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Bubuk Biji Fenugreek Nullified Aluminium Chloride

Induced Loss, Perubahan Biokimia, A β Beban dan
Apoptosis melalui Mengatur Akt / GSK3 β Signaling
Asokan Prema 1, Arokiasamy Justin Thenmozhi 1 *, ThamilarasanManivasagam 1,
Musthafa Mohamed Essa 2,3,4, Mohammed D. Akbar 5, Mohammed Akbar 5

1 Departemen Biokimia dan Bioteknologi, Fakultas Sains, Universitas Annamalai, Annamalai Nagar, Tamilnadu 608 002, India, 2 Departemen
Ilmu dan Nutrisi Makanan, CAMS, Universitas Sultan Qaboos, Muscat, Oman, 3 Kelompok Riset Penuaan dan Demensia, Universitas Sultan
Qaboos, Muscat, Oman, 4 Yayasan Penelitian Makanan dan Otak, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600094, India, 5 SMPT, NIAAA, Institut Kesehatan
Nasional, Rockville, MD, Amerika Serikat



AKSES TERBUKA Penyakit Alzheimer (AD) adalah bentuk demensia yang paling umum yang terutama mempengaruhi fungsi kognitif populasi

yang berusia lanjut. Trigonella foenum-graecum ( L.) (fenugreek), tanaman obat yang secara tradisional dimanfaatkan
Kutipan: Prema A, Thenmozhi AJ, ManivasagamT, Essa MM,

Akbar MD, Akbar M (2016) Bubuk Biji Fenugreek Nullified dengan baik di mana-mana yang digunakan sebagai salah satu bahan tambahan makanan utama di seluruh dunia, dikenal
AluminiumChloride Terinduksi Kehilangan Memori, Perubahan memiliki banyak efek kesehatan yang bermanfaat. Ekstrak biji fenugreek bisa dapat menghambat aktivitas asetilkolinesterase
Biokimia, A β Beban dan Apoptosis melalui Mengatur Akt / GSK3 β Signaling
(AChE), enzim kunci yang terlibat dalam patogenesis DA, dan selanjutnya terbukti memiliki efek anti-parkinsonic. Penelitian
Pathway. PLoS SATU 11 (11): e0165955. doi: 10.1371 /
ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi efek neuroprotektif bubuk biji fenugreek (FSP) terhadap aluminium klorida (AlCl). 3) diinduksi

ADmodel eksperimental. Administrasi FSP yang berkecambah (2,5, 5 dan 10% dicampur dengan pakan tikus standar)

melindungi AlCl 3 gangguan memori dan pembelajaran, kelebihan beban Al, hiperaktif AChE, amiloid β ( SEBUAH β) beban dan
Editor: Jaya Padmanabhan, Fakultas Kedokteran USF

HealthMorsani, AMERIKA SERIKAT apoptosis melalui pengaktifan Akt / GSK3 β jalan. Data kami saat ini dapat mengkonfirmasi efek neuroprotektif dari biji

fenugreek. Lebih lanjut hasil ini dapat mengarah pada terapi yang mungkin untuk pengelolaan penyakit neurodegeneratif
Diterima: 8 Juni 2016
termasuk AD di masa depan.
Diterima: 20 Oktober 2016

Diterbitkan: 28 November 2016

Hak cipta: © 2016 Prema et al. Ini adalah artikel akses terbuka

yang didistribusikan di bawah ketentuan

Lisensi Atribusi Creative Commons , yang mengizinkan

penggunaan, distribusi, dan reproduksi tanpa batas dalam media

apa pun, asalkan penulis asli dan sumbernya dikreditkan.

Demensia adalah kelainan yang melemahkan, yang secara bertahap menurunkan fungsi kognitif termasuk memori,

Pernyataan Ketersediaan Data: Semua data yang relevan ada di bahasa, ucapan, orientasi, penilaian dan kapasitas belajar [ 1 ] Lebih dari 36 juta orang saat ini hidup dengan
dalam kertas dan file-file Informasi Pendukungnya. demensia di seluruh dunia dan sekitar 75% dari populasi ini, yaitu 27 juta orang, diperkirakan akan terkena penyakit
Alzheimer (AD) [ 2 ] AD disertai dengan tiga perubahan struktural utama di otak termasuk (i) kehilangan neuron,

Pendanaan: Para penyandang dana (UGC, India) tidak memiliki peran dalam pembentukan dan akumulasi protein tau hiperfosforilasi yang disebut neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) dan agregasi dari β-
desain studi, pengumpulan dan analisis data, keputusan untuk menerbitkan, amyloid (A β) peptida disebut plak pikun atau amiloid [ 3 ] Perubahan-perubahan ini paling menonjol dalam sistem
atau persiapan naskah. kolinergik, terutama di hippocampus dan korteks, yang terkait erat dengan kehilangan memori dan disfungsi kognitif

Minat yang bersaing: Para penulis telah menyatakan bahwa tidak ada pada AD [ 4 ]
kepentingan yang bersaing.

PLOSONE | DOI: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0165955 28 November 2016 1/19

Fenugreek Seed Powder Menawarkan Neuroproteksi pada AlCl 3 Toksisitas

Meskipun etiologi AD belum ditemukan, kedua faktor genetik dan lingkungan memainkan peran penting. Sejumlah bukti
menunjukkan bahwa aluminium (Al), racun lingkungan, bertindak sebagai faktor penyebab AD. 2 ] Al adalah unsur paling umum
ketiga, terdiri dari sekitar 8% kerak bumi, hanya dilampaui oleh oksigen dan silikon. Keberadaan unsur ini di mana-mana telah
sangat mencemari lingkungan. Paparan terhadap manusia adalah kemungkinan besar karena kehadirannya dalam makanan,
air, debu, udara dan obat-obatan. Sumber tambahan aluminium adalah makanan yang dimasak dan disimpan dalam
peralatan dan foil aluminium [ 5 ] dan penggunaan senyawanya yang digunakan dalam berbagai proses termasuk pembuatan
kertas, pengolahan air, penghambat api, pengisi, zat tambahan makanan, warna dan obat-obatan [ 6 ] Al juga masuk ke dalam
tubuh manusia dengan konsumsi jagung, kerang, keju kuning, produk susu, rempah-rempah, garam, roti, kue kering, kue,
buah glace, sosis, makanan yang kaya gula, campuran kue, teh, rempah-rempah dan kosmetik. Terlebih lagi senyawa Al
digunakan dalam antasida, pengikat fosfat, aspirin yang disangga, vaksin dan injeksi alergen. Orang-orang yang tinggal di
daerah sekitar pabrik semen lebih rentan terhadap paparan Al karena partikel-partikel yang tersebar mengandung jumlah
aluminium yang tinggi [ 6 ] Penelitian pada hewan sebelumnya dari laboratorium kami menunjukkan bahwa perubahan
neuropatologis, neurokimia dan neurobehavioral yang diinduksi oleh Al mirip dengan AD [ 4 , 7 , 8 ] Karena Al adalah neurotoksin
lingkungan, yang paparannya meningkat karena perubahan gaya hidup dan terlibat dalam patogenesis AD, percobaan saat ini

Apalagi asupan Al yang berlebihan menyebabkan pengendapan A β di hippocampus dan korteks, sehingga menyebabkan
gangguan belajar dan memori pada tikus [ 7 , 8 ] SEBUAH β mengaktifkan kaskade apoptosis melalui akumulasi organel
intraseluler seperti retikulum endoplasma (ER) atau dengan mengikat langsung ke reseptor sel, yang dapat menginduksi ER
atau stres mitokondria [ 9 ] Tingkat protein protein prekursor amiloid (APP) meningkat pada AD karena pemrosesan RNA yang
tidak diregulasi dengan spesies RNA yang tidak dibumbui termasuk myc box yang berinteraksi dengan protein 1, clusterin dan
presenilin-1 [ 10 ]. Beberapa jalur pensinyalan seperti MAPK [ 11 ], PI3K / AKT [ 12 ], NF- κ B dan jalur Tidak [ 13 ] mungkin terlibat
dalam A β- apoptosis neuron yang diinduksi. Selain itu Al dapat menyebabkan apoptosis dengan meningkatkan aktivasi
caspase-3 dan mengatur ekspresi Akt dan pGSK-3 β [ 14 ]

Trigonella foenum graecum ( L.) (fenugreek), tanaman obat yang dikenal secara luas
didistribusikan di seluruh dunia termasuk Asia (India dan Cina), bagian Eropa, Amerika Utara dan Selatan, Afrika dan
Australia [ 15 ] Selain penggunaan dalam produk susu beku, rempah-rempah, bumbu, acar, produk dan minuman roti,
fenugreek juga telah dilaporkan menunjukkan aktivitas antivirus, antimikroba, antitumor, antioksidan, antiinflamasi,
antiapoptotik, hipotensif dan antidepresan [ 16 ] Secara tradisional, baik daun dan biji digunakan sebagai obat untuk
hiperkolesterolemia dan diabetes di antara populasi India dan Cina [ 17 ] Satheeshkumar et al., [ 18 ] menunjukkan potensi
penghambatan ekstrak biji fenugreek pada aktivitas asetilkolinesterase, enzim kunci yang terlibat dalam patogenesis
DA. Selain itu pengobatan oral bubuk biji fenugreek (FSP) (5%) mengurangi toksisitas ginjal yang disebabkan oleh
aluminium klorida (AlCl 3) pada tikus [ 19 ] Ini juga menunjukkan efek anti-parkinsonic dengan menipiskan perubahan
perilaku dan menghambat aktivitas MAO-A dan B [ 20 ] pada tikus. Ekstrak biji fenugreek standar berbasis Glycosides
(SFSE-G) menurunkan apoptosis melalui modulasi Bax, Bcl-2 dan caspase-3 terhadap bleomycin yang diinduksi fibrosis
paru eksperimental [ 21 ] Beberapa senyawa aktif seperti diosgenin, 4-hydroxyisoleucine dan serat fenugreek yang
dilemahkan resistensi insulin pada tikus yang diobati dengan streptozotocin dan myotube L6 melalui mengatur jalur yang
bergantung pada AMPKand AKT di hati [ 22 ]

Di negara-negara berkembang, paparan Al meningkat karena perubahan gaya hidup, kurangnya kesadaran publik dan
manajemen limbah industri yang terbatas. Karena 80% populasi dunia bergantung pada obat nabati dan fenugreek
dikonsumsi secara luas sebagai bumbu berbiaya rendah dan obat yang diterima secara umum, efek neuroprotektif dari
FSP dipelajari terhadap AlCl 3

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Fenugreek Seed Powder Menawarkan Neuroproteksi pada AlCl 3 Toksisitas

diinduksi toksisitas dengan mengevaluasi gangguan kognitif, kadar aluminium, aktivitas AChE dan ekspresi
Alzheimer (APP, amyloid β 1–40 & 1–42, β dan γ - secretases), pro-apoptosis (Bax, Bad, cyto c, caspases 3 dan 9),
anti-apoptosis (Bcl2 dan Bcl-xL) dan pensinyalan (GSK-3 β / Penanda).

Material dan metode

Prosedur eksperimental
Bahan kimia. Aluminium klorida, antirabbit- β- Amyloid, γ- dan- β- secretase dan amyloid precursor protein (APP)
dibeli dari Sigma-Aldrich, Bangalore, India dan digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Anti-kelinci-Bax, Buruk, Bcl-2, Bcl-xL,
cyto-c, pro dan dibelah caspases-3, -9, GSK-3 β,
pGSK-3 β ( ser 9), pAkt (ser 473), saluran anion yang bergantung pada tegangan (VDAC), anti- β actin (mouse) dan
horseradish peroxidase (HRP) IgG anti-kelinci terkonjugasi diperoleh dari Cell Signaling. Semua bahan kimia lain yang
digunakan memiliki tingkat analitis.
Persiapan bubuk biji fenugreek (FSP). Trigonella biji dibeli dari pasar lokal, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu,
India, berkecambah dan bubuk halus. Untuk persiapan 2,5, 5 dan 10% FSP, sekitar 2,5, 5 dan 10 g bubuk biji
fenugreek kering dicampur dengan 97,5, 95,0 dan 90,0 g makanan tikus yang diarde [ 19 ] .Sebuah spesimen
voucher bahan tanaman (DBAU-1034) telah disimpan di Departemen Botani, Universitas Annamalai, 608 002.
Kami telah melakukan analisis kualitatif komponen kimia dan produk kami menunjukkan keberadaan
diosgenin, 4-hydroxyisoleucine , fenol dan flavonoid.

Hewan dan perawatan. Tikus Albino Wistar jantan (200-225 g; usia 10-12 minggu) dibeli dan dipelihara di
Rumah Hewan Pusat, Rumah Sakit & Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Universitas Annamalai dalam kondisi
standar [ 4 ] Penelitian ini (Proposal No.1125) telah disetujui oleh Komite Etika Hewan setempat dari Institut
(Reg. 160/1999 / CPCSEA).

Percobaan fase I. Setelah periode aklimatisasi 1 minggu, tiga puluh enam tikus diacak dan dibagi menjadi enam kelompok
yang masing-masing berisi enam hewan. Hewan kelompok I menerima saline dan dianggap sebagai kontrol. Tikus Kelompok II
diberikan dengan AlCl 3 ( 100mg / kg bb, oral) selama 6 minggu [ 23 ] Padahal dosis aluminium yang digunakan untuk menginduksi
AD pada tikus jauh lebih tinggi daripada paparan rutin manusia [ 2 ], itu berkorelasi dengan manusia, yang terpapar pada tingkat
ekstrim aluminium dalam kondisi tertentu misalnya toksisitas aluminium pekerjaan termasuk pengelasan, tinggal dekat dengan
pabrik semen dan dialisis ensefalopati [ 6 , 24 ] Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya [ 23 , 25 ], dosis dan durasi, regangan dan usia
hewan dipilih untuk memastikan pembentukan perilaku, biokimia, molekul, dan defisit neuron yang diinduksi aluminium, yang
menyerupai AD manusia. Tikus Kelompok III diberi perlakuan AlCl 3 sebagai kelompok II dan FSP 2,5% dicampur dalam pakan
tikus standar (yaitu 2,5 g FSP kering dalam 97,5 g makanan tikus tanah) [ 19 ] selama 6 minggu. Grup IV menerima AlCl 3 sebagai
kelompok II dan 5% FSP dicampur dalam pakan tikus standar yang dibumikan (yaitu 5 g FSP kering di dalam 95 g makanan
tikus tanah). Tikus Grup V menerima AlCl 3 sebagai kelompok II dan 10% FSP dicampur dalam pakan tikus standar yang
dibumikan (yaitu 10 g FSP tanah kering dalam 90 g makanan tikus tanah). Kelompok VI hewan menerima 10% FSP dicampur
dalam pakan tikus standar tanah selama 6 minggu. Dosis biji fenugreek yang terlibat dalam percobaan ini dipilih sesuai dengan
studi sebelumnya yang telah mengalami evaluasi gizi dan keamanan [ 19 , 26 ] Rao et al., [ 26 ] menyatakan bahwa pemberian 5%,
10% dan 20% dari bubuk FSP pada tikus setara dengan 1, 2 dan 4 kali, dosis terapi yang disarankan untuk manusia tidak
menunjukkan toksisitas. Asupan makanan, asupan air, dan perubahan berat badan dicatat setiap hari selama 42 hari. Pada akhir
periode eksperimental, uji penghindaran pasif dilakukan. Kemudian hewan dibius dengan menggunakan Ketamine hidroklorida
(24 mg / kg berat badan) (injeksi intramuskuler), kemudian hewan dikorbankan dengan pemenggalan leher rahim dan bangkai
dimakamkan. Setelah skarifikasi, otak

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Fenugreek Seed Powder Menawarkan Neuroproteksi pada AlCl 3 Toksisitas

jaringan (korteks dan hippocampus) dieksisi dan digunakan untuk penentuan Al dan AChE. Tidak ada perubahan signifikan yang

ditemukan pada tingkat dan aktivitas Al dan AChE antara 5 dan 10% tikus yang diobati dengan FSP. Oleh karena itu, 5% dari FSP

telah digunakan untuk studi lebih lanjut.

Percobaan fase II. Empat puluh delapan tikus yang dipilih secara acak dibagi menjadi empat (n = 12) kelompok:
kontrol, AlCl 3, AlCl 3+ FSP (5%) dan FSP (5%) selama 6 minggu. Efek neuroprotektif dari FSP terhadap AlCl 3 model
eksperimental yang diinduksi AD ditentukan dengan melakukan uji labirin air Morris dan melakukan ekspresi protein A β
penanda terkait dan apoptosis biosintesis. Dalam kedua fase, hewan dipelihara dalam kondisi standar (siklus 12/12
terang / gelap, suhu ~ 22˚C, dan kelembaban 60%) dengan makanan dan air ad libitum di kandang rumah. Tikus
diaklimatisasi selama 1 minggu sebelum dimulainya percobaan. Untuk mengevaluasi status kesehatan, pengukuran
berat badan, pengamatan penyimpangan dari parameter perilaku normal dan pemeriksaan penampilan fisik dilakukan
setiap hari. Selain itu asupan makanan dan air juga diukur setiap hari. Tidak ada tanda dan gejala abnormal yang
diamati selama periode percobaan. Tidak ada tanda dan gejala abnormal yang diamati selama periode percobaan.
Tidak ada tanda-tanda toksik / kematian yang diamati selama periode percobaan.

Tugas penghindaran pasif. Aparat terdiri dari dua kamar (terang dan gelap) dengan lantai kotak logam.
Kedua kamar itu dipisahkan oleh dinding yang berisi pintu. Tes dilakukan pada dua hari berturut-turut. Dalam
percobaan akuisisi, masing-masing dan setiap tikus ditempatkan secara independen di ruang cahaya. Segera
setelah memasuki ruang gelap, sengatan listrik (40 V, 0,5 mA selama 1 detik) dikirim ke kaki hewan melalui
kisi-kisi. Tikus itu segera dikeluarkan dari peralatan dan dikembalikan ke kandang. Tikus ditempatkan lagi di ruang
cahaya setelah 24 jam dan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk masuk ke ruang gelap dihitung sebagai latensi
step-through. Jika hewan itu tidak memasuki ruang gelap dalam periode uji 5 menit, tes dihentikan dan latensi
step-through dicatat sebagai 300 detik [ 27 ]

Labirin air Morris. Peralatan terdiri dari kolam renang bundar besar (150 x 45 cm; air diisi hingga kedalaman 30 cm
pada 28 ± 1˚C), yang dibagi menjadi empat kuadran yang sama dan platform Perspex. Selama fase akuisisi, platform kecil
ditempatkan sekitar 1 cm di atas permukaan air. Setiap tikus menjadi sasaran empat percobaan berturut-turut dengan
istirahat 5 menit. Setiap hewan ditempatkan dengan hati-hati di kuadran yang berbeda untuk setiap percobaan, menghadap
dinding kolam dan diizinkan 120 detik untuk menemukan platform. Kemudian, itu diizinkan untuk tinggal selama 20 detik di
platform. Hewan dipandu untuk mencapai tujuan, jika gagal mencapai platform dalam 120 detik dan dibiarkan tetap di sana
selama 20 detik berikutnya. Pada hari, 19 dan 20, hewan-hewan diizinkan menghadiri dua sesi pelatihan berturut-turut.
Waktu rata-rata untuk mencapai platform visual diukur sebagai latensi perolehan. 3 administrasi, berarti waktu untuk
menemukan platform tersembunyi masing-masing dicatat sebagai latensi retensi pertama dan latensi retensi kedua [ 23 ]

Estimasi konsentrasi aluminium. Kedua jaringan hipokampus dan kortikal ditimbang dan kemudian
ditambahkan dengan poli-tetra-fluoroethene, 0,05 ml asam nitrat dan 0,2 ml H 2 HAI 2 dan diinkubasi pada 120˚C
selama 2 jam. Tingkat aluminium diukur dengan spektrofotometer serapan atom [ 7 ]

Uji aktivitas asetilkolinesterase. Kit pengujian aktivitas AChE dibeli dari Bio Vision, INC, CA, USA dan
digunakan untuk mengukur aktivitas AChE oleh ELISAmethod di hippocampus dan cortex.

Ekspresi protein dengan analisis western blot. Hipokampus dan jaringan korteks pre-frontal dihomogenisasi secara
lembut dalam 7 volume buffer suspensi dingin dan disentrifugasi (750 × g pada 4˚C; 10 menit) untuk mengisolasi fraksi nuklir
dan kemudian pada 10.000 × g pada 4˚C; 20 menit untuk memisahkan fraksi mitokondria. Pelet ditangguhkan kembali dalam
buffer dingin tanpa

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Fenugreek Seed Powder Offers Neuroprotection on AlCl 3 Toxicity

sukrosa dan dianggap sebagai fraksi mitokondria. Supernatan dikumpulkan dan disentrifugasi pada 100.000 × g selama
60 menit pada suhu 4˚C dan pelet yang diperoleh kemudian dianggap sebagai fraksi sitosolik [ 28 ] Konsentrasi protein di
kedua fraksi jaringan dianalisis dengan metode Lowry et al., [ 29 ]

Sekitar 50 μg total protein seluler dimuat pada 10% SDS-PAGE dan dipindahkan ke a Polivinilidena fluorida membran
(Millipore) setelah dipisahkan. Membran diinkubasi dengan buffer blocking (dengan 5% bubuk susu kering non-lemak)
selama 2 jam untuk mengurangi situs pengikatan non-spesifik dan kemudian diinkubasi dengan APP, β- amiloid, γ- dan β- secretases,
Bax, Bad, Bcl-
2, Bcl-xL, pro dan dibelah caspase 3, caspase 9, cytoc, pAkt, pGSK-3 β, tGSK-3 β, VDAC (kelinci monoklonal; 1: 250) dan β- aktin
(kelinci monoklonal; 1: 1000) di TBST (5% albumin serum sapi dalam Tris-buffered saline dan 0,05% Tween-20) dan
ditempatkan dalam shaker pada suhu 4˚C untuk semalam. Kemudian membran ditetaskan dengan antibodi sekunder (IgG
terkonjugasi menjadi peroksidase lobak) pada suhu kamar selama 2 jam. Selama 30 menit, membran dicuci tiga kali
dengan TBST. Hasil akhir divisualisasikan oleh protokol chemiluminescence (GenScript ECL kit, Piscataway, NJ, USA).
Program analisis citra gel digunakan untuk analisis densitometri. Data dinormalisasi menggunakan β- aktin dan antibodi
anti-VDAC masing-masing sebagai cytosol dan kontrol pemuatan mitokondria [ 30 ]

Analisis data. Semua data dinyatakan sebagai mean ± Standar Error (SEM) dari sejumlah eksperimen.
Signifikansi statistik dihitung dengan analisis satu arah varians (ANOVA) menggunakan SPSS versi 15.0 dan
perbandingan individu diperoleh dengan Duncan Multiple Rentang Test (DMRT). Sebuah nilai P < 0,05 dianggap untuk
menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok dan nilai-nilai berbagi alfabet umum tidak berbeda secara
signifikan dengan satu sama lain.


administrasi FSP melemahkan AlCl 3 penurunan berat badan diinduksi

Gambar 1 menunjukkan perubahan berat badan pada kelompok normal dan eksperimental. Tikus yang diinduksi dengan AlCl 3 menunjukkan

signifikan (P <0,05) penurunan berat badan bila dibandingkan dengan kontrol

Gambar 1. Tikus inducedwith AlCl 3 menunjukkan signifikan (P <0,05) penurunan berat badan bila dibandingkan dengan tikus kontrol. Oral treatment with FSP to
AlCl 3 induced rats significantly (P<0.05) increased the body weight dose dependently. There are no significant changes in weight gain of FSP alone treated rats when
compared with control rats. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (one-way ANOVA followed by DMRT) for six rats in each group. Values not sharing the same symbols
differ significantly.


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Fenugreek Seed Powder Offers Neuroprotection on AlCl 3 Toxicity

rats. Oral treatment with FSP to AlCl 3 induced rats significantly (P<0.05) increased the body weight dose dependently.
There are no significant changes in weight gain of FSP alone treated rats when compared with control rats. The water
intake (mL/d) and food intake (g/d) of rats in the control and experimental groups also showed no significant

FSP administration attenuates AlCl 3 induced learning and memory impairments

Learning is manifested by organized behavioral changes, as a result of repetitive experience to the same stimulus
environment and the conservation of learned behavior in over time is known as memory [ 31 ]. These processes cannot
be measured directly, but could be observed by behavior changes under specialized conditions. Various behavioral
test were employed to measure spatial memory (morris water maze, radial armwater maze and barnes maze),
associative learning tasks (passive avoidance, fear conditioning), alternation tasks (Y-maze/Tmaze), recognition
memory tasks (novel object recognition), attentional tasks (choice serial reaction time), set-shifting tasks and reversal
learning tasks. Measurement of behavioral changes is a more sensitive indicator of neurotoxicity during aluminium
exposure [ 32 ].

In the passive avoidance task, the animal must learn to avoid or escape from aversive stimuli
i.e., an electric shock exposure in darkness. All the nocturnal animals including rats naturally chooses only dark
environment, but the animal has to suppress this tendency by remembering the negative stimulus. Rats treated with
AlCl 3 ( Fig 2 ) showed a decreased step-through latency in passive avoidance task relative to control group, which
indicates the memory impairment. On the other hand, co-treatment of FSP dose dependently and significantly
reversed the AlCl 3
induced memory and learning deficits as compared to AlCl 3 alone treated rats. There was no significant difference
found in the memory improvement between 5% and 10% FSP co-treated rats, but more significant than 2.5% FSP
co-treated rats.

Fig 2. AlCl 3 treated rats exhibited increased step-through latency (STL) in passive avoidance test. AlCl 3
induced STL was reduced dose dependently by FSP co-treatment. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (one-way ANOVA followed by DMRT) for six rats in
each group. Values not sharing the same symbols differ significantly
−* p < 0.05 compared to the control, #p < 0.05 compared to the AlCl 3 treated rats, @p < 0.05 compared to the AlCl 3
+ FSP (2.5%).


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Fenugreek Seed Powder Offers Neuroprotection on AlCl 3 Toxicity

Morris water maze test is used to examine the age-related/ AD like conditions, because it is more specific for
hippocampal function, one of the most affected regions in AD [ 33 ]. Rats are allowed to swim in a water tank filled with
water and motivated to escape from the water by swimming to a hidden platform. The animals are learnt to locate the
hidden platform by using spatial cues (posters or objects purposefully placed on the walls outside of the water maze).
After several days, the time taken to locate the hidden platform by animals can be measured as spatial memory. Rats
treated with AlCl 3 took longer time to reach the visible platform than those of the control group on day 20, indicating
memory deficits, whereas administration of FSP (5%) significantly enhanced memory performance on day 20 as
compared to AlCl 3- treatedgroup. Moreover AlCl 3 treatment significantly diminished the 1 st and 2 nd retention latencies (on
day 21 and 42 respectively) as compared to the control group. Chronic FSP (5%) treatment significantly enhanced
both the retention latencies as compared to AlCl 3 alone treated rats ( Fig 3 ). A repeated measures ANOVA with a
Greenhouse-Geisser correction determined that mean retension latency differed statistically significantly between time
points (F (1.016, 371.806) = 38.101 p < 0.0005). Post hoc tests using the Bonferroni correction revealed that reduction
in retension latency from training (20th day) to first retension latency was statistically significant (p < .005). However,
second retension latency was not significantly different to first retension latency (p = 0.258).

FSP amolerates AlCl 3 induced Al overloading and AChE activity

Researchers discussed the possible role of aluminium in AD for more than 50 years. Not only the AD patients and
also the experimental animals overloaded with aluminum showed high concentrations of aluminium in the
hippocampus and cortex [ 34 ]. Although aluminium is reported to accumulat in basal forebrain, brain stem and
cerebellum, the cortex and hippocampus are the most vulnerable region for aluminium toxicity and essential for
cognitive processes such as learning and memory. Cholinergic neurons and acetylcholine are linked to learning,
memory, movement and blood flow control in the brain [ 35 ]. Aluminium induces

Fig 3. AlCl 3 rats tookmore time to reach both the visible (on day 20) and hidden (on day 21 and 42) indicatingmemory deficits. Co-treatment of FSP
(5%) significantly enhanced memory performance on day 20, 21 and 42 in both training and retention phase. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (a
repeated-measured ANOVA followed by DMRT) for six rats in each group. Values not sharing the same symbols differ significantly −* p < 0.05 compared to the
control, #p < 0.05 compared to the AlCl 3 treated rats.


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Fenugreek Seed Powder Offers Neuroprotection on AlCl 3 Toxicity

memory impairment by decreasing cholinergic function, as measured by acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and choline
acetyltransferase activities, the key enzymes involved in the degradation and synthesis of acetylcholine [ 36 ].
Aluminum chloride treatment significantly increased aluminum concentration ( Fig 4 ) and AChE activity ( Fig 5 ) in
hippocampus and cortex as compared to control rats. However, FSP (2.5, 5 and 10%) co-treatment significantly
attenuated the rise in aluminum overload and AChE hyperactivity in both regions of brain as compared to control rats.
It was observed that 5% and 10% FSP treatment showed similar reduction in Al levels and AChE activity, but more
significant than 2.5% FSP. As a consequence, we have chosen the optimum dose (5% FSP) for further studies.

FSP nullifies AlCl 3 induced A β biosynthesis and apoptosis

Results obtained fromwestern blot analysis demonstrated the protein expression patterns of amyloid biosynthesis ( Fig
6A, 6B & 6C ) and apoptotic ( Fig 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E & 7F ) indices in hippocampus and cortex of control and
experimental rats. Al is reported to enhance the A β
burden in brain of experimental animals by directly influencing the A β biosynthesis or directly or indirectly affecting the
A β catabolism [ 37 ]. Chronic administration of AlCl 3 enhanced the protein expressions of APP, A β 1–42, β and γ secretases
as compared to the control group that would be in favor of A β plaque formation. Treatment of FSP (5%) to AlCl 3 treated
rats showed diminished expressions of APP, A β 1–42, β and γ secretases.

Apoptosis is a prominent form of cell death in numerous neurodegenerative diseases like AD and Parkinson’s
disease [ 38 ]. Recent studies from our lab showed that Al potentially induces apoptosis in brain by enhancing the
expressions of Bax and caspases and by reducing the expressions of Bcl-2 [ 4 , 27 ]. Chronic treatment of AlCl 3 for a
period of 6 weeks significantly increased (p < 0.005) the protein expressions of Bax, Bad, cyto c, caspases -9 and cyto
c (mitochondrial fraction), whereas it decreased the expressions of Bcl-2, Bcl-xL and cyto c (cytosolic fraction) in the
hippocampus and cortex. However, FSP supplementation (5%) attenuated the AlCl 3 induced altered protein
expressions. No significant changes were found in the hippocampal and cortical cytosolic expressions of
pro-caspase-3 (32 kDa) of control,

Fig 4. AlCl 3 animals exhibited enhanced levels of Al in hippocampus and cortex. Cotreatment of FSP (2.5, 5 and 10%) dose dependently attenuated the
AlCl 3 mediated Al burden. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (oneway ANOVA followed by DMRT) for six rats in each group. Values not sharing the same
symbols differ significantly
−* p < 0.05 compared to the control, #p < 0.05 compared to the AlCl 3 treated rats.


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Fenugreek Seed Powder Offers Neuroprotection on AlCl 3 Toxicity

Fig 5. AlCl 3 group showed significantly enhancedAChE activity in hippocampus and cortex. However, FSP (2.5,5 and 10%) co-treatment significantly
attenuated the AChE hyperactivity in both regions of brain. It was observed that 5%and 10%FSP treatment showed similar reduction in Al levels and AChE
activity, but more significant than 2.5%FSP. As a consequence, we have chosen the optimumdose (5%FSP) for our further study. Data are expressed as mean ±
SEM (one-way ANOVA followed by DMRT) for six rats in each group. Values not sharing the same symbols differ significantly −* p < 0.05 compared to the
control, #p < 0.05 compared to the AlCl 3

treated rats.


aluminum, aluminum/FSP and FSP-treated animals. Caspase-3 (17 kDa), one of the activated forms of caspase-3,
expressed less incontrols and is present as an intense band in the aluminum-treated animals. Treatment with FSP
significantly inhibits the cleavage of pro-caspase-3 to the active caspase-3.

FSP reverses AlCl 3 induced altered expressions of Akt/pGSK3 β

signaling markers
Al may induce cell death by regulating a variety of signaling pathways. Its exposure induces dephosphorylation and
deactivation Akt and activation of proapoptotic regulators such as Bad. Furthermore, it induces dephosphorylation and
activation of GSK-3 β, one of the key enzymes involving in control of apoptosis. Reduction of intrinsic Akt activity and
activation of GSK-3 β is associated with mitochondrial depolarization and permeabilization, cytochrome c release, and
caspase-3 activation. By inhibiting Akt pathway, Al induces apoptosis. Rats treated with AlCl 3 exhibited significantly
lowered expressions of pAkt and pGSK-3 β in hippocampus and cortex, whereas their expressions were significantly
attenuated by co-treatment with FSP (5%). FSP alone treatment induced non-significant changes in the expression of
pAkt, GSK-3 β

and pGSK-3 β compared with the control group. These results indicate that FSP effectively reversed the AlCl 3 induced
neurotoxicity by augmenting the expressions of pAkt and pGSK3 β ( Fig 8A, 8B & 8C ).

Results of the present study showed that the intake of AlCl 3 through drinking water significantly increased Al
concentrations in hippocampus and cortex of rats that is in consistent with

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Fenugreek Seed Powder Offers Neuroprotection on AlCl 3 Toxicity

Fig 6. AlCl 3 treatment significantly enhanced the protein expressions of APP, A β 1–42, β and γ secretases and favours amyloid biosynthesis. Coadministration of FSP
attenuated the AlCl 3 mediated amyloid biosynthesis. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (one-way ANOVA followed by DMRT) for three rats in each group. Values not
sharing the same symbols differ significantly −* p < 0.05 compared to the control, #p < 0.05 compared to the AlCl 3 treated rats.


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Fenugreek Seed Powder Offers Neuroprotection on AlCl 3 Toxicity

Fig 7. Chronic treatment of AlCl 3 significantly increased the protein expressions of Bax, Bad, cyto c, caspases -9 and cyto c (mitochondrial
fraction) and decreased the expressions of Bcl-2, Bcl—xL and cyto c (cytosolic fraction) in the hippocampus and cortex and favours
apoptosis. However, FSP supplementation (5%) attenuated the AlCl 3 induced apoptosis. No-significant changes in the expressions of pro-caspase-3
(32 kDa) were found in control and experimental groups. The activated caspase-3 (17 kDa) expression is enhanced following aluminum treatment and
inhibited by the FSP co-treatment, which further proves the antiapoptotic property of FSP. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (one-way ANOVA
followed by DMRT) for three rats in each group. Values not sharing the same symbols differ significantly −* p < 0.05 compared to the control, #p < 0.05
compared to the AlCl 3 treated rats.


other reports [ 7 , 8 ]. In normal rats, the half-life of aluminium in brain is about 150 days and gets decreased to 55 days,
upon receiving defroxamine, a metal chelator. Accumulated Al in brain can be mobilized by iron chelator such as
deferoxamine chiefly via a carrier mediated mechanism to protect the brain fromAl by effluxing across the BBB into
blood [ 39 , 40 ].Crude extracts of fenugreek derived with various solvents including methanol, ethanol, hexane, acetone,
dichloromethane and ethyl acetate showed to have strong iron chelation activity [ 41 ] that are mainly due to the
presence of various hydroxyl radicals in their constituents. Meghwal and Goswami [ 42 ] suggested that germinated
fenugreek seeds exhibited more benefits than dried seeds, as germination increases the bioavailability of phenolic and
flavonoid compounds in fenugreek. FSP treatment significantly reduced the Al bioavailability and accumulation in brain
may be due to its strong metal chelating property.

Our results indicated that AlCl 3 significantly reduced contextual memory in passive avoidance test and spatial

memory inMorris water maze test. In the passive avoidance test, AlCl 3
treated rats do not remember the aversive stimulus and enter earlier into the dark chamber associated with shock as
compared to the control rats that could remember. In the Morris water test, Al over loaded rats showed less capacity to
retrieve and retain the location of hidden platformwith the help of spatial information even after several days. FSP
co-administration reversed aluminium induced memory deficits, which indicate its memory enhancing effect. Saini et
al., [ 43 ] reported that FSP reversed the memory deficits induced by scopolamine and diazepam.

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is the primary cholinesterase which hydrolyses the neurotransmitter acetylcholine into
choline and acetic acid, a reaction that allows a cholinergic neuron to come back its resting state after activation. Each
molecule of AChE degrades about 25000 molecules of acetylcholine (ACh) per second in both neural and non-neural
tissues [ 44 ]. AChE activity is sensitive to exogenous factors including diets [ 45 ] and the presence of metal such as Al [ 7
, 8 ]. In the present study, chronic AlCl 3 administration in rats showed significant increase in the brain AChE activity,
which is in line with the previous studies [ 7 , 8 , 46 ]. Al ions interact with the peripheral sites of AChE and modify its
secondary structure and eventually enhanced its activity [ 47 ]. Co-administration of fenugreek seed extract to AlCl 3 intoxicated
rats showed the possible neuroprotection by reducing AChE activity. Inhibiting the activities of AChE increases the
level of the ACh with positive effects on cognitive events [ 48 ]. Satheeshkumar et al., [ 18 ] demonstrated the in vitro AChE
inhibitory activity of fenugreek and its active component, trigonelline. The pathophysiology of AD is multifaceted and
involves amyloid- β

(A β) deposition, tau pathology, oxidative stress, inflammation, mitochondrial and proteosome dysfunction, metal-Aß
interactions that leads to profound loss of cholinergic neurons [ 49 ]. Drugs that potentiate central cholinergic function
(such as donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine) have confer only modest benefits during early stages of the
disease. So additional noncholinergic therapies such as anti-amyloid strategies, transition metal chelation,
administration of growth factors, hormones, herbs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antioxidants, lipid-lowering
agents, anti-hypertensives, selective phosphodiesterase inhibitors, vitamins (E,

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Fenugreek Seed Powder Offers Neuroprotection on AlCl 3 Toxicity

Fig 8. AlCl 3 rats exhibited significantly lowered the expressions of pAkt and pGSK-3 β in hippocampus and cortex.
Western blot studies indicated that their expressions were significantly attenuated by co-treatment with FSP (5%). Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (one-way ANOVA
followed by DMRT) for three rats in each group. Values not sharing the same symbols differ significantly −* p < 0.05 compared to the control, #p < 0.05 compared to the AlCl 3
treated rats.


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Fenugreek Seed Powder Offers Neuroprotection on AlCl 3 Toxicity

B12, B6, folic acid) and agents that target neurotransmitter or neuropeptide alterations are urgently needed.
Hence, it is possible that, memory enhancing activity of FSP might be partially through the inhibition of AChE.

According to “amyloid hypothesis”, the overproduction and accumulation of A β peptides represent an early and
vital process in the pathophysiology of AD leading to the formation of neuritic amyloid plaques. Amyloid precursor
protein (APP) is sequentially cleaved by a series of proteases including β- and γ- secretases. β- secretase chops the
ectodomain of APP and produces an APP C-terminal portion, which is further spliced by γ- secretase within the
transmembrane domain resulting in the release of two C-terminal variants: A β 1–40 or A β 1–42 [ 50 ]. A β 1–40 comprises
approximately 90% of total secreted A β, but it aggregates much more slowly than A β 1–42 [ 51 ]. A β in amyloid plaques
consists mainly of the A β 1–42 species, whereas vascular amyloid is composed primarily of A β 1–40. In the present study,
AlCl 3 treatment favors amyloidogenesis by enhancing the expressions of pathological amyloid biosynthesis related
markers including APP, A β 1–42, β and γ- secretases. Wang et al., [ 52 ] reported that the administration
aluminiummaltolate of significantly augmented A β 1–42 contents in cortex and hippocampus, although no changes were
observed in the levels ofA β 1–40. Targeting A β production and assembly could be a vital therapeutic strategy for treating
AD [ 53 ]. FSP significantly attenuated amyloidogenesis by modulating the expressions of APP, A β 1–42, β and γ- secretases,
which could inhibit A β production.

Al induces apoptosis in hippocampus and cortex mainly through the down-regulation of anti-apoptotic mediators
and up-regulation of pro-apoptotic factors [ 54 ]. The Bcl -2 family of proteins controls the mitochondria-mediated intrinsic
apoptotic pathway, which is classified into two groups: the anti-apoptotic proteins such as Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL and the
pro-apoptotic proteins including Bax, Bad and Bak. The balance between pro- and anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins
determines the survival or death of cells. Bcl-2 inhibits apoptosis by preventing the release of cytochrome c whereas,
Bax induces apoptosis by dimerizing and inactivating the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins and enhancing cytochrome c
release. Cytochrome c subsequently activates caspases, which finally leads to cell death. Caspases are the group of
proteases that plays a vital role in the activation of apoptosis, necrosis and inflammation. Some caspases including
caspase-9 acts as an upstream “initiator” in apoptosis by blending cell death stimuli to the downstream “effector”
caspases such as caspase-3. In our study, chronic AlCl 3 treatment significantly increased the expressions of
pro-apoptotic markers such as Bax, Bad, caspases -3,9 and reduced the expressions of anti-apoptotic indices such as
Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL. Previous studies from our lab [ 4 , 27 ] indicated that the AlCl 3 administration enhanced the release of
mitochondrial cytochrome c into the cytoplasm that triggers the activation of caspase-9, thereby activates the capsase-3
and finally results in apoptosis, which is consistent with present results. However, treatment with FSP prevents AlCl 3 induced
apoptosis by reducing the expression of Bax, active caspases -3,-9, cytosolic cyto c and increasing the expression of
Bcl-2 and preventing the release of mitochondrial cyto c, which is concordant with previous reports [ 21 , 55 ].

Kinase signaling pathways play a critical role in the regulation of cellular processes including apoptosis. Apoptosis
in neurons are regulated by three important kinase pathways: c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway, protein kinase
B (Akt) and glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) pathway [ 56 , 57 , 58 ]. The activation of Akt pathway promotes cell
survival in many neuronal cell types [ 59 , 60 ], while its inhibition promotes neuronal cell death [ 61 ]. Gelsolin is
preteolytically cleaved in AD brains, which mediated activation of PI3K/Akt pathway is crucial [ 62 ].

In the present study, AlCl 3 treatment down-regulated the expression of pAkt, whereas co treatment of FSP
up-regulated pAkt, which is the active form of Akt. Activated Akt is believed

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Fenugreek Seed Powder Offers Neuroprotection on AlCl 3 Toxicity

to suppress apoptosis through regulation of the Bcl-2 family members including Bad [ 63 ], caspase-9 [ 64 ] and GSK-3 β
[ 65 ]. Activation of Akt leads to the down-regulation of GSK-3 β by inducing the phosphorylation at Ser9 [ 66 ]. GSK-3 β, a
serine/threonine protein kinase, is one of the major tau kinase that involves in the phosphorylation of Tau protein,
which in turn forms neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques during AD [ 67 ]. The activity of GSK-3 β is regulated by
phosphorylation at Ser 9 and Tyr 216 [ 68 , 69 ]. Ser 9 phosphorylation inhibits its kinases activity, whereas Tyr 216
phosphorylation is required for its full activity. In this study, we found that aluminium exposure decreased the
expressions of Ser 9 pGSK3 β, thereby enhancing the kinase activity of GSK3 β and tau hyperphosphorylation, which is
consistent with previous finding [ 70 ]. 5% FSP cotreatment enhanced the expressions of Ser9pGSK3 β,

thereby suppressing the kinase activity of GSK3 β and tau hyperphosphorylation. Natural products are said to be
beneficial for neuroprotection [ 71 ]. Our findings support the possibility of fenugreek to be used in AD treatment.

As to conclude, our results demonstrated that FSP suppresses the AlCl 3 induced memory and learning impairments, Al
overload, AChE hyperactivity, A β burden and apoptosis via activating Akt/GSK3 β pathway, which may be due to the
synergistic action of its active components. However extensive research is needed to confirm the anti-alzheimeric
effect of individual active components of fenugreek against various models of AD, before entering into the clinical trials.

Supporting Information
S1 Dataset. The data set and supporting information for Figs 1 , 2 and 3 .

S2 Dataset. The data set and supporting information for Figs 4 and 5 .

S3 Dataset. The data set and supporting information for Fig 6 .


S4 Dataset. The data set and supporting information for Fig 7 .


S5 Dataset. The data set and supporting information for Fig 8 .


We gratefully acknowledge the University Grants Commission -Basic Science Research Fellowship, New Delhi,
India for financial assistance. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to
publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: AJT TM.

Data curation: AJT AP.

Formal analysis: AJT.

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Fenugreek Seed Powder Offers Neuroprotection on AlCl 3 Toxicity

Funding acquisition: AJT.

Investigation: AJT.

Methodology: AJT TMAP.

Project administration: AJT.

Resources: AJT.

Supervision: AJT.

Validation: AJT.

Visualization: AJT.

Writing – original draft: AJT TM.

Writing – review & editing: AJT TMMMEMDAMA.

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