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Penentuan Komposisi Elemental Kopi Menggunakan Metode


Pawel Pohl & Ewelina Stelmach & Maja Welna & Anna

Diterima: 16 April 2012 / Diterima: 21 Juni 2012 / Diterbitkan online: 14 Juli 2012
# Penulis (s) 2012. Artikel ini diterbitkan dengan akses terbuka di

Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al. 2008 ). Bagian dari tanaman kopi
Abstrak Meskipun kandungan unsur dalam kopi hanya sekitar 5% ( m / m), tampaknya
menjadi indikator yang baik dari keaslian kopi. Ternyata, hal itu dapat yang digunakan dalam industri makanan untuk produksi kopi adalah
membawa informasi yang berguna tentang pola unsur individu yang khas buah-buahan (buah) (Ashu dan Chandravanshi 2011 ). kacang hijau, yang
dengan asal tumbuh tanah untuk tanaman kopi di samping budidaya dan
/ s12161-012-9467-6 dikumpulkan dari buah kering dan dikuliti, dipanggang dalam suhu tinggi,
kondisi lingkungan yang digunakan. Analisa unsur kopi dengan cara yaitu, 100 - 230 ° C, untuk mencapai aroma penuh kopi. Hal ini juga
metode pengukuran instrumen mungkin memiliki kegunaan lain. Hal ini menghasilkan perubahan yang signifikan dalam warna biji dari terang ke
dapat digunakan untuk membuktikan kualitas tinggi dan keselamatan biji gelap coklat dan perubahan komposisi kimia, terutama fraksi spesies yang
kopi mentah, berbagai produk sampingan kopi, dan produk kopi akhir di mudah menguap (Belitz et al. 2009 ). Kopi dikonsumsi oleh sekitar 40% dari
pasar. Umumnya, serapan atom dan emisi spektrometri dan analisis populasi dunia (Mussatto et al. 2011 ; Oliveira et al. 2012 ). Bagi banyak
aktivasi neutron instrumental metode yang berbeda yang digunakan untuk orang, terutama di negara-negara Barat, minum kopi adalah bagian dari
menentukan konsentrasi dari
Food berbagai
Anal. Metodeunsur
(2013)di6:hijau, panggang,
598 - 613 dan tanah
DOI 10,1007 gaya hidup mereka dan kebiasaan sehari-hari. Minuman kopi bisa
atau instant kopi dan infus kopi, tapi sampel ini harus sesuai disiapkan dikonsumsi karena berbagai alasan, termasuk efek stimulasi yang
sebelum analisis. dihasilkan dari kehadiran kafein, fitokimia kaya, manfaat kesehatan, dan
rasa terutama sangat baik dan aroma (Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Butt dan
Sultan 2011 ; Oliveira et al. 2012 ). Karena kebiasaan konsumsi kopi,
komposisi kimianya, yaitu kehadiran unsur-unsur penting, tidak penting
dan beracun, harus diketahui dan disimpan di bawah kontrol dalam hal
Kata kunciWyspianskiego
Stanislawa Kopi . analisis27,
unsur. Atom
50-370 spektrometri
Wroclaw, Polandia serapan.
e-mail: spektrometri keselamatan, dan untuk membantu kualitas, nilai gizi, dan tertentu
emisi optik. analisis aktivasi neutron instrumental. persiapan sampel. sifat-sifat sensorik (Krivan et al. 1993 ; De Nadai Fernandes et al. 2002 ;
Jaminan kualitas dan kontrol Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Oleszczuk et al.

Kimia Analitik, Fakultas Kimia, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wybrzeze 2007 ; Oliveira et al. 2012 ). Keaslian kopi yang berkaitan dengan asal

Sebuah pabrik bernama kopi adalah semak yang milik geografis tertentu dan berbagai botani berdasarkan analisis unsur dan
metode pengenalan pola statistik tampaknya cukup penting untuk
Rubiaceae keluarga, yaitu, Coffea arabica ( ~ 75% dari produksi dunia), Robusta,
bernama juga robusta ( ~ 25%) dan Kopi Liberika (< 1%) (Martin et al. 1998a ; produsen dan konsumen (Krivan et al. 1993 ; dos Santos dan de Oliveira 2001
VegaCarrillo et al. 2002 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; ; De Nadai Fernandes et al. 2002 ; Fernandes et al. 2005 ; Filho et al. 2007 ;
Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al. 2008 ).
Kegiatan penelitian ini bahkan dapat mencakup diferensiasi terroirs kecil,
P. Pohl (*): E. Stelmach: M. Welna: A. Szymczycha-Madeja Departemen yang komponen, sebagian besar ketinggian dan curah hujan, secara
signifikan mempengaruhi komposisi unsur kopi (Bertrand et al. 2008 ).
Karena konsumen biasanya mencari
Makanan Anal. Metode (2013) 6: 598 - 613 599

kopi dengan cita rasa istimewa dan aroma, berkualitas tinggi dan diproduksi 2002 ; Villarreal et al. 2009 ; Hecimovic et al. 2011 ; Wei et al.
dari biji varietas dikenal dan asal, penentuan asal kopi adalah bagian yang 2011 ). spesies kimia ini sering diukur untuk tujuan membedakan varietas
sangat penting dari perdagangan kopi (Martin et al. 1998a ; VegaCarrillo et kopi dan merek atau determinting asal kopi (Bernal et al. 1996 ; Costa
al. 2002 ; Bertrand et al. 2008 ). Kadang-kadang produsen tidak jujur ​dapat Freitas dan Mosca 1999 ; Anderson dan Smith 2002 ; Villarreal et al. 2009 ;
menjual varietas yang lebih murah atau campuran dari kopi tetapi Hecimovic et al. 2011 ). Namun, harus dipertimbangkan bahwa semua
merekomendasikan mereka sebagai kualitas yang jauh lebih baik (Anderson tahapan yang terlibat dalam produksi kopi, dari kopi panen ke
dan Smith 2002 ). Perbedaan antara menyatakan dan komposisi nyata juga pemanggangan, dapat mengubah komposisi produk akhir (Anderson dan
dapat menjadi efek dari mislabeling disengaja (Martin et al. 1999 ). Dalam Smith 2002 ; Mussatto et al. 2011 ). Di antara zat yang berbeda hadir dalam
semua kasus ini, analisis handal dan dapat diandalkan komponen atau sifat kopi, hanya kafein stabil dengan suhu pemanggangan yang berlebihan
kopi yang dipilih dapat mengecualikan kesalahan tersebut, (Mussatto et al. 2011 ). senyawa kimia lainnya yang rentan terhadap
degradasi selama kondisi produksi dan penyimpanan (Anderson dan Smith 2002
yaitu, penipuan atau disengaja mislabeling dan mengkonfirmasi kualitas
tinggi dari produk akhir (Suseela et al. 2001 ). Survei literatur ini
dikhususkan untuk aspek yang berbeda dari analisis unsur dari produk
kopi yang relevan dengan menggunakan metode spektrometri atom dan Oleh karena itu, metode yang dapat diandalkan dan mandiri
massa. Terutama, perhatian dibayar untuk sampel cocok persiapan memungkinkan untuk membedakan asal-usul yang berkembang geografis
langkah-langkah untuk produk kopi, pengukuran kuantitatif dan kontrol kopi harus fokus pada senyawa yang stabil selama semua tahap produksi
kualitas dan sopan santun jaminan. aplikasi praktis dari metode ini analisis kopi dan penyimpanan selanjutnya. Elemen dan konsentrasi mereka
untuk analisis kopi kering dan infus kopi dan hasil mereka secara memenuhi persyaratan ini dan untuk alasan bahwa analisis unsur kopi,
menyeluruh dibahas. bertujuan untuk menentukan komposisi unsur, adalah sangat penting untuk
tujuan kontrol kualitas dan evaluasi nilai bromatological (Krivan et al. 1993 ;
Anderson dan Smith 2002 ).

Analisis Kopi Elemental

Sampel dan Pretreatment mereka
Untuk menjamin kualitas dinyatakan dan keamanan produk kopi akhir dan
melindungi kesejahteraan dan kesehatan konsumen, parameter yang Hijau arabika dan kopi robusta biji secara langsung diambil dari
berbeda bertanggung jawab untuk kegunaan kacang hijau, kacang perkebunan kopi atau koperasi perkebunan kopi (Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin
panggang, menyiapkan kopi dan infus yang harus diukur dengan et al. 1998a . 1999 ; Filho et al.
menggunakan metode analisis yang sesuai. Misalnya, dalam analisis 2007 ; Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al. 2008 ; dos Santos et al. 2009 . 2010
organoleptik biji kopi hijau, bau dan rasa mereka di samping informasi ). Di laboratorium, biji kopi dapat dicuci pada awalnya dengan air keran,
tentang ukuran, bentuk, warna, dan penampang yang dipastikan sebagai diikuti dengan deterjen netral, solusi HCl encer dan akhirnya de-terionisasi
bagian dari penilaian kualitas (Belitz et al. 2009 ). Warna dan rasa air untuk menghilangkan partikel tanah dan debu (dos Santos et al.
karakteristik yang penting untuk menemukan tingkat terbaik memanggang
kacang hijau (Belitz et al. 2009 ). Untuk evaluasi kualitas infus kopi, rasa 2009 ). Berikutnya, mereka dipanggang dalam roaster laboratorium dan tanah sampai

minuman siap umumnya digambarkan dalam kondisi standar (Sanz et al. 2002 menjadi bubuk halus (Martin et al. 1999 ; dos Santos et al.
). Semua catatan individu masing-masing sampel dikumpulkan dan profil 2010 ). Jika tidak, mereka dapat dikeringkan zat desiccating atau di oven
unik dinilai, bagaimanapun, perlu dicatat bahwa pendapat penguji kopi pada suhu dalam waktu 60 - 103 ° C dan kemudian diulek di pabrik kriogenik
yang memenuhi syarat pada rasa kopi dan aroma dapat subjektif (Krivan et atau tanah dan bubuk menggunakan rotor-jenis pabrik atau penggiling
al. 1993 ; Anderson dan Smith 2002 ). (Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1998a ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Oleszczuk et al. 2007
; Bertrand et al. 2008 ).

kopi panggang (kacang atau kacang tanah) biasanya dibeli di pasar

metode kimia analisis kopi adalah sama dengan yang digunakan dalam lokal (Rajwanshi et al. 1997 ; Haswell dan Walmsley 1998 ; Jaganyi et al. 1999
kontrol kualitas makanan dan penilaian (Martin et al. 1998a ). Mereka ; Magalhaes et al. 1999 ; Martin et al. 1999 ; Jaganyi dan Madlala 2000 ;
didasarkan pada penentuan senyawa yang berbeda, misalnya, senyawa Anderson dan Smith 2002 ; Vega-Carrillo et al. 2002 ; Krejcova dan
volatil, kafein, tanin dan polifenol, lipid, karbohidrat individual seperti Cernohorsky 2003 ; Santos et al.
sukrosa, glukosa, fruktosa, arabinosa, galaktosa, polisakarida seperti
selulosa, asam amino, vitamin B3 dan PP, asam klorogenat , trigonelina, 2004 ; Anthemidis dan Pliatsika 2005 ; Fernandes et al.
dan mineral (Bernal et al. 2005 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Grembecka et al.
2007 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Castro et al. 2009 ; Frankova et al.
1996 ; Costa Freitas dan Mosca 1999 ; Anderson dan Smith 2009 ; Ashu dan Chandravanshi 2011 ). Bubuk atau tanah
600 Makanan Anal. Metode (2013) 6: 598 - 613

sampel kopi padat biasanya mengalami tahap lebih lanjut dari analisis (Suseela et al. 2001 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al.
unsur tanpa perlakuan khusus (Frankova et al. 2009 ). Jika tidak, biji kopi 2008 ) Atau 1 mol L - 1 HNO 3 solusi (Onianwa et al. 1999 ) Untuk volume yang
atau kopi bubuk secara manual atau mekanis digiling menggunakan alu dibutuhkan.
dengan mortir atau berbagai jenis pabrik (bola, pisau, dan cryogenic) dan Sampel dari panggang laboratorium dan tanah hijau biji kopi, bubuk
disaring untuk memilih diperlukan partikel fraksi ukuran, yaitu, 10 - 90, 15 - 260, alami, atau kopi larut (0,1 - 5.0 g) umumnya basah dicerna dalam bejana
20 - 100, 30 - 190, 30 - 370, 50 - tertutup microwave dibantu sistem bertekanan (Krejcova dan Cernohorsky 2003
; Fernandes et al. 2005 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Oleszczuk et al.
100, 50 - 250,> 70, dan 100 - 500 μ m, 1,7 - 2,0 mm (Magalhaes et al. 1999 ;
Jaganyi et al. 1999 ; Jaganyi dan Madlala 2000 ; De Nadai Fernandes et al. 20022007 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Castro et al. 2009 ; Frankova et al.
; Anthemidis dan Pliatsika 2005 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ; Santos et al. 2009 ; dos Santos et al. 2010 ), Bertekanan kapal disegel,
yaitu, bom Parr (Anthemidis dan Pliatsika 2005 ; Castro et al. 2009 ), Aparat
2008 ; Castro et al. 2009 ). biji kopi bisa juga awalnya dicuci dengan air Berghof (Krivan et al. 1993 ), Dan sistem pembuluh terbuka dengan piring
suling dan de-terionisasi untuk menghilangkan kontaminan permukaan. panas atau blok pemanasan (Magalhaes et al. 1999 ; Martin et al. 1998a . 1999
Terakhir pada, mereka oven-atau freezedried dan tanah untuk bubuk ; Anderson dan Smith 2002 ; Ribeiro et al. 2003 ; Filho et al.
ukuran partikel yang dibutuhkan, yaitu, <0,5 mm (Tagliaferro et al. 2006 . 2007
; Zaidi et al. 2006 ). Larut dalam kopi instan bubuk (murni atau 2007 ), Atau aparat Kjeldahl (Ashu dan Chandravanshi
chicoryblended) juga telah dianalisis (dos Santos dan de Oliveira 2001 ; 2011 ). Ketika sampel kopi larut dicerna, jumlah sampel yang lebih tinggi (1 - 5
Suseela et al. 2001 ; Vega-Carrillo et al. g) dapat diambil (dos Santos dan de Oliveira 2001 ). Secara umum, sistem
pencernaan microwave-dibantu dengan bertekanan ( ~ 35 bar) ditutup
2002 ; Krejcova dan Cernohorsky 2003 ; Ribeiro et al. pembuluh menyediakan dekomposisi cepat dan lengkap sampel kopi di
2003 ; Fernandes et al. 2005 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; bawah suhu dikontrol (90 - 210 ° C) dan tanpa kerugian dari elemen volatile
Oliveira et al. 2012 ). atau kontaminasi sampel (Filho et al. 2007 ; Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ; Santos et
al. 2008 ; Castro et al. 2009 ; dos Santos et al. 2010 ). Selain itu, kali
Pencernaan Sampel Padat dekomposisi dan volume reagen dalam sistem tersebut dapat jauh
berkurang (Castro et al. 2009 ). Dalam kasus piring panas dan blok pemanas
Untuk evaluasi total konsentrasi elemen menggunakan metode diterapkan untuk sistem pembuluh terbuka, sampel dipanaskan pada 80 - 120
spektrometri atom dan massa, sampel kopi perlu dilarutkan. Langkah ° C selama 4 - 12 h (Magalhaes et al. 1999 ; Ribeiro et al. 2003 ; Castro et al. 2009
persiapan sampel ini sebagian besar bertujuan mengurangi efek matriks ) Atau pada temperatur yang lebih tinggi ( ~ 180 ° C) selama 1 - 4 h (Anderson
yang berasal dari senyawa organik dan melepaskan unsur-unsur dalam dan Smith
bentuk ion sederhana mereka (Filho et al. 2007 ; Castro et al. 2009 ).
Ternyata dari literatur, dua jenis utama dari prosedur pencernaan
digunakan untuk tujuan itu, yaitu, pengabuan kering di atmosfer udara dan 2002 ; Filho et al. 2007 ). Baik dalam microwave-dibantu bertekanan bejana
pencernaan oksidatif basah. tertutup dan sistem pembuluh terbuka predigestion dapat digunakan untuk
menghindari dekomposisi yang cepat dari sampel (Anderson dan Smith 2002 ;
Untuk pengabuan kering, sampel kopi alami atau instant tersedia Ribeiro et al. 2003 ; Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ). Pencernaan dalam sistem pembuluh
secara komersial (0,5 - 5.0 g) ditempatkan dalam kuarsa atau platinum terbuka, bagaimanapun, diakui menjadi rentan terhadap kontaminasi dengan Na
cawan lebur dan semakin dipanaskan menggunakan meredam oven dan Zn, tidak cukup untuk rilis lengkap Fe atau bertanggung jawab untuk
sampai sekitar 200 ° C dan selanjutnya dibakar pada 350 ° C (Suseela et konsentrasi yang lebih rendah dari Ca (Filho et al.
al. 2001 ), 500 ° C (Bertrand et al. 2008 ), 540 ° C (Grembecka et al. 2007 ),
Atau 550 ° C (Onianwa et al. 1999 ). Dihasilkan residu tepung (abu) telah 2007 ).
untuk kemudian dicerna dalam porsi kecil dari campuran pekat HNO 3 dan Umumnya campuran HNO terkonsentrasi 3 dan 30% ( m / m) H 2 HAI 2 solusi
HClO 4 solusi (Suseela et al. pada rasio 2: 1 (dos Santos et al. 2010 ; Castro et al. 2009 ), 3: 1 (Fernandes
et al. 2005 ; Filho et al.
2001 ) Atau HCl pekat (Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al. 2008 ) Atau 2007 ), 7: 1 (Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Castro et al. 2009 ), 10: 1
HNO 3 ( Onianwa et al. 1999 ) solusi. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan (Ribeiro et al. 2003 ), Atau 12: 1 (dos Santos dan de Oliveira 2001 ), Campuran
menggunakan terbuka (Onianwa et al. terkonsentrasi HNO 3 dan HClO 4 solusi pada rasio 4: 1 (Rajwanshi et al. 1997 )
1999 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al. 2008 ) Atau microwave tertutup Atau 5: 1 (dos Santos et al. 2009 ; Ashu dan Chandravanshi 2011 ), Campuran
dibantu (Suseela et al. 2001 ) Sistem kapal. Selama pengabuan kering, Si terkonsentrasi HNO 3 dan H 2 BEGITU 4 solusi (4: 1) (Martin et al. 1998a . 1999 )
dapat dihilangkan dari sampel dengan menambahkan larutan HF pekat dan Atau campuran dari concentratedHNO 3
selanjutnya menguap sampel untuk hampir kekeringan (Bertrand et al. 2008 ).
Setelah mencerna abu dan menguap sampel aliquot sampai kering, residu dan solusi HF (30: 1) (Krivan et al. 1993 ) Digunakan untuk dekomposisi
biasanya diencerkan ke volume yang diperlukan dengan air sampel kopi. Sebuah terkonsentrasi HNO 3 solusi dalam sistem pembuluh
terbuka dan tertutup (Magalhaes et al.
Makanan Anal. Metode (2013) 6: 598 - 613 601

1999 ; Anderson dan Smith 2002 ; Krejcova dan Cernohorsky ultrasonicating mengakibatkan campuran untuk memastikan homogenisasi
2003 ; Anthemidis dan Pliatsika 2005 ; Frankova et al. 2009 ) Atau diencerkan lengkap partikel sampel padat (Magalhaes et al. 1999 ). Pembentukan
larutan asam ini, yaitu, 10,5, 7,0, dan 3.5mol L - 1, dalam sistem bejana tertutup on-line dari bubur sampel dilakukan dalam mikro-ruang dengan pengaduk
(Castro et al. 2009 ) Juga didirikan untuk menjadi menguntungkan bagi magnetik (Anthemidis dan Pliatsika 2005 ). Dalam hal ini, sampel (5 - 50
pencernaan kopi. Pengaruh V 2 HAI 5 sebagai katalis pencernaan ditambahkan mg,> 70 μ m) ditempatkan dalam ruang dan dicampur dengan larutan
ke campuran HNO 3 dan H 2 HAI 2 dalam sistem pembuluh terbuka telah diteliti dispersant, yaitu, larutan yang mengandung 1,0% ( v / v) HNO 3 dan 0,5% ( v
juga (Filho et al. 2007 ). Rasio massa sampel (dalam gram) dengan volume / v) Triton X-100, untuk membentuk bubur sampel yang stabil dan
reagen (di mililiter) diterapkan bisa 1: 6,5 (dos Santos dan de Oliveira 2001 ), kemudian, lumpur ini dipompa ke nebulizer.
01:10 (Rajwanshi et al. 1997 ; Anderson dan Smith 2002 ; Anthemidis dan

2005 ), 1: 12,5 (Filho et al. 2007 ), 01:15 (Castro et al. 2009 ), 1: 15,5 (Krivan Pembuatan bir dan Pencernaan Infusions
et al. 1993 ), 01:16 (Fernandes et al. 2005 ; Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ), 1: 17,5
(Krejcova dan Cernohorsky Untuk menyeduh kopi alami atau melarutkan kopi instan, rasio massa kopi
2003 ), 01:24 (dos Santos et al. 2009 ), 01:30 (dos Santos et al. (dalam gram) dengan volume air (di mililiter) bisa sangat berbeda, yaitu, 1:
2010 ), 1: 31,5 (Ribeiro et al. 2003 ), 01:32 (Santos et al. 2008 ; Castro et al. 2009 ), 5,5 (Santos et al. 2004 ) 1:10 (Fernandes et al. 2005 ; Frankova et al. 2009 ),
1: 33,3 (Frankova et al. 2009 ), Atau bahkan 1: 100 (Magalhaes et al. 1999 ). 01:12 (Frankova et al. 2009 ); 1: 14,3 (Frankova et al. 2009 ), 01:15 (Oliveira
Residu setelah pencernaan diencerkan dengan air untuk 15 (Castro et al. 2009 ), et al. 2012 ), 01:25 (Grembecka et al.
20 (Castro et al.
2009 ), 25 (Krivan et al. 1993 ; Krejcova dan Cernohorsky 2007 ), 1: 26,7 (Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ), 01:33 (Ashu dan Chandravanshi 2011
2003 ; Anthemidis dan Pliatsika 2005 ; Fernandes et al. 2005 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; ), 01:50 (Jaganyi et al. 1999 ; Jaganyi dan Madlala 2000 ; Krejcova dan
Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; dos Santos et al. 2010 ), 50 Cernohorsky 2003 ), Atau bahkan 1: 200 (Rajwanshi et al. 1997 ). Yang paling
(Rajwanshi et al. 1997 ; dos Santos dan de Oliveira 2001 ; Ribeiro et al. 2003 ; umum, panas (94 - 105 ° C) de-terionisasi atau air suling ditambahkan ke
dos Santos et al. 2009 ; Ashu dan Chandravanshi 2011 ), Atau 100 mL sebagian kopi atau sebaliknya dan setelah 5 (Rajwanshi et al.
(Magalhaes et al.
1999 ). 1997 ; Krejcova dan Cernohorsky 2003 ; Frankova et al.
Sebuah alternatif yang menjanjikan untuk pencernaan basah asam berbasis 2009 ; Ashu dan Chandravanshi 2011 ) Atau 15 menit (Fernandes et al. 2005 ),
telah pelarutan alkali dengan 25% ( m / v) larutan tetramethylammonium Infus yang dihasilkan disaring (Krejcova dan Cernohorsky 2003 ;
hidroksida (TMAH) yang digunakan dalam sistem pembuluh terbuka di blok Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Frankova et al. 2009 ; Ashu dan Chandravanshi 2011 )
pemanas (di ~ 80 ° C) (Ribeiro et al. 2003 ). Prosedur ini didirikan untuk Atau disentrifugasi (Fernandes et al. 2005 ; Oliveira et al. 2012 ). Air panas
memfasilitasi disintegrasi lengkap sampel dengan jumlah yang lebih kecil dari juga dapat merembes melalui tidur kopi (Santos et al. 2004 ) Atau minuman
reagen dan kerentanan yang lebih rendah untuk kontaminasi (kecuali untuk K) yang dapat dibuat dengan menggunakan mesin kopi espresso bertekanan
atau hilangnya unsur-unsur yang mudah menguap (Ribeiro et al. 2003 ). (Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ). Pengaruh metode persiapan kopi, termasuk infus
di lumpur, satu pot moka, sebuah ibrick, dan satu-cup filter, telah
dibandingkan dalam referensi dengan isi Al dalam menghasilkan brews
Analisis langsung tanah dan dikeringkan kopi hijau juga mungkin. Hal kopi (Frankova et al. 2009 ). Untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang
ini dilakukan dengan memperkenalkan sampel padat (Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ) konsentrasi total dari elemen dirilis atau infus dibubarkan secara memadai
Atau bubur mereka (Magalhaes et al. 1999 ) Ke tabung grafit dari ETAAS disiapkan dan dikenai analisis menggunakan metode yang dijelaskan
atau melalui on-line membentuk dan memasukkan sampel lumpur ke sebelumnya. Dengan demikian, bagian dari infus yang diuapkan sampai
dalam nebulizer ICP-OES dalam mode FI (Anthemidis dan Pliatsika 2005 ). kering dan dibakar dalam tungku pada 400 ° C atau 540 ° C. Residu
Dalam kasus pertama, porsi kecil sampel (0,03 - 0,3 mg) ditimbang ke dicapai selanjutnya dicerna dengan sejumlah kecil HCl pekat (Grembecka
platform grafit dan diperkenalkan ke tabung grafit. Menariknya, telah et al. 2007 ) Atau HNO 3 ( Santos et al. 2004 ) Solusi dan akhirnya dilarutkan
ditemukan bahwa keandalan hasil analisis langsung tersebut tidak dengan air untuk volume yang dibutuhkan. Aliquots infus juga dapat
tergantung pada ukuran partikel sampel padat (Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ). Ini diuapkan sampai dekat kekeringan dan kemudian dicerna dalam campuran
menunjukkan bahwa unsur-unsur yang lebih homogen didistribusikan di terkonsentrasi HNO 3 dan HClO 4 solusi dalam alat Kjeldahl (Ashu dan
berbagai fraksi ukuran partikel dari bahan yang dianalisis, yaitu,> 150, 85 - 150, Chandravanshi 2011 ). Cukup sering infus kopi juga dianalisis juga tanpa
45 - 85, dan <45 μ m. Lumpur dari sampel kopi disusun dengan menuangkan pra-perlakuan khusus kecuali untuk pengenceran yang sesuai (Rajwanshi
bagian mereka (30 - et al. 1997 ; Jaganyi et al. 1999 ; Jaganyi dan

50 mg, <105 μ m) dengan 0,2% ( v / v) HNO 3 solusi, pemanasan mereka untuk

80 - 90 ° C untuk mengekstrak elemen, mencampurkan sejumlah kecil dari 25%
( v / v) Triton X-100 solusi dan
602 Food Anal. Methods (2013) 6:598 – 613

Madlala 2000 ; Frankova et al. 2009 ; Oliveira et al. 2012 ), Pengasaman dan Chandravanshi 2011 ; Ol ivei ra et al. 2012 ). Sangat, dalam kasus
dilakukan untuk menstabilkan infus (Fernandes et al. 2005 ) Atau pengukuran K dan Na, larutan CsCl 3 dapat ditambahkan dengan standar
pengenceran dan pengasaman (Krejcova dan Cernohorsky 2003 ). dan sampel sebagai ionisasi penyangga (penekan kimia) (Grembecka et
al. 2007 ; Oliveira et al. 2012 ). Dalam cara yang sama, La garam, yaitu,
Ketika mengukur infus kopi dengan NAA, bagian mereka dibekukan padat La (NO 3) 3 ( Ashu dan Chandravanshi 2011 ) Atau larutan LaCl 3 ( Grembecka
dan beku-kering untuk mendapatkan bahan kering siap grinding et al. 2007 ), Ditambahkan ke standar dan sampel solusi untuk mencegah
(Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ). gangguan kimia dalam kuantifikasi Ca dan Mg.

Metode Instrumental Analisis

Electrothermal serapan atom spektrometri (ETAAS) dengan latar
Ketika mempertimbangkan produksi kopi besar dan konsumsi di dunia, belakang deuterium (Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ) Atau koreksi Zeeman (Krivan
penentuan unsur-unsur dalam kopi, termasuk yang dianggap sebagai et al. 1993 ; Magalhaes et al.
nutrisi dan mereka diklasifikasikan sebagai beracun dan berbahaya bagi 1999 ; Anthemidis dan Pliatsika 2005 ) Kurang sering digunakan. Resolusi
kesehatan, tentu sangat menarik dan penting (Dos Santos dan de Oliveira 2001 tinggi sumber kontinum tungku grafit serapan atom spektrometri
; Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ). Oleh karena itu, pengembangan metode berperan (HR-CS-GFAAS) dapat alternatif diterapkan (Oliveira et al. 2012 ). Kedua
cocok untuk analisis unsur diandalkan kopi, menyediakan pengukuran teknik tersebut terutama digunakan untuk menentukan jejak dan elemen
konsentrasi nutrisi mineral dan jejak bersamaan, adalah penting untuk minor kopi, yaitu, Al, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Mn, dan Sr. Demikian seperti
sektor kopi seluruh karena kompeten menjamin kualitas tinggi dari produk untuk FAAS, sampel kopi yang akan dianalisis telah dicerna dan hasil ini
akhir (Ribeiro et al. 2003 ; Tagliaferro et al. dalam melepaskan unsur-unsur ke dalam solusi dalam bentuk ion
sederhana (Magalhaes et al. 1999 ; Oliveira et al. 2012 ). pendekatan
menarik untuk pengukuran unsur-unsur dengan cara ETAAS tanpa
2006 ). Sebuah daftar elemen ditentukan dalam berbagai jenis kopi pencernaan awal sampel juga telah dilaporkan dan bergantung pada
menggunakan metode analisis yang berbeda diberikan pada Tabel 1 . Nyala analisis langsung sampel padat (Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ) Atau bubur mereka
serapan atom spektrometri (FAAS) dengan korektor latar belakang lampu (Magalhaes et al. 1999 ). Dibandingkan dengan analisis solusi sampel
deuterium atau sebentar-sebentar dengan latar belakang korektor efek dicerna, metode yang terakhir tentu menawarkan sensitivitas sangat tinggi
Zeeman (Filho et al. 2007 ) Cukup sering digunakan untuk penentuan selektif untuk elemen karena tidak adanya pengenceran sampel serta risiko
utama yang berbeda (Ca, K, Mg, Na), minor (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn) dan jejak (Cd, minimal kontaminasi (kosong yang lebih rendah) atau kerugian dari elemen
Co, Cr, Ni, Pb) elemen kopi (Krivan et Al. 1993 ; Onianwa et al. 1999 ; karena berkurangnya jumlah reagen yang digunakan untuk persiapan
Anthemidis dan Pliatsika 2005 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; dos sampel.
Santos et al. 2009 .

2010 ; Ashu dan Chandravanshi 2011 ). Resolusi tinggi sumber kontinum

nyala serapan atom spektrometri (HRCS-FAAS) juga dapat digunakan kurva kalibrasi eksternal dengan sederhana solusi air standar yang
untuk tujuan ini (Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, dan Na) (Oliveira et al. 2012 ). umum digunakan dalam pengukuran ETAAS (Magalhaes et al. 1999 ;
Konsentrasi K dan Na sering diukur dengan spektrometri nyala atom emisi Oliveira et al. 2012 ). Dalam kasus analisis langsung sampel padat atau
(FAES) menggunakan fotometer terpisah (Filho et al. 2007 ) Atau instrumen bubur mereka kalibrasi dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan larutan air
yang sama seperti untuk FAAS tetapi bekerja dalam modus emisi (Ashu (kasus Co dan Mn) atau menambahkan CRM padat (kasus Cu) (Oleszczuk
dan Chandravanshi 2011 ). Sayangnya, FAAS diakui menjadi tidak cukup et al. 2007 ). pengubah kimia yang diperlukan untuk menstabilkan spesies
sensitif untuk mengukur beberapa elemen penting (Grembecka et al. 2007 ). elemen dan memodifikasi matriks sampel kopi pada suhu pirolisis tinggi,
Unsur-unsur terakhir ini lebih suka ditentukan dengan menggunakan yaitu, campuran Pd (NO 3) 2, Mg (NO 3) 2, dan Triton X-100 pada pengukuran
induktif ditambah plasma optik spektrometri emisi (ICP-OES), yaitu, Cd, Mn (Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ), Mg (NO 3) 2 dalam pengukuran Cr dan Ni
Cr, Ni, dan Pb, (dos Santos et al. 2010 ) Atau diferensial anodik pulsa (Oliveira et al. 2012 ) Atau Al (Magalhaes et al.
stripping voltametri (DP-ASV), yaitu, Pb, Cd, dan Cu (Suseela et al.

1999 ).
ICP-OES is very often applied in the elemental analysis of coffee
2001 ). Sampel hijau, panggang, atau instant kopi perlu tepat dipersiapkan samples. It is especially attractive and helpful in determinations of a
sebelum pengukuran oleh pencernaan dan mineralisasi matriks organik number of elements, including major (Ca, K, Mg, Na, P, S), minor (Al, B,
mereka. Kalibrasi FAAS umumnya dilakukan dengan menggunakan Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Sn, Zn) and trace elements (As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Sb,
larutan standar sederhana (Onianwa et al. 1999 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Se, Si, Sr) (dos Santos and de Oliveira 1997 , 2001 ; Martin et al.
Anthemidis dan Pliatsika 2005 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; dos
Santos et al. 2009 . 2010 ; Ashu 1996 , 1998a , 1999 ; Jaganyi et al. 1999 ; Jaganyi and Madlala 2000 ;
Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Ribeiro et al.
Food Anal. Methods (2013) 6:598 – 613 603

Table 1 Analytical methods used for the elemental analysis of green coffee beans and roasted, ground and instant coffees

Element Analytical method Reference

Al ETAAS, ETAAS b, ICP-OES, Magalhaes et al. 1999 ; Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ; VegaCarrillo et al. 2002 ;
ICP-OES c, INAA Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Santos et al. 2008
As ICP-OES, INAA Vega-Carrillo et al. 2002 ; Santos et al. 2008
B ICP-OES Krejcova and Cernohorsky 2003 ; Bertrand et al. 2008
Ba ICP-OES, INAA Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1998a , 1999 ; Vega-Carrillo et al. 2002 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Castro et al. 2009

Br INAA Krivan et al. 1993 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006 , 2007
Ca FAAS, ICP-OES, ICP-OES c, INAA Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1996 , 1998a , 1999 ; Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Suseela et
al. 2001 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Vega-Carrillo et al. 2002 ; Ribeiro et al. 2003 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ;
Tagliaferro et al. 2006 , 2007 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al. 2008 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Ashu and
Chandravanshi 2011 ; Oliveira et al. 2012
Cd DPASV, FAAS, ICP-OES Onianwa et al. 1999 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Dos Santos et al. 2009 ; Ashu and
Chandravanshi 2011

Ce INAA Zaidi et al. 2006

Cl INAA Zaidi et al. 2006
Co ETAAS, ETAAS a, FAAS, ICP-OES, ICP-OES c, Krivan et al. 1993 ; Onianwa et al. 1999 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006 ,
INAA 2007 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011

Cr ETAAS, FAAS, GFAAS, ICP-OES, Krivan et al. 1993 ; Onianwa et al. 1999 ; Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005
ICP-OES c, INAA ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Dos Santos et al. 2009 ; Oliveira et al. 2012

Cs INAA Krivan et al. 1993 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006 , 2007 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ;
Cu DPASV, ETAAS, ETAAS a, FAAS, ICP-OES, Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1998a , 1999 ; Onianwa et al. 1999 ; Dos Santos and de Oliveira
2001 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Ribeiro et al. 2003 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Filho et al. 2007
; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al.
2008 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Castro et al. 2009 ; Dos Santos et al. 2009 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi
Eu INAA Zaidi et al. 2006
Fe ETAAS, FAAS, ICP-OES, Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1996 , 1998a , 1999 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Anderson and Smith
ICP-OES c, INAA 2002 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006 , 2007 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Grembecka et al. 2007
; Bertrand et al. 2008 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011

Hg INAA Zaidi et al. 2006

In INAA Zaidi et al. 2006
K FAAS, FOES, ICP-OES, INAA Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1998a , 1999 ; Onianwa et al. 1999 ; Dos Santos and de Oliveira
2001 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Ribeiro et al. 2003 ; Tagliaferro et al.
2006 , 2007 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al. 2008 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Ashu
and Chandravanshi 2011 ; Oliveira et al. 2012
La INAA Krivan et al. 1993
Mg FAAS, ICP-OES, ICP-OES c Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1996 , 1998a , 1999 ; Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Anderson and
Smith 2002 ; Ribeiro et al. 2003 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al. 2008
; Santos et al. 2008 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ; Oliveira et al. 2012

Mn ETAAS, ETAAS a, FAAS, ICP-OES, ICP-OES c, Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1996 , 1998a , 1999 ; Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Anderson and
INAA Smith 2002 ; Ribeiro et al. 2003 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ;
Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ; Oliveira et al. 2012

Mo ICP-OES Santos et al. 2008

Na FAAS, FOES, ICP-OES, INAA Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1996 , 1998a , 1999 ; Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Tagliaferro
et al. 2006 , 2007 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ; Oliveira et al.

Ni FAAS, GFAAS, ICP-OES c Onianwa et al. 1999 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Oliveira et al. 2012

P FAAS, ICP-OES Martin et al. 1998a , 1999 ; Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et
al. 2008 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Castro et al. 2009 ; Oliveira et al. 2012

Rb INAA Krivan et al. 1993 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006 , 2007 ; Zaidi et al. 2006
S ICP-OES Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Anderson and Smith 2002
Sc INAA Krivan et al. 1993 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006 , 2007 ; Zaidi et al. 2006
Food Anal. Methods (2013) 6:598 – 613

Table 1 ( continued)

Element Analytical method Reference

Sb INAA, ICP-OES Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Santos et al. 2008

Se INAA, ICP-OES Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Santos et al. 2008

Sn ICP-OES Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Ribeiro et al. 2003

Sr FAAS, ETAAS, ICP-OES Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1998a , 1999 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Santos et al. 2008

V ICP-OES Santos et al. 2008

Yb INAA Zaidi et al. 2006

Zn FAAS, ICP-OES, ICP-OES c, INAA Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1998a , 1999 ; Onianwa et al. 1999 ; Dos Santos and de Oliveira
2001 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Vega-Carrillo et al. 2002 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Tagliaferro
et al. 2006 , 2007 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al. 2008 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Dos
Santos et al. 2009 ; Frankova et al. 2009 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011

DPASV differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry, ETAAS electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry, FAAS flame atomic absorption spectrometry, FOES flame optical
emission spectrometry or atomic emission photometry, GFAAS graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry,
ICP-OES inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, INAA instrumental neutron activation analysis
a With solid sampling

b With slurry sampling

c With on-line slurry sampling in a flow injection mode 604

2003 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Fernandes et al. 2005 ; Oleszczuk et Other spectrometric methods, including inductively coupled plasma
al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al. 2008 ; Santos et al. mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), direct current plasma optical emission
2008 ; Castro et al. 2009 ; Frankova et al. 2009 ; Tezotto et al. spectrometry (DCP-OES) or total reflection X-ray fluorescence
2012 ). Lower detection limits, higher sensitivities, wider linear dynamic spectrometry (TXRFS), are much rarely used for the analysis of coffee.
ranges, and faster measurements are additional advantages of ICP-OES ICP-MS has been used to determine some selected elements (Cd, Cr, Cu,
over other atomic spectrometry methods, i.e., FAAS and ETAAS, Mn, Ni, Pb, U, Zn) in coffee samples after their brewing and the later
commonly used in multi-element analyses of coffee (dos Santos and de mineralization of infusions prepared (Santos et al.
Oliveira 1997 ). Samples are digested prior to the determination of elements
by ICP-OES as well, however, a flow injection (FI) system for an on-line 2004 ). DCP-OES has been applied for the determination of Al in samples
sample slurry formation of solid samples (5 – 50 mg) without a of coffee and their infusions (Rajwanshi et al.
decomposition step has been proposed to improve the analysis and 1997 ). The use of TXRFS has been reported in case of the multi-element
shorten its duration (Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ). Due to a virtual analysis (Br, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, Ni, Rb, Sr, and Zn) of coffee but
absence of spectral chemical and ionization interferences, the calibration without the need for a protracted sample preparation (Haswell and
with simple standard solutions is commonly used in measurements with Walmsley 1998 ). Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INNA) has also
ICP-OES (dos Santos and de Oliveira 1997 , 2001 ; Martin et al. 1998a , 1999 been found very useful for the analysis of coffee on the content of a wide
; Jaganyi et al. 1999 ; Jaganyi and Madlala 2000 ; Anderson and Smith group of elements, i.e., Al, As, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Dy, Eu, Fe,
Gd, Hf, Hg, In, K, La, Lu, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, Sr, Ta, Tb,
Th, Ti, Tm,

2002 ; Ribeiro et al. 2003 ; Fernandes et al. 2005 ; Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ; U, V, Yb and Zn, but without the need for any dissolution step or the use of
Bertrand et al. 2008 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Frankova et al. 2009 ; dos Santos matrix-matching multi-element standards (Krivan et al. 1993 ; De Nadai
et al. 2010 ). In the slurry sampling, the method of additions of standard Fernandes et al. 2002 ; VegaCarrillo et al. 2002 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006 , 2007
solutions has been applied for the calibration (Anthemidis and Pliatsika ; Zaidi et al.
2006 ). Although the method enables to determine the concentration of
2005 ). To control possible matrix effects, matrix matching standard different elements in the solid matrix, the instrumentation is not widely
solutions containing the same amount of HNO 3 available. For the calibration, the composite nuclear constant (K 0) method is
used for the digestion of samples (Krejcova and Cernohorsky 2003 ) or usually applied using Ni-Cr wires or other standards from element
HNO 3 and Triton X-100 used for the formation of sample slurries compounds of a known composition (De Nadai Fernandes et al. 2002 ;
(Anthemidis and Pliatsika Tagliaferro et al. 2006 , 2007 ). Solid standards can also be prepared by
2005 ) have been applied. Additionally, In as the internal standard can be drying standard solutions on ashless filter papers or directly in
added to sample and standard solutions to control any signal fluctuations measurement capsules (Krivan et al. 1993 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ).
during the analysis (Krejcova and Cernohorsky 2003 ).
Food Anal. Methods (2013) 6:598 – 613 605

Quality Control control standard traceable to NIST (Vega-Carrillo et al.

2002 ). It is accepted that a 73 – 103 % compliance of measured values with
Although a certified standard reference material (CRM) of organic green certified values obtained for different elements guarantee the satisfactory
coffee was under the development, it has been found that such matrix can accuracy of results (Grembecka et al. 2007 ).
be homogeneous only for some selected elements, i.e., Ca, Co, Cs, K, and
Sc (Tagliaferro et al. 2006 ). For other important elements (Br, Fe, Na, Rb, Systematic spiking experiments and the recovery test carried out on
and Zn), a high degree of inhomogeneity in this CRM candidate has been samples of coffee (powders and infusions) are often practiced to verify the
observed. As a result, the reliability of results achieved with spectrometric accuracy of results and the validity of analytical procedures or study
methods described has been tested using CRMs of other plant or food potential matrix effects (Onianwa et al. 1999 ; dos Santos and de Oliveira
samples. Wheat flour (SRM 8436) from the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST, USA), with certified values for Al, Ba, Fe, Mn, and 2001 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ; Ashu and
Na, is supposed to represent the coffee matrix the best (Tagliaferro et al. 2006 Chandravanshi 2011 ; Oliveira et al. 2012 ). Satisfactorily good recoveries,
). To cover the necessity of the multi-element analysis of coffee, other i.e., from 80 % to 111 %, also confirm the good accuracy of applied
CRMs are frequently used, i.e., tea (DC 73351) (Grembecka et al. methods of the elemental coffee analysis.

Reference methods are less frequently applied, e.g., the microwave

assisted wet digestion followed by ICP-OES measurements in case of the
2007 ) from the National Analysis Center for Iron and Steel (NCS, China) , solid samples introduction and the ETAAS determination of Co, Cu, and
tea (GBW 07605) (Krejcova and Cernohorsky 2003 ) from the National Mn (Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ), the wet acid digestion followed by ICP-OES in
Research Center for Certified Reference Materials (China), tea leaves case of the alkaline solubilization and ICP-OES measurements of Ca, Cu,
(TL-1) (Tagliaferro et al. 2006 , 2007 ; Frankova et al. 2009 ) from the Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Se, Sn, and Zn (Ribeiro et al. 2003 ), the wet acid
Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT, Poland), cabbage digestion with FAAS (Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, and Zn) and ETAAS (Al, Co, Cr,
(359) (Grembecka et al. 2007 ), hay (V-10) (Suseela et al. 2001 ; Tagliaferro and Ni) measurements in case of the slurry sampling formation and
et al. 2006 , 2007 ), milk powder (A-11) (Suseela et al. 2001 ; Ribeiro et al. 2003nebulization for FI-ICP-OES (Anthemidis and Pliatsika
), sea plant (140) (Santos et al. 2004 ), and mixed human diet (H-9) (Zaidi
et al. 2006 ) from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, Austria),
rice flour (10a) (Oleszczuk et al. 2005 ).

2007 ) from the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES, Japan), Elemental Composition of Coffee
skim milk powder (BCR 063R) (Ribeiro et al.2003) from the Institute for
Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM), lobster hepatopancreas Coffee Beans
(TORT-2) (Anderson and Smith 2002 ) from the National Research Counci l
(NRC, Canada) , corn bran (SRM 8433) (Anderson and Smith 2002 ; De The practical application of analytical methods described here has
Nadai Fernandes et al. revealed that over 30 different elements, namely Al, Ba, Br, Ca, Cd, Ce, Cl,
Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Eu, Fe, Hg, In,
2002 ; Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ), rice flour (SRM 1572 K, La, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Sn, Sr, Yb, and Zn, can be
or 1568a) (Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ), spinach found in green, roasted, and ground coffees and coffee infusions. These
leaves (SRM 1570 or SRM 1570a) (Filho et al. 2007 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 elements can be divided into three groups: major elements, minerals or
), citrus leaves (SRM 1572) (Vega-Carrillo et al. 2002 ; Oleszczuk et al. 2007 macronutrients (Ca, K, Mg, Na, S, P), minor elements or micronutrients (Cl,
), apple leaves (SRM 1515) (De Nadai Fernandes et al. 2002 ; Oleszczuk et Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Se, Sr, Zn), and trace elements (e.g., Al, As, B,
al. 2007 ), tomato leaves (SRM 1573 or 1573a) (Vega-Carrillo et al. 2002 ; Ba, Br, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sn). Concentrations of different elements reported for
Filho et al. 2007 ), peach leaves (SRM 1547) (Filho et al. different types of coffees (green, roasted, and instant) are given in Table 2 .

2007 ), orchard leaves (SRM 1571) (Zaidi et al. 2006 ), pine needles (SRM
1575) (Anderson and Smith 2002 ; VegaCarrillo et al. 2002 ; Santos et al. 2004 In general, the chemical composition of roasted and ground coffee is
), oyster tissue (SRM 1566a) (Anderson and Smith 2002 ), bovine liver mostly and closely related to the growing origin of coffee beans, a factor
(SRM 1577a or 1577b) (Anderson and Smith 2002 ; VegaCarrillo et al. 2002 primarily associated with soil conditions, the coffee variety, and the
), or coal fly ash (SRM 1633) (VegaCarrillo et al. 2002 ) from NIST. The cultivation method of coffee plants (Jaganyi and Madlala 2000 ; Anderson
accuracy of results can additionally be verified by the analysis of a special and Smith 2002 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; dos Santos et al. 2010 ; Ashu and
quality Chandravanshi 2011 ). Procedures included in
606 Food Anal. Methods (2013) 6:598 – 613

the processing of green and roasted coffee beans or even brewing expose a certain nutritional and dietary value, especially when considering
methods used for ground coffee are also important (Jaganyi and Madlala 2000 the very high worldwide consumption of coffee (Grembecka et al. 2007 ;
; Grembecka et al. 2007 ). Differences in levels of macro- and Ashu and Chandravanshi
micronutrients found in green and roasted arabica coffees are marked and 2011 ; Oliveira et al. 2012 ). Coffee can also be regarded as a substantial
roasted coffees have usually higher concentrations of K, Na, Ca, Mg and source of some minor elements, i.e., Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn, that are
Fe as compared to unprocessed coffee of that variety (Filho et al. 2007 ). required by humans for their well-being and health (dos Santos and de
Although the chemical composition of arabica and robusta coffees is Oliveira 2001 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ;
similar, it seems that one of the best criterion to differentiate them is the Oliveira et al. 2012 ). In view of that, the elemental analysis of coffee is
elemental composition, because elements in the coffee commodity are relevant for the assessment of dairy intakes of different minerals and trace
stable while differences in their concentrations are more distinctive than elements (Oliveira et al. 2012 ). However, it seems that the coffee
those established for various organic substances (Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin consumption contributes in a small degree to recommended dietary intakes
et al. (RDIs) for nutritionally and physiologically important elements (Ca, Cu, Cr,
Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Ni, Sr, and Zn) that can be covered from one to several
percents (Onianwa et al. 1999 ; Suseela et al.
1998a , 1999 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ). Commonly the content of Cu and P
in green and roasted robusta coffees is higher than this in respective
arabica coffees (Martin et al. 1998a , 1999 ). Green and roasted beans of
the latter coffee variety have a bigger content of Mn (Martin et al. 1998a , 1999 2001 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Oliveira et al. 2012 ). On the other hand, some
). It is also recognized that concentrations of many elements, e.g., Ce, Co, minor and trace elements, present in coffee or its infusions at excessive
Cr, Eu, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, S, Sc, Yb, Zn, are higher in instant levels, e.g., Al, Cd, Ni, Sb, Sn, Pb, may be toxic to the health, and hence,
coffees than those determined in natural coffees, more likely due to concentrations of these elements in the final product and during the
differences in processing steps involved in the production of both types of production of coffee should strictly be controlled to ascertain the
coffee (Fernandes et al. 2005 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ). As can be seen from information on the exposure to these elements. The information about the
Table 2 , the concentration of major absence of aforement ioned elements in coffee products proves thei r
wholesomeness, safety, and quality (dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ;
Suseela et al. 2001 ; Anderson and Smith

and minor elements is quite varied and this is associated with a vast
influence of the origin (especially the type of soil where coffee plants are 2002 ; De Nadai Fernandes et al. 2002 ; Vega-Carrillo et al.
cultivated), the variety and the type of coffee, processes involved in the 2002 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ). It also points that coffee is fit for the
production of natural or soluble coffees and means of the confection and consumption according to nutritional and quality standards and/or national
the storage of coffee (dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Vega-Carrillo et al. 2002food legislation regulations (dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; De Nadai
; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; dos Santos et al. 2010 ; Ashu Fernandes et al. 2002 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ). Finally, it can also
and Chandravanshi 2011 ). Among major elements in natural and instant be an indication that there was no contamination during the production and
coffees, K is the one with the highest values, followed by P, Mg, S, Ca, and the storage of coffee (dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; De Nadai
Na (Jaganyi and Madlala 2000 ; dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Suseela Fernandes et al. 2002 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ).
et al. 2001 ; Vega-Carrillo et al.

2002 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Coffee Infusions
Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ). In the group of minor elements, the
following order of their concentrations is usually observed: When ground coffee is brewed and instant coffee is dissolved using hot
Fe>Cu>Mn>Zn>Co (Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ). Such elements as water, elements from coffee are released into infusions. However,
As, Ba, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Dy, Eu, Gd, Hf, La, Lu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, leachabilities of elements are quite different for different types of coffee
Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, Ti, Tm, U, V, and Yb are often not detected in either roasted (Grembecka et al.
ground and instant coffees or they are present at very low levels (Anderson 2007 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ; Oliveira et al.
and Smith 2002 ; Vega-Carrillo et al. 2002 ). 2012 ). The brewing method has been found to significantly influence the
content of elements in the infusion (Frankova et al. 2009 ). In case of
natural roasted and ground coffees, extraction efficiencies are the highest
The presence of major elements (minerals), i.e., K, P, Mg, for K (71.0 – 88.1 %), intermediate for Cr (50.9 – 63.4 %), Mg (47.8 – 55.1 %),
S, Ca and Na, in different coffee products, i.e., natural roasted and ground P (45.3 – 46.1 %), Al (1.9 – 64.0 %), Ca (10.3 – 65.1 %), Zn (8.6 – 61.5 %), Na
coffees or instant coffees, and prepared coffee beverages, is essential (35.6 – 47.7 %), Co (25.7 – 49.8 %), Ni
because these elements may
Food Anal. Methods (2013) 6:598 – 613 607

Table 2 Concentrations (in microgram per gram) of selected elements in green coffee beans and roasted, ground and instant coffees

Element Concentration, μ g g − 1 Reference

Green coffee Ba

1.6 – 10.2 Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1998a

Br 0.3 – 1.8 Krivan et al. 1993 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006
Ca (0.79 – 1.87)×10 3 Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1998a ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al. 2008
Cd 0.70 – 0.75 Dos Santos et al. 2009

Co 0.02 – 0.62 Krivan et al. 1993 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006 ; Oleszczuk et al. 2007
Cr <0.08 – 1.01 Krivan et al. 1993 ; Dos Santos et al. 2009
Cs 0.02 – 0.19 Krivan et al. 1993 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006
Cu 7.2 – 76.9 Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1998a ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al. 2008 ; Dos Santos et al. 2009

Fe 24.8 – 108 Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1998a ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al. 2008
K (1.21 – 2.14)×10 4 Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1998a ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al. 2008
La (0.35 – 1.50)×10 − 2 Krivan et al. 1993
Mg (0.14 – 2.09)×10 3 Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1998a ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al. 2008
Mn 13.4 – 57.7 Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1998a ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Oleszczuk et al. 2007
Na 2.4 – 118.0 Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1998a ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006 ; Filho et al. 2007
P (1.41 – 2.20)×10 3 Martin et al. 1998a ; Bertrand et al. 2008
Pb <0.01 Dos Santos et al. 2009

Rb 13.5 – 73.0 Krivan et al. 1993 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006

Sc (0.53 – 1.92)×10 − 3 Krivan et al. 1993 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006
Sr 1.3 – 18.0 Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1998a
Zn 3.6 – 61.3 Krivan et al. 1993 ; Martin et al. 1998a ; Tagliaferro et al. 2006 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Bertrand et al. 2008 ; Dos Santos et al. 2009 ; Frankova et
al. 2009
Roasted and ground coffees Al

3.0 – 200 Magalhaes et al. 1999 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Vega-Carrillo et al. 2002 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Santos et al. 2008

As <0.2 Vega-Carrillo et al. 2002 ; Santos et al. 2008

B 0.6 – 17.5 Krejcova and Cernohorsky 2003
Ba 0.8 – 10.1 Martin et al. 1999 ; Vega-Carrillo et al. 2002 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Santos et al. 2008
Br 0.7 – 8.5 Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2007
Ca (0.49 – 2.20)×10 3 Martin et al. 1996 , 1999 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Vega-Carrillo et al. 2002 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Grembecka et
al. 2007 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011

Cd 0.001 –< 0.1 Suseela et al. 2001 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011

Ce (3.1 – 5.4)×10 − 2 Zaidi et al. 2006

Cl 4.9 – 198 Zaidi et al. 2006
Co 0.06 – 1.90 Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ; Santos et al.
2008 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011
Cr 0.02 – 1.29 Suseela et al. 2001 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Santos et al. 2008

Cu 0.4 – 30.1 Martin et al. 1999 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Filho et al.
2007 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011

Cs (0.16 – 1.33)×10 − 1 Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2007

Eu (0.8 – 1.5)×10 − 2 Zaidi et al. 2006
Fe 12.0 – 617.0 Martin et al. 1996 , 1999 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Filho et al. 2007 ;
Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011

Hg (0.6 – 1.6)×10 − 2 Zaidi et al. 2006

In (1.3 – 8.1)×10 − 2 Zaidi et al. 2006
K (1.14 – 2.91)×10 4 Martin et al. 1999 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ;
Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011
Mg (0.75 – 3.10)×10 3 Martin et al. 1996 , 1999 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Grembecka et al. 2007
; Santos et al. 2008 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011

Mn 6.6 – 320 Martin et al. 1996 , 1999 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Filho et al. 2007 ;
Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011
608 Food Anal. Methods (2013) 6:598 – 613

Table 2 ( continued)

Element Concentration, μ gg − 1 Reference

Mo <1.1 Santos et al. 2008

Na 6.6 – 1467 Martin et al. 1996 , 1999 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Tagliaferro et al.
2007 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011
Ni 0.50 – 4.30 Suseela et al. 2001 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Grembecka et al. 2007
P (0.19 – 4.03)×10 3 Martin et al. 1999 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Santos et al. 2008
Pb 0.021 –< 2.6 Suseela et al. 2001 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Santos et al. 2008 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011

Rb 12.3 – 34.0 Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2007

S (1.42 – 1.64)×10 3 Anderson and Smith 2002
Sc (0.8 – 18.0)×10 − 2 Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2007
Sb 0.032 –< 12 Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Santos et al. 2008

Se 0.014 –< 5.8 Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Santos et al. 2008

Sr 1.1 – 11.9 Martin et al. 1999 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Santos et al. 2008

V <0.6 Santos et al. 2008

Yb (0.9 – 2.2)×10 − 2 Zaidi et al. 2006

Zn 1.2 – 803 Martin et al. 1999 ; Suseela et al. 2001 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ; Vega-Carrillo et al. 2002 ; Anthemidis and Pliatsika 2005 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ;
Filho et al. 2007 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ; Santos et al.
2008 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011
Instant coffee Al

<5.0 – 233.4 Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001

B 13.3 – 21.3 Krejcova and Cernohorsky 2003
Ba 3.4 – 3.9 Castro et al. 2009

Ca (0.11 – 2.65)×10 3 Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Ribeiro et al. 2003 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Oliveira et al. 2012
Cd 0.020 – 0.031 Onianwa et al. 1999 ; Grembecka et al. 2007
Co 0.04 – 14.2 Onianwa et al. 1999 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Grembecka et al. 2007
Cr 0.002 – 52 Onianwa et al. 1999 ; Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Oliveira et al.
Cu 0.30 – 12.9 Onianwa et al. 1999 ; Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Ribeiro et al. 2003 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Castro et al.
Fe 6.3 – 451 Onianwa et al. 1999 ; Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Ribeiro et al. 2003 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Grembecka et al.
2007 ; Oliveira et al. 2012
K (1.87 – 6.15)×10 4 Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Oliveira et al. 2012
Mg (0.84 – 5.54)×10 3 Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Ribeiro et al. 2003 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Oliveira et al. 2012
Mn 3.6 – 49.5 Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Ribeiro et al. 2003 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Oliveira et al.
Na (0.03 – 6.67)×10 3 Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Oliveira et al. 2012
Ni 0.04 – 5.93 Onianwa et al. 1999 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Oliveira et al. 2012
P (0.35 – 4.29)×10 3 Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Castro et al. 2009 ; Oliveira et al. 2012
Pb 0.09 – 0.91 Onianwa et al. 1999 ; Grembecka et al. 2007
S (1.48 – 2.06)×10 3 Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001
Sn 6.4 – 11.6 Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Ribeiro et al. 2003
Zn 1.8 – 15.0 Onianwa et al. 1999 ; Dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Zaidi et al. 2006 ; Grembecka et al. 2007

(29.4 – 44.7 %), and Mn (18.5 – 38.7 %), and the lowest for Fe (5.6 – 13.2 %) elements formed with polyphenols or other constituents present in the
and Cu (2.6 – 8.2 %) (Rajwanshi et al. 1997 ; Grembecka et al. 2007 ; coffee matrix (Jaganyi et al. 1999 , Jaganyi and Madlala 2000 ). Accordingly,
Frankova et al. 2009 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ). Particularly, low Mn, forming strong covalent bonds, tends to be more hindered in the matrix
extractabilities of Cu and Fe may be associated with the formation of as compared to K and Mg, which both are possibly attached to the matrix
strong complexes of these elements with caffeine and other alkaloids by electrostatic attractions with its constituents and therefore are more
(through N donor atoms) (Ashu and Chandravanshi freely released into the coffee beverage.

2011 ). Differences in extraction efficiencies of some selected elements,

i.e., K, Mg, and Mn, have been related to the nature and the strength of Concentrations of elements in coffee infusions are also quite variable,
complexes of ions of these especially in case of major and minor
Food Anal. Methods (2013) 6:598 – 613 609

elements (Grembecka et al. 2007 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi and environmental and agricultural growing conditions, especially the
2011 ; Oliveira et al. 2012 ). This heterogeneity in the content of mentioned farming method used (Anderson and Smith
elements among various groups of coffees can reflect differences in the 2002 ; Szefer 2007 ; Bertrand et al. 2008 ; Gonzalvez et al.
manufacturing process as well as effects of various factors affecting the 2009 ; dos Santos et al. 2010 ). Principally, the content of various elements
quality of raw materials used for the coffee production, i.e., the type of soil, in coffee plants has a strong correlation with the growing environment,
the use of fertilizers, different environmental, and agricultural conditions which is strictly associated with the soil characteristics (the content of lime,
(Oliveira et al. 2012 ). Coffee infusions typically contain lower the presence of the organic material, the soil pH, the drainage status of the
concentrations of elements than respective powdered coffees from which soil) and the influence of weather conditions (Krivan et al. 1993 ; Anderson
they are prepared. In addition, similar concentration orders can be found and Smith 2002 ; Bertrand et al. 2008 ). Hence, the elemental composition
for most of elements: K > Mg > P > Ca > Na > Mn > Zn > Fe > Cu >> Pb ≈ of coffee beans and certain coffee products coming from specific places
and regions are very distinctive (Krivan et al. 1993 ; Gonzalvez et al. 2009 ;
dos Santos et al. 2010 ). Since it is recognized that arabicas are coffees of
Cd (Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ) with some minor exceptions, i.e., Na > the highest quality, undisputable methods enabling to distinguish coffees of
Ca or Fe > Mn (Oliveira et al. 2012 ). As can be seen from Table 3 , coffee different origin and variety within a country area are very important (Martin
can be a source of et al. 1998a , b , 1999 ; Bertrand et al. 2008 ). The statistical analysis of the
essential and non-essential elements, but their daily intakes are primarily data representing the elemental composition is a very powerful approach
depended on concentrations in coffee beverages and amounts of coffee to such quality control and assessment of the coffee genuineness (Martin
consumed (Suseela et al. 2001 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ). In case of et al. 1998a , b , 1999 ; Bertrand et al. 2008 ). Treating analyzed coffee
instant coffees, it can be assumed that 100 % of the coffee powder is samples as objects and concentrations of elements determined in these
dissolved and the whole content of elements is available for the intake samples as variables, it is possible to establish individual elemental
(Suseela et al. 2001 ). In such case, the contribution of the consumption of patterns within these objects and classify them according to the
two cups of coffee (see Table 4 ) prepared from different amounts of coffee geographical origin, the variety or the type of coffee by means of different
(2 – 12 g) to the coverage of RDA values for various elements seems to be chemometric techniques (Martin et al.
low and in most cases does not reach 15 % (Suseela et al. 2001 ; Oliveira
et al. 2012 ). The intake of most of elements is however higher through
instant coffee brands (Zaidi et al.

2006 ). This is because infusions of this type of coffee generally contain 1998a , b , 1999 ; Fernandes et al. 2005 ; Szefer 2007 ). So far, good results
higher amounts of elements, i.e., Al, Ca, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Zn, than in the data reduction and the exploratory data visualization, both for dry
infusions of roasted coffee (Grembecka et al. 2007 ). Grembecka et al. ( 2007 coffee or infusions, according to the coffee growing origin, the variety, and
) have found that there are statis- the type of the cultivation have been achieved using the principal
component analysis (PCA) (Haswell and Walmsley 1998 ; Martin et al. 1996 ,
tically significant correlations (according to the Spearman correlation 1998a , 1999 ; dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ;
coefficient) between concentrations of elements present in infusions of Fernandes et al. 2005 ; Filho et al. 2007 ; dos Santos et al. 2010 ), the
ground and instant coffees. Correspondingly, significant positive hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) (Haswell and Walmsley 1998 ; Martin et
correlations are observed for concentrations of Mg and Na, Ca, P and Zn, al.
Ni and Co, P, Cr, and Zn in addition to Fe and Ni in ground coffees. Strong
positive relationships can be noted in case of contents of Ni and Cu in 1996 , 1998a , 1999 ; dos Santos and de Oliveira 2001 ; Fernandes et al. 2005
instant coffees. Significant negative correlations exist between ; Filho et al. 2007 ; Grembecka et al.
concentrations of Mg and P, Mg and Cr, P and Na, Zn and Na, Zn and Mg 2007 ; dos Santos et al. 2010 ), the factor analysis (FA) (Martin et al. 1996 ;
in addition to Mn and Na in ground coffees. No significant relationships Grembecka et al. 2007 ), the canonical discriminant analysis (CDA)
have been established between amounts of Mg, Fe, and Mn in instant (Anderson and Smith 2002 ) and the linear discriminant analysis (LDA)
coffee samples. (Martin et al.
1996 ). Particularly, PCA and HCA are useful to establish the efficiency of
the discrimination of analyzed samples with selected variables (Haswell
and Walmsley 1998 ; Martin et al. 1998a , 1999 ; Anderson and Smith 2002 ;
Fernandes et al. 2005 ).
Discrimination of Coffee
On the other hand, the discriminant function analysis (DFA) (Anderson
Although elements are only about 5 % of the total weight of coffee, they and Smith 2002 ) and neural networks (NN) (Anderson and Smith 2002 ) are
seem to be very good indicators of its origin and variety, the type of soil on used to classify unknown samples into pre-determined classes. The use of
which coffee plants are cultivated
610 Food Anal. Methods (2013) 6:598 – 613

Table 3 Concentrations (in microgram per gram) of selected elements in powdered and instant coffee brews

Element Concentration, μ g g − 1 Analytical method Reference

Al 1.2 – 9.6 DCP-OES, ICP-MS Rajwanshi et al. 1997 ; Santos et al. 2004
B 3.3 – 11.8 ICP-OES Krejcova and Cernohorsky 2003
Ca (0.42 – 1.42)×10 3 FAAS, INAA Suseela et al. 2001 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ; Oliveira et al. 2012

Cd 0.005 – 0.019 ICP-MS Santos et al. 2004

Co 0.15 – 0.80 FAAS, INAA Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011
Cr <0.003 – 0.23 GFAAS, ICP-MS Santos et al. 2004 ; Oliveira et al. 2012
Cu 0.7 – 3.2 FAAS, ICP-MS Santos et al. 2004 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011

Fe 4.6 – 108.1 FAAS, INAA Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ; Oliveira et al. 2012
K (1.20 – 6.15)×10 4 FAAS, INAA Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ; Oliveira et al. 2012
Mg (3.07 – 9.51)×10 3 FAAS Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ; Oliveira et al. 2012
Mn 6.3 – 39.9 FAAS, ICP-MS Santos et al. 2004 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ; Oliveira et al. 2012
Na 18.0 – 2894 FAAS, INAA Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ; Oliveira et al. 2012
Ni <0.002 – 1.35 GFAAS, ICP-MS Santos et al. 2004 ; Oliveira et al. 2012
Pb 0.23 – 0.31 ICP-MS Santos et al. 2004

Zn 4.1 – 29.0 FAAS, ICP-MS, Santos et al. 2004 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011

DCP-OES direct current plasma optical emission spectrometry, FAAS flame atomic absorption spectrometry, GFAAS graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, ICP-OES inductively
coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, ICP-MS inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, INAA instrumental neutron activation analysis

data mining and knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) techniques may Oliveira et al. 2012 ). The compositional analysis of arabica and robusta
additionally help in discriminating between organically and conventionally coffee mixtures can be carried out according to the elemental content and
planted coffees (De Nadai Fernandes et al. 2002 ). Contents of some using the partial least squares regression (PLS) (Martin et al. 1999 ).
selected elements, i.e., Br, Ca, Cs, Co, Mn, and Rb, are proved to be Elements alone offer a poor discrimination capacity for coffee (Bertrand et
valuable chemical markers in this process (De Nadai Fernandes et al. 2002 al. 2008 ). Major and minor elements that are convenient for the efficient
). The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is typically applied to confirm discrimination between green and roasted coffees are Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg,
significant differences between mean concentrations of elements in and Na (Filho et al. 2007 ). Different types of solid coffees, i.e., ground and
various coffee samples (Bertrand et al. instant, arabica and robusta, and their infusions can successfully be
differentiated using concentrations of

2008 ; Frankova et al. 2009 ; Ashu and Chandravanshi 2011 ;

Table 4 Realization of RDA values (in

percent) by the intake of two cups of Element Suseela et al. 2001 Grembecka et al. 2007 Oliveira et al. 2012 Grembecka et al. 2007
Instant coffee (2 g) a Instant coffee (12 g) a Instant coffee (4 g) a Ground coffee (12 g) a
coffee per day

Ca 0.4 0.9 – 4.1 0.1 – 0.4 0.04 – 1.2

Cd 1.1 – – –
Co – 58.7 – 446 – 2.5 – 10.6
Cr 3.0 1.3 – 14.4 0.5 – 2.0 0.2 – 21.6
Cu 0.9 0.1 – 0.5 – 0.1 – 1.0
Fe 1.7 1.4 – 5.8 0.3 – 2.6 0.03 – 0.9
K 1.1 6.0 – 12.5 2.4 – 9.5 2.6 – 5.0
Mg 0.7 2.9 – 18.9 0.9 – 5.2 1.3 – 7.4
Mn 0.8 4.0 – 19.1 1.6 – 4.4 0.5 – 9.7
Na 0.03 – 6.5 0.1 – 0.6 0.01 – 0.8
Ni 3.2 1.1 – 66.2 0.2 – 3.5 0.3 – 58.2
RDA recommended daily Pb 0.7 – – –
Sr 0.1 – – –
a Mass of coffee used for two cups
Zn 0.1 0.1 – 0.9 – 0.003 – 0.8
Food Anal. Methods (2013) 6:598 – 613 611

Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, and Zn (Grembecka et al. 2007 ). conventional farming, commercial fertilizers used in traditional and
Concentrations of Cu and Mn are recognized to be one of the most technological plantations of coffee usually posses very high concentrations
effective discriminating features of green or roasted arabica and robusta of some toxic elements (Al, Cd, Cr, Ni, and Pb) and micronutrients (Cu, Mn,
coffees (Martin et al. 1998a , 1999 ). Both elements have significantly Na, and Zn) that can be taken up by coffee plants (dos Santos et al. 2009 ,
deviating concentrations between samples from different regions and
hence, they are valuable for checking the origin of coffee (Krivan et al. 1993 2010 ). Organic manures used in organic coffee farms, although do not
). Other elements that exhibit a high variation in concentrations among contain Cd and Pb, commonly contain relatively high amounts of Cu, Cr,
samples of coffee and can provide a useful indication of the coffee origin and Zn and significant amounts of Mn and Ni (dos Santos et al. 2009 , 2010 ).
are Ba, Co, Cs, Na, Rb, Sc, and Sr (Krivan et al. 1993 ). Surprisingly, The application of these fertilizers usually results in an increase in the
minerals (Ca, K, Mg) and microelements (Fe, Zn) do not show such content of aforementioned elements in the crop soil. In a consequence,
abilities (Krivan et al. 1993 ). The best discrimination of the geographical cultivated coffee plants and beans may contain higher levels of Al, Cd, Cu,
origin of roasted coffee can be obtained by a combination of the Na, and Zu (Fernandes et al. 2005 ; dos Santos et al. 2009 , 2010 ).
concentration of several elements, i.e., Al, Na, and Mn; however, it seems Differences in the uptake of elements from naturally fertilized soils and
that the higher number of variables used (Al, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, those fertilized with different inorganic agricultural chemicals are significant
Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, S, Zn and V), the better separation of samples is and commonly reflected by the elemental composition of coffee beans (dos
achieved (Anderson and Smith Santos et al. 2010 ). Accordingly, strong correlations between
concentrations of Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mg, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn in organic
residues used as fertilizers and amounts of these elements in organic
coffee beans are reported (dos Santos et al. 2009 ,
2002 ). K, Mg, and Zn are established to be the most significant descriptors
for the classification of coffees according to the type, i.e., roasted or instant
soluble (Fernandes et al.
2005 ). Al, Na, and Zn can be used to distinguish coffees of the production 2010 ).
mode, i.e., organically or conventionally planted and produced (Fernandes Another source of impurities found in roasted coffee beans and coffee
et al. 2005 ). Unfortunately, the correlation between the content of elements infusions can be related to the use of pesticides and other agrochemicals
in coffee samples and their geographical origin is sometimes problematic at the growing stage (Tagliaferro et al. 2006 , 2007 ). Even the contact of
(Fernandes et al. 2005 ). This is because a lot of coffees marketed are coffee beans with the soil during the harvest, subsequent processing and
blends of coffees from different regions. It is recognized, that the effect of classification stages may led to the contamination of coffee with soil and
the location and the origin of coffee is usually significant for the content of selected elements, i.e., Fe, La, Sc, Sm, and Th, which can finally reach the
B, Ca, Cu, Mg, Mn, P, and Zn, revealing the potential of the elemental infusion (Tagliaferro et al. 2006 , 2007 ). Biological pollutants, e.g., fungi and
analysis for the discrimination of terroirs within a given country and the parasites, bacteria, viruses, from the soil may be responsible for the
reflection of both climatic and soil diversities (Bertrand et al. 2008 ). In contamination of coffee beans and a possible risk to the human health
addition, when processing the data with different statistical tools for the (Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ). Differences in concentrations of some elements
purpose of the classification of coffee samples, it should be considered can also be connected with some environmental parameters, i.e., an
that several factors may affect the elemental composition of coffee beans increase in pH of the soil in which coffee is grown may lead to an
and the quality of roasted and/or ground coffees (Vega-Carrillo et al. increased uptake of Al by the coffee plant (Oleszczuk et al. 2007 ;
Frankova et al. 2009 ). The production process and the batch sample
workup may contribute to the contamination of coffee and the introduction
of elemental impurities as well, e.g., elevated concentrations of Fe and Zn
(Haswell and Walmsley 1998 ). The effect of packing of the coffee product
2002 ; Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ; dos Santos et al. 2010 ; Tezotto et al. 2012 ). also matters, e.g., higher Al concentrations may originate from wrappers
Since the coffee cultivation requires fertilizers as a valuable source of (Vega-Carrillo et al. 2002 ).
macro- (K, N, P, and S) and micronutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) for the
proper growth of coffee plants, inorganic fertilizers (mainly phosphates)
and organic residues (pulps or husks from the coffee processing) may
result in the contamination of the crop soil with trace elements and their
accumulation (Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ; dos Santos et al. 2010 ). Taken up by
coffee plants, these elements can reach coffee beans and contaminate the
final product (Tagliaferro et al. 2007 ; dos Santos et al. 2010 ). Although it is
impossible to virtually distinguish coffee products from an organic farming Conclusions
from those from the
The elemental analysis of coffee has many uses. Results of such analysis
are important to producers because they allow
612 Food Anal. Methods (2013) 6:598 – 613

them referring to the quality and safety of the coffee product. The Butt MS, Sultan MT (2011) Coffee and its consumption: benefits and
risks. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 51:363 – 373 Castro JT, Santos EC, Santos WPC,
information about the elemental content of coffee provides consumers with
Costa LM, Korn M, Nobrega JA,
the high quality of the product and guarantees its wholesomeness. Finally, Korn MGA (2009) A critical evaluation of digestion procedures for coffee
the interesting information about the elemental pattern of coffee is samples using diluted nitric acid in closed vessels for inductively coupled
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adequate visualization and classification techniques can successfully be

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