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Student: Dela Cerna , Angel June .

Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology

Brand Name: Cordarone Generic Name: amiodarone_____________ Drug Classification: antiarrhythmic agent___________________

Dosage, Route & Frequency Side Effects Adverse Reactions (By

Drug Action Drug-Drug & Drug-Food Interactions Indications Contraindications
Recommended (By System) System)
PO: ADULTS, ELDERLY: Initially, 800– Prolongs duration of myocardial cell action DRUG: Prevention of recurrence of: Contraindications: Expected: Corneal Serious, potentially fatal
1,600 mg/day in 1–2 divided doses potential and refractory period by Sofosbuvir may cause severe bradycardia. May increase Life-threatening ventricular Hypersensitivity to amiodarone, microdeposits noted in pulmonary toxicity (alveolitis,
for 1–3 wks. After arrhythmia is acting directly on all cardiac tissue. Decreases AV thioridazine tachycardia; the treatment iodine. Bradycardiainduced almost all pts treated for pulmonary fibrosis,
controlled or side effects occur, reduce and sinus node function. concentration and produce additive prolongation of QT should be instituted in a syncope (except in the presence more than 6 pneumonitis, acute respiratory
to 600– Therapeutic Effect: Suppresses arrhythmias interval. May increase hospital setting under of a pacemaker), second- and mos (can lead to blurry distress syndrome) may begin
800 mg/day for 4 wks. Maintenance: Pharmacodynamics: Antiarrhythmic cardiac effects with other antiarrhythmics. May increase monitoring; Documented, thirddegree AV block (except in vision). Occasional (greater with progressive
400 mg/day. properties: Lengthening of phase 3 of the cardiac effect of beta symptomatic and presence of a pacemaker); severe than 3%): PO: dyspnea and cough with crackles,
IV Infusion: ADULTS, ELDERLY: Initially, action potential mainly due to a decrease in blockers (e.g., carvedilol, labetalol, metoprolol), oral incapacitating ventricular sinus node Constipation, headache, decreased breath sounds,
1,050 mg over 24 hrs; 150 mg potassium channels (Vaughan Williams class III). anticoagulants (e.g., tachycardia; Documented, dysfunction, causing marked sinus decreased appetite, nausea, pleurisy, HF, or
over 10 min, then 360 mg over 6 hrs; Injection: This effect, which is isolated, is due to warfarin). May increase concentration, toxicity of supraventricular tachycardia bradycardia; cardiogenic shock. vomiting, paresthesia, hepatotoxicity. May worsen
then 540 mg over 18 hrs. May continue slowing of the potassium channel, with no change ARIPiprazole, colchicine, in patients refractory to Cautions: photosensitivity, muscular existing arrhythmias or produce
at in the sodium or calcium channels; Bradycardia- digoxin, phenytoin. May increase risk of simvastatin therapy or in whom other May prolong QT interval. Thyroid incoordination. Parenteral: new arrhythmias
0.5 mg/min. After first 24 hrs, infuse inducing effect by reducing sinus automaticity. toxicity, myopathy, treatments are disease, electrolyte imbalance, Hypotension, nausea,
720 mg/24 hrs (0.5 mg/min) with a This effect is not antagonized by atropine; Non- rhabdomyolysis. contraindicated; Ventricular hepatic fever, bradycardia. Rare
concentration of 1–6 mg/mL. competitive alpha and beta-antiadrenergic HERBAL: fibrillation. disease, hypotension, left (less than 3%): PO: Bitter
Dosage in Renal Impairment antagonism; Slowing of sinoatrial, atrial and nodal St. John’s wort may decrease effect. Ephedra may ventricular dysfunction, or metallic taste, decreased
No dose adjustment. conduction, which is more pronounced as heart worsen arrhythmia. Herbals with hypotensive properties OFF-LABEL: Treatment of pulmonary disease. Pts taking libido, dizziness, facial
Dosage in Hepatic Impairment rhythm becomes more rapid; No changes in may increase atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal warfarin, surgical pts flushing, blue-gray coloring
Use caution. ventricular conduction; Prolongation of levels/effects of amiodarone. supraventricular tachycardia of skin (face, arms, and
refractoriness and decreased myocardial FOOD: (SVT); ventricular neck), blurred vision,
excitability on an atria, nodal tissues and Grapefruit products may alter effect. tachyarrhythmias. bradycardia, asymptomatic
ventricles; Slowing of conduction and Avoid use during therapy corneal deposits, rash, visual
prolongation of refractoriness in the accessory disturbances, halo vision
atrioventricular pathways. Injection: Absence of
negative inotropic effects.
Responsibilities in the Nursing Process (ADPIE) Responsibilities in the Nursing Process (ADPIE)
Assessment: Assess the patient’s blood pressure before administering the drug; Monitor vital signs and pulmonary artery wedge pressure Evaluation: Maintained/achieved adequate cardiac output as evidenced by BP/pulse within normal range, adequate urinary output, palpable pulses of
continuously during and for several hours after infusion. ; Assess cardiovascular status closely. equal quality, usual level of mentation ; .Displayed reduced frequency/absence of dysrhythmia(s). ; Participated in activities that reduce myocardial
Diagnosis: Risk for Decreased Cardiac Output : Inadequate blood pumped by the heart to meet metabolic demands of the body.
Source: ; ; ; ; Saunder’s Nursing Drug Handbook 2019
Plan: Perform patient teaching regarding the contraindications of the drug; monitor patient’s vital signs and report any abnormal findings; Auscultate
heart sounds, noting rate, rhythm, presence of extra heartbeats, dropped beats

Implementation: Monitor vital signs. Assess adequacy of cardiac output and tissue perfusion, noting significant variations in BP/pulse rate equality,
respirations, changes in skin color, temperature, level of consciousness, sensorium, and urine output during episodes of dysrhythmias; Palpate pulses
(radial, carotid, femoral, dorsalis pedis), noting rate, regularity, amplitude (full or thready), and symmetry. Document presence of pulsus alternans,

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