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Case study


Upon graduation, you take on what you quickly realize is the job challenge of a lifetime – you go
to work for the city school board of a large metropolitan area that is noted for problems with its
school system. You are in a staff position. Officially, your title is Staff Analyst, Special Project.
You ask your boss what some of the special projects are expected to be.
What you need to understand is that our staff is new and that we’re in a place to make some real
changes. The mayor is really alarmed. You know, of course, that businesses in the city just lost
a major contract for some work for the federal government. I’m sure that you’ve heard the
“official” position as well – that the low bid by Amalgamated Industries was the main reason.
Well, the mayor’s inside information is that the bid wasn’t the main factor. The main factor is
the state of education in this city. It’s so bad that we aren’t considered to have an educated
workforce. The mayor, the governor-everybody is determined that we must make an all-out
effort to radically and totally revamp the entire public school system in this city to ensure that
this never happens again. Your job will be to do the research that is needed to get things going.
You go home with a terrible headache and are worried that you’re in way over your head – or
anyone’s head, for that matter. But the next morning you’re feeling somewhat refreshed and
decide to give it a try.
When you get to work the next day, the boss pulls you aside.
Now I’ve really got a tough assignment for you. I want you to try to persuade one of the district
administrators to turn over control of one of the elementary schools to us so that we can run a
study of a new experiential reading curriculum. You’ve got to do it – the guy won’t even speak
to me. The problem is that this particular administrator, John Harold, is strictly from the Stone
Age. He’s one year away from retirement and hasn’t entertained a new idea in at least twenty
years. Anyhow, give it a go. You’re our last hope.
You aren’t too optimistic, but you agree to try.
Case Questions
1. What can you, as a manager, do to get the new program accepted?
2. Suppose you determine that there is a need to change the organisation as a whole (a
complete overhaul). How could OD be used in this situation? What steps would you take?
Who should be involved?

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