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This Paper Is Submitted As An Assignment Of English I

Lectured by :
Erna Adita Kusumawati, M.Pd.

Submitted by :





I give my praise and praise to Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala who has provided
many blessings, taufik and guidance. So that I can finish the paper entitled
"Don't Use Any Form of Tobacco" properly without any significant
I have completed this paper to the maximum thanks to the cooperation and
assistance of various parties. Therefore, I would like to express my gratitude
to all parties who have contributed maximally in the completion of this
Beyond that, the writer as an ordinary human being fully aware that there
are still many shortcomings in writing this paper, both in terms of grammar,
sentence structure and content. Therefore, with all humility, I as a composer
accept all constructive criticism and suggestions from readers.
With this work I hope to help the public, especially teenagers, to know and
avoid the dangers of tobacco to health.
So that I can convey, hopefully this paper can add knowledge and provide
benefits to the wider community.

1.1 Background

I address this paper specifically to young people, students and

young people who are none other than the nation's next generation so
that we are all familiar with the dangers of tobacco use for health
and its impact on the social environment in particular. Along with
the rapid development of information which, besides being positive,
of course there is a negative side which if there is no filter of
information reaching the middle of the community, especially
among adolescents and young people.

One negative side of the development of this information is

that it is increasingly easy and widespread the circulation of types of
tobacco made into cigarettes and electric cigarettes to remote areas
even reaching the educational environment which is a learning
medium for creating creative, intelligent and diverse young people. -

1.2. Writing Purpose

1. As a media for information dissemination and information about

the dangers of tobacco use for health and its impact on the social
2. As a reference for students to make English papers or papers
about tobacco in order to fulfill college assignments.

1.3. Scope

The scope of this paper is about aspects of tobacco and their

dangers to health and their impact on the social environment.

1.4 Data Sources

1. Reference to the understanding and types of drugs

2. Reference of the dangers of drugs to health and the younger

1.5. Method

The method used in writing this paper is to use a review

method from several sources who are competent in tobacco and
social environment issues.
1. Definition of Tobacco

Tobacco is a product of seasonale agriculture which include in plantation

comodity. It is nicotin sources, essence addictif, main materials for many
form of insectiside and be major material of cigarette. It has step root,
spherical stemrather soft but still strong, more top more small. The leaves
oval form the top is pointed and round form the top is dull.

Tobacco is consumed not to be eaten, but as a leisure time filler or

"entertainment", namely as a raw material for cigarettes and cigars. This
tobacco can also be chewed, containing secondary metabolites which are
also rich as useful as pesticides and drug raw materials.

2. Contain

• Contains of Tobacco

Tobacco contains chemicals that are harmful for us. Such as :

1. Polonium : it form during tobacco grow and fermentation.
2. Kadmium : Kadmium contain in tobacco result fertilizer that used to
fertile the tobacco.
3. Arsenic : toxic essence that very strong. This toxic was used as
perfect killer in last several century.
4. Timbal : when we smoke cigarette timbal that contain in tobacco will
circle in vessel and can influential.

3. Negative impact

Be based on WHO, tobacco is cause the bigest killer by disease can

prevented. Tobacco’s danger include disease assosiated with heart and
lung . If discussion about tobacco, even if discuss about cigarette . This is
negative effect of tobacco cigarette :
1. If you’re a smoker, that’s more possible if your son will does like
you’re smoke habbit.
2. Your consumption of nicotine was more than limit, because it had
high content.
3. Smoked is like burn your money, so it’s unless.
4. Smoking can make our body weak, because cigarette will seize
oxygen in you’re blood circulation at artery, heart and lungs. It’s
automatically will make our cardiovascular system become weak.
5. Smoking also damaged our area healthy because you’re smoke will
patch in you’re clothes, sofa, carpet and the other things. It will leave
residue toxic which got bad effect if we inhale it.
6. It is also killer the baby and embryo, because her or his parents is a
7. Passive smoker, although didn’t smoke but they can suffering of lung

• The effort to controled employing of tobacco

In the last 2005 February, World Health Organitation ( WHO ) agreed the
framework convention on Tobacco Control – FCTC 8 principle to
controled employing of tobacco :
1. Prohibition for any form cigarette advertisement.
2. Put in picture about the impact in the ciggarete package.
3. Protect the citizen from smoke, decide free smoke zone.
4. Increase the price of cigarette.
5. Exterminate illegal trade of tobacco.
6. Prepare facilities for smoker who want stop.
7. Regulate contens of cigarette and publish to citizen.
8. Prevent the cigarette trade for child.
9. By means of television now there is a censor when a scan people
who smoking.

The existence of a higher chemical composition in instant smoke

makes those who do not smoke but accidentally inhale this smoke or
passive smokers will receive poor results from the smoking activities of
those around them. Aditama (1992) states that passive smokers who are in
a room full of smoke immediately for one hour will be added to
nitrosamines as well as smoking 35 cigarettes and benzopirin will be
added to the same as 4 cigarettes cigarettes.

4. Effect of smoking on health

Tobacco is ranked as the leading cause of preventable death in the

world. Smoking is also the cause of death for one in 10 adult deaths
worldwide, and resulted in 5.4 million deaths in 2006, which means an
average of one death every 6.5 seconds (Jia-Xiang, 2014). Furthermore Dr.
Agus revealed that patients with lung cancer, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD), stroke, and coronary heart disease, mostly
smokers (Kompas, May 25, 2016). According to the latest situation,
almost 70% of smokers in Indonesia start smoking before the age of 19
years, even the 2003 National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) states
that the age of 8 years has started smoking. Smoking is the biggest
preventable factor that causes morbidity (comparison of the number of
sick people with healthy people in a population) and mortality
(comparison of the number of people who die in a population) in
developed countries such as America (Andrew WB and Neil, 2013) .
However, shop is a
82 The Role of MST in Supporting Quality Urban Lifestyle
there is almost no prevention in developing countries like Indonesia.
According to data from the Indonesian cigarette situation (Wijaya, 2013)
some non-communicable diseases caused by smoking, including: 1. 90%
of lung cancer in men and 70% in women. 2. 56-80% of respiratory
diseases (chronic brochitis and pneumonia). 3. 22% of heart disease and
other vascular diseases. 4. 50% impotence in men. 5. Infertility in women
both active and passive smokers. 6. Spontaneous abortion, low birth
weight babies, stillbirths and other childbirth complications in women. 7.
Increase respiratory tract infections, middle ear disease, asthma or sudden
infant death syndrome (SIDS) in infants and children.

Furthermore, it was also said that the number of deaths due to

smoking had reached 5 million people in the world in 2005, and it was
estimated that this number would reach 100 million in the 20th century.
This number will continue to increase and it is estimated that in 2030 there
will reach 8 million deaths from smoking per year if there are no effective

Based on epidemiological observations and many studies have shown

that nicotine has a harmful effect on human health. Nicotine has an effect
on increasing aggressive factors, weakening defense factors and
suppressing the effect of treatment. Although many observations that
The Role of MST in Supporting Quality Urban Lifestyle 83

contradictory results, but there is very much real evidence that

nicotine is in fact dangerous to the health of the body. The results of
observations on a population of smokers indicate that there is a tendency
for smokers to continue consuming cigarettes which can cause potential
damage to health. This health damage is mainly caused by the content of
tar and nicotine. Starting from a low content in cigarettes and damage
increases with increasing levels of tar and nicotine, even more so if it is
followed by increasing levels of cigarette consumption (Martin et al.,

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