar 25335,10kN. Beban tsunami yang
diperhitungkan adalah gaya hidrodinamik, gaya gelombang, dan gaya tumbuk. Berdasarkan
perencanaan yang dilakukan, konsep strong column weak beam pada gedung juga ditinjau
sehingga memenuhi persamaan ΣMnc >1,2 ΣMnb. Nilai ΣMnc yang diperoleh adalah 3451,2kN-
m dan ΣMnb3423,77kN-m. Untuk struktur bawah direncanakan pondasi tiang pancang kelompok
sedalam 22m, daya dukung vertikal tiang sebesar 2558,72kN.

Kata kunci :bangunan shelter tsunami, betonbertulang, gempa, tsunami, FEMA P-646.

Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

Ir. Wardi, M.Si Dr. Rini Mulyani, M.Sc.(Eng.)


Asri Yuda Trinanda, Wardi, Rini Mulyani

Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Bung Hatta of
University Padang


Geographically, Indonesia is an archipelago that lies on the boundary of three major tectonic
plates in the world such as the Eurasian plate, the Indo-Australian plate and the Pacific plate. As a
consequence, most of the Indonesian region is really prone to both earthquake and its associated
tsunami. The evacuation buildings have to be designed to withstand both earthquake and tsunami
loads in which has been done in this study. In this study, a 5 story reinforced concrete moment
resisting frame building is designed, which is located in Padang City. The building has a total
height of 20 m and it has been designed according to the Indonesian building codes:the SNI 03-
2847-2013 (building code for reinforced concrete structures) and SNI 1726-2012 (building code
for earthquake resistant structures) as well as the American FEMA P-646 (building code for
tsunami resistant structures).Structural analysis is performed using the 3D modelling based on a
Finite Element Method. Based on the SNI 03-2847-2013, the earthquake risk categoryof IV is
obtained for the building. The soil type is soft (SE) and the resulting acceleration response spectra
areSDS= 0.811gand SD1 = 0.958g. Tsunami loads considered in this study are hydrodynamic force,
impulsive forces, and debris impact forces. The concept of strong column weak beam is also
adopted to fulfill the ΣMnc> 1,2ΣMnb requirement. Based on the outcomes, the sum of moment
capacities of the columns (ΣMnc) and the beams (ΣMnb) are 3451,2 KN-m and ΣMnb 3423,77
KN-m, respectively. For the lower structures, pile group foundations with the depth of 22 m are
used, which have a vertical bearing capacity of 2558,72kN.

Keywords: building shelter tsunami, reinforced concrete, earthquake, tsunami, FEMA P-646.

First Supervisor Second Supervisor

Ir. Wardi, M.Si Dr. Rini Mulyani, M.Sc.(Eng.)

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