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Existence of limit Lt f(x) = Lt f(x) = Lt f(x) = f(c)
x→c- x→c+ x→c
[ LHL] [RHL]


(1) Lt f(x) = k, where f(x) = k, ∀x. (11) Lt log (1+x) = 1.

x→c x→0 x
(2) Lt xn-an = nan-1, (a ≠0). (12) Lt log x = 0, ∀ m>0.
x→a x-a x→∞ xm
(3) Lt cosx = 1. (13) Lt sinβx = β/α , (α ≠ 0).
x→0 x→0 sinαx
(4) Lt sinx = 1. (14) Lt (1+x)1/x = e.
x→0 x x→0
(5) Lt sinx = 0. (15) Lt (1+ λx)1/x = eλ .
x→∞ x x→0
(6) Lt cosx =0 (16) Lt (1+ 1/x)x = e.
x→0 x x→∞
(7) Lt tanx = 1. (17) Lt (1+ λ/x)x = eλ.
x→0 x x→∞
(8) Lt ex – 1 =1 (18) Lt x1/x =1.
x→0 x x→∞
(9) Lt ax – 1 = log a. (19) Lt x does not exist.
x→0 x x→0 x
(10) Lt ax – bx = log a / b. (20) Lt e1/x -1 does not exist.
x→0 x x→0 e1/x +1

Differentiation_integration - 1! -
dy / dx = f ʹ(x) = Lt f(x + Δx)-f(x)
Δx→0 Δx
Note: Derivative or slope or gradient of y =f(x) is dy/dx or f ʹ(x) or yʹ or y1.

(1) If y = c, then yʹ = 0. (13) If y = cotx, then y ʹ = -cosec2x
(2) If y = x , then yʹ = nxn-1.
n (14) If y = secx, then y ʹ = secxtanx.
(3) If y = x, then yʹ = 1. (15) If y = cosecx, then y ʹ = -cosecxcotx.
(4) If y = 1/x, then yʹ =-1/x2. (16) If y = sin-1x, then y ʹ = 1/√1-x2..
(5) If y = √x, then yʹ = 1/(2√x ). (17) If y = cos-1x, then y ʹ = -1/√1-x2.
(6) If y = ex, then yʹ = ex. (18) If y = tan-1x, then y ʹ = 1/1+x2.
(7) If y = ax, then yʹ = ax(log a). (19) If y = cot-1x, then y ʹ = -1/1+x2.
(8) If y = logx, then yʹ = 1/x . (20) If y = sec-1x, then y ʹ = 1/x√x2-1 .
(9) If y = logea, then yʹ = logae /x . (21) If y = cosec-1x, then y ʹ = -1/x√x2-1 .
(10) If y = sinx, then yʹ = cosx . (22) If y = cf(x), then y ʹ = cf ʹ (x)
(11) If y = cosx, then y ʹ = -sinx. (23) If y = u ± v,then y ʹ = du/dx ± dv/dx.
(12) If y = tanx, then y ʹ = sec2x. (24) If y = uv, then y ʹ = u(dv/dx) ± v(du/dx).

(25) If y = u/v,then y ʹ = [v(du/dx) - u(dv/dx)/ v2

Differentiation_integration - 2! -
∫f(x) dx = F(x) [Indefinite integral]
Where f(x) is called Integrand, x in dx is called variable of integration or integrator
(1) ∫ xn dx = xn+1 + c. (19) ∫ 1/(ax+b)dx = log(ax+b)/a + c.

n+1 (20) ∫ sin(ax+b) dx = -cos(ax+b)/a + c.

(2) ∫ k dx = kx + c. (21) ∫ cos(ax+b)dx = sin(ax+b)/a + c.

(3) ∫ 1/x dx = logx + c. (22) ∫ sec2(ax+b)dx = tan(ax +b)/a + c.

(4) ∫ 1/ x2 dx = -1/x + c. (23) ∫ cosec2(ax+b)dx = -cot(ax+b)/a +c.

(5) ∫ 1/√x dx = 2√x + c. (24) ∫ sec(ax+b)tan(ax+b)dx = sec(ax+b)/a + c.

(6) ∫ e dx
x = e x + c. (25) ∫ cosec(ax+b)cot(ax+b)dx = -cosec(ax+b)/a + c.

(7) ∫ a dx
x = a / logea + cx.
x (26) ∫dx/√1-(ax)2 = sin-1(ax)/a + c.

(8) ∫ sinx dx = -cosx + c (27) ∫dx/(a2+x2) = 1/a tan-1x/a + c

(9) ∫ cosx dx = sinx+c (28) ∫dx/(a2-x2) = 1/2a log(a+x)/(a-x) + c.

(10) ∫ sec2x dx = tanx + c. (29) ∫dx/(x2-a2) = 1/2a log(x-a)/(x+a) + c.

(11) ∫ cosec2x dx = -cotx + c. (30) ∫dx /√a2 + x2 = log(x + √x2 + a2) + c.

(12) ∫ secxtanx dx = secx + c. (31) ∫dx/√a2 - x2 = sin-1x/a +c.

(13) ∫ cosecxcotx dx = -cosecx + c. (32) ∫dx/√x2 -a2 = log(x + √x2 - a2 ) + c.

(14) ∫ 1/√1-x2 dx = sin-1x + c. (33) ∫√a2 + x2 dx = x/2√a2 + x2 ) + a2/2 log(x + √a2 + x2) + c.

(15) ∫ 1/x√x2-1 dx = sec-1x + c. (34) ∫√a2 - x2 dx = x/2√a2 - x2 ) + a2/2 sin-1x/a + c.

(16) ∫ 1/1+x2dx =tan-1x + c. (35) ∫√x2 - a2 dx = x/2√x2 - a2 ) - a2/2 log(x + √x2 - a2) + c.

(17) ∫(ax+b)ndx =(ax+b)n+1/a(n+1)+ c. .

(18) ∫ e(ax +b) dx = e (ax +b) /a + c.

Differentiation_integration - 3! -

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