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during our trip?

Facts about the Renaissance
A Testimonial from our First
- The word ‘Renaissance’ is a French
word which means ‘Rebirth’ which was Trip
the name given to that particular era
due to its impact to the world after 1. How was the trip in the
that era renaissance?
- A Luther from Cremona, Italy named
“It was one of the most amazing trips I’ve ever been on
Andrea Amati was the one who because I got to experience time travel and since this is the
revolutionized the art of violin making first time I’ve done so thanks to human technology.”
and music today as he created the model
at which violins are modeled from 2. Why did you choose to visit
thereafter the Renaissance?

“I had a goal to meet Nikolaus Copernicus but

unfortunately, even though his theories are true, he doesn’t
have the tools to prove his theory right, in which then others
( Now a member of our growing
don’t believe him.”
team )
3. Where is your favourite
location you visited during
the trip?

“The Leaning Tower of Pisa was my favourite since it was
somewhat straighter than it is now during the Renaissance
Era which was something I never knew.”

4. Who did you visit with?

- Michelangelo actually hated the Pope,
“I travelled with my friends and family and together we
but he still pursued painting the had a splendid experience.”
church, thus the many easter eggs
hidden in his art on the interior of 5. What do you think about our
the Sistine Chapel. Can you spot some agency?

“It’s awesome! Not to mention that you provided us with

useful devices such as the translation headset device which
allowed us to communicate with them and also understand
more about their language. Hopefully, we can make new
friends as well! “
Since 2016
~ Michael Wijaya

It was back then dedicated as a Roman Catholic Marian

Church Located in Siena, Italy
Our Mission
We, as dedicated time travelers, want to share our Whom you’ll
experiences to Indonesian time travelers into the realm of
the age known as the Renaissance, a period that blasted
the world with influence that shaped the world today. We
provide great service for decent when you acquire us for
your next time travelling experience. We hope you’ll have
a fine time with us!  T he Sistine Chapel t
Summary of the Renaissance A prestigious chapel built in the late 15th Century

Located in the now Vatican City

- The period followed the middle ages and is
the gateway to the modern time we are
currently in
Places Leonardo da Vinci
- The Renaissance era was first started in
Italy in the late 14th Century and their ideas
spread to other countries in Europe
you’ll Visit
- There was great revival of interest in the
classical learning and values of Ancient
Greece and Rome
The Leaning Tower of Pisa

Why is this Era important? The 3rd oldest structure in

Pisa’s Cathedral
There are many reasons as to why this era Square
is important. These include the facts that;
Located in the
- It teaches us the power of looking to the province of Pisa Galileo
past for insights and inspiration Galilei
- It shows us the importance of
continuous innovation
The Siena
- It thrived by connecting the past,
present, and future, showing us how
everything we do affects the future Notre Dame de Paris
A church with awe inspiring
façade and a couple of giant
Located in Paris

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