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 Kehamilan dan persalinan melibatkan fisiologis, emosional

dan perubahan sosial, dan penting selama periode ini
menerapkan perubahan gaya hidup yang akan bermanfaat baik
bagi ibu dan kesehatan janin. Dalam konteks perawatan kesehatan
untuk wanita hamil, program persiapan kelahiran terstruktur
menggunakan pendekatan multidisiplin memainkan peran
penting; Program semacam itu direkomendasikan untuk wanita
hamil dan pasangannya. (Jose, Cecatti, Yolanda, & Ii, n.d, 2015)
 Topik yang berkaitan dengan kehamilan, persalinan,
puerperium, perawatan bayi baru lahir, fisik dan
Perubahan emosional dialami saat hamil, ketakutan dan
fantasi tentang persalinan dan nifas, dan
Ketidakamanan berhubungan dengan menjadi orang tua
seharusnya dibahas selama kehamilan dalam upaya untuk
meminimalkan kecemasan. Intervensi ini juga harus mencakup
satu set dari kegiatan yang memungkinkan wanita berkesempatan
untuk mengalami persalinan dan persalinan sebagai proses
fisiologis dan perasaan bahwa mereka mengendalikan situasi
efektivitas mereka, atau keteraturan yang dibutuhkan untuk
memastikannya efektivitas. (Jose, Cecatti, Yolanda, & Ii, n.d,
MANFAAT SENAM  Aktifitas senam mengurangi resiko penyakit jantung dan
memperbaiki fungsi paru-paru. Pada ibu hamil dianjurkan senam
untuk menjaga kesehatan, dan juga untuk perbaikan kapasitas
fungsional dalam banyak penyakit kronis, seperti hipertensi,
diabetes, dan sindrom metabolik. (Jürgensen, Bastos, & Correia,
 In the treatment of stress urinary incontinence, pelvicfloor
muscles (PFM) strength training is considered the gold standard
therapeutic approach, since urinary incontinence (UI) may be
caused by PFM weakness and decreased awareness. It is now
known that women of almost all age groups lack awareness of the
pelvic floor muscles, which results in weakness of these muscles,
regardless of age. (Jürgensen et al., 2017)
 Just as maternal physiology is affected by exercise, so is fetal
physiology. The fetal heart rate has been shown to increase as a
result of maternal exercise, both during and soon after the
exercise occurs. A research study evaluated exercise treadmill
tests in pregnant women of varying fitness levels, with exercise
intensities that were appropriate to the prepregnancy activity
levels of the participants, based on HHS guidelines. Assessments
of fetal well-being were made before and after the treadmill
exercise sessions. The results indicated that maternal treadmill
exercise was well-tolerated by the fetuses in this study. These
results confirm that light-to-moderate-intensity exercise during
pregnancy is well-tolerated by the fetus. (Gregg, Ii, & Ii, 2017)
TUJUAN SENAM  Tujuan utama senam hamil adalah untuk mempromosikan praktik
HAMIL yang sehat, meminimalkan berlebihan kecemasan dan mencegah
atau meminimalkan ketidaknyamanan dari kehamilan dan
persalinan. (Miquelutti, Cecatti, & Makuch, 2013)
 Praktek latihan fisik selama kehamilan dengan tujuan menjaga
kesehatan wanita selama kehamilan dianjurkan oleh American
dari Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), dan
dimasukkan dalam program antenatal. Apalagi latihan harian
dapat mencegah diabetes gestasional dan kenaikan berat badan
gestasional yang berlebihan. Kemudian ada bukti bahwa latihan
fisik selama kehamilan tidak meningkat risiko cedera otot atau
perubahan tekanan darah arteri dan tidak meningkatkan risiko
persalinan prematur atau berat janin rendah. (Miquelutti et al.,
EFEKTIVITAS  It is believed that there may be a relationship between functional
SENAM HAMIL capacity and UI, considering that performing exercise programs
improves muscle strength, especially of stabilizers and postural
muscles, greatly employed during whole body exercise.
Moreover, the PFM, responsible for the voluntary urinary
continence mechanism, are also considered stabilizers and
postural muscles, and can be reflexively activated during physical
exercise. The PFM are extremely important for the continence
mechanism and, in addition, act as a powerful pelvis stabilizer.
Sapsford and Hodges showed that voluntary abdominal muscles
contraction during exercise, especially of the transversus
abdominis, results in increased PFM activity in healthy subjects
with no history of lower back pain. (Jürgensen et al., 2017)
 Some authors observed that functional decline and the reduction of
physical capacity can be associated to the development of UI and that
muscular strength reduction is influenced by age [15). In addition, it is
known that muscle weakness can increase the risk of falls and that a
relationship exists between UI and the risk of falls, due to the urgency
to get to the bathroom in time. However, in a study by Tak et al.
Institutionalized elderly women participated in a program including
weekly sessions over a period of 22 weeks of physical exercises to
improve PFM function and simple exercises to improve upper limb
mobility, hand function, standing up and sitting down. Results showed
no significant reduction in the number of UI cases. (Jürgensen et al.,
NYERI PERSALINAN  Lumbopelvic pain, defined as pain in the low back (lumbar
region) and/or pelvic girdle (symphysis pubis, sacroiliac joint and
gluteal region) is the most common musculoskeletal complaint in
pregnancy. More than half of pregnant women experience low
back pain), and 10–65% pelvic girdle pain. Moreover, the pain is
frequently rated as moderate to severe. The prevalenceof
lumbopelvic pain in the postpartum period is only about half that
during pregnancy. (Shiri & Coggon, 2017)
 To date, little is known about the primary prevention of low back
and pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy. Light to moderate exercise
during pregnancy is safe for the mother and foetus and has
beneficial effects. It prevents excessive maternal and foetal
weight gain, prevents and controls gestational diabetes and
improves cardiorespiratory fitness. Exercise may also be effective
in the secondary prevention of low back pain in pregnancy,
reducing its intensity, and associated disability and sick leave. A
recent systematic review and meta-analysis combined trials on the
primary prevention of low back or pelvic girdle pain with those
on its secondary prevention. It is unclear, however, whether
benefits extend to primary prevention, and to pelvic girdle as well
as low back pain. The aim of the current systematic review and
meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials was to determine
the effect of exercise on primary prevention of low back and
pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy. (Shiri & Coggon, 2017)

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