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1. What =) Apa itu penyakit diare.?

Penyakit diare adalah suatu penyakit dimana penderita akan mengalami rangsangan buang air
besar yang terus menerus dengan tinja atau fese yang masih memiliki kandungan air yang
Diarrheal disease is a disease in which the patient will experience bowel stimulation continuosly
with feces or feces which stiil contains excess water.

2. Who =) Siapa yang bisa terkena penyakit diare.?

Semua orang dapat terkena penyakit diare. Baik itu bayi,anak-
anak,remaja,dewasa,manula,bahkan ibu hamil pun dapat terkena penyakit diare.
Everyone can be affected by diarrhea. Both infants, children, adolescents, adults, seniors, and
even pregnant women can also be affected by diarrhea.

3. When =) Kapan penyakit diare itu muncul.?

Penyakit diare menyerang manusia, pada saat manusia mengkonsusi makanan yang sangat
banyak dan makanan yang pedas dan asem.
Diarrhea diseases attack humans when humans consume a lot of food and the food was spicy
and sour.

4. Where =) Dimana penyakit diare itu berada.?

Penyakit diare menyerang dibagian usus.
Diarrhea diseases attack the human intestine section

5. Why =) Mengapa penyakit diare itu muncul.?

Penyakit diare munculi karena adanya penyebab. Penyebabnya adalah peradangan usus yang
disebabkan oleh:
 Bakteri,virus,parasit
 Keracunan makanan/minuman yang disebabkan oleh bakteri
 Kurang gizi
 Alergi terhadap susu
 Hilangnya kekebalan tubuh

Diarrheal diseases arise because of the cause. Cause is inflammation of the intestine caused

 Bacteria, viruses, parasites

 Poisoning food/beverage caused by bacteria
 Malnutrition
 Milk allergy
 Loss of immunity

6. How =) Bagaimana gejala dan cara mencegah penyakit diare itu.?

 Gejala =) 1. Sakit perut
2. Sering mual dan muntah
3. Buang air besar terus menerus
4. Nafsu makan berkurang
5. Demam tinggi
6. Terkadang ada darah dalam tinja atau feses
7. Gejala lainnya dapat timbul seperti pegal pada punggung dan perut
 Mencegah =) 1. Membersihkan bahan-bahan makanan dengan air bersih
2. Mencuci tangan dengan menggunakan sabun sebelum dan sesudah
makan, dan setelah buang air kecil dab buang air besar.
3. Menjaga kebersihan terutama kebersihan pada air yang sering anda
gunakan sehari-hari, seperti mandi, masak, dll.
4. Hindari makan makanan yang terlalu pedas dan asam dan bersantan
dalam waktu yang bersamaan.
5. Jangan makan sembarang apalagi memakan makanan yang tercemar
bakteri yang bisa menyebabkan diare
 Symptom : 1. Stomach ache
2. Frequent nausea and vomiting
3. Defecate continuously
4. Decreased appetite
5. High fever
6. Sometimes there is blood in the stool
7. Other symptoms may occur such as stiffness in the back and belly rings
 Prevent :1. Cleaning materials dining with clean water.
2. Wash hands with soap before and after eating, and after urination and
3. Hygiene especially the cleanliness of the water often do you use daily, such as
bathing, cooking, etc.
4. Avoid foods that are too spicy and sour and coconut milk at the same time.
5. Do not eat any mention eating food contaminated with bacteria that can
cause diarrhea
1. =) What is diarrhea.?
Diarrheal disease is a disease in which the patient will experience bowel stimulation
continuously with feces or fese which still contains excess water.
2. Who can be affected by diarrhea.?
Everyone can be affected by diarrhea. Whether it's a baby, children, adolescents, adults, seniors,
and even pregnant women can be affected by diarrhea.
3. =) When it appears diarrheal disease.?
Diarrhoeal diseases attack humans, when humans mengkonsusi food very much and the food
was spicy and sour.
4. =) Where it is diarrheal disease.?
Diarrhoeal diseases attack the intestinal section.
5. =) Why diarrheal disease that appears.?
Munculi diarrheal diseases because of the cause. The cause is inflammation of the intestine
caused by:
• Bacteria, viruses, parasites
• Poisoning food / beverage caused by bacteria
• Poor nutrition
• Allergy to milk
• Loss of immune
6. =) How do the symptoms and how to prevent diarrheal diseases it.?
• Symptoms =) 1. Abdominal pain
2. Often nausea and vomiting
3. Defecation continuous
4. Decreased appetite
5. High fever
6. Sometimes there is blood in the stool or feces
7. Other symptoms may occur such as stiffness in the back and abdominal sounds.
• Prevent =) 1. Clean the food ingredients with clean water
2. Wash hands with soap before and after eating, and after urinating dab defecation.
3. Maintain cleanliness especially the cleanliness of the water often do you use daily, such as
bathing, cooking, etc.
4. Avoid eating foods that are too spicy and sour and bersantan at the same time.
5. Do not eat any especially eating food contaminated with bacteria that can cause diarrhea

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