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Tips Mengerjakan Tes TOEFL Tanpa Perlu

Mengetahui Semua Arti Pada Setiap Soal

(Menggunakan Pola)

Oleh :
Wahid Hidayatullah

King Of King’s
Kata Pengantar

Ebook ini dibuat oleh penulis untuk mengisi kegabutan yang hakiki. Jika terdapat banyak
kosa kata yang mungkin salah ketik atau tidak rapi dapat ditanggung oleh pembaca. Hal ini penulis
telah mencoba membuat seniat mungkin dan semaksimal mungkin agar mudah dipahami. Jika
pembaca memiliki kritik dan saran untuk membantu penulis dalam membuat ebook selanjutnya
penulis sangat berterima kasih.


*Dasar Teori (Wajib Hafal) Time Signal
+Tense (Ada 16 Tense)  Always : Selalu
 Often : Seringkali
1.Simple Present
 Usually : Biasanya
~Verb :  Seldom : Jarang
 Every.. : Setiap …
(+) S + V1/V1S + O + ADV  Never : Tidak Pernah
(-) S + DO/DOES + NOT + VERB 1 2. Present Continous
(?) DO/DOES + S + VERB 1 + ADV? ~Verb :
~Non Verb : (+) S + TO BE (AM/IS/ARE) + VERB (-ING)
(+) S + TO BE + O + ADV (-) S + TO BE (AM/IS/ARE) + NOT + VERB (-
(-) S + TO BE + NOT + O ING)

(?) TO BE + S + O + ADV? (?) TO BE (AM/IS/ARE) + S + VERB (-ING)?

Subjek To Do / Penggunaan Example :

Be Does Verb ∞ Menyatakan kejadian yang sedang
I Am Do Verb berlangsung sekarang
They, We, Are Do Verb
You Dani is sleeping in his room now
He, She, It Is Does Verb+S
(Nama) ∞ Menyatakan kejadian yang akan terjadi
Keterangan Verb (Merasakan, Melihat, PNC, We are coming
To Be (Menyatakan) Time Signal
 Now : Sekarang
Example :  At the moment : Saat ini
∞ Menyatakan perbuatan / peristiwa yang 3.Present Perfect
dilakukan berulang-ulang atau kebiasaan
~Verb :
I watch TV every night
(+) S + HAVE/HAS + V3
∞ Menyatakan kebenaran umum (General Truth)
(-) S + HAVE/HAS + NOT + V3
Sun rises from the east
(?) HAVE/HAS + S + V3?
Subjek Present 5.Simple Past
I Have ~Verb :
They, We, You Have
(+) S + V2 + O
He, She, It (Nama) Has
(-) S + DID + NOT + V1

Example : (?) DID + S + V1?

∞ Menyatakan peristiwa yang diawali dimasa ~Non Verb :

lalu dan akibatnya dapat dirasakan sekarang
(+) S + TO BE + O
We have waited for you for an hour
(-) S + TO BE + NOT + O
Dandy has become a father since 3 months ago
(?) TO BE + S + O?
Time Signal
 Since : Sejak
Subjek To Be
 For : Untuk
I Was
 Already : Sudah
They, We, You Were
 Just : Hanya
He, She, It (Nama) Was
4.Present Perfect Continous
~Verb : Example :

(+) S + HAVE/HAS + BEEN + V-ING ∞ Menyatakan perbuatan / peristiwa yang

dilakukan di masa lalu dan tidak ada kaitannya
(-) S + HAVE/HAS + NOT + BEEN + V-ING dengan masa sekarang
(?) HAVE/HAS + S + BEEN + V-ING? I took a bath in a river with my friends yesterday
∞ Menyatakan suatu kebenaran yang sudah
Subjek Present tidak berlaku
I Have In the past, people believed that humans were
They, We, You Have monkeys
He, She, It (Nama) Has Time Signal
 Yesterday : Kemarin
Example :  Last Month : Bulan Lalu
 Just Now : Baru Saja
∞ Menyatakan peristiwa yang diawali dimasa
lalu dan terus sampai sekarang 6. Past Continous
Ilham have been studying at PNC for 3 years ~Verb :
Time Signal (+) S + TO BE (Was/Were) + VERB (-ING)
 Since : Sejak (-) S + TO BE (Was/Were) + NOT + VERB (-
 For : Untuk ING)
(?) TO BE (Was/Were) + S + VERB (-ING)?
Example : (-) S + WILL/ SHALL + NOT + V1
∞ Menyatakan perbuatan / peristiwa yang (?) WILL/SHALL + S + V1?
sedang berlangsung di waktu tertentu di masa
~Non Verb :
We were watching premier league at 11.00 p.m. (+) S + TO BE(AM, IS, ARE) + GOING TO +
last night V1 + O

7.Present Perfect (-) S + TO BE(AM, IS, ARE) + NOT + GOING

TO + V1 + O
~Verb :
(?) TO BE + S + GOING TO + V1 + O?
(+) S + HAD + V3
(-) S + HAD + NOT + V3
Subjek To Be
(?) HAD + S + V3? I Am
They, We, You Are
He, She, It Is
Example : (Nama)
Keterangan Will (Semua Subjek)
∞ Menyatakan dua kejadian yang sedang Shall (I & We)
berlangsung di masa lalu, berurutan / bergantian
setelah peristiwa pertama selesai diikuti
Example :
peristiwa kedua
∞ Menyatakan sesuatu yang akan terjadi pada
After I had studied PLC at my campus, I went
waktu yang akan datang
We are going to collage tomorrow
8.Past Perfect Continous
It starts to be dark, I will turn on the light
~Verb :
Time Signal
(+) S + HAD + BEEN + V-ING
 Tomorrow : Besok
(-) S + HAD + NOT + BEEN + V-ING
 Tonight : Nanti Malam
(?) HAD + S + BEEN + V-ING?  In The Future : Di masa depan
10.Future Continous
Example : ~Verb :
∞ Menyatakan peristiwa yang diawali dimasa (+) S + WILL + Be + Ving
lalu dan terus sampai peristiwa kedua terjadi
(-) S + WILL + NOT + Be + Ving
I had been doing my homework when you came
(?) WILL + S + Be + Ving?
to my house
~Non Verb :
9.Simple Future
(+) S + TO BE(AM, IS, ARE) + GOING TO +
~Verb :
Be + Ving + O
(+) S + WILL/SHALL + V1
(-) S + TO BE(AM, IS, ARE) + NOT + GOING By the end of this year, I will have studied
TO + Be + Ving + O English for nine years
(?) TO BE + S + GOING TO + Be + Ving + O? Time Signal
 By The Time : Di Akhir
Subjek To Be  By The Of This Month : Di Akhir
I Am
Bulan Ini
They, We, Are
You 12.Future Perfect Continous
He, She, It Is
(Nama) ~Verb :
(+) S + WILL + HAVE + BEEN + Ving
Example :
(-) S + WILL + HAVE + NOT + BEEN + Ving
∞ Menyatakan sesuatu yang sedang berlangsung
(?) WILL + S + HAVE + BEEN + Ving?
di waktu yang akan datang
Fais will be learning next sunday
Example :
At 06.00 p.m. to night, I am going to be playing
game online. ∞ Menyatakan sesuatu yang akan berlangsung di
masa depan
11.Future Perfect
By the end of this month, I will have been
~Verb :
studying at PNC for 3 years
(+) S + WILL + HAVE + V3
Time Signal
(-) S + WILL + NOT + HAVE + V3
 By The Time + S + V1 : Di Akhir
(?) WILL + S + HAVE + V3? Waktu
 By The End This Month : Di Akhir
~Non Verb : Bulan Ini
(+) S + TO BE(AM, IS, ARE) + GOING TO + 13.Simple Past Future
V3 + O
~Verb :
(-) S + TO BE(AM, IS, ARE) + NOT + GOING
TO + V3 + O (+) S + WOULD + V1 + O

(?) TO BE + S + GOING TO + V3 + O? (-) S + WOULD + NOT + V1 + O

(?) WOULD + S + V1 + O?

Example :
∞ Menyatakan sesuatu yang akan selesai di Example :
masa depan
∞ Menyatakan sesuatu yang akan dilakukan di
On November 2019, I will have graduated from masa lalu tetapi tidak jadi dilakukan
I would do my homework yesterday
Time Signal
 Yesterday : Kemarin Example :
 Last Day : Hari Terakhir
∞ Menyatakan sesuatu yang seharusnya telah
 Two Days Ago : Dua Hari Lalu
berlangsung di masa lalu tetapi tidak terjadi
14.Past Future Continuous
I would have done my homework at 12.00 a.m.
~Verb : yesterday
(+) S + WOULD + Be + Ving + O Latihan Soal
(-) S + WOULD + NOT + Be + Ving + O - Every night the watchman turns on all
the light and … around the building
(?) WOULD + S + Be + Ving + O?
every half an hour.
a. Walks
b. Is walking
Example : c. Walked
∞ Menyatakan sesuatu yang sedang berlangsung d. To walk
di masa lalu tetapi tidak jadi dilakukan - Wahid looks very tired. He … for hours.
a. Have studied
I would be doing my homework at 10.00 a.m. b. Has been studying
yesterday c. Have been studying
d. Has studied
15.Past Future Perfect
- A driver who witnessed the accident,
~Verb : took my injured sister to the hospital and
then … my parents.
(+) S + WOULD + HAVE + V3 + O a. Call
(-) S + WOULD + NOT + HAVE + V3 + O b. Called
c. Is calling
(?) WOULD + S + HAVE + V3 + O? d. To call
- A river … from the top of mountain to
the bottom of a valley.
Example : a. Flow
b. Flows
∞ Menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi di c. Flowing
masa lalu tetapi tidak terjadi d. To flow
I would have done my homework at 12.00 a.m. - I … that TOEFL is an easy subject.
yesterday a. Think
b. Am thinking
16.Past Future Perfect Continuous c. Was thinking
~Verb : d. Thought
- Peter … vegetables.
(+) S + WOULD + HAVE + BEEN + Ving + O a. Like
b. Likes
(-) S + WOULD + NOT + HAVE + BEEN +
c. Is like
Ving + O
d. To like
(?) WOULD + S + HAVE + BEEN + Ving + O? - The boy … going to the movies with a
a. He is
b. He to
c. Is
d. Will be
- By the time next week, she … her work.
a. Finishes
b. Has finished
c. Will have finished
d. Has been finishing
- Soekarno, the first presiden of
Indonesia, … on Juni 21, 1970.
a. Died
b. Has died
c. Dies
d. Had died

Kunci Jawaban
+ Word Order, Noun And Pronoun *Noun
*Word order adalah aturan atau tata urutan A. Plural dan Singular
dalam pembuatan kalimat Bahasa inggris.
Singular adalah kata benda tunggal yang
ditandai dengan quantifier berikut : Each, Every,
one of, the number of, a, an
Subj Verb Obj Adve Adv Adver
ect ect rb of erb b of Plural adalah kata benda jamak yang ditandai
mann of time dengan quantifier berikut : some, many, several,
er place a number of
I Ate Rice Greed In Yester
ily the day B. Regular dan Irregular
She Is Now Regular verb adalah kata kerja reguler atau
Singi biasa. Contohnya Study => Studied =>
ng Studied.
He Has The
Open Doo  Bila kata kerja berakhiran -e, maka
ed r cukup tambahkan -d.
 Bila kata kerja berakhiran -y, maka
hilangkan -y dan gantikan dengan -
 Ket. Waktu dapat diletakan diawal ied.
maupun akhir kalimat. Tapi biasanya  Bila kata kerja berakhiran dengan
diletakan diakhir kalimat. huruf vokal dan konsonan, konsonan
 Subjek selalu diikuti oleh predikat lalu tersebut digandakan dan ditambahi
objek, adverb, dan keterangan. dengan -ed.
 Adverb of frequency (never, seldom,
often, usually, etc.) diletakan sebelum Irregular verb adalah kata kerja tidak
kata kerja utama atau awal kalimat. beraturan. Contohnya Buy => Bought =>
Adjective Order
C. Countable noun and Uncountable Noun
Determ Quantity Quality of Si
iner character ze Countable adalah kata benda yang dapat
Ordi Cardi Appear Men dihitung. Contoh :Cars, Computers, boxes
nal nal ance tal
The First Unique Bi Uncountable adalah kata kerja yang tidak dapat
g dihitung sehingga membutuhkan kata bantu (a
Two Pretty Sma Sli glass of water). Contohnya :
rt m
-liquid (water, milk, oil)
-food (meat, bread, cheese)
Age Sha Col Partici Place/ Mater
pe or ple origin ial -languages (Indonesian, javanese)
Old Squ Blu Carve Japann Woo
are e d ese den *Pronoun
You British
Pronoun adalah kata ganti orang/benda yang
berfungsi sebagai pengganti dari kata
orang/benda yang telah disebutkan.
Kunci Jawaban

Latihan Soal
1. You can get …
a. The answer from him
b. The answer from you
c. Answer from him
d. From him the answer
2. Fortunately our friend can … hilal feels
better because … gets a jackpot.
a. She
b. He
c. It
d. I
3. There is something in my bag, …
bothers me
a. It
b. He
c. She
d. They
4. Putri found a smartphone in my room.
That smartphone is …
a. Hers
b. His
c. Me
d. Mine
5. Bogel lived a house … cost one billion
a. Which
b. Who
c. Whom
d. Is
+ Gerund, Infinitive and Passive Voice Present S + Has/Have S + Has/Have
Perfect + Been + Ving + Been +
*Gerund adalah kata kerja yang diubah Continuou Being + V3
bentuknya menjadi kata benda dengan s +by + O
menambahkan –ing setelah kata kerja.
Dapat berfungsi sebagai : Tense Active Passive
Subjek Kalimat Simple Past S + V2 + O S+ To Be (was,
Being president is my ambition. were) + V3 + by
Predikat kalimat +O
Swimming is moving in the water Past S + TO BE S+ To Be (Was,
Objek kalimat Continuous (Was/Were) + Were) + Being +
I dislike smoking VERB (-ING) V3 + by + O

*Infinitive Past Perfect S + HAD + V3 S + Had + Been

+ V3 +by + O
Infinitive dibagi menjadi 2 macam :
infinitive with to (to+V1) Past Perfect S + HAD + S + Had + Been
 Digunakan sebagai subjek Continuous BEEN + V-ING + Being + V3
(Subjek berupa to infinitive +by + O
selalu SINGULAR)
 Digunakan sebagai Adjective
(After Noun) Tense Active Passive
 Digunakan sebagai kata untuk Simple Future S+ S+ Will + Be +
menerangkan kata sifat (After WILL/SHALL + V3 + by + O
Adjective) V1
 Digunakan sebagai kata yang Future S + WILL + Be + S+ Will + Be +
menerangkan kata Tanya (After Continuous Ving Being + V3 + by
Question Word) +O
 Digunakan untuk menerangkan Future Perfect S + WILL + S + Will + Have
tujuan. (Adverb of Purpose) HAVE + V3 + Been + V3 +by
infinitive without to (V1) +O
 Digunakan setelah modal
Future Perfect S + WILL + S + Will + Have
 Digunakan setelah kata kerja Continuous HAVE + BEEN + + Been + Being +
tertentu (Let, Make, Help) Ving V3 +by + O
*Passive Voice

Tense Active Passive Tense Active Passive

Simple S + V1 + O S+ To Be (am,
Simple S + Would S+ Would +
present is, are) + V3 +
Past Future + V1 Be + V3 +
by + O by + O
Present S + To be + S+ To Be (am,
Continuou V-ing is, are) + Past Future S + Would S+ Would +
s Being + V3 + Continuous + Be + Be + Being
by + O Ving + V3 + by +
Present S + Has/Have S + Has/Have O
Perfect + V3 + O + Been + V3
+by + O
Past Future S + Would S + Would Kunci Jawaban
Perfect + HAVE + + Have +
V3 Been + V3 C
+by + O C
Past Future S + Would S + Would
Perfect + HAVE + + Have + A
Continuous BEEN + Been +
Ving Being + V3 A
+by + O

Latihan Soal
1. Every month, I take my lesuire time to
go …
a. To hike
b. To hiking
c. Hiking
d. Hike
2. This section will persuade you … your
a. Changing
b. Changes
c. To changes
d. To be changed
3. Defita! Don’t. stop … Go ahead!
a. Moving
b. To move
c. Move
d. Be moved
4. We know that in 1945 japan was …
a. Destroyed by
b. Destroyed with
c. Destroyed on
d. Destroyed
5. Yuni, before you fill the form don’t
forget … the door.
a. Lock
b. To lock
c. Locking
d. Locks
*Conditional Sentence a. Have listened
b. Had listened
Type 1 : Kalimat pengandaian yang mungkin
c. Listened
terjadi apabila syaratnya terpenuhi.
d. Listen
S + Shall/Will/Can + V1 + If + S + V1 (s/es) 4. If I had … free time, I would have
watched the anime together
Exp : a. Had
He will come here if you call me b. Have
c. Has
Type 2 : Kalimat pengandaian yang tidak d. a
mungkin terjadi, karena peristiwanya sedang 5. If I … you, I would buy a new
berlangsung sekarang. motorcycle
a. Were
S + Should/Would + V1 + If + S + V2
b. Was
Were + S + Adj, S + Should/Would + V1 c. Is
d. Am
Exp :
Kunci Jawaban
He would come here if you called him
Were I rich, I would go all over the world
Type 3 : Kalimat pengandaian yang tidak
mungkin terjadi, karena peristiwanya telah B
terjadi di waktu lampau.
S + Should/Would + Have + V3 + If + S + Had
+ V3
Had + S + V3, S + Should/Would + Have + V3
Exp :
He would have come here if you had called him
Latihan Soal
1. “Will you come the meeting?”
“If you come, I …”
a. Come
b. Will come
c. Do
d. am
2. If the sun …, we should die
a. Didn’t shine
b. Didn’t shane
c. Doesn’t shine
d. shined
3. If he … carefully, he would have
+Adjective Clause In :Country
Adjective Clause adalah anak kalimat yang At : Specific Place
difungsikan sebagai adjective. Dengan demikian
On : Street
adjective clause adalah klausa yang berfungsi
menjelaskan noun. Macam-macam adjective Ex :
clause :
The house is scary
- Relative Pronoun of Subject
- Relative Pronoun of Object I usually play game there
- Relative Pronoun of Possessive The house where/in which I usually play game
~ Relative Pronoun of Subject is scary

Conjunction : Who (Person) ~ Relative adverb of Time

Which (Non-Person) Conjunction : When

That (Person/non person) In/at/on which

Ex : Ex :

My brother is a pilot The day was a special day

He sits behind you I meet you on that day

My brother who/that sits behind you is pilot The day when/on which I meet you was a
special day
~ Relative Pronoun of Object
~ Relative adverb of Reason
Conjunction : Whom (Person)
Conjunction : Why
Which (Non-Person)
Ex :
That (Person/non person)
The reason why I come here is to marry you
Ex :
Latihan Soal
I have a cat
1. The girl … I was introduced is a
I love it very much Balinese.
a. To whom
I have a cat which I love very much
b. Whom
~ Relative Pronoun as Possessive c. Whose
d. Which
Conjunction : Whose (Person)
2. Azizah is the person … novel gets the
Ex : best seller award.
a. Which
I am the boy whose car is broken b. Whose
c. Who
~ Relative adverb of Place
d. that
Conjunction : Where 3. Coca cola is soft drink … from soda and
In/at/on Which a. Made
b. Which made
c. Is made
d. Are made
4. This country is the place … I was born,
live dan will die.
a. When
b. On which
c. In which
d. At which
5. He was admired by the girl … behind
a. Who was sat
b. Sat
c. That sitting
d. Sitting
Kunci Jawaban
+Degress of comparison
Comparisons digunakan untuk membandingkan
dua hal. Kedua hal itu bias sama atau berbeda.

Comparison Formula
Positive S + V + as + adjective/adverb
Degree + as + …
Comparative S + V + adjective +er + than +
Degree …
S + V + more/less + adj/adv +
than + …
Superlative S + V + the + adj + est + …
Degree S + V + the + most + adj + …

Latihan Soal
1. Regi can walk … than you think.
a. More far
b. As far as
c. Further
d. furthest
2. I hope tomorrow will be … than today.
a. Best
b. Better
c. The best
d. good
3. He runs as … as molasses in January.
a. Slow
b. Slowest
c. Slower
d. More slow
4. The modern wind turbine works the …
a. More efficiently
b. Most efficiently
c. Efficiently
d. The efficiently
5. Crystal is as … as her sister.
a. Big
b. Biggest
c. Bigger
d. The bigger
+ Tips and Trik 4. Kalo pada kalimat menggunakan
kata have berarti subjeknya adalah
~Tips Umum
plural dan kata gantinya adalah they
1. Berdoa (pada jawaban kalimat pertamanya
2. Jangan tinggalkan sholat they)
3. Minta doa kepada orang tua 5. Untuk soal error perhatikan polanya.
4. Banyakin minum air putih sebelum Jika ada kata to infinity 2x berarti
atau mau mengerjakan tes yang salah yang tidak to infinity
5. Persiapkan mental (jika pada kalimat error diantara
6. Persiapkan diri agar tidak ingin kata sambung polanya pake ing atau
pergi ke toilet to maka setelah kata sambung itu
7. Sering latihan mengerjakan tes toefl harus ing atau to juga)
8. Focus 6. Kata plural tidak boleh diikuti oleh s
9. Jika mentok, setiap melingkari 7. Hari menggunakan on
jawaban ucapkanlah bismillah. 8. Cek pola soal yang menggunakan
10. Jika waktunya sudah habis, much dan many (much tidak bias
diusahakan semua soal wajib terisi dihitung many bias dihitung)
meskipun salah 9. Untuk soal conditional sentence
11. Tambah kosakata setiap hari pada type 2 jika bukan verb maka
12. Hapalkan kalimat regular dan tobenya wajib were tidak ada was.
irregular 10. Jika kata sambungnya Fanboys ( for,
and, nor, but, or, yet, so) maka
~ Tips Listening kalimat sebelum dan sesudahnya
1. Mencoba latihan dirumah harus satu jenis. (coordinat
mendengarkan percakapan inggris conjuntion)
(Film,Video tutorial, latihan 11. Jika V3 + to infinitif (mencoba dg
listening) usaha)
2. Focus pada orang kedua tetapi 12. Jika V3 + gerund (coba2)
jangan lupa apa yang diucapkan 13. Pada kalimat error jika ada kata both
orang pertama maka setelah noun atau verb maka
3. Tetap focus ke sumber suara pasangannya atau selanjutnya harus
meskipun nomer sebelumnya tidak and (corelatif conjuntion)
tau jawabannya. Both … and …
4. Jangan terpaku pada satu nomer Not only … but also …
Neither … nor …
~Tips Struktur Either … or …
14. Jika kalimat be + V3 itu berarti
1. Cek apakah kalimat tersebut sudah
merupakan kalimat pasif dan jika
memiliki subjek atau verb.
kalimatnya parallel maka kalimat
2. Jika pada soal diawali kalimat to
setelah V3 harus V3.
invinitif + adverb maka jawaban
15. Untuk soal causative clause, untuk
pada juga kalimat awal to invinitif.
kalimat yang objeknya benda maka
3. Kalo pada kalimat menggunakan
100% kalimat itu pasif. Jika
has berarti subjeknya adalah
objeknya manusia maka 100%
singular dan jika singular berarti
kalimat itu aktif.
kata gantinya it (pada jawaban
Aktif :
kalimat pertamanya it)
S + MAKE + O + V1
S + HAVE + O + V1 d. It has reached a decision
S + GET + O + To Invinity 3. The CBT will test you ability to
Pasif : understand spoken English, to read non
S + HAVE + O + V3 technical language, and writing correctly
S + GET + O + V3 (tips no 5 struktur)
16. Atur waktu mengerjakan soal 4. Vaslav Nijinsky achived world
recognition as both a dancer as well as a
~Tips Reading
choreographer (tips no 13 struktur)
1. Main idea biasanya berada diawal 5. Ekonomists have tired to discourage the
kalimat use of the phrase”developed nakon” and
2. Jika kata “indicates” lihat soal dan encouraging the more accurate phrase “
jawaban pasti ada kalimat yang developing nakon” in order to suggest
sama tidak jauh sebelum kata yang an on going process. (tips no 10 dan 11
dimaksud (direct answer) struktur)
3. Jika soalnya menggunakan kata 6. Children enjoys listening to music
“preceding” lihat pada kalimat awal especially on Saturday night (tips no 6
paragraph (indirect answer) struktur)
4. Soal menggunakan kata “following” 7. Altought it cannot be proven presamable
lihat pada kalimat terakhir. (indirect the expansion of the universe will slow
answer) down as it approaches a critical radius
5. Reference (tips no 14 struktur)
It/this => singular/uncountable noun 8. American baseball teams. Once the only
They => jamak contender for the world for the world
6. Jika pada soal menggunakan kata championship, are now being challenged
“meaning” atau “closest in by either Japanese teams and
meaning” lihat line yang sama atau Venezuelan teams. (tips no 13 struktur)
line setelahnya. 9. The were so much people trying to leave
7. Perbanyak kota kata synonym untuk the burning building that the police had
mengerjakan soal jika pada soalnya a great deal (tips no 8 struktur)
langsung kata kerjanya yang 10. Most ducks and goese have webbed toes
dimaksud for swimming and to send on softmud,
while perching birds have feet designed
for grasping branches (tips no 10
Latihan Soal struktur)
11. If the ozone gases of the atmosphere did
1. To answer accurately is more important not filter out the ultraviolet rays of the
than … (Tips no 2 struktur) sun, life as we know it would not have
a. A quick finish evolved on earth
b. To finish quickly 12. If gasdine vapor … , with air,
c. Finishing quickly combustion will occur
d. You finish quickly a. Mixed
2. The cammitte has come and … (tips no b. Had mixed
3 struktur) c. Mixes
a. They have reached decision d. Mixture
b. It have formulated themselves some 13. If person doesn’t have any attorney, the
opinion court … one
c. Its decision was reached at a. Will appoint
b. Appointed
c. Would appoint
d. Appointing
14. If it … more humid in the desert of the
southwest, the hot temperatures would
be unbearable (tips no 9 struktur)
a. Be
b. Is
c. Was
d. Were
15. The internal revenue service … their tax
form by april 15 every year. (tips no 15
a. Makes all American file
b. Makes all American to file
c. Makes the filling of all americans
d. Makes all americans filling
16. It costs about sixty dollars to have a
a. Filling
b. To fill
c. Filled
d. fill
17. general grant had general lee … him at
Appomattox to sign to official surrender
of the confederate forces.
a. Meet
b. To meet
c. Met
d. meeting
18. gia hair is very short because she had
her hair to cut

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