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Welcome English Learner!

Do you want to reach your goals and be successful? Of course! The truth is this: It’s not always
easy to maintain your motivation. The good news is that I will help you get on the right path to
success with this worksheet!

To reach your goals, you need to follow three important steps:

1. Create a long-term goal

2. Create a short-term goal
3. Track your progress

>>What’s a long-term goal? This is what you want to accomplish after one year. 365 days from
today, what do you want to accomplish? Even more importantly, you need to decide WHY you
want to accomplish that goal. This “why” will help you to keep your eyes on the goal!

>>What is a short-term goal? This is what you want to accomplish after one week. 7 days from
today, what do you want to accomplish? This short-term goal will help you make real progress
towards your long-term goal.

Finally, you need to track your progress by testing yourself. Not a school test, but a real-life
test! In my YouTube video “How to Become a Fluent English Speaker,” I mentioned several
ways to test yourself each week. For example, if you want to improve your listening skills to
understand fast English, at the end of each week, test yourself by watching a short YouTube clip
of a TV show that you like. Make sure to check out that YouTube video for more tracking tips.

On the next page of this guide, you will have a chance to write your own goals, including some
specific short-term goals for this week. You can do it! The third page shows a sample worksheet
to give you some ideas. The final page gives some resources that you can use to stay motivated.

Improving your English skills is a wonderful goal, so let’s get started!

Thanks for learning English with me!

Your teacher,
Vanessa 1
LONG-Term Goal

>> In one year, I want to ______________________________________________


>> I want to achieve this goal because ___________________________________.

SHORT-Term Goal

>> By the end of this week (in 7 days), I want to ___________________________


>> To achieve this short-term goal, I will specifically do these 7 activities:

*Note: You don’t need 7 different activities. Some can be the same!

Day 1 ________________________________________________________

Day 2 ________________________________________________________

Day 3 ________________________________________________________

Day 4 ________________________________________________________

Day 5 ________________________________________________________

Day 6 ________________________________________________________

Day 7 ________________________________________________________ 2
LONG Term Goal

>> In one year, I want to ___talk about almost every topic comfortably in English

>> I want to achieve this goal because __I want to make friends around the world.

SHORT Term Goal

>> By the end of this week (in 7 days), I want to _talk about the household chores
that I do___________________________________________________________.

>> To achieve this short-term goal, I will specifically do these 7 activities:

*Note: You don’t need 7 different activities. Some activities can be the same!

Day 1 ___review cleaning vocabulary with this video ___________________

Day 2 ___talk out loud about what I’m doing while I’m cleaning__________

Day 3 ___answer out loud half of these cleaning questions______________

Day 4 ___answer out loud the other half of the cleaning questions + watch
motivational TED Talk________________________________

Day 5 ___talk out loud about what I’m doing while I’m cleaning__________

Day 6 ___meet with my speaking partner to talk about cleaning__________

Day 7 ___enjoy listening to English music____________________________ 3
Resource Guide:
Conversation questions for over 200 topics

YouTube Channels with good subtitles for advanced listeners

Popular playlists on the Speak English With Vanessa YouTube channel

Podcasts for English learners

A Motivational TED Talk

Polyglot YouTube Channel for motivation

Meetup with other English learners in your city

Meetup with other English learners online in The Fearless Fluency Club 4

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