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Marketing Mix (7P’s)


Learning Competencies Activity #1 Pick a thing

1.Describe the Marketing Mix (7Ps) in relation to the TASK:
business opportunity vis-à-vis:
1.1Product; 1.2Place; ✓Pick one piece of paper in a box
1.3Price; 1.4Promotion; ✓Act out how you are going to market/advertise it in such a
1.5People 1.6Packaging; way that the audience will be persuaded to buy the
2.Develop a brand name

Marketing Mix Marketing Mix

These are the tools of marketing management The term “mix” is used to explain the point that
employed by marketers. They are areas where at any one time the marketer will select a set
marketing managers need to make decisions. of tools from the marketing toolbox or the
These decisions affect the nature of the marketing mixing specific proportions to solve
offering or package of benefits that the specific problems –in the same way one selects
organization offers to customers. spanners and other tools for a specific job OR
The tools are commonly known as the 7P’s. ingredients to bake a particular type of cake.


Product Price
The value that is put
✓Quality ✓Packaging
on the exchange
✓Features ✓Sizes
✓Options ✓Services
➢ List price
✓Style ✓Warranties
➢ Discount
✓Brand name ✓Returns
➢ Allowances
➢ Payment period
➢ Credit terms

Promotion Place
➢ Communication ➢ Distribution
➢ Advertising ➢ Channels
➢ Personal selling ➢ Coverage
➢ Sales promotion ➢ Locations
➢ Public relations ➢ Inventory
➢ Direct Marketing ➢ Transport

Packaging Positioning
➢ Distribution ➢ Perception by customers
➢ Channels ➢ Perception by competitions
➢ Coverage ➢ Perception by general public
➢ Market position
➢ Locations
➢ Attributes
➢ Inventory
➢ Transport


People ➢ The level of service- Activity #2 After Action Review

➢ Attitudes of staff mindedness in the
➢ Training of staff organization
➢ The consistency of Mechanics:
➢ Internal relations
➢ The observable appearance of staff
➢ The accessibility of ✓ Watch the video about the 10 unforgettable Filipino
behaviour of staff
people commercial
➢ Customer-customer ✓ Based on the video identify the 7P’s presented in the
contacts commercials and explain why it is present in the
✓ 3 sentence only for each P’s

Accomplish the first four parts of their business
plan (draft) which are:

Introduction, Section 1. Executive Summary,

Section 2. Product and Section 3. Market

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