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A complementary systems account of word learning: neural

and behavioural evidence
Matthew H. Davis and M. Gareth Gaskell
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2009 364, 3773-3800
doi: 10.1098/rstb.2009.0111

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Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2009) 364, 3773–3800



A complementary systems account of word

learning: neural and behavioural evidence
Matthew H. Davis1,* and M. Gareth Gaskell2
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK
Department of Psychology, University of York, York, UK
In this paper we present a novel theory of the cognitive and neural processes by which adults learn
new spoken words. This proposal builds on neurocomputational accounts of lexical processing and
spoken word recognition and complementary learning systems (CLS) models of memory. We review
evidence from behavioural studies of word learning that, consistent with the CLS account, show two
stages of lexical acquisition: rapid initial familiarization followed by slow lexical consolidation.
These stages map broadly onto two systems involved in different aspects of word learning:
(i) rapid, initial acquisition supported by medial temporal and hippocampal learning, (ii) slower
neocortical learning achieved by offline consolidation of previously acquired information. We
review behavioural and neuroscientific evidence consistent with this account, including a
meta-analysis of PET and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) studies that contrast
responses to spoken words and pseudowords. From this meta-analysis we derive predictions for
the location and direction of cortical response changes following familiarization with pseudowords.
This allows us to assess evidence for learning-induced changes that convert pseudoword responses
into real word responses. Results provide unique support for the CLS account since hippocampal
responses change during initial learning, whereas cortical responses to pseudowords only become
word-like if overnight consolidation follows initial learning.
Keywords: pseudoword; meta-analysis; hippocampus; speech; sleep; memory

Recent advances in information technology have led to ‘episodic’ memories of their first occurrences.
significant changes in both the activities of daily life These representations are supported by medial tem-
and the words that we use to describe those activities. poral lobe memory systems, functionally and
Many of us ‘google’ information on the Internet, look- neurally distinct from (ii) the neo-cortical represen-
ing for articles and commentary from influential ‘blog’ tations that support long-term retention of words.
writers or ‘bloggers’; activities and words that have Stable cortical representations are derived from mul-
become increasingly common in the last decade. A tiple encounters with new words by consolidation
search of the Google index in January 2001 (via processes that abstract away from the episodic rep- yields 76 000 resentations that encode specific occurrences of
pages containing the word ‘blog’, whereas the same novel words. Thus two distinct stages of learning
search in January 2009 reveals 3.2 billion hits. There and representation (initial episodic and subsequent
are more Google hits for ‘blog’ than for ‘tv’ (2.3 billion) lexical) are associated with the acquisition of
and ‘science’ (0.78 billion). These observations new words.
illustrate how a contraction of the phrase ‘weblog’ This account of word learning directly parallels exist-
first coined in May 1999 (see Origins of ‘Blog’ and ing dual-systems accounts of memory processes in other
‘Blogger’, American Dialect Society Mailing List, domains. The goal of the current paper is therefore to
20 April 2008) has gone from being an obscure piece develop a cognitive and neuroscientific account of
of technological jargon to a familiar word for many word learning that reflects the computational con-
speakers of English. straints proposed by general accounts of memory
In this paper we examine the neurocomputational processes. By integrating this framework with the
processes by which new words such as ‘blog’ come specific computational demands of the perception of
to achieve their status as familiar and meaningful spoken language we can make detailed behavioural
units stored in the brains of language users. We pro- and neural predictions concerning processes involved
pose that: (i) Isolated representations of new words in word learning. While the majority of this paper is
are initially encoded like other novel experiences as focused on the acquisition of novel spoken rather than
written words, our goal in developing this account is
to achieve a broad coverage of phenomena that are
* Author for correspondence ( relevant for word learning in general.
One contribution of 11 to a Theme Issue ‘Word learning and lexical The outline of this paper is as follows. We first
development across the lifespan’. explore the complementary learning systems (CLS)

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3774 M. H. Davis & M. G. Gaskell Review. Systems for word learning

model (McClelland et al. 1995), which partitions in neocortical responses to pseudowords following
memory into hippocampal and neocortical com- initial learning and consolidation. Finally we set out
ponents. These two systems contribute differentially some outstanding questions and directions for future
to initial acquisition of episodic memories, and sub- research.
sequent long-term retention, with transfer of
information between these systems through offline
consolidation. In the second section, we consider pre- 1. THE CLS MODEL
dictions from CLS accounts concerning the The CLS model has much in common with other
acquisition of new spoken words. These predictions accounts of memory that invoke distinct learning sys-
are framed within the computational context of the tems specialized for different types of memory (e.g.
Distributed Cohort Model of spoken word recognition procedural versus declarative, Squire 1992; semantic
(Gaskell & Marslen-Wilson 1997), and neuroanatomi- versus episodic, Tulving 1972). However, the CLS
cal constraints suggested by dorsal and ventral account goes beyond these traditional descriptions by
pathway accounts of spoken language processing considering the computational properties of neural
(Scott & Johnsrude 2003; Hickok & Poeppel 2004; networks that learn from experience. An important
Davis & Johnsrude 2007). Unifying these two aspects distinction for network models is whether learned
into a single, neurocomputational account of word information is stored in independent, sparse codes
learning requires that we: (i) specify the functional (in which distinct memories have little or no overlap
contribution of neocortical systems that retain long- in their neural representations), or as overlapping, dis-
term representations of spoken words, and (ii) explain tributed representations that capture the similarity
how hippocampal/medial temporal memory systems structure of specific domains of knowledge. The
interface with neocortical systems during acquisition. CLS account proposes two distinct memory systems
We will propose specific computational signatures of for unique, context-specific representations
processes supported by rapid, hippocampal learning (episodes), or knowledge that must be generalized
as distinct from slower neocortical learning mechan- beyond the specific context in which it is learned
isms. Of particular interest, here, is the proposal that (semantic representations). These two forms of
learning involves overnight, sleep-associated consoli- learning are best achieved by computational mechan-
dation processes to mediate between fast-learning isms that produce sparser, more independent
hippocampal and slow-learning neocortical systems. representations and more overlapping, distributed
We will also derive specific predictions for behavioural representations, respectively.
differences between newly learned and consolidated As well as providing a computational basis for these
novel words. distinct forms of memory, the CLS account also
Next we will review behavioural, neuropsychological addresses many decades of research in neuropsychology
and functional imaging evidence relating to this dual- and behavioural neuroscience aimed at understanding
process account. We begin by assessing behavioural the specific contributions of the hippocampus and
evidence for two distinct stages of word learning. A medial temporal lobe systems that are impaired in
particular focus of recent behavioural research has amnesia (e.g. Scoville & Milner 1957; O’Keefe &
been to explore cognitive processes such as lexical com- Nadel 1978; Squire 1992), and the neocortical
petition that are unique to familiar words. Consistent memory systems that support the residual learning abil-
with the CLS accounts we review evidence that newly ities of amnesic patients (e.g. Milner 1972). The CLS
learned words only become effective lexical competi- account proposes that sparse representations are rapidly
tors after offline consolidation. The next two sections and efficiently learned by the hippocampus and medial
review neuropsychological and functional imaging evi- temporal lobe systems whereas overlapping, distributed
dence for the involvement of two distinct neural representations are more slowly learned by the neo-
systems in the medial temporal lobe and neocortex in cortex. Hence, amnesia caused by lesions to the
word learning. We examine the evidence of impaired hippocampus results in damage to learning mechanisms
word learning in amnesic individuals with acquired or that are required to encode experiences rapidly into
developmental injuries to the hippocampus, for whom memory. Conversely, those aspects of memory function
word learning should be severely impaired according that are preserved in amnesic patients (such as
to the CLS account. Evidence that the medial temporal repetition priming or motor learning), arise from the
lobe contributes to initial word learning is also provided operation of neocortical learning processes independent
by functional imaging studies in which participants are of the hippocampus.
scanned while learning new words. We then review
evidence for cortical involvement in word recognition (a) Computational properties
and learning. A particular focus for the CLS account of the CLS model
is evidence from functional brain imaging studies in As we have described, the computational properties of
which neural responses are measured at different two distinct forms of connectionist learning algorithm
stages during the acquisition of novel words. Interpret- are central to the CLS account. The motivation for
ation of these findings requires background these two forms of learning is a consideration of the
information on the cortical systems that respond differ- strengths and limitations of neural networks taught
ently to familiar and unfamiliar spoken words. We using gradient descent learning algorithms. The
therefore report a meta-analysis of functional imaging parallel distributed processing (PDP, Rumelhart &
studies that compare words and pseudowords and test McClelland 1986) approach to connectionist model-
predictions derived from this meta-analysis for changes ling of psychological processes commonly makes use
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Review. Systems for word learning M. H. Davis & M. G. Gaskell 3775

of hidden units to mediate between input and output 2003; Atallah et al. 2008). The details of the CLS
representations. These three-layer networks are trained model have been fleshed out (e.g. O’Reilly & Rudy
to map from input to output by implementing gradual 2000; Norman & O’Reilly 2003), particularly for the
weight changes in the connections, using an algorithm hippocampal model and its interaction with other
such as backpropagation (Rumelhart et al. 1986). parts of the anterior and medial temporal lobe,
Such models have many attractive features, including which are important for acquisition and representation
the ability to generalize from trained mappings to of unique instances. Recent instantiations of the CLS
novel items and performance that degrades gracefully model also incorporate more neurobiologically realistic
in the face of simulated lesions (see Rumelhart & learning rules that can be implemented using only
McClelland 1986 for discussion). local connections, and weight-update schemes
However, robust performance and generalization (O’Reilly 1996). Nonetheless, the fundamental dis-
has an associated cost since the use of gradual weight tinction between neocortical and hippocampal
changes means that novel mappings can only be incor- systems has not been substantially altered in recent
porated into a trained network slowly over the course descriptions and simulations.
of many presentations, and then only if the novel map- In terms of interaction between the two systems,
ping is interleaved with instances of existing mappings. McClelland et al. (1995) suggested that a process of
As McClosky & Cohen (1989) demonstrated, a offline reinstatement of hippocampal memories
dichotomous shift in the training patterns can lead to drives further learning in the neocortex and a gradual
‘catastrophic interference’, in which learning of new reduction in the dependence of the memory on the
mappings eliminates previously learned mappings hippocampus. At the same time, hippocampal
(see French 1999 for discussion). McCloskey and memory traces were assumed to decay, either passively
Cohen illustrated this with simulations of the or through interference from newly instantiated hippo-
AB – AC memory paradigm (Barnes & Underwood campal memories. In combination, these properties
1959), in which participants first learn associations are invoked as an explanation of hippocampal amne-
between word pairs (A – B) and are then required to sia. The reliance on the hippocampal network for the
learn associations between the first of the original initial encoding and reinstantiation of episodic
words and new words (A – C pairs). Learning of new memory explains why amnesics are generally unable
associations in humans typically produces a moderate to retain such memories. On the other hand, memories
reduction in recall of A – B pairings, but in the connec- that are formed gradually over the course of many
tionist networks, the effect of the new mappings was to different exposures, such as procedural skills, are
essentially erase the network’s memory for the original more amenable to learning via the neocortical route
mapping. This aspect of the network’s performance is despite the absence of short-term hippocampal sto-
perhaps unsurprising given that the distributed archi- rage. Once again, this fits with the classic description
tecture encourages all mappings to rely on the same of learning abilities in amnesics (e.g. Squire 1992),
set of connection weights—what is needed is a although interestingly evidence of learning may not
means of keeping newly learned mappings separate be restricted to non-declarative knowledge if the test
from the existing network on a temporary basis until of retention is chosen carefully. The CLS model does
new information can be properly integrated. not involve any form of ‘gating’ in which memories
The CLS model (McClelland et al. 1995; are directed to the relevant system according to their
O’Reilly & Rudy 2000; Norman & O’Reilly 2003) type. Thus, new declarative knowledge should be pro-
provides a potential solution to this stability –plasticity cessed by the neocortical route as well as the
dilemma (Carpenter & Grossberg 1988). McClelland hippocampal route even though the effect of the neo-
et al. described a dual-memory system model in cortical exposure may be limited, given the gradual
which the main (neocortical) memory system operates nature of learning in that system.
using a learning algorithm producing distributed rep- Bayley et al. (2008) tested the prediction that some
resentations, as described above. This network has limited knowledge can be supported solely through
the ability to retain stable memories for long periods, neo-cortical learning in two amnesics with near com-
despite changes in the form of the input (i.e. to gener- plete damage to the hippocampus and associated
alize), and the structure of the network (i.e. robustness medial temporal lobe structures. Previous research
to damage). A second, hippocampal, system provides had suggested that these amnesics showed no
plasticity and can acquire new episodes without inter- memory of post-onset facts and faces in conventional
ference from previously or subsequently learned tests of recognition or recall (Bayley & Squire 2005).
knowledge. This network is distinguished by its use of However, in tests which permit participants to base
more sparse or near-localist representations, allowing their responses on feelings of familiarity (e.g. picking
representational independence and a means for swift a famous face from non-famous foils), both amnesics
learning of new patterns without overwriting existing showed evidence of some declarative knowledge
knowledge. These rapidly learned representations in acquired post-lesion although both were well below
the hippocampal system can then be used to support control performance. This result fits with the idea
slower, interleaved learning within the cortical system. that the neocortex can incorporate new declarative
The CLS model has been applied to a broad range information to some extent, even when interactions
of memory phenomena such as the recollection/ with the hippocampal system are unavailable
familiarity distinction in human recognition memory (see also Duff et al. 2006). We will return to this
(e.g. Norman & O’Reilly 2003) and discrimination question in §4 where we consider the impact of
and transitive inference tasks in rats (Frank et al. hippocampal lesions on word learning.
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A final crucial prediction of the CLS account relates 2005), with recent methodological advances (reviewed
to retrograde amnesia. Hippocampal amnesics by Walker 2005) providing a convincing case in favour
typically reveal impaired performance on recall of a significant (if not unique) contribution of sleep to
of memories prior to the onset of brain damage, improvements in memory performance.
with the severity of the impairment reducing as the The declarative/non-declarative distinction has been
time between memory establishment and amnesia useful in evaluating the influence of sleep on memory. It
onset increases (Ribot 1882; Kapur & Brooks 1999). is relatively uncontroversial that aspects of procedural
Similar effects can be found in the laboratory by and perceptual (non-declarative) performance can
lesioning the hippocampus in rats at different times improve following sleep. For example, Karni et al.
following the formation of a new association (Takehara (1994) used selective sleep deprivation to show that
et al. 2003; Tse et al. 2007). These findings can be visual texture discrimination was benefited by REM
explained by the CLS model in terms of the gradual sleep but not by SWS. Similarly, Fenn et al. (2003)
transfer of hippocampal knowledge to the neocortex, demonstrated a sleep-associated improvement in the
and provides a measure of the duration of the ability to interpret synthesized speech. If listeners
hippocampal–neocortical transfer process (several practised the task in the morning, the passing of time
years in humans, several weeks in rats—though faster awake would lead to deterioration in perceptual skill
consolidation may also be possible in highly schematized by the evening. Thus, the change overnight could be
domains, Tse et al. 2007). thought of as a recovery of the originally strong perform-
ance (cf. Brawn et al. 2008). Other studies found
similar performance enhancements across a range of
(b) Sleep and the CLS model non-declarative tasks (see Walker 2005; Born et al. 2006).
Reinstatement of hippocampal memories in order to Until recently, the situation for declarative memory
strengthen neocortical representation was considered was less clear-cut, with a mixture of positive and nega-
by McClelland et al. (1995, p. 424) to involve ‘active tive results roughly balancing each other out
rehearsal, reminiscence, and other inactive states (cf. Stickgold & Walker 2005). However, recent
including sleep’. The potential involvement of sleep studies show more robust effects of sleep, at least for
in the transfer process was motivated by research on some types of declarative memory. Plihal & Born
hippocampal place cells in rats. Wilson & McNaughton (1997) once again used selective deprivation to show
(1994); see also Skaggs & McNaughton (1996) corre- an effect on paired-associate recall, although in this
lated firing rates of hippocampal cells responding to case the benefit was found for participants who were
particular locations during activity with the firing rates allowed SWS. Gais et al. (2002) went further, demon-
of those same cells in subsequent slow-wave sleep strating that paired-associate learning prior to sleep
(SWS). The results showed that SWS involves replay influenced neural activity during sleep. Specifically,
of the firing patterns found during activity, with the EEG measurements of sleep spindle activity (short
ordering of the firing retained during sleep. Norman bursts of higher frequency waves) showed a rise associ-
et al. (2005) elaborated on a potential role for sleep in ated with declarative learning in the non-REM
the CLS model. They argued that sleep provides an component of early sleep. Marshall et al. (2006) pro-
opportunity for both hippocampal replay, and also for vided an even clearer link between non-REM sleep
restructuring/strengthening memories via an oscillating and declarative memory by showing that artificially
learning algorithm (Norman et al. 2006). These offline enhancing the oscillations in SWS using transcranial
learning processes during sleep are argued to play a oscillating potentials led to improved retention of
critical role in training neocortical systems—indeed, paired associates following sleep (see also Ellenbogen
separate ‘wake’ and ‘sleep’ phases are central to et al. 2006; Drosopoulos et al. 2007).
neural network learning algorithms that include These and other studies have led to the conclusion
biologically plausible forms of error-driven training that sleep benefits the consolidation of both declarative
(O’Reilly 1996). and non-declarative memories, with REM sleep impli-
In the last 10 years a wealth of further neural evi- cated in the case of procedural and perceptual abilities
dence has amassed in support of some link between and SWS involved in the consolidation of declarative
sleep and consolidation of hippocampal memories memory. However, this dichotomy may be too simplis-
(e.g. Cantero et al. 2003; Buzsaki 2005; Dragoi & tic, and it is important to note that learning may well
Buzsaki 2006). These advances have been paralleled involve both types of memory, either independently
in behavioural data, although this area remains contro- or interactively. Some recent studies have demon-
versial because of the many potential confounds strated that sleep can help to alter the form of
involved in sleep research. For example, a study that memories, leading to new insights (Wagner et al.
shows superior performance on a memory task after 2004; Fisher et al. 2006), possibly through greater
overnight sleep as opposed to an equivalent time linkage between hippocampal and neocortical systems.
awake during the day may be confounded with time- Similarly, Ellenbogen et al. (2007) argue that sleep
of-day effects on performance (Keisler et al. 2007). offers a means of integrating new information. In
If, on the other hand, time of day effects are controlled their case sleep facilitated the transitive inference to
for by comparing overnight sleep with sleep depri- link pairs of premises. For example, given the
vation overnight, then other confounds are possible information that B . C, C . D and D . E separately,
relating to the effects of sleep deprivation. Several participants found it easier to decide that B . E after
recent reviews cover this debate in detail (e.g. Vertes sleep. This integrative aspect of sleep-related consoli-
2004; Stickgold & Walker 2005; Vertes & Siegel dation is a crucial one in the case of vocabulary,
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given that we need to be able to distinguish words from perception. These recurrent connections provided suf-
their neighbours (semantically, orthographically and ficient short-term storage for effective lexical
phonologically) in order to recognize and understand processing in simulations thus far. However, in order
them (cf. Dumay & Gaskell 2005, 2007). to recognize temporally extended sequences, it might
be that more complex computational architectures
in which there is greater duplication of representations
2. APPLYING THE CLS MODEL TO SPOKEN over time or a hierarchy of perceptual representations
WORD LEARNING with progressively longer temporal receptive fields
Based on the above review, we can outline how word would be required. For this reason, we suggest that
learning might operate if it makes use of CLS principles. the hidden units, along with their recurrent connec-
We begin by specifying the functional and anatomical tions, correspond to neuroanatomical systems that
organization of the neocortical networks involved in provide a form of transient memory for previously
recognising spoken words. A particular focus here is a heard auditory input—auditory echoic memory func-
computational account of the perception and identifi- tions subserved by anterior regions of the superior
cation of spoken words constructed using a distributed temporal gyrus (Buchsbaum et al. 2005; Price et al.
connectionist model (the Distributed Cohort Model, 2005; Davis & Johnsrude 2007). The short-term
Gaskell & Marslen-Wilson 1997, 1999). This network storage provided by auditory echoic memory plays a
captures important functional properties of spoken particular role in the perception of spoken sentences
word recognition, including optimally efficient use of (Mattys 1997) hence the frequent observation of
incoming information in the speech signal, robustness anterior temporal activation in brain imaging
to noise and variation in the perceptual form of studies of sentence comprehension (Scott et al. 2000;
speech, and competition between phonologically similar Davis & Johnsrude 2003; Humphries et al. 2005).
lexical items. All these forms of behaviour arise as emer- One distinctive property of the lexical represen-
gent properties of a neural network model in which tations that are the target output for the Distributed
multiple, similar words are stored in overlapping Cohort Model is that they separate the phonological
neural representations. We therefore propose this form and the meaning of spoken words. These dual-
model as an approximation to the neocortical com- outlets have distinct roles in accounting for the specific
ponent of the CLS account of word learning. In this psycholinguistic tasks that are to be simulated by the
section we begin by laying out the structure of the model. The semantic output is more critical for
model, and the parallels between this neural network making lexical/semantic decisions, producing semantic
account and the anatomical organization of the cortical priming and for simulating tasks that involve access to
networks involved in perceiving speech. We then move word meaning. In contrast, the phonological output is
onto a discussion of how CLS principles can be more critical for making phonological decisions,
incorporated to provide an account of word learning. repeating spoken words and non-words and in simu-
lations of cross-modal repetition priming (Gaskell &
(a) The distributed cohort model and neocortical Marslen-Wilson 1997, 1999). This separation of lexi-
networks for speech perception cal identification into two distinct processes has clear
The Distributed Cohort Model (Gaskell & Marslen- parallels in current neuroanatomical accounts of audi-
Wilson 1997) uses a simple recurrent network (Elman tory language pathways, which postulate distinct
1990) to map from a sequence of acoustic–phonetic fea- dorsal and ventral processing pathways (Hickok &
tures representing ongoing speech input onto a Poeppel 2004, 2007; Davis & Johnsrude 2007).
distributed representation of lexical knowledge. While Several authors have converged on the suggestion
the input provided in simulations using the Distributed that the critical function of the posterior-going audi-
Cohort Model is abstracted from the surface detail of tory stream in the superior temporal gyrus and
speech for computational convenience, we can assume inferior parietal lobe is to map heard speech onto
that the input to the system corresponds to complex phonological representations involved in speaking
spectro-temporal feature representations encoded in pri- (see Scott & Johnsrude 2003; Hickok & Poeppel
mary auditory regions on the superior temporal plane 2004, 2007 for review and discussion).
(e.g. Patterson et al. 1995; Chi et al. 2005). From these In contrast to the neural substrates of phonological
features, both the model and current neuroscientific processing, there is rather less agreement concerning
accounts postulate hierarchically organized processing the critical pathways involved in accessing meaning
pathways that extract different forms of abstract linguis- from speech. This may reflect the fact that the neural sys-
tic representation from ongoing speech input (see tems involved in representing meaning are anatomically
figure 1 for a depiction of the Distributed Cohort distributed and perhaps include regions that encode
Model and corresponding regions of the temporal lobe). sensory-motor attributes of spoken word meaning
In mapping sequences of speech segments onto (Barsalou 1999; Pulvermuller 1999; Hauk et al. 2004).
lexical representations, the Distributed Cohort However, at least for the majority of concrete, content
Model requires short-term storage so that information nouns, we follow the proposal made by Hickok &
in the speech input can be accumulated over time, and Poeppel (2004, 2007) and others (Binder et al. 2000;
sequences of phonemes can be discriminated. This is Davis & Johnsrude 2007), and suggest that the posterior
achieved in network simulations by including recur- inferior temporal and fusiform gyri play a crucial role in
rent connections at the hidden unit level such that accessing the meaning of spoken words. These regions
the model can take into account both the current therefore mostly clearly correspond to the semantic
input, and a representation of prior input during output of the Distributed Cohort Model.
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ust c
aco neti
lexical s
echoic pu
semantics m
memory ca

cohort model speech input

acoustic-phonetic hippocampus/
processes episodic memory
memory lexical

Figure 1. Neural and functional organization of systems involved in representing and learning spoken words. (a) Left temporal
lobe regions involved in perceiving and comprehending spoken words (based on Hickok & Poeppel 2004; Davis & Johnsrude
2007) and their interactions with medial temporal systems for word learning. (b) Functional organization of the Distributed
Cohort Model (Gaskell & Marslen-Wilson 1997, 1999; depicted within the grey box) with additional connections to
hippocampal/episodic memory system for learning new words. In both diagrams, rapid cortico-cortico connections are
shown with solid lines, and slower, cortico-hippocampal connections are shown with broken lines. Dotted lines with open
arrow-heads show recurrent connections involved in maintaining acoustic-phonetic representations in echoic memory.

(b) Incorporating word learning into show a dramatic form of interference when additional
the distributed cohort model novel items are to be learned. That is, new words must
In describing its architecture, and correspondences be interleaved with existing words if they are to be
between different components with underlying neu- acquired by the network.
roanatomical systems, we have omitted one critical We propose that a fully fledged CLS model of word
feature of the model. That is we have not explained learning needs a separate route in which sparse rep-
how appropriately weighted connections between resentations mediate between the representations of
units in the network are established. In simulations novel speech sequences (like the representations of
these connection weights are initialized to small sequences of speech features in the superior temporal
random values and a backpropagation learning algor- gyrus) and lexical knowledge of the phonological
ithm is used to adjust the weights in the network. form and meaning of new words (figure 1b). We pro-
This procedure allows gradual learning of a set of pose an account in which connections between
training words over the course of many presentations. networks for speech perception in the lateral temporal
The overlapping, distributed representations produced lobe and memory systems in the medial temporal lobe
by this learning process permit accurate recognition (particularly the hippocampus) play a critical role in
of familiar words despite variable input and appropri- the acquisition of new words. Specifically, we propose
ate generalization to novel input sequences. One that sparse representations of new words are rapidly
example of these properties is that following training acquired by the hippocampus (based on inputs
with a large set of words, the model is able to generate provided by the cortical network). These connections
an accurate phonological representation for non- support the recognition of newly learned words
words. However, in order to learn from presentation while existing neo-cortical connections operate in
of these non-words (e.g. to activate an appropriate parallel and continue to support the identification of
semantic representation or predict upcoming phonetic pre-existing, known words (figure 1).
input) further changes to the connection weights of the If a dual-process model such as this underlies word
network are required. As we have already described, learning and word recognition, what effects would be
neural network models trained using back-propagation predicted for the time course of learning? Accessing
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the meaning and phonological form of a novel word word cannot be properly incorporated into the
should be viable as soon as the word has been learned, weighted blend of captain and captive. The outcome
assuming that this information is provided during the in these circumstances therefore depends on the
learning process. Retrieval in these circumstances balance between the two routes. If the hippocampal
relies on the hippocampal route, which can operate route is weighted too highly then something similar
independently of the main speech perception system. to catastrophic interference occurs, in that learning
However, these hippocampal representations can new words (e.g. captick) may interfere with the ability
only be integrated into the main neocortical recog- to recognize existing words (e.g. captain or captive).
nition system offline over a longer time period. We On the other hand, if the hippocampal route is
suggest that sleep provides a means of reinstantiating weighted too weakly, the ability to retrieve stored infor-
hippocampal memories for neocortical learning. Data mation about the novel word is lost. One solution may
from amnesics suggest that such integration could be to have some kind of prioritization, such that the
take years or even decades to complete, although neocortical route is dominant up to the point where
recent demonstrations of sleep effects on memory indi- that route fails to recognize a familiar item. After this
cate that faster initial changes are also possible. In point, hippocampal activations can be taken into
particular, effects such as Ellenbogen et al. (2007) account (possibly by inducing a time delay in the hip-
finding that acquiring transitive representations of pocampal mapping). Such a solution would allow
ordered picture pairs requires overnight consolidation novel spoken words to be recognized, but would
provide strong evidence in favour of the idea that one mean that they do not influence the recognition of
of the key roles for sleep is the integration of hippocam- existing competitors until they have been incorporated
pal memories. Therefore, we can expect changes in into the neocortical route. It might also suggest that
neural representation of novel words following sleep, the hippocampal route would have to operate more
with shifts in the balance between hippocampal and slowly than a purely neocortical recognition process
neocortical representations. These changes may be and consequently that consolidation should serve to
associated with facilitated recognition of the novel speed-up recognition of recently learned words.
words or access to their meanings, and by increases
in the extent to which novel words influence the
recognition of existing words. 3. BEHAVIOURAL EVIDENCE FOR
Although hippocampal learning means that new COMPLEMENTARY PROCESSES
form – meaning mappings can be acquired swiftly, IN WORD LEARNING
there may be computational consequences of the fact As we have seen in the previous section, the CLS
that the new mapping is kept separate from the existing account makes specific predictions concerning the
mappings. In particular, there may be time-course neuroanatomical substrates of word learning and the
differences in terms of the speed of access of newly functional characteristics of these processes. In par-
learned and existing words, depending on how quickly ticular, the CLS account predicts changes in the
the two routes operate. Gaskell & Marslen-Wilson time-course of recognition of both novel and pre-
(1999, 2001) argued that one advantage of a PDP- existing words as a consequence of new learning and
style architecture for spoken-word recognition was offline consolidation. It is only once consolidated
that the state of the output units of the network into neocortical representations that newly learned
directly reflects the likelihoods of the lexical candi- words (e.g. captick) should be recognized quickly and
dates. For example, given the partial speech input efficiently, and be able to compete with existing
/kæptI/, the network output would be a ‘blend’ of the words like captain. In this section we will review the
distributed representations of the two matching existing literature on the time-course of identification
words captain and captive, with the similarity of the of newly learned words with the goal of assessing
blend to each target representation being proportional evidence for the CLS account.
to the frequency of the two words. This state of affairs Tracking of speech–contingent eye movements has
can be thought of as optimally efficient in terms of its proved to be a rich source of information about the
use of partial information in the speech signal. time-course of spoken language processing across a var-
However, once the hippocampal route is brought iety of domains (e.g. Tanenhaus et al. 1995; Altmann &
into play and additional competitors have been Kamide 1999; Dahan et al. 2001). These experiments
learned, there is the possibility of losing optimality. make use of a visual scene with objects chosen to
Imagine the case where a listener learned the new inform about the lexical hypotheses and predictions
word /kæptIk/ (captick). This new competitor would that are made during the online processing of speech.
initially be learned via the hippocampal route, which For example, Allopenna et al. (1998) used pictures of
would allow the appropriate distributed representation cohort pairs (e.g. beaker and beetle), plus rhyming com-
to be activated on presentation of the full spoken word. petitors (e.g. speaker) and unrelated competitors (e.g.
However, the state of activation of the output units carriage) and measured the probability of fixating each
prior to the final phoneme (/kæptI/) is potentially com- picture as participants listened to target words (e.g.
promised. The neocortical route will still reflect the beaker). The plot of fixation probability against time
relative likelihoods of the two pre-existing words that for each of these target types proved to be a highly sensi-
it has been trained on, and the hippocampal route tive measure of lexical activation for the different types
will reflect the episodic representation of the new of competitor, leading to a better understanding of
word. However, the isolation of the hippocampal the strength of cohort members and rhyming words as
route means that the relative probability of the new competitors in spoken word recognition.
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These experiments have often made use of novel competition should lead to a delay in the recognition
words as a way of manipulating the parameters of of words like cathedral, because the uniqueness point
interest (e.g. semantic properties, Revill et al. 2008). of the existing word had shifted closer to the end of
Magnuson et al. (2003) used artificial lexicons to the word (figure 2a). Participants were taught the
create stimulus sets that mimicked the cohort and novel words via phoneme monitoring and effects of
rhyme relationships described above (e.g. target /pibo/ this learning were tested the following day, with further
with cohort /pibu/, rhyme /dibo/ and unrelated /tupa/ cycles of exposure and test over the course of 5 days.
distractors). Participants learned these words over the When tested on the recognition of the form of the
course of two days by associating them with visually novel word using a two-alternative forced choice test
presented abstract shapes. Magnuson et al. showed with a minimally diverging foil (e.g. cathedruce), per-
that word-like competition could be measured for formance was close to ceiling at first test (93%), and
these sets using probability fixation curves. Further- remained at or above this level at later tests. However,
more, frequency effects from newly learned the effect of novel word learning on recognition of the
neighbours were apparent in fixations even when the existing words was slow to emerge. These changes
competitor shape was not present. In terms of the were measured using a lexical decision task measuring
CLS approach, we can assume that the novel words responses to cathedral in comparison with counter-
were largely encoded hippocampally on the first day balanced control words for which no neighbouring
of these experiments and then jointly coded after novel word was learned. A lexical competition effect
sleep. Interestingly, although differences in performance was absent on days 2 and 3 but then emerged on the
levels between the two days were not dramatic, two final two days. Furthermore, the effect was selective for
experiments failed to show any effect of the relative like- the case where novel words were onset-matching neigh-
lihood of different types of competitor (cohort versus bours of the existing word. As predicted by models of
rhyme or high versus low frequency) on Day 1, spoken word recognition such as the Distributed
though these effects were evident on the second day. Cohort Model, equivalent overlap at the end but not
It may be that the extra training on Day 1 allowed the beginning of the word (e.g. yothedral-cathedral )
these relative weightings to be established more clearly showed no competition effect on any day.
on Day 2. However, an alternative explanation Because the above experiment used multiple train-
suggested by the CLS account is that the hippocampal ing sessions over several days it is not clear whether
route is less able to differentiate between candidates on the lexical competition effect is simply dependent on
the basis of likelihood. This would fit with the idea that a critical level of exposure being reached, or whether
the hippocampus simply requires some threshold to be a consolidation period is also required. A further
reached in order to learn a mapping, with a habituation experiment addressed this issue using a single more
response to subsequent presentations. extensive training session (36 presentations of each
Magnuson et al.’s (2003) final experiment went novel word) and lexical competition tests immediately
further in testing whether fixation probabilities to novel and one week afterwards. These tests used a pause
words could be modulated by the competitor environ- detection task, in which listeners are asked to monitor
ment of the listener’s pre-existing lexicon. Novel words for silent pauses inserted in the existing words (e.g.
varying in neighbourhood environment (defined on cathe_dral ). Mattys & Clark (2002) (see also Mattys
the basis of the pre-existing lexicon) were learned as in et al. 2005) have demonstrated that this task is sensi-
previous experiments over the course of two days. tive to the overall level of lexical activity at the pause
Despite target frequency effects emerging (at least on position and hence should provide an index of lexical
Day 2), there were only hints of an effect of neighbour- competition. Gaskell & Dumay (2003) showed that
hood, and only for low frequency words. Thus, the novel soon after the single intensive learning session there
lexicon could be considered ‘functionally isolated from was excellent 2AFC recognition of the novel words,
the native lexicon’ (Magnuson et al. p. 223). This but no evidence of increased competition in pause
result might suggest that the novel words were held sep- detection for existing words. However, this compe-
arate from the pre-existing lexicon in the hippocampal tition effect was evident a week later on retest. The
mapping (even on the second day). Alternatively this dissociation between form recognition and engage-
result could be a kind of context effect. Given that the ment in lexical competition is strong evidence in
stimuli at test were exclusively novel words, it may be favour of the dual process CLS account of word learn-
that the language system is able to eliminate pre-existing ing, outlined above (see figure 2b for a sketch of these
words from the competition process early on, meaning changes in lexical organization).
that the neighbourhood environment of the novel Subsequent studies have shown similar divisions
words is no longer relevant (cf. Magnuson et al. 2008). between swift and delayed aspects of learning novel
Rather than examining the effect of the existing lex- words. When novel words were assigned clear mean-
icon on recognition of novel words, Gaskell & Dumay ings in sentence contexts during training, the
(2003) looked at whether learning novel words could emergence of lexical competition was again delayed,
influence the processing of existing words. The study though in this case competition effects were found a
made use of words such as cathedral that are uniquely day after initial learning (Dumay et al. 2004). The
identifiable early on in the word. Pseudowords that same paper showed that the competition effect was
diverged from these existing words only at or after not restricted to offset-diverging neighbours such as
the uniqueness point (e.g. cathedruke) were selected cathedruke and cathedral, but also for novel words
to be taught to the participants as novel words. Criti- that embedded the existing words (e.g. shadowks and
cally, engagement of the novel words in lexical shadow, cf. McQueen et al. 1994). This experiment
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(a) cathedruke

100 ms
uniqueness points

lexical competition effect (ms)

0 20 40 60
(b) (c)
AM group

0 PM group
cathedral sleep

time since training (h)

before sleep



after sleep

Figure 2. Impact of initial learning and sleep-associated consolidation on lexical representations and word recognition.
(a) Speech waveforms for tokens of an existing word (cathedral ) and a new word (cathedruke) with a marker showing the approxi-
mate time point at which the acoustic-phonetic input for cathedral diverges from all other known words (uniqueness point, cf.
Marslen-Wilson 1984). The uniqueness point for cathedral is markedly later (orange line versus blue line) if the new word cathe-
druke must also be ruled out. (b) Lexical organization of these words after learning and before or after sleep-associated
consolidation. Before sleep (blue box) the strongest lexical competitor for cathedral is cathartic, hence the uniqueness point is
reached once this word can be ruled out (early uniqueness point shown in a). After sleep (orange box), the addition of a new
lexical competitor is such that additional speech input is required to rule out cathedruke (late uniqueness point shown in a).
(c) Pause detection response times showing the impact of learning and consolidation on lexical competition (data replotted
from Dumay & Gaskell 2007). Two groups of participants were trained on novel words (e.g. cathedruke) at either 8.00 h or
20.00 h and tested on matched items with and without new lexical competitors 0, 12 or 24 h after training. Responses to existing
words were significantly delayed by competition from newly learned words only for those conditions in which sleep intervened
between training and testing (orange bars).

also included both a recognition memory test and a showed an association between nocturnal sleep and
free recall test, in which participants were given the emergence of lexical competition effects. Test
3 min to recall as many of the novel items as they detection rates were slowed relative to control only
could. These explicit memory tests also showed for the conditions that had a night’s sleep between
improvements on the second day of the experiment. training and test (i.e. after 12 and 24 h for the group
Thus delayed effects of lexical learning can also be starting in the evening, and after 24 h for the group
detected in explicit memory tests of novel words with starting in the morning). Because any circadian influ-
a sufficiently demanding task. ences should apply equally to test and control
Given the delayed emergence of lexical competition conditions, these data are strong evidence in favour
and associated improvements in recall, Dumay & of an association between nocturnal sleep and inte-
Gaskell (2007) attempted to tease apart effects of gration of lexical information, and fit well with other
time and sleep after learning. Two groups of partici- studies implying an integrative role for sleep. Partici-
pants were trained on a set of novel words either at pants’ free recall also showed an interaction between
08.00 or 20.00. Participants were then tested on training group and time. There were improvements
their knowledge of these words straight after training, in free recall rate between subsequent test points in
12 and 24 h later. The tests included 2AFC recog- all cases where sleep intervened between the testing
nition, free recall and pause detection, as in previous points and also when both test points followed sleep.
experiments. Both groups exhibited good recognition The only case where improvement was not seen was
of the novel items immediately and at all retests, with for the group trained in the morning and then tested
no differences emerging. In contrast, pause detection prior to sleep, where there was a marginally significant
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deterioration in recall rate. This observation fits well Although the above studies show that some aspects
with the wider memory research in showing a protec- of lexical processing rely on a late-emerging represen-
tive aspect of sleep after learning (e.g. Ellenbogen tation, there are other aspects of word learning that do
et al. 2006). not require consolidation. Snoeren et al. (2009) looked
The lexical competition studies described above at the ability of novel words to influence phoneme jud-
(and the similarly delayed emergence of competition gements in the context of compensation for the effects
effects in studies of visual word learning, Bowers of assimilation. Previous research (Gaskell & Marslen-
et al. 2005) are consistent with a model in which the Wilson 1998) has shown that listeners can use the fol-
hippocampus provides an initial means of binding rep- lowing context of a segment to compensate for the
resentations of novel words in the short term. change in place of articulation that often occurs in
Integration of novel words with existing words occurs speech production. For example, in the sequence
over a longer period of time and is associated with noc- freight bearer, the final consonant of freight is often simi-
turnal sleep. Results that implicate the first night after lar to /p/ in connected speech. In perception, listeners
learning as critical for consolidation do not imply a make use of the following context to compensate for
dichotomous transfer of knowledge. However, in this shift, but this contextual compensation occurs
those studies that test for an effect of a single night more for words than for non-words. Snoeren et al.
of sleep, it does appear to produce observable changes found that newly learned words immediately affected
in behaviour. A further crucial prediction of the CLS the tendency to use context to compensate for assimi-
approach is that the competition effect that emerges lation, and once again the strength of the
in the days following first learning should remain compensation was no different for a separate set of
robust over a longer time-course, and may even items learned the previous day. The only effect of a
strengthen. Although competition effects have not 24-h period of consolidation was to facilitate response
been tracked over a time-course of years (cf. Salasoo times overall, supporting the CLS proposal that word
et al. 1985), Tamminen & Gaskell (2008) did examine recognition should be speeded-up by overnight
the profile of lexical competition effects for several consolidation.
months following learning. Competition effects as Sedin & colleagues (Sedin & Gaskell 2005; Sedin
measured by lexical decision were still robust at the et al. in preparation) examined influences of newly
final test point eight months after training, with learned words on speech perception using artificial
some suggestion of enhanced competition effects by phonetic continua, testing the extent to which novel
the end of the experiment. Although training only words could bias listeners’ perceptions of ambiguous
occurred at the beginning of the experiment, each phonemes. Many studies have shown that listeners’
test point did provide limited reactivation of novel judgements in these cases are biased towards responses
word representations. Nonetheless, there were long consistent with a word as opposed to a non-word
periods of up to 17 weeks without any testing, and (e.g. with an ambiguous (d/t) in the context of
no significant reductions in the strength of competition (d/t)ask, listeners are more likely to choose /t/, consist-
effects after these gaps. Thus, to the best of our knowl- ent with the word task; Ganong 1980). Sedin found
edge, the effects of learning that are found in these that novel words could produce a similar bias immedi-
experiments are robust in the longer term. ately after learning and this effect remained of
One feature of all the experiments described so far equivalent strength the following week. The only hint
is that they used multiple test sessions, including a of a consolidation effect was again in response times,
test for lexical competition after learning but prior to where speed benefits were found only at the second
sleep. Conceivably, this test session could have had a test point.
causal role in the emergence of lexical competition Leach & Samuel (2007) asked a related question
after sleep (e.g. through reactivation/reconsolidation, concerning the influence of newly acquired lexical
Walker et al. 2003; Hupbach et al. 2007; or through items on speech perception. They made use of the
sleep-associated consolidation of test tasks, Plihal & observation that spoken words (but not non-words)
Born 1997; Huber et al. 2004). We might therefore can drive changes to phoneme-category boundaries.
predict that competition effects would not be found For instance, Norris et al. (2003) showed that hearing
after sleep if the competition test was not administered words in which one phoneme was consistently
prior to sleep. Davis et al. (2009) tested this by teach- replaced by an ambiguous phoneme (e.g. replacing
ing people two sets of novel words, one the day before the /s/ in peace, rinse and crease with an ambiguous
testing and one on the day of testing. There was no form, half way between /s/ and /f/) causes a shift in lis-
competition effect from words learned that day, but teners’ categorization of an artificial continuum
words learned the previous day did produce a compe- involving that phoneme. Crucially, this compensatory
tition effect and faster response times in a speeded adjustment to the category boundary only occurred
repetition task. This result does not rule out involve- when the ambiguous phoneme was embedded in
ment of reconsolidation or task-learning in the words, as opposed to pseudowords. Leach and
effects described previously, but it does imply that lex- Samuel tested whether newly learned novel words
ical competition effects can emerge in the absence of could show the same top-down influence on phoneme
reconsolidation of the pre-existing word represen- perception. They found that non-words can show this
tation, or repetition of test tasks. The partial transfer lexical effect as long as they were assigned a meaning
of the novel memory from hippocampal to neocortical in some way during training. Strongest effects emerged
storage stands out as the most parsimonious when pictures were associated with the novel words,
explanation of this result. when training did not involve pronunciation, and
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effects seemed to strengthen over the course of 5 days. bilateral resection of the medial temporal lobe
The typical result, however, was that although type of (Gabrieli et al. 1988), although forced-choice and
training was crucial, the amount of time since first cued testing procedures revealed above-chance per-
exposure was not. This contrasts strongly with the formance (O’Kane et al. 2004). Such findings
effects of lexical competition, where type of training suggest that amnesic syndromes are accompanied by
seems irrelevant and time is crucial. impaired post-lesion learning of new words. However,
The latter experiments show that learning a new recent anatomical investigations showed that HM had
form can influence judgements about the form of a more extensive bilateral lesion encompassing the hip-
speech soon after learning, which could be interpreted pocampus and adjacent regions of perirhinal and
as evidence for immediate neocortical learning of entorhinal cortex (Corkin 2002). Further evidence is
novel words. Returning to the model sketched out at therefore required if we are to assess the unique
the beginning of this section, however, we can see contribution of the hippocampus to word learning.
that both hippocampal and neocortical routes have Patients with lesions confined to the hippocampus
links with the lexical phonology level, and so in both appear to show less marked impairments in the acqui-
cases we should see biases in phonological processing sition of new words. One important source of evidence
and the ability to evoke longer-term shifts in the categ- concerning more circumscribed medial temporal
orization of speech. If, as we have speculated, the lesions comes from observations of developmental
indirect hippocampal route to phonological represen- amnesia following anoxic episodes during birth
tations is relatively slow then the response time (Vargha-Khadem et al. 1997). This aetiology often
advantage enjoyed by the 24-h delay conditions for leads to bilateral damage confined largely to the hippo-
phoneme monitoring in Snoeren et al. (2009) and for campus (Gadian et al. 2000). Despite severe
delayed repetition in Davis et al. (2009), may be due impairments in episodic memory, these children can
to a partial shift in reliance away from the hippocampal show performance within the normal range in assess-
route and towards the direct neocortical route. ments of language function including tests of word
In sum, we have seen that a CLS approach to voca- knowledge (Vargha-Khadem et al. 1997; Gadian
bulary acquisition fits well with the picture we have et al. 2000). Although these observations suggest that
from behavioural data. Most aspects of lexical proces- longer-term word learning can occur in the absence
sing are available straight after learning and according of the hippocampus, it might still be the case that
to the CLS account may therefore be hippocampally the hippocampus normally plays a role in the initial
mediated. However, there is a small but important acquisition and maintenance of new words.
set of behavioural properties that emerge later after To explore the impact of hippocampal lesions on
sleep and which are probably associated with neocorti- initial acquisition a number of authors have used lab-
cal representations. Engagement in lexical competition oratory tests of word and concept learning in
is the best studied of these, but there also seem to be patients with developmental or adult-acquired lesions
advantages in ability to recall words, and swifter pro- of the hippocampus. The consensus from these studies
cessing of the novel words (in speeded repetition and is that while new learning is possible, it remains weak
assimilated segment detection) once integration into by comparison with control participants. For instance,
the neocortical route has begun. The neural predic- Martins et al. (2006) showed that a developmental
tions, however, can only be tested indirectly in amnesic with bilateral hippocampal lesions had
behavioural studies. We therefore turn to neuropsy- impaired acquisition of new names and concepts in
chological and neuroimaging data as a more direct laboratory situations. Although this patient had a
test of the CLS account. severe impairment (perhaps due to damage to the sur-
rounding entorhinal and perirhinal regions), a patient
with amnesia due to mamillary body lesions showed
4. MEDIAL TEMPORAL CONTRIBUTIONS a milder impairment of word and concept learning
TO WORD LEARNING compared with controls. A single case study of Jon, a
In this section we review neuroscientific evidence in developmental amnesic with hypoxia-induced bilateral
support of the CLS proposal that rapid initial learning hippocampal damage also showed significantly slowed
is dependent on medial temporal lobe systems includ- acquisition of new words and associated semantics
ing the hippocampus (cf. McClelland et al. 1995; under laboratory conditions (Gardiner et al. 2008).
O’Reilly & Norman 2002). We begin by reviewing evi- Though some learning was possible it required greater
dence for new word learning in amnesic patients with numbers of repetition over several days of training.
medial temporal lobe lesions before assessing conver- Thus, these results suggest that intact word knowledge
gent evidence from functional imaging studies, in developmental amnesia arises from the operation of
primarily using fMRI. slower (perhaps cortically based) learning processes,
consistent with the CLS account.
(a) Neuropsychological evidence One question that arises in considering evidence
In §1 we reviewed the basic pattern of impairment from these developmental populations, however, is
associated with damage to the hippocampus and sur- whether preservation of learning following early-
rounding regions of the medial temporal lobe. Here, onset hippocampal lesions reflects cortical learning
we focus on the question of whether amnesics are mechanisms that remain plastic during childhood but
able to learn new items of vocabulary. Studies of the would be absent following late acquired lesions. It is
late patient HM showed significantly impaired acqui- therefore reassuring that studies using adult amnesics
sition of words that came into the language after his largely confirm the pattern shown in these
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developmental studies. For instance, Verfaellie et al. the word– picture pairings. Thus, the authors con-
(2000), showed that two amnesic patients with cluded that hippocampal activation is associated
medial temporal lesions had impaired (though with successful learning of spoken-word to picture
non-zero) knowledge of words that came into the pairings.
language after the date of their lesions. Interestingly, A subsequent fMRI experiment replicated this
of the two patients tested, a more severe impairment association between medial temporal activity and
was observed in patient SS who subsequent to initial learning of form-meaning pairings for novel
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis had lesions of both the written words (Mestres-Misse et al. 2008). Mestres-
hippocampus and adjacent entorhinal/perirhinal Misse et al. contrasted fMRI responses to written
cortices. This is consistent with the profile of the pseudowords presented at the offset of sentences that
developmental amnesic tested by Martins et al. provided either a consistent or inconsistent meaning
(2006). Nonetheless, patient PS whose lesion was con- for that pseudoword. Comparison of consistent and
fined to the hippocampus also showed impaired inconsistent meaning pairings revealed activation clus-
knowledge of words that entered into the language ters in the precuneus, left thalamus, and anterior
after the anoxic episode that led to her amnesia. Two parahippocampal gyrus—the latter cluster probably
patients tested by Bayley and colleagues with more including perirhinal regions lesioned in patients with
extensive lesions of the medial temporal lobe (encom- more severe impairments of word learning. Interest-
passing most all of the hippocampus and rhinal ingly, an ERP version of this experiment showed a
cortices) also showed some post-lesion word learning progressive reduction in the magnitude of the N400
since these patients could distinguish new words to sentence-final non-words provided with consistent
(e.g. prozac from foils flozam, flozac, etc) with above meanings (Mestres-Misse et al. 2007). Evidence from
chance accuracy (Bayley et al. 2008). As well as intracranial ERPs might suggest that at least one plaus-
word-form familiarity, both patients provided evidence ible generator of the N400 effect is localized in medial
of semantic knowledge of these words (e.g. knowing temporal regions consistent with the activation
that a ‘website’ was a word associated with observed in their fMRI paradigm (Nobre et al. 1994;
computers). Nonetheless, both patients had highly McCarthy et al. 1995), though this localization has
impoverished knowledge of new words by comparison been disputed (see Lau et al. 2008). These findings,
with controls. Thus, evidence from adult and develop- like the results of Breitenstein, suggest a role for the
mental amnesia would together imply that new word medial temporal lobe in learning associations between
learning is severely impaired by bilateral pseudowords and meanings. However, the studies
hippocampal lesions. We therefore conclude that leave unclear whether activation reflects involvement
the initial acquisition of new words involves a similar of medial temporal lobe systems in associative learning
dependence on medial temporal lobe learning (consistent with hippocampal activation during suc-
systems to other forms of item-specific and associative cessful learning of word – word and face– name
learning (see Gooding et al. 2000 for a review). Some associations: Henke et al. 1997; Sperling et al. 2003;
limited, residual learning abilities remain in amnesic Prince et al. 2005), or a more general role in initial
patients, which we propose are supported by slower encoding of novel stimuli (Strange et al. 1999;
neocortical learning. Yamaguchi et al. 2004).
Two recent studies in fMRI and PET, respectively,
answer this question; first by showing that hippocam-
(b) Functional neuroimaging evidence pal activation is associated with successful encoding
Convergent evidence for hippocampal contributions of novel spoken pseudowords in the absence of accom-
to word learning has come from functional imaging panying pictures or semantic information (Davis et al.
studies in which participants are scanned while 2009), second by showing equivalent medial temporal
learning new words. One of the most persuasive activity for form learning and associative learning
demonstrations that hippocampal activation is (Paulesu et al. 2009). In Davis et al. (which will be
associated with initial acquisition compared neural reviewed in more detail subsequently), participants
responses to consistent and inconsistent combi- were presented with three sets of novel spoken pseudo-
nations of spoken pseudowords and pictures over words of which two had received extensive training
five repetitions of these pairings (Breitenstein et al. prior to scanning. Activation of the hippocampus
2005). Consistent pairings enabled participants to was primarily observed for those pseudowords that
learn the picture– pseudoword associations, as were entirely novel at the time of presentation, and
shown by behavioural performance during and declined rapidly with subsequent repetitions when
after scanning. Although activation differences these items were no longer truly novel. Furthermore,
between the consistent and inconsistent pairings the magnitude of initial activation to novel pseudo-
were only observed in the right inferior frontal words and the magnitude of the subsequent decline
gyrus, there was also a significant linear decline in in activity on repetition predicted performance in a
left hippocampal activity over five presentations of post-scanning forced-choice recognition memory test.
each consistent pairing, whereas the inconsistent Hence, this study suggests a role for the hippocampus in
pairings showed no such decline. Furthermore, a initial encoding of novel word forms, irrespective of
cross-subject analysis showed that participants who whether participants associate these items with pictures
produced a greater response to the initial presen- or other semantic information. Confirmation of similar
tation of consistent pairings and a smaller decline medial temporal involvement in form learning and
in activation subsequently had better memory for associative learning comes from Paulesu et al. (2009)
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who used PET to compare responses to words and pseu- of neuropsychological patients to data from MRI
dowords in both these tasks. Again, we will discuss cortical scans revealing the location and extent of individual
activation observed in this study subsequently, however, patient’s lesions. Voxel-by-voxel analysis methods
with regard to the medial temporal lobe both associative similar to those employed in functional brain imaging
and form learning responses to pseudowords declined can thus be used for statistical assessment of lesion–
over time in the anterior parahippocampal gyrus and tem- symptom associations. Interestingly, the results of these
poral pole. Form learning and associative learning thus analyses provide two distinct answers to the question of
recruit similar medial temporal structures—though in which brain regions produce impaired single word
this study these were located outside of the hippocampus. comprehension when lesioned.
In all these studies medial temporal activation Lesion – symptom maps for speech comprehension
during word learning reduced rapidly with stimulus impairments in a large group of aphasic stroke patients
repetition and most clearly predicted behavioural suggest an association between lesions and impaired
measures of successful learning (though the Paulesu comprehension in a region of the posterior middle
study did not test this correlation). Such findings temporal gyrus (MTG) extending into inferior tem-
support the CLS proposal that medial temporal poral regions (Bates et al. 2003). This anatomical
lobe systems are specialized for the rapid acquisition location overlaps substantially with the posterior tem-
of new information, including language. This account poral system highlighted as contributing to lexical
would also explain the absence of hippocampal acti- semantic processing in figure 1a. Since Bates and
vation in studies in which participants received co-workers used a single, composite measure of com-
extensive training on novel items prior to testing prehension (derived from behavioural responses to
(Sandak et al. 2004; Majerus et al. 2005). We next ‘yes/no’ questions, following simple and complex com-
turn to evidence for the second neural prediction of mands, and an assessment of single word
the CLS account: that neocortical representations comprehension using word to picture/object
support long-term recognition of words and that cor- matching), it is unclear whether comprehension
tical representations of pseudowords emerge slowly impairments arise from impaired lexical processing.
following stimulus familiarization and offline It is therefore encouraging that a follow-up study
consolidation. using a more sophisticated language battery (Dronkers
et al. 2004) suggests that posterior MTG lesions are
specifically associated with impairments of single
5. CORTICAL CONTRIBUTIONS word comprehension. Only posterior MTG lesions
TO WORD LEARNING produced an impairment even for the simplest test
In contrast to medial temporal lobe systems, which sentences used, irrespective of syntactic complexity.
are proposed to play a time-limited role in initial A similar association between posterior inferior tem-
acquisition of spoken words, the CLS account pre- poral lesions and impaired comprehension has also
dicts that a common set of cortical systems are been reported by Peelle (Peelle et al. 2008) in a
involved in acquiring stable representations of new study of semantic dementia patients. Nonetheless,
words and retaining those representations over the it remains unclear whether impairments are in
longer term. In assessing the contribution of cortical word-form recognition or in the form-to-meaning
regions to word learning, then, we will first consider mapping.
evidence from neuropsychology concerning the However, other studies that assess lesions associ-
neural regions that support knowledge of familiar ated with progressive comprehension impairments in
words. In a second section, we report a meta-analysis semantic dementia patients (Mummery et al. 2000;
of functional imaging studies which contrasted neural Williams et al. 2005), or that use a range of aetiolo-
responses to familiar words and unfamiliar gies (Tyler et al. 2005a,b) would suggest a more
(i.e. untrained) pseudowords. This meta-analysis anterior locus of the representations that support
assists in the interpretation of functional imaging single word comprehension. For example, the speed
studies that assess changes to the neural response to with which patients respond in lexical decision is pre-
spoken pseudowords during and after familiarization. dicted by lesions in antero-lateral regions of the
A stringent test of these studies is whether they pro- temporal lobe including the temporal pole (Tyler
vide evidence concerning the time-course by which et al. 2005a), as is a measure of semantic priming
pseudoword responses become word-like during and (Tyler et al. 2005b). Further evidence for an associ-
subsequent to acquisition. The CLS account makes ation between damage to anterior temporal regions
the strong prediction that offline consolidation is and deficits in the recognition of words and other
required to generate stable neocortical representations familiar stimuli comes from studies of patients with
of pseudowords. multimodal semantic impairments following the tem-
poral lobe variant of fronto-temporal dementia
(a) Neuropsychological evidence (semantic dementia). These patients suffer from a
An important source of evidence concerning the progressive, degenerative disorder that leads to signifi-
cortical systems that are critical for word recognition cantly impaired semantic knowledge whether accessed
comes from neuropsychological studies assessing from speech, writing or pictures and probed using
brain areas that produce a significant impairment forced choice, naming, drawing or generation tasks
in the comprehension of familiar words when (Patterson et al. 2007). Voxel-based analysis methods
lesioned. In reviewing this work, we will focus on have shown that cortical degeneration (Mummery
studies that link behavioural assessment of groups et al. 2000; Williams et al. 2005) and hypometabolism
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(Nestor et al. 2006; Desgranges et al. 2007) in non-linguistic stimuli (tones or similar, Binder et al.
anterior temporal regions surrounding the temporal 2000). Since our goal was to assess neural represen-
pole is most clearly associated with the degree of tations of familiar words, rather than systems that are
semantic impairment observed. differentially engaged by task-specific processes for
At present, it is unclear how we are to reconcile words and pseudowords, we also excluded studies in
results suggesting that lesions to two distinct regions which the word/non-word contrast was confounded
of the temporal lobe can both produce impairments by task differences (such as the studies reviewed in
of word recognition in patient populations. One Binder et al. 2000). Following these exclusions,
plausible interpretation is that both anterior and pos- 11 studies reporting a direct contrast between
terior temporal regions contribute to successful responses to spoken words and pseudowords
recognition of familiar words in different ways. For remained, as summarized in table 1. Since certain of
example, Patterson, Rogers and others (Rogers et al. these studies included multiple contrasts, we focus
2004; Patterson et al. 2007) suggest that the anterior our meta-analysis on main effects of lexicality,
temporal lobe forms a semantic hub that binds averaging over stimulus and task manipulations as
together neurally distributed representations of per- appropriate. Where the results permitted (e.g. Majerus
ceptual and conceptual features stored in more et al. 2005; Davis et al. 2009) we excluded conditions
posterior regions. One speculative extension of this in which participants were exposed to certain
proposal in the context of the CLS account is to pseudowords before scanning.
suggest that anterior temporal regions lesioned in All peak coordinates reported in the papers listed in
semantic dementia provide input to the hippocampus. table 1 were included in the meta-analysis. Those
It might therefore be that anterior temporal lesions studies labelled with asterisks (*) in table 1 report acti-
lead to a progressive decline in comprehension vation foci in the space defined by the Talairach atlas
because damage impairs the ability to acquire new and were converted into MNI space using the conver-
representations, and that these processes are also sion routine supplied with the GingerALE software
required if knowledge of familiar words is to be (see In computing
retained. Further investigation of word learning in ALE maps for the word . pseudoword (w . p) and
these populations would be valuable. pseudoword . word (p . w) contrasts, we used a
smoothing kernel with a full-width half maximum
of 10 mm, and computed 5000 permutations in
(b) Meta-analysis of word and pseudoword assessing the statistical significance of the resulting
responses in brain imaging ALE map. Applying a statistical threshold of
Given this uncertainty concerning the role of anterior FDR q , 0.05 resulted in corrected statistical
and posterior temporal lobe regions in the recognition thresholds of p , 0.0038 for w . p and p , 0.0036
of familiar words it is clear that functional imaging can for p . w. Only clusters of voxels that exceeded a
provide important additional evidence concerning the minimum cluster volume of 100 mm3 are reported.
cortical systems supporting word recognition. We In describing the pattern of differential responses
therefore report a meta-analysis of published PET observed for words and pseudowords we will focus
and fMRI studies that include a direct contrast on responses in left hemisphere regions that as
between spoken words and pseudowords. We use an reviewed previously have been argued to be critical
Activation Likelihood Estimation (ALE) method to for the comprehension of spoken language (see §2
derive a statistical map of the brain regions in which and figure 1a). We begin by describing the elevated
activation differences between words and pseudowords responses observed for pseudowords shown in red in
are expected (Turkeltaub et al. 2002). This procedure figure 3a– c and table 2. These provide putative
is implemented in software [GingerALE v1.1 from neural correlates of phonological-encoding processes] that incorporates a false that are challenged during the initial processing of
discovery rate (FDR) correction for multiple compari- unfamiliar spoken items and that may therefore con-
sons (Laird et al. 2005). We limited our coverage to tribute to initial encoding of pseudowords in
studies that (i) report activation foci in a standard conjunction with medial temporal regions.
coordinate space (either the Talairach Atlas or the In the superior portion of the left temporal lobe we
MNI152 average brain, see Brett et al. 2002) and (ii) see two distinct clusters that show an additional
conduct random-effects analyses of activation maps response to spoken pseudowords compared with real
collected from groups of healthy adult participants. words. These clusters are located posterior and
We analysed all PET/fMRI studies of spoken anterior to Heschl’s Gyrus (in planum polare and
word recognition that report the contrast between planum temporale, respectively) extending into adja-
familiar words and phonologically well-formed, cent regions of the superior temporal gyrus. These
clearly spoken pseudowords in either direction. That clusters fall squarely within the dorsal and ventral
is, we assessed regions involved in representing speech processing pathways suggested to radiate out
familiar items (responding more strongly to words) of primary auditory regions (Scott & Johnsrude
and regions that contribute to perception of pseudo- 2003; Hickok & Poeppel 2004, 2007; Davis &
words (responding more to pseudowords). This Johnsrude 2007). There is good agreement between
focus on the word/pseudoword contrast excludes these various accounts that the dorsal-going pathway,
studies in which non-word stimuli were physically running into the posterior temporal lobe and on to
distorted/degraded, or unintelligible versions of inferior parietal regions serves to map heard speech
spoken words (e.g. Mummery et al. 1999), or onto inferior frontal regions involved in generating the
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Table 1. Studies included in the meta-analysis. Those labelled asterisk (*) report peak activations for the Talairach &
Tournaux (1988) brain atlas and have been transformed into the MNI152 average brain for analysis and reporting.

number of foci

imaging number of word . pseudo .

citation modality participants task pseudo word

Binder et al. (2000)* fMRI 28 simple auditory detection (block onset) 3 0

Davis et al. (2009) fMRI 16 pause-detection (non-target trials) 0 7
Gagnepain et al. (2008) fMRI 18 lexical decision (filtered) 8 4
Kotz et al. (2002) fMRI 13 lexical decision (paired priming) 7 6
Majerus et al. (2002) PET 11 repetition/passive listening 7 1
Majerus et al. (2005) PET 12 speeded repetition 2 3
Orfanidou et al. (2006) fMRI 13 lexical decision (priming) 33 0
Prabhakaran et al. (2006)* fMRI 15 lexical decision 0 1
Raettig & Kotz (2008) fMRI 16 lexical decision 4 2
Sabri et al. (2008)* fMRI 28 one-back detection (attend/not) 1 1
Xaio et al. (2005)* fMRI 14 lexical decision 3 4
total 68 29

phonological representations required for articulation. cortex in the superior temporal gyrus and planum
It is therefore of interest that we observe an elevated polare. Our observation of an elevated response to
response to pseudowords in left inferior frontal (oper- pseudowords in these anterior auditory fields appears
cularis) and premotor regions that putatively form most clearly in line with accounts proposing that these
part of the articulatory network identified by Hickok & regions contribute to echoic representations of speech
Poeppel (2004) and Scott & Johnsrude (2003). (cf. Buchsbaum et al. 2005; Davis & Johnsrude
A number of other regions that have been associated 2007), although other authors have proposed a
with mapping heard speech onto motoric responses role for these regions in syntactic or combinatorial
also appear in this meta-analysis include the insula language processes (Friederici 2002; Humphries et al.
(Dronkers 1996), supplementary motor area and 2006; Hickok & Poeppel 2007). Further data on the
cerebellum. The close proximity of the dorsal superior response of this portion of the anterior superior
temporal cluster to primary auditory regions would temporal gyrus to pseudowords would be valuable.
suggest that this region contributes to sub-lexical We now turn to the meta-analysis of brain regions
processing of speech, consistent with their elevated showing an elevated response to real words compared
response for pseudowords. Convergent evidence for with pseudowords, displayed in blue in figure 3a– c,
this interpretation comes from functional imaging and summarized in table 3. These regions include
studies that ascribe phonological functions to these neural substrates for cognitive processes that are
posterior temporal regions. For example, fMRI has uniquely available for real words such as making
shown that the magnitude of the posterior Superior contact with stored representations of familiar
Temporal Gyrus (STG) response is correlated with phonological forms and initial access to associated
speech intelligibility yet sensitive to acoustically distinct word meanings (though as is apparent in table 1, not
forms of speech distortion (Davis & Johnsrude 2003). all of the studies included in the meta-analysis used
Well-controlled speech/non-speech comparisons also tasks that specifically required either lexical or seman-
produce posterior STG responses (Mottonen et al. tic processing). In line with the dual-route accounts
2006; Uppenkamp et al. 2006; Heinrich et al. 2008) as described earlier, we see additional activation for
do studies that contrast neural responses to phonological spoken words in temporal lobe regions extending
and acoustic changes to spoken syllables (Jacquemot et al. both anterior and posterior from those activations
2003; Liebenthal et al. 2005; Raizada & Poldrack 2007). that were reported for the pseudoword contrast. We
In considering the function and organization of the see a large cluster in the anterior STG and MTG
ventral pathway for speech processing, there is rather extending towards the temporal pole, as well as a
more disagreement between the different accounts large posterior temporal cluster extending from the
reviewed here. Some authors (Scott & Johnsrude posterior MTG/STG into the inferior parietal lobe
2003; Scott 2005) have proposed that this anterior including the supramarginal gyrus. The spatial organ-
pathway in the superior temporal lobe regions contrib- ization of these anterior and posterior temporal
utes to identification of familiar spoken words, activations is consistent with the proposal that acti-
whereas others (Hickok & Poeppel 2004, 2007) have vations for real words are at a higher level of
focused on posterior inferior temporal pathways as abstraction along anterior and posterior speech-pro-
being critically involved in mapping heard speech on cessing pathways than those seen in the reverse
to lexical and semantic representations. While neither contrast. Such findings parallel the results of a recent
account makes specific predictions concerning neural fMRI study using visual words and pseudowords in
responses to pseudowords, it is of interest that the elev- which familiar lexical items evoked activation at
ated response to pseudowords in the anterior superior ‘higher’ levels of the ventral visual processing stream
temporal lobe is clearly in front of primary auditory (Vinckier et al. 2007). Similarly, we would suggest
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pseudo– word (b) (c) right

word >
> pseudo
word –word

–64 +64

z = –18

–56 +56

–48 +48

–40 +40
(d) pseudoword (e) pseudoword
word word
neural response

neural response

–32 +32

–24 +24
before after before after
training training training training

(f) *
–16 +16
fMRI response in the STG

5 word

–8 +8

untrained trained trained and
not consolidated
consolidated 0

Figure 3. Activation Likelihood Estimation (ALE) map derived from 97 peak voxels from 11 functional imaging studies compar-
ing neural responses to spoken words and pseudowords. ALE maps are thresholded at p , 0.05 FDR corrected, and only clusters
larger than 100 mm3 are shown. Additional activation for pseudowords compared with words (red) and words compared with
pseudowords (blue) is shown (a) rendered onto the left hemisphere, (b) displayed on an axial and (c) multiple sagittal slices
of the MNI canonical brain (z and x coordinates as shown). Note inferior temporal and fusiform activation for word .
pseudoword (circled in orange) is largely hidden in the rendering but apparent on the axial slice and sagittal slices x ¼ 248,
240 and 232. (d,e) Response profiles showing predicted changes in neural responses owing to familarization with pseudowords:
(d) Within regions that initially show an additional response to pseudowords (red in figure 3a–c, e.g. STG, posterior inferior
frontal gyrus). For these regions we predict a diminished response to pseudowords after training. (d) Predicted response
within regions that show an additional response to real words (anterior MTG, anterior fusiform, supramarginal gyrus, blue in
figure 3a–c), we predict an increased response to pseudowords following training. ( f ) fMRI responses in a region of the STG
overlapping with areas shown in red in figure 3a–c (replotted from Davis et al. 2009). An equivalent, additional response to pseu-
dowords was seen for items that were untrained at the time of scanning or trained but not consolidated (i.e. learned on the same
day as scanning). However, there was a significant lexicality by consolidation interaction with a reduced response to pseudowords
that were trained and consolidated (i.e. learned on the day before scanning).

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Table 2. Activation likelihood estimation results for 29 peak voxels in studies reporting a greater neural response to spoken
pseudowords than words (shown in red in figure 2). Results thresholded at p , 0.05 FDR corrected, and with clusters
greater than 100 mm3 reported. Entries shown in bold are cluster summary statistics (including centre of mass and volume),
entries in plain type show local maxima.

MNI coordinates

location volume (mm3) p (uncorrected) x y z

left superior temporal gyrus (mid-posterior) 4080 261 228 10

left superior temporal gyrus 0.015 260 234 10
left superior temporal gyrus 0.013 264 222 12
right superior temporal gyrus 1416 62 226 3
right superior temporal gyrus 0.007 64 228 14
right superior temporal gyrus 0.007 58 226 6
right middle temporal gyrus 0.007 60 228 26
right middle temporal gyrus 0.007 68 224 22
left superior temporal gyrus (mid-anterior) 1024 256 26 21
left superior temporal gyrus 0.007 260 28 24
left superior temporal gyrus 0.007 250 210 0
left superior temporal gyrus 0.007 256 2 0
anterior cingulate 656 7 23 34
right cingulate gyrus 0.007 12 22 34
right cingulate gyrus 0.007 2 24 34
right insula 264 49 232 18
right insula 0.006 50 232 18
left inferior frontal gyrus (opercularis) 232 254 18 10
left inferior frontal gyrus 0.007 254 18 10
right middle frontal gyrus 232 40 26 19
right middle frontal gyrus 0.006 40 26 18
left middle temporal gyrus (posterior) 224 248 244 4
left middle temporal gyrus 0.007 248 244 4
right medial frontal gyrus 224 8 14 44
right medial frontal gyrus 0.007 8 14 44
right cerebellum 216 12 256 28
right cerebellum 0.007 12 256 28
right insula 216 25 25 7
right insula 0.006 26 26 8
left superior frontal gyrus 216 23 18 50
left superior frontal gyrus 0.007 24 18 50
left postcentral gyrus 216 248 226 58
left postcentral gyrus 0.007 248 226 58
right inferior frontal gyrus 208 50 20 210
right inferior frontal gyrus 0.007 50 20 210
left insula 208 246 220 18
left insula 0.007 246 220 18
right middle temporal gyrus 200 58 26 22
right middle temporal gyrus 0.007 58 26 24
right inferior frontal gyrus 192 28 6 26
right inferior frontal gyrus 0.007 28 6 26
left parahippocampal gyrus 184 227 252 22
left parahippocampal gyrus 0.006 226 252 22
left cerebellum 160 222 262 226
left cerebellum 0.007 222 262 226
right inferior frontal gyrus 160 54 22 13
right inferior frontal gyrus 0.007 54 22 12
left precentral gyrus 160 234 4 29
left precentral gyrus 0.006 234 4 28
left precentral gyrus 0.006 234 4 30

that the spatial position of these activations is consist- words is observed in all three temporal lobe pathways
ent with a hierarchical account proposed on the basis shown in figure 1a. While we do not have sufficient
of functional imaging data by (Davis & Johnsrude space here to review evidence for dissociations
2003, 2007). Preferential responses to pseudowords among these systems, these findings illustrate that rep-
lead to focal activation of phonological processes, resentations of familiar words are to be found in
whereas real words lead to focal activation of higher multiple cortical systems, consistent with compu-
level, lexical representations. One complexity of the tational accounts such as the distributed cohort
present results is that additional activation for real model in which both phonological and semantic
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Table 3. Activation likelihood estimation results for 68 peak voxels in studies reporting a greater neural response to spoken
words than pseudowords (shown in blue in figure 2). Results thresholded at p , 0.05 FDR corrected, and with clusters
greater than 100 mm3 reported. Entries shown in bold are cluster summary statistics (centre of mass and volume), entries in
plain type show local maxima.

MNI coordinates

location volume (mm3) p (uncorrected) x y z

left temporal/parietal junction 2488 247 264 25

left middle temporal gyrus 0.009 240 270 24
left supramarginal gyrus 0.008 254 252 30
left superior temporal gyrus 0.007 250 258 22
left superior occipital gyrus 0.007 244 278 28
left fusiform gyrus 1320 238 228 218
left inferior temporal gyrus 0.008 240 224 218
left fusiform gyrus 0.008 236 234 216
right temporal/parietal junction 1152 53 249 17
right superior temporal gyrus 0.009 54 248 14
right supramarginal gyrus 0.007 54 250 30
left inferior frontal gyrus (orbitalis) 792 240 27 29
left inferior frontal gyrus 0.008 238 26 28
left inferior frontal gyrus 0.007 248 24 212
left cuneus 664 26 266 32
left cuneus 0.01 26 266 32
right precuneus 648 14 263 36
right precuneus 0.007 14 266 40
right precuneus 0.007 16 266 30
right precuneus 0.007 12 256 38
left middle frontal gyrus 632 239 43 210
left middle frontal gyrus 0.009 238 42 210
left precuneus 440 211 246 29
left precuneus 0.007 212 248 28
left cingulate gyrus 0.007 210 244 30
right precentral gyrus 416 55 25 13
right precentral gyrus 0.008 56 26 12
right precentral gyrus 0.008 54 24 14
left superior parietal 328 233 272 47
left superior parietal lobule 0.007 230 276 46
left superior parietal lobule 0.007 236 268 48
left putamen 280 219 12 3
left putamen 0.007 222 12 2
left putamen 0.007 216 12 4
left precuneus 144 232 282 36
left precuneus 0.007 232 282 36
left middle temporal gyrus (anterior) 136 254 0 220
left middle temporal gyrus 0.007 256 0 220
right middle temporal gyrus 128 50 29 214
right middle temporal gyrus 0.007 50 28 214
left anterior cingulate 128 28 38 0
left anterior cingulate 0.007 28 38 0
left inferior parietal 128 256 242 46
left inferior parietal lobule 0.007 258 242 46
left middle frontal gyrus 120 222 26 214
left middle frontal gyrus 0.007 222 26 216
left middle temporal gyrus (posterior) 120 256 236 22
left middle temporal gyrus 0.007 256 236 22
left precuneus 104 236 262 32
left precuneus 0.007 236 262 32

representations can be considered part of the lexical neural terms. What learning processes are required
system (figure 1b). to change neural response to pseudowords into
responses that resemble real words? A number of
(c) Imaging cortical correlates of word learning studies have shown changes in the magnitude of
The differential cortical responses to words and pseu- neural responses to pseudowords following repeated
dowords reviewed above allow us to recast the critical presentation, and have linked these response changes
experimental questions of word learning studies in to behavioural improvements and hence word

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learning. However, we would argue that response with neural systems involved in decision-making and
changes owing to learning should at least partially response execution (cf. Dobbins et al. 2004). Despite
cancel response differences between pre-existing the presence of a lexicality by repetition interaction
words and entirely novel pseudowords if we are to in behaviour, neural responses showed no evidence
infer that cortical representations of newly learned for the emergence of word-like representations for
items have become word-like. repeated pseudowords.
For the neural response to a pseudoword to become In contrast to the study reported by Orfanidou,
fully word-like requires two opposite changes following other studies that explore how neural responses
familiarization: response decreases in regions that change as a result of familiarization with pseudowords
respond more to pseudowords, and response increases have claimed cortical correlates of word learning.
in regions that respond preferentially to familiar words. However, we must be careful to distinguish effects of
The brain regions that show these changes and the familiarization from the task-based repetition effects
direction of observed effects can thus be predicted that were documented by Orfanidou et al. (2006).
from that seen for comparisons of words and pseudo- Studies that only assess familiarization effects for pseu-
words on initial presentation. The two interaction dowords cannot differentiate between emerging
profiles depicted in figure 3d,e therefore provide cortical representations of newly learned words as dis-
specific hypotheses concerning the cortical correlates tinct from effects of stimulus repetition. For instance,
of word learning. This section of the paper will Breitenstein et al. (2005) report that neural responses
review functional imaging studies that assess neural in an anterior region of the fusiform showed a greater
responses to pseudoword stimuli before, during and decline over five repetitions of consistent word-picture
after familiarization with a view to testing for either pairings than for inconsistent word-picture pairings.
of these two interactions. Building on behavioural evi- Our meta-analysis shows that this fusiform region
dence for offline consolidation, we predict that the ordinarily shows an increased response for words com-
emergence of robust, cortical representations of pared with pseudowords. Pseudoword training should
newly learned words requires not just initial familiariz- have increased responses to trained items and hence
ation, but also a period of offline consolidation. the response reductions shown by Breitenstein make
Evidence that these response changes can occur the neural response to familiarized pseudowords less,
more rapidly has the potential to challenge the CLS not more, word-like. Note that this observation does
account. not negate any of the conclusions of the Breitenstein
One study that tested for word-like changes to study concerning the contribution that the fusiform
neural responses to pseudowords was reported by in conjunction with the hippocampus makes to the
Orfanidou et al. (2006). They used event-related initial acquisition of word-picture associations.
fMRI to measure neural responses during lexical Two other event-related fMRI studies have similarly
decisions to spoken words and pseudowords, half of shown response reductions to repetitions of spoken
which were presented twice during scanning. Neural pseudowords (Graves et al. 2008; Rauschecker et al.
responses showed elevated responses to familiar 2008). Both studies show that multiple presentations
words in many of the temporal lobe regions shown in of pseudowords led to a reduced neural response
the meta-analysis (figure 3). Critically, however, within brain regions shown in our meta-analysis to
response differences between words and pseudowords produce an elevated response to pseudowords
were unaltered by stimulus repetition—neither of the (the STG, premotor cortex and SMA in Rauschecker
interactions between stimulus repetition/familiariz- et al. 2008; left STS, motor cortex and cerebellum in
ation and lexicality depicted in figure 3d,e were Graves et al. 2008). That both these studies show a
significant in the fMRI data. This was not because of reduced response in posterior superior temporal
the lack of any effect of stimulus repetition on neural regions is encouraging since it suggests that the
responses. Response increases for repeated presenta- change in pseudoword responses is in the correct
tions were seen in dorsolateral and orbital prefrontal direction to reduce the response difference between
regions, lateral parietal regions and the precuneus. pseudowords and words (the interaction depicted in
These activation increases partially overlapped with figure 3d ). However, neither study measured the
brain regions showing an increased response to fam- effect of stimulus repetition for familiar words and so
iliar words (e.g. in the parietal lobe), however, these cannot detect interactions that provide evidence for
regions did not show the lexicality by repetition inter- word-like neural responses.
action depicted in figure 3e but rather words and Critical for the interpretation of these event-related
pseudowords showed an equivalent response fMRI studies are the findings of two PET studies that
increased, consistent with memory processes recruited did compare the effect of stimulus repetition on words
for both classes of items. Response reductions for and pseudowords (Majerus et al. 2005; Paulesu et al.
repeated items were observed in bilateral inferior fron- 2009). Both studies show equivalent repetition sup-
tal regions, the SMA and posterior inferior temporal pression in the STG when spoken words and
gyrus, though once more these were of equivalent pseudowords are presented repeatedly prior to scan-
magnitude for words and pseudowords (unlike the ning (Majerus et al. 2005), or during scanning
profile in figure 3d ). Correlational analyses showed (Paulesu et al. 2009). Hence, in this study there is no
that reduced responses in inferior frontal and motor lexicality by repetition interaction in either the pos-
regions were correlated with the trial-by-trial magni- terior STG (Majerus et al. 2005) or the anterior
tude of behavioural priming, suggesting that the STG (Paulesu et al. 2009). It therefore seems that
expression of the repetition priming effect is linked had words been included in the fMRI studies of
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Rauschecker and Graves, then the required lexicality interactions between lexicality and familiarization
by repetition interaction would be absent and a main should overlap with response differences between
effect of repetition observed (cf. Orfanidou et al. words and pseudowords. The lack of a significant
2006). One further finding from the Majerus et al. interaction, however, is directly predicted by the CLS
(2005) study is that low phonotactic frequency non- account which proposes that short-term stimulus rep-
words did not show the same response decrease etition alone is insufficient to produce stable, task-
owing to familiarization as familiar words and high- independent cortical representations of newly learnt
phonotactic frequency non-words. This might suggest pseudowords. Behavioural results reviewed previously
that cortical correlates of rapid response learning are in this paper would instead suggest that prior presen-
limited to items that are either familiar or very similar tation and a sleep-associated consolidation process is
to familiar words. Such a finding is consistent with the necessary for newly learned words to have an equivalent
Distributed Cohort Model, in which the ability to gen- lexical status to familiar words. Consequently, neural
eralize to novel pseudowords is determined by the effects of a consolidation period that included sleep
degree of similarity to pre-existing words. It is precisely were assessed in an fMRI study reported by Davis et al.
for these atypical, low-phonotactic frequency non- (2009).
words that the model would struggle to generate an Like certain other PET and fMRI studies reviewed
appropriate phonological representation, preventing previously, Davis and colleagues tested for interactions
cortical learning processes from producing short-term between prior familiarization and lexicality. Since two
task-based repetition priming. different tasks were used in training and testing (pho-
One fMRI study that both tested for a familiarity by neme monitoring and gap-detection, respectively;
repetition interaction and ruled out task repetition was Connine & Titone 1996; Mattys & Clark 2002),
presented by Gagnepain and colleagues (Gagnepain task-based response learning could not account for
et al. 2008). In this event-related fMRI study, partici- effects of training on neural responses. The exper-
pants made lexical decisions to acoustically degraded imental design used three matched sets of words and
spoken words and pseudowords of which 50 per cent pseudowords, two of which were familiarized prior to
had been presented previously for a phoneme decision scanning. One set of words and pseudowords was
task. Gagnepain observed a symmetrical interaction familiarized on the day before scanning (hence subject
between lexicality and stimulus repetition with to overnight consolidation), another group of items
responses in left posterior STG and right peri-auditory was familiarized around 4 h before scanning (learned
areas, i.e. a reduced response for second presentations but not consolidated) and a third group presented
of words, and an enhanced response for second pre- only in the scanner (untrained controls). This exper-
sentations of pseudowords. Thus, in the absence of a imental design allows a test of interactions that
task-based explanation of response changes, repetition reflect the impact of initial learning alone and the
effects can differentiate words and pseudowords. additional effect of an overnight delay between training
Gagnepain and colleagues suggest that response and testing on response differences between words and
increases for pseudowords reflect long-term encoding pseudowords. The design does not allow any effects
of previously unfamiliar items. However, these increases found to be necessarily associated with sleep as
were observed in regions close to auditory cortex that opposed to an extended period of consolidation
showed an elevated response to pseudowords in our awake. However, given the behavioural data reviewed
meta-analysis. This interaction serves to increase the previously (Dumay & Gaskell 2007) and the fact that
neural response difference between pre-existing words the same-day training also included ample time for
and pseudowords, rather than decreasing this effect as awake consolidation (4 h), sleep is likely to be the prin-
predicted by figure 3d. Thus, the reactivation of cipal driver of neocortical changes observed in the
recently acquired pseudoword representations has comparison of items learnt on the same or previous
the opposite effect on measured neural activity to the day to scanning. Comparison of untrained words and
difference between familiar words and unfamiliar pseu- pseudowords also permitted an assessment of simple
dowords. This interaction profile is reminiscent of that lexicality effects as shown in the meta-analysis. How-
observed in occipital and posterior fusiform regions in ever, perhaps because the tasks used depend on
studies of neural repetition for written words (Fiebach processing the surface form of speech, elevated
et al. 2005) and faces (Henson et al. 2000, 2002), responses were observed for pseudowords compared
which similarly differentiate familiar and unfamiliar with words and not vice versa. We will discuss in the
items. In each of these studies, repetition effects for concluding section the implications of the lack of an
unfamiliar items are either absent, or do not appropri- elevated, word-like response to pseudowords following
ately overlap with regions that show an elevated training and consolidation.
response to familiar items. For the untrained items, Davis et al. found an elev-
In summary, then, existing studies have failed to ated response to pseudowords in the STG (anterior
provide a convincing demonstration that repeated and posterior), and left cerebellum similar to those
presentation of spoken pseudowords can lead to the shown in figure 3 (results included in the meta-
emergence of word-like cortical responses over the analysis). Consistent with the findings of Orfanidou
time span of a typical functional imaging experiment. et al. (2006), no interaction between same-day
While it is difficult to argue from a null effect, particu- familiarization and lexicality was shown. That is, an
larly for a predicted interaction, it is striking that none overlapping set of regions showed an elevated response
of these PET and fMRI studies have satisfied the to pseudowords compared with words when these
critical predictions depicted in figure 3d,e that items had been extensively trained in the hours prior
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to scanning. Indeed, for this pseudoword versus word to explain the overnight consolidation effects that we
contrast, an elevated response to pseudowords have observed in our functional imaging study (Davis
occurred in a more extensive phonological network et al. 2009). Nor can task-based repetition priming
including a bilateral region of the motor cortex and effects explain the effect of overnight consolidation
the left SMA (though changes between untrained on the emergence of lexical competition in behavioural
and trained items were not statistically significant). studies that were reviewed in §3. In all these studies,
What is striking, however, is that the same comparison both the stimuli presented, and the responses
between pseudowords and words did not reach whole- measured differ between training and testing.
brain corrected significance for items trained on the This separation of rapid stimulus-response learning
day prior to scanning. Indeed, we saw a significant (that can be achieved by cortical mechanisms without
consolidation by lexicality interaction in the STG, consolidation) and slower cortical learning produced
motor cortex and right cerebellum (figure 3f ). As is by hippocampal encoding and offline consolidation
apparent, the critical interaction was between words has the potential to explain certain puzzling obser-
and pseudowords trained with overnight consolidation vations from the literature on word learning in
and items trained and tested on the same day (hence amnesic patients. A number of studies suggest that
not subject to consolidation). Thus, if the criterion newly acquired semantic knowledge in this population
for the emergence of a stable lexical representation is is to some extent rote-learned and inflexible. For
a significant reduction in the elevated response to a instance, whereas control participants taught the
trained pseudoword, then participants require both phrase ‘venom-caused illness’ could retrieve the cor-
initial training and offline consolidation (in this case rect final word when cued by synonyms (e.g.
over 24 h between training and scanning) for learning ‘poison-caused. . .’, or ‘venom-induced. . .’) an amnesic
to impact on cortical responses. This finding is entirely patient EP failed to respond correctly unless the exact
predicted by a CLS account in which cortical learning same words were used to cue the knowledge (Bayley &
requires offline consolidation. Squire 2002). Similarly, a developmental amnesic
To be clear, this result does not imply that all neural patient Jon could acquire new semantic/factual knowl-
correlates of word learning require overnight consoli- edge, but required many more repetitions than control
dation. We have already reviewed other results from participants (Gardiner et al. 2008). These data might
the Davis et al. study showing that the degree to suggest that isolated neocortical learning mechanisms
which participants become familiar with pseudowords responsible are limited to supporting stimulus-
that were presented for the first time during scanning response association of whole forms. Hence, there
is associated with the activation and subsequent may be important benefits that hippocampal learning
decline in hippocampal responses (cf. Breitenstein and overnight consolidation provide in the non-
et al. 2005). These data suggest that the role of the hip- damaged brain. This two-stage learning process sup-
pocampus in word learning appears confined to the ports flexible and generalizable knowledge more
initial acquisition of novel pseudowords, consistent effectively than rote or piecemeal learning using
with the CLS account. In the light of certain neuroi- neocortical systems alone.
maging studies reviewed here (Majerus et al. 2005;
Graves et al. 2008; Rauschecker et al. 2008) that
show effects of repetition priming on neural responses 6. DISCUSSION AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS
to pseudowords, we must add a further significant In this paper we have presented a cognitively and neu-
caveat. These studies provide evidence for rapid neo- roanatomically informed account of word learning,
cortical learning that is involved in the acquisition grounded in principles that are well-established for
and expression of stimulus-response associations learning other domains of knowledge. Our CLS
(Schacter et al. 2004). This form of learning can pro- account, while novel to the domain of word proces-
duce significant facilitation of behavioural and sing, can therefore draw on extensive empirical
cortical responses to spoken pseudowords—though support for complementary hippocampal and neocor-
only if they are similar to existing words (cf. Majerus tical learning systems in other domains, as well as
et al. 2005). If response learning applies to spoken evidence that sleep plays a specific role in the consoli-
words and pseudowords, then these effects can be dation and unification of newly acquired neural
observed for both items (Orfanidou et al. 2006). How- representations in these two systems. Given the
ever, differential repetition priming for words and obvious debt that our CLS account owes to pre-
pseudowords can more often be observed with greater existing accounts of memory formation, we will
priming for familiar words (Gagnepain et al. 2008). In begin by making a few remarks concerning the value
these experiments, pseudoword priming effects are to memory theory more generally of evidence from
often in the wrong direction to create more word-like the study of word learning. We will then consider
cortical responses (Gagnepain et al. 2008). We would some unanswered questions concerning the CLS
contend, therefore, that rapid, response-based learning account of word learning that should be pursued in
processes are limited to tuning of existing represen- further empirical research.
tations, and are (on their own) insufficient to
establish cortical representations of new spoken (a) What can memory theory gain from
words. In the CLS account there are limits to rapid considering word learning?
cortical learning so as to avoid the catastrophic inter- Word learning is a domain in which adult participants
ference present in neural network simulations. have a large and relatively uniform body of
Response-based learning processes cannot be invoked knowledge—there is a core vocabulary that is shared
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3794 M. H. Davis & M. G. Gaskell Review. Systems for word learning

by all English speakers. Furthermore, the cognitive of spoken words and not their meaning (speeded
abilities and cortical processes that support our ability repetition tasks, e.g. Davis et al. 2009; resolution of
to recognize, understand and produce familiar words lexical competition, cf. Dumay & Gaskell 2007). We
are (as this review illustrates) relatively well under- have argued that these data can be understood in
stood. Yet, monolingual adults continue to add to terms of consolidation processes that achieve optimal,
their vocabulary (e.g. ‘blog’), an ability that is also probabilistic processing of perceptual input and inte-
critical for successful second language learning. For gration of new knowledge with existing
these reasons, we suggest that word learning is an representations. Although the role of consolidation
ideal subject area in which to explore interactions in supporting efficient perceptual processing is rela-
between systems that support pre-existing knowledge tively well understood, it is less clear whether other
and new learning, in a domain that provides striking aspects of word learning (such as the acquisition of
real-world application. semantics) are also subject to overnight consolidation.
Word learning also provides clear examples of the As yet there is limited behavioural evidence concern-
multiple forms of knowledge that are critical for suc- ing the long-term acquisition of representations of
cessful performance. Word representations are jointly word meaning (e.g. McKay et al. 2008) and no
perceptual (in systems involved in recognizing empirical demonstration that semantic represen-
words), procedural (in motor systems for producing tations are subject to overnight consolidation. From
words) and semantic (in systems representing word a neuroscientific perspective we can ask whether all
meaning). Representations in each of these linked sys- of the cortical systems that contribute to word knowl-
tems must be robust and able to generalize from edge (depicted in figures 1 and 3) show an equivalent
individual experiences to novel input. For instance, dependence on overnight consolidation; or whether
we must recognize familiar words spoken by unfamiliar it is only representations of perceptual form
voices or establish the meaning of familiar words in (in superior temporal regions), and associated
unfamiliar contexts. These properties are ably demon- motor representations (in the precentral gyrus and
strated by neural network models (e.g. Gaskell & right cerebellum) that show consolidation. The
Marslen-Wilson 1997) that are subject to compu- results of the fMRI study reported by Davis et al.
tational limitations typical of systems trained with (2009) would support this second conclusion but
distributed learning algorithms. The CLS account further empirical investigation would be helpful.
therefore proposes that the acquisition of distributed A further set of empirical questions concern the
word representations should depend on medial finding that recognition of lexical neighbours of
temporal lobe systems that encode episodic newly learned words is altered by overnight, sleep-
representations of the form and meaning of novel associated consolidation (Dumay & Gaskell 2007;
words. figure 2). Although these results are striking, they fall
Empirical evidence concerning the nature of these short of showing a causal link between sleep and con-
interactions between episodic and perceptual/pro- solidation. Only by making direct interventions to
cedural memories of spoken words therefore provides sleep architecture in individual participants can we
a natural interpretation within CLS accounts. One show that it is sleep itself (rather than some other
point of view on complementary learning systems has state ordinarily associated with sleep) that is necessary
considered perceptual/procedural and episodic learn- for consolidation. With this result in hand, further
ing to be distinct processes that operate on different experiments could then ask what features of sleep are
types of information and that are probed using differ- necessary for consolidation. The existing literature
ent sorts of test (e.g. Marshall & Born 2007). Rather, on motor learning provides evidence to link consolida-
we would contend that most ecologically valid forms of tion to specific sleep stages (REM sleep, Plihal & Born
learning exemplify more than one single type of knowl- 1997) and specific physiological processes (Huber
edge, and are hence not embodied in any single et al. 2004). Conversely, declarative, episodic mem-
system. Word learning provides examples of multiple ories such as word-pair associations appear to be
forms of learning (perceptual, declarative and pro- consolidated during stage 2 slow-wave sleep, presum-
cedural) within a single domain and therefore ably by the spindles and k-complexes that
provides a useful paradigm in which to assess predominate in EEG signals recording during this
dissociations and interactions among these different sleep stage (Plihal & Born 1997; Marshall et al.
systems. 2006). Such findings naturally raise the question of
which of these different sleep stages is associated
with consolidation of word form knowledge, or
(b) Unanswered questions for the CLS indeed whether multiple sleep phases are required
account of word learning for consolidation of word representations that are
As the current review illustrates, existing evidence both declarative and procedural (Dumay & Gaskell
from neuropsychology and functional brain imaging 2007).
concerning neural systems involved in word learning Although we believe that existing brain imaging
are largely consistent with the CLS account proposed data on word learning are consistent with the CLS
here. However, more specific empirical tests of the account, there has been only limited evidence for
predictions of the CLS account remain to be con- some of our most specific neural predictions. For
ducted. In particular, it should be noted that those instance, we reviewed evidence for hippocampal invol-
behavioural data that most clearly show effects of vement during initial encoding (indexed by elevated
overnight consolidation test knowledge of the form fMRI activity), but so far there is little data to show
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how hippocampal and neocortical representations are have highlighted between word learning and other
coupled. Conversely, we have seen that overnight memory domains. Thus, we believe that the CLS
consolidation appears to reduce elevated cortical account can provide a firm foundation for cognitive
responses for pseudowords. However, we have not and neuroscientific explorations of processes that are
yet provided any evidence that either initial learning fundamental to language acquisition and processing
or overnight consolidation can produce an elevated in adults and infants alike.
response to pseudowords as a consequence of training.
Both the authors contributed equally to this work. This work
One possible explanation of this finding is that elev- was supported by funding from the UK Medical Research
ated responses to real words reflect neural correlates Council to the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
of semantic representations that were not part of the (M.H.D., U.1055., and the Economic and Social
training procedure used in the study of Davis et al. Research Council (M.G.G., RES-063-27-0061). We would
(2009). Alternatively, it might be that more than a like to thank Rowena Eason and Jonathan Peelle for their
single day of training and overnight consolidation is assistance in preparing the fMRI meta-analysis and Shane
Lindsay, Pierre Gagnepain and two reviewers for
required to increase the cortical response to new
comments and suggestions on an earlier draft of this paper.
spoken pseudowords in areas that respond to familiar
words. These and other questions are currently being
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