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J. Eng. Technol. Sci, Vol. XX, No.

X, 20XX, XX-XX 1

1 Title of Paper
2 First Author1,2, Next Author1 & Last Author2 (Use full name for all Author(s))

3 1
Author Address
4 2
Author Address
5 Email: Email Address
8 Novelty: State the novelty of the work explaining why it should be published
9 in the Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences with a maximum of
10 100 words. Please be sure it is not retelling the abstract.

11 Highlight: It should be a short collection of 3 to 5 bullet points reflecting the

12 core findings of your work.

13 Abstract. Use 10 pt Times font for the body text with one/single line spacing,
14 and 12 pt spacing for the next heading. Left and right indent 0.5cm. Maximum
15 length 200 words.

16 Keywords: use 10 pt; lower case; italic; Times; write alphabetically in 5-10 words.

17 1 Introduction
18 For this section title use 12 pt, bold, Times, title case with 6 pt spacing to the
19 body text. For the body text use 11 pt Times with 1.5 (one and half) line
20 spacing between lines, 12 pt spacing between paragraph and 18 pt spacing for
21 the next heading.1 To set the style in whole manuscript, simply use this
22 template and follow the instructions on Section 2.

23 2 Page Layout, Style and Formatting

24 For this template use the custom margin in Page Layout menu: Top and Left
25 margin are 4 cm, Bottom is 6.5 cm and Right is 4.5 cm. Gutter position is Left.
26 Orientation page is Portrait.

27 The styles used in this paper are:

For typing footnote, simply choose Insert Footnote on the menu bar, it numbered

Received ________, Revised _________, Accepted for publication __________

Copyright © xxxx Published by ITB Journal Publisher, ISSN: xxxx-xxxx, DOI: 10.5614/xxxx
2 Author’s name

28 1. Title, for paper’s title

29 2. Author, for author’s name
30 3. Address, for author’s address
31 4. Abstract, for abstract
32 5. Heading 1, for section title
33 6. Heading 2, for sub section title
34 7. Heading 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 for the next sub … sub-section title
35 8. Text, for body text
36 9. Equation and Enumeration
37 10. Figure, for figure caption
38 11. Table, for table caption
39 12. Reference, for references
40 13. Acknowledge, for References and Acknowledgement header

You can click the tiny arrow on the

lower right of Change Style to expand
Style Windows, or press

Title of Paper (11 pt, Century Gothic, max. 50 character) 3

43 This template is already set for the paper in style and formatting, so you can use
44 those styles by typing the style name in the Style box as shown in the figure
45 below:

46 2.1 Mathematical Formulation

47 Equations should be typed with indent 1.27 pt, and numbered consecutively
48 starting with (1) set flush right. To set the style, type Equation in the Style box,
49 or from Style Menu. But this style only sets the tab stop position. To put the
50 equation to the right just press the Tab button one time. And to type the
51 equation number, press the Tab button once again from the right side of the
52 equation.

53 x2  y 2  z 2 (1)
54 For numbering, use ordered numbers (1), (2), (3), and so on. Do not order by
55 Chapter i.e (1.1), (1,2), (1,3). For refering an Equation in the body text, please
56 use “Eq. (1)”.

57 2.1.1 Section and Sub-section Title

58 Just type Heading 1 for section title, Heading 2 for sub section title, and
59 Heading 3 for sub sub-section title. The number will set automatically.

60 2.1.2 Figures and Tables

61 All figures and tables should be centered and numbered consecutively. Use the
62 Figure and Table Style for every description of a figure and table respectively

4 Author’s name

68 Figure 1 Type Figure in the style box. The caption should be typed in lower
69 case. Choose center if the caption fit on one line.
74 Table 1 Summary of physical parameters.
Length Elevation
No Segments
(km) (meter)
1 A-B 25 30
2 B-C 75.15 10
3 C-D 44.75 50
4 D-E 72.5 10
5 E-F 21.25 10

75 3 Length
76 The maximum length of article is 15 pages, including all pictures, tables,
77 nomenclature, references, etc.

78 4 Nomenclature (if necessary)

79 List the nomenclature in alphabetical order. List Roman letters followed by
80 Greek symbols followed by subscript and superscripts.

A = Amplitude
Cd = drag coefficient
fe = linearization coefficient
Ki = modification factor
 = wave number
 = Complex wave number

81 5 References
82 Within the text, references should be cited by giving the last name of the
83 author(s) and numbered consecutively starting with [1], i.e:
Title of Paper (11 pt, Century Gothic, max. 50 character) 5

84 “Some results from the experiment were given by Wijaya and Riyanto in [1],
85 Wijaya, in [2], Majerski and Przybylo in [3], Nurdin, et al. in [4] and [5].”

86 Note that in the case of three or more authors, only the last name of the first
87 author is cited and the others are denoted by et al. The same rule is also held
88 for the header title on even pages (see Header in top of Page 2).

89 Within the Reference chapter, use the same typeface as the body of the text for
90 the references, or just find Reference in Styles Windows. In References chapter
91 you should write based on the order of appearances, not alphabetically.
92 Example of References:

93 References

94 [1] Sutasurya, L.A. & Riyanto, B., Title of Paper, Name of Journal, 8(1), pp.
95 20-25, Dec. 2005. (Journal)
96 [2] Sutasurya, L.A., Handojo, A. & Riyanto, B., Title of book, ed. 2,
97 Publisher, 2007. (Book)
98 [3] Williams, J., Name of Paper, Name of Book, Name of the editor(s), eds.,
99 Publisher, pp. 67-69, 2006. (Book with paper title and editor)
100 [4] Suharto (ed), Title of Paper, Name of Proc., pp. 5-10, 2008. (Conference
101 Proceedings)
102 [5] Name of the author(s), Title of paper (if available), Organization, URL
103 Link, (1 April 2011). (URL Link)
104 [6] Nicole, R., Title of Paper, Name of Journal, submitted for publication.
105 (Pending publication)
106 [7] John, K., Title of Paper, unpublished. (Unpublished manuscript)
107 [8] Rashid, L., Title of Dissertation, PhD dissertation, Name of Dept., Name
108 of Univ., City, 2010. (Thesis or Dissertation)
109 [9] Jenny, P., Name of Institution, City, personal communication, 2010.
110 (Personal communication)
111 [10] Name of the author(s), Title of Technical Report, Technical Report TR-
112 0334 (34-56), Name of Institution, City, Dec. 2009. (Technical report
113 with report number)
114 [11] Name of the author(s), Title of Paper in English, Name of Journal, 8(4),
115 pp. 20-25, 2010. (Text in Indonesian and Abstract in English) (Use this if
116 the references in other language than English).
6 Author’s name

117 6 Manuscript Content

118 The contents of the paper should be in the following order:

119 1. Title of Paper

120 2. Author names and affiliation
121 3. Abstract
122 4. Body of the text (Introduction ………. Conclusion)
123 5. Acknowledgements
124 6. Nomenclature
125 7. References

126 Acknowledgement
127 If necessary you can type your acknowledgement here.

128 Title in Odd Page Header

129 Shorten the title of paper to a maximum of 50 characters from the full title to
130 appears in every header of odd pages, use 11 pt size Century Gothic font.

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