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YEAR 2019– 2020

A Research Paper Presented to:

Mrs. Rema Allanic


Encinares, Janine Andrei

De ocampo, Jilian

Manimtim, Johnrich Jericho

Nolasco, David

November 2019

The Problem And Its Background

This chapter consist of the introduction of the research, framework of the study,

statement of the problem, scope and delimitation, significance of the study, and the

definition of terms.


High school is the transition of a teenager’s life between childhood and

adulthood. It is a period of a person’s transformation socially, physically, emotionally,

and mentally. This is the stage of puberty, or the stage of one’s growth. This so called

metamorphosis is affected by a certain person’s way of living, place of development,

and most especially the people that surround one. From child to adult, each one is

taken care of and raised by their parents.

Each parent has different styles in disciplining their child resulting it to what their

children become. With regards to these changes, we wish to conduct a research about

the ‘Parenting Styles’. How it differs from each other and how it affects child’s growth.

According to Baumrind’s Theory, there are three main types of parenting styles. Each

style takes a different approach in raising a child. The parenting styles are Authoritarian,

Authoritative, and Permissive. (Pellerin, 2005)

Martinez and Garcia (2007), Authoritative and Permissive Parenting results to

high self-esteem whereas Authoritarian Parenting obtain worst results. Sharma and

Pandey (2015), This research also obtained the same results with Authoritative and

Permissive Parenting Styles having higher self-esteem. And according to 10 research

papers authoritative parenting style is considered the best parenting style giving

opportunities and independence to children. Jadon and Tripathi (2017)

The aim of this study is to know if the said researches are applicable to the

students of Tagaytay City Science National Highschool. This will also give awareness to

administrator, parents, and students.

As a locale, the researchers will be giving surveys to Grade 7 in Tagaytay City

Science National Highschool. The first drop occurs in the onset in the early adolescence

ages 9-13 when the young person separation from childhood creates a lot of

contentment with being defined and treated any longer as just a child. In this process,

many components of self-definition now considered “childish” act, and relationships that

supported self-esteem. ( According to Encyclopedia of

Children’s Health, the development of self-esteem in young children is heavily

influenced by parental attitudes and behavior. By middle childhood (ages 9 to 11 years

old), friendships have an important role in a child's life. At this stage, social acceptance

by a child's peer group plays a major role in developing and maintaining self-esteem.

The physical and emotional changes that take place in adolescence (ages 12 to 18

years old) , especially early adolescence, present new challenges to a child's self-


According to Erik Erikson’s fourth stage of psychosocial development, which

occurs during childhood between the ages of five and twelve. This stage explains that a

child’s peer group will gain greater significance and will become a major source of the

child’s self-esteem. McLeod (2018) These days, RCians are occupied with a lot of

school works giving difficult time balancing their socialization, school activities, and even

their health. Some have mental issues such as depression and anxiety. This study may

be a basis for future researchers to create intervention that may help lessen the

emotional and mental issues of the students.

Framework of the Study


Demographic Profile Relationship Of Parental

 2 sets of adapted
 Gender questionnaire Styles To The Self-
 Parenting Style  Self-esteem Esteem Of Grade 7
 Parenting Students Of Tagaytay City
Level of Self-Esteem Styles
of students  Mean of answers Science National High

 Pearson School School

Coefficient Year 2019-2020

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1 shows the variables used in the research “Relationship of Parental

Styles to the Self-esteem of Grade 7 Students of TCSNHS” The input block encloses

the demographic profile attributes which include the gender and the parenting styles on

the level of self-esteem of the students. The process block encloses the questionnaires

that will be used and how it will be analyzed and interpreted. The process performed is

assigned from the questionnaires in order to find information in the output block which is

Relationship of Parental Styles to the Self-esteem of Grade 7 Students of Tagaytay City

Science National Highschool.

Statement of the Problem

The study inquired is about the perception of students to parenting styles in

correlation to the children’s self-esteem.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1) Gender?

1.2) Parenting Style?

2. What is the level of self-esteem of the students?

3. What is the relationship of the parenting styles to the level of self-esteem of the


Null Hypothesis

There is no significant correlation between students' self-esteem and their

parents’ parental styles.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the different ways of parenting methods in disciplining the

child and how it affects the child’s esteem. The output of this study may be a basis in

creating programs for parents on how they should properly discipline their children.

However, the program may not be implemented.

Significance of the Study

The importance of discovering the insights of students to different parenting

styles is for the researchers to know the views of the student about how their parents

discipline them and how these affect their self-esteem. They want to conduct this

research to know which of the parenting manner is more efficient for the pupils.

The study is beneficial to the following individuals:

Guidance Counselor. Upon identifying conflicts, the school and the students may have

good relationships and the counsellor may obtain great awareness on their real

situations at home.

Parents. This may inform the parents if the way of disciplining their child works.

Future Researchers. If there may be researchers who wants to find a similar topic

related to parental discipline, they may use this research and gain ideas from it. This

research may serve as basis.

Definition of Terms

Upon reading this paper, the readers encountered the following words and these

are defined conceptually:

Approach. This is a method of dealing with something. (

Authoritarian Parenting. This is a parenting style characterized by high demands and

low responsiveness. (

Authoritative Parenting. This is a parenting style that is child-centered, in

that parents closely interact with their children, while maintaining high expectations.

(, 2018)

Discipline. This is the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior,

using punishment to correct disobedience. (

Parenting Style. This is a psychological construct representing standard strategies that

parents use in their child rearing. (, 2018)

Permissive Parenting. This is a type of parenting style characterized by low demands

with high responsiveness. ((, 2018)

Self-Esteem. This is the confidence in one's own worth or abilities. (

Uninvolved Parenting. This is a style characterized by a lack of responsiveness to a

child's needs. (, 2018)


Review Of Related Literature And Studies

This chapter presents the related literature and studies reviewed by the

researchers that will help in understanding the study. These information were collected

from different books, electronic library, online references, and other sources.

Parental Styles

Parenting Style is viewed as a characteristic of a parent that changes the

effectiveness of family socialization practices and children’s receptiveness to such

practices Darling & Steinberg (1993) Parenting Styles are patterns of child practices,

values, and behaviours. Parents can do a lot to help their teenagers cope with their

“growing up pains” by preparing them for physical changes. According to Baumrind

(1991), there are three main kinds of parenting styles: permissive, authoritarian, and

authoritative. Maccoby and Martin (1983) expanded this parenting style model using a

two-dimensional framework. They made further distinction by expanding Baumrind’s

permissive parenting into two different types which is indulgent (permissive) parenting

and neglectful (uninvolved) parenting. Parenting styles are categorized based on two

dimensions of parenting behavior. First is demandingness which refers to the extend

parents control their children’s behavior or demand their maturity. And the other is

responsiveness which refers to the degree parents are accepting and sensitive to their

children’s emotional and developmental needs.


Authoritarian Parenting have high demandingness and low responsiveness.

Although authoritarian and authoritative parenting styles have similar names, they

have several important differences in parenting beliefs. While both parental styles

demand high standards, authoritarian parents demand blind obedience using reasons

such as “because I said so“. These parents use stern discipline and often employ

punishment to control children’s behavior. Authoritarian parents are unresponsive to

their children’s needs and are generally not nurturing. Children of authoritarian parents

tend to have an unhappy disposition, Are less independent, Appear insecure,

Possess lower self-esteem, exhibit more behavioral problems, perform

worse academically, have poorer social skills, and are more prone to mental

issues. The Authoritarian parent tries to shape, control, and evaluate the behaviour

and attitudes of the child in accordance with a set standard of conduct Baumrind (1991).

These parents are rejecting and psychologically controlling Baumrind (2013) Baumrind

et. al. (2010) This type of parenting tries to institute respect of authority, respect for work

and preservation of order and traditional structure. Authoritarian parental control is

conceiving and domineering Baumrind (2012). Parents characterised as authoritarian

exhibit highly directive behaviours, high levels of restriction and rejection behaviours

and power-asserting behaviours of children Tumer et. al. (2009).


Authoritative Parenting refers to high demandingness and high responsiveness.

Authoritative parents have high expectations for achievement and maturity, but they are

also warm and responsive. These parents set rules and enforce boundaries by having

open discussion and using reasoning. They are affectionate and supportive and

encourage independence. This parenting style is also known as Democratic Parenting

Style. Based on Baumrind’s research, children of authoritative parents appear happy

and contented, more independent, achieve higher academic success,

develop good self-esteem, interact with peers using competent social skills,

have better mental health — less depression, anxiety, suicide attempts,

delinquency, alcohol and drug use, and exhibit less violent tendencies. The

authoritative parenting style balances clear, high expectations with emotional support

and recognition of children’s autonomy. These parents are those who are high in

acceptance and behavioural control, but low on psychological control Baumrind (2013)

Baumrind et. al. (2010). Baumrind (1988) conceptualized authoritative parents as

rational, warm, encouraging and controlling in a way that promotes child autonomy.

Likewise, Maccoby and Martin (1983) describe authoritative parents as clearly setting

rules and using reasoning to enforce them, encouraging open communication

supporting children’s independence, and expressing love and affection.


Permissive Parenting has low demandingness and high responsiveness.

Permissive parents set very few rules and boundaries and they are reluctant to enforce

rules. These parents are warm and indulgent but they do not like to say no or disappoint

their children. Children of permissive parenting worth or personal value. In other words,

how much you appreciate and like yourself. By middle childhood, friendships have

assumed a pivotal role in a child's life. Studies have shown that school-age youngsters

spend more time with their friends than they spend doing homework, watching

television, or playing alone. In addition, the amount of time in which they interact with

their parents is greatly reduced from when they were younger. At this stage, social

acceptance by a child's peer group plays a major role in developing and maintaining

self-esteem. The physical and emotional changes that take place in adolescence,

especially early adolescence, present new challenges to a child's self-esteem.

Fourth Stage Of Psychosocial Development

The stage occurs during childhood between the ages of five and twelve. It is at

this stage that the child’s peer group will gain greater significance and will become a

major source of the child’s self-esteem. The child now feels the need to win approval by

demonstrating specific competencies that are valued by society, and begin to develop a

sense of pride in their accomplishments. If children are encouraged and reinforced for

their initiative, they begin to feel industrious and feel confident in their ability to achieve

goals. If this initiative is not encouraged, if it is restricted by parents or teacher, then the

child begins to feel inferior, doubting his own abilities and therefore may not reach his or

her potential.


To summarize this chapter, Parenting Styles is viewed as a characteristic of a parent

that changes the effectiveness of family socialization practices and children’s

receptiveness to such practices (Darling & Steinberg, 1993) It has 4 types but the

researchers will only focus on the Three Main Types namely: Authoritarian,

Authoritative, and Permissive. Self-Esteem on the other hand, reflects an individual's

overall subjective emotional evaluation of their own worth. The Authoritarian parent tries

to shape, control, and evaluate the behaviour and attitudes of the child in accordance

with a set standard of conduct (Baumrind, 1991). The authoritative parenting style

balances clear, high expectations with emotional support and recognition of children’s

autonomy. These parents are those who are high in acceptance and behavioural

control, but low on psychological control (Baumrind 2013, Baumrind et. al. 2010). The

permissive parent attempts to behave in non-puritive, accepting, and affirmative manner

towards the child’s impulses, desires and actions. This type of parenting does not

require the parent to act as an active agent responsible for shaping the child’s

behaviour (Baumrind 1991). Martinez and Garcia (2007), Authoritative and Permissive

Parenting results to high self-esteem whereas Authoritarian Parenting obtain worst

results. Sharma and Pandey (2015), This research also obtained the same results with

Authoritative and Permissive Parenting Styles having higher self-esteem. And according

to 10 research papers authoritative parenting style is considered the best parenting

style giving opportunities and independence to children Jadon and Tripathi (2017). The

aim of this study is to know if the said researches are applicable to the students of

Rogationist College.



This chapter consists of the research method, population and sampling,

respondents of the study, research instrument, validation of the instrument, data

gathering procedure, and the statistical tools that were used in the study.

Research Method

This research has followed descriptive research analysis. According to Kothari

(2005) descriptive approach illustrates the ideologies of population. Descriptive

research design is a scientific method which involves observing and describing the

behavior of a subject without influencing it in any way Explorable (2008). The type of

research design will be survey. Some of the collected data are quantitative in nature

and are validated through numbers and percentages. Descriptive research can identify

or rather justify practical conditions. Descriptive study tries to illustrate systematically

structured instance, phenomenon, problem, service or data related to living conditions

meant for the community or to illustrate attitudes for the same. As against this, Gregory

(2002) illustrates descriptive research as the way to assist researchers in terms of

creating data to illustrate composition and features of similar groups.

The process of descriptive research is liable to generate perfect

comprehensiveness about the selected inquiry groups and thereby can establish

interrelationships among the notable variables. It is quick and is noted for identifying

investigation made over sufficient interpretation. Based on Devin Kowalczyk, descriptive

research is a study designed to depict the participants in an accurate way. More simply

put, descriptive research is all about describing people who take part in the study.

Population And Sampling

The target group of this study is the Grade 7 students of the TCSNHS. Stratified

sampling method was used in the research. With stratified sampling, the researcher

divides the population into separate groups, called strata. Then, a probability

sample often a simple random sample is drawn from each group ( It is

used when we might reasonably expect the measurement of interest to vary between

the different subgroups, and we want to ensure representation from all the subgroups.

The strata or the subgroups in this research are specifically the seven different sections

and the three common parenting styles. A sample in this study is, therefore, a smaller

group 3 - 4 of elements drawn through a definite procedure from an accessible

population. The elements making up this sample are those that are actually studied.

The sample of the population of this, study stood at approximately 260 students.

Frequency, percentage, mean, and Pearson correlation coefficient were the formulas


Research Instrument

The researchers adapted the survey question with the help of the questions

already found on the Internet. The researchers used questionnaires from Rosenberg, M.

(1965) and Mandleco, B., Olsen, S.F., & Hart, C. H. (1995). The first set of

questionnaire are questions used to determine the parenting styles and they will be

given another set of questions in accordance to their self-esteem.

Validation Of The Instrument

The researchers adapted questionnaires for both self-esteem and parental styles

to be approved by their Basic Research Teachers. The adapted questionnaires were

shown to the researcher’s Basic Research Teacher, English Teacher and Mathematics

Teacher. The respondents are specifically Grade 7 students. They will be answering

questions given to them by the researchers. With them answering it honestly can be a

great help in determining the effects of parenting styles to their children’s self-esteem.

Data Gathering Procedure

Two hundred and sixty copies of the questionnaire given out were successfully

completed and returned. The possibility of retrieving back all the questionnaire was as a

result of the researcher’s colleagues who offered a helping hand. The opposite could

have been the case if the researcher had taken the lonely task of going round the

schools to collect the questionnaire. The president or the secretary will be excused to

return the papers at a proper time.

Statistical Treatment Of The Data

The following statistical tools will be used by the researchers to analyze and

interpret the data.

Frequency And Percentage: A percentage frequency distribution is a display of data

that specifies the percentage of observations that exist for each data. It is a method of

expressing the relative frequency of responses and other data.


%= × 100

Where: % = Percent

f = Frequency

N = Number of cases

Mean: The average of all the data gathered. Will be used in the research to calculate

the average score of the self-esteem of the students as well as the average score of

their parental styles.


Where: Σx = Sum of all self-esteem/ parenting styles

n = The number of data

Pearson Correlation Coefficient: Used to measure if there is a significant relationship

between the self-esteem and the parenting styles.


Where: N = number of pairs of scores

Σxy = sum of the products of paired scores

Σx = sum of x scores

Σy = sum of y scores

Σx2 = sum of squared x scores

Σy2 = sum of squared y scores


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