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Socrates was Plato’s greatest philosophical influence. He taught Plato the intellectual humility of
recognizing that our supposed wisdom amounts to nothing when carefully scrutinized. To that end,
Socrates also inspired Plato by exhibiting an unprecedented level of scrutiny to the assumptions and
prejudices of his age.

Plato’s influence would be difficult to overestimate. It would not be an exaggeration to say that
Plato is primarily responsible for inventing what people in the West think of as “thought.”
Plato succeeded in formulating his ideas into a general approach to thought that emphasizes
dialogue, critical thinking, and an appreciation of the power and distinctiveness of abstract ideas.
The only other philosopher who has had an influence to rival Plato’s is Aristotle, and Aristotle cut his
philosophical teeth at Plato’s Academy.

The dialogue form in which Plato writes is more than a mere literary device; it is instead an
expression of Plato’s understanding of the purpose and nature of philosophy. For Plato,
philosophy is a process of constant questioning, and questioning necessarily takes the form
of dialogue.

In keeping with this emphasis on dialogue form, Plato develops an increasingly complex conception
of dialectic, or logical argument, as the engine that drives philosophical investigations. Plato is
sufficiently impressed with the possibilities of the dialectic that, in the Republic, he makes it
the highest achievement of his rigorous education program.

Plato considers the sophists to be one of the primary enemies of virtue, and he is merciless in his
attacks on them. The sophists, who were relatively new in Plato’s day, were a class of itinerant
teachers who instructed young statesmen in the arts of rhetoric and debate for a fee.

Plato’s Theory of Forms, and the whole enterprise of theRepublic, can be read as an attempt to find
a solid grounding for moral values in rational principles.

Republic :-

On his return from a religious festival, Socrates encounters Polemarchus and returns with him to the
house of his father, Cephalus, where the three men discuss justice. Both Cephalus and
Polemarchus give traditional accounts of what justice is, which Socrates shows to be incomplete.

Glaucon and Adeimantus urge Socrates to prove that justice is good in itself and not only for its
consequences. People act justly mostly out of fear of punishment, so if justice is not good in itself,
and if they thought they could get away with it, people would have no reason not to act unjustly.
Rather than answer their question directly, Socrates proposes to sketch out an ideal republic so
they can determine what role justice plays in this republic.

Socrates proposes a principle of specialization, according to which each citizen has a

particular role to play. A city needs producers, who produce food and shelter, as well as a
class of guardians who protect the state’s interests. These guardians are raised according to a
rigorous program of education that emphasizes physical fitness, honor, and wisdom. They are
shielded from bad influences, such as myths that portray the gods as possessing vices, so that they
don’t become brutish or soft. The best among the guardians are selected as rulers (also
referred to as “guardians”), while the others become “auxiliaries,” who act as soldiers. To
maintain this strict class structure of producers, auxiliaries, and guardians, Socrates invents
a state-sanctioned mythology that discourages people from aspiring to a different class.
Class mobility is only possible when a youth in one class is identified with abilities that clearly suit
him for a different class.

Socrates identifies the four primary virtues in the different aspects of this republic: the guardians
possess wisdom, the auxiliaries possess courage, and the whole possesses justice and
moderation. Thus, the justice of an ideal republic does not reside in any particular part of the
republic but rather in the structure of the republic as a whole.

Like the just city, the soul of a just person is divided into three parts, and the soul’s justice
resides in the proper structuring of these parts. The soul has an appetitive part that desires
money and other earthly goods, such as the producers; a spirited part that desires honor,
such as the auxiliaries; and a rational part that desires truth, such as the guardians. The
rational part rules in a just soul, ensuring the health of the whole.

The guardian class lives austerely, having no money or material possessions. They live communally,
choose sexual partners by lot, and are separated from their children at birth so as to prevent family
ties from overriding loyalty to the state. In a move that is revolutionary for its time, Socrates sees no
reason why women should not have status equal to men.

The guardians are philosopher-kings, not to be confused with contemporary philosophers,

who are more accurately called “lovers of sights and sounds.” These lovers of sights and
sounds are drawn only to the appearance of things, whereas true philosophers have knowledge of
the unchanging, eternal Forms that lie behind appearance. The world of sights and sounds consists
of objects that both are and are not—for example, a beautiful woman is both beautiful and, in
comparison to a goddess, not beautiful. Therefore, the things we see and hear are objects of opinion
or belief; maybe they’re beautiful, maybe not. The world of Forms, such as the Form of Beauty,
however, has being in an absolute sense, and these Forms are the objects of knowledge.

The highest knowledge to which the philosopher-kings aspire is knowledge of the Form of
the Good. Socrates cannot articulate directly what this is but rather explains it by offering three
analogies: the sun, the line, and the cave. Socrates invites us to imagine prisoners chained to a
bench in a cave. All they can see are the shadows moving on the wall in front of them, which are
cast by statues being moved above and behind, where the prisoners cannot see. Not knowing any
better, these prisoners think of the shadows as real, like a person seduced by the imaginative world
of stories, unable to recognize a higher reality. If the prisoners were released, they could turn around
and see that the shadows they thought were real were only projections of the statues behind them.
They would then think of these statues as real, like a person who thinks the world of sights and
sounds is the most real thing there is. The prisoners might then wander out of the cave and into the
outside world. At first, they would be blinded by the light, but they would eventually come to see all
the objects of the world around them. They would think of these objects as real, like a person who
can grasp by means of thought the Forms that underlie everyday existence. Finally, these prisoners
might be able to look at the sun itself and recognize it as the source of all light and all life. The sun is
like the Form of the Good: just as the sun is the source of everything in the visible world, the Form of
the Good is the source of everything in the intelligible world.

Socrates invites his friends to imagine a line divided first in two and then in four. The lower part
represents the visible realm and the upper part represents the intelligible realm. The visible realm is
divided into imagination and belief, belief being better than imagination just as seeing the statues is
better than seeing the shadows. The intelligible realm is divided into thought and understanding,
where thought hypothesizes the existence of Forms based on the visible world and understanding
grasps the Form of the Good as a first principle from which everything else follows. The divided line
is diagrammed in the following figure. The corresponding stages in the prisoner’s escape from the
cave are in parentheses.

The education of the philosopher-kings is like the progress of a prisoner from out of the cave.
In youth, they study mathematics to give them an intimation of an abstract world behind the
visible. After rigorous physical training, they study philosophy and then dialectics. At thirty-
five, they spend the next fifteen years running affairs of state before finally achieving the rank
of philosopher-king at fifty. These philosopher-kings are like the prisoners who can see the
sun, and contemplation of the Form of the Good will be their highest aim. However, they must
also take care of the republic and train the next generation, just as freed prisoners must return to the
cave to help their comrades.

Because the guardians will inevitably make some errors in judgment, this ideal republic will
gradually decline through four stages of progressively worse government: timocracy,
oligarchy, democracy, and tyranny. Similarly, a just man can slide into four kinds of
degeneracy, tyranny being the worst. People who take whatever they can to please themselves
live like tyrants, so people who follow Thrasymachus’s “advantage of the stronger” are worst off of all
people. Only philosophers live just lives because only they have the ability to recognize the
true pleasure to be found in the love of truth. All other pleasures are really just the cessation
of pain.

Poets are banished from Socrates’ republic because they portray falsehoods and appeal to our
emotions and baser instincts in a way that corrupts us. Socrates regrets this necessity and
invites others to persuade him not to banish poets.

The last book of the Republic contains an argument for the soul’s immortality, claiming that injustice
if anything would destroy a soul, and yet the soul seems to survive the tyranny of unjust men. Plato
concludes with the myth of Er, a slain soldier who discovers that after death, good people spend one
thousand years in heaven while bad people spend one thousand years in hell before selecting a new
life for themselves.


The Republic is not so much a practical guide to future policy as it is a set of bold provocations. It is
possibly the single most important philosophical work in the Western tradition, and the number of
unconventional and bizarre views it contains is surprising. The ideas that men and women should
be treated as equals and that justice is to be found within the structure of a state rather than
in its actions were revolutionary in Plato’s day. Even two and a half millennia after its
composition, no state has attempted the fifty-year educational process recommended for the
guardians or the communal living that does away with the family and private property. By presenting
these radical ideas within the framework of the ideal state, Plato challenges us to find reasons for
faulting them. If we want to contradict these unconventional proposals, we will have to think as
creatively as Plato has in formulating them.

Plato’s Theory of Forms is the most important bulwark against relativists such as Thrasymachus.
Thrasymachus essentially argues for a “might makes right” position, such that truth and justice are
nothing more than what the strongest people say they are. Plato responds that Thrasymachus and
his like see everything as relative only because they are stuck in the “world of sights and sounds”
that makes up our sensory experience. This world is not the real world but rather a shadow of the
truly real world of Forms in which nothing changes, nothing passes away, and nothing is imperfect.
Instances of justice in the visible world may be relative, and what seems just to one person may
seem unjust to another, but the Form of Justice itself is absolute and incontrovertible.
Thrasymachus’s relativism, then, is simply a consequence of not seeing the whole picture, like
someone fixated on a rotten banana insisting that all bananas are brown.

The distinction Plato draws between the visible world and the intelligible world claims a separate and
superior domain for abstract thought above concrete thought. Everything we can see and hear, he
suggests, isn’t what is most real. What is most real is what we can grasp by means of the intellect.
This includes not only mathematics but also the Forms that lie behind the visible world. Our
knowledge of the visible world is imperfect and changing, so it amounts at best to true belief. The
abstract principles that govern the intelligible world, however, are perfect and unchanging, and so
they represent a higher form of knowledge than true belief. The metaphor of the line and especially
of the cave are ingenious means of prompting his audience to consider that there is more to the
world than mere appearance. Both metaphors suggest that we have an incomplete understanding of
the world if we accept only what we see before us. Only a rational, searching mind can uncover the
true nature of reality.

he idea of a tripartite soul explains both the fact of inner conflict and the necessity for honing our
reason. The idea that the soul is not simple but rather made up of three distinct parts is an ingenious
solution to the problematic fact that we experience inner conflict: we can fight urges, want to want
things, surrender ashamedly to temptation, and so on. This fact suggests that we have more than
one set of drives working within us, and Plato’s theory of a tripartite soul is the first in a long string of
psychological theories that lead down to Freud and beyond. By dividing the soul into a rational part,
a spirited part, and an appetitive part, Plato also argues that our shameful or vicious actions are a
consequence of giving into our baser desires. A virtuous person always follows the lead of reason,
with spirit and appetite on a tight leash.

The Republic makes a number of recommendations in favor of authoritarian or even totalitarian

government, and commentators have been sharply divided over how to interpret it on this score.
Socrates’ ideal republic allows for limited personal freedoms and social mobility, is staunchly
antidemocratic, and uses strict censorship and propaganda, to the extent of banishing all poets from
the city. The philosopher Karl Popper has gone so far as to accuse the Republic as being the
seminal influence behind the twentieth-century totalitarian regimes of Stalin and Hitler. Others have
rightly pointed out that the Republic is the first sustained and rigorous examination of political
philosophy in the Western tradition and that modern liberal democracy owes Plato a great
intellectual debt. No simple answer exists to the question of whether the Republic’s political
philosophy is benign or dangerous because the Republic itself is no simple book. We must recall
that at least one purpose of the Republic is to provoke intense thought and discussion, so if we find
passages shocking, we can assume this is what Plato would have wanted.

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