Anda di halaman 1dari 4

1. Adab Seorang dokter muslim.

Adab adalah satu istilah bahasa Arab yang berarti adat kebiasaan. Kata ini
menunjuk pada suatu kebiasaan, etiket, pola tingkah laku yang dianggap sebagai
model.Orang yang beradab dikatakan telah maju dalam tingkat kemajuan (jasmani
dan rohani) atau telah berhasil (sukses).

Seorang dokter muslim adalah seorang muslim itu sendiri, sehingga teladan yang
paling utama adalah Rasulullah Shalallahu Alaihi Wasallam, apapun profesi dan
jabatan seorang muslim.

Adab yang harus dimiliki seorang dokter muslim antara lain dikemukakan bahwa
dokter muslim harus berkeyakinan atas kehormatan profesi, menjernihkan nafsu, lebih
mendalami ilmu yang dikuasainya, menggunakan metode ilmiah dalam berfikir, kasih
sayang, benar dan jujur, rendah hati, bersahaja, dan mawas diri.

Dengan demikian, seorang dokter muslim harus menyadari bahwa ia adalah

khalifah Allah dalam pengobatan yang senantiasa berlaku sopan kepada semua
pasiennya dan selalu mendoakan agar Allah memberikan kesembuhan kepada pasien
yang ditanganinya.

Adab is an Arabic term that means customary customs. This word refers to
a habit, etiquette, behavior patterns that are considered as models. An approved
person has advanced in a level of progress (physical and spiritual) or has been
successful (successful).

A Muslim doctor is a Muslim himself, so the most important example is the

Messenger of Rasulullah Shalallahu Alaihi Wasallam, whatever the profession
and position of a Muslim.

Adab that must be possessed by a Muslim doctor is stated among other

things that a Muslim doctor must believe in the honor of the profession, clear his
lust, deepen his knowledge, use scientific methods in thinking, affection, true and
honest, humble, modest, and introspective.
So, a Muslim doctor must realize that he is khalifah Allah in medicine who
always behaves politely to all his patients and always pray for God to provide
healing to the patients he is handling.

2. Karakteristik Dokter Muslim

Menurut Majid Ramadhan (2004) dalam bukunya “Karakteristik Dokter Muslim”,

ciri dokter yang diharapkan dapat menanggung amanat juga kekahalifahan adalah :

- Aqidahnya benar

- Ikhlas dan tekun dalam kerjanya

- Maksimal dalam spesialisasi profesinya

- Jujur dalam perkataan dan perbuatan

- Punya komitment untuk selalu dapat bermanfaat bagi manusia

- Pemalu, jujur dan menjaga rahasia

- Peka dan penyanyang

- Ikut merasakan rasa sakit pasien (empati) dan membangun optimisme pada pasien

- Rendah hati, tidak sombong dan ramah

- Tidak melebih-lebihkan ongkos dan meringankan yang kesulitan

- Berpenampilan indah

- Menasehati pasiennya, dengan menyuruh kepada kebaikan dan mencegah


According to Majid Ramadhan (2004) in his book "Characteristics of

Muslim Doctors", the characteristics of doctors who are expected to be able to
bear the mandate as well as prefects are:

- True aqidah

- Sincere and diligent in his work

- Maximum in the specialization of his profession

- Honest in words and deeds

- Have commitment to always be able to benefit humans

- honest and keep a secret

- Sensitive and penyanyang

- Participate in feeling the patient's pain (empathy) and build optimism in the

- Humble, not arrogant and friendly

- Do not overstate the costs and ease the difficulties

- Look beautiful

- Advising patients, by telling the good and prevent mungkar.

3. Cause of halitosisduring fasting

When fasting, we do not eat and drink (except between breaking the fast until
dawn), fluid intake is limited. Then there is no salivary stimulus, which is a natural
cleansing agent, containing antibacterial enzymes and maintaining the balance of
bacteria in the mouth. If fluid intake is lacking and there is no salivary stimulus, then
the rate of saliva decreases, so a buildup of bacteria occurs, triggering the occurrence
of halitosis.

4. Lulusan univ islam

graduates of Islamic tertiary graduates are expected to have adequate competence

and capability, especially related to religious life.

graduates in certain limits, managed to understand the teachings of Islam which

originated from the Qur'an and the hadith of the prophet independently, the spirit of
exploring science is increasing, the Islamic concept of science is becoming
increasingly clear, and even the love of students towards the holy book is increasing
until some of them tried to memorize it.4. Lulusan univ islam

graduates of Islamic tertiary graduates are expected to have adequate competence and
capability, especially related to religious life.

graduates in certain limits, managed to understand the teachings of Islam which

originated from the Qur'an and the hadith of the prophet independently, the spirit of
exploring science is increasing, the Islamic concept of science is becoming
increasingly clear, and even the love of students towards the holy book is increasing
until some of them tried to memorize it.

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