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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


The dakhiometry

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The determination of the natural constant Pi with the

compass and straight edge.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

After succeeding to square a circle and to do the reverse operation, it

was prove that during these operations the different surfaces remain
constant. A new method of different form surface comparisons was

The transformations of matter is a permanent construction of the

universe. After these new knowledge of surface relationships, it is time
to think on the fundamental natural constant value that sciences and
technologies need for their developments. This text exposes the method
of determination of a new precise natural constant value for Pi.

This long text is divided in two parts :

1) - 1st part is this text here,

2) - 2nd part is the continuation. Please Click herafter :

Calculation of Pi, next...

About the knowledge failure of Mathematics and Physics.

3) - 3rd part continuation. Please Click herafter :

Algebra irrationality.
The Archimedes' Property is the root of the Algebra irrationality.

A natural factor of form change

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Changing forms?
It is the Absolute Space main characteristic
done according to the Matter Conservation principle.

Here is a new text describing such change type:

Its whole resolution by the Dakhiometry.

If you are the most closely concerned, please, click on this following

DOUBLING A CUBE (2011-2012), Its proof by construction

- determine the validity of the argument if x is irrational the

square of x is irrational and pi is irrational (

- value of pi is irrational clarify the doubt with given some actual

arguments (India)

The current Archimedes' Pi of Mathematics is Irrational. It is a

fact in Mathematics. However, this irrationality has its root in the
millenary mathematicians' erroneous thinking about
Mathematics' nothingness objects.
From at least fiftenn years this site web was open. It see that
not anybody knows that I am not a mathematicians. Really I am
quite from the Dakhiometry discipline a rational science. It base
of science rests on the Concrete discrete Absolute Space of the
universe. While the Mathematics was built on human language
words called as Numbers. Eveything in Dakhiometry can be
described and constructed concretly with the spatial language in
direct relation with any universe object. There is no Numbers in
the universe but only the Quantity concept of the absolute
space. There, no man's irrational believes is allowed. I had given

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

in this web site so many actual reasons that point out this
Mathematics big false conceptions with Numbers.
So, while staying on the spot I would like to go further for so
much more true important problems that sciences yet ignore
than, to have an unceasing chat with Mathematics self-absorbed
behavior about their own quite particular irrational closed loop

How can Rational may be compared with Irrational? How can

reality can be placed aside the Nothingness? May it be some
relationships between the Consciousness and the
Unconsciousness? What does allows Aristote to cladified a
Metaphysic aside in parallel to the Physics? Does it be originated
from the universal laws or from man this eternal dualism
obcession? Life is Science while irrational is from Ignorance even
hidden under a Big Mathematics formulation.

In conclusion
Mathematicians ignore themselves that Mathematics is a most
greatest man's Empirical Work, their first attempt of science.
However they are missing the science gate entrance and science
is now as a big fantasie growing world, the technology door.

- what is the meaning of PI in USA (, USA)

- large + "sacale" + of + institutional + changes + towards + equality

+ in + the + society (, Minnesota, USA)

- Determination + of + the + value + of + pi + theory (Ghana)

- bownload book the fundamental "spposes" of geometry (,


- unique way of understanding the value of pi (USA)

- "discribe" + remedies + in + Viet+nam (VietNam)

- who + said + that + the + area + of + a + circle + is + pi + r +

suared (, USA)

Probaby and surely, it is Me. One rcognizes there my own label or

stamp or style and my fingers' claws.

- postulate one unique circle (, Netherlands)

- third axiom one unique circle (, Netherlands)

The just concept is really one unique cercle. The figure of a circle is no

4 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

more than unique. There is an another unique figure according to its

direct inheritance from a circle. It is the square. Starting from there,
are born figures that are the successive forms, the basis for
multiplicity constructions.

- GOLDEN + RATIO + animation .gif (, Politecnico di Milano,


The Golden Ratio is a factor for harmonious drawing proportion very

used in artistic creation particularly applyed in works of Italian
painters and then, in the whole world.
On a segment of line when a point is situated on its middle, this figure
forms a central attraction of the view. Thus As one take this point as
the main interest then all the rest of this figure will be secondary
factors that are only to underline the central point.

While if a point is situated on this segment shifted aside in the golden

ratio proportion of this segment then this figure means differently than
as its unique centrifugation interest. This figure will be seen in its
whole intrest of a point placed and belonging to its environment.
There is no more one unique central point but a point relatively and
dependent to the whole segment as its envirronment. This
corresponds to a more usual situation for human global intuitive
approach of the reality. Therefore the Golden Ratio on a figure appears
as more harmonious for most of us.

However, the Golden Ratio on a line is only an analytical view point

according to the linear mode. Harmony of figure is more complex. It is
due to more wide manner that should be understood also with
curlivilear mode. Therefore, we should see the Golden Ration also as
in the area proportions and in the golden ratio of light contrast
distrubution on a given painting aera and more larger in the whole 3D
architecture system.

Originally, the Golden Ration is found in the whole figure of a

pentagone. This is really a whole precise situation of sight that gives
the Golden harmoneous effect. But one can found anywhere the linear
Ratio as one can found anywhere the Anciant Pi measurements. In a
complex and chaotic figure, it can be found by hazard a such golden
ratio. However, its has no more the true magic harmoneous aesthetic
effect signification. Despite these hazardeous golden ratios, to much
chaos environment demolishes harmony. But a Golden Ratio between
chaos aera and precise structures one, produces harmony. Such
contrasting situations are used intuitively in modern painting and is no
more linear methods.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

The determination of a rational new and accurate Pi value.

by Nguyên Tân Tài

Law of Construction in Viêt-Nam

el universo y sus consecuencias; the universe and its consequences

(, Venezuala)

What are Mathematics Impossibilities

- Please + explain + the + mathematics + behind + why + squaring +
the + circle + and + trisecting + an + angle + problems + are +
impossible + the + explanation + should + include + concepts + from
+ abstract + algebra. (, Miami, USA)

The argument for Impossibility in easolving some Mathematics problems

was welknown by mathematiciens. I will try hereafter to give somme of
my own reasons on the Algebra Impossibility.

Arithmetics and Algebra and also for the Analytic Geometry is that these
methods rest on the basis of the Number invention. From there, as
Numbers seems to be the Archetype of the universe, Mathematics try to
describe anything in nature as being in space.

Note that Numbers can be basically represented with the Integer series.
On any numerical base, we can represent Numbers as:

1, 2, 3,..., x,..., n.

However, it is really a simplistic archetype for the univers. Because, if

we can go anywhere in the space, the Number-space is no more than

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

this LINEAR system formed by Numbers from 0 to 9. In fact the 0,...,9

should be denoted as:

0, hole, 1, hole, 2, hole, 3 hole,..., hole, 9, hole

this is valid everywhere they are placed in a decimal order.

Transformation of thes successive Number/Hole, will generate obviously

the Irrational Numbers as due to indetermined Holes.

Adding to this elemental Mathematics vocabularies, transformation of

Numbers should use the Euclidean Division Algorithm where Hole
transformation should reproduce themselves and give Holes.

Now with the whole Integer series, as written above, Mathematics

believe that from any Numbers (x) Arithmetic and Algebra can use an
equation to displace or link (x) to an another number, situated anywhere
on this series. As being an universe archetype, it is the same thing that
an equation is a Mathematics vessel that allows to go anywhere
throughout the universe space.

Thus, the mathematic formalism as:

nth root of (x)
are not a Number or an Equation that can define its value.

For example,
nth root of (x)
can designates the whole Numbers series. This means that it is
designating nothing.

Only according to the four operations as addition, substraction,

mutiplication and division, can preciseley define a value.

All other formalisms for writting Numbers are only conventional

conveniences of language symbols.

However, this is the basic difficulty and obstacle for the Mathematics
using Numbers as tool as means for representing the universe even by
abstraction. It is because from any given Number (x), there is no simple
equation as for example from a given:


There is no possibility to go directly from the simple (x).

The reason is that going from one point (A) to the (B) one, it doesn't
suffice to be a point characteristic. A Number (x)n can't give directly an
(x) that is quite different to the [(x)n] position on anywhere of the

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Number series.

The Fermet Last theorem and the remarkable equation: (x)3 = a3 + b3

= ...
give us why it is an impossibility to get directly from any (x) position on
the Number series, to go directly to any another Numbers of this series.

Concerning the Squaring a Circle and the Trisection of an Angle, there is

two basic reasons that Arithmetic and Algebra meet Impossibility to
resolve them. They are:

A) - Any Numbers are succession of language words in conjuction with a

B) - Any Numbers series are not some universe Archetype because, in
the universe space, anything can go from one point to an another
location of the univers space. And the universe space is characterized
C) - It is why, because the Numbers series is a simplistic Linear
structure without no reciprocal possibility of interchanging locations. A
(x)n location can't be changed into an (x) one.

Therefore, the impossibility of the Trisection an Angle and the Doubling

a Cubes, for Linear Mathematics is that in Numbers language:

The Third root of 2 is Impossible with Algebra method.

Why are the problems possible in the Dalhiometry method?

It is because using spatial language directly derived from the Space
property, there is no hindrances as linearly going from point to point on
a single line. But any problem can be resolved according to a more
global view on space according to the Space Structure as synthesis of
constructions. You may note the Squaring a Circle is there due to a
complete permanent space Structure. It is also the case for the
Trisection of an Angle, there is an unique space struture where the
Trisection was fully expressed as the pure permanent Space property.

But why an x2 can be resolved? This is the case of the so-called

Pythagoras property. However this latter was never explained rationally
because the Pythagoras' relationship was only empirically discovered in
The summation of two number squared can be resolved because it is the
case allowed by a well known space struture given by a triangle
rectangle inscribd in a circle. Precisely tell, it is the Dakhiometry Lam-ca
structure. This is precisely possible owing to a space structure and not
by any Algebra formalism. It is why Fermet that manipulated algebraic
formalism, ignored that his Last theorem is false becaure a such
relationship should rest on no else than on a specific space struture.

We can not imagine such global structure with dichotomic Number

series. Because also in the Spatial language, the spatial structure also
can represents the whole Universe Quantity structure. This structure can

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

be applied on the continuity of any segment length as representing an

unit of Quantity.

Therefore, any Number series is neither an Archetype of the universe

nor something that can be used as basic tool for the universe knowledge
because Numbers are too simplistic model, derived only from language

The rational conclusion is:

There are not Impossible problems for Arithmetics and Algebra
but it is the Arithmetics and the Algebra as Number, that
represent the impossible methods for resolving universal

- Plato + saying + philosphy + is + the + contineous + study + and +

struggle + of + life (Pakistan)

- Euclid's third axiom only one circle (Netherlands)

- using + a + compass + and + straightedge + is + it + possible + to

+ construc + rays + to + trisect + any + angle (

In fact, the circle remains still unknown. Really, the Geometry was
formed on the belief that the universe heavenly bodies is floating in
Nothingness. The Platoo copass is only a mechanical system that can
produce a Practical-figure denoted as a circle or rather a wheel. The
first intuition of Geometry was done from empirical observations.

The dividing any angle is from a natural spatial structure like the
Squaring a Circle. That is the fact of a circle as completly formed by a
continuity of preseeding-and-succeeding Point, the perimeter of circle is
rationally defined as a succeeding-and-preceeding Element-of-angle.
On a circle, any not-an-element-angle can be formed as an angle
quantity that can be divided, particularly by Trisection division.
Therefore, with the spatial-language it can be spatially constructed this
division and also by the whole 4-opertions.

This was proved in Dakhiometry fundamentally like was is done for the
squaring a Circle. An angle is there defined as a given point of a circle
that can "see" a same given Arc value on this circle. More generally, as
Euclide's intuitively see it, there are really ONE CIRCLE in the universe.
Therefore, an angle is an ABSOLUTE QUANTITY, independently to any
figure form for example independenly to the Homothetie influence. Due
to the Discretness of matter, any angle transformation is done also as
rational determined quantity. Any angle transformation can be
constructed with the Spatial Language.

The Dakhiometry Angle trisection is proved on any angle value in the

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

continuity of a circle perimeter. The Squaring a Circle proved that

Equality between circle an square indicate the Fulness of matter in the
universe. As for the Minimal length that is reduced to the elemental
matter point, it is also for an angle on a circle that is defined by Three-
Elemental-Points of matter forming this circle. There is NO-ZERO
quantity more generally tell, there is no absolute-VOID or Nothingness
in the universe.

- mathematical + formula + used + by + g-tech + corp. + for + play +

whe + games + in + Trinidad & Tobago (, Miami, USA)

- the + impotance + of + copyright + when + creating + computer +

graphics (New Zealand)

- the impotance of mathematic in everyday life (, South


- Viêt + Nam + building + contruction + law + regulation (,


- mathematic + behind + the + proof + of + the + impossibility + of +

squaring + the + circle (, Embarq Holdings Company LLC)

- the + immortal + birth + of + mathematics + circling + the + square

(, Utimate Internet Access, Southern California, USA)

The mathematics behind the impossibility of squaring the circle is the just
understanding of this proof event. It is the event of true and real space
understanding from there human can get unbounded knowledge on the
wealthy of universal life. A such knowledge is necessarily unlimited as
the construction of universal laws are. It is how to access the human
capacity of deductive though, a mode of universal laws construction
according to aborscence process. This latter is like the sphere property of
how to grow and extend from a center to build its peripherical surface not
because a dependence of some center pressure but according to the
surface enrichment resulting from arborescence process.

- what + to + do + to + accelerete + achievement + of + education +

for + all (Tanzania)

Liberated from usual prejudices on each human capacity, everyone can

then develop his own possibilities for contribution to the wealthy
universal life knowledge.

- importance + of + circle + and + its + properties (Mauritius)

Actually. So great is the circle property consequences for our propensity

of space investigation.

10 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- pi + value + determination (Sheridan College Institute of Technology

and Advanced Learning, Ontario, Canada)

- pythagore + international + pi (Governement of Newfoundland

Labrador, Canada)

- why + squares + are + not + circles (, Florida Atlantic

University, USA)

- where is the radius on a circle (USA)

I'm sorry. It should be: radius = Radius of a circle. I'm confusing it with
the light rays shining from a Solar center.

- pi + accurate (The student Union of Helsinky University of Technology,


- quadrature + du + cercle (Wanadoo, France)


Because of some confusion in Search and Replace key, there is some
extended not optimal world in this text. Please, the most easyest means
for a temporarily equilibrium is to note this following world convention:
"area" = aera

- the + famous + Greek + mathematician + physicist + and +

astronomer + who + shouted ++ eureka ++ when + he + discoverd +
his + famous ++ principe (Canada Québec)

- mathematic + proof + in + life + with + real + analysis (Malaysia)

- calculation + of + pi + value + in + non + Euclidean + geometry (Italy)

- beyond + the + pride + free + download (Vietnam)

- forbiden knowledge (Croatia)

- squaring++the+circle+++ relationship ++ of + heaven + and + earth


These are human words. However its have a quite rational meaning.
Because the suqring a circle is the key of mastering space knowledge. We
human are not closed up on a planet even if the Earth is for us a most
actractive cradle. It is why understanding the space matter through the
Space Constant allows us to enter in the heaven to enlighten more justlty

11 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

the celestial of heavenly bodie formation mechanic. It is from there our

real origin of existence and thus understanding the whole universe space
is a first basic step of understanding life.

- Uncertainty + in + "area" + of + circle + because + of + Pi + value


- the + day + all + measurement + disappear + from + our + life + like

+ compass + scale + etc + related + to + maths (India)

... is the day where human becomes schizophenic.

- why + is + it + impossible + to + square + a + circle + and + what +

does + this + have + to + do + with + pi (Canada)

You know it the origin of the impossible law coming from the last
centuries where mathematicians became impotent in geometric resolution
of some problem. The origin comes from the epoch where mathematic
diverged into usual use of conventional language to measure space with
the possibility to expresse space with numeric expressions. This a quite
imprecise method and doesn't fit with the universe space element
precision. Thus with the squaring a circle, the angle trisection and the
doubling a cube, mathematicians telle that any number can fit with such
problem resolutions. Thus is impossible what can't be constructed withe
only the compass and the edge. And number that are used to measure
such impossibility is somme irrationnal and transcendental ones. Here is
the real repudiation of space by the human number language. The real
orign of such gulf between space elements with the human number
language worlds was from Pythagore that have a great devotion with his
number inventions.

In fact theorem of impossibility means really theorem of mathematician

Impotance to get the understanding the spacial elements with which they
are directly built for life.

The Pi has nothing to do with the squaring a circle because it is a simple

particular trick for the Anciants to try a definition of the circle perimeter
with its diameter.

Only the squaring a circle can give the Space Constant with which a real
vast gate is opened for allowing to enter in the matter space of the
universe. A simple example is how it allows to know by deduction aeras
and volumes of solid forms. The notion of the old Pi is far from such

- accurate + experimental + value + of + pi (Pakistan)

12 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Congratulation for such measurements. Because it need a high sensitive

and precise measurement device, at least with accuracy of 1/1000 !

- precision+measurement +through +verification +of+ the+value +of+pi


- pi cake infinite (Iceland)

- What is "mathamatic" pie (New Zealand)

- circle + mystery + mathematics (Colombia)


- new + value + for + pi (Iceland)

- when + was + "mathamatical" + pi + invented (Canada)

If a "mathamatical" Pi is concerned then, may be, it is the one described

in this text as the Space Constant.

I resolve the squaring a circle during spring 1982. It took me about least
than one week (exactely 3 days) to reach a convinced solution of the
squaring by spatial figures. However, I need approximately two months to
turn over and over around it to have a steady and clear valid solution.
The reciprocal of the squaring a circle was discovered during this period.
Then after that, I have to do bibliographic works to have a global view of
what was done about the Pi and the squaring a circle all along its history.
Note that because I did not have a clear idea on the anciant's works on
the squaring a circle that I succeeded easily to resolve this problem. It is
because I had no preconception and was standing before a virgin field
where I had to create everything for thinking. I can't talk about and
reveal my discover of the squaring solution to anybody. Everybody in
scientific world are deaf as a post about a such problem and also I prefer
to do not being bored stiff and then to be qualified as raving mad. Some
more long years was needed to really understand and to construct the
real basic proof of the Squaring a circle phenomenon in the universe. It
consists to prove the equality of surface of two different figure forms. It
is due to my knowledge on the basis of circle properties. The result in the
present days, is to know many ways of how to construct a squaring a
circle and a most important aspect is how to use and apply the different
modes of the Space Constant to resolve multiple rational and precise
space problems. The rich consequences of this Constant is truly endless.
It is really the key of rational space knowledge, physically and

- Natural factor (India)

13 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- what + is + "teh" + definition + of + pi (Canada)

Space appears in two different forms of continuity denoted as its

recurrence property. There is a real Space Constant for space harmony to
link these two different forms of continuity. circle and square mutually
inscribed contain the relationship of these two different space
continuities. It appears as a Constant allowing direct transformation
between circular curves and straight line.
According to this Space Constant, complete forms transformations can be
done in space for construction. Particularly, the surface and volume of
different basic solid forms are easily precisely determined owing to this
Space Constant. The Ancieant's approximate Pi is only a particular name
of a composant of this Universal Space Constant linking the circle
diameter and its circumference.

- how + do + you + determine + "teh" + value + of + pi (Bangladesh)

- how + invented + "th" + number + pi (UK)

Pie was produced by cooker before the term Pi come to any thinking.
Thus, it was the proof of an anterior invention of "e" for a lunch before a
good scientific research for Pi.

- proofs + explaining + the + importance + of + pi + because + of + its

+ role + in + a + circle + relationship (USA)

Actually. And more Pi is a key allowing to get the mastering of volumes

and gravity center. And also is very important, how to get the space
direction denoted as Angle. This is done through the Constant that allows
a direct corresponding portion of curve to a segment. This is the
authentic and exact trigonometrie.

- influence + of + squaring + the + circle + on + pi (UK)

- how + accurate + is + the + value + of + pi (, In2cable,


- MOST + ACCURATE + VALUE + OF + PI (Netherlands)

- pi + ying (Japan)

- proofs + of + the + value + of + pi (Brunei Darussalam)

14 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- invented + mathematic + pie

- "proff" + resolution + simple + example (Sri Lanka)

- between + a + circle + and + a + square + equation (Monaco)

- formula de constante (Venezuela)

- pi + symbol + founder + applications + origin (Bhutan)

- Inventor + of + Pi + Day (USA)

- if + two + different + planes + intersect + their + intersection + is +

what + "fugure"

- PROVE + THAT + A + SQUARE + IS + A + circle + proof

- The + rational + new + Pi + accurate + value + resolution

- what + is + now + the + greatest + value + of + PI ? (Hong Kong)

This is a fundamental question.

Since millenaries, there was a Pi value fluctuations. There was le lowest;
then the greatest, then the longest Pi value. How can we play basketball
when there are many balls on the playing field ? Fortunately, the Pi value
is not particular human dependent. Now, it is simply a universe space
constant. A such constant value is nor lowest nor greatest. Because of
this universality everyone can accesses to this Pi value in reading the
space. Therefore, we can tell that this universallity of knowledge is the
greatest human gain.

- longest + pi + number + reached (USA)

- if x is a rational number and y is an irrational

number and z=x y is z a rational number or an
irrational number? please give a brief
explanation for your answer (, Atlanta,

In the Dakhiometry it is proved that there is no

irrational Number.

15 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

But, aside using a calculator, how are we used to do a multiplication?

This figure shows it. It begins to the first multiplication with the most
right number of the lower part. Then when it is done, multiplication
continues successively with its next left one until all the whole lower part
digits is exhausted. Their results should be precisely ordered in columns
to be added as a whole.
How can we do it if an irrational number, e.g. (3.1416...), is composed by
ending points as "Not a Number" things? How can we ordered in columns
a series of points where there is no possible distinction between points as
a number can do it?

Any operation needs a precise determined quantity. A rational number is
precisely characterized by a precise quantity. The precision property is
both a Begining together with an End. Note that according to this
definition, a Circle is a rational form.
An irrational number if there, is never ended. It means that it is never a
precise quantity number.
Therefore, rationally done, any irrational number is a ghost and then can
never produce any transformation into a (z).

- Petit + test + de + math +(+ s.v.p.:+ ne + paniquez + pas+)+!

+ Ceci + est + une + illusion + d'optique+.... avec + des + chiffres +! +
Cette + énigme + doit + être + résolue + dans + votre + tête + sans +
papier + ni + crayon.

++ Prenez + 1000 + et + additionnez + 40. +...

+ Afficher + davantage ++ Maintenant + additionnez + encore + 1000.
++ Maintenant + additionnez + 30. + Encore + 1000.
++ Maintenant + additionnez + 20.
++ Maintenant + additionnez + encore + 1000.
++ Maintenant + additionnez + 10.
++ Quel + est + le + total ++ Avez-vous + obtenu + 5000 ?

Determination Method of squaring a circle

At the time where this text on Pi resolution was presented here as

it is, many basic theorems were not able to presented. Therefore,
the basic proof of the surface equality can't be shown presently.
Because there is an another spatial simple proof of surface equality
between a circle and a square that needs a quite different basic

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

spatial knowledge other than the classical Geometric methods. This

are direct comparisons of different surface forms and not as a
product of two sides of figures. Then you may note that this
following Pi is a real rational precise constant of the universe
surface property. This proff will be given a next day, when the basic
Dakhiometry method will be exposed. There is now a new real
method of spatial knowledge that the Geometry had known only
with a very remote view.

The squaring a circle is a structured surface transformations. The circle

an the square are different class of surface forms. However, if this change
is a rational reality, this means that they are closely linked in a same
matter structure. Because this latter is permanent it should remain
somewhere in the circle and the square. This is the logic of matter

Therefore, one should find this logic structure in space locations that are
common for these figures, after their transformation. This is the reasons
to paid attention at the intersection points of the circle and the square of
same surfaces.

In this text are used mathematics symbols convention :

[ 1/2 ] = { 1/2 ], a half

{ . ] >>> multiplication
{ / ] >>> division
[ sqr(...) ] >>> Square Root of the expression in parenthesis.

Here on the left of this figure, are the circle and the square after a
surface form change.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

1 - Paid attention to the intersection points. They are placed around

the circle and the square, with particular precise symmetry.

2 - With relations between these points, one should compute the red
triangle, on the left. There is more of this triangle deduced from the
central symmetry of the whole figure. This triangle will be expressed
as functions of the lengths c, a and b of the triangle, draw on the right
of the figure.

- Figure+1 + show + the + triangle + circle + square (Japan)

Thank you for this very interesting remark because it gives me an opportunity to throw light on the
fundamental of thinking or reasonning.
It is probable that one can show a squaring a circle can be done by a triangle or other forms construction.
Current Anciant mathematics' method is to use any geometrical object to build a solution. It is so when men
want to build their houses, they take rock, sand, mud and vegetation, all what they can find around them.
Next, one tells that he had created an object. This is the creation concept for human. Extending this concept
one tells that there is a greatest being who can Create without the need of finding materials...
We can note that in this situation there is nothing really founded as a creation concept. This is only
mechanisms of putting empirical ideas one next to the others and then from this heap of ideas man is going to
descirbe describe the World. One can call this proceeding as an anthropomorphic imaaginary.

- prooving + pi (Isreal)

- "descirbe" + pi + determined (Australia) Spposed that for example, a triangle can make a square from a
circle. From this result, there is no new idea, no new concept that can be revealed from space. In this case the
fundamental question is : where does come from a triangle ? What is the postulate for a triangle and the
consequences of this postulate ? Then somebody can invalidate this squaring a circle through the triangle, by
proving prooving that the triangle need angle definition. Because angle definition is only precisely defined by
the perpendicularity in a right angle. And where come from a right triangle ? Also there, a right angle is one
property of the circle ! And where come from a circle ? Here our thought meets a logic crossroads and a circle
is a direct Space Postulate : the circle is not a form. The circle is precisely the PERMANENCE REMNANT.

Therefore, as a square has precisely this right angle property then, a triangle that creates a square, is a
TAUTOLOGY. Consequently, a triangle that allows to create a square from a circle is an illusion of
anthropomorphic thinking type.

Now, why does on the figure-1 one can see a triangle in a circle ? The basic conscience is to see there only the
consequence of an ALREADY RESOLVED squaring a circle. Because we got the square directely from the circle
then, we can examine this finished construction for the purpose of measurement analysis. It is the real case
from that we can get the next formula of the Space Constant.

You may note,

that I suggest to any mathematician interested on the question, the possibility of acquiring my works on the
basic Dakhiometry theorems. Amongs theses theorems there are basic circle angular properties defined by
theorems. Please, read the note at the beginning of this page.
Because I don't make repetitive long discourses on the consciousness of differences. I will end any more
explaination nor newer proove other matter properties. I note that there is a real wall between the
Dakhiometry and the current learning that underistimate or believe that the Dakhiometry is an obvious simple

The figure-1 show the general process of the constant Pi determination.

Then from the figure-1 we have relations following :

18 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

L22 + L32 = L12

a2 + b2 = c2

We are going now to compute the length [ Li ] with the a, b and C


Let us return back to the Beginning of the universe ! This is not a

pompously speaking. The beginning of the universe is a rational Change
of matter, why do we not included it in the rational talk? Remind that the
Beginning of the universe construction is the squaring a circle. It consist
first of inscribing a little circle in a quadrant of the great circle.

- geometrical representation of pi (India)

- astronomical intersection
(, India)

- moment of inertia two intersection disks

(Racunarski centar Univerziteta u Beogradu,
Belgrade University Computing Center,

- geometric representation of proportion

system (, USA)

- pi and geometric figures (, Romania)

If the new Pi is used in curent technologic

application then there is a method of spatial
caluclation that allows to get any length Pi
applied in spatial construction of
transformations. This allows do avoid the
Algebraic systematic errors du to the bad
division algorithm and to the irrational holes
in Numbers theory. The spatial construction is
very simple in calculation for example used
by digital systems.

- fullmetal (, Japan,

- stone transmutation circle (Philippines,

19 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


- philosopher stone circle (Brazil)

A true stone when one have some unbounded

sight of its lighting in the space structure
understanding. But the true Space Constant
is not in the form of the Anciant's Pi relatively
to the circle diameter. The Space Constant is
active mainly in the form of the ratio (Pi/4).
The ratio forms is valid data for both linear
and circular space aspects.

- full metal Alchemist transmutation circle

(, Brisbane, Australia)

Really indeed. From lead into immutable

golden Gold.

- pure geometrical constructions with ruler

and compass (India)

I am sorry but anyone should remain in great

contradiction when he persists to denoted the
Dakhiometry as Geometry. This shows that he
is misunderstanding the Dakhiometry new
method and continues with a blindfold living
in the narvel of a old dead Geometric
empirical science. If one doesn't change his
language vocabulary it is useless to seek
some renew and he is degrading the
Dakhiometry when seeing it as belonging to
Mathematics set of tricks and recipes.

- the true philospher's stone (,


It is really a true logic philosopher stone

according to that it is used quite in magic
manner, for planar aeras and volumes
déterminations as a logic transformer agent.

- Full metal alchemist-alchemy circles

(, Australia)

- Alchemy ancient philosopher stone

(, Canada)

- how many straight lines can you draw in a

circle (New York, USA)

20 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

If only lines of different Direction is in

account then, there is unbounded number of
possible lines.
It is as a given defined angle (A1) is written
(Bi) = (A1) + n.Pi
where n is any number to define unbounded
direction (Bi).

- Fullmetal Inverse transmutation circle

(, Canada)

- immortality circle trasmutation (,


Its meaning is really the immortality of the

universe construction.

- transmutation circle for a philosipher stone

(, Florida, USA)

Actually. It can be The Circle as the

Transmuttation event that creates the
Philosophal Stone under the structure of
Because a such Stone allows really, a so
whealthy unbounded understanding on the
universe constructions. This is the Golden
unbounded Knowledge Transform series that
opens a large precise horizon of conscience
on the universe.
You are informed that amongst others, the
Trisection-of-Any-Angle solution is given so
simply from this philosophal Stone. The circle
can be natuarlly divided by 2. the
Dakhiometry can divide the circle by 3. This
means that The Dakhiometry can divide
the whole circle POINT-to-POINT.
The Circle properties are really the
remanence of the universe principles ones.

- angle + trisection + 2011 + default +

method (Egypt)

With the Diakhiometry Squaring a

21 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

circle, it can be seen that most of

mathematicians visitor of this site have
a very little understanding of what is
the meanning of a such problem
Most of them are eternally crying after
their "Holly Pi". They are worshiping
their "Archimdes' Pi". This shows that
practical nobody have some just idea on
a such important resolution.

The knowledge is a rational open way

for accessing the universe realities.
According to that science should rest on
the man capacity of thinking using
successive reasons, this means that
science should rest on basic Facts of
the universe. The squaring a circle is
the determination of one main basic
universe Facts. However, usual mode of
mathematicians' thinking is to be
formated by millenary dogma.
What can produce fogma?
It can be seen that Mathematics dogma
produce only an amount of Tricks and
receipts. The Pi is one of these Big
recipes. Thus, with the squaring a circle
most of mathematicians and scientists
see the squaring a circle nothing else
than a new recipe of "an Old Pi to
adjust or to corrected". Thus, for most
of the visitors, "from a Mountain was
born a Mouse".
This a political or conservtism mode of
society behavior but not a rational
science method.

What have to do the squaring a circle

and the Trisection of an angle? From the
squaring a circle Fact, all the
possibilities of chaining multiple ways
of reasoning is like the sudden
appearance of all the river sources on
the Earth for science reasonning
Understanding the squaring a circle,
allows to get the understanding the
space direction properties particularly
what is denoted as the ANGLE.
Do one nows how Mathematics ave the

22 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

understanding of an Angle?

Due to tle millenary dogma,

Mathematicians has a false
understanding on what is an angle.
Mathematician temps to resolve the
Trisection according to their ignorance
on the Circular space. They see an
angle with no more than a Linear Trick.
One tempts to resolve the Trisection on
the Linear figure of an angle formed by
famous lesson from Archimedes' trying
to suggest a Trisection of angle on the
riddle of two lines intersecting figure!
Therefore what can we do when we talk
about the Circular property while we
are no more thing to do than with our
big ignorance of the Circular property?

Now I tell what the squaring a circle

allows us to built a New true human
science that is not still existing from
the beginning of the universe!

1) - The Squaring a circle allows the

unify our knowledge on the Reality of
the universe homogeneous and
isotropic Space as the Simultanneity of
Circular and Linear one.
2) - A straight length is quite different
from a Circular one according to that
Circular and Linear properties are Quite
3) - An angle is not formed by two
intersecting lines. This a millenary
belief of the Ancients, the Gods of the
Modern Mathematicians.
4) - The squaring a circle allow to see
that The Time is an illusion of the
another believes of the Anciant Gods.
Anything of the universe should be
understood by a True science as the
property of the universe Space. The
Trisection can be resolved simply with
such New true knowledge.
5) - The squaring a circle seen as a
trick to determine the old recipe Pi, is
no more than the different societies
that behave in their political and

23 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

conservatism bahavior. This is a

diagnostic of their civilisation being in
decadent. Only rational and exact new
science can allow wealthy Life
developments in sociiety for human.

- endless giometric figures (Armenia)

- art + geometric + net (,

Michigan, USA)

- transmutation + circle + physics

(, Thailand)

Actually a transmutation physical event.

The circle (C1) is really the Golden Key to
human Knowledge Golden Gate.

- step + how + to + use + geometric +

construction (Philippines)

- full + metal + alchemist + human +

transmutation + circle + explanation

- "Tha" + universe + evolution (USA)

- Pi + and + Art (, USA)

- human + transmutation + circle

(, Maryland, USA)

- easy + transmutation + circle

(, Guam, USA)

- human + transmutation + circle + .gif


Further away the different institution

conservatisms, when whith the true
knowledge on Circle, well beyond the old one
from mechanical compass made of, human
transmutaion will be effective at an open gate
for being wholy inscribed as an entire part of
the whole universe reality.
However, the Circle is still non-existant in the
current sciences.

24 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Philosopher's + Stone + Transmutation +

Circle (

It consists to discover the Just-Stone and
simply to put it at the Just-Place... -
Philosopher's + Stone + Transmutation +
Circle (

This really the case for circle (C1) the

inscribed in a circle-quarter.

- Philosopher's + Stone + Transmutation +

Circle (

- philosopher's + stone + transmutation +

circle (, Annecy)

- Philosopher's + Stone + Transmutation +

Circle (..)

- Philosopher's + Stone + Transmutation +

Circle (

- stone + circles + Lebanon (,


- geometrik C5%9Fekillerle simetrik resimler


- Real + Blood + Demon + Transmutation +

Circles (

- true + transmutation + circle (, S


Actually, the mutual Circle/Square

transformations are from real transformations
by Transmutation. A trasmutation is done
necessary according to the Energy
Conservation principle from pre-existent and
permanent universe.

- Philosopher +Stone+Transmutation+Circle
(, Texas)

It is really one amongst many rational tools

used by matter for transformation.

- Blood + Transmutation + Circle

25 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

The symmetric
positions of the
two great circles
show any
that allows to
place the same
little circle C1 in
the different
precise locations
of the figure.
Particularly we
can note that :

L2 = R of C1

- construcciones + geométricas (Mexico)

- Transmutation + Circle + Philosopher + S +

Stone (

- how + to + draw + transmutation + circle


- number pi and arts (Romania)

- circle axioms (Bahrain)



- geometric constructions using straight lines,

angles and circles (, Belize)

- draw transmutation circle (,

Michigan, USA)

- philosopher's stone transmutation

26 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


This is the true notation for a such space-Key
that allow the unlimited understanding of the
universe space. This latter is the human
intrinsic property that allows to get the real
living for everybody. The basic understanding
of the universe Facts is to have a good
understanding on the whole space. This latter
is no more than the true being language of
life for the multiplicity.
Until now Mathematics methods are quite
ignoring what is Space because they ignore
that human knowledge needs a Key playing
the role of a true philosopher-stone. This
latter is no more than a necessary Key to
open the knowledge gate.
It is why mathematicians can't resolve the
basic three mathematic problems of the
squaring-a-circle, the trisection-of-an-angle
and the duplication-a-cube. Because we have
to know what are the common "impossibility"
points between these three problems.
Precisely, these three mathematic
impossibilities is due to the ignorance of the
space knowledge transmutation owing to a
real "philosopher's stone".
These three mathematicians' impossibilities
are due to the ignorance of the CURVILINEAR
SPACE property!
On may note that the Dakhiometry can
precisely resolve these above three basic
problems -and more- because it is perfectly
defined there the space as having the LINEAR
and CURVILINEAR main properties.

Really the universe knowledge must be done

fully throughout the direct and reciprocal
trips between the Linear and the Curvilinear
of the absolute space. The relationship
between these reciprocal space need a Key
for space transmutations that acts magically
like this so called "Philosopher's Stone". The
magic in no ùore than the direct space
property application.

Practical Example:

27 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

All the object surfaces and volumes are

preciely and simply spatially defined
according the direct use of the Spatial
Curvilinear Key. This latter is denoted in
Dakhi-Hoc as the Space Constant TT.
Consequently their mass-center can be also
perfectly and rationally defined.

A such simplicity give the true notion of the

reality denoted as the "Philosopher's Stone"!

Thus, we get a first determination of the length L2 :

L2 = R of C1

Now, what about L1 and L2 ?

The figure-3 is going to light it.

- what signe and symblos we can see in cubism (, New

South Wales, Australia)

- mathematical formulation of cubism (UK)

- mathmatic (Korea)

- new + cubist + architecture (HongKong) - mathmatic (Taiwan)

- new Taiwan architecture (Taiwan)

- jardin + imaginaire + centre + de + symetrie (UK)

- fantastic + building + architecture + in + Taiwan (Peru)

- middle + school + cubism (USA)

- cubist + building + in + Saudi + Arabia (Saudi Arabia)

- Egypt + cubism (Philippines)

- Taiwan + fantasy + digital + art + fantastic (Bulgaria)

- cubist + architecture (Mexico)

28 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Actually, you are right. Because the Dakhiometry knowledge use

the universe absolute space language, it is really the Architectural
Art for exact Science using true equality relationships.

- usuel + is + beautiful (Bulgaria)

May be, according to its authenticity.

- cubism + in + architecture (Vietnam)

- the + art + of + pi (Ireland)

- who + and + how + discovered + the + value + of + pi (United

Arab Emirates)

Mystery of Human's adventure on Earth.

Pi is not a characteristic of the circle. Thus going towards the
unknown Circle is like to catcjh at shadows.

But Pi is only the Linear factor in space. Fundementally, Pi is the

Relationship the purpose of which is to get access into the basic
Circular universe. It is why one should perform the Squaring a
Circle to get the Pi revealed, this relationship: the handshake-Pi
between the Circle and the Linear Square to be abble to get the
unbounded matter relationships enlighten in universe Space.

- pi + get + real + geometrik (Greece)

1 - In this figure, we can see that L1 is equate to the half of a
diagonal of a square of an edge of length C

29 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

It appears to me that there was some objections about the proof of

the Lenght [L1].

It seem to me because there is no clarifyed objection and I do not

understand what it concerns from some unprecise words.

And may be, there is some pleasure to say

- erroneous + demonstration...

Well with such "mathematical rigors" I understand how mathematics

stand momified since a so long thousand years.

Then, hereafter are resumed how [L1] is equated.

Note for someones that he can not prove that there are somme
mathematical errors in my proves. This is because I can prove them in
different ways that yield sames results.

Now, to show that I have proved the equality of lenght [L1] let us
resume the anterior figure of an anterior text where it is shown how
[L1] is equal to the half of the diaginal diagonal of the square of side

- circle + theorems + 7 + rules (Russian federation)

- sancal + Singapore (Singapore)

- line + square + circle + triangel + architect (Norway)

- six + circles + theorem (USA)

- matematic + sqaure (Myanmar)

- matematic + logo (Mongolia)

- mathematical + impossibility + formula (Finland) - cubism +

architecture + mountain (Iraq)

- architect + calculation (Australia)

Information may be precisely get from arcitectural structure.

- eureka + Kuwait + vector + logo (kuwait)

- teoremler geometri (Turkey)

- pi + get + real + geometrik (Greece)

30 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- the - physical - impossibility - of - garfield - in - the - mind - of -

someone - living (, Oregon)

- Squaring + the + Circle + Proof (

- cubist + architecture (Singapore)

- diagonal + of + the + square + proof (Poland)

- cool + things + in + Germany (, USA)

It is there remarkable that a square inscribed in a given circle is also

point-to-point inscribed in the corresponding transformed square of
this circle. This means that the common inscribed square aera proves
that the circle and its transformed square aeras are both equal.
Therefore, the triangle (L1-L2-L3) aera is equal to the one of the circle
sector of chord (L1).

- square + and + compass + Ireland (Ireland)

- square root compass ruler (Germany)

- cool things to do with a compass and straightedge (, s.o.

Calofornia, USA)

- how to draft a golden rectangle with a compass and straightedge

(, Massachusetts Rhode Ismand School of Design, USA)

31 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- mathmatic (Mongolia)

- the construction of the mathmatic golden compass (,


- tangent and normal lines in circle (Malaysia,


- vicious circle ekonomi (Indonesia,


- The Cosmological Circle (, USA)

Really, the circle is the circular cosmos remanance appearing

everywhere in the universe construction. It is why looking reality
through the circular structure can reveal solutions of most problems.

- Pisagor teoremi (Turkey)

- NZ inventions (, New Zealand)

- Cosmological Squared Circle Pics (, New Zealand)

- technicaldrawing Underground New York (TU-Berlin.DE, Technische

Universität Berlin, Germany)

- parabol circle equal radius (Vietnam)


(, USA)

- history + Pithagoras

- square inscribed in circle (USA, New York State, Syracuse University)

- inscribed a square in a circle (Dublin City University, Ireland)

- pi equals (, Maryland, USA)

On this figure it was tell that an extended Pythagoras' theorem is


For circles
|A] + [B] = [C]

32 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

For squares inscribed in this circles :

square[A] + square[B] = square[C]

These relations are deduced from analysis of the squaring the circle.
The conclusion is that [L1] is the side of the square inscribed in the
circle [C] .

Now, with a simple new effort, you may double this square of side
[L1]. Thus, you get the square of side [c] that is the square
circumscribed of the cercle [C]. Consequently,

[L1] is actually the half diagonal of the square of side [c] as it is

said above.

These are sufficient mathematical reasons of the proof of the

[L1] equality. No need to turn around other strange tricks.

Note also on the figure :

According to the symmetry of circle (C) and its transformed
square one get a direct relationship :

b = L3 - L2

Therfore the [b] value is given in the formula listing as next


I verify it, there is no thoughtless errors in writing this HTML

page, at least for what is concerning here on the Pi formula. -
rond + square + number

2 - And for L3, we have (a + b)/2

From figure-3 we can see the length value of L1 :

L1 = (1/2).(c).(sqr(2))

Note that [sqr(...)] means Square Root of the number in the following

On fig-3, it is clear that the sum of the C2 and C1 diameter is equate to

the edge length of the square that is the length [ a ]. With the placement
of C2 and C1 on the square edge, it is obvious that :

L3 = (1/2).(a + b)

33 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

We have succeed to evaluate the red triangle of figure-1, as function of

lengths a, b and c. Resume it as follows :

L1 = (1/2).(c).(sqr(2))

L2 = R of C1

L3 = (1/2).(a + b)

The job is not quite finished. Because L2 is function of an unknown radius

of C1. Let us go for determining the radius of the circle C1 with the
following figure-4.

The diagonal of a square circumscribed
to circle C has a known difference [d]
with its edge. This is the diameter [d]
of the circle C'1.

Now considering a homothetic of center

O, we can concluded that the circle C'
is equate of 2.C. The result is that :

C'1 = C1

- Square + root + proportion + in + architecture (Egypt)

- pi circle (Argentina)

- equivalent square width of circle (,, State of Missouri,


- polygon circle constant (Korea)

Golden circle C1 with the Dakhiometry Calculator Structure

34 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- how to structure a transmutation circle (, Michigan, USA)

You underline there the efficient basic space method.

The usual mathematic problem is to pose any factor on a problem then,
to turn around this latter to find some remarkable points that may give
a solution. This is a true empirical randow manner.
However, knowing that any problem is necessary inscribed in the space,
therefore, any problem should be from a spatial structure. It is because
without such basic spatial law, there is no universe reality but only
Thus, the true solution of any problem is to find at first its space
environment. because any of it solution is necessary inscribed there.
With a better acquaintance of the space properties, we can rapidly place
a problem in a space structure. It is the real way for a method that
drives to the solution, with a real certainty on it.
This should be the only rational way for any science.

- application + of + circle + squaring + to + determination + of + pi


Because the relationship between a Curve and a Line is a Great

problem, its resolution is directly get from the Squaring a Circle
construction. The relationship between a Curve and a Line is precisely
there and no elsewhere.
It basic proof is that the Space is not Manipulation of Forms but is
strictly constructions with elements as Points, Lines and Curves.

- beauty - pictures - relating - to - direct - and - inverse - variation - in

- the - field - of - mathmatics (, Japan)

- Hô + chí + Minh + vector (Vietnam)

"Minh vector" is significant to "enlightenment vector"

- visual structure of plane using square triangle circle (Pakistan)

This squaring circle construction and calculation, proved really that

universal law are expressing only in planar 2-dimensions mode.

- geometrical + determination + of + pi (Argentina)

- geometric + constructions (Philippines)

This Space-calcultator is an authentic spatial-structure creation to
get the solution.

35 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

One can note that all the Squaring a Circle method, are done
successfully according and certainly only to the Dakhiometry
method of space-structure creations!
It is the real Dakhiometry method that has nothing to do with the
current Mathematics.

- construct + golden + circle (Austria)

- square quadrant circle top view (Netherlands)

It can be done the same central symmetry rotation for the

corresponding circle (C) with (K). This shows interesringly their
characteristic on corresponding intersection points. These latter define
the position of the triangle (L1, L2 and L3) in this structure. These
common intersction points, are situated by the central square with (E, O
and F) as diagonal.
This structure proves that the circle (C1) is precisely inscribed in a
quarter of the circle (C) with its radius dimension.

- The + Golden + CIRCLE + TRIANGLE (Saudi Arabia)

The Golden Fleece for answering to the Sphinx' enigma...

- finding pi exact value indestructible clothes (Australia)

- pi + formula (Croatia Hrvatska)

- math formulas for pi (

- math + nature + formula + pi (USA)

It is justly tell.
Universal laws have only to read themselves to construct. It is noted
that human should also read the self to know the universe.

- A + measurement + that + is + accurate + is + one + that + a. is +

as + exact + as + possible + b. is + close + to + the + true + value
++ c. contains + at + least + four + significant + figures + d.contains
+ five + decimal + places (, USA)

- prove + pi + value (Thailand)

- alchemy + circle + with + meaning (, USA)

- symmetric + property + of + equality (, (Los Angeles Unified

School District, Califormia, USA)

Actually, symmetry has the property of equality. It can be used with

fertility if one can have a global view to determine the structure and
localizes there the just corresponding center of symmetry.
This means that one have to invents the problem in its space structure.

36 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- compass + straightedge (, Washington, USA)

As you notice it, all the work are done with compass-straightedge

- classic + method + calc + pi (Brazil)

- how + to + make + your + own + alchemy + circle


- square + and + cirles + proofs (, Colorado Denver, USA)

- mathematics + "impotant" + resolution (Lebanon)

- prove value pi (Pakistan)

- determination + of + pie (Mauritius)

- the most exact value of pi (Poland)

- determination of the value of pi (Ghana)

- SYMMETRIC + PROPERTY + REAL + WORLD (s.o. California, USA)

The first access on Real world is done through the Space.

Basis property of space is symmetry. It is due to that basis of the
univese is to be in circular Permanence. Therefore, necessary what is
Real exists in Symmetry. Even if a rock generally appears with
no-symmetry, however it is constituted with symmetric atoms and
belongs itself to symmetric heavenly structure.

- theorem + of + continuity (stny, USA)

There are two independent aspects of the universe Space. It is the

Curvilinear and the Linear space. However it is not representing a
dichotomy in space. This latter appears in continuity as a whole
homogeneous and isotropic Space.

- what + is + the + meanning + of + dertermined (,

Ontario, Canada)

- the + doubt + of + accuracy (Japan)

- constant doubt leads to certainty (UK)


- pi + accuracy + for + whole + universe (, USA)

37 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- construction + measurement + Circles (, California, USA)

The circular defined, it gives means for true basic measurements.

Particularly, a circle is also a LENGTH, THE CONSTANT LENTH.

This means that the circle give to us the Constancy for defining the
different between speed of movement. It is to tell, there is no TIME, the
millenary belif illusion of man.
Note that difference of movement is expressed as the Speed or velocity
(Length/Time). This is no more than a conventional based speed stated
on the conventional unreal Time. A, universal constant Length, allows to
rationally express the movement characteristic that we know as speed.

From now, it can be rational express the different movements as:

[ (any-Length-of-dispacement) / (Universal-Constant-
Length-Unit) ]

The circle furnishes to us THIS UNIVERSAL CONSTANT LENGTH.

This rationally proves that TIME is an another man's illusion.

- mathematical + constantas (Georgia)

It is a most fundamental constant, that should be use for replacing the

artifiical Time. Time is a millenary illusion for man. Time is introduced
because man had a bed understanding of the Movement phenomenon. I
will expose the Why and the How Movement is a whole pure spatial

- PI + VALUE + NEWER (, Greece)

- center + of + circle + mass + calculator (Latvia)

- calculator + structure (Cambodia)

- mathimatical oprators order (Pakistan)

This is the most exact concept definition for this new spatial
method. In Dakhiometry, there is a complete spatial mode for
calculation using spatial elements for exact determination of
spatial structure quantities. The whole 4 operations are easily
used for figure calculation. The Dakhiometry is not belonging to
Mathematics that are no more than a heap of huge complicated
Tricks and Receipes using Numbers Literatures. On must be in
conscience on the retardation of this empirical Mathematics.
Quantity ans Space is ignored in Mathematics even if these
"words" is in everyday use. It is the main condition to be abble to

38 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

build a human True Modern Science.

The fact is that most of visitors are always crying to their famous
"Archimedes' Pi" proves that practical everybody hasn't some
understanding on what it is exposed here!

This above construction for calculating the Pi value from the spatial
strucure, is a one that I had used for a more best understanding with
mathematicians and their usual methods and their eternal and mystic
pythagorean theorem.

However the Dakhiomatry methods are more general than the usuel
Mathematics tricks and receipes. The true initial Dakhiometry
calculations are done directly from the method denoted as the
Dakhiometry Calculator Structure. Here next is shown an example of its
application to clarify a given problem analysis.
However, this new true concept is difficult to be understood. We are
used with Time from along all millenaries and also the circle is not yet
well know by most of mathematicians, particular by everybody on Earth!

- From + Cubist + Architecture + to + Modern + Simplicity (Jordan)

- overcome inaccuracy of arcs using pi in code (UK)

- pi resolution (, Philadelphia, USA)

- draw + a + geometric + circle + box (Pakistan)

- exact rational value of pi ( Washington, USA)

- NUMBER + PI + ART (Greece)

If it concerns this mode of finding the numeral of Pi the, it is also an

It can be noted that a painter creating his paint, is also acting with a
science. The science of how to know that what he is telling is also the
coherent with the feeling of any other observer. The science of how to
tell exactly what he assumes that he had the sensation of an universal
reality. If looking at a paint we get an esthetic feeling, it is because we
are recognizing that something in this paint is the universal true.
Therefore, a painter is practizing the Art of feeling a certainty with his
Science of concretly constructing and describing this reality.

- circle + proximity + to + square + architecture (, Virginia, USA)

- simbol + giometrik (Indonesia)

- architecture + circle + structure (Cambodia)

39 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- square + circumscribed + about + a + circle (

- squaring + the + circle (MSUS.EDU, USA)

- portuguese + cubism + paintings

- new + value + of + pi(Kowait)

- formula + cubisme (Malaysia)

- value of pie remains constant (India)

- value of pi remains constant for any circle (India)

It is not because of the correspondence between the circle and its

perimeter as for the Anciants belief. An internal constancy is only a
particular property of a figure. For example, a side of a square is
constant with its diagonal, is only a particular constancy.
The constancy need to be a function between two independent figures.
In this case, this means a fundamental relatinship in space.
According to this axiom and to the constacy length as the result of the
squaring a circle, this contancy is the relatinship between TWO BASIC
FORMS, the circle and the square. Therefore, it is the presence of a
universal space FACT that can define really main basic of these
consequences for the space knowledge. The Dakhiometry yet had
unfolded some of this most basic consequences.

- squaring + the + circle (Denmark)

- the + diffrence + between + the + circumfrence + and + the +

diameter + of + a + circle + is + 30 + cm. + Fimd + the + area + of +
the + circle (

Help... ?

- history + of + Mathmatic (Iraq)

- pi + in + maths (Turkey)

- cubist + architecture (Australia)

Actually. The spatial language is the true architectural one of the


- architectural language circles (Texas, USA)

- cubism + in + architecture (Egypt)

- how + to + calculate + area + inside + a + square (UK)

40 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Actually. It is the basic purpose of the squaring a circle and is not only
for simple internal relationships of a circle. But not only for the
fundamental circle but it is a key for wealthy consequences in the
understanding of the whole space Forms.

- rational + values + of + pi (, Venezuela)

- golden + circle + and + architecture (,uk, UK)

- what is chili pie and value maths (

- architecture + along + a + circle (Austria)

- third postulate one unique circle (Netherlands)

- importance of pi in maths (India)

- what is it called when you use a compass and straightedge to

construct a square exactly equal in area to given circle wich society
brought us the first known reference to pi in history (, Indiana,

- most + inaccurate + value + of + pi

- what + is + pi (, USA)

- squaring + the + circle + proofing (, Fiji)

- squaring + a + circle (UK)

- define + postulate (, UK)

At the beginning, was the central symmetry...

- pi + formula + in + architecture (, USA)

Pi is effectively the result of an architectural arrangement in space.

- cricle + k + Japan (Indonesia)

- prove that circle cant get into a square (Cyprus)

- sumatori + pi + formula

- parabol + calculator (Mongolia)

- construction of a golden circle (Kuwait)

- new mexicans for science and reason (, Indiana, USA)

- which value of pi is doubted for circle diameter ratio for unification

41 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

theory (, Athens, Greece)

- quadrature + of + the + circle (, Belgium)

- Euclid's third axiom: unique circle (, Netherlands)

Consequently, the Square is the Second circle...

- circle is equipotent to a square (UK)

- pi + architecture + buildings (Bulgaria)

- what + mathematical + formulas + use + pi (UK)

What mathematical formula don't use Pi.

- constant + value + great + circle (

Really, the circle (C1) is a true great-circle.

- why + is + the + value + of + pi + 4 + in + Indiana (USA)

- pi universe constant (Croatia, Hrvatska)

- value + of + pi + in + rational + form (India)

- fungsi + comparing + two + r + value (ms-opera-mini-beta-android,

- Euclid + rational + numbers + are + constructible ( )

- Mathmatic (Mongolia)

- Chili + pie + IN + maths (Pakistan)

- Maths + actual + value + of + pi (

- new + value + of + pie (, UK)

- tan + pi + accuracy (, Germany)

- pi + imaginary + get + real + be + rational (, USA)

- area + of + circle + cal + "proff" (, San, California, USA)

- proof there is no formula for constant pi (, USA)

This is true. Because the bases are only from ratio and construction.

42 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Pie + accuracy + to + required + values (, India)

- pi + accurately + changing (, Michigan, USA)

- dakhiometry (, Japan)

- in maths pie is a unique solution (India)

- mathimatical + pie (Ethiopia)

- Historical + Development + of + Pie + and + its + Accuracy + to +

required + values (India)

- practical determination of pi (South Africa)

- pi + and + circle + relationship + philosophical (Israel)

- Robes + Dakhih (Iraq)

- THE + VALUE + OF + PI + IS + 3.1415 + HARVARD (Mexico)

- pi-resolution modelling (, Poland)

- historical development of pie and its irrational accuracy to required

value (India)

Sorry to tell you, that for the Dakhiometry the Irrationallity is only
from Mathematics Ignorance due to its false belief on Artificial
Numbers system.
It is time for everyone to be abble to rcognize that all the
Dakhiometry proceed on Spatial Language using only Spatial
elements. If one was formated by Old Bad Mathematics Dogma he
will still remains ever in the Nothingness as irrationally pious. It is
useless for him to acquaint the Dakhiometry Spatial Constant.
A Length is for ever a CONSTRUCTIBLE THING !!!

- squaring + the + circle (Czech Republic)

- irrational accuracy of pie (India)

This the real meaning of the irrational term.

- invention + of + pie + in + maths (India)

- value of phi the best solution (Thailand)

- phi + pi + and + e + design (Netherlands)

- mathamatician + and + geomatrical + symbols + and + name

43 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


- proofs of "teh" value of pi (

- circles + theorems (Lybia)

- pi value of Australia (India)

- What + is + the + new + value + of + pie (

- what is the pi value of Australia (India)

- proof squaring the circle (Thailand)

- how can I write algorithm of Pisagor (Turkey)

- squaring + a + circle + formula + in + China (India)

- formula + of + new + eritrean + theorem (

- squaring the circle proof of impossibility (Germany)

Impossibility of Squaring the Circle is from that Circle and Square

can NEVER be supperposed together according to the
euclidean axiom on geometric equality for figures.
This not due to the universal Equality Principle but to bad method
from false concept on Equality due to the ideology of a Geometry
built in the Nothingness. Thus, the fundamental real Absolute Space
of a Whole is there quite ignored. Therefore, Geometry is dummy
empirism science. The Supperposition-of-figures is precisely a
mechanism drawn from epirism practises.

- eritrean + theorem (, USA)

- how + can + you + prove + that + pi + has + a + corresponding +

unique + location + ont + the + number + line (Malaysia)

- RECIPROCAL + SQUARE + ROOT + PI (Netherlands)

- step by step procedure to approximate value of pi using only a

perfectly straight stick (, Oklahoma, USA)

- is pi rational (Hungary)

- find + the + value + of + pie + that + logically + follows + from +

this + assertion (USA)

- value of pi till now (United Arab Emirates)

- pie 3.14 incertitude error (, Canada)

- why is knowing the value of pi to high precision so important

(, New York C, USA)

- squaring + the + circle + architecture (, California, USA)


44 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

No man's dicourse can traduce the equivalence on what are the

property of the universe space.
Only spatial architect can discover though constructions how the
space was gone in transformation.
In Dakhiometry, there are more global precise and simple
constructions according to basic cirle properties showing how:

The squaring a circle construction was actually NOT A LOCAL EVENT.

The truth is:

The Squaring a Circle happened as a ONE UNIQUE UNIVERSE

adding to its Isotropic aspect the Homegeneous one for the
fulness of endless construction in the whole universe absolute

- circle + diameter + from + square + corner + circumscribed (USA)

Actually. With inscribed circle in a square, it can be state that

"equivalent circle is from square corner" and also its reciprocal as
"square is equivalent to circle by its corner distance from the circle"

- indian + attempt + to + find + value + of + pi (India)

This shows that the current Mathematics is still remaining in their

artificial and false millenary Number system. What ever will be the
numeric Pi value, it is necessary not excact and false due to the false
concept from ideology of Numbers.
Give to the Dakhiometry Spatial Language a length. Then, from there
any spatial SUCCESSIVE construction of figure of the whole universe
will be necessary and wholy the exact an acurate one.
Mathematics conservatism can never use the Dakhiometry result as a
valid new Mathematics trick. What is false can never created a single
one thruth.

One may note that in (n) SUCCESSUVE CONSTRUCTION, the final

error (epsilon) of the necessary irrational numbers will increase to
(epsilon)n. While the Dakhiometry spatial construction is done
according to the point-to-point representing the immutable matter
element. There, the precision is directly to the one-elemental-point of
matter. Aside man's anthropomorphic fantasy, in the universe there is
nothing else than a concrete elemental matter as a point of spatial

The current Trigonometry is an unexcact system. The real accurate

and exact determination of Angle need the Spatial Language use. It is
because only this method can use spatial element to determine what
is angles as the true circle property. The half-cycle sinusoide is a true
parabolic function and was proved by spatial construction with the
True Length Constant. There, it needs to use the co-called Pi not with
its cumbersome numeric value. But it needs to construct them with
the Spatial Constant LENGTH currently denoted by the millenary
imprecise Pi.

However, if there was some conservative optimistic transition period

between the Old Mathematics to the Dakhiometry scientifc language

45 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

then, it is useful to determine an universal MORE-EXACT numeric

value for the current Numeric-Mathematics. A rational exact science
has not to choose between a less or a more exact value. However,
one should consider that it is only a temporary convention if a more
true science will be the aim for a futur human's true science.

- Colorado + university + mathematic + parabol + animasyon


- process how the value of pie was get (Philippines)

... a human's adventure in so long duration.

- Chilipi + maths (

- Texas pi 3.1415 apple-os school (Germany)

Exactness and precision in Mathematics should not be dependent to

particular interest. Conservatism about such consideration is
necessary factor of science conservatism. Without science universality
there is only dogma retardation.
It is why current Mathematics have no more access on how to
determine precisely Angular space, Volumes, Aeres, Mass center of
any Form,... and more fundamental and useful necessary knowledge.
I had given sufficient difficult wellknown problem solutions to prove
that the current millenary Mathematics is quite innaccurate. But there
are more deeper inside light on how a true rational exact science is
possible. However, knowing that most of people prefer their usual
comfortable dogma I am in conscience that most of solution given in
this web site are transformed as Triscks for the curent generally
incorrect Mathematics. It is why fundamental knowledge of the
Dakhiometry isn't still not developed here.

- +pi-airgun + precision + ref (Russian Federation)

- The historical development of pie in measurements (

- space + logic + density + for + circle + to + square +

transmutation (India)

Density of reasons for circle to square transform, is composed by a

long series of basic reasons deducing from each other.
For example, this circle to square transform may be spatialy
constructed in Dakhiometry by ratio method between the circle and
square figures. This is also a fantastic clearly property of the space
when one is used with the Spatial Language, the True concrete
language of the Absolute space. The old Géometry that is only a
mechanism of finding methematics-tricks, has nothing to do with this
true scientific language. This latter is the one necessary internal
property of everyone, that however was killed by the millenary
practice under Geometry dogma.

- how can mathmatical number pi relate to clothing industry

(, Canada)

It is interesting. May be because most of object clothes are from

circular forms and particularly with circular movement around its

46 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

center and clothe are defined and constructed on planar text


The Truth of the Dakhiometry science

Everybody have to forget their usual Archimedes' Mathematics Pi

Dogma. Persisting in stating the simplistic Mathematics obviousness,
generally one stays in the misunderstanding of what are related about
the present Dakhiometry texts.

Resolution of the Squaring a Circle is really the root resolution of the

Universe Beginning. There was really an EVENT OF BIGINNING OF THE
UNIVERSE CONSTRUCTION. So please try to get a better
understanding on this next Dakhiometry Fundamental Law:

The universe construction Basic Law:

The Beginning of the universe Construction is the rational Fact

of clearly Solving Rationally and defining any matter Form by
their Aera and Volume quantities what ever are they from
Circular or Linear or in both types.

This is the meaning of the beginning event in the universe absolute

space to get fully in the fulness of its isotropic and homogenous

Rational construction is done by interaction of matter with the capacity
of being related between them in defined relationships. For example,
Solving the Squaring a Circle is the beginning of:

1) - On the basic Planar two-dimensions, Squaring a Circle is the

root event of Construction Beginning starting from the universe
Permanent Structure. In the continuation on Three-Dimensions,
Cubing a Sphere is the direct consequence also resolved in

2) - Knowing rationally these basic laws, defining any Aerea and any
form Volume are the direct consequences. They are needed to
define their necessary Mass center property.

3) - Universe Constructions can then be done by Rational and

reciprocal Matter Transformation of Form multiplicity.

So, it is asked to those who maintain their belief on the old

47 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Archimedes's Pi, how can they do to know not only precisely but
with what method are they proceed with to resolve the Squaring a
Ssphere and how do they to define precisely the necessary need on
Form characteristics both in theory and in technology?

- whats is pi in math and in portugues (

- squaring + a + circle (El Salvador)

- .pi want to learn to speak chi, the local language of Ghana


- what is dakhiometry (, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada)

Being realistic, the Dakhiometry no more than a curiosity but it's

still a non-existent thing.

- proof + that + pi + is + rational + on + a + calculator (,


- e + square + life + of + pi + show + time + for + 2 + december


... 2012

- human + transmutation + circle + diagram + dimensions

(, USA)

- cululati + piu (Greece)

- how + to.+ find + accure + pi + value (Slovak Republic)

- how to find 3.14 pie in a circle Hilbert's axioms (Philippines)

- Pakistan and the value of pi (UK)



- circling the square and squaring the circle and consciousness

(, India)

Consciouness can be extended more larger.

With the knowledge on circle, where are originated the Homothetic
relationship or what was known as the simplistic Thales Theorem, it
can be prove simply the squaring a circle equality. This means that
the squaring a circle is no more than a homothetic
transformation of AERAS. Fantastic spatial relationship isn't?

- rational value for pi (USA)

- Egyptian + formula + for + pi (, USA)

- grafik + pie + atmosfer (Indonesia)

- what + is + the + value + of + pi + to + the + egyptians (,

Red Deer, Canada)

48 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- what + value + of + pi + did + Ptolemy + of + Alexandria +

figure (Canada)

- short + pi + formulas (Romania)

- historically who came up with the most accurate description of pi

(, USA)

- the + most + inaccurate + value + of + pi

- pi + 1 000 000 000 + digits + full + size (, California,


Fantastic technology on accuracy!

- the + evolution + of + this + technological + invention + allows +

us + to + calculate + the + value + of + pi + to +
10000000000000 + places (USA)

Fantastic go ahead!

- why was greek pi choosen to represent this value (

In Anciant time one have only practical means to define the

usefulness of circle measurements. The usefulness of a circle
measurement is at first applied for defining a mechanical wheel.
So, measuring a wheel is also measuring its rolling track length.
Therefore, it is useful for conceiving a wheel to know its Track
length as a function of the it Radius. The circle Track Length was
denoted by Greeks as the periphery of a Circle or its PI-remeter.

It was why Euclide an Archimedes defined and denoted the

proportional factor (Pi) between the Perimeter and its Radius.

It is why the mathematic Pi is alway focused on the How-to-define

the Length of the circle Pi-remeter.
The Arhcimedes' process of comparing by exhaustion a Circular
perimeter with a Linear polygon was then no more than originated
from a Mathematics still using mechanical concept for accessing to
the 3-D Space.
applyed here for a Circular-line with a Linear one is Mostly



The Impossibility of the Squaring a Circle and of the Angle-
Trisection, anf The so-called Irrationality and Trancendental of
Number, are due to this next reason:

The millinary man's ignorance on the universe laws about the

49 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


Here next is precisely explicited the consequence of


applied to resolve the Squaring a Circle.
One may note that is is the result from a True Rational METHODS and
not from some hazardeous manipulation on figures as it is concerning
for most of Mathematics Theorems.

Note that it is also a true basic rational science Spatial Language

Method. This whealthy view point is also repeated when applyed for
resolving clearly, simply and wholy the Angle Trisection.
More further, many physical phenomena may be clarifyed with such
universal understanding of Matter.

- pi and nothingness (USA)

- pi + and + irrational + numbers (

Actually, empirism is from Nothingness of anthropomorphism view point

on a Pi-remeter rolling wheel.

- circle + impotent + therom + proof (India)


REALITY (, Greece)

- NEW + VALUE + OF + PI (India)

- pi is rational number (Malaysia)

- HOW + TO + FIND + AND + PROVE + PI-VALUE (Egypt)

- what + do + Dublin + doors + and + pi + have + in + common


- the + most + accurate + value + of + pi (Tanzania)

- squaring + the + circle + k12 (, Texas)

50 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- latest + researches + on + value + of + pie (

Certainly, it's a Fact.

On have now to consider that the research horizon will concern the
different aplication aspects when one will get more understanding on
such Pie Constant. The Pi is not only concerning the Circle
characteristics. It is really the universal matter Construction Factor that
allows the space unity between its Linear and Circular aspects for
matter relationships foundation.

The most practical problem is to know that this Constant is a key for
understanding the diffrent Form Volumes and then used for mastering
their Mass-Center.
This is the true modern vast practical consequences from this basic
Spatial Constant initially considered by the Anciants as simply used to
resolve the Circle perimeter. This was only to define the First application
problem meet by builders: How to get a good measurement on circles
for conceiving big monuments.

- pi + and + the + univese (

- Mystic + rational + pi (

- algorithm calculate pi in painting (, Pennsylvania, USA)

- squaring + the + circle + proof (, Greece)

- descirbe + how + the + computer + has + contibuted + to + the +

teaching + and + learning + of + mathematics + in + schools + under
+ structure + and + functions + of + parts + of + the + technology

The Numeric technology contributes effectively for a great enhancement

of Mathematics developments.

- reasoning of value of pie (, India)

- proof the value of pi in circle method (India)



- what is the actual value of pi (Nigeria)

- what should I do if I want to be a matheamtician (India)

Genuinely, to be an efficient mathematician, one have to make a very

superman effort to forget that "One uses to have his mathematics little
ways for tricks and recipes". :-)

51 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- pie + accuracy + to + required + values (

- inventors of pie value (India)

- proofs for the exact value of pie (India)

- accurate value (Philippines)

- historical development of pie its irrationality accuracy to required

values requirements (, India)

- squaring + a + circle (Pakistan)

- unit + of + pie + and + it's + accurate + value (UK)

- can + value + of + pie + b + return + in + the + terms + of +

rational + number (India)

- pie + accuracy + to + required + values (, India)

- deduction of value of pi (, India)

- deduction of value of pi using activity(, India)

Actually. It is important to know that no man's technology can't

rationally make up a circle.
Only through the natural space fact of circle-to-square transformantion
that one can hope to know the circle characteristics: "Circle practice
makes perfect"

resolution (

- equivalent square of a circle formula (South Africa)

- squaring the circle solution revealed (, Texas)

- pi + calculator (Taiwan)

- nail + designs + Trinidad + pi (

- squaringcircle (Finland)

- pi + in + rational + form (

- comsouth + vercatel + compas

- formula del pi (Mexico)

52 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- pie is defined as a ratio of circumstance (say) of a circle to its

diameter (say) that i pie c d. this seemes to contradict the fact that
pie is irrational. how will you resolve this contradiction (India)

From millenaries Mathematics is defining the Quantities of reality by

using artificial Words symbols. From there was creted the Numbers
for counting realities quantity. Property of Numbers is then no more
than the one of conventional creation of talking words. The default of
such system is that any precise quantity of reality can not be
precisely defined by a given precise Number. Such imprecise practice
for quantity symbols produces the discontinuity of quantity
representation from there was invented the Dedeking Cut. This latter
is temting to define the true continuity of representing quantitie. A
such discontinuity for quantity representation produces then the
Mathematics Irrationality of Numbers. This is no more than to
recognize that Numbers is no more than an artificial means what ever
the different method tempting to define the quantity continuity.

Therefore the Irrationality is no more than to underline that

Mathematics is producing a Bad practical process according to that
natural continuity of the natural quantity can be never represented
by the necessary discontinuity of man's language words. The
Mathematics belief on Irrationality is by itself a contradiction to and
another Mathematic concept on Infinity. It is because that Infinity is
no more than an indefined No-Thing where quantity cannot be
defined. It is to state that natural quantity is strictly from Continuity
process et not as the inescapable Discontinuity of Language Words.

The irrationality of the Anciant's Pi suffers from an another big
Ignorance that is the the One about the circular form. A Circle
defined by a compas-mechnism is also an another No-Tning invented
by Mathematics to hide the Mathematics ignorance on the universe
Circularity Fact. Thus, even if in Mathematics there was invented a
prcise definition system another than the Numbers to describe the
continuity of Quantity, the fact of ignorinhg the Circularity imply that
necessary, a Mathematics Pi is nécessary an irrational Thing.

It is because ignoring what is the Circularity of a circle, then a circle

arc is necessary an ignored Thing.

The Mathematics Irrationallity is finaly specific to the Mathematics

ignorance that the universe Space is not the Nothingness by formed
by Structure of Discrete Spatial Locations. This the fundamental base
from there knowledge on the universe should be necessary built.

It is why, quantity should be decribed according to the spatial

Elements as Points, Lignes and Curves.

Note that Mathamatics believes to that the universe is Infinities.

Therefore, as Infinity is a No-Tning its property is at least the famous
scientifc Continuum.

However, the universe Space is a whole of Continuity of Discrete

locations for any Matter realities definitions. And whatever is the
Form, this latter is necssary precisely defined by the necessary
continuity of its total number of points. Thes points are the precise
absolute quantity of any form.

53 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Finally, what about the Space Continuity (but not the Continuum

The Continuity of the universe space Locations, has a Dakhiometric

root definition as:

One Location has the property of being both characteristics as

a-Preceeding-and-a-Succeeding one

When one define a given Point (P), this definition necessary define
precisely any Point-between-two-other-defined-Points. That is the
fundamental definition of the universal Continuity of matter or ITS

In conclusion

Numbers are from primary Mathematics of man being till with a

primary science.

Now about the problem of the irrationality of Pi, this is only a

millenary Mathematics chimera.

And this so called Pi, is not described in this present-text. Here it is

defined the universal Space Constant that allows the direct
transdormation from a low scale circular line into an Infinit circle
Arch. It is because there is NO STRAIGHT LINE in the circular
structure of the universe.

In Space of Discrete Locations, there is no Irrationality. The

impossibility of the Squaring a Circle was a Mathematics Impossible
Problem because of the Impossibility of a Irrationality Numbers of a
false Counting system.

Now, why the Dakhiometry Space Constant is not an Irrational Thing

but a real Precise Quantity?

It is because, this Constant is constructted according to the spatial

Construction where a point of a segment, is a Discrete Point of the
universe Space Location situated ALWAYS between a precedding an a
succeeding ones.
Before or after this Defined Point, there is no possible mystic

- "latset" + value + of + pie + discovered ++ now (..)

- new ways calculating pi (Australia)

- development + historic + values + of + pi (Egypt)

- how + to + prove + value + of + pai (Nepal)

- mathematical pi value solution (India)

- Great + Artworks + in + geomatrical + maths. (

- i + take + big + numbers + transmute + them + then + calculate

54 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

+ their + low + bearing + tangeants (UK)

- squaring + circle + father + son + evil + ghost (, Sweden)

- Australia + golden + constant + pi (Ethiopia)

- exact value of pai (India)

- value + of + pi + remains + constant (India)

The Mathematics irrationallity problem

- pi is the ratio "pf" circumference + to + diameter + of + a + circle.

This + seems + contradictory + to + pi + is + irrational.+ how + can
+ we + solve + this (, India)

1) - Irrationality is an artefact of the Number system on that

Mathematics are founded. The problem of irrationality is a specific
problem inherent to the Number as conventional and artificial talking
language. This latter is not deduced from the true and natural space
language the alphabet of wich is Point-Line-Curve.

2) - In fact, the Space reality rest only on the Point. Therefore, Line
and Curves are formed with Points. And in the universe Discrete
Matter Point is the Elemental matter dimension according to the
uniqueness principle. There is not one Not-a-Point in the universe.
This is the basic property of the Spatial Language.

3) - It is why intersection between Lines and Curves is necessary a

Real universe Point. And this Point is necessary inherent to any
concrete univers reality and never from man's dream.

The Dakhiometry is based strictly on the use of the spatial language
as the the true representation of the Space Realities.
The Pi length is determine as defined point to point line. Therefore
this Pi length is fully defined as quantity of spatial Points. the
Squaring a Circle solution is here from pure Spatial Langauge
resolution. The Pi is then always quite defined quantity of Points in a
defined Segment of Length.

It is there no need to invent some tric and cooking recipe from

Mathematician nightmare induced by the millenary artificial Number

The Irrational Number is strictly from Mathematician false method to

define Quantity of matter. And one may note that any irrational
Number "proof" is done with Number calculations. That is to tell:

With a Given Scientific System of calculation tool production,

one can never prove with these same tools, any contradiction
in this system.
It is to tell that irrational Number are strictly the internal generation

55 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

product of the millenary Artificial Number System.

I propose to Mathematician formed from Number System, to resolve

the true possible Irrationality in the univers as follows:

The Basic Irrationality Problem as,

How to prove that from real intersection of Line or Curves, can

results a No-Intersection-Point!

The so-called Mathematics Irrationality chalange is to prove, by

construction, that there are in the above diagram one Quantities at
least, as one Not-a-Point-intersection.

If there was rationally some Not-a-Point-intersection then the

Irrationallity is a valid problem!
In the oposite case, the mathematics' usual Thales theorem is false.
Therefore, one should in a hurry cancel the Mathematics Irrationallity
Ideology that deal ruthlessly with Sciences.

If being rational, the DUTY of Mathematicians of irrationality is to

prouve this problem Fact of Non-Intersecting Point for figure.
A such proof should be really the true proof of the validity for
Irrationality , the Nothingness, the Spatio-temporal validity and the
Nothingness Facts !!!
However, at first, if a Not-A-Point-intersection is prooved it will
necessary be a false one!

The reason is that a Nothingness can never be proved as True or

False. Mathematics havn't no principle as base to perform such
True-or-Not problem resolution. It is because man's Believes can
never have a rational access according to that Believes is a man's of

56 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

no reason-behavior.
Therefore, proving the Not-a-Point will be transformed into the result
of an contradictory eternal Impossibility-Theorem. Note that it is
excluded from there the Euclide's Infinite Line because it is only from
Euclide's chimera.

And also according to the Dakhiometry, it can be proved that:

From any univers Point, there is a Least-Distance from this
Point to a system of another different real Points.

I am sory,
because Mathematics of Numbers fact is a proof of Black Hole reality
and inversely.

- formul + pi + geometric,
- pi + are + rea + geetrik (, Greece) - pi + are + real +
geetrik (Greece)

- squaring + the + circle (Guatemala)

Important Note about the Squaring the Circle

The so-called Pi of the Anciants is only a simple

annecdotic fact of man bored by the unknown
displacement Length of a rolling wheel... according to
that they was ignoring the Circle

The main result

of the Dakhiometry Squaring-the-Circle is:
To prove that the universe space is being Absolute !
Any point by itself and any point relatively to another ones of the
universe is then absolutly defined. This is the proof that the universe
is a Whole and more,...

The universe is The Unique Whole!

Amongst another consequences, Mathematics Numbers, Geometric

postulates, Infinities and Irrationallity are Mythes!

57 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

It is note also that the Absolute universe Space is proved by an

another method using directly the Circle specific property. It is done
using the Least-Distance property between one-given-point to a set
of another points in the whole absolute Space.

In summary.

Necessity of the physical Absolute Measurements

There are two means to prove the universe Space as being

I) - The Absolute Space means that

Any-location of the universe Space is always in determined

relationships with another set of locations in the whole
universe space.

II) - The Absolute Space means that from any-location of the

universe Space one can measure its distance from a set of another
locations in the space.
In this method the problem cannot be to determine the longest nor
to determine the distance equality.
It is because Relativistic Dependence can never be the reference for
Absolute Property Conditions.

Therefore, measurements should be also from absolute processes.

One can logically determine only the Shortest distance from any
determined-location to a set of another ones in the whole
universe space.

If this latter statement is difficult for the understanding of usual
mind formed by Relativity as the Dynamics and its modern
derivatives ones, I give here an simple example using the current
welknown Number system.

So, do you know why Numbers begin only from (1) (but not from
Zero. Because Zero-represents-No-Quantity (the Zero is not-a-

The basic answer is that concretness of Quantities should necessary

begin from a concrete "One-Quantity"!!!
Therefore, there is no possible Quantity that should begin from
Biggest Quantity because the Bigest is alway refered to a Lower one
and inversely! Any Quantity should be refered to an absolute
Quantity One. It is why the true universe Quantity is necessary from
the Discrete Matter represented by an ABSOLUTE ELEMENTAL
Discrete MATTER, the Dakhion of the Dakhiometry!

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

The Euclide's Line that begin to grow from Infinity and is
"restricted" between and by two Infinities is necessary a from usual
man's chimera !

A true Line as a succession of the Space discrete Locations should

begin necessary from ONE Real Elemental Matter.

It is why to determine the distance between a physical point to

another points, The Absolute Reference should be based on the
Shortest Distance. It is because in such situation, this Shortest
Distance represent an absolute reference.
In this cas, the Shortest Distance plays the role of the UNITY of this
measurement system!

Formula Determination for Pi

Dakhiometry Calculator applied to Pi formula: a neat solution.

- since + we + define + pi + as + the + ratio + of + the +

circumference + of + circle + to + its + diameter. this + seems +
contradiction + + to + the + fact + that + pi + is + irrational. how +
will + you + resolve + the + contradiction (India)

a) - Mathematics is sûrely incompatible with &qot;seem"

b) - What is the Fact of "Pi is irrational". This Fact should be prooved
by reason and not by conventional consensus of some group.

1) - So it should be interesting that mathematicians try to prove

according to reasonning that the squaring a Circle is irrational.

2) - If this problem of squaring a Circle is not irrational, then the sa

called problem of Irrational Pi is a false problem.

3) - I have not interested to prove that belives is irrational or not. So

I can't resolve what is matter of man' believes.

One should see that Pi is not originated as the ratio between

the diameter and the circonference of circle. This belong to the
Anciants's believes when they can't have some understanding
about the Circular property of the universe spacewhere where
they see as a Nothinness.

Contradictory to these Anciant's believes, this Ratio (Primeter/Pi)

59 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

is SIMPLY from a secondary-consequence of the Squaring a


In fact:
The Squaring-a-Circle proves that the Ratio (Pi =
Perimeter/Diameter) is from empirical irrelevent technique tempting
by the Anciants trying to resolve the impossible problem of a circle
perimeter measurement.

On should note that the Length "Pi" id only possible by obtaining the
Ratio-Of-Aeras. It is why to get the Length Constant Langth, on
should resilve the Mythical Sqyaring the Circle. Mathematic can
NEVER resolve the Squaring the Circle and more resolvin the
compareason bt reasuring the Diameter of circle. The Basic Reason is
therefore, the Diameter of Circle. This ignorance is the source of the
Impossibilty of the Mathematic to resove the Squaring the Circle!

This impossibility was inherited from the Anciants by modern

Ignorance should not be a base to be used to establish Irrationallity
Ghost for Dark Science ! We are there no more practising Rational

Now, the Squaring-a Circle resolved and therefore, should destroy

any believes on Irrationallity in Mathematics.

- Impossibility + of + squarring + a + circle + with + ruler + and +

compass (India)

- pie for maths calculation (HongKong)

- Pi + Math + Formula (

Actually, the Pi Formula can be built by reading directly on this next


- Boston + MA (Massachusetts)

- pie + for + math (


- The + begining + and + nature + of + mathematics + and +

distintive + discipline (

- pi + equations (

Really, this structure of the Space is concretly and fully telling the Pi
equation. One have only to read it.

- elementary + math + pie + charts (

- how + to + rotate + the + co-ordinates + of + image + by + 90 +

degree + in + plane + aroung + any + fixed + point (Korea)

60 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- pie accuracy to required values (

- new pie value solutions (India)

- aims of education as "pastulated" by philosopher (..)

- PIE + formula (Autralia Aotearoa)

- proof of pi (Turkey)

- pi accuracy to required values (UK)

- what + is + the + easyest + way + to + find + out + pi + value +

using + circle (India)

Actually, the squaring-circle for kids...

In fact there is an another basic fundamental way (not yet exposed

anywhere) to get the squaring Circle by simply using ONLY and
Uniquely the Circle as fundamental tool.

Fondamentally, the universe Circle is pregnant of Forms!

It can be get when one is familar with circle property and also when
one is convinced that the universe is structured strictly by

Then from there it can be seen that the Beginning of the Universe
Construction happens only from Circles and not mixted with Lines and
any another form. Because the Beginning of the univeres is starting
from FORLESS Universe of Matter. Therefore, only from Circles are
born the first matter forms denoted as the Squares.
From there was setting the linear aspect of the universe Space.

MAy be, the Circle is NOT a FORM.

It is why the Mathematics ignores what is a Circle. The Platoo's

Compass is not a Circle but only a mechanism as it was currently
used as tools by the Anciants in Mathematics.

Really, the Dakhiometry can prove fully in "Top, Bottom, Left, Right,
Front, Back, Inside and Outside View", in Virtual and Real aspects of
this Squaring Circle as the Passage from the Permanent Circular to
Homogeneous and Isotropric properties of the universe Space.

The Squaring the Circle as the Beginning of the universe is not and

This solution of the Squaring the Circle starting only from the Circle
was not exposed here in this web site because it is difficult for usual
mathematicians to have somme clear insight of the pure circular
property. The squaring a Circle will then be seen as a true JOKE for

However, as according to the Impossibility Law, the Squaring the

Circle by itself may appear as a Joke. And with its marvellous new

61 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

aspect of the true sicky Dakhiometry Space Langage it will be seen

probably by the current conservative method of mathematicians as an
incredible Nightmare!!!

- proof for circling the square (

- pie accuracy to its values (

/web/, India)

- Archimedes + and + derive + its + formula + of + pie (opera-

- general - form - of - the - equation - of - a - circle - solver


- proof + of + pi + value + using + triangles (South Africa)

- in + circle + pai + equal + to + circumtences + divided + chord +

which + contradicts + pai + is + irrational + how + can + we + prove
+ pai + irrational (India)

The Irrationality is simple from MAN IGNORANCE

1) - The diameter (D) of a Circle is not any circle-Chord.

2) - Searching to characterize a circle, mathematicians tempt to

define the "number" that may characterize a given Circle. This:
Pai = Pi

a only FROM EMPIRACAL process on pratice when one tempted to

define practically the distance of a wheel when this latter had doing
one cycle.
This is a quite empirical manner of mathematician believing
that exact-science is simply to get measurement according to
SIMPLISTIC method as:

"Equality = Figures supperposition"

This is a grave fault from Mathematics millenary iggnorance!

3) - What is precisely this mathematician-serious-mistake???

IGNORANCE OF MATHEMATICIANS is simply to ignore that
Circular-Line is from another Property of the Space quite differently
from the STRAIGHT-LINE one !!!

This Mathematician Thoughtlessness when the problem is to define a

Circle, consists to drives them the usual BAD empirical process of:


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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


b) - The only accessible circle Dimension is obviously its greatest
dimension denoted as the CIRCLE-DIAMETER.

This Mathematician IGNORANCE remains until now in the Modern

Time, where Mathematicians are still dogged by their bad luck
ignorance so that they are carrying a darm by the Irrationallity
nightmare. Thus, for protecting them from such trifle they invented
the Irrationality and the Impossibility of the Squaring a Circle.

The fact is that the irrationallity and the Impossibility are not from
the Univers space properties. These bed of sickness is simply lodged
in the mathematicians thought.

There is no rational reason that allows to free them from such

powerful mysery.

I suggest mathematicians to read somewhere in this present text,

where are lodged the fundamental incompatiblity between the Cercle
and the Straight-Line. This ignorance is dangerous when one tempts
to produce a hight-speed ROLLOING-WHEEL on a plane-straingt
surface. This practical dangerous phenomenon is still ignored by
engeneer-formed by-Mathematics/Physics.

Now it is my last remark about this Mathematician Irrationallity

applyed to the Circle. There are more rational interesting problems to
resolve for clarifying towards a better condition for man knowledge.

In summary:
When, according to the Empirical euclidean stating that
""Figures Equality = Figures in Superposition"",
one tempts to associate by successive-points contact between the
Circle-and-the-Straight-Line ones then, Man should be disolved into

The so-called Irrationallity is not from the universe rational Space

property. It is ONLY from Man's misfortune.

Is there someone for "prove" that an illusion is Illusion?

In conclusion on irrationality and trancendental numbers

All the Mathematics methods rest on the Euclide's Division of

Numbers. This is the basic statement that proves why Mathematics
BELIEVES to Irrationaliy and Trancendental Numbers as modern
mathematicians inherit from millenary numerous believes.

It is because all the Mathematicians' so-called Proofs of Irrationality,

are done according to inaccurate euclidean division.
For example, it is according to the Euclides's division method that
PRIME NUMBERS is the Mathematics invention.

Prime Numbers and another particularities of Number System are

fatal contradictions to the universality principe!

Now imagine that concerning Length thus,

63 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Is there some types of Lengthes characterized as belonging to

"Prime-Legnth" property ???
Is there Irrational or trancendetal Length??? No of such oddities as
universality facts in the universe!!!

Multi-Strangeness of man's Artificial Number Systems are only from

man's ignorance and tehrefore, from man's everlasting Believes!

The Big Contradiction is the property of current sciences:

If one have some understanding on his Mathematics then:

a) - One can never invent the Continuum belief. A simple Prime

Number and irrationality is the perfect contradiction of the Continuum
Belief. It is because these different pecularities of Number is stating
that there is no possible Continuum in the universe!

2) - There is simply a fact that contradict these eccentricities of

Number System. Because if there was Irrationality, Prime
Numbers and another Number-Things then, the Thales
Property is necessary invalid, there will be no regularity in the
universe Space, therefore no possible Universal Laws!

3) - These odd millenary inventions of Number System is no more

than from Man's ignoring of THE UNIVERSE SPACE WITH BOTH

There is no uncertainty in the universe perfectly defined by the

ABSOLUTE SPACE. This latter can be Rationally proved with the
Spatial Language of the Dakhiometry !!!

Absolute Space means that any Point-Location in the Space is

Prefectly well defined according to the Absolute Space Property.

It is because any Thing is a figure Spatially defined by its points-

to-points LOCATIONS in the Absolute Space. In Dakhiometry, it can
be rationally proved by construction, that any Point is at Least
Distance from a set of another Points in the Universe !


If there was some undefinition in the Space then,

The Fundamental Principe of the Energy Conservation or more

generally with it another statement as the Principe of Matter
Conservation is not fulfilled.

Therefore, it will apears the Mathematician's Irrationallity and some

another numerous millenary mystic inventions. This is the
consequences of Mathematics huge Ignorance of Physic Principles
according to that Mathematics rests on the belief of the World-

Without such basic Principe of Conservation from the Absolute Space,

Mathematics is simply a huge "Do as you like-it" !

I) - The Irrationallity is ONLY the one from human error and also to

64 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

his irrational mind !!!

II) - Science for Life in the universe should be fundamentally and

necessary rational and accurate.

III) - Man should cancel all of his millenary Believes.

So if Man tempts to have a talk with some Green I.T.,...

It is recommanded to never do it with Prime Number for having Top
Knowing Look as is your Intelliegnce-Top.
That's for travelers-with-long-ears coming from the oposit side of our
Milky-Way, the worst possible insult! They will believe that you pick
them as new-borns up with a pair of tongs. Be on your guard, E.T.
with their saucers may be quick-tempered!
If you are sending a Human Message throughout the univers, don't
mention Our Pi under culbersome Numeric Form. But send to them a
simple Spatial Figure with the relationship between Circle-
And-Square. Only the Universe Space Language is Universal and may
be understood by any advanced ALIVE in the universe. Number is
only invention of primary human Shrews.
Point, length, curve and their compositions in forms are well
recognized by animals. It is because these space alphabets have their
own meaning.
It is not the case for the human alphabets where thesz signs have no
relationship with their wearing Conventional and abitrary Meaning.
The hieroglyph is an exemple for modern aphabets and reciprocally.
Please one more FOR OUR SAFE,
concerning the Heavenly Sky relationships, never mention the
lugubrious Anciant's Mathematics Number System.

- yangtzeu (China)

... le Golden-River...

- the + formula + to + culculate + an + area + of + a + "cycle" (South


- pie + formula (China)

- equation + pi + and + the + universe (, Illinois)

Facteur of thansformation between Circle and Square or Circular into

Linear is Basic. It is because the results of matter constructions depend
to these mutual relationships. Length, Aera and Volume can be known

65 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

precisely according to a well precise transformation factor Pi. It is

because accurate Spatial Language is the true physical image of these

- Explain ++ chili + pie + + method + in + mathematics (Pakistan)

- Pie + Math + Equation + In (, Colorado)

- Pratice + makes + "perfact" (Korea)

- the-rational-new-pi-accurate-value-resolution (Gabon)

- The + technique + of + finding + pi + value + in + bangla"

- Pure + construction + in + maths + using + compass + ruler + free +

download (India)

- does + the + value + of + pi + have + a + resolution (,


- what + is + the + mathematical + equation + for + pi (Mexico)

- geomatrical + construction + universal + method (Pakistan)

66 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Dakhiometry Calculator applied to Pi formula: a neat solution.

67 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

After getting the square (K) from the Squaring construction, it needs to
be included into a general space structure denoted as the Dakhiometry
Calculator Structure. It is a spatial structure which has the wealthy
property of the universe Space Matter.
The Calculator structure consists to create and obtain the matter central
symmetry property. It is done by 90° rotation at four times to the
square (K) around the center (O) of the golden circle (C1). There the
Calculator gives to us, directly and simply any factor needed to
determine the precise Pi formula.
In fact this formula is deduced from the rectangle with given
sides L2 and L3. There, L1, L2 and L3 are perfectly and simply
determined by this structure.
Therefore, there is no problem. The Dakhiometry Calculator had done its

The Spatial Calculator is an unbounded wealthy means for many other
calclations... if one is mastering the Dakhiometry Spatial Language.

- void + fill + segment (line + L1,+ and + L2)

We can see that a just space structure can determine by itself the
needed solution. The squaring a circle is really an auto-transformation
event in the space.

With AF=a, BH=c and L1=AB/2

The segment (EB) as:

EB = AD = a = L2 + L3

The calculator structure give directly that L1 is no more than the square
side length inscribed in the circle (C) And finally it can be get easily
without searching tricks:

Pi/4 = (a2) / (c2)

According to that, it is directly the side measurement of the transformed

circle (C) into the square (K) with this precise side dimension.

- the solution to pi reveals the maximum resolution of the

universe (, Canada)

68 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

This is a fantastic realistic viewpoint on the universe absolute

space. Really, the universe resolve with accuracy each of its
elemental matter as the uniqueness of matter Quantity!

- how + to + draw + a + square (Italy)

What is concerning the precise result given by the above

created structure?

The calculation done under the algebraic formalism is only for

mathematicians that are not used with the Dakhiometry spatial
language. As mathematicians know only the Numbers form of Pi,
the algebraic numerals is given here only for their best

Because for the Dakhiometry, the solution to resolve is how to

obtain only ONE intersection point between the circle and the
transformed square.
Here, it suffice for the Dakhiometry to know ONE POINT, the (P)
one. Thus the structure formed around the golden circle (C1)
allows to get directly the pont P. Therefore, both the segment PO
and also the radius (PE) of (C), is immediatly given as solutions
by this new structure.

Therefore, knowledge of the space properties allows to get simply

and neat solution, even for the very difficult problem as the
Squaring a Circle.

You are informed that the Angle Trisection is also resolved by this
type of neat and simple resolution. There is an important remark
about science methods:

High science doesn't be sufficient to found remarkable theorems.

A high quality of science should be expressed and composed with
the most simple method to obtain any problem solutions.

This is not the case for the millenary Algebraic formalism with all
its modern complicated formula. Necessary, these latter will soon
put the Algebaric Mathematics on the spot, where this science will
be lost in its unavoidable growing complications.

69 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

There is only and strictly,

Here is the imediate adplication of the Dakhi-Form:


In Dakhiometry, it can be known the Surface-Aera and the Volume of a

Sphere by Spatial Constructions.

Until now the formula for the Circle and Sphere concerning their
Perimeters and Aeras, are found ONLY by trial-Error.

The Dakhiometry can prove rationally by construction, why these

formula rest on. They are done according to the Principle of Discrete-
Matter. This is done as Matter Elemental Points where transformation of
point-Locations obey to the Discrete-Matter-Conservation. This shows
the importance of the universal Space Dakhi-Form formula. For example
it can be construct POINT-TO-POINT how the Sphere Area and
Volume can be constructed point-to-point. It is why the Circle and
Sphere can be determined precisely as Perimeters and Aeras by their
Form characteristics.

The Dakhi-Forme is not a simple formula for the Old-mathematics Pi.

With the Dakhi-Form a sphere characteristics can be constructed
How one can imagine that Matter quantity of the Sphere-aera, is greater
than its Volume one ??? However, it is not the case. On this figure the
square representing the volume is simply a side of the volume cube.

Therefore with the Dakhiometry, there is no secret about the

Curvilinear-Realm in the universe Space. Circle and Sphere belong to
rational and exactness constructions.

Let (D) the diameter of a sphere and (DF) as Dakhi-Form-Constant.

70 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Aera of a sphere is:

Aera = (4.D2 . (DF)

Sphere Volume = [(DF)/6] . D3

From these factors,

It can be constructed the reciprocal constructions that determine the
Given Sphere of (D) diameter.

From a given Sphere of diameter (D),

It can be determine the Squares aeras correponding to this Given

Sphere. Here next represented by the following figure:


These determined Sphere Characteristic underline the basic physical

property of heavenly bodies globe:

The ratio Space/Volume of a globe property indicates that a heavenly

globe is mainly determined by its perimeter AERA as the maximal zone
for complex Matter-Construction. And the sources of its rotation-energy
is the property of its Volume.

These globe physical structures indicates that the alive complexity

should be situated only on the globe surface.

there is never complex construction (as alive creatures) inside the
internal volume of any heavenly body where production of rotation
energy is necessary under its extrema plus-or-minus.

Taken the Earth globe as an example,

in the whole universe space,
if there was any ALIVE HEAVENLY BODY,
this globe characteristics, should correspond to the Earth globe
dimensions with minor differences!

However, for the Dakhiometry science...

This latter algebraic analysis is for the mathematicians Algebraic

71 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Religion Belivers.

Because the Rational Dakhiometry need not so complicate with Tricks

and the so-called coagulated Pythagorean theorem.
It consists only to use the Dakhiometry Spatial Method and simply to go
directly to this next following figure.
It shows that using the Lam-Ca theorem, the Dakhiometry can perfom
easily the division of two aeras as:

Pi/4 = (a2) / (c2)

And to figure out directly the Space Constant as the:

(Pi) LENGTH and also the ratio (Pi/4) LENGTH

The LENGTH is not a new modern fashion for science change

according to different language words. Because the Length is
directly used by the universe construction through universal laws
to realize this alive universe that we know.

Thus, after constructing the Squaring a Circle process,...

It consists only to determine the universal Space Constant denoted by
the mathematicians believers as their empirical and false antique and
numeral Pi value value.

- dictionary + of + algebraic + terms + and + symbols (

- Exact + Circumference + of + a + Circle (India)

On this next figure, the square (L2) perimeter is the exact measurement
of the Circle (C) perimeter.
It is equality not according to the Euclide's empirical
Superposition but by Real Rational Transformation of figures.

- "
in-mathematics.php" (Taiwan)

- SCIENCE + Quadrature (, Virginia)

- using + inverse + square + law ++ to + veryfy + magnet-magnet +

interaction + force

- algebra + + whatis (

72 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Therefore, all what is needed to rationally determine the

mathematicians' Impossible Squaring a Circle needs only these
present short paragrahes.

It is determined the squaring a circle with both criterions as

Equality of Aeras and Perimeter.

We consider here the space property where a Circular Line can

precisely correspond to a side of a square.
So what about the anciants experiences about measuring a wheel
perimeter with a circle rolling on a plane. Doing so one can get a
coarse approximation of the wheel perimeter.

Now, in modern time we have to know what about the Mechanical

behavior of a rolling-wheel with high speed of a car or a
motorbycle. The question is:
For a car with a perfect wheel adherence, do its Perimeter
can really unfolding its perimeter exactly for an equivalent

A wheel is a material system. Thus, a driving wheel is used to

displace a car. This seems a such device is a perfect invention
used to get a displacement in distance. But without considereing
the friction,

73 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- unbalanced wheel motion from axle induced oscillations (Nancy,


Even with perfect construction of circular driving-wheel, the oscillaions

are produced not only according to imperfect circular wheel but even it
does with a perfect round perimeter of the wheel:

the oscillation of a driving-wheel is due to the fundamental

INCOMPATIBILITY of CONTACT between the rolling circle and the

THERE IS NOT successive-adjacent POINT-TO-POINT Contact between

Circle-Perimeter and Straight-Line. It is why,

74 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

The Euclide's statement on the so called "Equality Principle by

Superposition of Figures": is simply from Empirical Observation Science.

It is to tell that what was observation from experimental process

can never be stated as Rational-Principle. THERE IS NO POSSIBLE
of the Space Forms!!!

It is because,

The perfect contact is theorically impossible to be done experimentally

between the Line/Circle contact. Therefore,

A perfect circular driving-wheel on a planar surface is a continual

boucing phenomena as like an unbalanced-wheel. This may be clearly
sensitive when the wheel rolling-speed is enough high where developed
energy is high.

The Impossibility and the Irrationally of the Squaring-a-Circle in

Mathematic is from this unknown but real fundamental
incompatibility between Circular-and-Linear type of the Space

It is from there thet was the basic Archimedes's unsuccess when he

tempted to compare By superposition-measurement Polygons and
Circle perimeters for determining His Pie.

Now one can have somme key for understanding why

the Dakhiometry can perform The Squaring-a-Circle according not by

Measurement but by determining a real Matter Transmutation
Process of Figures.

The secret or mystery of the Dakhiometry Squaring-the-Circle rests on

the Basic Knowledge,... according to its foundation done on the
universe Principe of Discret-Matter !!! ...

And not on the so-called Einstein's CONTINUUM and the Anciants'

It should be ubderlined that The Euclide's Equality-
By-Superposition is a process generating from the Nothingness
Continuum Belief !

In summary:



75 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- dragster + car

Dragster cars illustrate the driver wheel behace as bouncing system

during high level acceleration.
It is the case when one try with a car to achieve the record. In such
driving and non-driving wheel in high rotation the wheel behaves only
as powerful bouncing system.

1) - Does a circle mechanism a true perfect system for

transformating its perimeter into corresponding linear displacement?

2) - One should consider it as a whole physical system as a

mechanical one in its motion behavior.

3) - Each point of the wheel perimeter in motion have its own inertia

This next figure shows the repartition of different efforts on the

rolling-wheel perimeter. Each point of the wheel is not under a
tangential effort for producing a correspondent linear distance on the

A driving wheel and also a not-driving wheel have this same

mechanical inertial behavior.
This shows that the usual famous tangential effort of a wheel is not
the truth.
In fact considering the theorical correspondence between the circle
Perimeter and the Straight Line, a rolling-wheel behave with a
dissymetric effort during it rolling-motion.
At the contact point (O) between the circle and the road there is a
rending effort action on the Circle perimeter.

Finally a such mechanical behavior of a rolling-wheel explain why at a

high rolling speed there is no more wheel adherence on the road
because there is no more effort of the wheel perimeter on the road
surface. This not concerning only due to the aerodynamical effect.
Therefore, with a such behavior, a wery high rotation of the wheel
explain why a car and a motorbycle are limited on the speed they can
perform. More the dissymetric effort produce a cyclic vibration and
produce resonnances that opposes the wheel addherence on the road
even with heavy load. This capabilities of a rolling-wheel explain why
at these extremum speed there is no more road-holding and accident
Also, it explains why it is difficult for a car to escape from the mud or
snow when its wheels was getting stuck.

Note that these mechanical dissymmetric behavior is also applyed to

any mechanical gear and limits their rotation speed possibility.

- perpendicular + lines + with + their + symbol + notation


- Table + of + Mathematical + Symbols (

- tabla + de + simbolos + matematicos .(.)

76 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Table + Of + Mathematical + Symbols (Michigan)

- pi + value (Philippines)

- mathematical + symbols + dictionary (

- pure + construction + in + mathematics (..)

- who + created + a + formula + to + rapidly + caculate + the +

value + of + pi (Canada)

- inventors + of + pi + in + maths (VietNam)

There was numerous particular ones all along millenaries.

- antique + mathematics (

- squaring + a + circle (Hong Kong)

- ancient + stone + circles + Jordan (Colombia)

- transformation + from + square + to + circle (Taiwan)

- squaring + the + circle + mystic (, Portugal)

- golden + rational + circles (Jordan)

- rational + pi (Germany)

- pure + construction + in + mathematics (India)

How the Dakhiometry-Calculator allows

to get so simply the Space Constant value?

- human transmutation circle golden ratio (USA)

The 0.78... is from a constant golden ratio utility.

- How + do + I + find + the + square + root + of + 0.78 + on + a +

line + (geometrically) (, Nevada, USA)

You are hot on the scent.

In Dakhiometry spatial language, any calculation on a length can be
performed exactly by construction.

77 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Dakhiometry Theorem:
This theorem is Practically done as follows:

One can get directly by construction, the basic ratio length:

Pi/4 = .78...

a) - From there construct a circle of diameter (AB = 1).

b) - On this diameter AB, there is (AC = 0.78...).
c) - From (C) draw a perpendicular (CD) to AB where (CD) intersect this
circle at point (D)
d) - Result: (AD) is the square root of (AC = 0.78).
e) - Inversely, (AC) is the square of length (AD).

End of spatial calculation.

One get the square root and its inverse of any length situated
from 0 to 1 using this same theorem.

Some visitors are a little self-sufficient to come here in the Dakhiometry,

with his ready-to-wear Mathematics fruitless Pythagore-theorem.

How the Dakhiometry Lamca theorem allows to get simply the following

Pi/4 = (a2) / (c2)

Thus, on any any dimension of this following figure, it can verify what is the
Universal Space Constant.

This next figure shows how

the LamCa theorem allows to write directly:

Pi/4 = (a2) / (c2) = AD/AH

One can see that the LamCa theorem can perform

the calculation of two aeras ratio and inversely.

So what a Pythagore can do in this Impossible

Squaring a Circle job?

Sory, but

78 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

I am tired to waste my time for translating the Dakhiometry spatial language

for the Numbers Religion inconditional and conservative self-absorbed

The Dakhiometry is not a Religion but the true human rational science

- pregnancy + constant + form + signe (Kuwait)

How to get a circle of a given square (K) perimeter

Fundamental basis

1) - A circle can not be generated from any other spatial form.

2) - While a circle form is the origin of any other spatial form.
3) - Therefore to find the problem of getting an equivalent circle
from any other given form, it should be use the basic Space
Constant given from a Squaring a Circle properties.

- volume + of + a + circle + formula (

Volume of (C1) is equal to the perimeter of square (K).

- given a circle construct the line wich length is equal to a circle

perimeter (, Serbia)

Perimeter of (K) = Perimeter of given (C).

Let the Problem of getting a circle with a same perimeter of a given

square (K).

It consistes here from any given

square (K) perimeter with side
(AD), to find how to get a circle (C)
with a same one?
To get the solution, it must be
associate this (K) to any other
squaring a circle spatial structure,
for example any circle of diameter

79 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

(Ax). This structure will give the

Constant line direction (AF) that will
furnish the solution of this problem.

a) - According to the homothetic

property of the universe space, the
line (AF) will intersect always the
square (K) of side (AD) at point (J).

b) - From point (J) a perpendicular

to line (AF) will ALWAYS cut the line (AD) at point (H) on the line of the
square (K) side. This is according to that there is always an unique
perpendicular from a point (H) to a given line (AF). And more the angle
(FAX) is an unique constant of the squaring a circle space structure.

c) - We get then the unique (AH) that is the diameter (AH) of the circle
unique solution of the problem.

The solution of such problem is ALWAYS valid whatever any given

square side length and any referent squaring direction (AF).
This is the property of the Universal Space Angle composed with
line (AF) in this structure.

- This + provided + the + complimentary + squaring + of + a +

circle + and + circling + of + a + square (Singapore)

- prove + the + uniqueness + of ++ a + perpendicular + line +

drawn + to + a + point + on + a + line (Canada)

- prove + the + existence + and + uniqueness + of + a +

perpendicular + drawn + to + a + point + on + a + line
(, USA)

If one has some doubt about the perpendicular property then, it

may be considered that the line FB is copied at point (J). The JH is
a parallel to FB. As FB is perpendicular to AF by construction then
JH is also perpendicular at J. JH is then unique because it is from
an unique point J, a line parallel to AF.

- square + to + circle + calculator (USA)

This is really a spatial calculator that can calculate both the circles
correponding to the aera or the perimeter of any square. It is
according to the Transformation Constants of the squaring a circle.

- prove + the + existence + and + uniqueness + of + a +

perpendicular + drawn (MARIST.EDU, USA)

80 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Any point (X) on the line (JH) has the same and unique line (JH)
as its PERPENDICULAR direction to a given line (AF). It is because
any given Angle, for example a perpendicular Angle, is an unique

- prove + the + existence + and + uniqueness + of + a + perpendicular

+ drawn + to + a + point + on + a + line (, USA)

- vodacom + the + process + of + transformation + of + inputs + to +

outputs (South Africa)

Probably it concerns this above proof.

The vision of a problem should be realized in a precise view point. For
example, considering the Labyritnthe one.
One never can escape from a complex labyrinthe, if being suddenly
found standing closed in its center. Why is this impossibility of escaping
from such system?

There is is a wellknown popular expression that tells:

"When you have lost your Way the best situation to reconstruct it
is to return at the beginning of this way".
Our conscience cannot but construct the precise conscience on the
reality of a given object. There is no certainty if there was no
defined doubt.
This is to tell that it is at the starting of a construction that one
can have a sight on its resolution. It is when one know the Input
that one can find the Output.

a) - It is because being in the middle of a system one cannot but see

this system as a Whole one where we are belonging to. Therefore, a
part of a Whole can never have a sight of this Whole. Being in Internal
Side of a system, we never know that it has any External side. That is to
tell this Whole has neither entrence nor exit issue if one is a part of this
b) - But by what means can we escape from a Labyrinthe? It is simple
when we have a plan of this labyrinthe site. Does the plan being by
itself as a magic one? No, in fact whith a plan of a site, we are in
being not a part of this Whole allows us to see this system FROM ITS
EXTERNAL SIDE. Thus, being external of a system, the logic allows us to
see from its External that there is some Internal side. It is from such
logic that with a plan of the site, we can recognize an Input and also an
Output relative to this particular labyrinthe system.

In conclusion
The Squaring a Circle, the Trisection of an Angle and other so-called
impossible Mathematics problems are due to this wrong concept that the
Squaring a Circle and the Trisection of an Angle belong to the
mathematicians Realm system itself. It is wrong to belive that it suffice
to a Mathematicians to drawn figures and thus, they will a day resolve

81 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

these problems.

This the wrong internal Mathematics methods that drive to the

Impossibility theorem.

How to be abble to positionned for having the capacity of resolving the

squaring a Circle? It is as for the Labyrinthe one, to state that the Circle
in not INSIDE the mathematicians world. The first thing is to have some
solid principle to be abble to state that the Circle is OUTSIDE of the
Alive world. To be clear, mathematicians should being abble to state that
the Circle Trancends of any form known by the alive. Or practically tell,
the Circle is the origin of any of the universe construction. Precisely, it is

The Dakhiometry understanding that there is the Universe Permanence

principle from where there is the Beginning of the nowaday universe.

Therefore, with a such problem statement, the man thinking can stay
ouside of the Whole universe. One can then construc a logic plan that
will show where is the Input and the output of the Squaring a Circle.

This latter problem of the figuring out a circle with a same square
perimeter illustrates clearly that the Output solution is found because
whe have the Input of it. We are standing in the right logic when looking
from the outside of a transcendent system problem. Thus, any problem
of the nowaday universe should consider that the Circle will furnishe the
basic reasons for. The Circle properties are actually the root of any
problem resolution.

Important Note
The Space Constant is strictly the RATIO (AD/AH) of this

The Pi as equal to AD (as the old 3.1416 or the Dalhiometry 3.12019) is

only a very particular case for a GIVEN UNIT of the structure.
It is because Quantity in the universe are only expressed in the form of
a RATIO of Quantities.

(AD)/(AH) = 3.12019.../4 = 0.780048432857...

This is the basic Constant in ratio form used in the Circle Aera and
It this this ratio value that should be used in place of any old mystic Pi,
used in any Mathamtics formula. That is to tell when being rationally
coherent, one should use in place of the alone Pi, the basic ratio
(Pi/4) expression.

Here above all the formula given in Number are done in

82 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Dakhiometry as operations directly in length quantities.

- squaring + the + circle (Malta)

Squaring the Circle is as the sky openning for the rain to fertilize the
whole Earth Science Soul Soil.

What is the universe authentic Space Constant?

Beyond the Old/Modern impotence of the false Mathematic Pi !

Squaring the circle perimeter is not an embelishement of the Circle-

to-Square transformation. It underline the magic of the universe matter
constancy of Quantity.

The dakhi spatial language can define the Space Constancy a:

(AD)/(AH) = 3.12019.../4 = 0.780048432857...

But an another aspect of Quantity can be also be define by its INVERSE

quantity. Thus, this above Space Constant can be also used as:

1/(0.780048432857...)= 1.28197168...

However, the Numbers are used here for mathematiciens who can know
nothing else than the simplistic artificial pythagorean Numbers.

Only the dakhi spatial language can expressed the universe precision on
Quantity. Here after a figure shows how with the spatial language, it can
be represented such fantastic Constancy of the univers Quantity. This
fact is really beyond the Mathematics impotance that are wholy
coagulated under their Number dogma.

- univers + Fleece + tree (Greece)

- pyramiden + diagramme (

83 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

This figure represent the squaring a

circle structure.

It can be constructed in any figure

scale. But to define any spatial
structure one should chose any
length for the figure length unit.
It is done on this next figure with
the square of side length equal to
(1) taken as the figure unit.

Now it can be expressed what are

the space constancy for Quantity.

Therefore, any length (L2) divided

by its corresponding length (L1) is:

(L2)/(L1) = 0.780048432857...

And also:

AH = (L1)/(L2) = 1/(0.780048432857...) = 1.28197168...

Now if this is really a Constant, its inverse value should be equal to the
length (AH), under this figure unit system.

The space constant can be verifyed in any construction of figure scale in

its both form as indicated above.
If one know the dakhiometry method of space calculation, all these two
forms of space constancy can be figure out in their length forms where
they are represented with their maxmal universe accuracy that can
never be for the artificial Number system.

The usual Mathematics Pi is really irrational with all meaning of this

latter word.

- determination + of + the + value + of + pi + when + radius + of +

a + circle + is + 3 + cm (India)

This determination when was done in Number format with a usual

calculator, gives the value of pi always as:

84 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Pi (numeric) = 3.120493733333333...

When proceeding with any dimension of a circle and the processing

was done by a numeric calculator the Pi value is always:

Pi for any radius = 3.12019373...(only this decimal part are chnaged)

However, when the spatial construction is wholy done by construction,

it gives always the exact point to point the same Dakhiometry value
detrmined in this text. It finally give the length point-to-point
representing Pi for any figure dimension. Note that the Dakhiometry
can processing with all the four length calculation modes as Add,
SUB, MUL and DIV and doing it wholy by constructions.

According to the precision of the Math-processor THERE IS
METHOD depending to the possibility of the C.A.D. sofware with that
one use to draw. These sofwares has no need to produce high Math
decimal uses.

- quarter of circle (Canada)

The little circle is exactly inscribed in the main circle quarter. This little
circle is also placed at the center of the main circle. And so on,.. there
are many other little circle placements. More the little circle is the
measurement of doubling the circle and the square fitting with a circle....
In brief, the little circle is the permanent memory of the space structure.

- circle that calculates the value of pi (Philippines)

- animated concentric circles (USA)

- circle + inscribed + in + a + square + structure (Canada)

This the fact. Also in this basic space structure, we can find the secret
key of the Constancy of Space that allows precise absolute universal
measurements of the universe fullness.

85 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- little circle (UK)

- "erreor" + and + analysis + in + L2 China)

Actually. Thank for your remark and for many other ones.
There was many remarks about this error on L2 analysis. However I
haven't understood why there is an error.

May be the error comes from a step of proof that is not detailed explicitly.
I am going to put right in the following.

- proof of pi (nextgentel, Norway)

- Descartes proof of impossiblity of construction of doubling a cube (New

York, USA)

- formulae (Russian Federation)

- construction science formula figures (Fidji)

- old science theory calculation (Malaysia,

/sci/sci/images/ 051302Modern_Science_3.jpg)

- John Northern Arizona construction science (, Arizona, USA)

- draw a diagram of how psychology envolved into a science (Philippines)

- pi + get + real + geometrik (Greece)

This next figure is only possible AFTER the result of squaring a circle for
calculation of L1, L2 and L3 by numeral process.

The Algebraic method is in numeral incapacity to access to the space


The uniqueness of the squaring a circle is a space structure that need

to be resolved ONLY by the Dakhiometry spatial construction

Consider this next added figure.

When we have seen above that
L1 = [c.(sqr(2)]/2
it is clear that according to that L1 is the half
diagonal of the square circonscribed to C,

86 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

the little circle (C''1) of radius equal to L2 is

equal to:

R(c''1) = L2 = (1/2)[c(sqr(2)-1)].

Thus the circle C'1 diameter on figure-4 is :

Diameter of (C'1) = 2 times L2

Because of the C' radius are double of the C one. Therefore, to compare
radius of C1 to the C'1 one is equivalent to compare C1 radius to L2.

Thus, there is no error of proof. Only a step of proof not explicitely


Examine this next figure. You will see unfold the rich consequences of the
circle/square structure. For example, the inscribed square in the C circle,
of side L1, is equal to the quarter of the C' one.
It is not as the old usual mathematics that institutes receipts in huge
works like any Civil Code. Then this latter is used to format the human
brain. Therefore, Mathematic are not laws but consequences of empirical
tricks compiled along the time. While the Dakhiometry knowledge method
is to practise reason deduction from most fondamental but simple real
laws to construct the complexities of the universe matter.

In brief:
* Or one should renounces the Dakhiometry and do not try to integrate it
into the old Mathematics,
* Or with an open minded one can get into the real new way of
knowledge to be abble to construct the wealthy life for everyone and for

demonstration of C1=C'1 is given hereafter.

- numerical value of pi (Australia Univ of Queensland)

- graph of pi converging series (Canada, Ontario London Ody)

- circle pi 3.12 (USA)

- Transmutation circle no background (Singapore,

- unprecision calculation (, Belgrade, Yougoslavia)

87 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- nows + of + Cambodia (Cambodia)

A homothetic of k=2, with center O, give C12 = 2.C1. Lengths are
only considered. Thus C12 contains two C1.

The same homothetic transformation place point O1 at O2. Then, we

have OO2=2.OO1. Therefore the two red circles are equate. That is :
C1 = C'1.

In consequence, the center of C1 is O1 and is also on the intersect of

C' and a diagonal of the square. Remind that C1 is the little circle
inscribed in a quadrant of C.

Introduce the square circumscribed to the great circle of diameter [c].

Drawn a quadrant of radius [c]. The little circle C'1 has a diameter [d]
equate to :

d = c (sqr(2) - 1)

With a homothetic of center O and a literal constant of 2, we can see that

the circles C'1 and C have a same radius. Therefore, C'1 is equate to C1.

From figure-4 we get the value of the radius of the circle C1 as :

radius of C1 = (1/2).(c).((sqr(2) - 1)

With this latter relation the red triangle of figure-1 is completely

88 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

determined as functions of a, b and c.

L1 = (1/2).(c).(sqr(2))

L2 = (1/2).(c).((sqr(2) - 1)

L3 = (1/2).(a + b)

The determination of data for a precise Pi value using the compass and
the rule is completed.

Note that along these analysis for the determination of the universal constant,
we are reading only spatial structure represented by different figures. Also,
figure are spatial matter even if they are done in coarse manners their logic
remain in our mind. Nothing of artificial or arbitrary determination was
introduced. Therefore, the value of this Constant is an authentic positive fact
and belongs really to the Permanence of the matter space.

- pi + value + calculation (Bangladesh)

Now we are going to finish it with calculations. Obviously the red triangle
of figure-1 is a rectangular one. Therefore Pythagoras' theorem allows to
write :

L 22 + L 23 = L 21

Hereafter are developments of successive calculations of the Pi value :

89 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Transmutation + Circle + Philosopher + S + Stone


- squaring a foundation (, Ireland)

- squaring a foundation (, New Jersey, USA)

It is true according to that squaring a circle allows the just

understanding of circle from there can proceed fertile deductions.

- real + value + of + pi (India)

The constant Pi is a ratio of surfaces as :

- true + value (USA)

There is a basic spatial proof of the squaring a circle, doing according

to this ratio. The circle and the square surface externally tangent to it,
is a constant immutable ratio that one can determine for this proof.

- quantum circles (, Oklahoma, USA)

- what is the value of pie in maths friction (Pakistan)

- is + there + a + pattern + in + Pi

- pi + accuracy

90 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

We get finally
the new natural constant of Pi and also some of its characteristics, as
follows :

This formula writen under algebraic Form

can be caluclated directly according to this form, by Spatial
This gives precisely the corresponding LENGTH-of-Pi Corresponding
to the given figure unit !

It is very useful for CAD softwhares.

Remind that this algebraic Formula is originally the result of Spatial



- the + whole + pi + equation (Canada)

- value of pi Romania

- "

- formulas + Pi + for + kids (UK)

- simple + equation + to + get + pi (

- new + value + of + calculating + pi (India)

- new + method + of + calculating + pi (India)

This next above Pi under numeral formula can be purely with length
constructed as shown next in this present text. And if a Length is
considered as rational mathematic element then, Pi is necessary perfectly
Rational. - the + numberto + of +pi (, California, USA)

91 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

"what + is + the + mathematical + value +of +Pi ?"

The practical values of Pi may be as follow :

1) - Accuracy of 1/1000 : Pi = 3 . 12
2) - Accuracy of 1/10 000 : Pi = 3 . 12 02
3) - Calculator accuracy :
------- Pi = 3.12 01 93 73 14 31 77 5 ....

Therefore, the most current friendly-use of Pi, in human scale is

the first choice.

It is to say e.g. : "Free Point Free in Free" numbers.

Also in my mother tongue : "Ba phêt Ba Ba" Sô.

For all the other languages, forgive me please, it is only because

of my ignorance that stops me from chat.

Your notes:

- practical + notes + on + determination + of + the + value + of + pi


- "02 + pi + numbers"
- ...

- what + are + the + 2 + lowest + integers + which + when +

divided + produce + the + result + of + pi (USA)

So you have find a such simple integer formula.

For me, I get it simply with the help of a computer. For the common Pi
value of 1/1000 accuracy it is :

( 234/75 ) = 3 . 12

It seems to be easier to write directly the numeral 3.12

Hereafter, when c = 1 unit. The unit is understood as 1 miles, 1 km, 1

a.u., 1 micron,... and not 1 length quantum, because at quantum scale,
there is not square and Pythagoras' theorem!
Thus, when c = 1 unit, (a) and (b) have particular values as :

92 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Practical uses of circle and square equality :

The perimeter of the circle

- formula + perimeter + of + a + circle (Albania)

No change is for the formula concerning circle. Therefore :

perimeter = 2.Pi.R
With R the circle radius and Pi the above value.

The circle perimeter definition

Until now, it was impossible to measures
precisely a circle perimeter. For the dakhiometry,
the reasons is a fundamental property of the
matter. Geometry was built on the continuity
concept of the world and it was founded on the
Continuum of a Line. Despite a point was an
intersection of two lines, this definition is untrue
even if one is not conscious of this contradiction.
From a view of a World described with Lines,
impossibility appears because of the
contradiction between the Continuum and the
necessarily definition of a Point. All Geometric
figures are only construction of Lines. This is for
the circle that appears as a Line, the famous

Therefore, knowing a circle is knowing how to measure its perimeter. This

93 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

perimeter that is a useful measure for the daily practice, however this
measure was until now an impossibility. And it is ignored that the
fundamental reason is the great contradiction between Continuum and
the practice of reality. Precisely this reality is no more than the Discreet
Matter. On this figure, in the case of figure a), one try to do what is
possible in practice that consists of measuring the circle when it rolls on a
Line. This problem was a so great mystery that on can find any thing as a
result. For example, it was found that using a process of one-to-one point
correspondence, one can prove that the infinite blue Line, is equate to the
half of the circle perimeter. Another thing is to try to paste a polygon on
the circle, until it may be confused with the circle perimeter. Any
operation is impossible according to this knowledge of continuum base.
This is because a continuous line can not be "broken" into dinstinct

On the lower figure b), it is represented the same circle rolling on a road.
Now, we are in the thought of the discreet Matter. One can now applied
the one-to-one process of point to point correspondence. Therefore, the
perimeter that is composed of the out most exterior quantum of matter of
the circle surface. It can be now counted in point to point correspondence
with the straight blue "line".

We can say about the perimeter of a circle that it is a current useful

practical measure, e.g. when one want to know the length of a thread of
a spool of cotton or the distance of a running car.

Remind that a circle perimeter exists really and is formed by a series of

discreet matter elements.

- "discribe" + the + closed + loop + system (UK)

- what + figure + is + formed + by + the + intersections + of + two +


Sorry, no figure is formed by two intersecting planes.

It is only imaginary figure that one uses for the belief of a LINE. This
latter is the Euclide's definition one. With a line, one must go as far as a
line drives him in straight line. And there one have to define the Infinity
for validing the line. Inversely the Infinity generate and valids the Line
imaginary. Therefore, in closed loop one remains shut up in the
Nothingness of unfounded mathematics.

What is the intersection of two planes ? Only a direction. And a direction

is not a line. A clear realistic example is shown in technology. It is the
rudder, the elevator, the planes of airplane and also of an arrow. These
rudders are planes for directions. Then, two plane are efficiently used for
direction controls in that, the arrow body is not a line but a finite

94 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

A line is a human obviousness preconception that give raise to a false

concept. How to distinguish what is the true ? Well, mathematics
generated from Line concept are limited while mathematics founded on
circle are rich and fertile. You have there a great example : the squaring
a circle that are never understood by the traditional mathematics buitt on
Euclidean's Line. Would you like to have a long listing of great
mathematicians that fail on this attempt ?

The Continuity of a Line is a contradiction

The Continuity comes from Euclide's postulates defining a Line of the

1) - By two points there is always a unique line.

2) - A Line is unlimited.

What were resumed by David Hilbert who wanted to a pure abstracted


3) - There exists at least a line passing at two given points.

4) - There exists a maximum of one line passing by two given

Hereafter is how the Continuity meets its contradiction because the

Continuity generates itself a Discontinuity solution.

- play + full + "pastulate" (Pakistan)

- theorems + and + "pastulates" + in + geometry (India)

- geometric contradiction (Korea,


Geometry is a whole contradictory method because it rests on the

Euclide's definion of a Line. This definition has no consistency. when it
rest only a simplistic "edge of an infinite ribon" existing in a
Continuum. Therefore the Goemetry and all the Mathematics don't
know what is a true Line of the Linear realm.

Let a right triangle ABC inscribed in a
circle. On this figure 4-3, one can think
that the circle circumscribed to ABC is the
entire locus of the vertex A. But it is not
the true when A is at B or at C. The above
pastulates postulats and axioms indicate

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that no longer there is a right triangle when

A is on B or on C. The common obviousness
does not be surprised, because this
conclusion seems obvious when there are no
longer a three vertex triangle. But this evident acceptance masks a
serious contradiction.

- theorems + and + "pastulates" + in + geometry (India)

- "pastulates" + of + quantum + theory (Pakistan)

The aim of a theory is to valid pastulate into postulate...

- geometry + pastulate (Philippines)

- Pastulate + and + Theorem + in + Geometry (Japan)

I see... Very famous mathematic Pastulates...

- "pastulate" + theory (Australia)

- Discrete + Math + Prove + that + "teh" + product + of + two +

irrational + numbers + is + always + irrational (Canada)

For more accurate analysis of the situation, introduce the center of

gravity G of the triangle. The center of gravity is a fact of "the object
triangle", as well as for any matter object. Thus, when the vertex A
varies, the center of gravity G varies also. Properties of a center of
gravity of a triangle are known. Therefore, the locus of G is a circle
centered at O and with the diameter equal to BC/3.

If this circle is entirely détermined as the locus of G then the right

triangle is also entirely determined at any position in its circumscribed
circle. Otherwise, there are undefined cases.

Thus, when the vertex A is at point B or C, according to

postulates and axioms of Euclide and Hilbert, between B and C
there is only one line. Therefore, the three medians disappear
and also the center G. Between BC there is one line and no more
right triangle. A discontinuity exists in the locus of G and also in
the locus of the vertex A.

In conclusion, the above Euclide's postulats and the Hilbert's

axioms imply that the diameter of a circle is always a
discontinuity where the right triangle is not defined. We get
there an astonishing result where a Continuum can be used to
prove the Reality of the Discontinuity. Unhappily, this is only a
contradiction of the Continuum concept.

96 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- compilation of all geometric theorems and postulates (?)

There is an interesting result from this indefined triangle when point

(A) is at (B) and (C) positions.
Because in such situation, there is no triangle with the sum of all its
angles equal to Zero degree. There we have:
The Angle (A) is an inexistent summit (A).

Therefore, it gives rise to a fundamental result concerning the

statement of the Pythagoras' theorem.
If it is the current statement that the Pythagoras's theorem is
concerning a rectangular triangle inscribed in a circle then, this
Pythagoras's triangle is not valid when the triangle is reduced at the
circle diameter. Thus the rectangular triangle in a circle is irrelevent
for the Pythagoras' theorem.
While with the Dakhiometry's definition according to the Lam-Ca
theorem, it is used here not as rectangular triangle but only aeras are
concerned as its basic statement.

Consequently the surfaces:

BC2 = BA2 + AC2

According to the Dakhiometry Lam-Ca theorem this formula is always

valid as aera summation equalitties. The Lam-Ca secret is the use of
aera and not with only linear segment as is done in Mathematics.
Because Aeras can be attached to circular properties.

It is why the Dakhiometry Lam-Ca theorem rests on more basic

foundation and is quite different from what is denoted as the
coagulated Pythagoras' theorem statement.

The idea of the Infinite and the concept of the Unbounded

The Infinite concept is impossible to define. And this concerns also for the
Non-Being and the Zero concepts. Until now, the human thought seems
to please to refer there. The proof is that these thinks lean on a certain
Continuum, or the Infinity.

Here are therefore contradictions engraving these notions.

One "thinks" Continuum and Infinity in manner so uncertain that one has
the pain to take conscience that these thoughts are not possible without
the Discontinuous of the matter. There are therefore giant theories, that

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

build the Continuum with the Discontinuous Facts. If one asserted that
everything is taken shape drowned in the Continuous, one however
ignores that this Continuous non-distinguished world is necessarily
constructed according from brick to brick process. Because, what is a Cut
in the Continuum of Real numbers? Why can one distinguishes "holes" in
rational numbers, while this world was supposed to be a Continuous? If
the Whole natural numbers appears in First, how can one assert that the
World is a Continuum?

Here is a precise example in mathematics, for defining the Infinity. Note

that the Infinity is a consequence of the Continuum and that Zeno found
this world too narrow, without possibility of movement.

One defines that the Infinite number is a number that is larger than any
given number.

Fatal contradictions:

1) - As stated, the Infinity is not a number, because, "larger than"

is not a quantity neither a uniqueness.

2) - this definition of the Infinity leans only on the Discontinuous of

the World, because,

- "any given number" is a property of the Discontinuous World. And if

there is one Discontinuous reality then, this Continuous world is a
- if, one could propose a number "larger than", this means that this
number would not be Infinite. Result: this definition is only a proof of
the Discontinuous and, ever, one reaches the Infinity that this definition
seeks to define.
Aah! If Zeno was there, he would tell you his history of a tortoise that
runs faster than the wind...

In summary:
One finds thus, in education works the erroneous and uncertain notion :
"The infinity is a number larger than any given number".
The error is hidden under a seemingly formalism. This last masks the
unavoidable uncertainty of the Infinity notion, the philosophical or
mathematics ones, because precisely, it comes from its absence of
conscience in the human thought.

The natural just concept is the Succession that generate unbounded and
the Without-Limit notions. Thus, the real definition should be : "The
Evolution of the Life is such that, to any step of the life, there is always a
one by which, Life can go further"
This is not a theorem to prove. One can only verify it, because the
Succession is a Fact of the matter Movement, called the Recurrence.
According to this unbounded evolution, on can say that the Uniqueness is
a characteristic of the universe. The old mathematic known series are
very poor system due to language of number that drive to traps, holes,
forbidden things the most strange.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Conclusion :

This is an exact definition of the Without-limit of the Succession Fact of

the natural number series.

One can then state: The Without-Limit is represented by a series of

numbers the succession of which can exceed any given number.

The series of Natural Numbers is a such series, that represents the

Without-Limit, or the Liberty, of the Evolution of the universe.

the notion of Without-Limit can be understood as next. We suppose to be
standing on an immense plateaus of earth. Walking on this terrain, step
by step, represents the discontinuous of numbers. Then, we tell that this
terrain has a limit, if in the course of our step, the ground gives way,
because a ravine delimits the terrain. Another case, is that this immense
plateaus, has no Limit. Then, one would tell that to any number of steps
that one can make, there is always this one that one can do more
further... It is thus, the notion of the Without-Limit the same as the one
of the Absolute Liberty. It is now a problem for everyone of the human.
On the place of the Infinite word, anyone has to invent again, the just
term expressing this real Withiut Without-Limit notion that one finds in
the natural numbers series properties.

- what + were + the + first + machines + that + could + process +

equation + "withiut" + human + direction (USA)

What are the view points of the Dakhiometry about this problem ?
For the Dakhiometry, matter is discret and the quantum space is
obsolutly defined. Lines are only directions determined by the motion in
the recurrent process. That is to say lines and precisely segments of line,
are only regularly succesive quantum locations in a precise direction.

Therefore, lines and segments, are composed of a series of discreet

matter. In brief, lines and segments of line are matter.

Resume the above representation of a right triangle ABC but it wil be

defined in the view point of discete matter.

Let be the intersection of the medians of
the right triangle that gives the point G.
This medians are matter and can not
appear or disappear without doing it

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

according to the matter conservation laws.

Thus, when the vertex A is at point B or

point C, the medians are always matter
reality. They are in these positions, aligned
to BC as shown on the figure 4-3,
according to matter characteristics. One can see that these three
segments of matter can yet define a center of gravity G. This means
that in the situation where the vertex A is at B or C, the median lines
of matter are not vanished and confused. They can again represent a
center of gravity of a particular right triangle form.

There is no position where the right triangle is undefined as for the

continuum of the Geometry.

Practical Notes :
To see if G is at the center of gravity, one can divide each medians
into 1/3 parts. Then, one can count these parts at each side of point
G. The result must be the equality of matter between the two side of
G. on this figure, one can see that on the side GC, there is six parts
and on the side AG, there is also six parts. This means that G is the
center of gravity of matter shared along BC.

Conclusion on the Continuity of the Line in Geometry

For the Dakhiometry, the circle circumscribed to a right triangle

ABC is entirely defined as the locus of the vertex A. While for the
Geometry, there is a Discontinuity in this locus and the triangle ABC
is not defined when there is only the hypotenuse. This is not due to
logic relationship but only a great contradiction in the principe.
Because, the Discontinuity defined by the Continuity is a
fundamental contradiction. They are two contradictory concepts, the
one is True and the other is Untrue. One can prove that the
Continuum is Untrue.

Therefore, it is a fact that the Continuity postulates and axioms of

the Geometry generate Contradictions.

Some remarks and questions visiting this Evolution site.

100 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- would + the + value + of + pi ++ be + the + same + if + a + larger

+ weight + had + been + used

The value of space is not dependent of mass of matter. Space value are
concerning location and distance.
Because from the Anciant's time, space is nothingness. Thus any
Geometric value is not depedent to mass.
In Dakhiometry, space is concrete matter and length is a matter, thus
the question of Pi value according to mass is a valid one. However,
foundation of space matter rests on the existence of elemental
immutable matter. And this state has the property of without-
interaction because being immutable the elemental matter don't obey
to interaction laws and has no weight or mass. Thus element of space
as points and lines are pure distances absolutely located. Therefore, a
length value is an absolute one and do not depend of any another
physical factor else than as exclusively with absolute locations.

The Pi value that is a space constant, is only disatnce of absolute


- value + of + pi + prove + cut + the + circle + rectangle (India)

- In + triangle + ABC, + lines + are + drawn + from + the + vertices

+ to + the + first + trisection

OK. In continuation, from the other vertices, draw trisection of each...

then you get the Morley theorem figure. There is a means of doing
trisection in similar way. The Morley theorem is proved simply in
Dakhiometry by trisection and this Morley's figure is in fact a
consequence of the trisection process. It is the same for the Achimedes'
figure of trisecrion, with circles that are only consequence coming after
the trisection construction.

- everything + in + Geometry + is + built + out + of + point

This is a fact of Geometry, because its foundations rest on the

Continuum. In Dakhiometry, points are absolute locations of space. Also
figures are precisely located at these points. But points are only the
two ends of an ultimate elemental length. From that, it is a property of
space to be named precisely by natural number series provide that this
series can be adjusted to the scale of lenghts. Example for 1, 2, 3,... It
may be km, cm, picometer, or elemental sacale scaled unit.

One see that with Geometric points, the Anciants cannot use Geometry
for calculation with numbers. The modern Real number series is
example of tempting to name the Continuum but unsuccesfully because
of Principle contradiction in that Continuum Conrinuum cannot be
Discretness of a Name. From there, Numbers begun to be buit as a

101 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

dichotomic part detached from Geometry.

- GIANT + "CONRINUUM" + 7 + instructionq (Hong Kong)


- pi + + false + proof + -Bible

- how + was + pi + named + in + the + Bible ?

- is + true + a + circle + is + determined + if + a + given + segment

+ is + its + diameter

Is true.
The basic proof is as follows.
1) - The Symmetry is a basic property of any object in the universe.
Thus, the object center is a given data to define this object.
2) - A circle is defined by it given center plus one point of its

Now, a GIVEN segment is defined by its given center and its two ends.
Therefore, necessarry, a given segment is sufficient to wholy define
a unique circle, as long as they have the same center.

It is why a circle has one unique diameter length.

Atchimedes' Centre of Gravity.

Proofs of solid aeras and volumes are FALSE. With his gravity
center he did succeed to prove the validity of solid

Please Click here :

102 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Archimdes' gravity center method is invalidated.

The Geometric construction

of a straight length equal to the Pi value
- "discover + of + the + circle + circumfernece"

Hereafter is the Geometric construction of a straight length that is equate to

the Pi value. That is to say, the Geometric straightening of the curvature of a
circle circumference is a reality. Therefore, a circle perimeter can be obtained
precisely as a straight segment..

Now that the Lam-Ca theorem is more familiar, it can be presented here,
another way of squaring a circle and a method of constructing a straight
segment equate to the perimeter of a circle.

Theorem of the straightening of a circle perimeter

- galileo man square circle (, Hennepin Medical Center, Mineapolis,

Minnesota; USA)

- "cicle" + surface (Japan)

- how + can + I + prove + that + the + "area" + of + a + circle + is + pi +

r + squared

- maths area coming off a circle (, UK)

This is the truth.

- super linear transformation (, Provider of SaaS Web Security,


- morphing a square into a circle (Bangladesh)

- circular cutting apparatus (Turkey)

This next figure shows that one tries to tell what is a circular aera by means

103 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

of linear realm tool as the rectangle.

However, only a circle can tell what is its true aera. For this purpose, we can
tell what is a circular aera when we get the Key of transformation from
Circular realm into the Linear one.

- finding the perimeter ":od" a difficult figure (Philippines)

The circle surface appears as rectangular or square surface. Then, it is why

the proportional constant denoted as Pi is a problem since a long time. The
figure show to method of how to define this constant as a factor.

- Transform a rotation into a linear back-and-forth movement with simple

harmonic motion. (Virtnam)

Question for those who believe to their irrationality of Pi

- algebraic + proof + irrationality + of + pi (USA California Santa
Cruz Univ.)

Any algebraic proof of irrationality is done according to the

mathematic convergence methods and to successive Euclidean
divisions. These types of methods are necessarily the unbounded
accesses methods denoted as irrationallity. Therefore, the
irrationality is not concerning a numbers characteristic but only the
irrationality of bad mathematic's methods. A bad method is only a

104 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

false method and can never be classified as a mathematic

irrationality discovering.

- formulas + N + "which" + pi + appears + in (USA)

Actually, we have the natural Integer numbers series that is written

as :
N = Pi.x
as shows in the following where N=circumferences and

- irrational habit plane (Shiraz University, Iran)

The proof of circle surface (S) in the following uses summation of circle
perimeters or circumferences (P) that compose it. Then, one get (P)
versus diameter (D) :
P = Pi.D
This perimeter is then a linear function of the diameters.
Consequently, any circle perimeter is function
of diameters varying from zero to any number
of the universe. Then, this perimeter (P) can
vary from zero to any number of the universe.
Particularly all these (P) numbers necessary
contains the natural Integer series beginning
from 1 to unbounded great quantities. The
figure here, shows the graph of this linear

Thus, why a product of the irrational Pi give

raise to the natural integer number series ?

Every provers of the irrationnality of Pi, have to make a point of giving an

answer about a such FACT : why irrationality produces rationality ?

- irrational + numbers (Niger)

Here is only a particular exemple. There is a basic proof that irrational

numbers are contradictions. Because it can be proved that any Natural
Number is irrational with an exhaustion method. And inversely, we can
prove with compass and edge that any number, include the whole Natural
series ones, that all quantities can be precisely and exactly determined.

105 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Theorem on integral calculus for a circle aera

- PI + "MATEMATICS" (Slovenia)

... a new most simple but exact method. - mathématics + integral +

concepts + and + formule (Mexico)

- how + many + degres + has + a + circle (Canada)

AAny given value is valid as representing a circular cycle. Therefore, one
(1) is valid and any natural integer number is valid. It is why the space
constant (pi/4) is rational because an operation on an irrational number is
known as producing irrational result. This prove also that irrational
mathematics are the most confude and contradictory formalism.

- why + are + circle + graphs + mostly + "alway" + named + circle + O

? (USA)

... HELP !!!

- physic + and + technologies + invention + 2002 (Phillipines)

- the + universe + observes + itself (USA)

Because matter is memory and the thinking is constructing reason on

memory data the universe seems observing itself. However, this matter
process is not a closed loop system. A closed loop produces bounded
process from there one can say that the universe is an observed observer.
While building New reasons from memory is a Succession process.
Because this latter is a Recurrent one, the alive universe is unbounded
existence based on a finite quantity of matter. From there it appears as
Matter Conservation principle conserbation. Therefore, the universe of the
alive is an open logic system based on permanent foundation.

- law + of + "conserbation" definition (Canada)

Finger motions is not an uniform one... this the last experimental


- pi + value (Hungary)

- proof + that + pi + is + transcendent (Israel)

- determination+of+the+value+of+pi (Ghana)

106 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- counted + pi + value (Finland)

- taoism + and + concentric + circles (USA)

- the+universe + observes + itself (USA)

- What + methods + have + been + used + to + find + a n + accurate +

value + for + pi (Montserrat)

- finding + pi + by + rolling + measuring + a + circle

- basics + construction + fondations (Canada)

circles and curvatures are internal properties of circular structure. Any

measurements of circles through linear function must necessary uses the
Constant factor of spatial circle transformation. In the following, is a
theorem on circular aera integral calculus measurements using
circumference in discrete matter :

- what + is + Circularity + maths + and + science (Zambia)

- pi + value (Maldive)

- parallel + world + equations + the + proof + that + "ther" + is


- why + circle + of + life + and + not + a + square (South Africa)

- quantity + of + cars (China)

- transformation + from + square + to + circle (USA)


- mécanique + propriété + matière (Vietnam)

- mathematic + formula + to + calculate + circle + lenght (Latvia)

- the + meaning + of + the + "ying" + and + the + yang (Ivory


107 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Actually, beginning of life was born from two matter structures that
contribute all along the universe history to furnish basic materials
and reasons developments for construction. As a Mother and a
Father are two complementary structures linked together to be able
to prepare a child, they are characterized as the yin and yang
principle of life. The two necessary circle and squarre structures
with which an unbounded way was opened. The Yin and Yang are
not ideology but only observations of the reality of the universal life
possibilities extending on heavenly globe bodies that fit to physic

- square + and + round + archetypes (USA)


- spatial figures (Philippines)

You are right to underline such notation.

Denoting of "spatial figures" is specific to the Dakhiometry language to
define spatial constructions of figures using basic elements of space as
point, line and curve.
Obviously one use to tell that it is Geometry. However, it should be
distinguishe the Dakhiometry from the old Geometry. Even if the forms
seems to be the same but the mode of thinking is quite different because
the spatial language rests on true principes of the universe's concrete and
discrete absolute space. In fact Geometry is only figure formalism
abstraction and ignores what is the universe space. For Geometry, the
space is rather the inheritance of the Anciant Nothingness ideology. It is
why Geometry was early a dead-language and was overcome by Algebra
and Anlaytic Geometry methods that use Number formalism jointly to
graphics. These latter are not spatial constructions but resulting from
numeric algoritthms.
The spatial language is unbounded in fertil manners. For example
calculation are done by simple easy and fast construction using space
elements. It is done in precision and exactness if point location without
suffering errors from neither irrational Number holes nor infinity limits of
"not-a-number" methods.

- Day length as a function of latitude (USA, Mary Land)

- constructing spatial figures (Philippines)

- varying length of day and night (Philippines)

- how to calculate the sinusoidal graph for day duration for Melbourne

Actually, concerning Melbourne, all the Earth seasons are the reversed

108 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

ones as shown on this next figure. The day duration with a good
approximation, may be considered with the Earth considered as a perfect
sphere. It is because on any Earth latitude, the day cycle is the same.


Length of days along

the Earth ecliptic
can be defined by
spatial figure as the
next one.
On this figure, the
North altitude is
shown from 0 to 90
degrees. Length of
days are defined by
different latitude
circle perimeters. All
these circle denote 24H time of a day. They are face to the Sun normal
view toward the Earth but on this figure is represented what does the
Sun see on different Earth globe latitudes. The red part of any circle are
durations of a days according to its latitude and the reminder of its
perimeter in blue color denotes the Night duration.
This figure represents the Winter and Summer Earth solstices for the
North hemispher. For the South one, we have to permute the color of the
perimeter as night for day duration and inversely.

Fot the equinox in Spring and Autumn the Earth pole axis is in a plane
perpendicular to the Sun radius. This produce an equi-axis Earth distance
from the Sun. Therefore, the 24H circle duration is divided in two equal
parts for the day and night perimeter lengths.

- convert a circle to a rectangle (USA nih gov)

- squaring + the + circle + equation (UK)

- squaring + the + circle (Belarus)

- impossible algebra formula (USA New Jersey)

- four bugs simultaneously crawling towards each other, square, physics

(USA NMT edu)

- Sacred number formula revealed

109 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- description of E.T.'s over time (USA)

- sacred physics (King Country Library System, USA)

- circle pi circumference (, USA)

- optimal disposition of squares (Canada)

- proof + squaring + a + circle (The University of Texas at Austin, USA)

- proof with mathematical pi (

- the root of all action square root of two (, Toronto, Canada)

You have get an insight of action practice. So, plough more further to
gather in the crops.

- nuumber pi figure (, Missouri, USA)


Resume to this figure:

Let SAD the greater square surface of side

[AD] et SAB the one of the little square of
side [AB]. The ratio of these surfaces can be
written as :
SAB/SAD = Pi/4

This a form of the Space Constant given

from the Squaring a circle. It will be very
usefull in the following.


y = (------------------>)

- The circle perimeter formula.

The universe Existence is as a toggle of light. But at the beginning light

110 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

was not a phenomenon. The universe beginning is rather a toggle of

knowledge owing to the starting possibility of transformation of curvature
into straignt straight line. We human can know this universe event using
the space structure logic. Then performing a squaring the circle we can
get the process of how space use to go from a curve into a staright line.
The square was a new space structure born from the circular one where
measurment can proceed for the beginning of the universe construction.

We have seen that the squaring a circle is done using a space Constant.
Then we can know how to transform any circular line into a straight one
and inversely.

This transformation also must be refered to the basics space structure

where the universe is originated. It is the circle and the square
associated structure. This latter is a circle inscribed in a square or
inverseley a circle circonscribed to a square. This two forms are related
between them by the space Constant. Therefore, we can write the
immutable relation between the perimeter of a square and the
circumference. If (D) is the side of the square and the circle diameter;
(P) the perimeter of the square; and (C) the circumference, we have :
P = 4.D
C = P . pi/4
P = C . 4/pi

The space Constant is used here as (pi/4) or its inverse (4/pi).

According to these relationships, the circumference formula is given as :

C = pi.D It corresponds to,

C = P.(pi/4)

- fundamental + theorem + proof + different + equation (Vietnam)

Dakhiometry theorem

1) - Theorem of the circle perimeter

The perimeter of a circle is equal to the perimeter of the square of side the
circle diameter, time the space Constant (pi/4).

2) - Theorem of the square perimeter
The perimeter of a square is equal to the perimeter of the circle of diameter
equal to the square one, time the inverse space Constant (4/pi).

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Reciprocal + formula + for + construction (Hongkong)

- when + was + the + first + circle + invented? (Former Czecholovakia)

- formula + for + finding + the + perimeter + of + a + square + when +

you + know + the + "diaginal" (USA)

- circle + perimeter + formula (Singapore)

Bows practical application

The space Constant is then means of figure out

any circular bow lengths. Inversely any straight
length can be define a bow length legth in a any
circle. This can be done in any dimension
dimansion. These applications should use the
corresponding suqare square-cercle structure.
Example is show in this next figure in that there
are drawn two equal circle bows and their
corresponding half square straigth lengths. In
theses structures an angle define a proportion of the bow and it
equivalent same proportion of length, in the square perimeter. Basic
square-circle structure are square and circle inscribed or circonscribed.
From these equivalent, one can extend this equivalence to any dimension
according to proportion defined.

- "legth" + circular + loop (USA)

- finding + "suqare" + root + algebraically (India)

- tiny + pi + calculation (Italia)

- bow + distribution + exercices (USA)

- surface + "area cylindar" (USA)

Why the empirical process of convergence

by exhaustion like the polygon one,
is an error erreor when founded as an axiom

- manipulate + nothingness (Germany)

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

A fine meaning in words association.

- trancendent + classes (Mexico)

- define + Tchuan (Canada)

- polygone + inscrit + et + circonscrit (Canada)

We have now the mean of the transformation process between straight

line and curves. It allows to understand why the Archimedes' exhaustion
can't be a success and why with modern calculation machines polygon
exhaustion can't get the excat Pi value.
The polygon axhaustion method is a very fine idea and eveyone of the
best may end to use this polygon method because it seems the most

One don't have to mask this event and reminds that no

mathematicians from Archimedes to all the modern ones, nobody
never being able underline some controversial point about the old
pi value. The Squaring a circle was forbiden as impossible problem
and also as heretic subject. The more, since during four years, my
publication on this site about the squaring a circle meet silence
from any scientific institution over the world. This last fact is a real
aberrant heretic occurence that is a real odd thing today. So, for all
institutional matheamticians, I hope you will fully take advantage
and make the most opportunity of the Squaring a circle fertilities an
also to avoid so many errors generated from the current methods.

This is only a particular point of the Dakhiometry. This latter opens

up more larger new horizon that mathematics can't never predict.

- pi + structure (Cocos Island)

It is the just concept : a space structure constant. There is large

consequences that simplify the space knowledge.

- answers + for + "Archemides" + problems + in + high + school


- Archemides + organization + in + estonia (, North

Estonia Medical Centre, Regionaal haigla, Estonia)

- define + physical + factors (Jamaica)

- squaring + or + "squarring" (USA)

113 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- ultimate value of PI (USA)

- algebraically + prove + that + a + circle + has + a + larger + "area" +

than + a + polygon (UK)

- how + many + segments ++ will + fit + on + "teh" + circumference +

of + this + circle (USA)
There is no number of linear segments that can correspond one-to-one to
a circonference, even if we can count the immutable elemental matters.
Because linear and curvilinear lines are of two quite different logic
worlds. When operating in the linear world, and try to resolved circle as a
polygone constituted by points as sides, comes from ignorance of this
basic space difference. The only means of comparing these two worlds is
not to directely linked them point by point, but to leave the one and enter
into the othern by means of the Space Constant.
Ignoring the Space Constant, drives Galileo to prove that an infinite line
correspond one-to-one with a half-cirle length. This is the infinitesimal
Continuum world where every thing can be confused and allows to
produce many dogma.


- discovering + pi + as + the + limit + of + perimeters + of + polygons


Convergence and Exhaustion methods errors.

Ignorance of matter space

- draw square with compass (USA, Texas, Abilene McMurry University)

- périmètre + polygone + exinscrit + supérieur + cercle (France,

Lyc-Curie-Sète Ac-Montpellier)

The 1er space postulate

114 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- a + circle + may + be +++ drown ++ a + point + as + center + and

+ any ++ length + as ++ radius ++ is ++ this +++ stetment +++
postulate ++ or +++ theorem (Eritrea)

This a most important questionning about our conscience on what is the

Being of universe Facts. This precise root determination from where
reason of everything can rest on immutable basic reality. Root from
where our conscience can be built to be in concordence with realities.
The root of reality as source of truth beyond which there is no more
though and from there unfolds any reason of thinking. Each of human
should recognize and meet there such universal Facts because aside
imaginary any human can't but rest on such base.
From any root reason there is always down stream reasons of thinking
and never in upstream direction where there is a blankness effect.
According to this basic characteristic, we can define such root reason as
Postulate when no more possibility can be meet to find some more
upstream one. Then, as source is always going downstream we can
define what are consequences deduced from root reason as a Theorem.

Concerning the circle, a point as center for two points of a compass is

equivalent to a circle as a constant radius from a point. These two
propositions are equivalent and both can be valid. Therefore, these
reasons are not an unique reason. They are not the uniqueness of a
Postulate because from a point as center or an end of radius we can
produce unlimite particular circles.
Thus, a circle postulate should give the uniqueness of a circle concept.
We have to note that the space has two characteristics. Space is both
Distance and Direction or as Linear and Circular aspects. A center of a
compas or a radius are Linear elements. So they can't be used to
designates the Circle Direction property. Consequently, we should find
what is the characteristic of the space Direction. A such definition will
be the unique one for a circle. The circle postulate can rest a such
unique concept. We can state the Circle postulate as follows:

A circle is the figure of a pure matter Central Symmetry

any other properties are the Central Symmetry consequences from

where we can classified them as theorems.

- what + is + rule + of + law + what + is + the + conseqence + in +

abscence + of + rule + of + law (Ethiopia)

- centre symétrique classe de 5ème (France)

115 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Practical Exercice
From a given point marked on the ground, it is asked to two or
many children to have to placed themselves around this point.
They will do in such manner that they expressed by their location
what is the meaning of this point on the ground as a Central Point.
It is to say that the children have tp expresse their feeling about
the Central Symmetry.
There is a corresponding inverse exercice.
It is for somebody standing at a fixe centre and then to place
everybody around him in such manner that the whole form a circle
around it center. It wild be done in varying the distance or the
circle radius.
All these exercises will be an amazing and educative ones if there
is an equipment of photos and some computer that allow to verify
rapidly the circularity of these field events.

The Central Symmetry knowledge is a natural capacity of

everybody that have to be maintained in conscience activity.
Because this latter is source of human physical and mental
equilibrium. Note that the central symmetry is an everyday
capacity of wild annimals.

Example of how to deduce from the Central Symmetry postulate

the usual figure of any circle

- central symmetry (Latvia)

the central symmetry is a practical postulate that can be used in

applications. A central symmetry is extended to both the linear
and the circular space aspects. For example, a point as a cental
symmetry of a system, can be verified by any other of its points
that it has necessary a central symmetric point. Also, it can be
verifyed with any axial symetry by angular equality between
0-180 degrees.

1) - The central symmetry in the universe means one unique point

(C) defining a Center point. Extending this latter meaning, the
universe is necessarily as a space having the property of being in
discrete location points. Without the Fact of the perfectly defined
Central Point in the universe - e.g. the space as a Continuum -
there is a contradiction to the the possibility of Central Symmetry.
2) - Thus deducing from the Central Symmetry One Point it can be
defined the reality of any one another point (P) in the univers.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Now refering to the Central point (C), it can be produced a

corresponding point (P') according to the Central Symmetry
3) - Being a space of discrete point the direct consequence of the
Direction (CP) is that it is composed of a quantity of discrete
points. Consequently it can be deduced the property space
Distance equalilty as:
From there, necessarily, any other point (Pi) forming as (CPi)
constitutes a circle of this radius distance. An another importance
of consequence is that with the reasons of such deductions we can
state that the universe is necessarily a spherical space. Out of the
Central Symmetry postulate, that is to say, the beyond-
the-universe space, is nothing else than blancking of reason for
knowledge. No logic of law can allow us to name sommething with
the Nothingness term. This is the universe as the Whole concept.

This is an example of what is deductive consequances that can be
done from a true circle postulate. Without the Central symmetry,
there is blankness of reason. From a such postulate unbounded
consequences can define what is the wealthy circular property in
the universe space.
From a such perfect central symmetry without no Form because
there was only space Direction, we can deduce that there was
necesssarily a matter process for space Distance definition. Space
as Direction and Distance is the logic of the universe as form
constructions. Therefore, there was necessarily one Beginning
from the pure central symmetry for the Distance Transformation
Therefore, there is logically in the universe the Beginning of
Construction Event rationally defined in Dakhiometry as the
apprearance from the Circle property a relationship corresponding
to the Square form.
From there any form, included the Circle, the universe uniqueness
realities can be constructed as precise structures of forms in

- plato and the theory of forms (, UK)

- plato theory (Colombia)

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

On the Circle or Mathematics an Physics ignorance of space

About Plato theories

- Plato's inventions (USA)

- the world of form (Thailand)

May be, from the Plato's compass was intituted the famous circle
definition. From there circle formula are defined by a radius. It is only a
creation from "idea".
Because practically and more basically, a circle should be accessed by its
diameter. Remember that manufacturing of tubes use a diameter to
specified any tube. And the first possible measurment of circular form is
the diameter. Also, astronomy uses diameter of heavenly bodies.

Property of space in Dakhiometry

A circle can't be construct with nothing else than according to the circular

Plato tell that the world is based on the differents geometrical figures
included the circle. But this universe space description shows that he
don't know really what is the circular realm because a such theory is only
the Linear universe.

Because when he tell that geometry should be constructed with a

compass and a straight edge he din't be in consciousness that a compass
is not a circular device.
a Compass, is only a LINEAR device!
Therefore, the expression "compass and straight edge" is equivalent to
"Staright edge and straight edge".

On this next figure, is shown the real basic structure of a compass. A

compass is no other thing than a straight segment. It is a Linear
structure. The rounds done with a compass are only conventional symbols
of Circular Circles produced by a linear tool. While a square is really a
real linear figure constructed with linear tools.

Definition of a circle
A circle is a structure of space locations in Circular Succession. Nothing
else out of this circular succession belong to a circle property.

Thus, the definition of a circle as points at equal distance from a center

point, is only a figure of the Linear Realm. It is why most statements on
circle are done using its radius. This is the proof of Mathematics
ignorance about the basic difference between Linear and Circular

a) - According to these usual errors about a compass, one can draw many
geometrical figures with a compass ignoring that one is using only a

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

straight edge structure and the circle are there only a conventional figure
of "equal distance from a center point".
b) - In practice a square can't be constructed using only with the
property of a circle as circular points in succession. Because this circular
structure is in fact the Direction Structure or more wellknonw tell as
Angular Structure.
c) - From a circle there is uniquely one possible transformation: the
squaring a circle. This latter is the even from there Linear realm can be
revealed. It is the event of linear Direction that allows to measure the
Angle in space. Angle can be defined only when straight line exists in

For example, to draw a square with circle, we need first to define at least
a 90° angle or its multiple. We do that because, we KNOW yet what is a
direction lines. But with only the real circular structure we can't know
what is a straight line.

From Ignorance of the Circular realm,

appears the empirical mathematic of Exhaustion and Convergence
Ignoring that space is characterized in two aspects Linear ans Circular,
one meets difficulties of knowing what is a circle.

There is the famous problem of defining the circular structure as for

example the circle diameter and its disk aera. A mysterious and magic
key of transformation appears in the whole world as the unattainable God
with the name Pi.

From a such God, Mathematicians are running in a vicious circle as the

Achiles and the Tortoise race.
For this purpose, theories are built for the know how to catch a ghost as

a) - Zeno's Achiles' axiom

Running after, you can't catch nothing if you are enough doing the half of
the necessarry way to be equal the job.

b) - Archimadean enhance axiom

To catch an aim you need to do successively more than a half-way toward
the goal. You will then going byond it.

- Archimedes' + principle + is + not + precise + enough + for


In fact the preciseless of this axiom is only because it is an

empirical statement. Discrete Space is the fullness of precision.
When nothing is known one use to think "more than and less than
principle". It is also the case for the Ptolemy theorem of inscribed
quadrilaterals where the precision can be shown.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

According to these famous and applied theories, here is how Archimedes

try to catch the shifty God Pi. It is compare there what are the difference
between a Half-a-way denoted as (MZ) versus the more-than-half-a-way
denoted as (MA).

- pictures of plato and his inventions (, MicroSoft Corp,


Actually, the two segments of a nice compass device is only one

segment of the circle radius. It is why one use to define a circle
with its radius instead of his diameter. This later is what in
astronomy pactise we need to know and can be measured directly.

- Plato's belief in law (, Canada)

- ignorance exhaustion death (FHCRC.ORG, Fred Hutchinson Cancer

Reasearch Center, Seattle, Washington, USA)

- Plato's inventions (California, USA)

In this figure is shown (OB) as what is a Plato's Compass.

- Plato's inventions (, Canada)

- Plato theory of forms (, UK)

- Plato's belief (, Madison Wisconsin, USA)

- Plato theory of ideas (Latvia)

All object construction of the universe are done exclusively

according to the universal laws. Whatever are the multiplicity of
forms any construction is then deduced from the universe space
structure properties. Human is no more different from any simplest
object. In fact nothing is really simplistic because they are perfectly
organized by the universal laws. Perfect means here according
strictly to the Facts of universal laws. Human capability of thinking
is no more than a form property of law construction as well as a
falling body or a chemical transformation of any matter even if the
thinking seems to be a more complex transformation process. The
human thinking is only the fact of a complex transformation mode
inherent to any human and is being basically impress in human as
his own internal property.
Therefore, human Ideas are not something outside to the human
whole construction sytem. Human ideas are facts of internal
structure of the alive. For example, the fact is that anyone can
intuitively know any elemental form in the nature even if he can't
named it. It is because, without no form recognition nobody can't
neither behave nor move as he need it in evryday life.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

that universal laws means that strictly, nothing is outside of any
universal law. It is why there is no Nothingness. Nothing is in the
Nothingness according to the Nothingness should define No
Universal Law because anything is necessary properties from
universal laws.

- Plato forgotten river (, Tennessee, USA)

- philosophical theory of forms (USA)

- Plato the divided line summary (, Arizona State University,


- theory of forms non material (Missisippi, USA)

However, forms are Quantities the property of concrete matter. The

belief that ideas are forms, therefore cunfusing ideas with
quantities, drives to Dedekind and Cantor to invent from their
imaginative ideas, that infinities are also forms, the numbers ones.
The Euclidean Line is also a Nothinness in contradiction when
designating the material space line. In brief, since millenaries,
Mathematics is manipulating Nothingness and ignores what is the
concrete forms of space reality. This is the science Continuum
dogma background.

- Plato's belief knowledge chart (, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria)

- examples of what is the difference between reflection and

refraction in math (, USA)

- math pi examples in middle ages (, Hawaii, USA)

- What Did Zeno do for math (, USA)

- maths example -lateral thinking enhancing vertical thinking

(, University of Botswana)

- image of difference between open-loop system and close-loop

system (Russian Federation,

121 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

The belief is that Linear tool can reproduce the Curvilinear realm.
Difference between Zeno's Clasical Exhaustion (Mz) and the Enhance
Archimedean one (MA), is that Zeno propose to do exhaustion with the
preceding half-step while the Archimedean axiom states that it is done
with a little more than a half-step. But both are unsuccessful courses.

Also, the Plato's Compass as a segment-OB Principle.

The Archimedean exhaustion process can't never be achieved. because

simply, we can only exhaust a polygon toward a PRECISE GIVEN goal and
not toward exactly an UNKNOWN thing as the Circle-to-be-found. That is
to tell, the polygon method is to catch the shadow of a ghost.

1) - In Dakhiometrie the Archimedes' axiom as {(n.a)>b} is only a

consequence of a real basic principle. It can be only a theorem simply

2) - The way from points A and B can be precisely decomposed and fully
"exhausted" with the space structure. Point (A) is precisely equivalent to
point (B). But only using the Circular property and not the linear
archimedean exhaustion step.
Why is there a such result?
It is because in the space structure, there is the immortal presence of the
Space Constant!

- moment + of + inertia + circonference (Ireland)

- what + is + the + definition + of + mathematical + term + absolute +

difference (USA)

- points + to + note + when + constructing + concrete + surfaces


- mathematic history model on how formula of "area" of circle was

derived (USA)

122 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Plato geometry (, Egypt)

From the biginning of human concept on space there is only linear mode
of undestanding space. Even if Plato tel that Geometric problems should
be resolved with compass-and-straight-edge, he was telling only linear
space meaning. The classical impossibility of resolving the squaring a
circle and the angle trisection are example of ignorance of the universe
space or the matter space. It is because the angle is a circle property.
The origin of space ignorance is to be unconscious that the circle is not a
form amongst so many other linear forms. So, it was a Plato's errors to
tell that tne universe is an assembly of triangle, squares and polygones
as layers in spherical sky.
True knowledge of the universe space should rest on the foundation that
the circle is not a form but a logic-of-form. The transcendent logic which
we have access to, is the Space Constant of Form Transformation exposed
in this present text.

1) - circumference definition
The circumference is composed of the number of discrete elemental
matters disposed successively in a same central symmetry, two by two.
Thus, a circumference is the "area" of a minimal circle crown.

2) - The summation of all the crown "areas" of a circle is then the total
"area" of the circle disk.

3) - The "area" of a circular disk is given as :

Theorem :
The "area" of a circular disk (S) is the summation of all the
circumferences of concentric circles included in the "area" given (S).

- concentric merci device (India)

- animated bc calculus (USA, Illinois IMSA)

- unfull circles (, bm, UK)

- Archimedes measurment circle high resolution (, University of


Let an integral calculus process of measuring an

"area" (S) of a circle (C).

123 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Let (D) the diameter of elemental matter crown and

(dx) the minimal length of an elemental matter.
Then the "area" of circle (C) is the summation of all
the crowns of diameter (D+dx). Provide that D
varies from zero to CD.

- formule mathématique incorrecte (Canada)

Actually, this following formula is nothing.

S = Sommation [ (D+dx).Pi.dx/2 ] (aa1)

D varies from zero to CD

The disk of diameter D is decomposed to concentric circles, according to

elemental succession (dx). The aera of the disk is then the summation of
all these concentric circles. The corect formula is as follows:

Summation all perimeters =

Pi[Summation from zero to D of ni(dx)] (001)

This algebric formula is only an approximation of axhaustion method.

- uniqueness + of + the + reciprocal + proof (USA)

This theorem in direct proof is based on the formation of a circle "area"

by circumferences of discrete matters.
The inverse proof is as followss:
Does a circle composed of circumferences as defined in the direct mode ?
The answer is yes.
According to the theorem of circle Chords. This latter proves that a
circumference of a circle (C) allows to determine by unique manner any
points of its radius as belonging to one cocentric interior circonferneces.
Therefore, any "area" of a circle can be decomposed into uniques interior
and successive circumferences as proved by the direct theorem. The
reciprocal is True.

- different + things + built + on + the + basis + of + knowledge +

of + pi + in + ancient + period (United Arab Emirates)

124 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- "differents" + values + for + pi (Sweden)

- remote + control + robot + "construcyion" + set (Thailand)

- does + the + perimeter + of + a + polygon + convert + to + a

+limit ?(USA)

An important question that needs a fundamental precise definition.

If matter space is a fact of absolute locations of immutable

elemental matters. Then, a line composed of matter elements is
necessary composed of one elements aside an another all along.

Then, an ultimate side numbers of a polygon is necessary composed

of a total number of elemental side lengths. Thus, a polygone has
necessary a limit of number of sides and not of side lengths.

So, what is the difference between the successive elements of a

polygon and the one of a curve ? The fundamental differences are:

1) - Polygon

1-a) - A such polygone limit is a set of sides that are structured as

a polygon.
1-b) - The perimeter of this polygone is a CONSTRUCtION of
elemental lengths.
1-c) - The differents different elemental sides of this polygon are
PLACED one after the other. Each side is differently DIRECTED from
the next one.
1-d) - The polygon is then a set of associated elemental Straight

2) - Curve

2-a) - A curve is also composed of a number of elemental matters.

2-b) - The length of this curve is a SUCESSUION of elemental
matters. It is the RECURRENT structure of matter.
2-c) - Therefore, a curve is a whole ONE DIRECTION recureence
structure. This direction is toward one absolude precise point. It is
why a curve is located and defined by its center.

Measurement resulting :
At the ultimate boundary of a polygon and the circle perimeter, we
have a seemingly elemental line. However, the problem is : WHERE
these two lines should be surimposed as equality of form ?

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Therfore, one use to think that polygon-circle equality is directely

the consequence of a polygon being-a-line with this line staying
directely on the circle perimeter. It is only a sensitive obviousness
that don't rest on any reason even if multiplication of polygon side
number seems to match. It is the same for the infinity descent
method there is no logic reason other than a conventional
obviousness. As there is no reason to allow the Archimedes'
Exhaustion, this situation proves that there is some artifact in the
convergence calculation process. These convergences do not drive
towards a presupposed value. The proof is given by the Euclidean
division algorithm where there is not a necessary end of
convergence. And also, in the following exemple of the integral
calculus where one ontains the value 3.1416 for Pi. A precise
infinitesimal calculus, don't change there the result. Thus, it is
really an systematic severe error due the convergence process.

Only the space structure concept, allows to define the difference

between circular and straight line based forms.

In brief:
A polygone is a multi-direction line organisation. One name its
perimeter as a polyline construction.
A curve is a whole ONE direction Recurrent structure that allow to
define precisely an absolute point center.

A polydon polygon that is a particular space construction can't

replace a space structure principle represented by a circular line. It
is why the biginning of the universe construction happens from a
circle mono-space-structure transmuttation that allows multi-
direction constructions. Inversely, a construction as a polygon can't
directly get into a basic permanent space structure. This is why the
universe construction evolution goes forward on an unbounded way
without never return back. Possibility of including circular forms as
a tools amongst other forms can only be done through a Spatial
Constant factor.

Aside approximate processes, there is no other means to precisely

surimpose equality between straight lines and curvatures. This is a
basic characteristic of matter space that obeys to principle of
absilute absolute locations and non by random placement of matter
in a nothingness.

- "polydon" with five sides (USA)

- "absilute" + value (USA)

- Which + of + "teh" + following + values + "of" + "ameasure" +

quantity + shows + "teh" + "greates" + resolution (Canada)

126 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Actually, it is done with a very low resolution apparatus that can tell

- pi + human (Estonia)

- why + thus + the + value + of + tangent + function + did + not

+ touch + the + undefined + value (Philippines)

- vertex + determination + angular + resolution + basic (UK)

A fine rational definition of polygon vertex by the variation of

direction measurements.

- discreet + mathematics + methods + of + proof + direct (Qatar)

- a + measurement + that + is + accurate + is + one + that + is +

as + exact + as + possible + is + close + to + the + true + value
Ccontains + at + least + four + significant + figures Cor + contains
+ five + decimal + places (USA)

- who + invente + pi + number (Dominican Republic) - value + pi

+ full (Spain)

- the + "mathamatic" + of + beauty (UK)

- atomic + "bonb" (Japan) - "bonb" + atomic (Morocco) - what +

are + the + physic + of + tai + chi (USA)

Proof of the circle "area" formula as Pi.R2

- Holly + Bach + Remedy (UK)

- supernovas (Peru)

- how + does + the + formula + "area" ++ Pi + R + square + evolve +

+ or + come + about (Canada)

- que + es + un + mumeral (Peru)

- more + knowledge + circle + perimeter (USA)

- Planck's + length + proof (USA)

- definition + "spartial" (Singapore)

127 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- having-a-concept-of-self (HongKong

- continuum + of + reality + escapes

- transcendent + pi (USA)

A Sparial Constant as real meaning of concrete construction beginning of

the universe.

- To + what + extent + can + the + -rule + of +law- + help + to +

establish + just + law (UK)

- absolute + location + of + k2 (USA)

- last + four + supernova + occurrences (USA)

- "spartial" + figures + geometry (Honduras)

- where + is + the + liberty (Brazil)

- prayer + wheels + erase + energy (USA)

- "discribe" + the + properties + of + gold (USA)

- is + there + any + thing + beyond + the + universe? (New Zealand)

- meaning + of + "spartial" (Kenya)

- exact + value + of + pi (Australia)

- pi + value (Costa Rica)

- physic + transformation (Denmark)

- "spartial" + organisation (Tanzania)

- proof + iterative + formula (Ireland)

- is + the + word + Phenomena + a + mathematical + term ? (USA)

- How + many + percentage + of + "Ligth" + is + absorbed + by + paint


- What: +++ La + Vérité + est + toujours + l'idée + qui fait le tour + du

+ Monde +++ means (USA)

- archimdean + property + of + R (UK)

- what + quality + consciuosness + and + habit + process + is + all +

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about (Philippines)

- what + if + an + equation + had + three + variables (Canada)

- numeral + pi (Antigua and Barbuda)

- démonstration + surface + d'un + cercle (Mexico)

- Archimedes + "area" + of + circle + equal + right + triangle +

circumference (USA)

- extending + a + known + perimeter + then + finding + the + new +

perimeter& (USA)

Exactly tell. Extending a line, is a same line while extending a circle

perimeter is creating a new perimeter. This the characteristic of the
circular structure. Consequently the universe can be define with nique
circle series.

- how + do + you + find + a + square + of + a + series + of + numbers


- all + seeiing (Argentina)

- finite + elemnts + analysis ++ calculation (Malaysia)

- law + of + conservation + of + maatter + during + a + physical + and

+ a + chemical + change

- indestructible + elements (USA)

- instruments + to + find + the + physical + quantities + of + "area" +

speed volum time lenght density mass + "etc" + and + more (United
Arab Emirates)

YOU ARE R I G H T ! "H I G H T" R I G H T !!!

- properties+of+the+matter (Chile)

- "spartia" l +summation (Kenya)

- proof + of + "area" + of + circle + at + first + time (Pakistan)

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- when + was + the + first + "ewhaust" + system + invented (USA)

- "Formaula" + for + Density, Mass + and + Volume (Greece)

- "formaula" + to + find + image + of + a + point + with + respect + to

+ a + straight + line (India)

- "itegral" (Brazil)

- reseach on failure in using formulas to measure area (Maldives)

- animated area formulas (Philippines, Mindanao State University, Iligan

Inst. of Tech.)

- algebraic formulas (Mauritius)

- exact area of a circle using integral notation (, Oregon,


- measure circle "area" (Korea)

- 4d Singapore formula (Singapore)

The above summation formula (aa1) is the proof of how a circle "area" is
composed of.

The above process uses ultimate elemental

construction to define the circle "area". This
present method is quite different from the
Algebraic integral one itegral. The next figure
figures out this summation process written in
equation (aa1). It consists to refere on a
measured surface of a square and then to
deduce the circle surface according to the Space
Constant obtained from the squaring a circle.


After the squaring a circle resolution, a Space Constant TT is known. This

latter is the one and unique key from it all the circle characteristics are
given. One can deduce precisely and exactly the aera and the perimeter
of circle.

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- circle "area" and perimeter (South Africa)

With a circle of diameter D we have:

a) circle Aera = TT(D2/4)

b) circle Perimeter = TT(D)

From relation (001), we get:

TT(D2/4)=R2=TT[Summation from zero to D of ni(dx)]

we get:
D2/4 = [Sommation de zéro à D de ni(dx)]

Let a square of side equal to D. It can be seen that the circle aera is:

Disk Aera = (Square aera).(TT/4)

The previous diameter D as summation of (dx)correspond to a square as:

Square aera = D.D = D2

More, the space constant TT, allows to prove a new algebraic

theorem as follows.

Writting with the circle radius R we get:

(2TT).(Somme de Ridx) = TTR2
2.(Somme de Ridx) = R2

Theorem When a quantity (n) is associated with an elemental

quantity (dx), there is a relationship between (n) and the
summation process with (dx) written as:

- integral in mat (USA)

To be abble to verify this Algebraic formula we must choose good values

for these data. It is done as follows:

Let L a given length. From there we can define L/n=(dx)

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The more greater (n) the above formula runs well.

That is to tell
When (dx) is lesser than 0.2 then an integral and a differential equation
can be of an approximation without to much error. This is valid for
electronic signal processing using sampling analogic ones. However, a
differential and integral calculus should not be considered as precise
calculations. They are only mechanical methods to get the nearest value.

This theorem show how the Algebra is a product of human language. It

can Never give an exact and precise solution.
While with construction in space, we can see immediatly the (ni(dx))
summation as a powered variation and is a curve. Because this formula is
erroneous with low (n) values where the curvature is pronounced. While
this theorem is a correct one for great (n) values or very low ones for
(dx). It is because at these scales, a powered funstion is similar to a
straight line.

It is the meaning of the summation equation (aa1).
The above summation of circumferences in a circle allows to know the
circle "area". It also give the proof of the circle "area" formula.

- "Hight" + mathematics + proving + the + theorems (Russian


- 2d + space + physic (Argentina)

- definite integral formula using the method of exhaustion (USA


- integral calculus (Peru)

- circle + theorem (inventor) (Thailand)

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Theorem of a circular disk "area". Statement

Provide that a line and a curve is a succession of elemental surfaces, the
"area" of a circle is stated as follows.

Dakhiometry theorem

1) - The circular disk (C) "area" with a radius (R), is equal the total "area"
of all the cocentric circumferences with radius situated between zero and

2) - Inversely, all cocentric circumferences of radius (x) situared from zero

to (R), occupy a total "area" equal to the circular disk "area" of radius (R).

An another equivalent statement of this theorem, related to the squaring

a circle, is :

Dakhiometry theorem

1) - The "area" of circular disk (C) of radius (R) is equal the "area" of the
square of side (2R), time the Space Constant denoted as (Pi/4).

2) - The "area" of the square of side (2R) is equal to the "area" of the
circular disk (C) of radius (R), time the Space Constant inverted (4/Pi).

All these theorems need the Space Constant, only determined by

squaring a circle.

The Volume of a Sphere

- Pythagorean + alphabet (Czech Republic)

The term alphabet designates the conventionnal elemental symbols

representing the images or the sound that any human can reproduce to
express some of his ideas during their mutual exchanges with the means
of talking or reading. Then, you are telling exactely what Pythagoras tried
to proceed mathematical concept as a human talking language. He did it

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whith with Numbers that are only conventional talking and writing
Because the real intuitive mathematical notion that any alive needs to get
conscience and knowledge is the pure space concept of himself and of his
space envirronement. However, because the deep knowledge of space is
too hard to get and also because drawing geometric figures was not so
easy when lacking of drawing materials. For example, modern computer
gives a great capacity to us to get more and more complex space figures.
This is forbiden for the first human mathematicians. The Anciants can't
but choose a way of expressing mathematics concepts with conventional
languages. Thus, Numbers become the most used mathematic elements.
From there Pythagoras invented the universe as Numbers. Next,
Arithmetic, Algebraic and Analytic Geometry that was conscepts of space
transformed into number langages, are means of doing mathematics. The
basic difference between the first and the second method is the
impossibility of the first to get precision in matter laws knowledge.
Conventional talking and writing languages are separated with the pure
elements of space by a deep lack of the first to get precision of matter
laws. Precision is not an ideal of ideology. But precision is the property of
space construction in the universe that is needed for human to go further
into complexe constructions.

- numeral + language (Greece)

Numbers are really human invention as conventional language to tempt

describing space concepts that are only length and distance existing in
ratios for constructions. One can tell that space is accessed and known
intuitively while numbers are human intellectual concepts. Intution is
there the capacity to be conscious and to build knowledge on the
universe because alive and any thing in the universe are constructions of
the universe matter laws.

- object + or + natural + phenomenon + of + constant + value + used +

for + reference + in + measurement (USA)

- la + sphère + pi+ nombre + énigme + forme + aussi + simple, +

cachée (Belgium)

The KEY of the Beginning of the universe is the transformation of circular

structure in linear possibility of object construction. That is to say
construction is the beginnng of conscience and conscience is the matter
of knowledge. Physically tell, beginning of construction is the possibility
of measurements for interactions in construction.

From that nothing in matter space is hidden as mystery.

However when we talk about mysteries, it is only because of human
limitation for taking conscience and getting knowlege on natural laws.
Physical laws are simple because they are part of anybody. Thus when

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some physical law is difficult to know, even if it is very simple, this is due
to some particular state of human thought.

On can tell that the mystery of the squaring a circle is due from a so long
time where mathematicians had give up the effort of understanding the
Space as matter. This gived rise the impossibilities of resolving some
problems in Geometry. Geometry believes that human can get knowledge
by conventional language and thus manipulates only abstract thought.
However abstract thought are mostly imaginary and matter space
knowledge can not be reached by theses mathematicians. Therefore for
no longer, mathematics becames science of conventional language
formalisms. These are the cases for Numbers, Arithmetics, Algebra and
all what follow as their developments. Then, from simple natural laws,
mathematics go on into the super formalism complication.

Here, the Space Constant is a KEY for a vast means for going through the
space understanding. This Constant is not yet well received by the
current world science and techniques becaue most of scientists may see
there as a new receipts or tricks. Most part of you are interested in the
old Pi of how it is irrational or how it is composed of decimals.

Here is an another importance of the Space Constant. It concerns how to

get the sphere volume according to it.

Let a Cube (C) with the side equal to the cercle (C) diameters. We can
operate as the obove procedure to proove the surface of a circle with the
square one. Here we need to do in two times the Summatios of elemental
lengths to get the cube volume. And from these results, a new form of
the Space Constant give us the Sphere volume. It is done as follows :

Vol(S)<=>(Constant / 6)*Vol(C)
Vol(C)<=>(6 / Constante)*Vol(S)

In brief
According to the current notation about the old anciant's
notation on Pi we can state the following theorem.

Dakhiometry theorem
The volume of a sphere:

The volume of the sphere (S) is equal to the Cube (C) of side equal to the
sphere diameter, is given as:

Volume Sphère = (Pi/6) * Volume Cube

Proof on solid volumes and surfaces have more basic procedure not given

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here but always according to the Space Constant.

Thus the Squaring a circle is the most simple while it is the most
fundamental KEY for space knowledge.

- relate + the + aera + of + a + sphere + to + the + area + of + a +

circle (Duke-Energy corp, USA)

- sphere in cylinder (, Toronto, Canada)

In Dakhiometry it can be determined probably any surface and volume of

solid. This rests on rational and universal basis. It doesn't proceed as it is
not done with the Archimdes' Method. This latter is no more than a
mechnical one as one found usualy in empiric manner.

This is a very interesting remark.

It is an important application of form
transformation parctically useful in many
industrial or architectural applications.
All solid volumes are spatially proved. From
there, it is very easy to do form
transformations related by a same volume
or a common factor.
Here is a transformation cylinder/sphere
according to a common circle diameter. This
is spatially done using length proportions.
An interesting corollary:
The cylinder volume external to the sphere
one is equal to the volume of the sphere
external to the cyclinder one.

- circular has less perimeyter than square (Pakistan)

Actually, at same volume, circular perimeter and surface aure less than
the corresponding ones of a square or a cube.

- largest + lateral + surface + "area" + sphere + cylindar(USA)

Right! Largest cylinder and largest cylinder lateral surface is a cylinder

inscribed in a sphere. This cylinder is characterised by a square as its
section along the central axis. This square section is inscribed in the
sphere. It is an important matter space fact because this space structure
determines the globe characteristics of any heavenly body.
The formula is easy. This cylinder square section is the square inscribed
in the greatest circonference of the sphere. The cylinder axis length and
its base diameter, are the square side length.

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- What + is + the + formula + for + how + to + find + the + largest +

square + that + can + fit + in + a + circle (USA)

- formula + for + the + maximum + square + that + will + fit + in + a +

circle (USA)

- largest + cyclinder + inscribed + in + sphere + calculus (Canada)

This cululation of the largest cylinder inscribed in a sphere is done in the

determination of the heavenly globe ring structure.
The maximal cylinder fitting in a sphere is seen in 90 degrees latitude for
its height.

There are many practical situations where one need to put a square form
in a cylinder one. It concerns mechanical constructions as well as for
foodstuff use. Then, the cyclinder circonference time the space Constant
factor give directly the maximum square perimeter. From there one gets
the maximum side of the square that can be adjust through this cylinder.

The proof is simple according to the following theorem of maximal

Let a rectangle inscribed in a given circle.
The maximum aera of a such rectangle is reached when this rectangle is
a square.

For a cylinder in a sphere, let us consider its section through its principal
axis of symmetry. We know that the volume (V) of a cyclinder is : V =
constant.[D.h] with D=diameter and h=(axis-length).

Thus, according to the above theorem of maximal product, the maximum

cylinder volume in a sphere is such that:

Therefore, it is a cylinder with a longitudinal square section.

- pie+is+round + cake+is+square + pi+is+3.14 + what+is+cake?


... Convergence towards endless insatiated goodies for wipped

cream cakes ???
... Help !

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- painting + inscribed + squares (Spain)

Consequences :
Relationship between circle and its inscribed square.
- the + inventer + of + pie + formula (USA)

- carré + inscrit + dans + un + cercle (Belgium)

- Pi + relationship + of + circumscribed + circle + and + the + square


circle and square are linked together is positions of inscribed and

circumscribed. In the case of a square inscribed in the circle, the same
Space Constant is used to describe their relationships.

On this next figure are indicated the notations

used in the following. As for the case of a
circle inscribed in a square analyzed above,
we will use the same Space Constant
obtained. This method consists of using a
square as reference of calculation. This
reference is denoted here as the square (T).
The circle has the side (d) of (T) as diameter.
And the inscribed square in this circle has its
side denoted as (c)
With a such reference (T) the Space constant
is the same universal constant equal to (Pi/4) with its inverse value as
This Constant is use to write the different reciprocal relationship between
the circle and this inscribed square.

Notation : (sqr) denoted as Square Root of (2).

Then, the relationships are given in the following !

Square (T) :
Pt = 4.d ; and St = d2
circle :
(P) and (S)
Square (c) :
Pc ; and Sc

For perimeters we have,

P = (Pi/4). Pt = Pi . d
Pc = (4/pi) . P = 2.sqr(2) . d

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P/Pc = Pi / (2 . sqr(2))
P = (Pi /(2 . sqr(2)) . Pc
Pc = ((2 . sqr(2)) /Pi) . P

For aeraes we get,

St = d2
S = (Pi/4) . d 2
Sc = (4/Pi) . S = (1/2) . d2
S/Sc = Pi / 2
S = Sc . (Pi/2)
Sc = S . (2/Pi)

It is important to generate these formula according to the method of
starting from a square as reference to aobtain the Space Constant. This
use allows to keep alive the method of thinking that consists of starting
from a base, then unfolding successive reasons for developping
construction. Remind that the circle and the square are directely linked
together in succession of series. So, from a base of a square as
reference, one can control the measurement of these series of figures.
In more, the use of the Space Constant from a reference, allows to easily
memorize the different formula without being dependent to their
formalism that will soon be a great confusion for scholastic teaching.

- impossibility + infinity + theorem

- nothing + in + the + universe + spawns + from + absolute +

nothingness (USA)
You are right. The Matter Conservation from a Discrete and Finite
universe, is a solid principle on that rest physical laws. Evolution is stricly
matter transformations.

- pi + value + exact + convert + online + billion + value

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


Spatial proof
of the Recurrence as space property

- picture of fundamental counting principle (USA Washington dc)

In the case where the universe is a Continuum, there is no

distinctive capacity for human and nothing can be counted.
Counting is the property of matter discretness in absolute concrete
On these bases, the universe measurement rest on the logic of
Succession. It is why we can know space as the Near and the Far in
precise and exact manner. Knowing the Near and the Far is no other
thing than knowing locations by Distance and Direction quantity.
According to the discretness any Quantity is unique. It is why
uniqueness of Space is necessarry know in exact and precise
manner. Therefore, quantities has the property to be known
Counting is the recognition of space discretness property
successively accessed by human. Also, we acknowledge motion
according to the successive discretness Fact of space.


- fundamental counting principal (USA Virginia)

- numbers + in + displacement (Spain)

This is the just new concept for counting, quite exactly what we
must understand about the human fact of counting.
While from the beginning, human was concerned with language
invention for their idea communications, the Anciants until modern
thinking was trapped in language systems. Thus, it is generated the
known natural number series. This latter is coagulated in an
artificial formalism where they tempt to given somme imprecise
foundation with recurrence and induction rigid principe and then
created some basis for Number concepts. It is a poor formalism
figure of : 1, 2, 3,... N wher many mysteries are built around it as
Incommensurability, Irrationallity, Transcendental Number also with
odd things that mathematised strange knowable Infinities and
Numbers are ideas for movement that are facts of matter space
extends. These are the only fundamental reallities that are
materials for human conscience. Then Recurrence is the matter
property generated by the space reality.
What does human do when he is counting ?
As for animals and for all animated beings, everyone when he is
exploring his environment, need displacing in the space. It is the

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

same basic action when he is counting. He is doing an EXHAUSTION

of space. When a farmer is counting cattle, he is doing as said
above. He is then exhausting this particaular space that is the total
cattle space. The basic mode of counting is to use movemant to
displace. To be able to exhaust, you may displace yourself or you
may displace all the cattle. This the fundamental fact of how to
know a space extend.
Thus the natural number series is only a very schematic language
figure. And it is a harmfull habit to take this writting formalism as a
mathematical model from there all the Arthmetic and Algebra are
The only foundemental counting or space exhaustion is to get only
the real meaning of the Recurrence property of space and motion.
The following text is describing this Recurrence concept.
Now we can retain the pratical Natural Number series, but we must
see counting, movement or exhaustion as occuring only of space
forms. There is no fixed 1, 2, 3,... But there is the basic concept of
the Unit. That is to tell, There is the uniqueness of of the concept
Unit but there are multiplicity of Unit forms. And it is the
Reccurence that allow multiplicities. That is, the Unit is multiplicity
when one tell : 1 apple, one table, one cake, one meter, one day,...
Mathematical application :
1) - It is a good use for mathematics to take the Space Constant as
a Unit.
2) - Also, the Unit can be the Square Root of any numeral
particularly the Square Root of 2.
3) - A square or a circle or any other figure form of any dimension,
can constituted an Unit.

It is why one can use an International System of units and all other
different conventional measuring unit system.
En brief:
As it is shown in the following, a ONE unit can start with any
dimension and then one can use it to make a space exhaustion
succession. As matter is fundamentally decrete, the Recuurence is a
space exhaustion succession that does never mett any hole in
space. Therefore, there is no Irrational, no Infinity. The Recurence
is a precise scanning of the universe fullness.

- ULTIMATE + pi + calculator (Malaysia)

- discrete + mathematic + prove + one + plus + one + equal +

one (Malaysia)
You are right.
The ONE concept is the Unit. An Unit is alqays an immutable Unit. It
is why at any scale there is the possibilitlity for measurement,
because there is there a Unit.
Now, one apple plus one apple is equate to two apples. Because,

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here it concerns the quantity of a particular object.

Therefore, the Unit is the beginning of the counting or the
movement process and the succession of the immutable Unit is the
contuity of the matter quantity as a length or a volume,...

- situation + when + exactness + with + pi + is + necessary (USA)

- False + void + of + universe (United Arab Emirates)

- impossibility + infinity + theorem (USA)

- is + the + world + a + big + "mathamatic" + problems (USA)

Because it is absolute finite space the universe is a big Solution.
While for human, because he has to walk along the knowledge Way,
the World is a great Problem to solve.

- what + is + the + quantity + of + motion (USA)

Physic defines momentum. However, as recurrence is the basic
principe of motion, the basic notion of the recurrence is really the
"quantity og motion". Thus, the following analysis are how to figure
out this quantity of motion, relative to its quantity.

- basic + parts + "og" + triangle (India)

- pi ++ pattern (Autralia)
Not only the motion aspect of the recurrence, this latter is the
fundamental principe that allows construction of spatial forms.
Thus, it is a just notion when telling the following recurrence
relationship as "patterns". Because, understanding recurrence
allows to know how there a different forms in plane and 3D figures.
Therefore, the surfaces and volumes of solids can be WHOLLY
deduced from this recurrence base. In Dakhiometry, all the
elemental forms are precisely known from deduction, starting from
one spatial base.

- construction + of + the + universe (Estonia)

- what + is + fundamental + mathematics (Croatia)

- meaning + of + space + prove (Philippines)

- pi + rational (Switzerland)

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- rational + pi (Nepal)

- how + is + pi + used + in + mathematic (Hongkong)

- mathamatic + definitions (South Africa)

- foundamental + logic + equation (Hongkong)

- the + continuum + concept (Canada)

We can define the difference between Continuum and Continuity.
Continuum is and old concept that comes from the indefined space. No
lacation can be measured in this latter. Thus, the impossibility to get a
measure in a such Nothingness is the origin of the Continuum concept.
The continuum is therefore, a monotoneous Nothing because one can't
also nemed it, because a Name means necessarry a Definition. Thus
Continuum means coagulated, fixed, a One as death.
The Continuity is the property of a dicrete matter space. Discrete matter
means possibility of differences. This latter generates Changes. Because
discretness of matter is a permanent Fact then, the Chnage in matter is
an unbounded Fact. This drives us to understand that the Continuity is
the property of the unbounded Change in the universe.
In brief, Continuum is the monotoneous coagualated World. While the
Continuity is the property of the Change in the universe. Finally, in matter
there is the basic Recurrence Property of Change.

- universe + as + a + whole (Ireland)

The unique matter in the universe is both space and motion. Matter is
dicrete thus, it is necessarry a finite quantity. On what foundation does
the motion come from ? It is not sufficient to tell that motion is energy. It
is only a tautology. The root of motion origin is in the discretness of
matter, without it there can be the universe construction. Thus we there
the key of opening the door for movement. It is the RECURRENCE in

Recurrence definition :

The Recurrence is the Unique and Discrete Matter property to be abble to

represent the fullness in the universe.

Thus, the Recurrence is the expression of the fullness of matter in the

universe. It the matter is unique, this means that there is nothing else
than matter.
Practically tell, the recurrence means that matter can succeed in

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discretness, one after the other without no rupture or no fault. And when
matter is in recurrence property it appears as movement phenomenon.
Nous are going there to make the proof of the matter space recurrence.
The contnuity of space is in the logic concept of successive spatial figures
that are independent et distintive between them. And the continuity is
expressed as the perfect relationships that link together these
independent figures. Thus, if a series of figures is formed successively in
the continuity of a law than we have proved the space Recurrence.

Resume the preceding analysis on relationship of a square inscribed in a

circle. With this elemental property a spatial series will be formed.

This figure represents a series successively formed

by square inscribed in a circle. Both are linked
together by the Space Constant obtained from tha
the squaring a circle.


sqr(...) means Square Root of (...).

Let denoted the Space Constant as : k = (Pi/4)

Pt = perimeter of a square (t) as reference of

St = Aera of this square (t)

P1 = Perimeter of the circle inscribed in the square (t), with ordinal 1 in

the series
Pc1 = perimeter of the sqaure square inscribed in this circle (1)
S1 = Aera of circle (1)
Sc1 = Aera of the square inscribed it this circle (1)

In this next notation of this series only the ordinal is changed.

- this will be pastulated (, USA)

- "Sqaure" + side + length + to + diagonal + length + relationship


The preceding analysis on square inscribed in a circle, allow to establish

the formula of the elemnts of this spatial series.

For the square of reference (t) :

Pt = 4d
S t = d2

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Then, the perimeters and the "area"s of each series elements can be
deduced as follows :

P1 = k . Pt
Pc1 = Pt/(sqr(2))
S1 = k . St
Sc1 = St/2

P2 = k2 . Pt
Pc2 = Pt/(sqr(2))2
S2 = k2 . St
Sc2 = St/(22)

P3 = k3 . Pt
Pc3 = Pt/(sqr(2))3
S3 = k3 . St
Sc3 = St/(23)

... and so on.

Thus according to that the recurrence reproduces the same property, here
is the Space Constant, a general formula is as follows when the
successive ordinal take the one of the natural series number N :

Pn = kn . Pt
Pcn = Pt/(sqr(2))n
Sn = kn . St
Scn = St/(2n)

- traducir + "precurrence" (, Mexico)

Reciprocal :
From these equations the reciprocal precurrence recurrence process can
be written. Thus, from a square inscribed in a circle of ordinal (n) it can
be established a same system in any ordinal order (t). The recurrence
step is well ordered. It is written as follows :

Pt = Pn / (kn)
Pct = Pcn . (sqr(2)n

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

t = St / (k )
Sct = Scn . (2n)

The Recurrence process in direct et reciprocal
modes in space, is fully established. In this example between a space (t)
an (n) the recurrence defines the absolute Fullness of matter. The
exhaustion between (t) an (n) is quite rational and precisely defined in
any direction of the recurrence process. Thus we have proved there that
in space the movement and its energy aspect, is completly and precisely
defined, in any direction, without missing any part as fault or hole. The
space is the a Fullness of rational matter.

With this series of value,

a precise Space Constant is necessary.
Thus, empirical value of Pi is irrelevent to produce this
series because the circles and squares will no longer
remain related between them.
Note that only the spatial figures are basic. The above
numeral relationship are only used for a more familar view
easyer recurrence understanding.
In these proof are used Arithmetics and Algebra means to establish
formula. But the real optimal proof can be done with the full space
elements constructions.

However, this belong to the Dakhiometry method and I can't develop it

there. Knowledge of the elemental operations of transformations - the
addition, substraction, multiplication and division - are needed.. The
reason is that the current mathematics are narrow limits that can't allow
larger knowledge extends. The Dakhiometry rests on basis that one have
to get without which which condition, mathematicians should remains in
mathematics of receipts and tricks.

- four + sytem + to ++ "which" + earth ++ belong (Canada)

- geant ++ square + root (Belgium)

In fact the square root is also a basic space constant.
On can see that succession of squares with circles mutually inscribed, are
succession of circles and at the same time these such successions of
squares are successiveley done by doubling the preceeding "area". Here
also, the square root of two, is necessarry rational length, otherwise
these succssions can not be true. The "area" doubling will no longer be
precise if square root is an irrational quantity. This space structure of

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

square and circle inscribed and circonscribed figures, is a DIRECT PROOF

of the rationality of square root.
The above recurrence proves that matter space is the fullness of matter
where space can be wholy rationally measured. This fact emphasized that
Numbers are really langage products that are only approximative space
property representations. It is to conclude that Numbers itself can never
be space materials. Therefore, incompletness of langage generates odd
thing as irrationality.

- theorical + mathematic (USA)

- Do + you + favor + strict + construction + of + the + law ? (USA)

Only spatial construction can truly prove a law. In space it can appear
direct abd reciprocal logic that allows a complete proof. Everything that is
do not belong the a structure is seen as a false datum.

Conclusion :
The figure representing this spatial series is the unique direct
fondamental proof of the Space Recurrence. And the Recurence concerns
the reproducibility of the spatial relationships between circles and
squares according to the tha Spatial constant (k). This proof is done in
two dimensions space. It is the basic law expression. It can be also
extended in the three dimensions when it concerns the solids to express
their volume and surfaces. This is then the proof of the total Fullness of
matter in the universe. This cancel the different old hypothesis of hole,
Nothingness, Infinity and Irrationnality tricks.

The different formula written here are only verification, and is given only
because one use to understand the recurrence with the natural number
series. However, the spatial construction is only the real valid proof.

Note that this series is succeeding in decrease order and it is denoted as

the ordinal in subscripts and not on the power of perimeter and "area"s
In this example the beginning of the spatial series starts at any value of
the square (t). But owing to the reciprocal of the Space Constant (k), the
analysis can start at any beginning value and at any direction of this
spatial series. In consequence, this spatial series is reciprocal. It is not
necessarry to prove the preceding or the succeeding elements as it is
need in arithmetic natural number series.

This spatial proof of recurrence is most fundamental for the motion

knowledge and it allows an easy understanding of recurrence end motion.
Discrete matter is composed of the ultimete immutable elemental
dakhion. It is from this element that the concept of ONE represent the
matter unit (1) in the natural number series. It is useless to try to

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converge this spatial series toward some Zero that is only language
convention. And seeking a zero in matter is a direct contradiction of a
discrete matter principle.

There are numerous spatial series that can be proved in space. An

example is given with the Numeral Generator that is given in an another
page of this site. It is directely an easily constructed from space figure.

- there + is + no + void (Honduras)

A main view point you have.

The Dakhiometry Recurrence is a quite different from the current
Algenraic Algebraic one. This latter is a narrow definition of the natural
number series as an artificial langage creation confused with the basic
matter property of motion.
The matter Recurrence is what allows movement phenomenon. Movement
happens anywhere, at any location and ends where it ceases. Thus, the
recurence or induction defined on the natural number series, is only a
formalisme of automatic mechanic repetition that starts and ends as
stated for the N series.
One can see that the Dakhiometry recurrence is here applied and
illustrated by a circle-square system, at any if its origin. This is the pure
basic Recurrence matter property. And the main proof that it shows is the
Fullness of matter in the discrete universe. As you tell it : there is no
Void in matter of the universe.

- distinguish + the + difference + between + an + "algenraic" +

expression + and + "a" + algebraic + equation (USA New York East)

There is no difference because Algebraic is only a product of conventional

language and is not a mathematical science of spatial structures.

- manipulate + reality + throught + quantum + mechanics (New


- do + all + mathematicians + agree + on + how + N + is + defined ?

Definition of the natural number series N are yet narrow. It is clear that
the recurrence and the induction principle are not very clear as concepts.
This N demonstration or rather as definition are as most Algebraic proof.
They are definitions or axioms that are only formalism conventions. Most
of proof are not as a true proof should be.
For example, the present proof of the recurrence is a true one. This proof
is complete : succession, order, contuity without rupture, directions and
localisation of element that allows counting quantity. This is the
Recurrence property that generates the Natural capacity of COUNTING for
human when he use language to traduce the recurrence by the natural

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

number series. It is the Recurrence that allows to understand what is

human counting. It is also for tha the animal one and surely in the
mineral where without capacity of counting there should not the
possibility of forming cristall network.

- anthropomorphism + in + life + of + pi (Austria)

- d'où + vient +l'univers (Canada)

- What + is+a + Foudamental + Counting + Principle (USA)

- set + is + infinite + if + and + only + if (USA)

... if its parts are infinite.

1, 2 and 3 are parts of a set. Any set in the universe is countable. These
counts are necessary discrete to be able named. Therefore, according to
this discretness, no part of the universe is infinite.

- diffrence + between + open + cycle + and + closed + cycle (Saudi


This a quite rational differentiation of concept.

Even if matter is a finite quantity concept, the formed universe is a open
cycle. We know what is the usual system control using feed-back. In
these theories the open loop system is only a class of closed loop
process. It is because what human can know is only closed loop system,
a model of a condensed matter. It is why the Gravitational obseved on
Earth is an error when it is stated as an universal law. The whole universe
do not belong to a system concept class. Construction processes of the
universe is an open one and is a logic inscribed in our thought.It is the
Recurrence process, the life open construction.

- open + loop ++ mode ++ meanning

Because the universe existence is formed with condensed systems. Each
one is a particular independant and unique system. This is according to
the uniqueness of space location. Therefore, in any of condensed system,
every object interior to it is linked to the other one. They are linked
because of the formation mechanism that bound all the matter from an
initial cloud of elemental one. Because every things are linked together
with this whole system, no one can be considered as an isolated objetc.
This rule is valid for any apparatus produces by man. Then, an electronic
system uses to proceed by close loop method. This latter means that this
apparatus is linkec to its environment where it has an input and an
Now, considering the whole universe, this latter is not an objetc or a

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

system. A whole is governed with principle. The universe is the property

of the Unit principle. Then, a whole is unique, it is the logic One. We can
not tell that a whole is alone this expression is a language error. Thus, a
whole is the logic One. This latter is only an articulation or the elemental
logic. Therefore, a whole can exist without the need of linking with any
environment. The unit principle allows the logic of a Whole to work
without any loop, neither with his exterior nor with his interior because
for the whole universe, there is no interior nor exterior. A whole is a
whole. There is nothing to add in or to substract from.
With a such logic view of the unit principle, it is easy to understand now
why despite the matter is permanent, the life construction in the whole
universe can be a wealthy unbounded process. This is the extended
concept of a simplified open loop definition.

- what + is + the + value + of + finding + rationalist + proofs + for +

the + existence + "og" + GOD (Montserrat)

The absolute logic of reasonning is as follows:

If physical laws are proved and with experiences corroborated then
according to logic of existence, nobody can prove the true of non-law.

Fundamental facts of the universe is its Permanence and it Beginning of

construction in condensation of discrete matter. These facts are logic
corroborated by observation of discretness reality. And also, these
fondation are unboundless fertile for knowledge of the universe existence.

Therefore, no proof of these facts as false or untrue can be produced

according to logic reasonning.

It is why the Permanence of matter and its own beginning of the

construction process can't cohabit with the imaginary reality of any
Creator of the universe and its whole contains.

Man, the authentic Creator.

Remind that square and circle are
immutable universal objects.
- logical + cohesion + first + cause + universe (Bulgaria)

- Beginning + of + Universe (Hongkong)

- who + was + the + creator + of + mechanical + universe? (Turkey)

- spontaneous + matter + creation (USA)

- equation + proves + no + god (UK)

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

The circle is before the universe and is the permanent structure of matter.
Every thing and We, are made with the wealthy circular structure. Thus,
each of us is not only the stars dust but more fundamentally, we are also
before the universe. Therefore, the universe and each of us, are never
created. circle is not god becaause it is a basic structure amongst other
ones and what rests on circular structure also can't be god. Inversely, all
this Whole itself can't be god because god need not to create himself
when the universe and human are created. As matter is necessary
permanent and this Whole is god then, a god creation is only a feed-back
action in the Whole. His creation is necessary a closed loop sytem where
the Output human acts on the Input god. A such god can't never be a
Creator because he is at the same time created by his creation. In any
way that we do reasonning on god man sticks like glue to him. Therefore,
Creator and Creation are only ONE person. This ONE is not the famous
UNIT but this one god is only te man hiden under a mask.

In summary, In the situation of a permanent universe where a Creator

can't create a Creation when this Creation can simultaneously create his
Creator then,
A possibility of Creation is a situation of severe contradiction the
existence of which forbids us to think.

- Two + only + things + touch + infinity : + human + stupidity + and +

univers (Italia)

- Tao ++ how + to + draw + the + start + of +evolution (Australia)

It is an exact real fact that we can draw the start of evolution of the
universe. Drawing and explaining this event is a possibility inscribed in
our thought.
Exactly, at the starting of the Beginning, we all, in the past and in the
futur, are being witness to this event. There was really no form because
at this moment, there was not yet any form. However this event is in the
permanence of the matter properties. So we can draw and understand
the Beginning because, it belongs to our thought logic. It is really such.
In next time, I will expose the proof of the equality of the circle and the
transformed square surface. There is only simple elemantal logics. The
logic of the Recurrence that allows the starting of only 1, 2 and 3 then,
the proof is done ! It is simple, a supreme simplicity of the Beginning
where life was born. However, this simple proof can be understood only
with new concepts. What are exposed here in this text, contribute to this
You are telling the Tao, it is a just physical image of the starting universe.
Because the Anciants had draw the symbole of the starting visible motion
in the universe when they established the visible rotation of the universe

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

in the form of the Yin-yang logo, due to the beginning of matter

interaction for construction.

- UNIVERSE + AS + A + WHOLE (Former Czechoslovakia)

- about + the + origin + and + evoluton + of + the + universe (United

Arab Emirates)

The Total "area" (S) is equal to the "area" of an ultimate elemental matter
time the total length of all the circumferences.
This is the definition of a rectangle with length equaled to the total lenght
of circumferences and with the width equaled to the ultimate length of
elemental matter !
Isn't it a clear definition of discrete matter "area", even if it concerns a
circular structure ?

This measurement by integral calculus is only valid if Pi is known.

Obviously Pi is the Spatial Constant given by the squaring a circle. Any
value of Pi can be used. But Only the Unique Spatial Constant is the True.

A such process is the more exact the more (dx) value is near the utimate
elemental value.

- nothingness + and + surface (USA)

This is the JUST concepts to be differentiated consciously.

We are made of and we live fully in concrete matter space. Nothingness
is an old human darl ignorance. Condition of rational knowledge should
concerns the real discrete and concrete matter. Many old harmful ideas
and believes should be quickly thrown out. Life is not only human tricks
in closed loop group business. Condition of life is to get conscience of
matter environment. Human has to get knowledge of the Earth
characteristics and the environment characteristic of the Earth Planet.
Everything is envolving, conditions of the alive is not to be asleep in a
quiet coagulated eternal fixed Earth described by dangerous belief
dogma. Stop being stupid human. A NEW WORLD vision is necessary. For
everyone and eachone particularly, NO ALTERNATE WAY, is the condition
to survive.

Consequence : the bad process

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Euclide + straight edge (Indonesia)

Why are integrals, differentials and derivative calculus generate errors ?

Analysis are done here for understanding thes calculations modes that
are widely use in Algebra to define imprecise forms with curvilinear
functions versus linear variables. For example they are used for
describing field forces and for standard statistic distribution models.

- how + to + find + a + "area" + of + a + circle + "id" + you + only +

know + the + circumference (Canada)

... if and id only... - how + to + work + out + the + circumference (UK) -

explaination + of + line + types + in + drawing + and + geometric

- concept + of + infinite (Korea)

- foundamental + theorem + of + integral + calculus (Greece)

- integral linear disk area (USA, New York University)

Calculus of curvilinear aeras and volumes are usually done form graphic
of linear Analytical Geometry. These are only acceptable as usual
approximation. However using it as Mathematics exactness is a harmful
systematic error. The most use of such approximation method as for
example in the Fourrier analysis, should produce many unkown artifacts
and bad interpretations. It is because the Trigonometric sine function is
only a specific particular mechanical motion of a round solid piece. While
in the nature, there is no "wave sine trajectory". There is ONLY, parabolic
wave motion. The so many Fourrier function type used in analysis is
really an artificial bad systematic measurement method.
In fact, the fundamental Space Angle is really a severe science ignorance.
- integration calculus formulae for multiple function (New Zealand)

- linear vs curvilinear graphs (USA)

Unhapply, it is the usual mode of Analytic Geometry.

- calculus is only an approximation (verizon, Pennsylvania, USA)

Actuallay. Because:
a) - Calculus are done only in linear algorithms.
b) - These algorithms are only forms of the famous exhaustion method.
It is useful but give only approximative results.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Resume the preceding calculation of circular disk "area".

On left of the figure, bad integral calculus process for curvilinear function
versus linear variable. On right, correct integral calculus when applied
only to linear function.

It is proved that minimal circumferences "area"s are equivalent to the

segment ones. Thus, all circumferences that compose the "area" of the
circle (C) can be drawn as segment lenghts versus the circle diameter.
The next figure show it axactly as a sine or cosine function.

The next bad process is to calculate the circle "area" accorfing to a

curvilinear function versus a linear variable. The first thing that Algebra
does is to calculate the "area" of the circle (C) with an integral calculus
applied on this function. It is the same method used for exponential
equation formalism that are only cosine function types. Example can be
found in the Gaus, Fermi, Poisson,... standard statistic distribution
functions that are only curvilinear function versus linear variables.

These calculus methods are quite erroneous and give only rough
approximations. They are empirical methods and do not allows
mathematicians to verify their results. Thus, their applications are
generalized in any sciences.

Now that the squaring a circle is yet found we can show how these
curbilinear calculus are only eronneous from there one believes that a use
of infinitesimal object allows to go anywhere in forms of space. The
following calculation of the circle "area" using curvilinear function versue
linear variable, gives a quite high biasing result. And practical methods
that use also such algorithm gives same errors. It prove that measuring
the surface "area" to determine the Pi value of 3.1416 is a fact of
empirical practise.

- Squaring + a + structure (USA) - history + of ++ mathamatic


- archimedes + circle + triangle + "area" (USA)

- WORLD + HISTORY + OF + PI 3.14 (USA)

- summation + pi (Canada)

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- positve + and + negative + about + Archimedes (Australia)

- Archimedes + "area" + exhaustion + circle (USA)

- an + equation + Archimedes + used (USA)

- enigme + horses + eggs



This is a thing to be resolved. It is stange that form is associated with the

From the Anciants there was known Form and Number associated in
anything of the univers. Particularly for Pythagoras from what Numbers is
the world archetype. Modern science comes from there. Therefore,
everybody when looking to a form see there Numbers an inversely from
Numbers temps to associate there physical object as sound or colors or
the Good or the Evil that are also forms.
However, the universe is composed of only by discrete matter as location
structures and as quantities of matter. Space structures produce forms
and quantity of matter placed in these structures define its particular
quantity. Therefore, a form is not characteristic of a quantity and
inversely, a quantity can't tel what about its structure as form.
In conclusion
Perimeter and Aera are terms desinating both an object as quantities. A
quantity is an uniqueness of any matter system that define a "matter
mass" or its factor of mass. Thus, measuring a perimeter or an aera can't
tell what are their placement as form in space.
But we need to introduce their forms to be abble to establish their
possible relationships. Whyle a quantity is the same type of data under
the unit for a perimeter however, for an aera it is defined by the square
unit. It is there only formalisms of how to calculate them because a
perimeter is a quantity in line and the aera is also a quantity in a line
time the one in an another line. Thus, we can use a such transformation
to get the final quantity of an object. For example we can define a
quantity as a:
[line n time another-line)
It concerns a Quantity definition but not a Form.
It is why the xn formalism induces error to mathematicians when they
understand there at first as some Form manipulations. We know it in this
next example:
xn + yn = zn

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Where one tempts to see there as Three or more Dimensions of Forms.

- el + inventor + de + pi + 3.1416 (Mexico)

It was the Great Archimedes' work. Here proved...

- who + invented + the + mathematic + pie + circumference (USA)

... An anciant famous unknown cordon bleu cook.

- longest + pi + value (Philippines)

how + was + the + value + of + pi + derived ?

- It + is + said + that + the + dimensions + of + the + Great + Pyramid
+ of + Giza + are + accurate + multiples + of + Pi, + yet + the + value
+ of + this + number +( 3.1415....) + was + not + discovered + until +
the + time + of + the + Greeks. + How + did + the + pyramid +
builders + do + it (, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)

It is an intersting problem to be clarifyed.

When forming large societies human capacity of building is used for
building tools, memoriel and monuments. Human technology capacity
began empirically. It can be known any of the elemental form et their
practical relationship to be abble to project any building. Thus the circle
is one of this usual form.
Without meating no theorical impossibility, the anciant architects can
practically measure the circonference of a circle and clisified it as a
proportional to its diameter.We may noted that a 5% to 10% of relative
error is fine for building practically anything.
But it has no good reason to belieave that the Pyramid dimension is a
multiple of the Pi=31.14. It is only a archeologist's hurried opinion. The
first basic reason is that nobody know what is the exact Pi value prior
having resolve the squaring a circle. Even if one know the true value here
is a general statement about such quantity allegation.

Theorem on measurement for quantities comparison:

With (x%) of any relative measurement M,
any quantity [nM±(M.x%)] is necessary a multiple of (L.x%)
Where (n) is an integer.

The error of Pi=3.14 is 0.1%. Thus:
(3.14)(0.1) = 0.314

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

(10)(3.14) ± 0.314 = 9.9 and 10.1
And may considered as (10.Pi)
The result is that 31.4 is multiple 10 of 3.14.

This is more an illusion when M is a great number relative to the

measurement error.

It is why an ant can assert that any celestial dimension is a multiple of

the ant length!

Rationally tell, this problem is only the Congruence of quantities

relative to a unit one.

- he + defined + the + value + of + pi + used + to + find + the +

perimeter + and + "area" + of + circles (USA)

That is to say "to put the cart before the horse". Instead of trying to
figure out from the circle the factor Pi as one does it when drawing milk
from an udder.

- largest + value + of + pi + generated (UK)

- end + of + pi + calculate + finite (USA)

Of what Pi ? The new one ?

- discovering + the + value + of + pi-polygon-circle (South Africa)

- pi + to + 77 + billion + decimal + places (Canada)

A record but... only ???

- science + without + conscience + equal + death (USA)

- past + value + calculator (Canada) - empirical + formula + cheats

- Archimedes + struggle (Canada)

- transcendental + squaring + circle + cannot + be + done

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- tortoises + systematic + errors (UK)

Nobody can't touch them. It is why tortoises are famous for their long life

- What + is + the + origin + of + the + expression : to + be + beside +

oneself (USA)

- robot humen (UK)

- Archimedes + pi + trapping (USA)

- anciant + relationships (Israel)

- How + did + Archimedes + compute + the + "area" (Singapore)

Actually, when knowing only linear form "area"s it is an obvious

temptation to equalize a curve with a straight line. The case is for the
polygone and the circle. But it is more practical to divide the circle with
rectangular surfaces. Such are the modern Algebraic integral calculus
algorithms. More quickly, one can do it with pennies or with other
elemental tiny surfaces. And really, the result are necessary biased by
practical manipulations and also with systematic errors. The quite
invisible systematic error is to ignore that it comes mostly from two
different space structures as curvatures and straight lines. Therefore,
polygons or rectangular convergent forms can never be precisely a circle.
Consequently, errors is surely the destiny of integral an differential
calculus. In recurrence, any Algebraic convergences and function
developments know a such fate. Not only for mathematics, all the modern
Physics are quite produced with integral and differential calculus.
Unfortunately, it is the Continuum World fate.

- what + does + dividence + mean (USA)

- how + to + loss + weight + without + exercing (USA)

- how + to + work + out + the + "area" + of + a + circle + with + the +

circumfernece (UK)

- calculate + measurement + "hight" + tan (Canada)

- How + to + invent + a + formula + that + can + guess + any +

number + somebody + thinks + of (USA)

- Archimedes + determination + of + circular + "area" (Canada)

- demonstrate + experimental + methods + of + determining + the +

158 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

value + of + pi (USA)

- maths +-+ pi ++ 1.34 (UK)

Really a 3.14 of 1.34 Pi. An uncertainty... plus an exact digit permutation.

The Pi value can not be obtained from polygons convergences, even if it

was tell that Archimedes had do it. No sufficient precicion can be get
from this process. The most probable origin of the 3.1416 old value may
come from the empirical estimation of a circle surface. Then, it consists
with the obtained value to divide it by the radius squared. For example,
with this process, a circle surface [S] computed by digital integral
calculus of 1.34% precision, one can get the following result :

Pi = [S]/(radius^2) = 3 . 14 15 927 053

- mystery + of + pi + 1.34 (Hongkong)

- Proof + of + pi + value + as + 3.14 (Papua New Guinea)

- history + of + pi + 1.34 (New Zealand)

The uncertainty value of 1.34% corresponds to a manual precision of

experimental measurements. With experimental measurements one
obtains always the rounded value 3.1416 of Pi. Note that the Pi value can
be derived from the direct measure of the circle perimeter.

- 3.1415 + longest (Argentina)

- empirical + formula + generator (USA)

- pi + 3.1416 + et + son + explication (Canada)

- pourquoi + en + science + physique + on + met + un + seul + rang +

après + la + virgule (France)

- conservation + in + measurement + lenght (Malaysia)

This is a quite juste and precise remark.

Thus the following method of measuring the circle perimeter doesn't fulfil
the Conservation of length or matter space. The default here is that a
circular line is refered one to one point to a straigth length (CD). It is
only an empirical view and isn't a vaiable valid method.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- "vaiable" + of + relationship + in + math + field (USA)

- pi cake (Egypt)

- longest + pi + value (USA)

- longest + pi + value (Australia Victoria)

- longest + value + of + pi (University of Nevada, USA)

- How + accurate + was + archimedes + on + pi + compared + to +

value + known + today (, Australia)

- Mystic + pi! (

Sciences was born and is colored with Magy.

- most inaccurate value of pi (Australia)

Here is how it is used to do an integtal calculus that seems to be precise.

From that one produce a dummy Pi value of 3.1415...

It will be used the altitude AB of a point on the circle relative to its

diameter CD. AB is the geometric mean of the blue rectangle surface. The
proof is easy to establish. Using the square diagonal CF as proportion
transposition, on get directly :

The circle surface of (C) is obtained with the

summation of all the AB segments when it sweeps
the entire surface of (C).
We have :
For the purpose let (dx) a little variation of the lenght
BD when it varies from zero to CD. The surface
integral is then :

S = Sum from 0 to CD of
[Square root2 of (BD.DE) ].dx
The total circle surface of (C) is then S = 2S

Using the theorical "area" of circle, we get


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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

It give the value of PI = 3.1415...

Doing it with a calculator, here is the algorithm:

Let (dx)= 0.0001

BD = BD + dx;
S = 2 * Sum [square root2 (BD).(CD-BD)*(dx)]
Loop until BD = CD;
The following lines are convention of programmation language type.

Let : (dx)= 0.0001;
Do :
S = S + 2 * [(BD).(CD-BD)*(dx)];
Loop from "Do" until BD = CD;
Obtaining the circle surface S the Pi value is then :
Pi=S/[CD2/4]= 3.1415...

The more (dx) is tiny the more is the Pi value the one given in standard
Pi used in calculator. However, with (dx) = 0.001 the precision is
sufficient for usual uses.

Example, when the diameter CD=100, is divided into little parts d(x) for
surface summation, one get the experimental Pi values as :
(dx)=1; Pi= 3.1383...
(dx)=0.05; Pi= 3.141555...
(dx)=0.02; Pi= 3.141583...
(dx)=0.01; Pi= 3.141589...
(dx)=0.001; Pi= 3.141592549...
(dx)=0.0001; Pi= 3.141592651...

It is clear that dividing the diameter CD into 20 times is practically easy

(case of d(x)=0.05). Even in this case, a summation of the circle surface
give also a round number of :
Pi = 3.1416.

With (dx) varying from (dx)=1 one get Pi=3.3836
But at higher (dx) the integral is no more valid.
One can see that empirical Pi values that was given in the whole anciant
word can be sitiated there.

- Canada + calculated + complete + pi+3.14 (UK)

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Arabic geometry Archimedes theorems (Japan)

- Approximation von pi nach Descartes (, Germany)

I'm sory to tell it, because in science the space means Nothingness
then, Mathematics ignore the space properties as composed by
linear and circular mode, the two independent space characteristics.
So, Descartes and any mathematician ignore what is "geometric"
construction. The Descartes isoperimeter method is using linear
convergence only for convergence towards any given defined value.
It is not a rational means to get into the Circular Realm, the
unknown point of circle from where a true circle radius can be

And more, it is like to, it seems, it hopes, but:

The Descartes' so called isoperimeter method is not a geometric
A geometric construction should begin with straigth edge and
compass tools. And also, it should ended with only compass and
straigth edge tools. A point in a space structure should be the
representative solution.
The so called Descartes' method is only a graphic that is usually
shown in science. A graphic is a chart but is not a Geometric
construction. Graphic are only shematic diagram as brief language
replacing discours.
It is why the socalled Descartes' Pi aproximation is not a geometric
resolution of problem. It is why Descartes used algebraic notation
to defined the Pi approximation according to recurence mode.
Also, Descartes can't but use the Archimède pi to apply the
the Descartes "isoperimeter" is only an another
mathematician trick of do-it-yourself to paraphrase the
Archimedes' pi.

This above Dakhiometry's exercise of calculus for the approximative
Pi, is not a paraphrase of Archimedes' Pi. But it is not also a
geometric construction because it uses algebraic notations to define
and simulate the approximative Archimedes' Pi determination.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Consequence on numeration
- a + linearly + dependent + set + can + be + extended + and + it +
will + stay + lineary + dependent (South Africa)

- Archimedes + principle + continuum (USA)

The above empirical method is a general fact in Algebra. Il is most

important to know that this process is only coherent in a linear world
where there is only straight lines. It is the case of the Geoemtry. But
unluckily, it is the basic use of Algebra. There, one uses it to make trips
toward the two Infinities and there, to drive any number out of ambush.
Infiniresimals and function development series rest on such process.
Thus, with :
(dx) = 10-n
and with (n) as any integer of the natural series, one make decimals.
With (n) as greatest as wanted, infinitesimals are produced. And as (n) is
unbounded... one discover irrational numbers. Note that irrational number
can never be discovered because one can never find it ! It is the great
properties of modern Algebra which is so happy to find a base in the
Pythagoras' uncommensurable diagonal !
The error of such foundation is :
One cannot belive that the goodness of an imprecise or untouched
number is still indefinitly waiting that someone tries to converge towards
it. It is a hopeless PRECISION definition that should not belong to just

The selfisness is to clame Algebra as a new scientific religion and thus,

make mathematics coagulated. While it suffices to notice that one uses
these empirical methods temporary until new advance mathematics
discover more precise process of numeration. In this case, all the world is
informed and mathematics researches will progress more rapidly.

- Absolute + defined + space (, Canada)

Exactly. Space is a concrete absolute matter of perfectly defined location.

We should make acquaintance with a such reality to be abble to build a
true science done with the human capacity of deduction method.
When the fundamental basis of matter are well established then
deduction thinking can do any trip throughout any space structure.
Therefore, it is easy to follows any universal law characteristics that are
possible only on the absolute universe defined space.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Trigonometric errors
- what + are + the + rules + in + significant + figures + for +
foundamental + operation (VietNam)

For the Dakhiometry, the problem of angle measurement is completly
There is nothing to do with the quite empirical manners of Analytical and
Algebraic trciks to give the illusion of the current high science exactness.
There is no way to get into the exact science until one stays in the
ignorance of what is the fondamental universe Space.
The proof is to ask yourself, how on can construct the figure of any given
angle value without using the blindness of the Number illusion.
This is to tell that it is a big error to belive that the linearity of Number
can't never give a sight in the space angle realm.
It is clear that the squaring-a-circle has no meaning for the current
official science.
Because the how to have an access of any spatial angle is necessarily the
way of understanding the squaring a circle. For example, from
millenaries, the squaring-a-circle is for Archimedes the understanding of
how to square-a-square! It is also for the Analytic Geometry inventor, the
Trigonometry is only tricks of a recipe book, the way to overlap linear
realm on to the unknown of the circular one.
In Dakhiometry the space directions and the measurement of angle
between directions, consists of how to figure out the relationship between
these two fundamental characteristic of a real concrete and absolute
The so-called precision of trigonometry, scince the numercal capacity of
calculators is only an illusion. And the decimal founded for the
Archimedes' Pi is the capacity of modern science to catch at shadows.
Without using such tangible knowledge of the matter space, there will be
severely no exact science.

Important note
There is no sinusoidal curve in the nature of universal laws, as is
learned in the Current Trigonometry.
Even with the spatial circle construction of the Dakhiometry, it is completly
proved by construction that the angular function of a circle is a real
parabolic curve. Therefore, the Trigonometry is not only an approximative

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

tool but an error of Mathematics resulting in a false angle measurement

using Analytic Geometry. It is used in quite all Mathematics for precise
applications particularly in Astronomy where tiny angles are very far below
the Trigonometric systematic error.
What is behind the Trigonometry?
To be abble to have something for Mathematics to use angle, one had to
chose the sides of a rectangular triangle for defining angles. A such choice
is no more than empirical action because the space properties are not
known in Mathematics.
We can see there that only empirical basis is the foundation of Mathematics.
From a such erroneous choice it is not forbiden to Mathematics to build a
great realm with the Trigonometry from there modern science and
technology rest. The trigonometry is not a particular exemple of modern
science capacity to take a wrong way. One can see an another big virtual
science with the great Relativity theories and all its derivative results
produced in Astronomy.

- Mia + said + that + if + you + know + the + sine + value + of + each

+ acute + angle + then + you + can + find + any + trigonometric +
function + value + of + an + angle + of + any + measure. (, New
York s, USA)

That is to say
Azimuthal angle measurements is known when angle between zero and
90 degrees are known, according to circle symmetry. However, how to
known what is a given angle aside the multiple ones of 30 degrees.

- Trigonométrie + pour + les + stupides (Canada)

The generation of curvature into the straigth line and inversely, are not
simply jokes. Here above is shown how Archimede is in error because he
believed that polygon straigth lines can be superimposed on a curvature.
Here in the following how can one figures out the distorsion when one
tries to use Trigonometry for describing circular lines. It is the case of the
usual wellknown
y=R.sin(wt) linear function.

- What does a linear function look like when it is represented symbolically


- trigonometry jokes (, USA)

- The unbounding function and the bounding function of the progressive

construction can (, Egypt)

165 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- what does a quart function look like (, Texas, USA)

- squareroot trigonometric function absolute value (, El
Camino College in Torrance, California, USA)

- trigonometry illusions (Philippines,

- railway extends a horizontal distance, trigonometry (,


- trig functions real life (Pennsylvania, USA)

- trigonometry difficult for university (Vietnam)

- trigonometry circle + pi (Thailand,

- organizational structure of RMIT Melbourne university library (Vietnam,



- trigonometry animation (Azerbaidjan)

- Sydney opera house trigonometry (Australia)

- Trigonometri (Thailand, =

- lrc linear responsibility chat (Vietnam,

/volume_9/images/ linear_responsibility_chart.jpg)

- Sydney opera house cad (Technische Universiteit, Eindhoven,


- impossible trigonometri (, Mack, Norway)

- new university in Vietnam (Singapore,

/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/ university-of-auckland-in-new-zealand-

- non rectangular trigonometry (Philippines,

- pastulation (Philippines)

- pictures related to the history of trigonometry (Philippines, 2008/05

- The + sine + waves + are + natuarlly + generated + and + it + can +

easily + reproduced + manually. + Other + hand, + the + square +

166 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

waves + are + not + produced + naturally + and. + The + square +

waves + require + a + set + of + sine + waves + which + overlapped +
each + other.

May be it is only an illusion from drawing where it is easy to represent a

square wawe.
This latter is NEVER practically represented by any techniques. Because a
Wave is a TIME FUNCTION. Nobody, knows and could practically represent
true Square Wave, because there is always some "pico-seconds" duration
lower limit limit where a straight Square transition is impossible.

Even with the Fourrier and equivalent methods, a summation of harmonic

waves can never represent a Direct precise strsaight line transition.

It is because the Trigonometry is really an approximative Linear method

to try representing a Curvilinear phenomenon. The Angular should be
from the knowledge of Curviliear property.

It is why a so-called sinusoidal wave is in fact a True Parabolic

time-function. This parabolic form is proved in Dakhiometry. The
parabolic wave function is directly from NATURAL phenomenon. It is not
the artificial sinusoidal Trigonometric form where this latter is only a bad
definition according to the Linear Trigonometry. The parabolic form is the
true CURVILINEAR Time-fonction of wave that rests on the well precise
definition of a Circular Angular Cycle. A curviliear is a true natural
analogic process. Thus, the Fourrier method is only from an
approximative concept on waves.

Remind that according to the universe fulness of discrete-matters, natural

phenomena happens stricly under Universal Analogical Laws forms. It is
why the Irrationl Numbers ideas are no more than man's imaginary

167 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- imagenes + de + trigonometry + universal (Mexico)

The sinus function is really a parabolic one. It is proved clearly and

symply by spatial construction in Dakhiometry.
The Trigonometric Sinus function is due to the erroneous false definition
of angle. The total angle of a circle is not for example neither Two-time
the 180° nor Two-time the Pi value. It is because angle of a whole circle
is Two-time 90° and One of Pi.

It not simply a numerical manipulation but basically from spatial


- trigonometry jokes (, UK)

- trigonometry in equilibrium (The University of Nottingham, UK)

The trigonometric functions can be used to approximatly describe a

particular mechanical motion of a disk. It is incorrect to use them as
model for general natural phenomenan for example to describe a violon

- Abcisse + sampling + cooks (Germany, Vetter-Pharma)

- Fourier (Denmark, AALBORG Universitet, Dep. of Computer Scie home

at Cassiopeia)

This figure illustrates the difference between an usual sinusoidal function

and the TRUE relation ship between circular and starigth lines. The thick
drawing line in red is the true relationship using circular into straight line
transformations according to the space constant (pi/4). While in green,
localised by a green grid is related to the y=R.sin(wt).
Thus one can see that the true relationship is more uniform in the middle
of the curve and for the Trigonometric function the curve more round
passing outside of the red curve.

Trigonometry starts to build ratios giving the sine and the cosine from a
point on the circle. It is always a true result. However, when apply in
Trigonometric determination, one can't but use a linear relation as the
y=R.sin(wt). The linearity comme from the time variable. It is there the
Basic Trigonometric construction error.

The difference of the Trigonometric function results by an introduction of

high energy frequencies. As Trigonometry is wholy used in sciences, it
can produce great undefined errors. Particularly when one use signal
processing with the Fourier, Laplace and other equivalent equation. Thus
in Astronomy, where processing signal are highly used we may get mostly
fantasy images to describe the cosmos.

On the figure it appears in a fine red line the derivative of the (S) curve.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

The derivatived curve is splitted in its phase for a better comparison of

their slopes. This forme shows that a derivative of a true circular cycle
function fonction is not a Trigonometric (sin) form equal to a (cos) one.
Therefore, in a Fourier sommation of signal harmonics their successive
derivatives introduce necessarry both Low and High frequencies. For
example, for an initial visible light radius after signal processing one will
see there very much amplified Red and Violet light signals.

Looking at the first derivative on this figure, it appears that in some

derivative degrees the signal (S) will look like to a square signal. That is
for a visible light a Fast Fourier Transform in signal processing can
produce only a major Red light where the high frequency parts are there
becoming invisible light.

- pi + harmonic + "fonction" (Syria)

Dakhiometry example of True formula for

Space Directions mesurements.

- trigonometric construction (Korea, EZ International Patent &

Trademark Law Office)

- Application of trigonometric function (India, Railnet GOV)

In Diakhometry, measurements of Angles are really determined at least

on its basis. Developpement of this method may be more and more in
enhanced fertility by futur generations. True knowledge of space will be
therefore unbounded science.

- Geometry and Trigonometrie (South Africa)

- curvilinear function (USA, Pennsylvania Lehigh edu)

This next example of angle sine-cosine definition is really a continuous

curvilinear Direction variation.
The Tigonometry of angle is only a linear approximation of angle
variation around a central point. Because the sine and cosine are linear
segments that can't produce a true correspondence of one-to-one point

169 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

with the circular line.

The following example use Algebraic number notations is not the ideal
function form. There is in fact a real complex space structure that is the
true source of a fertile space directions knowledge. But it can't be
understood easily without knowing how to spatially construct the
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations.

- rectangular + triangle + relations + between + trigonometry +

formulas (Estonia)

La Trigonométrie avait été montée seulement comme moyen nécessaire

pour les angles. Mais les Mathématiques ne connaît que le monde référé
par des axes linéaires de la géométrie analytique. C'est pourquoi la
Trigonométrie porte le défaut de manquer de continuité dans sa
génération de la continuité des angles autour d'un point central. Ceci,
parce qu'avec une variable (x) comme abcisse sur une ligne, il est
impossible de générer la continuité d'un cercle. Alors, la Trigonométrie
ne peut dessiner un cercle qu'avec plein de trous. Dans ce cas, l'espace
des directions, reste toujours incomplète. On ne le sait pas, simplement
parce que les Marhématiques ignorent la différence entre le Linéaire et
le Circulaire.
La Dakhiométrie, ayant réalisée la quadrature du cercle et inversement,
connaît l'espace des Directions, c'est-à-dire comment déterminer les
angles avec précision, par la Règle et le Compas.
Ce n'est pas facile de l'exposer parce que c'est un monde NOUVEAU
inaccessible aux optiques Mathématiques, par ses ignorances et
particulièrement, par orgueil et suffisance millénaires.

Je vais vous donner ici un court échantillon pratique, sous forme

algébrique compréhensible par vos formations mathématiques. Vous le
comprendrez le mieux, sans les préjugés mathématiques sur les
Nombres. Entrez dans un monde encore vierge des pollutions mentaux.
Faites taire vos savantissimes formatages mathématiques alors, sans
doute vous seriez prêts à être vraiment savants!

- sinusoidal finesse (Turkey, Ankara Bilkent University)

This next relation is a function of infinitesimal variable values

Starting at one (dx) to describe a 90 ° we can see that at lower
angular values less than 5°, there are not continuity in the circle
function. That is to say, there is no continuity when number are
used even infinitesimal are used. In Trogonometry, where the
linear coordinates are {y,x}, the circle perimeter continuity at

170 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

lowest sinus and cosinus are nescesarrily bad.

Therefore, what do we conclude for Astronomy where very low
angles are measured?...

- formule mathematiques du big bang (, USA)

Vous l'avez bien vu.

Pour vous dire que cette formule si simple, est à la base de la
représentation des Quantités de l'univers. Il ne s'agit pas de la série
usuelle des Nombres mais, de la représentation complète des Quantité
de l'univers. C'est une représentation de quantité par des rapports de

Il y a une représentation des Quantités de cette manière mais, selon le

mode Linéaire, qui nous est plus facile à comprendre, puisque la
connaissance commune des Mathématiciens est de ne connaître et
d'apprendre que selon des représentations linéaires.

Mais, le merveille des merveilles, est nécessairement la représentation

selon son origine qui est de le faire dans le mode circulaire. C'est-à-dire
à l'aide d'une structure de cercle.

C'est facile à les dire mais, le chemin pour y semer la clarté est si long
et si diifficile, non pas en elle-même mais, parce que les
mathématiciens ne connaissent que ce qu'ils avaient appris et ce qu'ils
enseignent, toujours dans la rigidité morte du linéaire.

Mais en vérité, une telle représentation de toutes les Quantités de

l'univers par un cercle est un autre veritable Big Bang. Car, il faut gravir
notre robotisme et automatisme, une montagne certainement plus haute
que celle de Mars, une montagne comme celle de la Terre en Carré, un
relief à côté duquel la Séries Infinie des objets imaginaires de Dedekind,
n'est qu'une platitude d'un terrain de tennis tout neuf.

Voici une idée de comment générer les angles, si l'on ne sait qu'utiliser
le vieil langage des Nombres:

Cette formule génère, à la fois, le sinus et le cosinus du complément,

des angles de 90° à 0°, rien que cela,
par exemple, de mesures d'angle en degré.
- Avec la vaiable (n) qui est un chiffre variant de Zéro au Sans-limite,
en quantités continues de la matière discrète. Il suffit de renormaliser

171 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

les variables pour obtenir les mêmes égalités classiques de la


Faites en la vérification, cette formule donnera la continuité de tous les

angles d'un quadrant de cercle, allant de 90-0° pour n variant de toutes
les valeurs décimales possibles.

Evidemment, la racine Zéro-ième est une erreur de calcul. Simplement

cela est dû aux méthodes algébriques de calcul des racines, par
tâtonnement en exhaustion de divisions.

Mais cette formule simple, permet de calculer à la fois, tous les arc-sinus
et arc-cosinus. Comme simplicité de la Dakhiométrie, il n'y a pas

Elle donne directement le sinus et cosinus de tout angle dans le quart

de cercle directionnel de l'espace. Avec l'Arc-cos on obtient la valeur de
l'angle selon l'unité choisie.

Cette fonction génère la continuité des angles de l'espace. Cependant

qu'avec les moyens Algébriques, il y aura toujours des tous de valeurs,
dus à la non-continuité des Nombres Algébriques. Les calculs utilisés
pour vérifier cette formules se font avec les modes appliqués de
Trigonométrie, inclus dans les calculateurs. Les angles générés par cette
formule souffriront des défauts des méthodes de la Trigonométrie.

Dans sa vérité, la définitions par mesures des angles, ne sera qu'une

merveille que par l'espression des constructions par l'espace. On peut
alors avoir une vue d'ensemble d'une structure complexe qui donne une
vue complète des angles. C'est de cette structure que cette formule
algébrique ci-dessus est tirée.
La Dakhiométrie est à même de montrer la haute valeur du véritable
Penser humain.
Ainsi, lorsque je disais que les Mathématiques et la Physiques des
sciences en cours ne raccontent que des bobards simplistes de primitifs,
ce n'est pas parce ce que "j'aime ou j'aime pas ceci ou celà". Les
sciences en cours ne sont que des fantaisies de "savants". Ce n'est que
des paroles du Penser rationnel que chaque homme est encore
incapable de deviner sa propre capacité... mais malheureusement bien
momifiée et plein de suffisance.

- cosine + law + prove + concrete (Canada, Alberta Edmonton)

- examples of real life square root function (USA, Florida)

- computer resolution circle drawing (Korea)

- big crunch diagram (Columbia)

172 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- GALAXY creative Vietnam (Singapore)

- weird science animated (USA, New Jersey)

- equation describing a circle (UK, NHS Health)

This equation can describe a circle continuously. Continuity here depend

to the division algorithm of modern calculator But is more fine than the
usual Trigonometric sine and cosine in an orthogonal co-ordinates
reference axis.

- prove + the + existence + and + uniqueness + of + a + perpendicular

+ drawn + from + a + point + P + to + a + line + L (USA, New York,
Poughkeepsie Marist College)

Uniqueness of a perpendicular to a line L, is directly from the structure

of a rectangular triangle inscribed in a circle. The two rectangular sides
of this triangle are unique lines defined by a circle.
In addition, the above formula of angle sine-cosine show that any angle
is uniquely define by a circle. Therefore, a perpendicular from a point to
a line, is necessarry unique according to that any angle non rectangular
in a rectangular triangle are unique.

The usual angle functions determined by the Dakhiometry

- use of trigonometry in daily life (India)

- transformation from circle to angular (Singapore)

However, it is only because angular quantities are directly the
circle property. Contrary to the Trigonometry that introduce errors
in the angle definition when it is done according to the linear
Analytic Geometry axis.

- different symbol use in trigo (Thailand)

173 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

It is here shown under particular formalism. But when expressed

un full spatial language, this latter is an fertile enlightening on the
precise angle characteristics.

- thales trigonometry (Australia)

These are only formalism resemblances. One can see it only when
they are expressed in pure spatial language.
If a such trigonometry can be built with the Thales rules, all of the
world mathematicians of the anciant times probably had done yet
a such system.
There is really a more basic reason that allowss to get a so fertile
view point.

- Importance + of + having + the + basic + knowledge + in +

trogonometry + to + the + college + students (,

This following formulas are the basic ones for angle determination.
They are very fertile and easy in applications. When calculation
with spatial elements is applied with them then, the precise angle
properties can be unfolded by deduction in extended wealthy
space structure.

- why + do + all + the + angles + in + a + trinagle + add + up +

to + 180 (, Eastern Illinois University, USA)

It is a basic remark.
Now that the angles are determined by a point (A) on a segment
(BD) then the answer will be more precise. A triangle is only a
brief of a circle circumference. The total triangle angles is only
situated between 0-180 degrees because the circle angles are
completly determined by the point (A) in (BD) can situated only
between (BA=0) to (BA=BD). It can varies back between (BA=BD
to (BA=0). This is a form of angle variation stricly between
(90.2=180) degrees
Because the linear is born from the circular then, the basic reason
is from a fixed point, two intersecting lines can be never more
than being perpendicular and make an angle no more greater than
(90.2=180) degrees. We should note that the perpendicular line is
then the property of circle angle. A Triangle can't have no other
angle property than the circle one.

- nature + of + mathematics + "pastulates" (,


At least a great pastulate...

174 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

The Dakhiometry had proved and spatialy constructed all the functions
to determined completly the basic angles between 0 and 90°. These
proofs rest on the basic properties of the absolute space the ones
unknown in Mathematics.

The angle determinations are as follows:

Let any determined length (BD).
Define three colinear lengths related with (BD) as:

BA + AD = BD

Circular knowledge consequences.

Fulness of space-direction determination method in Dakhiometry
- the properties of angle in circle (Malaysia)

Actually, only and strictly, circle properties can resolve the space
Direction and then, consequently, the linear realm.

You are informed that the Dakhiometry method of dtermining the space
Direction - usually denoted in the classical Trigonometry as Angles -.
They are done more simply, perfectly precise and with exactness.
Any angles are defined by the above ratio (BA + AD = BD). there is no
need of sine and cosine definition and no more their inverse as Arc-sin
for example, to expressed them in degrees or in another unit.

For example,
An angle is given as the ratio conventionally named as follows:

... etc

And it inverse derivative Arc-cos is directly given by simple spatial

construction. This give the direction relatively to a reference one. So
let a given angle (a) in any choosen unit, you can figure out precisely a
such angle.

Also, from a given angle (a) in degrees for example, it can be simply
constructed its form as this above "cos" ratio. That is to tel, with any
ratio (BA/BD), one can figure out an angle without calculating the
Arcsin or Arccos that are only approxiations. And given any angle, one
can determine the ratio (BA/BD) corresponding to this angle.

Any angle value are rationally spatial constructed. and the usual

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

addition-substarction-multiplication-division can be used to transform

this give angle.
For example, one can construct any inscribed polygones in circle with
any given vertex.

Note on errors in Trigonometry:

The current Trigonomety can do better angle definitions than
with with 2% error. It is because of the Archimedes' Pi
systematic error that is no more precise than to the first

How can Astronomy and Cosmology can be built on such hugue errors?

A Universal device for defining

the Directions of the universe Absolute Space
It is informed that
The Dakhiometry Science can conceive a theorical Universal-
System for defining with high precision the angle in Three-
Dimensions of a Globe.

This means that this system can be use to define any direction in
the whole Absolute Space of the universe Globe.

This system may use the modern numeric technology that can
drive for a maximal pixel definition. This device can be refered to
any fixed defined direction.
Obviously each "E.T." may have his own reference of direction. This
is only to tell that eachone on Earth for example may have his own
conventional language. One needs only interpreter. Because it is
not yet possible to define the ansolute Latitude and Longitude of
the universe.

Thus for the Earth one need only to define any given fixe direction
as the one for fixed reference.

For more precision of angle measurements,

one don't use no more the old 0-90° or the Achimedes's Pi. For
exemple while using 0-90° it can be use the (0-9n)° interval [(n) =
any integer)]. Any angle is then define by numerical integer. The
angles can be accessed on a whole Globe aera and the Line
directions may be realized by Lazer ray type on the basis of the
Spatial language. There is no more calculation using the old
irrational and imprecise Number systems calulations. It can be
read directly from there the Angle and its cos-sin values. These
values are not from calculation (the old euclidean division by
exhaustion!) but by reading directly from the system structure.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

A such system design is only possible with the Dakhiometry

Circular KNOWLEDGE construction. The actual Anciant's
Trigonometry is simply a scientific spiteful trick that necessarily
introduces errors in astronomic measurements.
Note that this is concerning DIRECTION MEASUREMENTS. Because
it is false to state that Light Ray property can be used as Distance

The use of Lazer Rays allows to associate the lazer Ray for
practical construction ... as spatial Lines of the Dakhiometry
Spatial Language construction.

The Dakhiometry Spatial Language can do any concrete

tansformation of space figures by (Add., Sub., Mul. and Div)
applyed to spatial and rational method contrary to the old irrational
and conventional Numbers of Algebraic systems.

The Spatial Language is the foundation of futur human sciences.

Without such knowledge of the concrete Space and its alphabetic
tool there is no possible science... but only man's obscure believes.

- comment + démontrer + qu'un + triangle + est + équilatéral +

dans + un + rectangle + avec + cercle + circonscrit + au +
rectangle (Paris)

En effet,... par symétrie, que CD est égale au rayon de ce cercle.

- equilateral triangle with equal area of a square-construction


Here next is the result.

From this figure the construction understanding is "for Kids".

The way is at first to determine a great green-square the side of

which is the one of the equilateral triangle. Then, you start the
Lam-Ca theorem that gives the how to construct the
correponding square.
Note that to get the square aera equal to the "equilateral-

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

triangle" it suffice to get the square (S) and it corresponding

circle with diameter equal to the side of (S). And then to get it
half square with the Lam-Ca theorem.

This figure shows how one can construct the equality of aeras between two
different forms. Here is concerning to construct a square aera (S) from the
one of an equilateral triangle (ABCD).
Spatial construction is simple to get exactly the result.
Concerning aeras, the Lam-Ca theorem is the top.

One have to archive the Old pytagorean theorem in his big Museum and
should rapidly be in acquaintance with this great usefulness Lam-Ca. Any
miracle and more are from it.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


1) - The current Geometry is as most of existent type of languages as well

as the Number-system, belong to the classe of interpreting-language.
For Interpreting-languages the information is given by this language and
not by what it seems to represent initially. This mean sthat the information
is furnished directly by the language itself.
For example:
(1 duck) represents a-Duck Or a-One,
according to the interpretation of each one.
This is the ambivalence of any Interpreting-Langauge.

2) - While the Dakhiometry Spatial-Language is directly the universe

Matter being. The Spatial-Language is a rational scientific language
because it is itself the Object-and-its-Meaning or the Object-Meaning

It is why the Spatial-Language is directly the expression of the matter

behavior. There is not relativistic meanning depending to eachone
particular interpretation. For example:
a Solid rock is a solid rock and not depending to what eachone believes its
as an angel or his contrary.
For example about this above equality between the Square-and-the
Equilateral triangle aeras, with the Spatial-Language we need not to
modify the geometric figure and then searching how to draw what one
supposed to be.
Because in Dakhiometry, this problem is to examine the spatial fact in the
matter Spatial Structure where it may be inscribed the fact or the anti-fact
of a searched equality. One has not to invent the searched relationship and
then interpret the result as one had presupposed.

The Dakhiometry Sptial-Language is not an Interpreting-Language. It is

why the Dakhiometry Spatial-Language is necessarily the basic tool for
advanced rational sciences.

- prouve perpendiculars in triangles meet in one point (

- triangle + in + circle + with + lines (Belgium)

A circle is not really defined as a perimeter around a radius from a

center. This is only the usual compass stereotype.
A circle is a succession of points defining the whole space directions
the so called Trigonometric-Angles. From this latter, the linear positions
of radius around a center are used to define the Trigonometry.

From there Mathematics remains in perpetual ignorance of the

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

circularity. The millenary Squaring the Circle was Impossible because

one is tempting to constraint a perimeter to be supperposed to a
Straight Line. This is also the case for the mathematic Trisection of an
Angle. The Morley equilateral theorem for example, is from this
impossible view point.

Why a triangle is always defining a Circle? It is because a triangle is

defining the precise points on a Circle and then can directly define the
unique 180° corresponding circle. A circle is only a 180 degrees or two
half 90 degrees half-circles !

- 180 + degree + circle (..)

Really the circle property is as angle or Direction definitions.

In this view point, the Circle is divided into Two parts by its Diameter.
Each half-circle define one half of angles or Directions. Therefore, the
whole circle is can define all of the possible angles in the space.

Thus if one choose angle on the basis of 0-90° then a half circle
determine 90° of directions.
And a Whole circle is defining all the 90+90 = 180°

On can verify that all the Circle Possible Angles can be defined by all
the inscribed Triangle angles WITHOUT REDUNDANCY.

The 360° is only from conventional Trigonometry that rests simply on

the artificial Linear orthogonal reference where the space is necessary
divided into four quarters. Therefore, 90+90+90+90 = 360°.
The trigonometry ignore what is the basic of Circle.

In the true rational definition of Circle for the Dakhiometry, the angle
definition rests on the Half-circle as capability for defining 0-90° angle
extend. The high exactness of spatial construction allows to use not
only the anciant's 0-90°. But the spatial aLanguage allows the used of
0-90n °.

And obviously also the angle definition with the total angles as equal to
Two-Pi, as the Two-Dakhiometry-Pi by spatial construction. Where for
example, the angle extend may be half-circle extend as [angle extend
= From 0 to 312019372702489... as wholy integers].
This will be used for defining more precisely the astronomic heavenly
bodies repartition over the wide universe Globe Space. The definition
of the univers globe angle (altitude and azimut) by successive ... one
to one definition on 312019372702489 extend. This will be accessed
for futur human's science technology. The present theorical basis is a

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Three points of a triangle

determine a Circle and
inversely three-points of a
circle determine a triangle. It
is according to that the total
angle of a triangle fulfil the
the whole total angle of a

From any point it can be
drawn perpendicualrs to three
sides of a triangle as a circle
center can do it to its three
chords forming an inscribed


It is why, the total angle determined by a circle is for example

180° and not the usual 360°. It is because the current Trigonometry
rests on the conventinal angle determined from the circle center.

This is not correct because a GIVEN ANGLE in a Circle should be

not from the Trigonometric according to circle Center of Linear

On this above figure it can be done the mirror (xx') symetry of the ABC
triangle. The result is the same when doing a 90° rotation particular to
each separatly sides AB, AC and BC.

It proves that from any point (O), it can be drawn pependiculars to the
sides of a triangle because the total angle of a circle is 180°.

It is why the Dakhiometry definition of angles, by spatial

constructions, is done NECESSARY on the perimeter of a 90°

The main true characteristics of Circle are matstered in


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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Mastering the Circle is to get the clear understanding on the universe

isotropic Space. This is the top fundamental knowledge that allows
man to get a rational understanding on any of the univers Construction
and thus, to perform the optimal action in and for Life.

The mains characteristic of the isotropic space is to get the control of

the Circle characteristics as:

I) - The understanding on the Angular properties.

II) - The rational tools for doing the Four Operation on the Angle, by
Construction as the addition, the Substarction , the Multiplication and
the Division.

For example the old Famous impossibility of resolving the Trisection of

an Angle is the fact of the current Mathematics ignorance on the
Circular Realm.
This problem is wholy resolved in Dakhiometry for any angle difined in
a Circle. That is to tell ANY Particular angle of the whole Circle can be
divided by three
and consequently one get directly the trisection result of their
complementary one.

This means that the Dakhiometry had defined the rational and precise
definition and the measuring for Any Angle of a whole Circle.
And also the true Basic definition of any angle by construction.

It is noted that the current Trigonometry is simply a Linear technique

contradictory applyed for defining the circularity of angle.
The usualy known as the Trigonometry is innacurated.

The Trigonometry is an inaccurrate technique when it is applyed for

measuring precisely faraway Star Locations particularly when one
believes that Light-Ray-Energy indicates the Distance!!!
... Light Ray is from another man's ignorance.

Errors are due to that the Mathematics sinus and cosinus functions was
usually determined baddly according to Linear reference.

While for measuring angles, the Dakhiometry had defined the optimal
true Circular reference corresponding to the angle as characteristic
strictly from the circle property. The true varaiation of the sinus and
cosinus are exactly done according to parabolic trajectories.
It is noted that the usual mathematics parabolic curves (y=a.x2) is
seen only from an orthognal reference. It produce for mathematicians
the belief that a parabol is a linear function.
It is there also an error.
Because, it should be seen that the parabol is directly from the

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

circle property. The fact is that the parabol construction is

generated AROUND its own Focus !!!

This next diagram is

from spatial
construction of the
Angle characteristic
from circle. The
curves of angle
variations around the
circle are get from
spatial construction,
refered directly from
circles. The usual
sinus/cosinus are
defined refered
directly to by the
circle and not as it
was done in the
current Mathematics
This latter is really
only from the
primary step of the
Mathematics. There
the sinus/cosinus are
only from a Linear
orthogonal axis
system. This
produces only an
approximations of
the angle variations.

With the true Spatial

Language from where this circular reference is constituted then,
1) - Give an angle value then one can Read directly on this chart the
usual angle characteristics as: sin, cos, tg and cotg.
2) - Give any of the angle characteristics then, one can get directly the
reading of the angle value.

No nead to search in his memory the listing of the usual Trigonometry

cumbersome practical predefined values.

Note that without predefined definitions the Trigonometry remains

This is from the true spatial language that is not from prdefined
artificial memory. The Spatial Language is the direct homothetic
representation of the universe space property from where one
have only to know how to read it.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

This understanding of circular space is the infirmity of the current


Without the Circle knowledge the base of the Spatial Language there is
no possible rational science else than the usual Mathematics
presuppositions by axiomatic, postulates, hypothesis and also

The angles may be defined between (for example 0 and 90°) as for the
circle quadran (A). And for the whole circle, it suffices only to get the
complement (A1) and the supplement (A3) and (A4) from this first
quadran (A).

This fondamental circular system for angle definitions is a precise and

complete one. Also it is practical because it can give the direct
correponding value of any angle from the circular characteristics. There
is no need of the usual (Arc-Sinus,...).

The usual angle values of 0-90° was only from the Anciants. This gives
the cumbersome decimal values that have no meaning according to
that the Trigonometry is only an approximative "do it as you like". It is
quite a bad joke to apply these angle vallues for astronomic faraway
observations particularly with the Pi = 3.14. The fact is that according
to these Trigonometry techniques of angle measurement the precison
is no more better than 2%. A 2% of light celerity is rather a big deal...

In the futur according to the high precision of the Spatial Language

construction, the angle may be better choosed as for example in the
scale (Zero and 9000°) or with more biger values than the simplistic
Anciant's (0-90°).

This above shematic of the Dakhiometry is only simple. It have to be

more precisely dexcribed on how it should be constructed and how
practically exploited it as rational science.

In summary
For the Dakhiometry method,
any true operation by construction on the Angle can be done as
one does it for the current Linear figures.

Physical view point, the universe space is a structure of potential

circles. Only from there, the circular structure can then be created as
Parabolic kinetic energy. The Linear motions are there only particular
phenomena. Remind that heavenly bodies are only organized under
circular structures.

184 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Here follows are exemples according to the trogonometrc

conventions for a best easyer understanding. Then, we can define
from there the angular continuity of functions for angle (a)
situated between 0-90° as follows:

In the following and due to the angle complementary, a given,


can be used to get both the angles as (arc-sinus) and (arc-cos).


Let (a+b)/2=BA3 and (a-b)/2=BA4 then,

is written as:


185 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- rational + values + of + the + cosinus (, Spain)


- SEEDING SLOPE FORMULA (, Time Warner Cable

Beaumont, USA)

- applications of trigonometry story problems (, USA)

It is usually known as Trigonometry however, here is represented a

brief introduction to spave Direction determination known as angular
measurement. It is quite complete precise definition of angles with its
basic tools for angle transformation. Because space Direction is from
circular realm quite different from the Linear mode. This latter is only
originated from the initial circular mode therefore, the linear can be
only some practical approximations with irrationality imprecisions due
to Numbers as strictly dichotomic language words.

A complet and precise Angle determination
in Dakhiometry
You are informed that Space direction or Angle is still
unkown in Mathematics even if it was created there
some apporximation with the empirical Trigonometry.
The Dakhiometry had achieved a complete precise and
rational scientific system of defining angle, according
to his full knowledge on the space circular realm.
Angle is rationally determined according to precise
space constructions.
It shows that the Trigonometry has a certainty no
better than 1e-6. It is not included there the classical
Archimdedes' Pi with its uncertainty at 1/10 of unit (
3.1??? ). This proof of errors is determined by spacial
constructions which is characteristics of absolute
It is not easy to simply expose it here because a such
system need deeper basic space knowledge that
mathematicians has no access. It consists to know how
to calculate space structures with the space language
then, to know how to manipulate the circle and any
conics figures. We have to consider that Mathematics
Geometry and Analytic Geometry is really simplistic
when compare to the Dakhiometry science

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


Important difference:

Trigonometry uses Cosine and Sine for

defining angles according to a linear
orthogonal axis reference.
While the Dakhiometry Angle definition
use direct circular definition of circle arc.
There is no sine and cosine and their
derivative conventions.
This allows to use the four transformation
operations on circle arcs or angles, as
addition, substraction, multiplication and

Circular lines are then completly equivalent to

linear lines for any space structure construction.
For a simple example: it can be done by using
space construction, the Angle Trisection and
more, to divide an angle by any quantity. Any
circular polygon with any integer number sides
can be constructed as a circumference divided by
a natural Number. Note that this process can't
never produce a circle as was tempted by

Such possibilities are one of the most important
consequences deduced from the Dakhiometry
squaring a circle solution.

Example of errors on some angle measurements

On figure of the squaring a circle it can be get the
angle that allows to determine the form
Let this angle denoted as AS. In the following are
measurement differences between trigonometry and

Mesure with the classical Trigonometry method

as it is used with a CAD sofware this angle is
given as:

187 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

1) ------------- Trigonometry:

With the Pi value 3.1416... of computer:

2) ------------ Trigonometry:

With the Pi value 3.1416... of computer:

3) ------------ Trigonometry:

With the Pi value 3.1416... of computer:

- trig use in cad ( (West Ottawa Public

Schools, Canada)

There are current illusions in modern technology

where anything are determined by digital machines.
For calculations, one attributes precision with
math-coprocessors long word digits. But it is an
illusion when the main action is controled by the
softwares. These latter are no more than the usual
Mathematics algorithms that rest on the approximate
circular functions. For exemple the Achimedes' Pi

188 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

value in conjunction with the current Trigonometry

introduce error until 1/10 in any calculation result.

Any of CAD sofware used in the whole word contains
the Archimedean Pi (as 3.1415...).
As circle are highly used in practical CAD designs,
paid attention that even if math processors used with
long floatting digit precision there are many great
errors during calculations for figure constructions. It
is because most of figure in modern technology
concerns circular forms.

The introduce errors ares not visible because every

calculation rests on this same incorrect constant. For
example if you measure your house with a same false
unit of 1.5 meter length, you will not see there any
error. However, you need an external another unit of
1 meter length to be abble to see that all your
anterior measures are really erroneous ones.

The Pi=31.1415... is a bad value for high precision


All the Dakhiometry calculation are done by space

construction and not with the Algebraic operations. It
is needed only to divide two lengths then to multiply
them by an final length. No classical Trigonometric
formula is needed as for example the arc-sine

It is noted that measuring the space structure is done

also directly with the Space Constant length as:
Space Constant = 3.120 193 73
It is seen that the old Archimedes Pi introduces error
until the unit angle.

Measurement Conclusion:
Measurements on figure lines are more precise with a
minimum use of digital number calculations. Therefore
the result with the Dakhiometry method is better than
the uncertainty of the Trogonometry plus the numerous
step for calculation using particularly the Euclidean

189 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Therefore, the errors from Trogonometry is seen there

with no better than 1/1000 decimal. This can be
obviously worse ones when theses errors are repeeted
during a long algorithm repetition of initial errors.
Trigonometric angles are not as exactness warranted
from second of angle precision or les than 1% degree

Science errors are the most serious modern problem

that international human society has to rapidly
resolve. Nothing can't goes further in optimal
evolution ways when it rests on false actions.

- application of trigonometry (,


- trigonometric proofs (, TampaBay DSL,


What are shown here are only first sight. The Dakhiometry circular angle
definitions are complete. Angle can be manipulate for precise
transformations as it can be done in linear mode.

Sailors use to search their displacement direction according to stars with
the sextant navigation instrument. This latter rests on a three axis
coordinates principle. This is a method irrelevent in three dimensions
extraterrestrial space because there is no terrestrial horizontal as given
plane reference.
For the Dakhiometry method of spatial angle determination, it needs no
more the sextant principle. It suffices to determine the direction target
relatively to any fixe given reference direction. For example this latter is
determined by a faraway star that can give a sufficient good direction of
reference. It is considered there that the parallax of a faraway star is
equivalent to a fixed direction. Then the linear straight way toward the

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

target is known.

All the trigonometric formulas can be easily verifyed with these above
For example, the (cos 2a) can be extended in its general form as
(cos n.a)
It is impossible in Trigonometry to express a such relationship because of
its formalism complication. But in Dakhiometry, a simple spatial structure
can define the multiplication of an angle (a) construction. Its allows to
construct a polygone in a circle without worying with the successive
reporting of a same arc or chord.

Note also that in Dakhiométrie all the four basic operations can be done on
the sine and cosine, for example:

(cos a)/(cos b)

is easily done. It suffice to read the result from the space structure. The
continuity of the sine and cosine should be done with these relationships
and not with the angular velocity as (w.t).

Spatial Direction in three dimensions

- cosine curve in three dimensions (USA)

Angle is the space characteristic of Direction.

From there any angle in three dimensions is determined by this above
formula even if it is given here only a shematic formula of the
Dakhiometry for angle determination.
Therefore, any angle is determined from one given space direction as a
fixed referent angle direction. It is the BD direction as referent. A
space direction is a straight line direction. It is the case of a spatial
vessel standing at a given absolute position point (B). From there it
can go toward any other given direction according to the above angle
formula from relationship (BA+AD=BD).
Now obviously it can be defined any direction 3D space, by choosing
two or many other different determined directions as referents ones.
To go a distance at any precise point (D) it must be known precisely
the distance (BD).

Basic tool to define an agnle

- trigonometry basics descent (USA)

191 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Here, space direction rests in steady deep basic sources of space
properties. It is more precisely, clearly and completly defined in spatial
language. Angles are there defined not with linear Numbers but by
spatial elements of discrete space. That is, angular directions are
defined as space points seen from a given fixed point.

Angle can be only defined by circular manner. However, we human can

only have access to linear capbility. As in Analytic Geometry, angle is
erroneously defines by two coordinates of orhtogonal lines, named as
sine and cosine.

The Dakhiometry can spatially prove that the circular angle can be
represented in using relationships between three colinear line
segments as:
BA + AD = BD
In this case Any angle (a), for example between 0-90°, can be define
by a length (BM). This latter is used to figure out the particular angle
(a) by the spatial language forms. It is written as the following:

Angle (a) = BM = sqr(BA.BD)

The curve as a result, is seen in this next figure, comparing to the

usual Trigonometric function:

y = x . sin(wt); or with cos(wt)

In Dakhiometry, the "angle=(BM)" is not a function of a so called angle

variation but is a quadratic function of the segment (BA). The curve is
denoted by (1) relatively to the (2) one of the usual Trigonometric

We can see on this figure that there is a real difference of the

quadratic function with the linear Trigonometric formalism.
The (BM) is on the Y axis while the variable (BA) is on the X axis.

- sound in parabole (Cyprus)

Sound is necessarily due to movement in parabola form. Also it is for

any vibration in nature.
The reason is the universal law of absolute space where potential
energy governs the space location of any object. A potential is
composed of a defined rest point location. Kinetic energy is then the
consequence of potential location from where material object cyclic
changes around its rest point. This is the universal characteristic of
absolute location in space.
Then sound is material atomic and molecular matter that move around

192 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

their local rest point and also of system of these elements that is
orbiting around their rest point according to the potential versus
kinetic energy law. One should consider that heavenly bodies orbiting
not in perfect circular orbits are also vibration whith ultra low
frequency. For the earth for example, the cycle is one year duration.
But we can consider that these duration is no more the vibration scale
and be considered as movement one. Heavenly bodies remains in
conservation energy because they are independnent object by matter
condensation process constructions. Thus, the Newton Universal
Gravitation is a contradiction where a Big Bang and a Big Crunch
principles are contradictory to the Energy Conservation in the Whole
universe. An absolute space has no expanding nor crunching
mechanism and the Relativity in space is only anthropomorphic
empirism of historic bad tale.

- sine wawe to square wave converter (Latvia)

A such electronic instrument is consistent with the sound phenomena.

A loud-speaker is really functionning according to such function.
Probably the speaker working will less suffer the resonant and
distortion effects than with the classic mode of the Trigonometric sine
function produced by current synthesizers.

- Algebra and Trigonometry jokes (, Saratoga

Springs City School District, New York, USA)

Really they do. Because there is a precise approach of definition when

using the properties of space. The element of space language can do it
with an easy understanding of problems when space strutures allows
to defined their curvilinear an the linear aspects.

- creative sine function (, Brookdale, The County

College of Monmouth, Lincroft, New Jersey, USA)

- trigonometry on curved surfaces (Korea)

- Sydney Opera house hyperbolic paraboloid (Ireland)

- what does a convergent function look like (, Canada)

- trigonometry comparison (Indonesia,

- parabolic trigonometry (, California, USA)

- fungsi grafik trigonometri cosinus (Indonesia)

- how + does + Trigonometric + form + of + a + complex + number +

apply + to +daily +life (, USA)

193 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- trigonometry in medical image (USA)

Modern surgery using computer 3-dimensions images aid needs not

only exactness but precise point determination e.g. is the brain
surgical operation. Precise 3D directions is there needed.

- vision the library university RMIT (Vietnam,

- grafik trigonometri sin 2x (Inonesia,

/trigonometry/ period-sine-cosine/images/)

- closed form expression acos(wt) (, University of

Strathclyde, Glashow, Scotland, UK)

- Egypt quadratic function (Malaysia,

/wikipedia/ commons/thumb

- linear + responsibility + chart + example (

Actually. The current Trigonometry was built on the Linear (x;y)

orthogonal reference.
This may be considered as a good approximation for angles situated
between 10/80 °. For low sinus and cosinus there are too much
deviation from the precise true angle. This concerns for astronomer
where faraway stars forms have to be measured with very low decimal
angles. With the Dakhiometry, it is proved by construction that the
wellknown sinusoid curve is no more than a True exact parabolic

This Trigonometry discrepancy is due to that from millenary

Mathematics really ignores how to define a Circle. The squaring a circle
impossibilité proved that the circle is actually ignored in Mathematics.
The Platoo's Compass is an illusion for defining a Circle. It is because
in the Anciant's time, Geometry was formed practically on Mechanisms
analogy. The Platoo's compass is a simple passive mechanism.

When was know rationally what are the circular properties then one
can define what is really an angle. Because angle is strictly the
property of a circle. An angle can be precisely defined when one can
defined a precise two-points on a circle. When a language composed
with spatial elements is known and used un science than Excact
Science can be built because any form in space is necessary derived
from the Circle knowledge. The Circle property is a Gate for the
knowledge of the whole universe.

194 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

This figure show that all this above function are quadratic ones. The sine or
cosine curve are denoted there by (1) and the red curve denoted by (2) is
the Trigonometric wellknown [{sin(wt)=y].
We can see that there are errors from this latter compared with the
Dakhiometry ones that are parabolic functions.

Note that this above formulas are only simple transcriptions of the
Dakhiometry's spatial structure towards simplistic Algebra numerical
But in their spatial structures it can be read directly the sine or cosine of
an angle and also they figure out directly the given angle. That is to tell, in
a spatial structure an angle is not directly read only as its sine but also as
its inverse denoted by the Arc-sine.

- equivalence point from second derivative curve (, Singapore)

- describing sine and cosine (, University of Minnesota, USA)

- animasi trigonometri matematika (Indonesia)

- graph sine 0-90 degrees (

Example of the coagulated Mathematics

What can Mathematics know about a parabola? this latter is there
diescribed as defined by a director axe and a focus. From there
complicated algebraic functions tempt to defined a such parabole.

Here in the following we will see what is a parabola according to the


195 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- ordonnées à l'origine parabole (Canada)

- parabolas in real life (, Telephone & Data Systems)

- parabolas in everyday life (, Texas Education Network, USA)


- Mathematical parabolas (Germany)

- parabola equation math (, Romania)

- general parabolic equation (, Imperial College, London, UK)

- mathes formule Iran

- accurator parabola (Indonesai)

- Iran maths (Brunei Darussalam)

- parabol arc quadratic equation (, Vietnam/Australia)

- mathematical definition of parabola (, Okinawa, Japan,

- maths tool Singapore (Singapore,


- parabola feed (Korea,

/info/antennas/ parabolic/parabolic_reflector.gif)

- parabola ends of lateral (Philippines)

- Foyer parabole (, Tokyo, Japan,

/img/forum_img/ 0258/forum_258808_2.png)

- parabolas in real life (Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Costa Rica)

- Rational + pole + Communication + png (Korea)

- unique + real + life + parabolas (

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

An unique particular parabola and more generally, a given parabolic

trajectory, can be defines precisely with unbounded space parameters.
This figure shows that a given parabola (P) can be determined by a
focus (F) as the center of the series of cocentric circles and any
isoscele triangle. One of this isocele triangle side pass through (F). Its
other side should be parallel to one unique given direction. The
parabola point is then defined by its vertex resulting from the
intersection of thes two sides. This figure describes how these isoscele
triangles are positionned when the fixe direction of one of the isoscele
triangle is parallel to it symmetric axis.

a) - A parabola is not generally defined by a focus and an axe director.
b) - A parabola should be defined by concentric circles as Focus and by
a fixed direction.

- for + every + angle + there + is + axactly + one + angle + bisector

+ true + or + false (, USA)

It is true.
Absolutely, we have to take any angle as the unit one. Then we have to
anlyze this problem as follows:
In the Natural Interger series, what can be divided by TWO?
Therfore, from an unit angle, only EVEN quantity can have a bisector. It
is only a true concept over the universe Fact.
This the rational logic applyed to the dicrete matter: only even
quantity of elemental matter can be exactly divided by two.

However, in our condensed matter world, we can't never have the

elemental matter exactness. It is why in the particular exactness of the
condensed matter approach, we can tell that ANY ANGLE has

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Dakhiometry as a true new science

Matter Space has two fundamental characteristics:
1) - Angular or Directional type
2) - Linear type
3) - The two characteristics are unified according to a Space Constant
for mutual Transformation.

The old Mathematical Geometry are not space science but is only
empirical approach to some incomplete superficial formalism.
While the universe fundamental basic first reality denoted as space is
fully mastered by the Dakhiometry science. Space is quite known and
practised through its linear and curvilinear aspect.
Practising space is a clear conscience on Measurement. It is based on:
a) - A just conscience on Quantity and how to determine it.
b) - Measurements are concerned on the two space aspects. It is how
to determine: Linear and Curvilinear Quantities.

Knowledge on Space is a quite fullness of Dakhiometry conscience.

That means: the Dakhiometry practise a true basic Science Language
that is composed of basic space elements.
The current official Mathematics have no means to get a little sight in
the Dakhiometry science because the current official science all along
the Time and through all different epochs, ignores what is Space.

Accuracy of angle according to the Dakhiometry method

Property of space point is to be successive. It concerns for the
Linear realm and also for the Curvilinear one.
In Dakhiometry a precise mode of Angle determination is to
correspond point-to-point from Linear to Curvilinear.
This means that the ratio determined in the Straight line can be
applied to the Curved line. Therefore,
as we can do on linear realm all the four calculation operations,
we can applied the same possibilities of calculations in Angular
realm to masrer constructions of any spacial figures.
Thus, linear calculations operate on distances and curvilinear
ones operate on angles in space. The precision is the one of lines

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

intersections. Note
* On a straight line, points determine distances.
* While on a circle, points is directions -or angle- determination.

Here is an example of Mathematics ignorance.

Everybody believes that he know what is an ANGLE.
* Mathematics ingnore the three basic modes of space
determinations: the squaring a circle, the trisection of an angle and
the doubling a cube. This is a proof of a quite space Ignorance.
* Science ignorance is shown on how it ignore the Quantity and what
is the Counting. Numbers are only a Holly Trick for chatting that give
to men the illusion of telling science.
* Trigonometry is a same trick to overcome the Angle ignorance.
According to that Mathematics don't know how to square a circle then
Mathematics ignore what is true or false about Linear and Curvilinear
* Consequently, was born the Analytic Geometry. It gives the illusion
that science is mastering the measuremnt of the World and wield
power the Nature.
A simple example on analitycal geometry: with a so called y=ax2,
Mathematics prove that a parabola is an Ignorance.
This seems an immoderate expression, doesn't it?
So, do you know that a parabola is a pure space form as a circle, a
square, a triangle,...etc, are a pure space forms? Here is what is a
diagram of successive conic space structure:

- real life parabolas trajectory (, Oklahoma, USA)

In consequences, do know how to place anywhere in a given space

structure, a parabola or only one part of it? Mathematics have no
means to do it else than with illusive manipulations. Because knowing
what is a space conic else than its analytic forms, you can tell that you
know what is space!

Ignorance of Mathematics gives rise to ignorance of all the

different Physics Théories where everything are weird harmful
tales for human.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

In conclusion
In addition to the Linear World, the Dakhiometry masterises also the
Science of Angle in the true universe Space.

The mathematics infinitesimal belief

Discussions :

Conditions of space transformations is necessary a reversible process.

In this case, these transformation should be done according to the
following properties.

A line (x) represented by infinitsimal

unit (dx) seems to be confused with any
curvature (C). If this statement is true
there should be a property continuation
linking line (x) to the curve (C). There is
thus a relationship represented by the
way (1).
In this case, a such relationship may be
valid in the reverse way (2).

However, aside some particular cases of function,

there are many results of such transformations given by the uses of
integral and its reverse derivative calculus. These results are :

1) - An integral of a linear function versus a linear variable, gives

ALSO a linear one. There is no continuation along the way (1).
2) - An integration of a curve give ALSO a curve. There is no
continuation along the way (2).

3) - A derivative of a curve is ALSO a curve. There is no

continuation along the way (2).
4) - A drivative of a straight line is a constant. There is no
continuation along the way (1).

Result of the Dakhiometry analysis



An infinitesimal of a straight line is always a straight line.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

An infinitesimal of a curve is always a curve.

One may remember that the squaring a circle is a reversible
transformation. Therefore, in space, curve and straight line can be linked.

Finally here is a remark about the Infinitesimal object property when it is

used as integral and derivative calculus. Generaly, for these purposes a
curve function is used with a linear variables e.g. as (dx) or d(t). Then,

- The integral and derivative functions cannot give exect

exact results according to that a linear variable cannot
describe exactly a curvilinear function.
- The property of a curve and the one of a straight line,
do not depend on the scale that one consider them.
- Curve and straight line are different spatial structures.
- More precisely tell, a linear VARIATION variable does
not correspond, one to one, with the curve ones. Even if
there is a one-to-one point, it can't be possible to get
the complete correspondance between linearity and

- "exect" + measurement + for + pie + 3.14 (Brunei


These conditions concern all the infinitesimal calculus, include the

developments of functions. Using these methodes are rough
approximations when applied on curves. Ideas of using tools as
infinitesimal means to reach any spatial structures are quite false. The
above example of circle surface calculation proves it. Fundamentally, it is
quite an error to believe that infinitesimal objects may allow to reach into
any spatial structure.

The important usefullness of these results, is to show that really there is

a belief concerning the INFINIRESIMAL mathematics methods. Believing
that any infinitesimal displacement in a straight line is equivalent to a
displacement on a curve is the false axiom in mathematics. Remind that
infinitesimal is the basic tools for Algebra.

Finally, there is really a key that allow entering the circular form. the

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Squaring a circle is the ONE and also the UNIQUE ONE to open the
circular structure for spatial knowledge. It is not exaggerated to tell that
the Sqaring a circle is the key opening to the universe space knowledge.

- unit + circle + for + "calulus" (Canada)


It is possible to obtain the circle "area" value in doing measurements and

also with the integral calculus. Note that all the integral calculus calulus
and its derivatives are empirical methods.
This two empirical ways don't need to know the Pi value. The squaring a
circle was regognized as impossible then, it is straight forward to invent
the Pi value as the circle "area" divided by its radius squared. One can
verify this invention in doing a such measurement or using integral
calculus. From that, it is find the Pi value exactly the standard one used
in the whole world.

The most interesting result is that this 3.1416 EMPIRICAL VALUE, is

raised to a Trancendental an Irrationnal number !

Empirical means are useful. However, one can't paste on empirical

method a Transcendental and Irrational concepts. It is a contradiction of
incertainty concepts that transforms thing into miracle.

Now, this Pi value obtained by empirical method, is the result of many

square roots and Euclidean division calculations, according to Algebraic
methods and principles.

On can conclude that the above error value of 1.34% on the surface
calculations or measurements, are a general characteristic of the
imprecise Algebra method.

- He + defined + the + value + of + pi + 3.14 + used +

to + find + the + perimeter + and + "area" + of +
circles (USA)

Quite exact ! He put the cart before the horse !!!

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- archimedean + axiom + wrong (Croatia)

- pi + used + in + inertia (USA)

Actually, Pi should be an inertia symbol of wasting one's time on never

touched goal as the Achilles' Tortoise.

- what + number + did + the + pythagoras + fear + since + it + lies +

between + the + only + two + integers + that + can + be + both + the
+ perimeter + and + "area" + of + the + same + rectangle (Canada)

It was anciant and is presently metaphysical human psychology. The

most important problem is not to find what a number is or is not. It is to
take conscience of difference between spatial structure of the universe
and human language. In anciant time and also today, space did not exist
but there is only nothingness. Relativity fields are not space. They are
objects replacing the ancient ether. Knowledge of space was masked by
the natural capacity of human to produce his language. Thus, lookning in
nature, it is natural to observe that things can be counted. But between
things, there is always something. A such "something" is inexpressible by
words of langages. As nature is filled by gods, it is obvious to attribute
this inexpressible things by irrational concept in language. However
language is not Mathematics. Therefore, in the futur, mathematicians
have to invent how to build a language capable to "discribe" describe the
space with High Fidelity. At this time human and also mathematicians wil
have no more reason to be fear by these mysterious "converge but never
touched" beings.

Is Pi an irrational number ?

... if negatve result with Robotsearch then, somwhere is nowher...

In the absolute space no irrationnality value is allowed. This is due to the

foundation principle of discrete matter laws.

Now, because it is presented here a Pi formula where on can see there

full of the square root of two symbol, then thinking automatism of
mathematicians bow to the irrationality of the new boen number of Pi.
No, Pi is not transcendent nor irrational number. So, because a so much
persons automatically to the look of formalism, I show here an another
formalism for Pi formula and I am waiting for reaction to this new formula

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- What + is + use + to + describe + the + motion + of + a + body +

"aroud" + its + axis (USA)

- impossibility + squaring + the + circle + proof + of (,

Välkommen till Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala, Sweden)

- full + pi + length (USA)

- why + is + impossible + for + squaring + a + circle ?(USA)

- squaring + the + circle (Belarus)

- mental gymnastic circle rectangle (Portugal)

Actually. A not so obvious one... - which one is height and which one is
length in rectangle (Canada)

A real anxious problem. Why a North is the North and a South is the
South, a 1 is 5V or an On and a 0 is a oV or an Off?

- a circle and its tangent which show the properties at the point of
tangency. (Carolina, USA)

- squaring + the + circle + to + high + accuracy (, USA)

- transformation + of + a + circle + into + a + square (,

University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA)

- in a square diagram what is length and breath% (United Arab Emirates)

Here from (A) to C1, it means a length of space structure attached to

square root of two.


(, Bibliothèque National de France,

Resume to this figure:

Let SAD the greater square surface of side
[AD] et SAB the one of the little square of
side [AB]. The ratio of these surfaces can be
written as :
SAB/SAD = Pi/4

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Calculation of Pi lenght is done around the initial circle of diameter AD.

Then le lenght Pi is as follow.

If the little square is the transform of the circle [C]. Then the Pi value is
directly given as follows:

Pi = 4..(AB2/AD2)

or :

Pi = 4.(x2/y2)

Also, we can write :

Pi = 4/(AD2/AB2)

You can use these two formula for Pi calculaation

concerning any dimension of figures. ANY DIMENSION is
valid to obtain the Pi value given in the following
formula full of square roots of 2. This means that any
number in the whole universe is "irrationnal". That is
really a miracle !!!

In brief:
These equation are quite rational. And they prove that
the following formalisme is also RATIONAL. And
consequently, Square Root of Two is necessary rational :

This last formula was determined to prove also that the

numeral Pi is a universal constant INDEPENDENTLY of
the surface formes. It is only a surplus of proof because
considering the surface ratio as ratio formed by squared
numerals then, the constancy of Pi is enough explicit.

- boo + boo + boo + square + root + of + 2

Therefore, out of any ideology, who can find some

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

reason of the irrationallity in such a formula ? Because

the numeral Pi cannot be at the same time, both itself
and its contrary.
THEIR + PERIMERTERS + ARE (, Konnect Internet Service,

- "ration" + between + diameter + and + circumference + of + a + circle


In the opposite case, everything is irrationnal, even the integer natural

number series. So, according to this formula, the Pi value can not be an
irrational one. Because [4] is a rational number and the ration ratio can
be written with any possible value. In consequence, if Pi is irrationnal, all
existing numbers are also irrationnal.
The above formula proves that
the statement of "Pi is irrational" is an unescapable
contradictory one.
Conclusion :
Therefore, Pi is necessary a rational numeral.

Now, there are many who complain or enjoy that the numeral Pi seems
not finish to calculate. But don't enjoy with it, I am sory to remind them
that they don't know how to divide. And also, they ignore that they fon't
know it. To enjoy more note that most of numerals division can't never
finish to an exact value.

Remind that the division use the Euclide's division algorithm. This process
is generally not an exact dividion. Mathematics don't know another
method to divide. The reason is of great funfamental one and even for a
mathematician of genius, Pythagoras is a magnificient example, we must
know that : numeral is not mathematic but only obey to human language
rules !

- what's + the + square + root + of + one + third + pi ?

- how + can + you + proove + that + the + square + root + of + 2 + is

+ irrational (Canada)

- What + is + the + reason + to + find + the + end + of + pi

This is the main question.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Predict + pi + nth + decimal + place ?

- "FORMILA" + DE + PI (Mexico)

- "area" + of + a + circle + "formila"

- numeral + handwriting ++- kid +- kids

- how + is + pi + determined + so + exactly

The problem is now to replace the whole calculation system with a rational one that allows to define
the exactness of space. This needs more than some remedy recipes.

Does squaring the circle done when the perimeter or the surfaces are
equal between them ?

What must be said clearly about the squaring a circle.

The squaring a circle can not be done in the equality of the perimeter
between the circle and the square !

The squaring a circle can not be done according to their perimeter


The squaring a circle is done under the following unique condition:

Both, the perimeter AND the surface of the circle

are equal

to only the square surface.

Transformation of a square to a circle can be done initially with the
Surface OR the perimeter of the square, to find the Surface of the
transformed circle. Reason of these conditions rests on the unique
correspondence between a numeral and its square and inversely. Example

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

: let [x] the length of the square Side OR the circle Diameter. Then :

4.x = x2
and thus :

This result is unique and immutable. And the squaring a circle with its
reciprocal, are done always with this factor [4] that is a part of the
constant denoted Pi.

It is why in the Dakhiometry, it is only considered the figure of a circle

Quarter inscribed in a Quarter of Square.

To remember it :
TWO values of the one corresponding to ONLY ONR SURFACE of the other.

- "perimetr" (Gorgia)

- structure + of + matter + "expalined" (Canada)

- Why + is + there + also + + Pi + in + the + "perimetr" + formula ?

This is a main point to understand why there is Pi. From that Pi appears
as a space constant and not as a particular effect of a circular form.

Pi is only a proportional factor that appears in a homothetic space

transformation. This is explained as herefafter :

A figure "area" is the result of two lenghts product

and can be write as
kx.y (00f)

Then, any form of plane figure can has their "area" written as under the
above relationship (00f).
For the square :
with k=1; kx = y; it give: y.y = y 2
For a rectangular surface :
For circle surface:

And a circle known form is :

ky.(y) = Pi.y.(y) = Pi.y2
in that k is denotted as follow : k.y = Pi.y
Therefore Pi appears really as a length homothetic factor.

For their perimeters

Square perimeter = 4.(y)

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Rectangular perimeter = k.4.(y)

Circular perimeter = k.4.(y)
and in a more usual form :
k.4 is denotted as follow : k.4 = Pi.2
Pi is also a homothetic length factor particularly applied to circle because
circle and square are invariable closely related forms.

In a product of lengths to describe different forms, it can be use a same

length for all this forms and the remainder can be seen as a different
homothetic lengths. According to that for tha the square, rectangular and
circular forms, it can be seen that they have a same length (x). Their
differences are then "discribed" described by other homothetic ones as
described above.

Pi is only a homothetic constant used for circular figure, generating from

a square form.

This is due to its Geometric origin. Because Pythagoras had begun to

know the square. He applied it as the basis of his Geometric
developments and also for his number theory. But the fact that any form
are derived from the square is only a very particular case known by
Pythagoras. From this epoch the World is formed with some given
particular forms that are only hypothesis built from a limited knowledge
on the universe.

In conclusion :
Pi is usually known as attached to circular figure but Pi is not a property
of circles. Now, we have to understand Pi as only a constant factor use for
homothetic space transformation.

- Indian + mathematician + created + a + formula + to + rapidly +

calculate + the + value + of + pi (from .us)

How + to + figure + Pi
From a circle {C} inscribed in a square of side
length AD, one can obtain a litle circle {C1}
charactérizing this spatial system. Placing
{C1} at the center {O}, a segment [AB}
tangent to it can determine the side {AB} of a
square. This latter is the squaring of the circle

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

{C} and has a surface equal to the circle one.

The Lam-Ca theorem shows that the surface
of the rectangle colored in cyan is also equate
to the cercle {C} surface. In consequence, in
this rectangle if the side {AD=4} then the
other side {AB' = Pi}.

Results :
1) - The cyan rectangular surface is equal to {4 . Pi}.
2) - Examining the formula {4 . Pi}, one can see that it represents also
both the surface and the perimeter P of the circle {C}, when its radius is
R = 2. According that :

P = {2.R.Pi} = {2.2.Pi} = {Pi.22}


From a length of 4.Pi, one can obtain any rectangle having this surface
value. Using the Lam-Ca theorem one gets a square representing this
rectangular surface. Then, the reciprocal of the squaring a circle can give
the circle {C}. This circle {C} has necessary the perimeter {4.Pi}.

Any circle can figure out the space Constant

of a squaring

- Do + we + know + today + the + exact + value + of + pi


The old pi values are empirical or mystical given value. This last is
a given quantity to aplay blindly. There is no means to know why
and how they come from some origins. While the new pi value 3.12
is an exact value. The exactness of it is founded on the spatial
structure from there it was calculate. It is spatial reasons that
come from a direct proof reciprocal one. Exactness that come from
its universal presence in any spatial structure transformation. This
value that can be figure out from spatial figures and not from
arbitrary discouse rules. This new spatial Constant is fully exact
and universal. It remains now to found how to precisely numerise
it for usual human language.

- new + geometric + construction + pi (Philippines)

- pi + is + rational (Lithuania)

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

You are quite right, immutable right. Because there is more deeper
reasons that there is no irrational things in space. More latter I will
expose the complete means of how to calculate with spatial tools.
In space a solution is a precise point in the fullness of a structure
that composes the absolute discrete universe space. This allows
the real accurate and precise life construction. There is no need to
converge something toward somme unknown thing as one do it in
the anciant times.

- pi + recurrent + formula (Russian Federation)

Remind that a quarter of circle is inscribed in a quarter of square.

We will used this characteristic to obtain this space constant for
any circle during squaring transformation. In fig-4-4, with the
circle diameter AD = 4, figuring out the length Pi is directly the AB'
length. What can we do when the diameter AD is different; AD
from 4 ?

When AD is different from 4, in this figure, AB' is also the length

Pi. But you must normalize this length on the diameter AD as

Therefore, in a general figure dimension, we have the Pi length as :

Pi length = (AB').(4/AD) = 3.12019373...

- "cricle" + perimeter + equation (UK)

- Find + a + function + that + models + the + "area" + A + of + a +

cirle + in + terms + of + its + circumference + C (USA)

Actually, there is the Constant relationship between the circumference

(C) and the "area" (A) of a circle. And precisely it is due to the Space
Constant as shown above. Then, if AD is its diameter :

(C/A)circle = (4/AD)

Or explicitly considering the above figure,

In any circle the Constant length of Pi is given by a constructed line AB'

Pi length = (AB').(C/A)circle = 3.12019373...

The square has the same property in relationship. Then if AD is the

square side we have:

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

(C/A)circle = (C/A)square
Ce qui veut dire que la longueur donnant la Constante Pi est aussi:
Pi length = (AB').(C/A)square = 3.12019373...

It is the only unique simple constant relationship between perimeter and

"area" of a figure. The same relation is seen for a circle cricle and a
square shown that the square inherits the circle property according to the
squaring operation. It prooves that the circle is the UNIQUE and
PERMANENT matter space structure and that the square is
directely the result of this transformation.

Note :

The universality of a such spatial constant is a fact of the immutable

UBIQUITY or SIMULTANEITY property of the space matter.

- absolute + value + proof + for + any + number (Canada)

Any number can thus be transformed into natural number. Il suffice to

change the Reference length value of a construction. It is the case of a
"unit square". Therefore, the Division Algorithm is only a practical
method for approximative calculations.

--- Change to Unit System ---

The Space Constant (3.12019...) used as
...........UNIT OF SCALE

Any figure system can be nomalized on the Space Constant.

For this purpose, it suffices to determine in this system a length (Dint-ref)

as the internal reference length.

From (Dint-ref), will be normalized this system with the Space Constant to
get the unit of measurement.

It suffice to multiply any measurement in this system by the ratio



This is the proceed for a generalisation of norme for space



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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

If there anywhere in space other alive planets, it should exist

necessarry a such space normalization for a unit of length. It is the one
necessarry normalization process because the Space Constant is a
remanence of the Permanence. There is no other Permanent form like
the circle one which is the universe one.
It is why
Getting the possibility of a such logical Unit Normalization, we are yet
possibly entering and standing in the UNIVERSAL SPACE!

Practical exemple
Suppose that you are trying and verifying the Square a circle
construction. You like to have from a remote friend some opinion about
it. This latter will do it and on his computer, realizes this geometric
construction according to his usual manner. That is probably with a
figure quite different in its dimensions than your's one. Thus, he can
rapidly verify the different relationships between the geometric
elements. Finally to give a brief result, he can do a numerical measure
on his computer and then tels you his solution. His numerical result will
be understood by you because he is applying the normalized space
Constant as you do it yourself.

There is no problem if your remote friend is an extraterrestrial one that

is living in some remote stars...

- VALUE + OF + PI + ACCORDING + TO + WALL + IS (India)

- proportionality + L1 + L2 + S1 + S2

Value of Pi is also given as :

Constant = 4(S1/S2) = Pi

S1 and S2 are surface of circles or squares denoted in figures of this text

as the C1 and C2 diameters.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

On this day, october 2006, since november 2002...

My first point of note is the following.

The sad fact...

The squaring a circle was revealed since four years, on this Earth. By the
Squaribg a circle, the New World is thus created and displaying.
Particularly, in full view of all mathematicians.

And what is the result of a such event? Because this is a Unique events:
the real world is creating, the reality, The One.

a) - Nothing is never notice by official institution, nobody is refering to my
works. It would be a sacrilege to open an institutional mouth and tell: the
squaring a circle is a fact of human life, the human evolution...

b) - What are most of you worrying? Its is something like "Archimedes' Pi",
the longest Pi, the irrational Pi. Thus most of people is still living in the
deep darkness of the Pass. They are dreaming all along their life and can't
see what is the Here and Now.

c) - Probably, most are telling that the squaring is not so important. May
be, this true proof doesn't be a true because it isn't the work of their own
Official National Idolized Great Genius.

Duration of four years to make acquaintance on the so simple squaring a

circle proof... and no official Scientific Institution Intitution is abble to
understand its importance impotance! This a miracoulus constant of the
human darkness capacity, the Fantastic one.

- "Impotance" + of + zero + in + mathematics (Mauritius)

Exactly. Zero is impotence as a number because it is not a number. Its

invention usefullness is to give to human language to express the cyclic
succession. Zero is is not reality. And in the universe there is the most
basic logic that is the unity. Because one matter property is the succession
of recurrence. A recurrence is only possible if it starts from unity. With this
latter, a recurrence can unfold endless. The unity is not the language
symbol (1). Unity is a logic concept. Any object can represent Unity. I will
show it with linear and circular spatial figures why we can use the language
terms as 1, 2, 3,... that are not mathematic figures.

214 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Hand + and + Arm + Gestures: + "The + OK" + sign + is + interpreted

+ in + Japan + as + the + symbol + for + money,+ because + the +
circular + shape + of + the + index + finger + and + thumb + together +
suggest + the + shape + of + a + coin. + In + Argentina, + Belgium, +
France, + Portugal, + Italy, + Greece, + and + Zimbabwe, + the + sign +
means + "zero" + or + "nothing". + In + some + Eastern + European +
countries + as + other + countries + throughout + the + world, + the +
gesture + indicates + a + bodily + orifice + and + is + highly + offensive
(, Romania)

These gestures are used here as "word" signs for language expressions.
The "OK" seems to me as telling that something is Okey or "Fine". Fine as
the thickness of a hair between the thumb and the index.
However, may be, the Zero as India mathematic symbol (0) is refered as a
circle, representing cyclic process figure. It is the case for any numeric
base, that allows cyclic counting notations for great numbers.
So your informations on hand and arm gesture languages are very
interesting for good relationships between human mutual understanding.

- "impotance" of the centre of gravity (UK)

The importance of center of gravity definition, is the first basic datum need
during interaction. However, when center of gravity is a real measurement
impotence, it gives rise some difficult problems.

- "intitution" + mécanique + en + France (Canada)

Why the Squaring a circle is a Creation of the New World? A new world is a
one that should replace the old false world. Thus here are what the False
and what the New are.

What are False?

1) - The false is the erroneous concepts of Number as ontological facts in
the universe. Number is only the human notions invented by Human genius
while ignoring what is the Space where they are living. Therfore,
necessarily numbers inherit the human irrationnality property.
2) - Ignoring Space, the earlier human genius ignore what is the difference
between circularity and the straight line. Consequently, They ignore what
are Distance and Direction.
3) - With all these basic ignorances, the old human generations ignore
what they denote as their sciences. This latter are only empirical and
ideologic dogma that belong only to belief types.

What are true?

Only matter space is the basic ontological reality fact. Only space is the

215 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

fundamental essence and materials of the universe construction. Only the

space is the true language of the action for life. Only space is the basic
structure of human thought logic.
Therefore, human should name eveything because he thinks. The basic
names of the reality are the concepts generating by reality facts. These
basic names do not be the human language speaking or writing words. True
concepts are reasons of thought and not words of the talks.

Numbers are only words. They can't be materials for knowledge. Thus the
thinking needs authentic concepts badly denoted as numbers. Then, the
thought needs to name the quantity in physic reality. These names of
object realities are not word but space construction. Therefore, naming a
space length or distance, is actually the how to construct precisely this
quantity. What is the real concept usually denoted as a number, is in fact
how the human thought can situated precisely this object quantity, in
constructing it. Thus a length or a direction being able to be named in our
thought, is in fact the know how to construct according to space language.
This are in daily practice needed for each of us, the know how to move in
gestures or in displacing.

In summary
1) - The false of the current sciences.
Human genius are buried in huge errors as they are living according to
empirical manipulations. Sciences do not know what is a Length and quite
ignore what is a Direction. Thus, they do not know how to precisely name a
quantity, the actuel space quantity. More deeply, he cant have some precise
things about circular space structure. The Trigonometry is an approxiamte
trick as well as the Archimedes' polygonal convergence for measuring the
circle. None of the mathematicians can have a just idea of the Angle
Trisection and the millenary unresolved three basic mathematic problems
on space.
The Trigonometry is an approxiamte trick for calculation as for the whole
Algebraic methods. Because the ANGLE quantity is a quite erroneous
concept of the Direction in space. You don't trust on my remark? So, I ask
you to only draw any precise angle. Only draw, any angle given between
the whole azimut direction. And also, draw any given length of a segment.
Please, if you dont succeed to do that with the compass and straigth edge,
then you have to conclude about of the great ignorance of the official
sciences and with what you are educated during generations!

2) - What about the New World introduced by the squaring a circle? The
squaring a circle is the basic knowledge starting at the universe
construction begining. Thus:
a)- ANY SPACE LENGTH CAN BE NAMED. That is to say, any space length
can be constructed. Quite precisely and fundamentally in the elemental
discretness precision.
b)- With the squaring a circle established. The Direction is also Quite
precisely determinated in space, as it does for the straigth length. Thus the
space Direction is not defined as in Trigonometry by the Angle. Therefore,

216 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

with the reality of the squaring a circle, ANY DIRECTION IN SPACE CAN BE

Would you draw precisely a given "angle", divided an another one, would
you like to inscribe (n) gones given in a circle? You can do it now, EASILY.
Easily,.. however, remind that its a millenary enigma for all the human
existing mathematician genius!

This two basic human mind conquests, is resumed in the event of the
publication on november 2002 of MY OWN SQUARING THE circle WORK.
The quite disdained by most of the whole so Official Today Mathematician

So, the latter conclusion is for me: the real 3th millenary event of the
official human ignorance, the huge Big One. I take off my hat to them, the
big champions.

Now, I challenge them to determine themselves what are these squaring-

a-circle consequences that I am telling above. In the opposite case, it is
faulty to remain in his errors when the true is present.

Note that any value {q.Pi} is also valid. Therefore, any fraction of Pi is a
measure of a straight segment and a perimeter of circle, provide that any
number is a square surface and any other derived forms as a rectangle of
the figure-4-4. We can state it as follows :

Theorem of the equivalence

between a circle perimeter and a right segment :

Any circle perimeter can be precisely straightened and inversely,

any straight segment is an exact circular perimeter.

After construction of the length equate to
Pi, as done above in figure-4-4, we can see
in this figure-4-5, the construction of any
perimeter of the universe circles. Each
perimeter is equal to the surface of a
corresponding rectangle.

On this figure, any perimeter of circle Ci is

equal to the corresponding {xi.Pi}, that are

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

the product of the rectangle sides, {xi} and

{Pi}. This construction is valid starting from the quantum matter to
the maximal value of the matter in the universe. All these rectangles
haves a constant side equal to Pi.

The figure-4-5 shows the rectangular surface, with the length Pi as a

side, measures the circle perimeter. Inversely, a circle perimeter, is
the measure of a rectangular surface. There is an exact one-to-one
correspondence between these two figures.

Conclusion on the circle perimeter :

1) - The constant length Pi is rational.
2) - Any rectangular form can be constructed from a circle perimeter.
3) - This agrees to the Dakhiometry Third Postulate on matter that
states any object number can be considered as a square surface.

Therefore, from the starting of Evolution, it is why a thread can be

coiled and uncoiled from a spool and a wheel can run on a road. One
may say that it is obvious. But I think that any woman and man
mathematicians necessarily have a secret question about this "length
concordance" since the time where a circle perimeter was famous to
be incommensurable with a straight line...

In summary:
The Lam-Ca theorem alows to define in the circle-square spatial
structure a quantity that can be in four forms : the surface of the
circle {C}, the surface of a square of side length {AB}, the surface of
the cyan rectangle and also the Perimeter of the circle {C}.

Any perimeter length can be rationally contructed!

- algebra abstracts figures (Puerto Rico)

- geometry continuity (USA Wyoming u)

- rectangle and circle architecture (Australia)

- width Theorems and Postulates (USA)

- fantastic + facts + about + pi maths (United Arab Emirates)

218 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- circle perimeter (USA Florida edu)

- Dessine moi un cercle dont la circonférence est un nombre rationnel


- "squere" root of (, South Africa)

- square roots sculptur (club-internet, France)

En effet, au compas et à la règle, comme les maçons et le tailleurs de


The problem is how to construct any circle perimeter equal to any

given number particularly equal to any Natural Number.

It is esposed here a simple Dakhiometry method proving that any

circle perimeter can be constructed. That is to say, any numeral can
be spatially constructed. In consequence, there is no Irrational
Number in the universe.

Here is the method, step by step reasonning, of how to construct any

cicrcle circle perimeter.

Even if this construction is very simple, it prove that from millenarries

the mathematical world is emprisoned in his dummy irrational

We will see here how a circle of perimeter equal to 3 can be rapidly

constructed. The numeral 3 is know as a rational Natural Integer
Number. It is an example that any number or more precisely tell, any
space length is constructible.

1) - We begin to construct a square surface equal to 3.

From the basic universal theorem Lam-Ca we can do it as shown in

this next figure.

Only the Lam-Ca theorem allow to

rationally do this construction.

2) - Next, we need to construct the

Space Constant in squaring a circle C,
with the little circle C1. On this next
figure, this construction is shown in
blue lines. We get the Space Constant
length usually denoted as Pi or Pie.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

3) - With this referent Length as diameter we draw a circle Co.

- Representation of irrational number on a number line (India)

Any segment on a straight line can be a diameter for a circle. Then,
any Number measuring this diameter can be represente a
constructible number. More any square root of this diamater can be
also constructed. This means that any irrational number can be
constructed on this line "of Numbers". Therefore, there is no irrational
Number, provide that all of them are constructible.
This is for particular constructions with the circle property. But there is
in Dakhiometry, a specific spatial structure where constructions of
CONTIGUOUS defined points proving thet there is no irrational hole
between adjacent and successive segment lengths. This valid for any
numeral base even for binary and hexadecimal ones. This shows that
every numeric base are only conventional things for man-Numering-
counting. The true Quantities are the one constructible an definable by
spatial elements.

- wawe hot (Vietnam,


- construct square root of on the number line (, The

University of Texas at El Paso, USA)

- Only the Lam-Ca theorem allow to rationally - calculate by Iteration

sqrt(3) (Israel)

- The Square Root of (, Hong Kong)

- geometrically construct root ( (University of Northern Iowa,

Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA)

- "simplefying + squair" + root + example (Canada)


National Bankruptcy Services, USA)

- get real pi .. be rational (University of North Texas, Denton, USA)

- square construction methods gif (Algeria)

- Circle arc integration (Germany, Schaeffler Group LUK)

- does a circle equal a square (, USA)

220 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- perfectly equalled sides (, Hungary)

In the circle Co it can be placed the previous square of side equal to

square root of 3.
Now with on the basis of the LamCa theorem, we can transform this
square surface onto a rectangle of same surface, using the square of
the side equal to the Space constant length.

We get finally the circle of perimeter equal to 3. It is the one the
diameter of which is equal to one side of this rectangle.

Any circle can be rationnally constructed.

Therefore, the Space Constant is rational.

Remark Reasons of these construction rest deeply on the universe

principles more than the ones named here. That is to say, this
construction and its results are quite rational.

Any quantity of circle perimeter can be spatially constructed. More
basically tell, there in no Irrational Number.

This present construction is only a one that show how there is no

Irrational Number in the universe

The Dakhiometry can do such construction from any given quantity
beginning from Zero to unlimited one. You may verify that
Mathematicians can do a such complete resolution because there is no
fundamental bases in Mathematics.

221 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- inverse square root calc (USA)

- number + series + exist + in + value + of + pi (Pakistan)

- tangente 2 cercles - caracteristiques

- spatial structures (, Russian Federation,

- general characterstics of ethiopian rivers (Ethiopia)

Rivers of Ethiopia are all looking on to the inside of Africa continent. Because of the
Ethiopia high reliefs particularly along the Eritrea ones that close any river to flow towards
the Red Sea. So the Ethiopia characteristic is mainly to look on to Africa continent and less
toward the Eastern.

Here are the basic characteristic of
the spatial structure of a square.
This can be shown by the two
circles C1 and C2. The surface of
C2 is two times the C1 one.
The squaring of the circle [C] is
thus precisely determined by these
two characteristic circles [C1] and
[C2]. Therefore the squaring of
circle [C] is given by the side [AB]
of the resulting square. And the
precise length [AB']is the length of
Pi value.

Actually, AB is tangent to two circles [C1] and [C2]. The reason is that
the point {A], is the center of a hmothecy of factot h = (Square Root
of 2) of the latter two circles.

The point [B] allows thus a precise and unequivocal intersection point
in the square, for the squaring the circle [C].

Also, the angle [bAb'] = 27,96875154...° is the characteristic angle of

222 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

the squaring a circle system. Il is talk about it in the following texte.

According to these square characteristics, the structure of a square

allows the fundamental precise and accurate knowledge of the matter
space. The knowledge property, or the physical interaction of matter,
did not happen in the central symmetry motion. In this universe state,
the EXISTENCE of the Perpendicular Fact was not set up.

- how + to + figure + circumference

- The length of PI
- delimited pi
- does a circle come from a polygon

- Religious + Science + belief + death (USA)

- anthropomorphism + in + Life + of + Pi

- Why + has + the + world + recognized + a + value + for + pi + for

+ longer + than + the + existence + of + irrational + numbers

How to figure out the square root of (2) and the square root of (Pi)
lengths, with the compass and stratght edge

The length
of rational construction in the matter space

- "costructions" to the future (Italy)

- square + root + of + pi

- the + power + of + theorem + of + circle

- application + of + new + pi + formula

- square root of two (Canada, British Columbia, Burnaby, Inst. of


Note that square root of 2 shown here is not due to the diagonal of a
square. It belong to a whole space structure of any ith-root quite

223 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

precisely determined as construction. Because if a line is supposed to

represent the current Reals Numbers series, in space construction, this
same but real line can be described as a contineous nth-root in a
continuation of discrete quantities. The example is shown above to
define any angle cosisne by nth-root numerals.

- shows + that + square + root + of + 3 + minus + square + root +

of + 5 + is + irrational + using + proof + by + contradiction (,

- different kinds of spatial figures with pictures and meaning


- project k12 calculation of pi (Turkey)

- meaning + of + kkk + Philippines + flag + picture (Malaysia)

- Pecados + Mortales + Y + Veniales + Lista (

- north + Taiga + shield + animals (Canada)

Here is the spatial calculation

of [sqr(5)-sqr(3)]. According to that
irrationnal number definition is not
constructible. This calculation is here
quite constructible. I can't find any
contradiction. There is irrationallity
when algebraic method is used.
Therefore, there is a contradiction when
one proves that this substraction of
square roots is irrational.

- unicity + definition (, Cambodia)

- how do you answer A square with length 5 km (,


On this next figure, if the unit will be (1 km) then, length of 5 km is

the diameter of circle (C5). Any other unit can be deduced from there
according to homothetic forms.
Homothetic property is that it changes Distances in proportional forms
but don't changes space Directions.
Homothetie is the direct property of the Central Symmetry

224 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- circle theorems maths (Brunei Darussalam)

- square root (, Ireland)

- square root day (Biatorbágyi Kábeltévé Kft, Hungary)

- National Square Root Day (USA)

- geometric construction square root of two (USA, The University of


- naturally occuring square roots (, California)


- square roots in ancient Indian mathematics (Australia)

- Cosmos square root of two ( (Purdue University, West

Lafeyette, Indiana, USA)

In fact, any quantity from zero to the universe greatest one, can be
writtenunder square-root form as successive discrete continuity. This
shows that Numbers are strictly conventional formalism of words
language. Numbers characteristics is that they don't obey and be
expressed in true successive continuity.

write + a + program + to + approximate + the + value + of + PI +

using + the + formila + given + including + terms + up + through +
1 , 99 (, California, USA)

- pi + are + real + geetrik (Greece)

Hereafter are figured out lengths of Square root of 2 and square root
of Pi.
These lengths are rational provide that they are results of compas and
straight edge constructions. These constructions are here given
according to the circle Theorem, given latter in this text.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


The figure 4-4 is resume here to show how the square root of 2 and
the square root of Pi are obtained. These legnth values belong to the
number Q series.

The diameter of [C} is equal to 4 and the one of [C'} is its half that is
equal to 2. You may mesure and verify that AE and AF are these
values :

AE = Square Root of (2)

AF = Square Root of (Pi)

This is because :
AO = 2 x Square Root of (2)
That is : AB = 2 x Square Root of (Pi)

- hard math pie (, Minnesota, USA)

- really hard math equation with sqaure roots (, USA)

- Giant confusing math equation (, USA)

- longest math equation (USA)

As exposed here, this equation seems to be long. It is only because

this method is a new one and have to be decomposed to be easily
understood. But it is the most shortest way of calculation. Because
how do we explain this following algebraic calculation formalism if we
have to exposed it to an extraterrestrial being provide that he never
knows what are our methods and tricks for calculation?

For example how do

we explain this next

226 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

formalism to kids
biginners in math?
This next spatial calculation is done rapidly in the most short way if
we are currently in use with the new spatial method of four basic
operations as addition, substraction, multiplication and division. It is
because the spatial language is an universal reality. It is not built
according to so many particular human languages done with artificial
Thus, it is expected that in the futur, kids can rapidly learn, mastering
and inventing spatial solution of most complicated technical
construction problems. Until now it is not really the natural
phenomena that are complicated. What is complicated is only the
human empirical sciences that rest on their languages coagualted in
formalism of algebraic numerical calculations due to their ignorance on
fundamental facts of space.
Knowledge of space reality is in itself the action of humnan living.

- impossible math equation (USA)

In memory of Anciant math we can actually denoted it as the

Impossible Equation.

- equation hard maths (Chile)

The difficulty of this present equation is not due to the spatial

construction. It is because we are coagulated by the Ancient's math
dogma. This latter is an empirical mode for decomposing things "world
by world" as man use to "analyse" everything. Thus, old sciences are
only analytical ways of understanding phenomena. You can note that
any anciant proof of math theorem are done according to
mathematicians' tricks of the trade. Rationally tell, these theorems are
only verifications of remarkable figures.
A rational proof should be done from upsteam of any problem as for
any river that comes necessarily from a source. For rational science,
any construction should come from the perfect definition of the space.
A construction is only possible if it rests on a space structure.
Therefore, understanding a structure means that our thinking should
overcome the old empirical mode of problem analysis. Empirical
analytic method can not but growing in complication of tricks and
formalisms. Understanding a space structure should be a global or
intuitive way of thinking.
Difficulties of resolving problems are due to sciences formatted by
empirical mode of thinking. With such habit space structure seems to
be Impossible thing. However, space structure is the real basic rational
tool for human thinking capacity. Space properties are the most simple
and wealthy natural language for human knowledge... only when old
science dogma disappear from our habits.

- constructible numbers (, Coláiste na hOllscolle Corcaigh,

Univversity College Cork, Ireland)

227 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

It is the rational number definition.

However Numbers are only language words to name the fact
concept of quantity. Thus, numbers are reducing manner due to
the discontinuity of language symbols to be abble to represent
the continuity of the natural quantities. When Numbers are seen
as the world physic archetype its discontinuity obviously seems
to describe a world with full of irrationality holes in the universe.
In fact there is no hole in the universe physic. While there is
really the science Number system full of holes according to
millenary systematic errors. The Numbers are really inaccurate
method for science. Obviously, human need language words but
science should to reconsider that factors of reality is the
In Dakhiometry, it is seen that the universe space is
characterized by the Distance and the Direction. Then, what is in
space are necessarily characterized as a system formed in a
quantity of locations. From there it is spatialy proved that the
concept of quantity can be perfectly defined with the space
properties. Thus, any quantity in the universe can be
constructed in the continuity principle of the discrete space
matter. This continuity of quantity is prooved with spatial
element construction. Spatial construction resolution consists to
resolve an unique spatial point as the intersection of two linear-
curvilinear lines as a precise quantity of space locations.
Therefore, there is basic rationally proof both for linear and
curvilinear modes that there is no irrational hole in the discrete
universe fulness.

- root size of Cleveland pear (, Canada)

How to get precisely your pear.

- actual + accurate + value + of + pie + .edu (Singapore)

- rational + new + pi + accurate + value (Netherlands)

- formule pi (Glaslokaal, Den Hagg, Netherlands)

- pythagorean ideology (, UK)

True accuracy of value OP shown on this next figure, is only the

property of spatial language. But if one uses it as numeric digital then
there are errors introduced by the bad Euclide's division algorithm and
sources of error due to the Number Theory. All these systematic error
rest on the Pythagorean ideology of Numbers.

- a picture of what Pierre de Fermat invented/the french number

theroy (, USA)

228 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- pi + accurateness (, Lausane, Switzerland)

- square root: Descartes' calculation (Serbia)

- EXPLANATION how was pi derived (Philippines)

Spatial calculations are straight from a given structure.

Thus, according to the Absolute space properties, a given structure
defines by itself the relationships between points and lines. These
relationships concern the quantities of points and segment of lines.
Therefore, what is for these quantities, a spatial structure explains by
itself how to get a given quantity of a segment for example, that is
related to its structure environment.
It is why the calcultations should be use the spatial method to
deternime how from a given structure some quantity is related to it
placement in space relatively to its particular structure where it is
The squaring a circle, is then the only way to get the correct structure
environment to determine the exact relationship between a circle and
its another form non curvilinear as a square. This is the unique way to
get the relationships between the Curvilinear and the Linear, these two
basic aspects of the Absolute Space.
The Dakhiometry is composed with a complete method for spatial
calculation in any complex manner needed. These calculations can
resolve simply and precisely what is impossible for the usual Algebraic
technique. The Numbers is only man's empirical means that give to
the current science a millenary false idea about what is the quantities
of the universe matter.
This next calculation for the Space-Constant (the old false empirical
Pi) is a simple example.

Length of Pi is calculated
latter in this text as R4=
(square root of Pi).
Then R4 intersecting with
the tangent OM by OT is
the square root of Pi.
This next figure shows
also how to verify that
OT2 = 2.(OT') = OP = Pi

OT', with (T') as center of

circle (O;T;P) with
diameter (OP) equal to Pi.

229 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Square + Root + of +
Pie + Formula (India)

Actually, this is a formula from spatial construction. It shows

that square-root of Pi as well as the Pi are rational-constructible-

- how + can + a + rational + pi + change + the + world + of +

computation (Canada)

To avoid error of algebraic formulas calculations, it can be

choose to determine the figure lengths that can determine the
new Pi value with only the usual relationship:
k2 = x2 + y2
where there are no need of the Euclidean division

- who + invented + the + accurate + measurement + of + pi

(South Africa)

- what + present + impact + does + the + internet web + have

+ on + mathematics (, USA)

For example considering my personal case, I was during thirty
years a laboratory assistant where I was only a simple dumb
machine. Aside this situation, never any of my own work
exposed in this web site was accepted by any scientific journal
for publication. If there was no internet possibilities, the present
squaring a circle remains still unknown and may be, for ever it
remains as the glorious possibility of Mathematic Impossibility!
But still from year 2000, sciences are not yet intersted to
replace the present precise Space Constant and was still
prefering the old empirical erroneous Archimedes' Pi. In brief,
this current world is really living a nigthmare and is not so

- square root math jokes

- math equation solved with a miracle (, USA)

Actually, if overcoming difficulties in rational research on how to

determine and calculate with spatial elements is a miracle... :-)
The results shown here are only the consequences from the knowing

230 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

of how to do the four basic operations of spatial calculation. Any

complicated algebraic formula can be done with such method but with
rational precision and exactness in space structures. To get numerical
result it suffice to use only the welknown rectangle relationship
formula without suffering approximations of the Euclidean division for
the number roots.
Squaring a circle is not a joke due to Hazard. It rests on a vast
background of deep knowledge in space properties. The Impossibility
Theorem for the squaring a circle is the example of how Mathematics
ignore what is space. It proves that Geometry was stillborn
mathematician vows and became rapidly formalism of human dogma.

- giant math equations (, Miami, USA)

Note that the four operations for calculation using spatial elements
need at first to chooe any conventional unit of length that allows then
to fefine length quantities according to this figure unit.
This is not an artificial convention but rest on the basic logic of
successive quantitities of the ultimate elemental matter. In fact what
is known as Induction principle for theory numbers is done on the
base of the unit ONE (the 1 number). But mathematicians ignore that
this ONE (the 1) is only a necessary logic representing the ultimate
element of quantity. From there the Integer Number series can't never
rest on the base of a ZERO. Zero is not a Quantity and therefore,
should not be a Number.
According to this Number theory starting necessarily from the (1) the
Arithmetics and the Algebraic need not to initialize a defined unit to go
on calculation. Because Arithmetics and Algebraic are only in one
particular case of Conventional Number beginning from the Number 1.
Spatial calculation of space structure needs at first to define a unit of
length. It is because space has two main characteristics:
1) - Directions
2) - Distances.
In Direction one can access to the whole universe direction space. But
in Distance the whole universe space should be define by homothetic
considerations. This last space characteristic gives rise to the need of
chosing measurement unit because homothetic realm is composed of
different length scales.

- volume sqrt quarter substract (, Austria)



- C1 symbol (Philippines)

231 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- grade 11 circle geometry (, Canada)

- struture + curve + of + in + Cambodia (Cambosia)

- concrete circles geometry (Puerto Rico)

- creative circles, geometry (Bahrain)

- geometry of solar cooker on

coordinate axis (Ethiopia)

- geometry + theorum + and +

pastulate (, New
Jersey, USA)

- big tangent circle (,


Circle (C1) is really a basic little Big

circle in the square-circle structure.
Here is how to inscribe a square (Q)
in the circle (C) using the (C1) as
referent with point (P and P'). Also,
how it determines a 8-gones.

Proof that the tangent AN to circle

C1 intersect at point B to C2 and C

- Usa north carolina The Art Institute of Charlotte (,


- hyperbolic tangent circle (The University of North Carolina at

Charlotte, USA)

- proof of a tangent meeting the radius at 90 degrees

(, USA)
Here is this Proof:
Let any circle (C1) of center (O) and radius (ON) and a tangent (AN).
Any tangent to this circle is defined as intersecting (C1) at one point
Now let (N1) and (N2) the next preceding and the next susccessive
points of (N) on the (C1) circonference.
Because the preceding and the successive point of the discrete mater,
are equal in distance then:

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

(N1;N) = (N;N2)
They are two unit arcs of circle (C1). This means that the two formed
angles are equal:
(N1;Ô;N) = (N;Ô;N2)
This is a reason to state that a tangent (AN) to a circle (C1), has the
radius (AN) a symmetric axis.

Now, from Zero to 90 degrees, what is any existing angle formed by

the radius (ON) and the line (AN) that can have the radius (ON) as
symmetric axis, provide that they have only 1 common point at (N)?
1) - Zero is not an existing angle.
2) - While exclusively, two 90 degrees angles can symetrically
disposed around the axis (AN) because a line (AN) is one direction
with an angle of 180 degrees.

Tangent Theorem:
Any tangent to a circle intersect the coresponding unique circle
radius always at 90 degrees

- TANGENT TIL CIRKEL (, Stofanet.Mine Sider, Denmark)

- crown radius and rolling radius (, Davis University of

California, Davis, USA)

ON and OB characrerized by a square of side OB. - big circle and small

circle with same tangent (Indonesia)

- when you trisect a triangle internally the intersection provides the

vertices of a smaller traingle. what ever the original shape the smaller
traingle will be equilateral. it shows the relationship of the random to
the definite. (,India)

Really, there is no possible relationship between random and defined

property. If a random is well defined, it is the negation of random.
Inversely, defined can't never produce random result. They are two
physiqcal properties taht can't never replaced each other. Physic are
governed by the Uniqueness principle. That is to tell, for example, we
never observe an object falling upward without the aid of a rational

For the case of the trisector, it is quite governed by defined

construction. If it seem to a process that produces defined from
random it is due only to the fact that the Morley theorem was
dicovered in inverse manner. The little defined equilateral triangle
inside a greater triangle, seems to be the consequence of trisector
constructions. It is only the result of the usual mathematics empirism
method that proceeds only from consequence of a law to state this law

233 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

and not from basic reason. In fact the Morley theorem should be start
from the true source of trisector construction that should be done from
any triangle property. Its final result should be the trisector
construction and not the inverse that is the little equilateral triangle.
So, this Morley triangle should be really starting from the defined to
reveal the defined equilateral triangle. There is no random. This latter
is only the virtual world to designate what we ignore in the universe.
For example, Mathematics has invented the Irrational Numbers
because Mathematique ignore what is the Quantity uniqueness. Only
language worlds is creating as Numbers to simulate the missing
Quantity concept. This is the fact of irrational belief replacing the
rational basic quantity.
When one know how to construct a triangle by constructing all its
trisectors then one can construct any n-trisector of a triangle. Note
that these constructions are additive operation and not dividing one.
From there the internal little equilateral triangle appears only as a
particular case of the trisector construction.
In conclusion
There is more much high interesting thing to learn than to repeat any
of the empirical Mathematics trick product... Because without the
space language, Mathematics can't do nothing else than to turn around
a vicious closed loop.

- the + structure + of + mathematics (..)

According to the absolute space, any relationship is well structured.

Therefore, when a problem is resolved then, its should be enligtened
by a spatial structure.

Here is the proof that tangent AN to circle C1 occupies a specific

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

position in the structure. It intersects at point B to the two circles C1

and C. Tangent AN is constructed with the circle C3.

It is shown above that aera of circle C2 is two times the C2 one. This
the base of this proof. We will consider here the square of these two
circle radius.

Therefore, in the triangle OBN is necessarry a rectangular one because

the square of side OB is two times the square of side ON. And because
the square of side BN is a right angle, the triangle ABD is also a
rectangular one.

This is the proof that tangent AN intersects at point M the two circles
C2 and C.

- biblical signs two circles (TimeWarner-telecom, USA)

- given two circles construct a mutual tangent to both (USA)

- history of unit (Vietnam)

The how to define the unit in space construction allows the mastering
of spatial calculation, the perfectly precise and exact method for
rational space manipulation. The Da-khi-Hoc is actually mastering a
such method.

- David Brown base tangent comparator method (India)

The solution is given when we see that all circles are homothetic
forms. Thus, circles C1 and C2 are necessarrily homothetic forms.

This next figure gives the solution according to successive

235 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

constructions numbered 1, 2 and 3. Beginning with the C1 and C2

homothetic center (M) determination with their two parallel radius (r1)
and (r2). Then, the tangent (tg) of both circles is found with a
rectangular determination with the magenta colored circle.

- the + length + of + a + rectangle + is + 5 + meters

+ more + than + twice + the + width + Express +
the + lenght + "og" + the + rectangle + in + terms +
of + the + width (USA)

Length versus width of this rectangle is given by the

blue line on this next diagram.

Irrationality of a unit square diagonal is the

expression of an incommensurate universe ignorance of
Pythagoras and modern Mathematics
- unicerse (Mexico)

The unknown universe...

The circle is the reminiscence of the matter permanence from that the
unicerse is endless constructed.

The above little circle C2 shows that the square root of 2 is inherent to
the circle. That is to say, the square root of 2 is a Permanent universe
quantity. Because matter is discrete, the square root of 2 is
necessarily a precise quantity.

It is shown here the reason of how a square root of two is precisely

determined, along a line formed by a successive localisation of the
ultimate elemental matter.

- formula for diagonal of square (USA)

- Euclide to Pythagoras (India)

- Pythagoras secret society writing above door (, TDS)

- Secret Society 60th grade (, Sweden)

- physics measurement of length using set square (HongKong)

- common tangents of two circles (Indonesia,

236 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

The square structure allows to construct (C1) and (C2) in space to get square root of 2 length.
Therefore, this latter is a rationnal and universal quantity. While a diagonal of a unit square is a
dummy object because one cannot know what is a length=1. This latter is not a unique value.
A unit length must be defined as only a convention.

- art-square root of 2 (Point Loma Nazarene University, San Diego,

California, USA)

- root lattice (Australia Sydney u edu)

Necessarry the discrete space basic latice structure.

- square root of 2 on a number line (Hongkong)

Resume the squaring a circle construction This figure is how to

construct the circles (C1) and (C2). circle (C2) has its aera two time
the (C1) one. They are includes in the circle-square structure. As all
circles are homothetic figures, (C1) and (C2) are homothetic circles
with the center located at point (o) of the square corner.
According their aeras the ratio of lengths is :

OO1/OO2 = sqr(2)

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Therefore, along a universe line we can get any ratio of lengths equal
to the square root of 2. On this next figure some of these ratios are
shown as:


This is the proof that an universe line can be generated from the
square root of 2. These lengths are exhaustively from the ultimate
discrete matter to the universe length.

Now, Pythagoras and the modern Mathematics can tell that

irrationallity is concerned only for the diagonal in a square of side
equal to 1.

Precisely, this statement undelines their great ignorance about the

universe Unity Principle.

What is the Unity Principle?

- what + is + the + unity + principle (, Vietnam)

The unity principle allows to define the universe quantities as a

coherent system according to any choosen Unit quantity. For
example the word Number 1 is not the absolute symbol
representing an absolute length quantity. But it is any length
defined as a concrete length quantity that can be denoted as the
Unit length. For example, a given "table" can be choosen as the
"table unit" for all the universe classes of tables. It is so for an
apple fruit. A concrete fruit recognized as an apple is then
recognized as a Unit fruit for all fruits of classes "apple".
Basically, it is from this principle that in Dakhiometry, any given
length AB, can be used to represent all the universe quantities
according to continous spatial constructions, exactly point to
point. Any point on a segment AB can represent the space
discretness of continous and successive quantities by spatially
constructions. There is no irrationnal indetermined point on any
length AB what ever its length is.

This principle means that the universe is composed by the Uniqueness

Principle. According to that, any unique universe object is a Unit. You
will understand it more easily with practical examples as following:

According to the Unity Principle we can take any Quantity as a unit of

measurement. Thus, from any the following ratios we can choose a
length for the unit of measurement. For example from:

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


We can state that Oa, Ob and Oc as the unit for measurement. Thus,
we have:

(OA/unit Oa)=sqr(2)
(OB/unit Ob)=sqr(2)
(OC/unit Oc)=sqr(2)

Practical exemples of measurement systems:


Because OA, OB and OC can be any quantity from the elemental one
to the whole universe matter quantity, we can see that the lengths OA,
OB and OC can be as:

OA = sqr(2)
OB = sqr(2)
OC = sqr(2)

Because any quantity of matter length as OA or OB or OC, is

precisely determined then, the square root of 2 is necessarily a
rational quantity.

- who + discover + that + circumference + over + "que" + diameter

+ equals + pi (Colombia)

- is + pi + the + same + value + for + every + circle

For every circle, in a given spatial system of figure, a length Pi is

equal to a same quantity, according to the unit choosen.

The modern Algebra BIG-BUG

How to do an error when one tells that in the square the diagonal is
irrational with its sides
Convention of writing,

239 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

[sqr(-)] means [square root of (-)]

- simple + resume + for + "applay" + new + work (Autralia)

In a square form the diagonal [c] of side [a], the Pythagoras

relationship is :

c2 = a2 + a2 (5-2-1).

In the continuation, by automatism of writing operations and not by

reasonning, this equation is the transformed in Algebra as :

c2 = 2.a2 (5-2-2).

From this result, one established that the square root of 2 is irrational
because the diagonal and a side are uncommensurable together. We
see herafter that a such formalism is an great ERROR of reasonning

Note that a clumsy manner of manipulating this equation should be

known only with the Dakhiometry Theorem General on Triangle.

The bad manner is situated in the deformation of the Pythagoras'

relationship that is not a simple formalism that one can apply applay
simplifivation and reduction. Then, equation (5-2-2) is an error that
cancels the meaning of the Pythagoras' one. Example is seen in the
destruction of the extended form of this latter. Here, the introduction
of the term [2] is a fault of introducing an uncoherent datum. This
fault is then undertood as the uncommensurable irrationality while it
was only clumsy manipulation of numeral.

How to do not deform the Relationship of the Triangle ? It suffice now

to understand the Dakhiometry Theorem General on the Triangle.
Here, the equation (5-2-1), must only be written according to a
coherent variables. One should not take an apple as a pear...

Then to seak the measurement of square diagonal [c], we can write :

c2/c = (a2 + a2)/c (5-2-3).

Thus, the hypotenuse or the squared diagonal is :

c = (a2)/c + (a2)/c (5-2-3).

Figure 4-5-3

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

From (5-2-3), the diagonal [c) is

directly given by the Dakhiometry
LAM-CA theorem as shown on this
figure 4-5-3. That is :

a2 = c . (c/2)
et :
a2/c = (c/2)

Finally :

c = 2 . (c/2) = c

- Socrates + theaetetus + original + version (..)

According to Platoo Socrate had expalined to his servant how the

diagonal of a square relatively to its sides is incommensurate
and is an irrational root.

- square with diagonal (Massachusetts, USA)

The fact that one draws this circle diameter (c) and then,
following the square (a2), proves that the circle diameter as
square diagonal is directly commensurable with the square
edge! This is due to the relationship structure property of the
absolute space.
Therefore, the Pythagore's and Socrate's proof as reported by
Plato's description and also to the modern Numbers Theory. all
these irrationality demonstrations are false because the absolute
space is ignored.

- 5 + pains + et + deux + poissons (, USA)

- Mathematique moderne classe de 2ième en France (Cambodia)

- mathmatic (Iraq)

- mathematic (Nigeria)

- mathematic (Turkey)

- "mathmitic" (USA)

- mathematic (Mongolia)

241 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- mathematic (, Viet Nam)

- mathematic (, Norway)

- Mathematic (, Taiwan)

- mathematic (, Austria)

- mathamatics (, South Africa)

- mathematic (Hungary)

- mathematic (Poland)

- mathematic (Albania)

- mathematic (Azerbaidjan)

- mathematic (Latvia)

- mathematic (Iceland)

- mathematic (Thailand)

- mathematic (Caucasus)

- mathematic (Indonesia)

- mathematic (shabakah, Saudi Abaria)

- mathematic (, Indonesia)

- mathamatics (Sri Lanka)

- mathematic (, ULAANBAATAR, Mongolia)

- mathematic (Georgia)

- mathematic (, Japan)

- mathematic (Romania)


- mathematic (China)

- Mathematic (Malaysia)

- mathamatic (, Colorado, the Official State Web Portal)

- mathematic (, Switzerland)

- mathematic (, Albania)

- Mathematic (, Sweden)

- mathematic (Cambodia)

- mathematic (, Finland)

- mathematic (Vietnam))

242 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Mathematic (, OPERA)

- image mathematic (Cayenne, Guyana)

- mathematic photo (, Saudi Arabia)

- mathematic (Myanmar)

- mathematic (Indonesia)

- mathematic (Malaysia,

- mathematic (Cambodia)

- mathematic (Hong Kong)

- mathematic (Vietnam,

- mathematic inventor (Malaysia, ttp://

- mathematic (, Russian Federation)

- mathematic (Indonesia,>

- MATHEMATIC ( (Shiraz University, Iran)

- mathematic (Namibia)

- mathematic (Vietnam,


- mathematic (, Belarus)

- mathematic (Ukraine)

- mathematic (Korea)

- mathematic (Bosnia Herzegovinia)


- mathematic (Myanmar)

- mathematics wallpaper (Indonesia,

- mathematic (Thailand, science/scientific-symbols


- what + are + the + scienticfic + symbols (

- Myanmar + universities + logo (Myanmar)

243 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- math + words (

- diva + bombshell (, forums/ showthread.php)

- wallpaper blackboard equation (, France)

- Argentina wallpaper gif (Indonesia,




- physics mathematics blackboard (Thailand, media/inline/95A4F5A7-

- animation physics.gif (Indonesia,

/~physics/ PhysPhotOfWeek/2007PPOW/20070316Lenticular

- tales geometrija (, Serbia)

The Thales as like the Pytagore's theorem are only empirical

relationship that rest on no reason then their practical verifying and
recognizing practical applications. It is thus for most of Mathematics
theorem that are nothing than from empirical method.
The true proportionality rest on more basic reason. This is used and
rationally proved in the Dakhiometry that rest on the basic property of
the ansolute Space. Even if one used to see and practise the Thales
theorem, it is more fertile to know what are the reason of

244 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Proportionality. The Thales theorem is only the practical consequence

of the space law that one should get in conscience to have a more
reasonnable and fertile Science.

- myanmar students in massey university (, Nanyang

Technological University, Singapore)

- horrible mathamatics (, British Columbia, Canada)

- mathematic history (, California, USA)

There is really a practical, simple and complete method of calculation

of space dimensions with the usual four basic operations as addition,
substraction, multiplication and division. It can perform as it is done in
the current algebraic mode for any complexe calculation and for any

- vietnam induction cooker (Hong Kong,

- Myanmar net (Korea,

- Myanmar ancient coin (Japan,

- pi + "saqure" + racine (South Africa)

- woman and mathamatics complete (Korea)

- mathematic (Vietnam)

- mathematic pictures (, Uzbekistan)

- Sri Lankan mathematic instruments (Sri Lanka)

- mathematic miracle (Malaysia)

- matematic Women (Belorus Minsk)

- "mathamatic" (Israel)

- did + they + use + pi + to + figure + out + that + the + earth +

was + round

OK. For everubody, the Earth should be ROUND !

- "eureuka"

245 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

About the irrationality of a diagonal relatively to the side of a

square, proved by Socrates-Plato
- enlever + la + racine + carré + pour + trouver + l'inconnu + en +
dessous (France)

- Game on the Unit Square (Bulgaria)

- diagram of the relationship between Socrates and Descartes


According to the Homotheic property of linear space, a ratio of

(diagnal/side) is always true because any circle from zero to unlimited
side length is always rationally defined.

Let (d) a diagonale and (c) the side of any square. A little more
complicate and because one know only the empirical Pythagoras
theorem, it was used to establish the diagonal and side relationship
From there it was concluded that there is Irrational Number.
This result was only systematic error or only ideological consideration.
Because the relationship {d ; c} is simply a rational ratio as:

(d/c) = Square root2(2)

The relationship between d and c is rationally found as follow :

- diagonal + of + a + square + is + commensurable (archdiocese-

It can be proved under many different constructions.

Let (ni) any length of a square side and ABi its

246 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

diagonal. According to Thales, we have:

ABi = ni.sqr(2)

In any square, a diagonal is directly and
precisely proportional to its side and is
spatialy constructible.

In Dakhiometry construction of multiplication and division are known.

It can be constructed

It can be find for any square the same length constant as:

ABi/ni = sqr(2) = Constante

"- what + is + the + laws + that + a + pi + can't + do ?"

...... :-)

- mathematic + concepts + - + square + of + a + square + root +

theory (Canada)

Here is a a deep understanding of space that drive to fertile opening in


One basic particularity of space that allows us to go through space

knowledge, is what allows us to get the alphabet with what space
construction way can follow.
Pecisely any elemantal fact of space is always a source. For example,
knowledge beging on the formation of a square, like a dream that
starts to transform itself in the reallity. Thus the elemental space, is
alway the anterior of any construction of logic. The elemental space
should be seen as the root of any measurement. It is why the basic
space theorem is the Lamca theorem that state: any unit of space
object appears in action with its squared quantity. There is not any
fixe length or any fixed number. Thus there is no fixe unity. The unity
is only the starting of a particular system because the most important
law is the recurrence fact if matter. It why there are motion. From
there energy as the square of motion, is the most important physic
factor in the world construction. Because there is no fixed unity, the
belief of a square or a circle unity are only human dogma. Most of us
are educated to see the world as an eternal coagulated thing. Until

247 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

modern Physics that considers the world as a geometrical fixe space

standing in any time differential.
The matter consruction is always running forward. It is why in space,
it is difficult to know everything backward. Thus, you can esealy make
addition or multiplication of lengths, addition of angles but these
proces reciprocal seem particularly impossible. It is thus the angle
trisection that is the dividing of angle was never resolved until now.
Because space is not conventional human language one can't lie to
himself as it is practised in Numbers which is only conventional human
languages. They are not universal truths. So everybody complains
about irrationnality of numbers forgotten that it is not numbers that
are wrong but because they are only human's imperfect representative
language conventions.

In brief, "square of a square root " is really an opening into the deep
space knowledge, the fundamental one.

Here is the basic understanging of numbers that are only a means of

language to represent the matter recurrence property. It is why only
series of numbers are authentic representative concept of the matter
recurrence. The particular on some numbers, as transcendental or
irrationnal ones are pure human contradictions.

Consider the natural number series.


Let (n) and (x) two integers. Consider that (n) is the greatest of the
series and (x) is any of the integer that may constitutes an unity as
reference. We know that n is unlimited but a countable number. The
natural number numver series can thus written in such manner that
"square of a square root " is the most important understanding of the
Recurrence. In the following how to make series of squares numbers
from the natural numbers one.

We have starting:

nx = (n-x)x = nx-x2
nx = (n-x)x-x2 = nx-2x2
In continuation
nx = nx-3x2
nx = nx-4x2

Finally from the integer multiplication series one can get

corresponding unlimited square series of integers as following:
nx = nx - nx2

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

But the recurrence is a permanent matter property. Therefore we

can conclude that there is an unlimited series of square
They are resumed in this equation:

nx = nx - n(nx2)

The above formula shows the Unbounded Concept. Unbounded
starts from the beginning of a series and contues unlimited.
While the infinity concept is a bad and contradictory conventional
process that defines a precise particular object: the "end". The
contradiction is that one can't define an "end" that is not defined
because it can never be reached. So the infinity concept is a

Starting from unity elements, the squared numbers represent

the limitless of the N series. This is done by the limitless of (n)
and (x) as we can see in this latter equality. This latter doesn't
represent numbers but only the Recurrent matter property.
There is no infinity in this representation which is a false dogma.
The meaning of this idea rests only on the Permanent Fact of

Another important conclusion from these integer extractions.

Because (x) is a Whole Number:
- The + square + root + of + any + whole + number + is + a +
rational + number (Canada)

And the numerals that are least than 1 are also rational, because
in space language there are precise constructions to build any
numeral between Zero and One as well as any one in the
unlimited series N.

The Euclide Division algorithm is only an as-like-it procedure,

that generates errors, the so called irrational numbers. The so
called square root of a Unit Square is pure fantasy of the
ignorance because in Geometry, it is a logic contradiction to
telle what is an absolute Unit Length.! Numerals are only
relative it is why they are exclusively in series: the Recurrent

- what + is + the + diffrence + is + it + between + drawing + a

+ geometric + figure + and + constructing + a + geometric +

249 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

figure (Canada)

You are right to tell precisely this difference.

A geometrical figure is only a drawing style as for example the
Cubism Art. While one is constructing or reasonning logically
with space elements as lines and curves. The purpose is to
reveal finally some truth behind these logical reasons
combinations. And the producing figures is reason constructions
that is an absolute proof of universal true spatial language.

About the characteristic angle of the squaring a circle

We have a = cos(27.96875°) = 1/2 (square root of (PI))

We can use this value to compute the side of the square that has
the same surface of the circle. Thus, if {D} is the diameter of the
circle and {L} the side length of this square, we have :

L = (1/2) . D . square root (Pi)

Hereafter, are Geometric constructions using this particullar angle.

- angel or devil circle art (Vietnam,


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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

This figure-5 resumes the practical uses of the circles and square
equalities. On can obtain any circle or square, from an initial squaring
a circle. This needs only the use of the uniqueness of angular
characteristic of the equality figure.


How to construct forms of equal "aera"s

- COMMENT CONSTRUIRE le nombre pi (Lebanon)

- prove + that + the + "area" + of + the + lune + is + equal + to + the

+ "area" + of + triangle + ABC

If I understand that the "area" of lune is the one of a circle, then here is
the construction of

Theorem :
ANY "area" of circle CAN BE EQUALIZED TO ANY "area" of ANY

Fig-6 How to construct forms of equal

251 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


If the given "area" is the one of a circle the

solution begins by the construction in the
squaring this circle.
Here the initial given circle is (R) and its
squaring give the square (S). Then, from
the side AB=L of this square, any
rectangulat or triangular form are
obviously obtained according to :

"area" (S) = k.L.L

On this figure, the triangle ABC "area" is

equal to the circle (R) one and the
rectangle ACEF is the double of the circle one or the double of the square
(S). This latter "area" is equal to the circle (R) due to the squaring

On can obtaine more different forms if they are direct related to the
square or the rectangle one.

Triangles and rectangle can be associated in their forms. Then, a square
can alxways be representative of these "area"s. Therefore, this square
can always be transformed in circle of equal "area". This is the reciprocal
of these constructions.

By extending :

Corollary Theorem :
Aby crescent-of-lune "area" can be equalized to any "area" of
defineble form.

Note that Crescent-of-lune is denoted as the forms of two intersecting


The possibility of quaring a circle and its reciprocal allows to increase
greatly the richness of spatial knowledge.

- one + "cricle" + over + a + larger + circle + forming + a + crescent


A crescent can be formed only in such manner. Without such condition,
one will observe only a thing look like a cricle.

- is + it + true + that + if + the + intersection + is + not + a + line +

then + two + planes + dont + intersect (Philippines)

252 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

An intersting question.
we have:
a) - A line and a curve are two quite different mode of space placement.
Fondamentally, space has only these two modes of successive placements
even if any location can be occupied by a point of the two succession
b) Therefore, a plane can intersect a sphere. While two planes belonging
to the realm of linear succession, can never form a curve of successive

If ever an intersection of two space objects is a curve then, two planes
cannot be concluded as forming this intersection.

Thus one can tell that this two planes is not yet intersecting. Rather, they
are parallel planes. An another mysterious talk that seems odd but is a
real logic:
Two parallel planes are two planes intersecting along a curve...

This long text is divided in two parts :

1) - 1st part is this text here,

2) - 2nd part is the continuation. Please Click herafter :

Calculation of Pi, next...

About the knowledge failure of Mathematics and Physics.

3) - 3rd part continuation. Please Click the following :

Algebra irrationality.
The Archimedes' Property is the root of the Algebra irrationality.

- express + the + "area" + A + of + a + "quare" + as + a + function + of + its +

253 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

diagonal (Canada)

Let (c) and (d) the side and the diagonal of a square.
Then the aera of the square of side (c) is the half of the the one with a side (d).

- true + or + false + both + a + sqaure + and + a + rectangle + have + a + 4 +

right + angles (USA)

This seems to be obvious. But its obviousness is only due to their current definitions.
Thus, we have to oint out the basic property that allows how it is true that thes two
figures have 4 right angles.
a) - First let us refer to the basic figure of circle. Any figure of three points has
necessarry their three points on a circle.
b) - In a circle any maximum angle is of 180 coventional degrees. Thus the
maximum angle that the sum of the angle formed by the tree sides of a triangle is
180 degrees.
b) - A square and a rectangle has two diagonals that divided them into two triangles.
These two triangles are central symmetric relative to the circle center, where their
diagonals intersect.
c) - Now, we can note that the square and the rectangle have also two perpendicular
axis of symmetry different from their diagonals. Thus, if the two rectangular
triangles in both figures have each a 90 degree angles then, according to their
perpendicular axis, the other angles of these triangles are necessarry right.

Therfore, it is true that the square and the rectangle have four right angles because
both have a symmetry center plus two rectngular axis of symmetry. These later
reference axis form a total of 360 degrees or more explained, these axis divide each
two figures into 4 right angles at each vertex of the square and the rectangle.

- do + the + length + of + the + sides + have + an + effect + on + the + angle +

sum + or + measure + of + "teh" + interior + angles (Canada)

There are the fondamental space properties. Space has two aspects: the Distance
and the Direction.
The homothetie is the property of Distance et don't affect the Direction and inversely
the rotation dont affect the distance of a system.

It is why the rotation and the linear displacement are quite mutual independant.
However, both obey to a same principe: the Recurrence principe of motion. that
produce movement.

- how + do + you + find + the + dimensions + of + a + rectangle + when + they +

give + only + the + lenght + and + the + "area" (Canada)

The Lamca theorem resolves simply all the cases of this problem.

- rational "choise" (Mexico mexicana)

- half circle high rise (Jordan)

- the maximum half circle surface in a square (Turkey)

- locus in square in mathmatics (Ukraine)

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Factors for starting the resolution:

1) - The maximum circle has the maximum diameter.
2) - The maximum circle is the one in a homothetic series of circles.
Thus, we choose choise the diagonal OA of the
square as the locus of this circles series, starting
from the vertex (O) of the square. The differents
circle diameters is then parallel to the second
diagonal EF of the square. Their two ends are
situated on two consecutive sides OE and OF of the
The maximum half-circle inscribed in this square
should have the two other square sides EA and AF as
According to that the homothetic center of the circle
series is at the square vertex (O), we can draw any
initial circle (Ci), centered on the corresponding square diagonal OA. On the figure
(Ci) is drawn in fushia color. The diameter of (Ci) is delimited by the two sides OE anf
OF of the square.
The maximum half-circle (C) is given by constructing the homothetic series of point
situated on a same direction. Particularly the point where the square sides should be
tangent to it.
On this figure, we have to successively construct different objects denoted by 1, 2,
3, and 4 that give the center of (C), the unique maximum half-circle drawn in red
line. The solution (C) is unique because any given homothetic factor corresponds to a
unique transform.

- something representing linear function (Canada)

- example + of + pastulates (philippines)

- "pastulates" (Philippines)

- how + to + "gaet" + an + absolute + location (philippines)

Practcally, all Mathematics functions are linear ones.

Why does it be so? Because Mathematics know only the line as axis
reference systems e.g. the orthogonal axis system.
It is because linear function are some values variations according to
variables exhausting along a line. Precisely tell, a linear function is
described by one to one from points on a line.

For example:

It seems astonishing to tell that the y=ax2, and most of algebraic

hyperbolic functions, are only algebraic linear functions. It is because
the point (x) on a line, is corresponding conventionally, one to one to
form the (y) points.

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Never points on a line can correspond successively to a curve. It is why

there exist tangents for a circle. While a linear segment can by
exhausted according to a square side.

In the following are statements on the matter space. The Dakhiometry

can't be understood if these laws on space aren't known. It is why
Classic Mathematics believe erroneously that what is exposed on the
Dakhiometry belong also to mathematic usual proceeding methods. In
this case it is useless because the Dakhiometry don't produce craftiness
and tricks of the trade.

There is much things to tell about the matter space properties. Here are
only given statements on the space properties according to the

- UNITY of the universe (UK)

- unicite + stone (USA)

- 3 + postulates + of + matter (India)

Dakhiometry Laws:
Matter properties: The discret Space.

1) - The discret space is composed of absolute locations. Space is

2) - The way between two locations is done according to the Continuity
Principle of Succession expressed as: BETWEEN A FIRST LOCATION AND A
SUCCESSIVE LOCATION. This is valid also for the discrete direction. This
3) - According to the Space Succession Property, contineous locations
changes are determined IN ONLY TWO QUITE DIFFERENT MODES:

a) - Successive location changes are done in ONE DIRECTION.

b) - Successive location changes are done ACCORDING TO


- tangent segments drawn to a circle form the same exterior point


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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

If we consider that exterior point is necessarry the next one exterior to

the tangent point. Because TWO SUCCESSIVE POINTS IS BOTH A circle

- logical representation of direct memory access (, India)

- length of one point of a circle to another (, USA)

It was so difficult to have some access to the circular form. Because the
difference between point succession between circle and straight line
was unknown. The current quite linear Trigonometry is an example of
such misunderstanding.
The basic difference is that a next point successive to any point is not
the same for a circular and for a straight line. The space properties is
then well characterized only by these two aspects.

Logic representation diagram

- trigonometry + symbols + and + meaning

Under Universal Laws in defined absolute-space of the universe,

validity of any property definition should be valid in any possible
space configuration.

Any location in the space of Discrete-matter, as a point of discrete-

matter location, should be seen as a point defined by THE
Preceeding--succeeding Location.

The absolute space has two properties: the Linear and the Circular
aspect. This can be understood and be adjusted into Two different
physical properties:
1) - The Linear DISATNCE one in Space.
2) - Plus the DIRECTION one as the second characteristic of the
Space Circular property.

A) - A line-Distance should be defined wholy as formed by THE
preceeding-succeeding-Location Refered all along one defined
Direction as the structure of a Set of successive discrete-matters.
This is the Space Linear property.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

B) - And next the concerned Space Circular property where the

Space is defined by its another second property, it is the Direction.
Being from discrete-matter, the DIRECTION IS ONLY DEFINED by
The Beginning Location Plus the Ending Location. A Direction is only
Two Points of two locations !!!

Therefore, it is noticed that for Discrete-Matter, both Distance and

Direction, should be AT-LEAST Formed by Two-Points-Locations:

a) - A DISTANCE in Space is defined AT LEAST by Two

Locations: the Beginning and the Ending if the Distance

b) - Differently, A DIRECTION in space is defined ONLY by Two

Loacations: The Direction in Space has not the Beginning and
the Ending Points.

In summary on the TWO POPERTIES of the Absolute Discrete-Matter


I) - To be valid, the property of the DISTANCE in Space, should be

defined by TWO DEFINITED LOCATIONS: its Beginning and Ending
Points, Refered by ONE GIVEN DIRECTION.

II) - To be valid, the property of the DIRECTION in Space, should be

defined ONLY by TWO Locations whatever are their mutual relative
Distance. A direction has no Beginning and Ending Points.

This is the correct rational and true Elemental Conscience that

any object in the universe-space have to get for any possible
Matter Transformation.

Rational Fundamental Consequences:

A) - Definition of a DISTANCE need necessarily to FOUNDED on the Space


B) - While:


fundamentally AN ABSOLUTE ONE !!!

We get there THE REASON proving that the universe is IN AN

Absolute circular property!

Only based from such necessary elemental conscience that any

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

realistic science should be built.

ONLY with such fundamental conscience of the universe space that it

is necessary to get a correct understanding on the universe
Movement phenomena!!!

Without such basic elemental conscience, only possible in the
universe Absolute Space, the presupposed Continuity in the universe
is simply a Science of Nothingness produced from Illusion.

ONLY, the Circle can furnish such property!

We see how the Squaring a Circle was an insurmontable difficulty for
Mathematics according to that the Circle as the Platoon mechanical
Compas indicates the fundamental Mathematics ignorance. The
Impossibility of the Squaring the Circle and the impossibility of
defining Pi are from the circle ignorance in Mathematics.


As clearly defined by the Absolute Space properties,

it can be know from where the Mathematics IRRATIONAL
IMPOSSIBILITY of the Squaring a Circle come from.

Mathematic Ignorance of Geometry as:

a) - The Space is a Nothingness.

b) - The Ignorance of What is a Circle (as shown by the Platoo

Mechanical Compass).

These ignorances are indicated in Mathematics where:

The Circle is represented both by its Perimeter-Plus-Diameter:

The [ D = Pi.R ]

And then, tempting to measure:

Pi = D/R

This is significant that mathematicians, is searching :

The Ratio between two incompatible basic values:

Ratio Pi = Curve / Distance

Or more Basical different Value as:


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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

We have the case of a wellknown example of Mathematics error:

it is the case of Archimedes' Pi,
Where he tempted to measure by comparing the Cercle vith Linear

This impossibility of Pi, was not due to a bad experiemntal


But fundamentally, it is due to ignorence on the TWO Basic

Properties of the Absolute Space.

We can see now clearly that from there are originated the
Contradictions. Because:

Mathematics contraditory are to defines the Circle by two

inconsistent properties as:

1) - The Perimeter (P) is from the Direction of Curvilinear Circle


2) - The Diameter (D = 2.R) wich is strictly the Distance as Line

property one.

At first,
these contradictions necessary give rise to the Mathematics
IMPOSSIBILITY of Squaring the Circle.
And secondary,
The Irrationallity that are strictly from the artificial
pythagorean Number System.

It is to noted that:

Use of Number is to ignore all the Fundamental Properties of

the Universe Absolute Space that are basic for any accurate
true Transformation in the universe.

Another exemple of correct understanding on the different figures


The above diagram on how a line should be tangent to a Circle

should be logically and accuratly defined as represented according to
the basic Space Properties:

Therefore, accuratly, a line tangent to a Circle should be expressed

by the Line plus the Circle Properties as:

1) - Two points for Line property.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

2) - and Two points for Direction property.

These two points are common to the Line and the Circle when they
are tangent.

It is not only words as language symbols to carry the meaning of the

Matter Space Logic. It is like a topologic figure that lines and
locations are not use to represent spatial structure. Here rounds, and
line directions have no real meaning but only use as an interpreter
for the formeless but preciss dispositions of the dakhions in their
succesions. Between the rounds that represent locations there is no
Nothingness but the fullness of dakhion placement according to the
succsion law. We have only to follow the logic of a line as discrete
successions in one direction and the succession of discrete Directions
that are characteristic of a circle.

From this diagram is representing the above Succession logic of

elementary matter. It determine precisely how two circles are
necessarry tangents and how a line is there tangent to both of them.
These three space forms have necessarry two common points.
Because we cannot have only one point of tangent contact. In this
case, the successive point placements should obeys to cantradiction.
With on point of contact, these figures can't be logically placed as
discrete directions. Thus the matter will composed with hole of
nothingness. Therefore, the tangence is not an universal construction
of figure. That is to say, nobody knows what is a tangent...

A line or a direction is determined by two successive or

non-successive points. While a circle is necessarry determined by
three successive or non-successive points. Thus a circle, or a set
three-points, is the reference of the exhaustive or the whole
directions of space. It is why a given circle circonference is the
measure of all the space directions.

According to these space laws, we can see that:

* A line and a circle bow are determined by three points. Because it
needs three points for two succession steps to determine the nature of
this succession. With two points we don't know if this form is a line or a
* A line is determined by two successive or non-successive points on a
same direction. Because two points are necessarry to determine a
discrete direction.
* Three successive points on a line can never be confused with three
successive points on a curve because there is at one side one direction
of change while in the other side, there is a Whole space directions. If
there any two successive common points, a third successive one will
diffrentiates them according to direction their change.
* According to the above space locations logic, A defined line and a
defined curve can have necessarry two successive common points. If
they have more than two common points, the set is necessarry

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

non-successive points

- What is the maximum possible number of points of intersection

between an equilateral triangle "anf" a circle in the same plane
(, USA)

In situation of a circle diameter less than the traingle dimension and

being both concentric, the maximum of equilateral triangle and circle is
6 intersecting points.
However, if we are going to split hairs while being in accordance with
the discretness principle then, with one or all the equilateral triangle
sides as being tangent to this circle then there are also a maximum of 6
intersecting points. It is because a line tangent to a circle is done with
two elemental point intersections as shown on this above figure.

- geometric complexities (Japan)

It is because elemental space is simple but precise absolute structure.

Without no precision, there is no possible complexities. Without
precision in space locations, only can stay the chaos where reigns the
hazard. But in this case no construction is possible to appear as the
present universe. Therefore, no precise matter structure, no universe.

- nature abhores a vacuum (UK)


POINTS, denoted as tangents to this curve.
The above space Logic allows to mixe lines and curves for the fullness
of matter composing the universe. This fullness of matter where
unlimited complexities can be constructed precisely. This is exactly the
fullness of matter Space.

A simple example of the fullness and rational space

Two circles tangents has in common two successive points. The above
space logic alows that at these two points there is also a line tangeant
to the two circles.
It is not possible if the two circles and the line have only one unique
point. The discretness of direction don't allows this case of space
location. While in the unique point of tangents, the successive points
produce indetermined locations.

However, to be understood by most of the current though formatted by

the Continuum ideology, we assume conventionally that a tangent has
only one point with a curve. Therefore, the next points on each line and
curve, starting from this common point will be different in direction.
Thus conventionally, we tell that a tangent can't have two common

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

points with the curve. This is not exact and even it is false because a
line is only defined by two points (It is known from Euclide). But we
admit it temporally.

An another basic example of linear function that gives false result is the
Archimedes' exhaustion with polygons to tempt describing the circular
line. Fundamentally, it is because a polygone side is never a point or if
it has two points, it doesn't be successively on a same circle. It is why
only the Space Constant of the squaring a circle can give a direct and
whole morphing of the circle-square. The Space Constant is not a
function nor linear neither curvilinear.

There are too much false ideas to throw out and too much modes of
though to change!

- a + line + "intercecting" + a + circle + a + 2 + points + not + going

+ through + the + middle (USA California)

This is a judicious remark. a segment length is always composed by a

middle according to that matter property is the symmetry.
However, space is composed of Distance and Direction the two different
properties. Distance is a length of matter measured as a segment of
line. A segment is a length defined by two ends from a middle. While a
Direction is not a distance defined by a length of a segment even if a
segment lies in a direction. Direction is only the logic of linear
Succession. Because a Direction is not a Distance, it can be defined by
one succession step of matter. It is why a segment tangent to a circle
lies on a direction perpendicular to the diameter of this latter and
intersecting to it at one point. Consequently, the Direction of this
tangent should be defined sufficiently by two successive locations in
space. These two immediate successive locations has no middle and
can be defined as ONE POINT in measurement.

A such definition doesn't contradict the dakhion elemental matter that

has an ubiquity property. Because one location point has nor
preferential Direction neither preferential location. Therefore, the
ubiquity of one elemental matter is to be defined by no preferential
Direction and no preferential Distance in the universe.

- construction of Common Tangents to Two circles (Romania)

Usually tell, the tangent at tangent points of two circles is

perpendicular to the line joining the two circle centers.
This is a right construction definition. Thus usually we can tell that the
line tangent is really perpendicular to the line joining the two centers.
However, it is because for discrete matter, between two successive
points of a circle there is formed a discrete angle. Thus this discrete
angle cannot have any possible bissector according to the logic of

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

discreteness of formeless matter. We only do not forget what is this

basic discretness of space logic because:
a) - Until now, angle is only defined by lines. Thus, a line perpendicular
to an another one, is defined as a 90 angle degrees.
b) - In Dakhiometry, only Directions are defined. Discrete directions
represent discrete angles. If conventionally we define a 90 degrees
angle, it is composed of the sum of 1, 2, 3,..., ni number of discrete
elemental angles equal to the conventional 90 degrees. Because, two
directions is characterized by two points of a circle, the count à 90
degrees designates precisely the last of this two points that terminates
this count. This successive count of elemental directions, is the real
determination of two perpendicular lines. It is why a circle
circonference is the real basic reference of direction quite different to
the linear Trigonometry method.

Construction of tangent line to a circle obeys to this logic of Discrete

Direction. It is why a triangle rectangle in a circle, is used to
construction a tangent to a circle.

- direct + proof + "od" + irrationality + of + pi (Yugoslavia)

- number of common tangent of two circles (India)

In classic mathematics from the Anciant's time until to day, a tangent is

known as having one point intersecting a circle. In this definition
mathematicians forget that their definition of a tangent is according to
another reference else than the line definition. For example, a tangent
is always presented as "a tangent to a circle from a point". Also, this
tangent is thus defined by an insinuation according on this circle but
not by the property of this tangent itself. That is to tell, this tangent is
a "line defined with one point". Thus telling that a tangent is a "line"
has one point common with a circle, is quite a non-definition. Because
to a point, there is all the universe lines passing through it. In this case
two circles tangent to each other, has an indefined number of common

This is the consequence of mathematics of the Continuum from that

quite dummy notion as the irrationnality or transcendental numbers can
be generated. From that also, a modern phantas-magorical Cosmology
can take place.

- how many squares fit in circle equation (Thailand)

In fact, indefined number of squares can fit in a circle. This method is

an usual one of the current algebraic algorithm. It gives rise to dummy
idea of irrationnal numbers.
This is because mathematics remains unconscious about the Succession
Principle. Until now, any mathematician knows how to count with
numbers. For example, the recurrent integers are defined only by

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

successive addition. Thus everybody know how to tell (1, 2, 3,...).

Therefore, it is obvious to everyone that there is a number Infinity. This
is only a simple notion of Succession that is used in Number Theory to
define the Recurrence.
Because the Succession Principle is only a Process princile. Thus, we
can use a succession process to tell indefinitly according to that it is an
universal Permanent Principle. That is to tell: a successive process can
never ended or going to disappear. But it is a false concept to believe
that it drives to Infinity, something that we can't reach. This error in
the succession process notion gives rise to the irrationallity, to the
infinities. The Zeno's Achille and the Tortoise is an famous example of
confusing the succession process with the objects of reality. This gives
rise to the modern convergence method and then the Cantor's multi-

To be more easily understood, we take this two following examples of

same succession process applyed in different forms:
1) - Counting successive whole number. This can be imagined as a line
going forward indefinitly.
2) - Counting the same successive whole numbers as ratios. A spatial
figure can be constructed for this way of counting. That is, on a definite
segment AB, we can represent the Unlimited Succession process to
determine precisely these ratios. Ignoring what is a Succession Process,
we can give a result like the Zeno's Tortoise one. But it is false because
of its imprecise method of determination. From there we believe to the
Infinities. Simply a defined and finite segment AB can be resolved
precisely with elements of spatial figures. We can do it with the Edge
and the Compass to represent the unlimite Sucession Process on a
finite segment.

More practically, there are two usual manners of confusing the

Succession process for example in determining the point G dividing 1/3
of a segment AB.

a) - The usual bad manner of the Zeno's Achiles, the convergence

algorithm, the Archimedes' exhaustion, ... etc, is to do so:

How to prove a pyramid center?

- direct integration moment of inertia of pyramid (USA Connecticut)

- a sort if triangle that has equel sides equel angles (UK Birmingham)

May be... according to the Dakhiometry discourse, it is an equilateral


It has specific interesting properties for defining a circle.

265 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- calculus pyramid geometric mass center (Turkey)

- what + are + foundemental + quantities + of + physics (Jamaica)

The only basic fundamental concept of any thing is that the whole
universe is a whole of universal laws of matter.
For any human the element of conscience is then necessarily the
element of matter. Actions in the universe are then action of systems of
Therefore, the basic of thinking and body action are done and described
with Quantities of matter. It is why human science is concerning the
How and the Why matter systems are going in actions.
Consequently, understanding life action in the world need to know
matter Quantity. This the most basic element of knowledge.
In human life societies need communication. From there are invented
languages to talk about anything happening in life. Particularly there is
science society where scientifics must invente some specific language
concerning the object matter. As matter is at first Quantities, sciences
need to name each Quantity of any object. From there was created
language worlds as Numbers that may be used to designate object of
However, most of scientifics confuse the world Number with the reality
of object matter. That is to tell we use to eat the world Bread and are
missing the real bread from the baker. In brief, we are using to catch at
shadows, because rules of Number language, is never univeral laws of
matter Quantity.

A mass center is situated at any symmetric axis if a figure.

For a right pyramid it consists to determine all its symmetric axis. A
right pyramid has only one axis. Thus, it suffices to determine the
center of the pyramid section in any plane containing this unique axis.
The following figure shows that any of the pyramid section is triangular
forms with this pyramid main axis as their symmetric one.

- dimension of pyramidal (Iran)

- pyramidal memories transmutation (Venezuela)

- Polynesian Architecture drawing (Chile)

- mass center (USA, Indiana, West Lafayette Purdue University)

- pyramid dimensions (USA State Gov)

- how + to + "finf" + volume + of + a + cone (Florida, USA)

- formula + of + pyramid + center + of + gravity (

266 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- center mass pyramid (George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario,


- finding centers of mass of pyramid (George Brown College, Toronto,

Ontario, Canada)

- George Brown college t"toronto" Ontario

- pyramid geometric theorem (Mongolia)

- "geometeric" theorems (South Dakota, USA)

- pyramid that shows the time until we reach heaven diagram

(, Pennsylvania, USA)

... At first, we have to go thoughout the Dante's Inferno.

- Ontario College of Art and Design construction (, New Jersey's

Science & Techology University, USA)

- pyramid design speaker (China)

- den permanente Danish design (Korea)

- Ontario College of Art Design (China)

- Two-dimensional Geometry in Bart modern (, Egypt)

- National Parks road design diagrams (, San Diego, USA)

- scientific diagrams about measuring the forces "aroud" us (UK)

- induction mutual cooker diagram (Malaysia,

- Dantes Inferno art (Russian Federation)

- section drawing of Ontario College of Arts (, India)

- Ontario College of Art and design fundation detail (,


- ideas for displaying Dante's Binferno (, USA)

- pyramidalmemories + transmutation + America (,


- Dante's Inferno Galileo (Canada)

- Dante's Inferno pyramid (Missouri, USA)

- Dante's Inferno wallpaper (Vietnam,

267 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


- pyramid sutructure logical thinking (Japan, i202f08/files/2008/12

- SYMBOLE + DE + MATIERE + de + mathematique (

- simple structure of inferno (Philippines)

How to have a simplifyed inferno...

- Dante's inferno Galileo (Canada)

- Dante's inferno diagrams (, UK)

- Addition to the Ontario College of Art and Design structure diagram


- University of Twente sculpture (, Ukraine)

- pyramid gravity picture (University of Helsinki, Viikki Research Group

Organization in Molecular Bioscience, Finland)

- Archimedes center gravity picture (Institute for Defrnce Analysis,

Alexandria, Virginia, USA)

- pyramid of perfect mystical formula (India)

- Center + of + Gravity + of + a + pyramid ++ Proof (Guyana)

268 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Traditional Drawing in Iran (UK arch-associ)

Iranian Architecture art is a fairylike one...

- best method for centering a symmetrical one view drawing (USA

Carolinas e.r.c)

- draw + a + solid + figure + using + a + cicle + and + a + triangle +

what + is + the + drawing (Canada)

A class of given volume cones.


- pyramidal lines (USA Florida)

- center of mass in pyramid (USA)

All of the pyramid sections are located at the a same mass center which
is the pyramid mass center one.

In corollary
Any of pyramid with inclined axis but with a same same altitude have
their mass center G located at a fixe plane passing through the mass
center of the right pyramide.

How to define practically the Gravity center of a pyramid

...or how to prove that:
* the pyramid center of mass is irrationnal
* or, a ratio 1/3 is irrationnal!!!

- Centre of mass of a pyramid (Malaysia,

- cone center of gravity (Slovak Republic, University of Zilina)

- centre of gravity of a cone (, Ukraine)

The cone center of gravity is the same of the pyramide one where it is

- centre of gravity of triangle and square (New Zealand)


269 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


A center of mass G of a pyramidal solid is the

center of any triangular section along the
height of the pyramid. Note that it is also for
a cone.
To determine G take the length AB of the
pyramid and:
From A going to B,
From B, going backward with the half
preceding length,
And so on...
At each step, going backward with the half length of the preceding
The result is that this manner gives to point G by convergence,
however, without touching it. Thus obviously, mathematicians will tell
that the 1/3 of a segment is irrationnal!
b) - To do this more precisely with a current method.
It is to construct the 1/3 of AB with the Thales property. This give rise
directly and precisely to the final point G.

We can see that the usual misunderstanding of the convergence or

succession process is to confuse the Succession process logic with the
spatial point object. One more proof that numbers are words of human
language but not as spatial elements.

Explaination for better understanding about the difficult concept

of Succession.
The convergence or the recurrent exhaustion method is to proceed an
algorithm type as is described at (a). This method ignores the
difference between the concept of Succession and the Mesurement or
calculation to obtain a value. Therefore, using a Succession process
can't never give an End to the algorithm. The Succession meaning is:
each location points in space is a SUCCESSIVE POINT. Thus, using a
Succession Process is equivalent to choose no goal for the algorithm
following successiveley a points, one never can't find the universe limit
nor the Nothingness. The human language can fit to the successive
counting with the ZERO invention. This latter is a language symbol
because the round of zero represent a circular way. Zero is thus not a
number because this language symbol is used to mean a "starting
again" with an another cycle. The starting again for successive counting
using a same set of words, for example the ones of the decimal base.
In the case (b) to get a 1/3 of a length, using the Thales property for
calculation, we can get directly the precises ration of 1/3.
Therefore, any convergence process are only a misunderstanding of the
universal property of the matter space. Thus, every mathematician all
along the time, believes that Achiles can touch the Tortoise or that
Archimedes polygons can converge and end to a circle. We can see that
the convergence is only an empirical idea of calculation because it is
what we do step by step, to converge and find practially a rough

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

problem solution. And really, the Archimedes' Pi value is a result given

by a convergence method supposed to drive to the Pi value. This value
obtained by surface summation is using a Successive process that
always gives a point showing to a next following one!

In brief
Remind that The succession process logic concern the spatial point
layout. Even in discrete and FINITE universe matter, A MATERIAL POINT
PERMANENT PROPERTY OF SPACE. Therefore, the succession or
recurrence is not a means to drawn infinite parallel lines for a meeting
point at the Infinity! Because the succession is done with a same point
in a same direction. We have just given definition of the Recurrence or
the Induction.

- Pyramid + dimension (

- "sqaure" based pyramid (United Arab Emirates)

- "sqaure" based pyramid (UK)

- pyramidal law (Bosnia Herzegovina)

- pyramidal solid (USA Colorado edu)

- rectangular pyramids in the natural environment (USA U.P.S.)

- federation square drawing future systems (UK Brookes ac)

- the great pyramid drawing (Canada)

- rectangular based pyramid drawing (Canada)

- parallelepiped cut into pyramids (USA, student.Harvard edu)

- net of square based pyramid (Singapore,

- project pyramid home teepi (Latvia)

What is the Art of copying an Egyptian's square based pyramid when

one has only rectangular parallelepiped bricks and knowing only
Transformation Lamca theorem?

271 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

This figure shows the art of equal volume pyramid constructions, in

copying the altitude (h). However, we get only a pyramid more long
than large sides.

- how to build a rectangular pyramid (Mexico)

- square based pyramid trigonometry right angles (Australia)

Not only right angle but all of these pyramids or cones of any form of
base with equal aeras and equal altitudes, have equal volumes.

It is important to understand here that only rational solid forms are

concerned. It is not here any usual fancyful symbolic of Mystic
pyramids of some mystic invisible civilisation. Most of geometric forms
are submited to meaning diversion in symbolic believes.

An another trick
- constant of cone bei einer secant (Germany)

- intersecting vault (Korea)

- Pyramidal Memories Transmutation (Italy)

- egyptian pyramid (USA, Gorgia, Atlanta Sophia Academy)

- height of a teepee (Northern Michigan University, Marquette, USA)

- Compact elevated living space teepees (, UK)

The high elevated teepee summit may be also an efficient solution for
rain water flowing on animal fur. We may note that no animal has a
plane back surface. And if man has a nearly plane back, it is because
he has no buffalo fur. :-)

- canada + teepee + northern + lights

- free teepee pattern (, UK)

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- teepee parts in 10000 b.c. (UK)

- "quare" teepee pics (, Louisiana, USA)

Squaring a nice teepee is morphing it into a square buffaloskin

- D'Alembert pyramid (Viet Nam)

- amerindian farmer (, Kobe, Japan)

- from pyramid to cone (Hong Kong)

- indian teepee gifs (Singapore,


- pyramid trigo (Singapore,


If you know how to square a circle and inversely how to circling a

square, then...

... then you can transmute an Egyptian

Pyramid into an Amerindian nice Teepee
or from a honorable Teepee you may
want to transmute it into anciant Great
It is warranted that no missing volume
does suffer in these cyclic
transmutations. For example, the
exterior little green volume and the
orange-colored ones are equal parts. It
is the same case as for the planar
squaring a circles parts.

Note that all these volumes are rationally proved.

- Nevada + indian + teepees (, USA)

- differentiation within teepee (, The

university of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)

- geometric "theorums" in Boston architecture (USA)

273 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Grade 12 mathematics(volumes of a pyramid) with

angles (South Africa)

- prove + that + the + equilateral + "traingle" + describe + on +

the + two + side + of + a + right + "traingle" + are + together +
"equel" + to + the + equilateral + "equel" + on + the +
hypotenuse + in + terms + of + thier + area (India)

Let: H = hypothenuse aera

A2 = aera with side (A)

B2 = aera with side (B)

Knowing that :

H 2 = A 2+ B 2

Therefore, with any constant ratio (x) of:

H, A and B. it can be written:

x[H2] = x[A2+ B2]

Or simply no need to change, we can stated that:

x[Equilateral aera (H)] = x[Equilateral A2+ Equilateral B2]

Or simply:

Equilateral of side (H) = Equilateral of side (A) + Equilateral of

side (B)

It is because:
aera of equilateral triangle traingle is only the x ratio of each of
the interested side squared.

- calculer le volume d'une pyramide elipse (Italie)

Here is the volume formula of an elliptic pyramid.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Let (h) the height of any right or inclined pyramid with an elliptic
base. Let this ellipse inscribed in a rectangle with an aera (S).
Then the pyramid volume (Vol) is written simply as follows:

Vol(pyra-ellips) = (Pi/12).(S).h

This formula is rationnaly proved.

Have a good elliptic pyramid!

- equilateral pyramid (Canada)

Equilateral pyramid has practical intersting specific properties well


- pyramid universe (Latvia)

- how to Pyramids (China)

- equilateral pyramid (USA Harvard edu)

- equilateral pyramids (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)

- dertermine the angle between the ABC and edges of the pyramid by
replecing planes projections (, Ukraine)

Example for an equilateral pyramid with all of its four sides as

equilateral triangles.

sqr(.) means Square Root of (.)

Given (hp) as this pyramid altitude, ht as the

equilateral altitude and (L) as the triangle
common edge, it can be spatialy construted
according the three given data:

(L); hp=L.(sqr(2/3)); ; and


If one would transform the equilateral form of the base from any given
Surface form (S), then the Transform equation is as follows:

S = L2.(sqr(3)/4)

Where (S) is the equilateral triangle surface.

That is to construct the pyramid with all its edges (L) equaled to,

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

L = 2.sqr(S)/(sqr(sqr(3))
Or under usual mathematic form written as:

The volume (V) of this equilateral pyramid is as follows:

On this next figure is shown how to determine the gravity center (G) of the
equilateral pyramid.
The distance (PG) of center G from any equilateral pyramid summit (P) is as follows:

The equilateral pyramid center G is also the one of the

sphere circumscibed to it. Distance PG is the radius of
this sphere.

These equilateral pyramid definitions are very usefull for

constuctions e.g. in architecture.

- fera (geometrija) (Latvia)

- pyramid in sphere (VietNam, Ho-chi-Minh ville FPT)

- mystery of mexican pyramids sphere (Chile)

- pyramid en Italie (Italy)

- pyramids Vietnam (Vietnam, http://du-

- maximally equidistant points on sphere (,

New jersey, USA)

- diffrentiating triangle (Novartis, Israel)

- equilateral triangle inverted (UK)

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

The Algebraic forms are used here to be more easy readable by all. However, these
examples of equilateral triangle transformations can be done precisely, proved and
calculated very simply by pure spatial constructions in Dakhiometry.

- energy sensitive pyramid color (Saudi Arabia)

There are wonderfull changing color precious stones. This is the proof that light
energy are only particular phenomena of a matter medium. Here, this latter is the
particular precious stone structure.

Important NOTE

For those who are hard conservative mind believing to the fineness of
Irrationnality in things, to the Continuum generating infinities, to the
Impossibility of problem resolutions, to the separation of algebraic from
the geometric resolution methods, they may read this following note:

1) - When one know how to think rationally and then, distinguishes

what is a Principle from the empirical collection of consequences thus,
one can understand what is the Movement phenomenon. One can then
understand that the reasons of Movement in nature rests on the most
basic principle of Succession. The Succession is the principle of
elemental matter placement that allows the fullness of the universe. In
consequence, because matter is in fullness then the concept of Quantity
can be an unsiversal property in matter.
With this understanding, you can get as me with my Dakhiometry, the
knowhow to produce what is false and what is the just matter laws
application. Because I can produce algorithms for each number of the
natural Number series, showing that each of them can be never
touched with a convergence method. This is done as for the above
pyramid center of mass.
2) - After that, one can conclude that the Whole Natural Number series
is an irrationnal number one.
3) - Finally, I can prouve you rationnally with an another exact method,
that any whole number can be get directly and precisely and
rationnally. This is the real proof of the rationality of the Whole

I can tell you that no one mathematician can produce such rational
reasonning. Simply because the Succession is too difficult to be in
conciousness for human. The proof is more understood when you ask
any man to explain what is Movement or simply what is Time. Man is
confused between these two concepts because he has no access to the
understanding about Succession principle of matter.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Here is a lesson of counting:

The Why and the How

A Dakhiometric definition
About the Quantity Theory

To Count is to read the discrete matter distribution in space.

Counting is the unique process allowing Quantity Measurement.

Discrete matter Reading

- history + of + mathemanics +-+ representation + of + numbers (UK)

- importance of zero in mathematics (India)

the symbol of Zero is important.

However, probably nobody knowns why and how it plays this important

Because Zero is Not a Number. It is why it takes a so long time before
that it was invented in India. Therefore, if one can tell 1, 2, 3,...
objects, the Zero object is always a conjecture never resolved. Zero is
neither the Void nor the Abcense of object. The Void is the Void
therefore, there is not any object in the Void. In the contrary, the
Absence is ALWAYS the non-presence of some GIVEN object. Thus,
there is not Zero object in the Absence.


Zero is not a Number. It is not a number belonging to the series 1, 2,


How a Zero sumbol is so important to the Number Theory?
The main reason is that the Number comme from no more than the man
empiricism of accessing different objects in the world. The first
conscience of object is then to COUNT them. Counting is an analogical

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

means to associate two different sets of objects. This association is to

use the one-to-one correspondence between two object sets. The first
example is to associate our number of fingers to any other things in
nature. Thus, the first number theory rests on our series of fingers.
But with such equipment, the problem will dead-ends rapidly. It is a big
issue to count a great number of objects for most of the human
civilisations in the past. Why?
We should notice that the counting is a correct method for designating
quantity of countable objects. So the difficuly of counting is due mainly
by the limitation of Numbers by it self. It concerns the reference
number as the fingers for example. Because the problem is not to have
or to found Great quantiies of objects. So the problem is not the
so-called Great-Number. It was insolved because the question is:
How to count. Or how to associate for its understanding, the real great
quantity of objects. And the understanding consists not from the Great
Quantiy of object to count but the quantity of the reference set for
counting - its is our fingers .

Thus the resolution of the

human capacity to register
the great quantity of things is
to return to the empirical
man's origin of counting. We
should recognize that the
counting is no more than the
empirical means of man's
language creation to be able
to communicate between
them. The series (1, 2,
3,...) is no more than
world for talking or writing
man's language. It is with a
such understanding that one
should see the pythagorean Numbers as Archetype of the universe.

Therefore, if it is only and hazardeous invention that the ZERO was

invented, only as a WORD OF MAN TALKING LANGUAGE. This fit well
with the series (1, 2, 3,...) because this latter is also a series of
language words.

Because the Numbers (0, 1, 2, 3,...) are no more than conventional

language words used as a reference for associating with the quantities
of any objects. The Numbers in decimal base are no more than a multi-
ten-fingers Terrestrial man. It is why the Zero fits so well without
contradiction in such set. The whole are homogeneaously formed as
language words.

It explain also why tempting to explain the Zero as the Void or as the
infinitly minus is impossible. Because Zero is not a Quantity but a
coventional Word.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

The Zero can't represent the Void or the Absence of thing. But it really
represent the END of a CYCLE.

From such result, what is Counting and what material is needed for
a) - In Fact, the (1, 2, 3, ...) is not really useful to count Great Quantity
more than an economical numeral base choosen. Fo example the binary
base is composed of only (0 and 1).
b) - Mainly, what we need for counting is ONLY THE NECESSARY ZERO
symbol. Clearly, this means that counting Quntity need only the
technique of registrering the Cycles of counting iterations, that
compose any quantity to measure.
c) - For example, what is important for you?

c1) - 1,000,000,000 or 1,000,000,000.523163 ?

Or in binay:
1 0000 0000 0000 0001 or 0000 0000 0000 1111

c2) - These exemples show that it is the the number of cyles

denoted by the Zero that indicate the Great Quantity.

Therfore, the Zero is not a number, but a Word to indicate the cycles
of Quantity counting cycles.

From there, one can see that the Zero is not belonging to the Number
series (1, 2, 3, ...). Strange isn't?

Simply the Pythagorean Numbers series, is similar to a Meter as unit for

the one-to-one counting. Zero is only an episodic use when one notes it
a "No-object to count". But for the Zero, it is only useful for counting
the Number of counting cycles of a hand fingers for example. Therefore,
the Zero is the second order and more according to Great Counts, of
the counting. This show that the Zero is not belonging to the
pythagorean Number series and why there is a so long time before man
had discover the language word Zero to allows numerous Counting-
of-Counting for Great Numbers.
If direct counting is to search Quanties of matter, the Counting-
of-Counting belong to the Language convention and not to
Numbers property. Because counting of Counting quantity, play
the role of an ADJECTIV in language. It is used as like the
adjectives GREAT and LOW do it.
It is why there are aother conventional written language that allows to
symplify the so long Numbers with many zeros. It is fr example the
case for power added to a number. This shows that the Zero is only a
word of language. Because For example, the Quantity 5 is an
immutable concept but the Zero can be replaced by any other language
word without no precise quantity representation. The number 500
apples where the two zero can be replaced by a 2 as the (5 to the
power of 2) where the 2 is the count of counting cycles. There, we
understand as 2-counting-Cycles meaning as 2-Great apple quantity
and not Quantity of 2 apple-unit.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Thus, we know from there that animals know what is counting the
quantities however, they have not an universal animal language to
invent talking between them, about great quantities with some Zero
language convention.
The Zero is then no more than sonely from the human language word.

In conclusion
The Numbers are only empirical and conventioanl language means
of man used for empirical counting the necessary matter
Quantity. Therfore, Numbers is a false idea of science for matter
The series (Zero, 1, 2, 3,...) are only man discourses very useful
until now but it is not true science tools for Quantity concepts.

1) - The Zero is very useful because it is a language articulation
being abble to designate a large amount of real Quantities, when
one has only the method of Counting to access Quantities.

2) - However, there is a true means for accessing the universe

matter Quantity. it is to use the Spatial language that represent
fully the Absolute Space of the universe. When one get access to
the science of determining the spatial structure with such spatial
language, it is seen that there is not a ZERO of space. This
traduces concretly that there is no NOTHINGNESS or no
Irrationallity in the universe fulness. In any space structure of
Spatial science, there is points determined by lines-intersecting
or there is no-intersection-of-lines. But in spatial language, there
is no meaning of some so-called Zero-intersection.

In brief:
The Numbers series can be considered a conventional Length
representing (1 meter) - or any other unit - . Then the Integer
series is only the usual reference to designate some quantity of
Length. The Number problem is how to associate a series of (1
meter) to measure any of the universe length. Generaly, it is a
measurement enough sufficient for any practical measurement of
Length quantity. But even if one use the micro, the pico or less
scale, we are always staying in conventional man's discourses.
However, one know that there are many problem on these system
precision. For example in Mathematics one tempts to define the
measurement precision by some known Congruence method. A
more precision was tempted to elaborate the Real Numbers using
the trick and recipe according to the Dedekind-Cut. However, this
manner of doing-it-as-you-like, had put the Mathamatics against
the wall to draw there the limits of the Mathematics universe.

Sciences need only to know that they are concerned by the Matter

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Quantity. What is a Quantity?

The Quantity is no more than what we should know about the
Space property as [Location-Distance-Direction]. Without such
one of these space property, there is False quanrity and false
characterisation on matter. While using artificial pythagorean
Numvers-Series as man discourses to simulate the realiies in the
universe, the true basic Equivalent Reference for denoting the
Quantity, is no more than the Space elements as [Point, Line,
Curve in their Structure]. Science should understand, see and
denote the Matter Quantity by refering it to the Space properties.

Therefore, a Quantity is no more than the concepts of a Point, a

Length and also a Direction. THEY ARE THE TRUE MATTER
REALITIES! It is why, there is no beyond the universe and there is
not a Nothingness as a ZERO OF SPACE. The real universe
space is strictly, the THERE-IS of reality Presence.

- what is pastulates and axioms (Philippines)

Precise reading of matter is possible only through the knowledge

of its Reality. Quantity is the specific property of Reality.

The Succession concept is defined in Dakhiometry as clearly

separated from the Quantity one. We will see how with his
intuition on matter contituting him human can get a conventional
method for language counting to be abble to denote a Quantity of
matter. Contrary to the Anciant and modern mathematician belief,
quantity is the only world realities contrary to the language
symbols designating its that are only words.

If yo can overcome your usual habit of learning conditioned by

education about Numbers you can yet distinguish the separating
notions of Succession from the Quantity one. Thus you may teach
to kinders the why and how human contructed with difficulty a
process for language counting to be abble to define a quantity of
matter. This following explaination give the rigth reasons about
this human conquest.

Here a figure as simple summary but with sufficient meanings

about the different steps with what human conquered a process
for counting objects to define the quantities. Starting from simple
word alphabets in succession how he can enhance his method
with the introduction of the cyclic property in the nature.

282 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Counting Line Codes Compas (Honduras)

- multipilicity factors of crystal systems (,

Universität Leipzig, Germany)

In corollaries through this remark:

1) - While using human language words, multiplicity of crystal
structures can be used as continuity of symbols for numerical
bases of counting.
2) - Inversely, unlimited counting symbols (n) is the proof that
there are unlimited different crystal structures in the universe
that we can found or can be elaborated by human material
Such statements have no contradiction according to the
Uniqueness Principle!
Therefore, the universe is really constructing and unlimited
horizon is the possibility of our knowledge.

It will be exposed what is space Length structure and the

difference of its parallel in conventional human language, the
so-called Numbers systems.

On this next figure some matter objects are represented in red color.
Particular objects are defined by their unity. For example, the
uniqueness of a stone unity is represented here by rounds disposed
successively on a line. However, this is only an usual way to represent
ordering things on figure as schoolboys in close order. Because the
Succession principle is not dependent of form. This a most important
basic characteristic of Succession. The understanding of it allows us

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

also to imagine that a succession can also be represented as a circular

structure or with another form. Because Succession is only concerning
an unity or a point following an another one. A point has no form.

How a man is going to tell to his friends or how his memory reminds to
him, how much stones he counted?

Step (1)
Along human history this is no so easy even if he has intutively the
quantity concept. He ends to define signs or symbols to correspond
precisely to some quantity. For example, this man can invent six
symbols for his word language to define quantities from 1 to six
objects. This is shown on the figure at step (1). These are symbols or
words that can be traduced by talking.
Step (2)
However with six symbols the corresponding quantities is quite enough
for desingnating a great quantity of stones. This a great hard problem
for him to know the quantity of stones he can meet. Persevering in
seeking a better method to describe much more quantities. Finally
allong time, an another man find intuitively that succession of matter
object can be valid with another placement structure than the linear
one. Thus, a low number of things can be place on a wheel and can be
continually count even if they are in cyclic repeeted. The continuity of
counting can be precisely defined, if one notes the end or the beginning
of the cycle.
Then with six words one can added to it an another one for defining the
Cyclic Succession. Therefore, the man added to his 6 defined words a
seventh one the meaning of that is to define a use-again the six
preceding known words for continuation of counting. The result is that
this man has invented seven human language symbols to a possibility
of designating most of quantities he hope it!
Step (3)
Latter the man tries to complete his technique of counting for defining
any quantity with a wheel structure. Using these limited seven words,
how to write and to memorize any quantity?
From example of the succeeding six first words, he finally finds that he
can also produce the succession of the succession of the latter six
words that happens at each circular cycle.
From this advanced results, he denotes the seventh symbol with a
round for denoting that a cycle is finishing and a new one can begin.
This symbol is the represented as a round added to the One symbol.
As succession can be embeddes successiveley he concludes that it
suffices to add a round at each new cycle. Therefore, the writing of a
language for any quantities is then completed as is shown at step (3)
on the figure.
Finally, the writing language for defining quantity is to overlap
succession of unity in succession of cyclic counting.

This is the final method of counting for knowing quantity. The most
used is the decimal based counting that can fit practically for any
quantity of matter. We must tell that this technique is only a language

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

one that have nothing to do with the actual matter space structure.

On conclusion
Only with the Dakhiometry Principe of Succession, we can explain the
reason of the human technique of getting quantities using counting the
successive process. This is the Why of the human language Numbers.
The How is that man succeedes to construct a such technique because
language can be invented simply for practically designating any
quantity according to the Succession property to be formless and thus
being endless embedded the one into the another.

As Succession allows matter to appear in movement.
According to that succession can be endless embedded together, the
movement phenomenon can be anylized as follows:
1) - Uniform
2) - Uniform accelerated
3) - Non-uniform accelerated

We can recognize these three properties in the three steps of the

human language technique of counting invention. They are:
1) - The unity uniform succession
2) - Wheel rotation
3) - The ten, the hundred, the thousand, etc... are non-uniform
accelerated process of quantity growing.

The Number concept

- can two circles touch more than two places (

According to the Succession principle, two circles can mutually touch

always at 2 points when they are intersecting and tangent each other.
Because when they are intersicting they are in linear mode as chord
and tangent line. They touch by overlapping each other with at least by
3 points because 3 points determine an unique circle.
Therefore, two circles touch each other by both at least a minimum of 2
points in linear mode and at least a maximum of 3 points in circular
What's a complicate thing. :-)

- mathematic + successions (USA, purdue)

The Number Series N is only a technique of numerical language world

285 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

for a schematic of describing the continous succession of discrete

matter quantities. This worlds are necessarrily dicontinous because
there is never enough uniqueness of world to describe the real
continuity of the dicrete quantities fineness.
Only logic of spatial points as intersection between two lines are
representative of the real discrete matter quantities. And precisely to
represent the real Succession there are structures in space to perfectly
define precisely this Principe of matter discretness.

This structure is built around a simple segment (AB) in that a third

point (C) can displace between these two included limits (A) and (B).
The true Succession that is schematically denoted as 1, 2, 3,..., n. is
wholly and continually represented by the ratio (AB)/(CB). Numerically
tell this ratio varies between 1 to unlimited quantities. Unlimited
because it is commonly and badly denoted as infinity. There can be
some infinity because the 3 points are realities of spatial elements that
one can logically constructed.
And this structure can determines precisely any point (C) belonging to
(AB). That is to tell, there is no hole between two quantity or two
different points (C). This is the spatial proof of what is known in
Mathematics as the Real Number series using the conventional harmfull
Dedekind cuts.

In brief
The usual concept of Succession in Numbers Theory is not an Infinite
Line as one uses to represent. The basic Succession concept is only a
logic principle of the discrete matter as the fullness of the universe.
That is to tell, element of matter is the matter discretness but between
two elements, the fullness of matter imply that there is no hole or
nothingness. The Succession concept is representative of this principle.
Consequently, the usual Number series of Numbers Theory are only the
"do it as you can" of the human language convention.

Detailed example for learning the difference between Succession

and Quantity principles
Let us invent a technique to be abble to count the everyday life

It is difficult to get in conscience the Succession and the Quantity

concepts. It is so difficult that no science and no philosophic theory had
never known that there is a such human problem the most fundamental
base of matter laws.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Thus here following is how to get in these most important consciences.

We are supposed that we are the first human living in the beginning of
the universe. There, one of most problem for us is to ask how we can
define a quantity. The quantity of days the one of fruits and of cattle...

The Sun is displacing in the sky. Sun is the life center. Thus, it is
important to deduce that any life event can be measured according to a
displacement of the Sun in sky. It is why the sundials are not some
unimportant gadgets of the anciant time. A sundial is a length
measurement device used to measure the Sun displacement one.
The Sun is rotating thus a sundial can be a circular rotating device. One
can regularly place six objects on a wheel uniformly rotating.
The Sun displacement in sky can be refered as displacement, according
to some fixed star position. With a such apparatus we can reproduce
some length of these displacements denoting events in a day life.

With this six objects regularly placed on the wheel

circle regularly rotated the device can precisely
simulate the Sun rotation around the Earth.
During the first experiment the inventor note that
the device runs well for denoting the first six
events of the day. But more further it can't denote
precisely nothing and confusing everything. Even
if he places more than six different objects, he
can never denote events number more than these
placed objects.

From these results, he noted a curious remark: why the Sun

displacement can denote precisely so great numerous life events?

This human counting advanture goes over millenarries of time without

no resolution.

However, the human inventor is the same thoughout the time.

All along these times he is on the same counting problem for resolution.
And after many try and errors he found that including on the circle
wheel one another particular defined objet, he can count precisely more
numerous events.

This next figure shows how he adds a new object

on the wheel. It is denoted here as (Io). This
latter is used to denote the end or the starting of
a rotation cycle like the one of the Sun for a day.
With a such mark of the cycles, the device can
now be used for great number of counting.

For long counting the inventor note that it suffice

to count not only the six first elemental objects
but also the cycles refered to this new adding cycle reference. Finally
using the same six first objects, he also count the six next cycles. and

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

in continuation, he can also count the next six cycles of cycles. And so
on... his count technique can be efficient for unlimited count

In conclusion about this counting device. It consists to use in repetition

a same base of number of counts. to SUCESSIVELY count the
successive SUCCESSIONS of the base count. It is done as follows:
1) - With a given number of count, here is six counts possibility.
2) - Then, when counting continually, he notes the succession of the six
base count.
3) - Without stopping counting, he can also count the successive
repetition of the six base numbers. Proceeding in succession of
succession of the used six base count. This process can never be
ended. Thus unlimited number of count can be denoted precisely.

- The + Three-steps + of + the + communication + process + in +

writing (USA)

- Fundamental Counting PRinciple (USA)

- proces of writing (HAN University of Applied Sciences, Hogeschool van

Arnhem en Nijmegen, Netherlands)

- Real World Example of Fundamental Counting Principle

(, (Valley Schools District, One Colombus Drive,
Archbald, Pennsylvania, USA)

Due to the space structure of Distance in homothetic space, we should

understand the structure of counting as association of the universe
space scale formed successively by more and more larger scales.
It is why counting can be done according to any numerical system as
for examples, the Decimal, Hexadecimal and the Binary scale

- When + to + use + Physical + Disk + and + when + to + use +

Logical + Disk + Counters (, MUFG, Japan)

- physical and mental "Huamn" limitation (United Arab Emirates)

Universe Recursive mode

- recursive + universe (USA)

To have some recursive mode insight it can be considered the

sofware process functions, for example, a process for doing
Any where from the sofware sequences, it can't do simultaneously
a multiple real time call to a single multiplication process to get
particular resuls from each call. A multiple multiplication calls

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

should be done as sequential responses to each particular call.

In reality, digital processors machine cannot work in recurvive
mode consisting of doing simultannéously multiple different
services. It is to tell that a same hammer tool cannot stroke
simultaneously many different nails. Consequently we can tell
that man can't never act or create a machine in recursive mode.
However the recursive is not a false concept. Because this latter
is a true universe property.

Where come from the universal law capacity of functionning in

recursive mode?
The digital sofware process can work in recursive manner because
each operation need particular data manipulation. A process is
then basically a particular function even if it is the same for any
call. While the universal laws can be recursive because the
universe is governed by the simultanneity of the Uniqueness

Therefore, we can have a more deeply understanding that any

construction of universal laws in the universe is concerned with
multiple unique operations that are never the same.

Finally, the improved device for the

Sun displacement measurements is
shown on this next figure. The most
internal wheel with little triangles is
the wheel of units. The other external
circumscribed wheels are the
successive counts of their next
internal wheel successively in series.
The measurement of the Sun
displacement AB, is written with the
seven invented words. Traduced in
decimal base, we get the result of a
measurement equal to 130 decimal
units. This final device is a good
means for counting with a little word
combinations to represent unlimited quantities.

At first, this device shows what is the real meaning of the HUMAN
WORD named ZERO which is used as a sign to denote successive cycles
and not erroneously tell as representing the Nothingness of the Devil or
any God or Ghost or any Infinity or any Black Hole or Big Crunch and
Big Bang.
In second, we tell here that these are displacement length
measurements and not the ones of the Sun's or the wheels rotation
speed. Because we don't need any dummy factor as used with the usual

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

TIME belief. You can note that this diagram is like the one of a watch.

Therefore, you should teach to kinders that a watch give a
displacement length in proportion to the Sun one. Thus, you cease
to tell harmfull stupid dummy thing as "a watch gives the TIME".
Doing so, you make kinders growing with the just idea that
accessing to space need to know length Quantity. On the
astronomical view point, the exact idea is that a watch measure

This count technique was then determined by human.

However, he can't yet shout Eureka. Because no mathematician nor

philosophe can tell the WHY of a such count system. What was tell
about are pure dogma believes.

The Dakhiometry can clearly give the WHY of the count property for
human. Thus from there, no more ignorance can be tell about the so
mysterious Numbers in the universe. Youngers must be teached with a
such truth about matter laws.

Here are the basic reasons of the WHY of Counting.

A) - Why in the first six objects counting device, can't we count more
than six times? The basic reason is that according to such successive
process one can never get an end of count. Because each count is
different from the other, human language must invent unlimited words
to denote these unlimited counts. The reasons are:
Succession Principle definition:
The Succession Principle is concerning the property of ONE matter

because that any point is the successive of an another one,

There is a common World though. A one particularly coming from
Polynesian legends and recently known with Gauguin. This though
is deep embeded in any alive as human. Because he is
constructed with matter laws, any human wear in background
many questions about the Being and on his Existence. It is the
famous questionning: "Who are we? Where do we come from?
Where are we going?".
You may note there the Fundamental basic Principe of Succession.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

It is why such questionnings have never some response. Because

the Succession Principe is concerning the Uniqueness. Because if
individual is from Uniqueness this latter is a Permanent Existence
a Principle of Non-Limited that has no end, no Time Destiney of
Death. Succession principe means unlimited Universe
constructions. Succession is the Without-limited Fullness of the
whole Universe even if quantity of matter is a conservative
determined one.

It is why in the first counting device, The fact of using only succession
of counting dont allow to find no end of counting. This process is like
the one of catching at shadows! The succession process is only
concerning ONE point property: each point is only the successive or the
preceeding one.

B) - Now, WHY the second enhanced counting device is a good

technique for unlimited counting?

Important: It is given in the following a fundamental knowledge on

matter laws.

When introducing the sign (Io), that is a Round, the inventor in

introducing a reference point.
Doing that, he is abble to get in the possibility to THE QUANTITY

Because with a reference point on the circle, he can precisely tell what
is the quantity of a total Sun successive displacement lengths.
It is why he can now determine event in a day, any successive days,
successive seasons. Because his wheel can successively represent the
Sun successive displacements. The successive years are possible in
reference to the aged human...

The introduction of (Io), is in fact the Zero invention which was the
wheel symbol designating the circular cycle. Therefore, the Zero is the
basic success of the human counting process allowing unlimited
quantity definition.

In conclusion:
One can tell that ignorance of the WHY and the HOW of counting is not
allowed scince since now. It is the Most Fundamental principle without
that no science is possible if there is no precise Quantity Concept.

- "scince" material (USA)


291 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

The series :
1, 2, 3, ...etc
is representation by human language words, the SUCCESSION FACT

are words for representing the ends of length of 1 unit of length.
are words for representing the ends of 2 units of length.
are words for representing the ends of 3 units of length.

We can note that Zero is only a language word and is not-a-number. It

is a reference point but not Nothingness meaning. It is the same for the
whole integer series and for all numeral series that are only language
words. These words are used as imitations in human language of thing
quantities. The real precise quantities are only given by the space
element structures. Quantities are not successions but lengths
produced according to the succession principle. If there is not
succession in continue then, there is dashed lines. But even in dashed
line, a line remains a line because it stays in a same direction.

The matter point property of Succesion allows the Movement
phenomenon. Thus the object movements are only successive of
displacement lengths or the succession of successive lengths of

Consequently, human can since now, throw out the TIME. This latter is
the human thougth poison. It graws the dogma devouts and spread out
the plage to all the human on Earth.

Important Notes
You may found this Reasons of Counting more explained in details, in
the same chapter written in French on this same website. If you are
interested about it, please make it readable for you with a human more
precise translation in your usual familar language. The French text is
denoted as:


loaded by a navigator through


- the counting principle (USA Time Warner)

292 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Fundamental Counting Principle (Australia Sydney)

- the fundamental counting principle (USA Florida k12)

- zero is not a number (Australia

- fundamental counting principal using tree diagram (USA, California)

Actually, this next figure is a diagram of a tree structure of counting.

The root of the tree is at the most left position. Each branching of the
tree is drawn the numeral base.

- diagrams of succession (Ottawa-Carleton District School Board,


- fundamental principles of counting using tree diagram (Philippines)

Actually it is a tree process. The root of the tree is the unity part from
there are growing branches of growing quantities. The universe
quantity is a tree. Each quantiy is at a step of the successive growing
form where there is no void between successive quantities.

This seems simple as diagram. However, it is the most important base

for logic of space. Note that Space is both the Container and the
Content. This reality fact is of a unbounded fertility of reasons in

For kids there are usefull

exercices to make
acquaintance with how to
name a quantity.
For example how to count
apples beginning by kid C
successively follow by B then
by A. After counting they
learn on how to read the
quantity counted, reading
from A and successively
follow by B and next by C.
Kids will naturally learn what
is the basic order of the
universal succession principle. For example this figure shows how to
count 130 animals and how to read and name this 130 quantity. With a
team of 10 kids, they will learn what is great numeral quantities until a
limit of 110 and how to write them!

This above figure shows how a spatial element (AB) should be the

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

direct function of the Quantities. Spatial elements are the direct

FUNCTION of Quantity. Because a point and a line are Matter. As
Quantity is concerning the Matter then a Space element is necessary
the direct meaning of matter Quantity.

This is not a speculative discourse. The Dakhiometry had define all a

calculation on space transformations is determined by a complete
system. It can do better than the complicated Algebraic tricks and
recipes for the fallacious pythagorean Numbers manipulations.

I am sory to thell that the current Mathematics is unhappily a true

simplistic kid's invention where the Big container of Irrational Numbers
is a Big one for Mathematics Ignorances. These are learning the
consciousness of things and their precise defined quantities.

Mnemonic of Life Basic Logic

- elemental succession (, USA)

It is an exact expression.
The Succession is a concept that designates a concrete process of
discrete or elemental matters. It is because only one element can be a
succession of an another one. One element location should do one
bounce to be in a next localisation. In the immutable universe there is
the Conservation principle, that don't allows overlapping of matter.
Space locations as matter is then the space of successions of locations.
For example it is a contradiction for Continuum dogma to assert that
one can count in the Continuum. Because the first continuum definition
is that it is the No-Succession world.

In Dakhiometry knowledge starts on the fundamental life logic

consisting of distinguishing Discrete Matter principles.

This next diagram allows to memorize the difference between matter

Succession and its corollary, the Quantity.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

In (1), Succession is inter-object FORMLESS placements characterized

by the Without-Limit.

In (2) its corollary,

According to the Succession Principle, forms in the universe ares
possible. With forms, there are matter limits. Between limits of forms,
are generated Quantities.

Limits of Succession create a Beginning and an End that characterize

the Quantity. And Quantity is uniqueness according to the Matter
Conservation Principle. These are basic Matter Facts that allows human
Counting a basic necessarry Life technique for human and also for all
the alive.

However the Counting remains so confusely in all the human though.

This diagram represents how to distinguishe and memorize it the

difference à Succession Principle and its most important basic human
capacity of COUNTING. We can see that the Quantities are limited by
two ends. Usually, we use mixture of Quantities and Succession
process. Thus, Quantities classed by succession of succession of
quantities are really the Basic foundation of the Homothetic Figures.
This definition is unknown until now.

On figure part (2), ZERO is clearly a Limit human language symbol.

Zero is Not-a-Number because it is not a Quantity. The Anciants and
Modern mathematicians have erronneous concept about ZERO because
they don't have no conscience on Quantity Definition.
Thus ZERO means only a beginning and an end Limits for defining

The most mistake is to confuse Number with Quantity. Therfore, since

the anciant time using number as mathematic elements (Arithmetic and
Algebraic), the World is made by the human language laguage. That is
to say: the World is CREATED by human with his imperfect

- "laguage" + as + arbitrary ++ rational (Philippines)

295 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- pi + and + imaginary + number + joke (USA)

How to spatial calculate the Space Constant?

- immutable law (Netherland, ING Bank)

- squaring + the + circle +++ "intuitibe" ++ mathematics (USA Illinois


Space consciouness is necessarily intuitive because alive moving

capacity need to have a global view on space. This capacity is actually
the human intuition capacity.
Concerning the squaring the circle resolution, it is rather a precise
result of a defined problem. From there, successive reasons are
deduced in series. The layout of the squaring a circle problem is as

Considering an imutable structure of circle inscribed in a square, what

can we do to define precisely the difference between these two figure

Because this problem resolution is starting from a precise defined issue

it can be tell that the process of deduction is then a reasonning
development towards a some answer. Even if in the underground we
rest always on the mode of intuitive though, the analytical reasonning
is a fertile complement for a global thinking. If only an intuitive mode is
a guide for problem resolution, a theorem can't never be proved but
always verified.
In fact, it is in this way that the squaring a circle can be resolved.
There is a basic proof of the Squaring a circle that rests on how and
why we can measure the difference between the aeras of the circle-
square in their common struture.

296 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

I did really a proof of the squaring a circle that is no more exposed in

these texts. Origin of the squaring a circle is not due to some
chance. The fact that from year millenaries the squaring a circle is
never resolved, proves that there is no hazard in the universe.

The hasard is then necessarily defined as:

1) - A creation of events from Nothingness.

3) - An abitrarily choice between a given set of already prefefined
existing events. In this case, from where comes from this set of these
events? Finally, this means that all the universe events are from

Because in this case theses laws are not universal. No reason asserts
that our Universal Laws are made from Nothingness. If we note that
universal Law means "happening in the whole Ubiquity and also
Immutability or No-Time".

- i + need + to + make ++ a + "cicrcle" + graph + on + the + computer + how ?


- if + square + is + you + triangle + is + us + cirle + is + ok + what + is +

zero-logic (Japan)

- how + we + drive + value + of + pie (Pakistan)

- history of pi day (USA New York k12)

- history of pi (USA Georgia)

- how + to + make + a + teaching + device + in + the + value +of + pi (Philippines

unep edu)

- pi de David Hilbert (Portugal)

- Squaring the circle (Indonesia)

- square the circle (UK)

- squaring the circle (Malaysia)

At first it is given there a third method to perform the squaring a circle.

This shows that the Dakhiometry Space Constant is really an immutable property of
the universal circle-square structure.

- discover square wheels.gif (Lithuania)

- geometry square inscribed (USA mia)

297 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- squaring the circle (USA Hawai)

- square a circle (USA msn)

- square and circle (China)

- how + do + u + determin + the + aera + and + perimerter + of + a + "squar"


- mathamatic bearings (Papua New Guinea)

- détermination + de + Pi (China)

- inventorofpi (USA Florida)

- formula + for + squaring + the + circle (USA Florida)

- "cricle" and a tangent (USA Indiana k12)

- final + fantasy + The + Cristall + Bears (Cuba)

- Where + is + the + beging + of + a + circle (Canada)

Where is the beginning of a permanence?

Because it receives so many emails for a such problem the circle decided to
transmute into the reality a tool denoted as a Square for the universe measurement
possibility. It began to do like as follows:

- space simultaneity (, UK)

This the basic consciousness of space property. Space

is absolute. This is to tell that any point in space is
immutably defined. This the simultanneity concept
and it allows a fertile knowledge on matter space

- Squaring the circle (New York, Rochester Institute

of Technology)

- c1 discontinuity (Japan)

- squaring + concrete + formula (USA Oregon)

Also, for any space scale, C1 represent the permanent relationship between a
surface and its double. Particularly, C1 contains the define ratio between a circle
surface to the square one circumscribed to it.

- Viet Nam geometry (Vietnam)

It consists here to produce a square (S) of aera equal to the circle (C).

After constructing and placing the little circle (C1) at the square center, two tangents
of (C1) drawn from corner A and B of the square intersect themself at point (M).

The point (M) is the middle of the square (S) side. (M) is the middle of side EF of
square (S).

298 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- formula for squaring a foundation (USA Oregon)

- tangent of circle finite analysis (USA)

In fact, the tangent of circle (C1) is only a way for memory. The segment AM can be
defined by the intersection of (C2) and (C) at point (M). The aera of (C2) is twice the
(C1) one. See further figure for the circle aera definition.

How to use the spatial structure of a circle-square structure to

spatial calculate the Space Constant of this following formula:

- proof + pi + raised + to + the + pi + rational (North Park University

Chicago, USA)

- pi rational (, ottawa, Canada)

- Korea + pi + rational (USA MSN vzw)

- Greek + mathematician- + unresolved + value + of + Pi (Australia


- greek + mathematician + calculator + of + unresolved + value + "if"

+ Pi (Australia Victoria)

Space-Cst= [(sqr(2.sqr(2)-1)+(sqr(2)-1)]2

- "alebraic" images showing relationship (South of Florida, USA)

This is a proof of algebraic imprecision...

- proof: an introduction to higher mathematics (USA wv)

- eureka rational (UK Virgin Media)

- higher mathematics formula (Latvia)

- MATH formula (Korea)

- maths formula (Australia, Victoria)

- Gods mathematical formula (New Zealand, Wellington, Palmerston

299 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

North, Auckland Massey University)

- mathematic formulas (Japan, Kyoto)

- Maths formulas (UK, Leicester De Montfort University)

- calculation math (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)

This mode of calculation is done on the basic space element quantities.

The Space Constnt calculation given here, is not a particular case of
calculation. There is a method of determining any space dimension
according to the four basic calculation operations as the addition,
substraction, multiplication and the division. Obviously any algebraic
calculation can be preformed by this spatial method. It represents the
precise and exactness of quantity reality while the algebraic language
convention tools are full of irrationallity unknown holes.

This next figure-part-(a) show how construction of the space-constant

give the value 3.12...
This value was determined as given by the above formula.
Now as a reciprocal calculation way, how can we do to construct this
formula with space elements?

For this purpose, we start on the structure given at this figure-part-(b).

Note that modern computer can use CAD program that can culculate
figure lengths. This way of calculating lengths rests on the internal
program convention of a unit length for internal calculations. One can
drawn from there any length equal to 1.

- 45 + degrees + circular + area (Cyprus)

You are right.

The quarter of a circle aera of S=k.D2 is equal to the aera of the circle
of diameter (D/2). This latter aera is equal to the "Pi" value relatively to
the scale of its spatial figure.

300 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

There are more many wealthy interesting relationships given by the

Spatial Constant denoted here as (TT), when one use the Spatial
Language. Particularly, on aeras delimited by an arc and segments, as
for examples, the ones on this next figures.

- circles with area pi

(Japan naruto-u)

All these cyan colored circles are of space

constant aeras.

The Space Constant can be get from a circle

of diameter 2. It can be written as:

TT = k.22;

or :

k = TT/4 = 0,78004843...

Therefore, what we tell from the squaring a circle is only a value

proportional to a basic real constant denoted here by (k).

Therefore, the above figure-part-(b) can be choose as a basic structure

for calculationg lengths of figures.

On this basis it is shown in the following how to construct the above


However, because the current arithmetics standard is wellknown, the

numerical value must be considered only as verification of qpace
construction. Because the space construction gives necessarrily a
Rationnal exact and precise lenght. That is to say spatial calculation
never give irrationnal number.

The Dakhiometry can do complete calculations-by-construction for any
scale of figure. The scale defined here is only for everybody more easy

- pi drawn around a circle

301 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

There is a unique certainty about a length. It is the length of the
Space Constant. We are certain that this Constant length is both the
staight line and the curvilinear one! Wealthy consequences can be
deduced from this base.


THE + circle (USA)

- square inscribed in a circle, find the area of the circle (USA California)

It is easy to see that the square where a circle is inscribed has an aera
two time the one of the square inscribed in this circle.

To calculate the aera of a circle as function of its inscribed square, we

will use what these two figures have as common length. It is the
diameter D of the circle that is at the same time the diagonal of its
inscribed square.

So, the aera S of the inscribed square is equal to the half of the one of
the square where this corresponding circle is inscribed. We write as:

S = D2/2 or 2S = D2

We know that the circle aera C is:

C = (Pi/4). D2

Therefore it can be stated:

Theorem of the circle aera C as a function of the inscribed square one


C = (Pi/2).S

- rational + pi (, Germany)

- pi + is + rational (USA Florida Tamu edu)

302 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- pi+is+rational (UK)

- "mathamatic" + pi (Germany)

- is + pi + rational (USA Kansas)

- pi + is + known + to + be + rational (USA)

- pi + is + rational (USA)

- What + does + is + mean + to + square + a + circle (USA)

- pi history and the formula of pi (New Zealand)

- a circle that demonstrates where the actual measurement is derived

for pi (USA Georgia)

- scientists + give + each + other + "hight" + pi (USA Virginia)

- did + proving + that + a + circle + can + be + squared + have +

something + to + do + with + pi (USA Illinois k12)

I had exposed this problem all along my texts in this website here. It
was exposed all the aspects and consequences of the squaring a circle.
There was not only the quite particular aspect that an Old Pi is now
seeing as a simple trick to approximate a factor denoted as Pi, to
measure the circle circumference. Particularly, there is no ideologic
discourse in may texts. And if there are ideologies, they are from the
current world the ideology of them is to protect their stake and not
according to human reason of science.

If there are someones that tempt to preserve the old erroneous Pi as

constant for Mathematic caculations, it is no more concerning my

The rational signification of the squaring a circle is the CERTAINTY of

getting the Space Constant. This latter is the absolute knowledge key
allowing the precise measurements of the universe space. The problem
of squaring a circle is not a game and riddle for mathematicians
entertainement. Because resolving the square transformation from a
circle is not only for a quite exact and precise particular and specific old
issue. This latter was done approximatly for a circle circumference as a
function of its diameter according to the Old Pi. The Space Constant is a
more general wealthy reason conquest to get into the forms of space
that human necessarry need for their technology.

Thus the squaring a circle is a general useful and indispensable key for
a human advanced knowledge. Because of it general quality, the Space
Constant is also the solution for the usual particular problem concerning
the circle the property of that was NEVER really known. For example,
amongst many possibilities, the Space Constant allows to know what is

303 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

precisely the circumference and the aera of an ellipse while an old Pi

can't give any idea on this issue.

The response to this question is:

The solution of squaring a circle, is the one to resolve precisely and
exactly the circle circumference. It allows to get the Space Constant,
the absolute solution that an old Pi can never assert.

- how + many + points + of + pi + are + in + the + circonference + of

+ the + universe (USA Georgia k12)

This is a fascinating conjecture.

May be one of your searcher or any other one on Earth will have some
answer one day. In this time, the universe space will open to human.

- inventer + of + pi + 3.12 (USA)

This day on March 2008 is now really the "Pi Day". Because it is the
First Time that someone tells practicaly the numeral 3.12. Good! It
remains for the billion of little calculators on Earth to tell simply the
same truth. What a world more infinite than the universe!

- set + induction + for + circle-mathematics (Malaysia)

- great world "matematic"

- pie (matematics) (USA Viginia k12)

- PI + in + "matematics" (Kyrgyzstan)

- real + value + of + pi (USA Wisconsin)

- mathematic (Poland)

- - why + do + so + many + modern + round + objects + not + equal

+ pi + when + the + circumference + is + divided + by + the +

- mathamatical instruments (Sri Lanka)

304 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- "MATEMATICS" limit (Turkey)

- End + segment + method + of + computation + of + pi (USA) -

higher mathematics (USA Miami)

Calculation layout

- proove + Pie + is + 3.14 (South Arabia)

Actually, here in the following, is the proof by spatial calculation, how

Pie is equal idirectly to 3.14.

- purebasic + pi + calculation (Thailand)

- what the impossibility theorem really is (USA New Jersey)

- what + us + value + of + pi (USA Texas)

- Geometric Solutions of Algebraic Equations (Korea)

- greek + scientist + considered + to + be + the + greatest +

mathematician + of + the + ancient + world + who + calculated + the
+ the + unresolved + value + of + Pi (Australia)

It was Archimedes. But how he did exactly these calculations is really


- value + of + pi (USA, Colorado, Boulder University of Colorado)

- formula pi (Portugal)

- pi compas (Mexico)

- pi + value (Ukraine)

- calculus gif animation (Lebanon)

- Algebra off course (Peru, Carvajal Co hace las cosas bien)

... of course, really. It can be constructed (calculated) any length of the

space structures more than Algebraic methods can do and imagine. It is
to say the one real human knowledge should be to get back and to

305 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

regain his basic capacity of linking to rational space, the reality needed
for the life development.

- pi geometry (Croatia)

- Pi + 3.12 + Indiana (USA, Ohio Cleveland CaseWesternReserv Univ.,

student cwru edu)

- how + accurate + is + Archimedes + value + of + pie + compared +

to + the + values + known + then + to + the + values + know + now
(optusnet, Victoria, Australia)

Fist pioneers!

- pi + accurate (Vietnam, Viettel)

- Mathamatics + new + invention (

- Greek + scientist + unresolved + value + of + pi (,

Melbourne, Australia)

- new pi formulas never used before (, Alabama, USA).

....... while our current running date is 2011.

Let us construct the corresponding value of this equality:

Here denoted as:

Space-Cst= [(sqr(2.sqr(2)-1)+(sqr(2)-1)]2

Spatial calculus of this equality is done progressiveley as follow:

R1 = (2.sqr(2)-1)
R2 = sqr(R1)
R3 = (sqr(2)-1)
R4 = R2+R3

306 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Space-Constant = [R4]2

- how + the + children + reads + writes + and + understanding

+ in + class + at + biginning (, India)


All of existing languages are language for reporting realities.

Thus, human language is only memories of realities. It is only
formed with realities consequences. However, these latter are not
always fully accessed. Human language are thus necessarry the
product of anthropomorphic realities. Human languages are then
consequences of imperfect reality notions. Therefore, no language
can be creator of reality.
In the other side if human has the property of knowledge on
himself and on what are realities surrounded him, this means that
there is a direct link between oneself with what is not oneself.
There is a direct link between oneself with the whole reality. This
link is denoted as the unique universal language, the one of
reality consciousness. For example, measuring precisely
something is a direct link for accessing to a reality. Reality is no
more than the World presence.
we can tell that this direct consciousness of reality is the
Mathematics Language. However, the true mathematics language
is only concerned on direct reality consciousness and not what is
usually known as mathematics formalisms. The true Language is
the consciousness of the fact of space matter structure. Reality is
founded on these universal structures from where changes of
reality forms are constructed. It is why knowledge on this direct
universal reality language allows the understanding of natural
phenomena and also allows the possibilities of human action for
reality constructions.

- circle achitecture (Korea)

Actually, space is architectured and architecture is space.

- matter + universe + is + constant (Canada)

It is why any form transformation is perfectly and precisely

defined by law of logics.

- PI ACCURATE VALUE (, QuinetiQ, Inspired solutions

for a changing world, UK)

307 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- most + accurate + value + of + pie (Singapore)

- natural + formula (China)

- pie proof math (Thailand)

- rational + form + of + pi (USA Berkeley edu)

- calculationg true lengths (UK Grimsby)

- "mathamatic" + signs (Canada)

- square root (Greece)

- geometry plane line intersection (Romania)

- one circular object with progressive rhythm (India)

- instruments matemátics compas (Spain)

- spider circle square (USA) - how + to + proof + equation +

circle (Qatar)

- define full circle (USA Arizona)

- mathematics and circle pi (Georgia)

- The + ultimate + value + of + PI (Ireland)

- PI + accurate (South Africa, University of Cape Town,

Wamkelekile Iunivesithi Yasekapa)

Let us construct at first

R1 = (2.sqr(2)-1)

According to the above reference figure-

part-(b), we get a circle of radius equal to

308 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- step by step procedure to approximate value of pi using only a

perfectly straight stick (, Oklahoma, USA)

- how to determine space needs (USA amer-Honda)

- square root of line (, New York, USA)

- big circle dia measure (Korea)

- not wear a mask (Indonesia,

In second, il will be determined the square root of

R1 = (2.sqr(2)-1)
That is how to determine R2=sqr(R1).

A circle of diameter AB=R1 is

drawn. This latter intersects the
unit line at point (H). We get then:

Segment AH = R2 = sqr(R1)

Next it will be to construct the

R3 = (sqr(2)-1)

- how to construct a prayer wheel (, Hertfordshire

University, UK)

- how to construct a wheel giant (, Portugal)

... for a great funfair?

- construct a Tibetan prayer wheel (Singapore)

Many more prayer wheels for a better world.

- Srilankan students Hertfordshire University

- Hertfordshire university (China,

309 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Tibetan cosmology (Brazil)

- Tibetan prayer wheels (, USA)

This is to construct length (sqr(2)) subs


This is given directly in the above referent

figure. We represent R3 as the radius of a
circle as is shown on this next figure.

We can now construct the following

result as:
R4 = R2+R3

This construction is straight direct.

Thus, R4 is obtained.

The construction of (R)2 is given in

the next following shematic.

- can be calculated by using the following formula (Russian Federation)

Any quantity of the space can be PRECISELY détermined by

The numeric system was only a conventional subtitute for defining a
quantity when spatial construction is ignnored. Quantity is necessary
the total discrete Points of Lines and Curves. Note that a given spatial
construction is universally determined when defining any given Figure
unit. It can be perform all the usual types of operations used un
algebraic and arithmetic numeric methods.

310 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Practically proof of value of pi with figure (, Nepal) -

excat + value + of + pi (Nepal)

Here is how to get the (R4)2

- gif construct a circle and show how to find pi

(, Oregon, USA)

Pi Length = AP = (R4)2

- The + Law + of + Conservation + of + Matter + animation (Virginia

Institute of Marine Science, USA)

Actually. Space is a matter. No need to any approximation method, the

Squaring a circle is possible as concept and as transformation only
according to the precise matter law of conservation.

- a pi + squared + proof (Canada)

- easy pi explanation and calculation (, Australia)

- product structure calculation how solve (Singapore,

- the + accurate + value + of + pi (Singapore)

- most + accurate + compass + and + easyest + to + use (,

Moutain Telephon, Kentucky, USA)

- enters an accurate value of pi (Phenix, USA)

The only absolute precise value of Pi is only given by a length. For

example, on this figure Pi is the segment AP. It happens when an
unity length is defined for this figure drawing. Or if there is no
particular defined unity then, the length (AP) can be taken as the
constant unit of this drawing. This a great practical advantage
of spatial construction method. It is why the Dakhiometry
denote this Length as a Spatial Constant et not only some the
usual means for circle diameter measurement.

Numérical value given by any calculator, suffer errors due to

numerical conventions on defining quantity as Number with
language alphabets.
Only spatial construction can define precisely any length. There is
really spatial constructions that can do any complex calculations
according to the four basic operations to define any absolute

311 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

precise quantity. It is done in their continuity of quantities

without a lack in this latter. - formulas + de + pi (Columbia)

Finally, how to do R4

For this purpose, the circle

of radius=R4 intersects the
vertical unit line at point

Now it can be drawn a circle

of diameter AP that also has
a chord AT.

Final result:

AP is the result of spatial

calculation for the formula:

AP= Space-Cst= [(sqr(2.sqr(2)-1)+(sqr(2)-1)]2


The Space Constant is concerning all the universe space, WHEN A


For example when the Space Constant Length by itself is chosen as this

fundamental of Science Accuracy:


312 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

In spatial Language,
whatever is the choosen UNIT-Length:


FROM THE SQUARE ROOT OF [2 time the Unit-Length] !!!

The space structure of this above next figure and also the
Pi-Formula prove directly this


Suggestion for scientific definitions of Basic Measurement


The Absolute Space is a basic factor for a best understanding on

the universe transformation phenomena. Until now the Metric
system was invented for science accessing to phenomena.
However the Metric system is only a relative conventional one
for human use only. There are many types of reference for
measurements in the world.
Now, it is an advantage to rest on a true unique universal
reference of quantity measurement.

Therefore, it is more general to define a universal unit of length

getting directly from universe principle according to the
Absolute Space where a rational Universal Space-Constant of
length is precisely defined.

The so mystic Pi of 3.14116... on that man was suffering so

much difficulties:

a) - At first, it is as a Ghost indefined quantity.

b) - And then, Pi is only some mystic irrational Number from
also an artificial Magic Number denoted as universe Archetypal,
the one from an undefined Nothingness of the universe.
c) - Finally, this Pi was mathematically sa colled proved as the
FACT of Impossibility Part of the Univers...

Now, the Universe Space is proved as being Absolute. Thus, true

human Science should rest on true rational defined of accurate
unit of Length.

Drawing a geometric figure need at first to define a unit Length.

The figure unit needs only to choose any-given-Length.

A universal measurement reference is a great benefit for modern

313 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

anti-wasting industry activities on Earth.

Modern science should work for defining a new Universal

Measurement of Forms in the Rational Absolute Space of the
Universe. The new discovery of the Length Space-Constant,
should be the Root for establishing a such New True and Real
universal practical system. Why does The-SPACE-Constant can't
be the the Universal Unit of length???

This is for Man the main necessity.

The fortune is smiling on human. The wealthy construction is the

property of the universe. E.T. peoples is surely a facts in the
universe space. The probabiity of an alive planet like the Earth
is low. More, the discovery of the Absolute property in
somewhere of the Space for an E.T. finding a physical Space-
Constant may be very rare.
Therefore, when Man was really hitting by the stroke of luck in
finding the Absolute property of the Universe Whole Space. The
Universe will be assuredly the place for New Man's Earth-
Sciences with the new potential capability for his space
exploration. The vast whole Universe Space during the next
Futur will be his interested field.

May be, we have to expect:

Man get there a new chance and a new key on the universe

This is the sign of Man fortune, to be a futur

I.T. for somebody, elsewhere far from the Earth and
somewhere in the Universe vast Space!!!

Example when the [Unit of Figures is defined by

The Space-Constant as the Figure-Unit]

Here next, is concerning a Dakhiometry-Conjecture Concerning the

universe Absolute Space:

What is the meaning of the Space-Constant?

(From Length = Number (1)

into [Space-Constant Length = as Unit].

The result is that we get:

A figure of Cercle Unit with :

314 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Diameter = Unit

And a Cercle Unit with aera = 0.25

It can be seen that the current Man's traditional Mysticism of

Circle is vanishing for ever.

For the Straight Length,

the Metric may be also progressively changed into the universal
Space-Constant Unit.
But there, man will meat his Traditinal Inertia contradiction...

Do you have some understanding about the Absolute Space, after

somme millenaries living under Nothingness and Relativity


From millenary, Mathematics was searching the Pi value particularly

the Pi-Length.

However, what is this so-called Mathematics Length of Pi.

And now,
What is the meaning of the Absolute Space represented
precisely by the Space-Constant???

The fundamental Space Constant length is strictly rational

- square root of 2 is rational proof Philippine university (USA)

- Tangen Politechnic Norway (Poland)

- most + accurate + value + of + pi + ever + generated

315 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


- equivalent diameter circle to square (, Virginia,


- prove + point + p + to + line + l + is + unique (,

California, USA)

- how + will + you + use + the + circle + to + prove + the +

value + of + pie (India)

The Space Constant Length is a Rational quantity.

A) - Because its length is constructible.
B) - Because it proves that the circle and the square perimeter are
exactly equal. This is proved in the following of:

The squaring a circle according to equality criterion

This next figure shows how to square a

circle with the criterion that their
perimeters are equal.

This construction is possible only as

down-stream consequence of the
squaring a circle with equality aeras

This can be done according to the

following logic:

a) - We know how to construc the

initial squaring a circle of diameter (D
= MN) using the little circle (C1).

From there it is deduced the Length:

AB = Pi

In such structure, this gives the

formula of any circle perimeter as:

316 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Perimcircle = Pi.MN

From this base, it can be induced that in any of this structure, a

square (ABCD) perimeter is:

Perimsquare = AB.4


Perimcircle = Perimsquare

Pi.MN = AB.4

Finally, when the old Pi is renamed as Space-Constant then,

The Space Constant, is given universally in any of this
circle/square structure, by:

Pi = (AB.4)/MN

This logically means that in this structure, the square perimeter

(ABCD) is always equal to the circle one, as 4 times the symbolic Pi
length (AB) of any figure scale.

Such equality comes from the reason that the quantity (4), is no more
than the SCALING FACTOR for the Pi, in any figure scale.

It is why
in Dakhiometry the old name Pi, is more Justly denoted as the Space
Constant provided that it value is always valid in any space scale.

Fantastic isn't?!!!


Theorem of the squaring a circle on the criterion of perimeter


According to figures by spatial construction, with perimeter

equality criterion, the squaring of any circle of diameter MN,
whatever is its dimension scale, the perimeter of the resulting
square is always equal to 4 times the Length AB.

This next figure resumes the squaring a circle of diameter MN


1) - In red color, the square under aeras equality criterion.

2) - The square ABCD is the result of squaring the circle, under
perimeters equality criterion.

Consequently, this means that:

317 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

The Space Constant Length AB is a RATIONAL QUANTITY.

In summary
The universe Absolute Space is characterized to have the two
properties of being Curvilinear and Linear.
The Absolute Space is then defined by ONE Constants in the two
forms concerning the Quadratic and the Linear ones. They are
given through the Circle to the Square Transformations.
The unique Space Constant construction is given in its two forms on
the above figure and next under two numeral form representations:

Under such spatial forms, the direct and the reciprocal of circle versus
square, can be get easily when is given AB or MN.

Written under the old rigid Number form is:

- the + numberto + of +pi (, California, USA)

- did Archimedes use area or circumference to calculate pi (UK)

It is to don't-forget-me.
In anciant time Euclide try to see the factor that link between a circle
and a line. This comes from the fact that a running wheel performs a
rotation cycle with its diameter. It is the same problem that
Archimedes temps to resolve. It is to resolve the circle circumference
with equivalent polygons.
Thus the classical Squaring a Circle is concerned only to know the
circle diameter as a factor given by a circumference Length. Extended
to the aeras equality is due only to that it was supposed that the
diameter of a circle is probably concerned as a common factor.
But really, Aeras or Circumferences are not clearly defined as a "to be
or not to be" way for resolving the squaring a circle.
Thus logically, it should be stated that:
When one had done the squaring a circle, one should underline
this common factor as both the Aeras and the Lines as this
equalities or this unity in the circle-square equivalence.
Consequently, this unity has the main meaning of the Universal
Transformation Constancy, the property of that defines the
concretness of the Absolute Space.

318 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- how + do + you + know + that + squaring + is + a + reversible +

operations (, USA)

- The + mathematical + nature + of + PAI + forbids + the +

construction + of + a + straight + section + with + a + length +
equal + to + the + perimeter + of + a + circle + using + only + ruler
+ and + compass. + as + well + as + the + squaring + of + the +
circle (sbcglobal.netn USA)

May be, "PAI" is the problem key.

Because as shown in the following, it can be easily constructed the
length of the square (K2) perimeter equal precisely to the circle (Cs)

- equivalent diameter circle to square (, Virginia, USA)

- the application example of regions between circle and square

(, USA)

Actually, comparing circle to square and consequently to any other

form, is equivalent to compare precisely, square to square or circle to
this can be done universally whatever are concerned any scale in

- animasi + mathematic + chapter + circle (Malaysia)

- walking along a circle with rational step (, USA)

- Discretness + of + a + scientific + text (Ukraine)

- equivalent square for circle (Madison, Wisconsin, USA)

It is really what is the rationnal fulness in EQUIVALENCE as

relationships meaning. The euclidean Equality by Superposition is only
a particular empirical statement.

- mathematical impossibilities (Australia)

- a circle is inscribed in a square. Remove the corners and the

perimeter stays the same (USA)

... the perimeter of this cercle and this square with its new aera.
Actually, it is because this new square is in fact, the result of this
circle squaring. Really, the squaring a circle has the simultaneity
property for the universe Beginning event where process of
construction was starting at a whole. It is the characteristic of the
whole universe Absolute Space. This explain the pertinency of the
Dakhion ubiquity as a physical property.

319 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Determination + of + the + value + of + pi + theory (Ghana)

- which + mathematician + founded + a + society + whose + logo +

is + a + "sqared + sqare" (India)

It can be noted that the squaring a square is neither forbidden nor
impossible. One can do easily the squaring a square, with a circle as a
relational medium.

- ETBU + immutability (USA)

- universal + factor ++ mathematics (Niger)

It is the TRUE Space Constant. Consequence is that Locations

anywhere in tbe universe space structure, are perfectly and
immutably determined in their forms. It is why any form and
quantities, near by or far aways from an observer, is always in its
same form and quantities. The perspective view is only an illusion
factor in three dimension that is only significant as 3D scales.

- Principles + of + Consequences (Austin, USA)

- New Pi Theory (Croatia (Hrvatska))

- circle + internal + square (Ireland)

Actually. Pregnant Circle.


LIVING + MIND (, South Africa)

- elements + of + construction + law + in + Malaysia (Malaysia)

- squaring of the circle problem proof (, Pennsylvania,


- space + structure (Vietnam)

- equivalent circle AND square (, Canada)

- Transmutation circle (Ukraine)

- using angle properties in Circle art (Manitoba, Canada)

- transcendentaal pi (Netherland)

320 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- equivalent + square + from + circle (, Canada)

This is a just expression on this problem. It is because equivalence

concerns any physical factors that can define objects.
But when was tell as the Squaring a Circle, one shows that this
problem concerns to adjust different Forms, like what a blacksmith
was working on iron material. Mathematics are mainly as mechanical
manipulations. It was this method that Archimedes had used in
tempting tp resolve his Pi and his Method. They are only mechanical
manipulations. It is because
the Geometry was and is to day, the erroneous idea resting on
MORPHING things.

The Absolute Space is multiple in its differents in its uniqueness and

multiple of structures. But Space is not contradictory with the
possibility of Morphing Space as it is basically stated by the
Relativities theories. Therefore, the Reltivities stay in the inheritance
of the old millenary belief of the Geometry Morphing method.

- pi is rational (tamu.deu, Texas, USA)

- Which is an accurate description of pie (, USA)

- Intrinsic circles (, Buffalo, USA)

Really, the circle is intrinsic to any linear figure. The circle is trully the
root origin of Forms in the universe. Forms in the universe is as the Tree,
where the root is the Cricle Circle properties. It is why the Space is both
Isotropic and Homogeneous. At the origin, the Space is in Permanent
state. At this time tne universe is circular and the spase is only Isotropic.
When appeared the Linear property in space, this latter get the property
on being in the capacity of matter in mutual interaction. The universe
Beginning can then started according to the event of the Squaring the
Circle process for the fulness of Isotropic and Homogeneous Space

- fullmetal alchemist transformation circle (USA)

- taoist + squaring + the + circle (k12, Ohio, USA)

- Constructing + The + Universe (Vietnam)

- demonstration of squaring the circle (Bolivia)

- squaring + a + circle + is + possible (Brazil)

- value of pi IN UNIVERSE (, India)

Actually. This value is a Universal Constant as due to the construction by

321 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

transformation property inscribed in the Circle structure. This universal

property drives to great consequences. For example without this Constant,
science will never kow matter Aeras and Volumes than only acoording to
the empirical methods. Also, the existence if a such universal Constant,
shows that the Relativity theories are quite born from a huge fantasy.

- geometrische + konstruktion + von + harmonischem + mittel


- new pi circle (, Texas, USA)

- all + truth + can + be + circumscribed + into + one + great + whole

(, InsightBroadband)

We can actually determine all the principles from there are originated all
the Truth as a Whole that we human can access. All the truth from there
are formed our rational knowledge.

- new + pi + value (, BlackBerry, USA)

Next figure resumes a more deeper inside view of the Squaring a Circle

In fact, there are really a double equivalent results given by the squaring
problem solutions. The Key (AB) of this problem gives rise to two

322 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

solutions of transmuting a Circle into a square in both Forms of equalities

as follows:

1) - Transformation under Equality of Aeras.

2) - Transformation under Equality of Perimeters.

It show that the ratios between the three Circles and the three Squares
circumscibed to theses circles are equal to the same Space Constancy
divided by 4.

The consequence are also to give the different angles characteristic to

these transmutations. These angles are the right angle of a square.
Therefore, we can tell that the squaring a Circle gives wholy the 3
characteristics of a square as:

A) - A Length.
B) - An Aera.
C) - And a Right-Angle.

Fantastic isn't?
In fact, the Circle produces a turnkeySquare or a ready-made
Square for the Beginning of the universe construction.

A such universal Constancy in the universe space misrepresents
the Einstein's Relativity where his mass-spatio-time can be
deformed at any time and where the Space can have no
determined form.



This above equality is spatially constructible.

- precision measurement through the verification of pi (, Philippines)

- true + value + of + pi (, Switzerland)

- how + accurate + is + pi (, USA)

323 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- how + are + the + digits + of + pi + calculated + and + when

+ calculation + how + do + they + calculate + it (, South

The denoted quantity problem is not resolved until now by any

existing science.
Because until now quantity is only a language word know as
conventional Number. A word Number is significant for limited
particular quantities only by convention. Quantities obey to the
universe principle of discrete Succession continuity. Thus
whatever are word that language can invented, they are only
imperfect image of the succession. For example the decimal
Number can't represent the true successive quantity of matter.
The Number words as base to represent quantities are necessarily
a distorsion of the true quantities. Mathematics had invented the
Irrationallity and the Real Numbers. These methods are only
mirages of quantities continuity. Now the modern digital
technology is only the direct application of thes Numbers mirages.
As for the Achimedes' exhaustion principle, any digital
calculation, as wide as their digital words length are, is
necessarily like the Achiles running after the Tortoise.

The current Sciences don't know how to dénote any precise

quantity because of their belief on the Number illusions.
Only precise quantities can be in concret terms represented by
space elements as point and lines. This should be a futur issue
that science have to resolved. In the meantime, any quantity
represented by the language words as Numbers, is only
approximation that can't goes further than a maximum of 4 or 5
decimals. Practically quantitiy precision remains the same known
and established by Euclide that are no more than some percents.
For example, the formalism of [ 135 ] is only a mirage even if
modern sciences rest on such convention. Error done with such
formalism during long algebraic calculations where the Euclidean
division algorithm is an another systematic source to complete for
a total blurring of precision possibility.
So the so called infnite irrational value for the Archimede Pi is not
a scientific problem. It is no more than a scientist pleasant
applied mathematic joke like the Zeno's Aciles and the Tortoise.
Really, there are too much basic things that the current sciences
have to build to be abble to cancel too much of their millenary

324 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- new + value + for + pi (, The University of Edinburgh,

Scotland, UK)

- true + "balue" + of + pi + not + 3.1415 (, USA)

- line + circle + purebasic + intersection (Germany)

- pi + length (Hungary)

- the + square + root + of + pi (USA s.o. California)

On this above figure, AT is the square root of Pi.

- pi + rational (Germany Bosch)

- Physic + Scientiest + and + Mathematician + Formula (Malaysia)

Current science is looking the world through Relativity Optic

- how + many + centimeters + squared + equals + a + meter +
squared (, USA)

Proceeding in such manner we get always:

(x centimeters)n = 1

That is to tell, human is always living in Relativity realm. He can

know the world only by relativity in measurement. It is why
human science needs so many unit systems for measurement.
Therefore, science can define something only in one choosen unit
sytem. Thus, we can not measure something through two
different units as centimeter together with meter. What we can do
is to mesure things only with meter or only in centimeter. For
example the good manner is:
(0.0x meter)2 = (y meter)2
It is the possible definition Relatively to the Meter as Unit.

Would our destiney be only in relativity manner?

The answer is no!
There is the unique good manner for science of measurement. It
is the use of elements of spacial realm for science.
Because we can always measure or calculate a length (A) as the
square of an another length (B) squared. The result is always
unique in spatial language.
For we human, to read such results we need only to introduce in
this system, a given length defined as the Unit of these
Finally, the only thing to do is to scale any length according to

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

this given unit!

All these calculations rest on logics justified by perfect reasons that are
not exposed here but can be verified by everyone everywhere in the

- religion pure geometry distribution (Australia, Melbourne RMIT


- advance calculation (, Netherlands)

Because there is really a complete process of spatial method for
calculations with the four basic operations. For example, any point of
rectangular aera can be precisely deternined by spatial calculation of
multiplication or division this include root of quantities. This way of
calculation is until now ignored because human was from millenary
formated to the Arithmetics and Algebraic manner of seeing the world.

- miracle geometry

If this remark concerns the spatial calculation then it is really a most

astonishing event for the usual one's habit of calculations. But
considering that calculations are no other think than the space as
absolute property. Absolute state means that everything can be defined
and therefore, known from any where of space location. Precise
calculations is the consequences of such space property. Manipulating
space element don't know any hole necause space is the fullness of the

- pi + value (Romania Craiova)

- circle squared geometry (, Ireland)

This next figure resumes all the above spatial constructions. It is here
no more any resolution of old Pi using the impotent Geometry.

- geometry in circle square (, MLL Micro Leads Limited,


- how + to + make + the + easyest + cake + on + earth + without +

wipped + cream (, ACANAC INC Feature Panel, Canada)

- squaring method for building (, Trinidad And Tobago)

- Acanac logo (, Acanc Inc., Canada)

326 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- background + of + the + pi + value (Kampuchea, Cambodia)

- National Academy for the Performing Arts-Trinidad&Tobago (Israel)

- method of gold secant (, Ukraine)

- achitecture in Cambodia (Cambodia)

Nice Khmer architecture art...

- Achitecture in Cambodia (Cambodia) - Cambodia architech (Vietnam)

- Khmer art symbols (, USA)

- building Cambodia new Khmer architecture (Cambodia)

Khmers are high artistic and inventive people.

- Cambodia architecture (Philippines)

- viettel post o Campuchia (Vietnam,

- Cambodian architecture diagram (, Washington, USA)

- modern Khmer architecture (, Illinois, USA)

- Cambodia animation (Malaysia,

- Arts architecture of Khmer (Cambodia)

- modern architecture in CAMBODIA (, Cambodia)

- what + is + the + most + acurate + way + to + express + pi

(, NHS Your Health)

- student + is + attitude + toward + "mathamatic" (Thailand)

- pi + et + force + centrale (, Japan)

It doesn't appear obviously but this problem is the basic point

root proving that until now, science ignore wholy the fundamental
circular property of the universe space.

An universal Central Force is the negation of the concrete discrete

space. A center is not a center if it is not defined. This point
center is then obly the point where the Hasard will occur
anywhere. This is no more than the universe depending to the
Nothingness or Infinity. Nothingness is only a concept of
No-Space. Paradoxically current science for example the
Dynamics, where it rests on the universe described as Movement.

327 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

It is because movements are the reality of concrete space

distances. And really Movement as the Newton's Force, is no more
than undefined. The Dynamics is then the attempt to describe the
Relativity where nothing exist without being refered to some
other thing, that in turn is no more defined because of their
relativity. This is only the eternal existence of the hazardeous
central force that finally was supported in its extremum bad
effect, by the Einstein theory.

The Pi is no more than a exercice joke to get one unknown

circular relationship in space.
But with the Space Constant, it should be disavow such current
false science concepts.

- Calculating + Spatial + Resolution (..)

There are to much reasons to expose if the Dakhiometry Spatial

Language have to be exposed.
However, it is the main tool appropriate tool for the universe

Considering that the Spatial Language is direct manipulation of

the universe real Space because this tool is no more than
accessing directly the universe Space according to an homothetic
sample of this Space.

It is not the case for the old Geometry. This latter is only a
cobventional drawing that of figures replacing the words of a
given talking language. That is to tell the Geometry may more
efficient if one replaces it by cartoons or diagrams. Geometry is
only a conventional incomplete language as like for the different
Number systems. There, the symbols are only conventions. Like
the modern numeric systems, that is no more than conventional
technique for defining words that may carry any conventional

With the Spatial Language the difference is that this latter allows
to directly work on the universe Space by using it on direct
homothetic samples. The universe Space has precise basic
alphabets when are used allows the direct understanding of the
universe phenomena.

It is why the Dakhiometry Spatial Langauge can transforms the

real Space for its constructions as the nature can do it. For matter
transformations, it can perforem the addition, Substarction, the
Multiplication and the Division by using directly the Points, Lines
and Curves for defining Aeras and Volumes of any Forms.

The squaring-Circle can be completly resolve according to the

Spatial Language. There is more definitions about the Squaring-
Circle that is not exposed in texts of this this web site.

328 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

One can not clamed that hi is inventing the Suaring the Circle and
consequently the Pi Value, if he dont know completly the Spatial
Language... because the Squaring a Circle is directly the
consequences of the Spatial Language Definition. There are more
interesting consequences about the Squaring-Circle that are not
yet exposed here. Particularly the squaring-a-Circle directly from
pure circle elements.

This is to tell that without the Circular kknowledge there is no

possible some ideas on the transformation of Circle into a
The fundamental truth is that with the current Mathematics
the Squaring a Circle is really Impossible.

It not due to mathematicians lack of imagination.

It is fundamentally due to the Mathematics ignorance on circular
property ! The Circle is not simply from the machanical Compass.

In fact, it is one of many

method to resolve the squaring
a circle (C) done in
Dakhiometry. The purpose is to
construct the Space Constant
length AP from reasons found in
the circle-square structure. The
square transformed from (C)
has AM as side.

- modern geometry constuctions

(, Greece)

There is no spatial construction

limit according to that space is structured and in any situation an
universal structure can be precisley determined as reference of
construction. And more, the four basic transformation operations is also
properties of space. Therefore, with a more better acquaintance with
the space properties human science can understand more easily natural
phenomena and also construct his projects according to precise
universal laws. This a reality fact and not an another modern ideology.

- rational + value + of + pi (Qatar)

- "Mathamatic" + concept + of + zero

329 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- "Mathamatic" concept of numbers (India)

- what + happens + when + I + take + the + length + times + width

+ and + the + "suqare" + root (USA)
You throw away the root, find length=width and finally get a square as

We had gotten this formula according to spatial analysis of the Spatial
Constant, given by the squaring a circle.
What is done there:
We was doing there the reciprocal of this formula according to the same
spatial method.
It consists to find from a square, the basic remanences of circle from
where a square is structured: the Space Constant. Because in a square,
there is no known data to determine this Constant (3.12...) while only
the circle properties allow to get it. In brief, a square can be
transformed into a circle only and only, when a squaring a circle is yet

This is why until now, no mathematician succeeded to resolve the

squaring a circle. All had trying to do the sqarring a circle, in tempting
to make a ligne look like to a curvilinear one! That is to say: everyone
had tempting to do the circling a square without knowing the squaring
a circle.

You have gotten there the Mystery on the IMPOSSIBILITY of a squaring

a circle!

The above Space Constant formula is really a spatial formula. It is a

new aspect given by the Dakhiometry never known until now and
obviuosly, is not a conventional Algebraic formula.

- "perfact" circle (USA)

All the numerical values that we meet along the squaring a circle are
only used because of the standard habit of Algebraic an Arithmetics
only known by the current Mathematics.

But really, it is shown here that calculation by spatial construction is

the full rationnality of any universe quantity. This rests on a matter
space fully defined as dicrete and absolute in location.

- can i get yo number (USA)

- square root (Canada)

330 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- complicated math (USA)

- X-radius diffraction introduction geometry reciprocal space image


Reciprocal space is used as description for Crystal Lattice network in

X-radius measurements.

- extraterrestrial + "prrof"

- why+pi+is+rational

- pi+is+rational

- exact+rational+value+of+pi

- most+accurate+values+ for+ pi+ calculation

- "mathamatic" + problems + for + find + out + ratios (USA)

- triangle unit circle (USA)

If we can construct an unit circle of radius=1, then any inscribed

triangle must necessarry of decimal dimension below 1.
In Dakhiométry it can be calculated figure also of any scale known as
decimal measurements. It is why there is no possibility of irrationnal
dimension because space element is located always by a precise point.
Therefore, if there was mathematics irrationallity it is due to the
Numbers. These latter are created by human language that can't have
the hyper high spatial resolution as for the universe discrete matter.

The true basic proof of circle Aera

The circle aera proof can be done only when a Space Constant is
known. This latter allows to do the squaring a circle. Next, with
the Space Constant the squaring a circle can appear. This step is
the event of the possible measurement conscience for knowledge
of the universe. Finally, according to the measurement possibility
of a Space Constant as reference, the circle aera can be now

- Origin + of + the + value + of + PI Greek + word + for +

circumfrence (India rbn gov)

- natural circle with diameters (USA Kansas)

331 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- Pi + the + whole + calculation (USA so California)

- Squaring the circle, why (SouthAfrica)

- spatial structure (China)

- circle "area" equations (Canada)

- simple + proof + circle (, Germany)

- images with circle and rectangles (York University, Toronto, Ontario,


- basic design composition with circle and "regtengle" and "squers"


- spatial structures (, Russian Federation, http://www.iass-

- most + exact + value + of + pi (Singapore)

One of the first practical application with such precise value, is to

inroduce it in technology. At first, it is to have an international
agreement to define a circle with this new value, for example include it
in any mathprocessor and in digital processes programs as for any
C.A.D used for technology conception.
This is a vast challange as industrial job to correct the current
mathematic defaults.
Without this necessary task, any Mathematics enhancement will not be
really useful. There are actually a huge amount of enhancements.

How to calculate the circle aera?

Well, for the new year 2008, it is time for all human on the Planet to
use the most logic simplicity of spatial language to prove the circle aera

Considering this next figure and with the Lamca theorem giving the
equivalent rectangles from a square, the circle aera is directly given in
the circle-square spatial structure.

On this next figure, we have:

the aera (S) of the square is

332 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

S = AM

According to the Lamca theorem, this

square aera (S) is equal to the
rectangle one of sides AP and AD.

- cicrcle + with + pi + in + the + middle (, Australia)

- Robot vision equivalent rectangle (Taiwan)

It is a practical means for robot image processing precise calculation.

- rational root theorem (USA)


S = AM2 = AP.AD

This formula given by the Lamca theorem, is proving that a chord AM

squared in the circle (C) is equal to the product of segments on its
diameter AD=2R, divided by the height MP from summit M. (R) is the
circle (C) radius.

According to the squaring a circle, the square aera is equal to the circle
(C) one.

circle (C) Aera = AP.AD

- "cirle" "area" (United Arab Emirates)

- applied mathematics formulas (area) (Bloomsburg Univ. of

Pennsylvania, USA)

- what is the formula for a solid circle (Time Warner telecom,


You are quite true. Any spatial form is fundamentally solid

objects. It is because space locations are basically discrete matter
that we can have conscience and can measure any real thing.
Then because a circle is a solid, the one of all the solid locations
that define it, than we can measure its diameter.

- aera + of + a + circle (, United Departement of

Agriculture, USA)

333 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

It suffice now to examine this figure to read and express the theorem
of circle aera. This latter is directly defined in the space structure when
the squaring a circle is resolved.

With AP = Space-Constant,
the aera of the circle (C) is there precisely equal to:

circle (C) Aera = (Space Constant).(2R)

Or practical expressed:
The aera of a circle is equal to its Diameter time the Space Constant.

- "area" equation (USA nj) - formula for "area" (USA nj)

This statement seems to be strangely an erroneous one.

However, it is exactly true! Why?

a) - Note that the squaring a circle can be done with the condition that
the square aera is equal to the aera and/or the circonference of the
initial circle. Therefore this above statement is a quite exact and
precise one.
b) - To prove it, consider this next figure. This latter shows that the
diameter AD of circle (C) is equal to it radius squared (R2).

- true basic (HongKong)

- perimeter of a circle (Canada, Ontario, Hamilton McMaster Univ.)

- demonstration + of + the + "area" + of + circle (South Africa, Cape

Town, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences,

- circle "area" formula (HongKong)

- mathematical pi (, Wisconsin, USA)

- Regular + solid + whose + surface + area + is + 4 + Pi + times +

the + radius + "suared" (, UK)

- mathematical algorithm morphing art (, Spain)

Actually. The universal Space properties are immutable. The

consequence of which is being abble to morph in unbounded manners.
In fact, Space is immutable as defined exactness in Changes.

- Africane Institute for Mathimatical Science (Ethiopia)


Streetsville, Canada)

334 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- rolling circle mechanism (Vietnam,

- model matematic (Poland)

- the + expression + TT.r2 + gives + the + area + of + a + circle +

with + radius + r (, California, USA)

Let us construct the square of side

(AD') formed by the intersection of
(C) with the unit axis (u). According
to the Lamca theorem,
AD'2 = A(u).AD
In this case of figure we can write it
AD'2 = AD

The diameter of (C) is defined as

equal to 4, its radius R is thus R=2.
With A(u)=1 then, we have AD'=
OD'= R.

Because we have according to the squaring a circle:
aera (C) = AM2 = AP.AB = AP.AD = Pi.AD
with AP=Pi and also:
AD = (AD/2)2 = (AD2)/4
Thus, with AD=4,
circle aera = Pi.AD = Pi.(AD2/4) = (Pi/4).AD2

As the squaring a circle happens when the square aera is equal both to
the circle aera and its perimeter then,

square aera = circle aera = circle perimeter

[(Pi/AD).AD2]aera = (Pi.AD)perimeter

- mathematical pi (, USA)

- Proofs without words area of circle (Australia, New South Wales)

circle Perimeter or circle aera

The Perimeter of a circle is equal to its Diameter time the Space

335 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

circle perimeter = (Space Constant).(Diameter)

While stating only the circle aera we get both the aera and the
perimeter of the circle ones! Therefore, reading directly from the
squaring a circle structure we get the basic complete two circle
theorems as follows:

circle disk Aera

The aera of a circle is equal to its Diameter squared time the
Space Constant divided by 4.

circle aera = (Space Constant/4).(Diameter2)

Note that space is a matter. Therefore, a curve or a line is formed by

successive elemental matter. An elemental matter is a cube of unit
dimensions. Then, any point of space is seen at least as a square.
Therfore, a curve and a line is also an aera formed by successive
elemental unit squares.

- mathematical "area" (, California, USA)

- person who figured out the equation of a circle (Canada)

This is the just and important expression.

Actually, until now notions of a circle are conventional and
abstract ones. From there it throws up the irrational and
transcendental number problems because it was stated that these
types of numbers can't be geometrically constructed.
In opposition to these Mathematical opinions here in this text, the
circle is rationally constructed with concrete space elements.
Therefore and really, the circle can be figured out concretly from
In Dakhiometry it is proved rationally that ANY NUMBER as
language symbols, that are no more than Matter Quantities,
can be defined and constructed with space elements.
While matter is discrete in hyper-finesse, however there is no hole
or no gap in a line according to the Succession Principle logic.

- "perfact" circle (Canada)

- Pythagorean Theorem formula for "stupid" people (Canada


- calculus "area" curvilinear (Thailand)

- the + ratio + "og" + "thwo" + sides + lenghts + of + the + triangle +

is + AB%3A+BC+is+2%3A5 (USA wednet edu)

336 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

May be, the ratio of two sides in a triangle is the ratio of the square
root of this two sides squared.

- circle + surface (Israel)

The circle aera is a reality.

The basic reason is as follows:
Because there is a sphere aera and as a sphere is formed by
successive circles then the logic states that; The sphere aera is
composed of successive circle aeras

A sphere aera can be calculated with an algorithm using
successive circle aeras.
Algebraic Integral calculus is only an approximation. There is
proof using straight edge and compass that shows precisely a
such aera construction of the sphere. From that, one can define
any part of a such spherical aera.

Statement of the Space Constant

- mathematics is the language of nature pi (Mexico)

This is a Fact. The Space Constant is from the universal spatial

language, the one of the life talking. Life talks when creating.

- give statement of pi (Bhutan)

The Space Constant is a more fertile basic space property than what is
known with the Anciant Pi. This latter is only a means for measurement
of a circle.

The universe matter space is a whole absolute precise locations for

defining precisely any object construction according to structure and
quantity of matter conservation. Without precise location in space,
there is no possible conservation law. Space is not a passive property.
In the contrary, space is the concrete reality of the universe Potential.
We must keep in mind that any space location should be a means of
potential measurement and its direct transform that is the Kinetic
Energy. If there is no absolute space property then, there is no possible
measurement of length, no potential and no means of measuring kinetic

Therefore, if there is the necessity of an absolute space, there is also

and necessarily, some Space Constant that play the role of scale

337 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

reference. It is only the property of the universe Uniqueness Principle.

So one should consider the result of the squaring a circle is to find out
the most fondamental space property that allow to describe precisely a
relatonship between circular realm and the linear one. The following
Space Constant statement is to underline the absolute discrete
placements of elemental locations allowing the whealthy of forms in the

- physical meanning (Egypt)

- transmutation circle (Slovak Republic)

- pi + needs + to + be + accurate + to + define + a + pie + chart

(, Uk)

The Archimedes' pi is accurate within 1/10 (3.1...) what ever are the
decimal digits of a computer used.

Why is it fundamental to name the Space-Constant?

- Pi + the + breath + of + the + universe (Australia)

In Fact, there is nothing else than the Space-Constant. The Pi is only man
anecdotal history.

Here is why it is rational to be in consciousness of a Space-Constant.

The space-contant is explained all along this text. However practically

nobody means it.

338 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Here on this next figure it is proved why a space-constant is constant

because it is the reminiscent of the universe Permanent principle. In
fact the space-constant is a direct avatar of the absolute space
structure represented by the circle/square system.

From the absolute space the cercle/square structure is immutable.

this means that any ratio between circle and square points that are
refered to the common center, is a constant whatever the scale of this
circle/square system.

Any ratio from the circle/square is a Space Constant !

Particularly, the two caracterized circle denoted as (C1) and (C2) are
representative to this structure constancy.
The ration (AC/AD) represent the space constancy of circle/square

In any figure scale, there is the identity according to the homothetie

of circle/square system.
In any space scale, the circle/square system is a constancy in
their form ratios.

With AD=4, the space-constant is written as:

Space-Cst = (AC/AD) = (3.1201937.../4 = (Pi/4)

where (3.12019...) is the new value attributed to the so-called anciant


This figure show why in any figure scale the space-constant is truly
immutable and consquently the Space-Constant is a true universe

It should be noted that the two circles (C1) and (C2) is the proof
that the square-root of 2 is a Constant.
Therefore, the (square root of 2) is a rational quantity
because a constancy is necessarily a rational precisely
determined value.

Therefore, the Socrate's incommensurable unit square diagonal

is only the proof that the space constant was still ignored.

- prove square root of x (, Bresnan Communication, USA)

The Dakhiometry proof of square root construction is yet done!

339 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

However, because of the coagulated Pythagoras' theorem maniac, no

mathematician have some insight into it.

Statement of Space-Constant TT

Constructions in space are done in successive locations with two

characteristics. There are two independent space placements: the linear
and the curvilinear.

Relationship between linear and curilinear successive locations in

lines, are in ratio related together in proportion with the Space
Constant denoted as TT. The two characters T means
Transmutation. This latter is an unique key for the possibility of
equivalence between linear and curvilinear figure.

Example of curvilinear aera (S) of circle

and the volume (V) of sphere:

TT = 4[S/(D2)]

TT = 6[V/(D3)]

- is r2 TT the same as TT r2 in the formula for the area of a circle


These above (TT) for aera and volume show that space is characterised by
two realms that are the Linear and the curvilinear oneS. As space is the
universal unity then it must be some relationship linking these two space
forms. A such something should be universal and should not be particular
arangements in space construction.
It is why this space unity is the simple spatial constant denoted here ad
the (TT). This is a new concept that has nothing to do with the Anciant Pi
attached to the difficulties of measuring a circle.
Aside this theorical statement for the Constant (TT), its uniqueness is also
illustrated in practice. It can be proved in Dakhiometry that this Constant

340 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

can be discovered in a linear spatial structure without any circle.

Therefore this next raltionship:

can be given by the structure used by the "spatial calculator" of the

Dakhiometry. This latter is only a linear structure in a square inhreited
from the squaring a circle. The calculatore needs not the necessity of
using any curvilinear tools as surface and perimeter of a circle.

The (TT) is really The Universal Spatial Constant.

It has a wealthy consequence when it is understood. Because if universal
laws are expressed only in a Two Dimension Planes, any 3Dimensions
volume needs the necessity of a mixted Linear and Curviliear unity. For
example a planar latice of a solid can be stay in a plane, the whole solid
can be formed by other latice planes that can extended in any other
Thus the final solid is necessarily a form of mixted linear and curvilinear
types. Therefore, the construction of the universe objects is possible
only according to this Spatial Constant, denoted here as (TT), that
allows the coherence of space unity.
It is why knowing that, the Dakhiometry can define and state simply any
solid volumes. The old mathematician Pi is a too poor empirical concept
and can define volume only through analogy with some few linear solid
forms as did Archimedes when trying his Famous Method.

A more logical statement

- birth + of + a + square (India)

The circle transmutes in structure to reveal space elements in possible
conscience of measurement. This is the birth of a square the Anciants
denoted as the life birth. The meaning of the squaring a circle from
that measurement conscience in space was possible. Therefore, the
statement of the squaring a circle should be as follows!

The linear space is from a curvilinear transformation. It consists

to correspond successive points on curve to successive points
on a straight line. This equivalent transform is defined
according to a Space Constant (TT), as following:

341 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Examples of curvilinear aera (S) of circle

and the volume (V) of sphere,
equivalent to linear diameter (D), as:

TT = 4[(S)/(D2)]

TT = 6[(V)/(D3)]

Consequences of these precise definitions of circle.

We can now define the differents aeras in a circle-

square structure as the surface elements (a) and (b)
show on this next figure.

Let S the square total aera.

The total aera parts (a) of the square aera external to

the circle one is:


Thus, the total aera part (b) of the circle is:

s(TT/4)-[S(1-TT/4)] = S(TT/2 - 1)

Their perimeters are also directly defined. More complexe aera

may be tempted according to the following example.

- federation square structure (Taiwan, National Chiao Tung


With these formula we can verify that

the aera of square of side 4 is equal to
four time the aera of square of side 2.

By adding the yellow and the cyan

colored aeras in the little square of side

342 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

2, we can find their total as equal to the

aera of side equal to 4.

Note that with the classical Pi=3.1416, it

can not be done a such equality.

The usual Pi and its related Diamater is only a simple particular


Because it is the Dakhiometry's Space Constant, the Squaring a

circle is a space gate in the universe.
- mathematic (Viêtnam)

This world is chained up by an old Pi trick. Here is a conjecture that can

be resolved true with the Space Constant cencept:

Can you resolve the Squaring an ellipse?

It is a problem resolved as true by the Dakhiometry with straight edge

and compas. Youn can't escape from it according to any impossible

This whole world is outmoded idea with a general erroneous Pi

warranted by any calculator, while the reality of precise science should
get into the Space Constant concept.

So your duty is to try resolving the following problem:

The squaring an Ellipse.

- tangent + passing + simultaneously + through + Parabola + ellipse +

hyperbola (

These figure are wholy inscribed in the space structure. They can be
constructed precisely. Therefore, a common simultaneously tangent at
these sfigure can be determined by construction.

- ultimate + value + of + pi (USA)

So I will soon do the proof of squaring an ellipse. It shows how form

transformations need the Space Constant.

- prove tangent circle ellipse (Spain, Universitat Politechnica Catalunya)

343 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

This a new marvellous consequence of the Space Constant.

After resolving the squaring an ellipse, the problem of a tangent to an
ellipse is directly the one of a circle. Therefore, from any given point
exterior to the circle, tangent point of a circle is the coresponding point
for an ellipse. As we know how to construct a tangent to a circle we can
immediatly deduce the tangent point on its correspondent ellipse. This
is done by simple, easy and precise spatial construction.

- space constant (USA Illinois)

You will see that the space constant is a most usefull key for
understanding the solid form.

- Surface d'un segment de cercle (USA mil)

Je le vous dirai lorsque j'aurais exposé les surfaces et les volumes des
solides, après les avoir justifié sur des fondements. La Constante de
l'Espace, y joue un grand rôle principal.

- measurement + "og" + common + geometrical + forms (Hongkong)

- qu'est-ce + que + exprimer + la + longueur + 1 + d'un + cercle +

comme + fonction + linéaire + de + son + radiuson + R (France)

- un cercle de 0 degrees (, Canada)

Mon œil.
Même en géométrie des parallèles se rejoignant à l'infini, on ne peut
faire de telle prouesse..
Maintenant, essayez de tracer un trinagle de 60 degrés en tout, somme
de ses trois angles, vous verrez que vous ne pouvez plus dormir.
Cependant, un cercle de 60 degrés peut se faire dans une Géométrie où
l'angle droit est égale à 30 degrés. Essayez d'abord de fabriquer une
telle Géométrie... où l'on perd non seulement le Nord mais aussi, son
Latin. Il est possible que le jour où le mathématicien, las, avait renoncé
à monter une telle folie à 30 degrés et après avoir vidé toutes ses
bouteilles à 55 degrés seulement, qu'il se résignait à revenir vers sa
Géométrie sagement sphérique.

On this next figure is

represented a length of Space

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


Squaring a circle of perimeter

unit will give necessarry a Unit
of straight Length.
Thus, with this unit Length=1 a
circle perimeter=1 and diameter
(2R) will gives the value of the
inverse AP as:


It is here, only a particular case construction because in Dakhiometry

there is a general compact and precise structure for doing the four
basic operations for construction. Negative length are only conventional
definition of a line and a plane divided into two parts.

- can't divide by zero (Missouri, USA)

Effectively, A universe Principe can be founded on.

A Unit Length is an eternal being... it is also the case for the circle of
perimeter Unit.... The unit-square is always valid whatever are the
Circle AP dimensions.

There is never Zero division according to the Elemental matter as a

Permanent Matter Unit. The Elemental matter Dakhion is from the
Universe Permanent Principle of the Discretness of Matter. Conservation
Priniples rest on such Universe Discretness of Matter Foundation.

The Dakhiometry Spatial Language rest on the Lines, Curves as formed

by continual successions of elemental Matter. The Principle of Lines and
Curves is that they are formed by Elemental Matter Dakhions. The
Dakhion is defined as The-Preceeding-Succeeding Element. With such
base any complex constructions in the universe can be understood as
formed from such Property of ONE DAKHION as The-Preceeding-
Succeeding Matter unit. This is the characteristic of dynamic Active
Matter Element for unbounded Construction in the universe.

- exhaust planes construction (Brazil)

- construct the inverse of a length, geometry (, Texas, USA)

- Complex Elliptic Inverse line (Singapore)

- the fully elliptic differential governing equations (Philippines)

- Singapore (Indonesia)

- i divided by zero (, Quebec, Canada)

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

The solution here is a true one according to the theorem of the circle
always defined by three points.
When three points are on a line then this line is the maximum circle of
the universe with the maximum universe length as diameter. When this
three points are on a same location then it is the ultimate elemental
The theorem is:
Three points define always an unique circle because they define
the total space directions.

Practically it appears as:

a) - By its form any three points define an unique circle.
b) - The total inside angles formed by any three triangle sides define an
unique circle.

- dvide by zero (Denmark)

This is the result of rational spatialconstruction that rests on the basis

of the circle as 3-points.
Also, for example, the consequence of this theorem proof gives rise to
the simple spartial explaination of the Morley equilateral tri-sector in a

- 1 divided by zero equals infinity (Philippines,

This proof is really a valid one with the Dakhiométry spatial

a) - The Dakhiometry universe is discrete matter.
b) - First, it is proved that any three points determine a given circle.
c) - Then, three aligned points determine necessarily The Determined-
Circle or the Greatest rational universe Circle.
Because the universe is discrete then, it is more just to denoted this
circle as the logic of the Great universe-circle. The Infinity is an old
Anciant notion when they ignored that the Space is absolute.

Proof of (1/Zero) as the diameter of the Great Universe circle

The shortest proof but he most basic logic one rests on the universe
discrete absolute space. Space is Distance and Direction. According to
the curvilinear succession of space points the law is stated as follows:

1) - Two successive curvilinear points (A) and( B) determine any circle

passing on this two points.
2) - A set composed of a Third successive point (C) to the first two
successive points (A) and B), determines an unique circle containing
this set of three successive points.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

According to the succession principle applyed to the curvilinear line, a) -

Any third point (P) in the sucession chain to the first two (A) and (B)
successive points determine necessarily the unique circle (ABC).
b) - Consequently to the property of a curvilinear succession chain, Any
three points in curvilinear succession, determine an unique circle.

The logic property of discrete point succession is then use to prove that
the Universe Great Circle is also rationally determined according to any
three given points.

- circles inside giant circle-circumfrence (, Michigan, USA)

On this figure, is shown that 3 points A, B, and C difine a circle

circumscribed to them.
As a circle is a total of 180 degrees of Directions then the total 3 angles
of a triangle is necessarily equal to 180°. This property of 180°, is used
to prove how to determine the Universe Great Circle.

On the left of the figure, let ABC a triangle inscribed in a circle. It is

shown how the three angles (A, B and C) can feel the total 180° of a
circle. Note that the total circle direction can be conventionally define
as any given value. But the real total discrete points of a circle can be
the gratest of the universe points quantity. It is a currently bad defined
as an uncommeasurable Infinity. However, the Dakhiometry define this
so-called uncommeasurable Infinity by the ratio (1/zero) quantity.
For 180° angles definition of the triangle form it can be written as the
arcs lengths BA, AC and CB. Thus:

arcs (BA + AC + CB) = 180°

At the figure rigth is shown how to define the universe Great Circle by
choosing 3-points (A, B, C) on a line. It can be seen that "line" (ABC)
should belong to the universe Great Circle according to the above law.

Because the total angle defined by this cyclic 3-points is:

(arc BA) = 1 element-point

(arc AC) = 1 element-point
(arc CA) = 180°

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

arcs (BA + AC + CB) = 180°

This is the circle central symmetry characteristic of total direction. It

traduces the cyclic of the circular-succession that has neither
Beginning nor Ending.

A) - A, B, and C define necessarily a circle according to that three-point
in curvilinear succession define one unique circle.
B) - According to the following theorem of inverting length, then the
ration (1/zero) is necessarily the Greatest Circle diameter of the
Discrete and finite universe.

Important property
At the universe scale There is no more distiction between linear and
curvilinear mode. This a logic consequence that can explain why the
immutable elemental matter activity is done along a straight line. This
allows to state that the electromagnetic action comming from far away
stars hit the Solar system in perfect straigth line manner. Only
refraction in media can deviate the media light phenomena.

- discretness (Ukraine)

- Exploring Arcs, Chords, Secants and Tangents (Philippines)

- modernism unique spatial object (Australia)

- divided + by + zero (Mexico)

- result + prove + unicity (Philippines)

You justly see it.

Univers Fact is the expression of Uniqueness principle. It is the base
Reason of Physics to understand that matter is necessary existing in
Discretness of its Elements.
Equality is not a man's artificial simple talking word. Because matter
composed and formed from a same matter Element, denoted as the
Dakhion, is the foundation of human's Equality concept. Univers is a
Whole of matter Elements. From there Uniquenes of the the matter
Element imply that Uniqueness has necessary the Permanence

Note that it is the consequence from the fulness reason of the

Uniquenes as follows:

1) - Necessarily, the Reason of Unique concept is not in two or

in many Forms as Existence/Or/Non-existence.

2) - Therfore, a Unique has then necessarry and stricly the

property of One-Existence.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

It is why from this basic Reason,


Note that whithout a such foundation, Knowledge is

impossible because this man's capacity of knowing rest on the
EQUALITY Principle. It is why man's know how to Count.
Counting rest on the Unity principle. Counting Unity rest no
more than on the basic Fact of Discrete Matter.

- Zero + in + mathematics (..)

Considering the discret universe fulness, there is the no-abscence-

of-matter. The first quantity of matter is one elemental matter.
Therefore, there is not a Zero-Quantity in the universe. The presence
of matter is from Permanent principe.

In algebraic mathematics method, the Quantity is represent by a

language symbol denoted as Number. Converted talking language
words by Numbers to any quantity had difficulty when one need to
represent larger amount of quantity that a man can have a practical

It is why the problem of practically using Numbers to represent any

possible quantity need to invent practical symbol of defining how to
represent Number for great Quantity because it is impossible to
invent a great amount of conventional words to represent any great
Quantity of the universe.

Finally it was invented in Indian the conventional symbol that allows

to define a rule for representing Great Quantity. The symbol is
nothing else than the one that allows to use an amount of words that
can be use in cyclic manner. This symbol is like the clock that is abble
to indicate hours all along the unbounded Time. Thus, for counting
Numbers it was the Indian Zero invention that allows to write withh
some simple symbol to represent any great possible counting.

The Zero is therefore, NOT-A-NUMBER.

The Zero is only a symbol mark on a clock cadran that allow to

represent any great quantity of Time while this concrete mark has
not any Time property.

- divide + by + zero + jokes (Australia)

The basic reason for any science is that the universe is the one of
Discrete matter.
That means if there was not any matter then there is no universe
because the universe matter is a Quantity et not some nothingnesse.
The ultimate matter is at least One Elemental matter. This latter is
necessary this elemental quantity.

Therefore, the space a composed by elemental Point, Line and Forms

is at least define by One elemental Quantity.

The Zero is only an useful but conventional symbol that allows to

define a mode of cyclic counting of quantities. It is then an illusion to

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

divide a Number by a Zero as Not-a-Number. This transformation

between quantities should then be a coherent and homogeneous one
by matter-interaction or mutual Quantities-Interactions. The
ultimate of a possible division is necassary the divided-by-an-
elemental-quantity and never by a Zero-as-an-illusion-

The Proof of Absolute Space

- what + is + a + contradiction + in + math (, Texas)

Science should rests on the Absolute universe space of the Discrete

Matter. In the universe, any objet is always defined at least, by one
element of Matter. There is no object of Zero-Matter. This is the
principle of the universe Absolute Space.

And the absolute Space can be rationally proved as true.

How do we do to get this rational proof?

Even if it seems that anything in the universe are alway changing and
that anything is appearing and vanishing in motion as life and death
evens, the Absolute Fact of the universe space can be rationally proved.

This proof of the space Absolute property consists to rationally

define that there is, at least, only One-Fact-of-Matter-
Permanent-Property in the Space.

This basic prof is yet already done!

This is done according to the Determination of the Space Constancy

that allows the universal transformation between two basic Forms as
the mutual transformation between Circle and the Square.
This isreally the mains aims of the squaring a circle resolution. The so
called old "Pi" is only a secondary consequence among a lot of another


According to this proved Fact,

1) - As any object reality is at least defined by the minimal One Matter


2) - Then, there is no Zero of Matter. Therefore, the continuity of matter

construction is the rational fact of the universe reality. The construction
are always the possibility of matter transformations according to the
processes of (Addition, Substraction, Multiplication and Division).

3) - There is no impossible matter-transformation according to the

universal laws in the whole universe. Paricularly, there is no impossible
Division by Zero.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

In conclusion
The Zero-is-not-a-number but only the ultimate one elemental matter:
the dakhion. This give rise to the definition of the minimal One Point
that necessary constitutes Lines and Curves in the Space.

Inverse of length

This construction is directly derived from
the Lamca theorem. It allows to state an
usefull theorem for inverting any length

On this next figure, are done the inverse of

circle diameters length (a, b, c, d, e).
These constructions rest on a reference by a
unit circle.

Theorem of inverting length

Let a first unit radius circle intersecting any other second circle.

Projections of these two circles intersections on their joinning center

line, determine with the unit circle center, the inverse of the second
circle diameter length.

- Divided + by + Zero ( Florida)

The fundamental principe of Matter and Energy Conservation and the

Discretness of immutable Elemental matter imply that there is no
ghostly interaction in the universe.
Therefore, the Zero-Matter is only an illusion.
The Zero is from human language convention to signify "Object-Out-of-
the-current-convention". In fact, this "out-of-convention" is also an
Object and don't means "a-Nothing".

For the Number system, the ZERO is useful only to delimit the series-
of-Counting-Numbers Zone. For example:

(Zero, 1, 2, 3,..., 15 Birds)

Should be conventionally understood as:

(ZERO-Bird, 1, 2, 3,..., 15,... and ZERO-Bird)

... and obviously: Cats is not there taking in account.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Zero is then only the usefulness as the delimitation symbol of a

Counting Zone.


Therefore, Zero is not significant as a NOTHINGNESS... because
there is no Gohst-Matter in the Absolute Discret Matter of the
ZERO-as-Nothingness and then imply the INFINITY OUF COUNTING, for
example the Euclide's Line, contradicts the universe immutable
Principle of Energy-Matter Conservation.

- inverse ++ power + mathematic + equation

In Dakhiometry, The Lamca theorem is also the direct basic reason

of the circle power point theorem proof.

One can see that with all preceeding tools it can be done yet many
precise constructions in space.

- definition of a line (, USA)

Actually, theses constructions are consequences of a line

A ligne defined from Pythagorean Numbers as (1, 2, 3, ..., n) that
gives rise to the Euclidean line is not really a definition but a
dream coming from empirical sensitive image of line. It is the
case for a line unclosed by two infinities. These latter are virtual
and empirical concept that rest on no reality fact.
Therefore, a line should be real when it is defined by its two ends.
It was the Aristotle definition however it is concerning only for a
segment of line.

The exact and precise definition of a line is:

A line is formed by the succession of discrete points
situated between two end points.

This next figure concerning the inverse of a length, is in fact how

to figure out any line.

This is to tell that there is no Segment of line.

For simplicity of language word one can named a length as a
"Segment". But we should be in consciousness that it is only a
According to the Pythagorean Numbers the curent Numbers
theory gives a false concept of quantity. In Dakhiometry it can be
shown that any segment contains the possibility of designating all
the universe quantity until the discrete ultimate elemental point.

The Line of modern Real Numbers is only an empirical inheritance

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

of the Anciants misreading about space line. Also, the Real

Numbers Line is a bad construction because it is defined by a
convergence method as was done by Euclide and Archimedes
exhaustion method. The mathematician infinity is in fact born
from these convergence methods as a conventional
approximation, wellknown: "converge to a no touch taboo".

- how + could + you + find + the + circumference + of + many +

circles + with + a + calculator + without + entering + 3.14 + for +
every + problem (USA Alabama)

At first, the 3.14 is an erroneous value of a quite false mathematic


The principle in Dakhiometry and not the one of mathematics, is as


1) - Any measurement of figure must start from a circle definition.

2) - It is necessary from that to define a square.
3) - Then from a square, one can define the measure of ONE circle.

Now we can proceed to choose and to define this circle as an unit circle.

From this circle characteristic and according to the Dakhiometry space

transformation knowledge
Everybody can now measure any other circle, as a proportion of
this unique previous defined circle without using no more the
Space Constant TT!

This is the universal magic immutable Space Constant property.

Note that all this new method remains quite inefficient even if one use
the most Famous of most Great Anciant mathamatician invention, the
Famous Number 3.14 of the Great Modern Conservative human though.
Unhappily, independently of any reason, everybody is "free" to chose to
what he want to obey to.

- corresponding + lengths + in + similar + figures + are + given.+

Find + the + ratios + (Figure+A+and+Figure+B)+ of + the + lengths
+ and + areas. + then + find + the + unknown + aera. (USA Georgia)

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- the mathamatical country problem (Canada)

- human memory capacity (Slovak Republic)

Important Remark
One may note there, that spatial language is the most simple. However
it needs the capacity of an overall vision of space to be abble to
discover the wealthy basic space structure.

In a such figure, any square can give any rectangle of equal aera. Thus,
the segment AP is of any length. That is to say: may any length AP be a

Actually, any chord AM squared can be equal to AP.AD.

However, the Space-Constant needs the condition of equality between
the square and the circle (C) aeras. And according to the construction
of this Space Constant as a tangent to a defined circle (C1), this latter
is precisely unique. Only this uniqueness of the Space Constant allows
exactely the equality between the circle (C) and the square aeras. The
final result of these analysis is to give the basic proof of the Uniqueness
of the Space Constant.

Therefore, we state a basic theorem proving that the squaring a circle

is unique according to the uniqueness of the Space Constant.

In the circle-square structure there is one and only one precise

unique length that allows the direct unique circle to square
transformation of same aera.

This length is denotted as the Universal Space Constant.

Although the spatial language simplicity it can be seen that the

circularity of the universe Permanence, is of great complexities with all
the reasons that are related together for the understanding of human

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


- "indution" + cooker + pi + and + pi + than + stop (Singapore) - the

value of pie used in maths (India)

Unhappily, all of this Planet world are yet practised the millenarry
immutable an indestructible old erroneous Pi value...

- show me three hundred square root length (USA hr)

Heve you never seen somebody drawing a length of 300? Never,

because 300 is a language numeral symbol.

However, the sqr(300) length is the one of sqr[(3).(100)] or


a) - It can be found by homothetic transform of the whole sqr(3) figure

by Thales ratios.
b) - The Dakhiometry spatial method allows directly multiplication and
division oprators.

- the + inverse + rotation + of + a + square + to + suffice + to +

compute + any + product (USA Chicago)

- universal root (USA west)

Actually. What can be geometrically constructed was defined as a

rational number. Therefore, every number is rationnal because any of
quantity can be spatially constructed.

- math symbols - square root of 3 (Hawaii, Brigham Young University)

- an irrational length on the rational line (UK Canterbury ac)

- principle square root in math (USA Maine edu)

- the square root of three is one point (USA berry edu)

- rational square roots (India)

- algebra square root of, pictures (USA, Conecticut University of


355 / 424 15.07.2016 11:27

The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- "sqaure" root of three (, Florida, USA)

- drawing square roots (, Lewis University, USA)

- radical is an irrational number square Socrates (comcast, Texas, USA)

- wawe do (Vietnam,


- wawe do (Vietnam,


- - write + two + rational + and + two + errational + number +

between + squar + root + 2 + bnd + squar + root + 3 (China)

Actually. This figure shows how to

spatialy construct the length of quantity
equal to square root of 3. We can do it
with any length number of the universe.

In fact, anny quantity can be spatialy

deternimed by a length as distance
between two precise points. Therefore,
any universe quantity, tell as a Number,
is precisely a rationnal space length.

Until now, if there are irrational numbers it is because of Euclidean

Division characteristic that is the never ended exhaustion method which
can't drive to a precise number value.

- wawe do (Vietnam,


- roots of unity (USA, California, Montery College of the Desert)

This next figure gives 2-root(1)=1.

Also there is a same construction that give any root of number below 1.

- how do i calculate the distance between two points on a straight line

when we have the point a =root x1 = -14 and b = root 2 = 18 and the
mid point of ab =16 whats the distance between om on the straight line
ox (Australia)

- Proof + The + square + root + of + three + is + irrational

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- square root with compass (Belgium)

In the discrete continuation, any quantity value from Zero to unlimited

quantity can use a compass to get its square root. On this next figure,
it suffices to construct the diameter of a circle using the given quantity
value. Then a square is determined the side of which is the square root
of this diameter. The square is constructed at point Zero and with the
circle intersection at the vertical axis located on the value 1 as shown
on this figure for the square root of 3.
In Mathematics, it was defined that any geometric construction is
rational. Therefore, in the discrete continuity of a length exhaustion,
one of many theorems on rational quantity is as follows:

Theorem of rational quantity

Any quantity value from zero to unlimited ones, is
constructed with a circle and is quite rationnal. There is no
holes in a line.

Note that this theorem rests on the basis Lam-Ca theorem.

- square root of five (USA Virginia)

Square root of 5 is done as for the 3 one on this figure by replacing the
length 3 by the one of 5.
Square root of decimals are done with the same construction. It is
because the decimal convention is only the homothetic for language of
numbers. Number Languages are necessarry full of holes due to the
impossibility to conventionally name the so numerous objects in
continuity of space. While spatial homothetic property is recurrently
continous even if space is discrete. The recurence principle is a
principle of continuity of no-hole space-reality.

- square root in digital technology (Budapest University of Technology

and Economics, Hungary)

Digital technology is formatted by the usual means of Mathematics for

calculations. Mathematics know only a few ways for calculations. There
is the two main modes that are the Pythagoras' theorem and the
sine-cosine trigonomic functions. They give quantities as different
dichotomic Numbers not being in continuity. This dichotomy is there
called as irrational numbers.
It should be noted that in Dakhiometry, calculation of quantities are
represented by spatial structure. A lenght resulting of calculation is
found as a length representing directly a quantity. Length are there
formed and delimited by continuity of discrete points. The square root
of quantities are then directly given in space structure.
While with the Pythagoras's theorem it is given always as a squared or
an inversed square numbers.
To be wholly precise with efficient calculation as in Dakhiometry, one

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

needs to surpass the usual mathematical though of understanding the

quantities in the universe.
Digital technologies for calculation are useful. But transposing
calculation mode of space structure should be developped differently
from the above a little simplistic methods used in Mathematics.

- does + a + circle + have + a + surface (USA)

It is a basic questionning. Do any line and any point have a surface?

Because the Ancients believed that Geometry was human invention and
that any form is human mind product, Euclide had defined a point as an
dimensionless entity. This was the case for Dedekind where Infinity is
"proved" as his mind production.
However, the basic universe logic is necessary the Permanent Principle
concept with the discretness of matter. A Permanent universe state
should have the property of an absolute defined matter as the universe
Space. Because only an absolute defined space can have the property
of location. From this base it can be understood why there is Forms and
how to have conscience on it by Measurement. Because of the
conscience property by measurement, an absolute universe space is
necessary a finite quantity. Human consciouness and measurement is
necessary an acknowledge on a finite quantity. We note there that our
conscience is the space construction and consciousness inherits the
space property. Therefore, a discretness principe in a finit space, is
necessary a discrete surface quantity in a discrete location for centering
it in a whole defined space.

From these bases we can see that a dimensionless point can never be
located. Thus it can't be measured because dimensionless point is
unconsciousness and can't never be measured. The dimensionless point
is the consequence of the Anciant' incapacity to know what is Space.
From a such bad foundation of space it grew the Continuum belief. And
many examples of indefined space can be seen when Mathematics
proved that "a Part is greater than a Whole" and also, the modern
difficulty of defining the Real Numbers set where dimensionless point
leaves a line made of holes from where Mathematics created the
so-called many difined Infinity Sets. With the incapacity of knowing
what is space, the old and modern Mathematics have no foundation to
be classed as advanced sciences.

With the Dakhiometry one needs to be in acquaintance with the

discretness of matter space. Any point and any line or curve are surface
defined as object realities.

- why that counting's rational irrational are called Real numbers


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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Human have the skill for rhetorical figure of speach.

- root (USA California)

- root + 3 + rectangles (Canada)

- bankruptcy in integers (, USA)

Weird and false things are the irrationnal numbers!

You are invited to produce the hexadecimal integer series with a
famous irrationnal number as the basic unit:

It is the famous irrationnal number that is to say the argument of the

geometrical impossibilities of the squaring a circle and the doubling
a cube.

Here is some examples:

With (n) the Natural Integer series from 1 to unlimited value,

Now, consider this following given equality:


Then, a series of the irrationnal (H) correspond exactly to a series of

multiple hexadecimal Integer Numbers as follows.

Logics proof:
There is the real fact of Narural integer Numbers. Although Rational
and Irrational numbers may be mixed on a line, these two types of
number worlds are necessarily incommunicable between them.

If one can produce from irrational numbers some rational ones then, one
produced there a contradiction to irrational numbers. The above examples
show this contradiction. Therefore, Irrationality is only a FALSE

This proves that there is a quite FALSE and virtual Irrational World
built by Mathematicians with a False Euclidean Division method. This
latter confusion gives rise to the current Irrationality Belief.

What is irrationnal...
is precisely the Human Irrationality Concept characteristic!

More serious:
This whole current World is guilty to be blind continually on all the
rational reasons of science exposed by the Dakhiometry.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- how to count square root (Sweden)

- root square (Japan infoweb)

- straight edge square root (Netherland, Universiteit Twente)

Actually, any number of different series types can be applyed with this
Root-n following formula as square root.
The following formula is under usual Algebraic form however, it can be
spatialy constructed in figures. This give the best proof of rational and
precise constructions for any length quantity representation. There, any
line is really precisely the continuous formation of space quantity.

- triangular math root (Bulgaria)

There is here also three data for an equality equation.

- irrational + square + root + unlimited + precision (USA WOW)


According to the current Theory of Numbers,

A Theorem of
Any Root n of Number (x), is statted as follows:

a) Where (n) is the Natural Number series form 1 to n.

b) And (p) is any number.
c) (Root p (x)) is noted as (root-with-exponent p of (x)).

Calculations Examples :

Example 1) - With x=9, p=15 and n=7

For Any conventional Number,

Example 2) - With x=7.51, p=11.75 and n=5.3

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Pay attention:
It is there not a pleonasm. Because in Mathematics, an irrational number
[root p (x)] is defined as a particular number quite different from an
integer x.
Mathematician should define two different numbers:

(y)=[root p (x)], is an unknown trasformed from (x) through [root p (x)]

according to some approximation Exhaustion and Convergence method.

Therefore in Mathematics, [root p (x)] is not the same x find in [x n].

For example, with mathematics irrationality as conventionally defined, it
should be necessarily a difference as follows:.

Really, if one find an equality between an Irrational number and an
Integer one,
it is the proof that the famous Irrational Root of numbers is directly and
concretly related and belong to the Rational Natural Integers. Therefore,
there is not Irrational Numbers but only a bad Euclidean mathematic
division method based on Exhaustion search.

Main conclusion in brief

Irrationality is not an universe fact.

Irrationality is only mathematicians' language ignorance of how
to interpret the discrete Matter Continuity.

- quantique + dakhion (France Poitiers)

- take + a + line + and + form + it + into + a + circle + pi + is +

missing + space (USA Washington)

There should not some missing space. If there is one, it comes from
approximation practise.
Because the squaring a circle proves that
there is Conservation of Space between the

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

square S and the circle C. A Space

Conservation is the meaning of equality
between the two corresponding surfaces.
Only the different arrangements of
elemental points provide different lengths
for their perimeters as:
[4.D] different to [Pi.D]
where 4>Pi.

- What + is + the + importance + of + Pi + 3.1415 + in + business

(USA Tennessee edu)

The most fondamental reason of using constant reference is to choose

of exact one on which all the universe laws should rest. It is the human
science purpose because of its universallity reason of life reality.

However, human though is no more reaching a satisfying level to be

abble to determine what are the basic of universality in law. Therefore
we are all on Earth to use no-exact sciences but generally
conventionnal empirical and mechanical processes determined by the
practical science for everydays actions.

In such situation, an example is seen in the case of the old Pi value of

3.1416. This latter is only an empirical value the truth of it is only
validated as sacred value according to some traditional artificial
mystery maintained by dogma.

The real value of the so-called Pi as a simple particular mathematics

problem, is only how to find a trick that allows to give approximately a
sufficient length value of a circle for practical measurement. On it there
was fantasy of mathematicians that try to give some mathematical
formalism to a Pi empirical value. It is why we can see many numeral
processes formulating a Pi value the truth of which is according to the
belief of somme mystery on which are founded Numbers.

The Pi was and is nothing than an empirical formalism replacing the

human ignorance as the exact universallity of the world.

The truth is reached only when one can get what is the real
conscienciousness of the physic around him. The most basic material
presence that can never vanishe is what everybody can be sensitive. It
is the material Space. Therefore, being conscious of the space is to
know how to measure it and to act with and on it. We denoted it as the
fundamental universal language of space. Because a real basic of
language allows to exchange, to transform in uniqueness and

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

multipilicity system.

In the case of understanding what is the basic importance of this space

language, one get some basic characteristics that space is a whole. And
being conscious of the total independence between rotation and linear
movements in space. A real human science should be consciousness
that in a whole space there should be some basic factor inscribed in
space that links these two independent movements in a unified space
system. In basic space language we tell that there is something that
unifies the circle with a line or a square.

Resolving a such problem is telling as how to square a circle.

The solution of it gives to us a real basic factor of matter

transformation universally used by the matter laws of the universe

The resolution of a such facror is a precise value given directly the

True, the One that whe should denoted as the Space Constant! Aside as
such mode of resolution and a such founded value, there is only an
abyssal of human ignorance.

It is the case of the Pi=3.1416 value, "universally" used by sciences

and more badly, by the business world. The absolute error appears in
the use of the old Pi and is of 0.7%.

Why it is bad for business?

Business is money. Money is only a product of calculation. Business is
governing the human life. That is to tell, with the old empirical Pi used
in their calculation the world is erroneously calculated. Precisely tell,
our life id baddly and erroneously estimated. What is the value of an
0.7% absolute error done on a simple tiny billion of money of a very
poor business?

The real effect of a such error is however governed by the universal

Conservation of Action. This means that aside a great deficiency for
one, in the other hand, there is a great profit for the other. A such
unbalanced world may be conscious or unconscious for practical
business activities. However, it is only a real chronic disease for life of

- history + of + mathematics + THE + PI + EVERYTHING +


- formulas + with + include + pi + give + the + formulas + in +

symobols + and + tell + what + it + repusent (USA)

All of statistic mechanics use the Pi. Examples are given with the Gaus,
Fermi, Dirac, Bose, Einstein, Maxwell, Bolzman,... ect. This Pi come
from integral and trigonometric functions where one uses mathematic

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

developments in calculations. All the modern particle sciences use an

erroneous value of the old Pi.
I have no other comment about the exactness of these science

- trig functions and ancient pyramids (USA)

Trigonometric functions and the old empirical Pi currently used,

are the two main errors meet by the Trigonometry. We must add
to these errors the imprecise Euclid's division algorithm when
performing these functions using Number calculations..
Note that it is proved in Dakhiometry that a sine curve is precisely a
paraboloc function.

The determination of Trigonometric functions doing with a circle and

orthogonal axis is really a dummy formalism. The Trigonometry gives
only approximative results.

It is why what do we think about the modern Algebraic calculation

methods of convergence and function developments where the
Trigonometric functions are intensively used? This is the case of the
Mechanical Statistics found in Quantum Mechanics.

What is the form of an elemental immutable matter?

- can pi be constructed with a value of three (USA Florida)

It is rational and also most intersting to seek an answer for a such

During the first time of a human practised techniques, he was yet
meeting the everydaus problem of how to ajust a circle to a linear solid.
The wheel is never beeing invented. Rotating and linear motion are the
natural spatial characteristic of the alive movements and any alive have
to manipulate curcular and linear solid forms. For example, everyone
may experience a fall during that he is rollong on an inclined plane with
his whole body. It is there that practically, everyone had invented the
concret wheel running.
Even that one had skill to construct anything needed but his sciences of
measurement was not yet precise. Therefore construction use mostly
empirical recipes of defining solid forms. Adjusting a circular form to a
linear one can be done with some approximation that run well for
coarse needs. Thus, at the anciant time it was more easy to remember
that a circle perimeter length can be conventionnally equivalent to

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

three times its diameter. From these usual practise the circle perimeter
as a proportion of its diameter remain until now. Because nobody can
tell the exact means to measure a circular line then, the corresponding
of a circle perimeter with its diameter became an remains until now as
some mysterious trick for the human thought.

We have to retain that the perimeter as equal to three time its

diameter, is only a recipes that feet well for what it is used.

Case of discrete elemental scale

- universal + conscience + quantum (USA Philadelphia)

- "unicerse" background (USA New York)

There is not a Nothingness in the universe.

Any heavenly body are location determined. Determination are done
necessary on concrete reality. Therefore, exinstence in the universe
must be done on some background reality. This latter is denoted as the
universe breath of elemental matter, the principle of matter concretness

However, I show here that in particular case, a circular measurement

can be confused with an elemental discrete rotation. But a dakhion
elemental matter displacement is not a circular line while the whole
universe space is structured with both circular and linear form.

An ultimate elemental matter can't be concretly represented. However,

according to the matter properties it can be logically represented.
Therefore, it should be described with the following properties:
1) - It is a two dimensional form built by discrete length.
2) - It has the two basic elemantal motions: rotation and linear ones.

- immutable images (, Austin, Texas, USA)

This next figure logically represents an elemental

immutable matter denoted here as an object AB.
This figure is composed by elemental length L,
the elemental distance of a discrete space. The
elemental matter AB is show with continous lines
ended by two round as symbol of mass. The
length AB is equal to two elemental lengths L.
This is a logic of the discrete elemental matter.
Because if the length AB is of one elemental
length L then there is a contradiction in the

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

discretness of matter. Matter is symmetric that is the two mass points

should be symmetric to a center. Thus, if the length AB is of one L then,
there is no center because there is nothing least situated between an
elemental length L.

AB is necessarily the real logic elemental form of a da-khion.

Now AB should have the possibility of the two basic motions: le linear
and the rotation ones. That is one point mass A and B should move in
an elemental displacement L. Also, AB should rotate around its center
O, but necessarry in elemental angle quantity (a). But because the
displacement quantity L is necessarily the one of A and B then, the
elemental angle (a) should ne determined by the linear elemental
length L.

Finally, the elemental matter dakhion AB is represented on this figure

with the basic discretness of matter property. The motion of AB is the
trajectory of point A and point B relatively to its center O. We get
necessarily a hexagonal figure of its elemental rotation. the rotation is
a real one because it is a cyclic angular displacement.

It such case, if we do some approximation we can tell that one cycle

can be compared as a circular trajectory. Therefore, in such condition,
we can state that the perimeter of such cycle, is really equal to Three
Time its diameter! This is the case of a hexagone figure.

This rotation is really a basic rotation. But it can be seen that A and B
don't follow a circular line. A and B is displacing along linear polygonal
trajectory. Therefore, rationnally it is contradictory to state that "Pi is
three time the diameter of a circle".

We must retain that such figure of hexagone may be only choose as

symbolic representation but it is not rational to associate it as scientific

- center of mass (Thailand)

This is actually the Gold Finger for New Ages.

All my works of the Dakhiometry is underestimated by the current
sciences institutions. It's being going all along my life.
So, what have I do to reveal all the deep space understanding of the
Dakhiometry to a world that take my Dakhiometry as a joke?
The Dakhiometry have nothing to do with the current Mathematics. It
goes deep in the true space knowledge. More than theories, the
Dakhiometry knowledge is an efficient science. Determining the gravity
center of matter systems is the most wealthy application for human

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

techniques. Knowledge of the center gravity determination is more than

to make a great stride for industry. More, it is at least a new stride for
human civilisation.
Therfore, what have I to do amongst this inertial Mathematical world, to
prove and reprove, to demonstrate things for deaf ears?

- kuwait + law + of + vistuals + and + audio (Kuwait)

There are really vistual audio frequenty when ears are becoming idle
for golden agers...

- finite elemente methode calculation center of mass (Germany)

- analytical + method-center + of + gravity (Philippines)

Obviously, Mathematics can do everything with Algebraic formalism.

The problem is that Mathematics ares approximative methods or a
precise basic science? Remind that Algebraic appeared because of the
Goemetric failure in resolving space.
Note that Algebraic also calculate the very complicate Relativity of
"Time and Space". A pure vistual thing.
In brief Algebraic calculation can only give a approximative verification
of solid volume. The basic Mathematic problem is: How to rationnally
prove surfaces and volumes of any solid. This a not yet resolved issue.
Also is the Archimedes' Pi value that is not a rationally proved as
mathematic fact, even if this Pi value is quite false but universally and
religiously used for a long time in human day life.

- "haw" + km + "squere" + is + Albania (, Greece)

- Exercice+ + déterminer + le + volume + maximal + d'un + cylindre

+ inscrit + dans + une + demi-sphère (France)

How to inscribe a maximum volume cylinder in a half-sphere? Basic

data of a such problem are:

a) - A cyclinder is inscribed in a cube. They have a common vertical

axis. With the side of this cube denoted as L. In a circle and in a sphere
the aera and the volume of a cylinder is necessarily equal to:
L2; and L3;
b) - Therefore, as a maximum cylinder in inscribed in a cube, The
vertical section of this cyclinder is a square inscribed in the half-sphere
vertical section.

Solution of haw how to inscribe a maximum cylinder volume in a

half-sphere (C):

The construction is reduced to a vertical planar section (C) as shown in

this next figure.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

The direct solution of this construction is to
use the different angles properties in a
square. Therefore, the maximum cylinder
volume is placed in a half-sphere
according to the immutable angle (A) of
any square.
Here we have to place angle (A) from the
center (O), symmetrically to the vertical
axis, of the given half-circle.
this angle intersects the circle at two points (M) and (N). These latter is
the diameter of the cylinder base which has the maximum volume in
the half-sphere (C).

- disposition cube sphere (, H-C-M

city, Vietnam,

A cube can't be inscribed in a half sphere.

This figure shows the construction.
It suffices to use the homothetic of any
cube particularly the circumscribed to the
sphere (C). This latter side is MN and EF is
the diagonal of one the cube face.
In homothetic manner with the sphere center (O) as the homothetic
center the inscribed diagonal EF should be on points E' and F'. Then,
the side length MN of the cube will be situated at points M' and N' on
the sphere.
It can be seen that if the square of side M'N' can be insribed in the
sphere circle (C) it is not the case with the cube of side M'N' and its
face diagonal E'F. This cube can't be inscribed in the half-sphere of
center O.
On the figure, the cube of face side diagonal E'F' but of side M'N' can't
be inscribed in the half-sphere (C). On the figure the cube is seen in
lateral view to undeline the diagonal length E'F'.

- is + it + possible + to + have + 3 + intersections + between + a +

square + and + circle (, Carolina, USA)

It seems that squares and circles association chooses to go from two to

two and avoid odd manner of twice being. Because if a square and a
rectangle have only three points common with a circle, they will be a
simple triangle. And a circle and a triangle is a 180 degrees while a
square and a rectangle are a full 360 ones. Really, they are strange

- a cylinder inscribed in a cone (USA, Connecticut-Massachusetts-New

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

York State, Hotchkiss Schools)

It is interesting to mention it.

We suppose that all these forms have their axis in vertical position. The
proof need only their section along this vertical axis.
We can prove that there is a maximum cylinder volume EFGH exists in
a cone one denoted as ABC. These dimensions represent directly their
volume. They are triangle and square or rectangle or qadrilateral.

This next figure shows clearly the reasons

of this proof.
1) - First we inscribe the cone ABC in a
corresponding great cylinder.
2) - Condisering only the planar dimension
of these sections, we have the following
The triangle aera inscribed in a square is
equal to the half of this square one.
The maximum square aera inscibed in a this
triangle is equal to the half-surface of this
The ratio between the aera of the triangle and the square inscribed in it
is equal to 2.
For volumes we have to consider the cubes of these side dimensions.

This proof is valid for any cone and cylinder having a same vertical or
inclined axis, but with their base on a same plane. This canonical figure
shows how to construct section of a such maximum cylinder in a cone.

A volume of any cone is precisely inscribed between two volumes
of a first cylinder where it is inscribed in and a second one of
maximum cylinder that is inscribed in it. These two types of forms
must have a common axis.

- if + i + leave + the + surface + area + of + cones + in + pi + cam +

it + be + marked + as + incorrect (USA)

The Pi as a number is only a number that can be placed anywhere.

The Pi concerning a cone, is not concerning neither its circular base nor
for its developed lateral incline aera done in a plane.
In fact the Pi appearing in any circular form is stritly a "circular space
constant for transformation". It is not attached as the correspondance
between a circle perimeter and its diameter. These considerations are
only from the Anciants' empirism where they tempted to associated
some corresponding ANALOGY between these two circle data.

- longitudinal axis of a cylinder (Spain, Universidad Politécnica de

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution


Naturally, these inscribed forms equalities are valid for any common
axis forms and not only for straight axis in square section.

- a + cylinder + is + inscribed + in + a + cone + with + a + height +

of + 10 + and + a + base + of + radius + 5. + Find + the +
approximate + values + of + r + and + h + for + which + the +
volume + of + the + cylinder + is + a + maximum. + Then + give +
the + apporximate + maximum + volume. (, Illinois, USA)

The above figure, gives the precise solution. It is there considered

aeras. However, these consisderations are valid for volumes
Let (h) the side BC and r=h/2.
Refering the volume of the cube of side BC the volume of the cone BAC
of height (h) and the volume of the cube of side GH, are:
V(cone ABC) = Pi/12).h3
V(cube GHFE) = L3
Where (L) is the side (GH).

According to that:
GH = L = BC/2 = h/2
Then, the volume of the cube of side GH is:
V(cube GH) = h3/8
That give:
L3 = h3/8
Finally the third root of (L3) is:
L = h/2

Because the volume of the cylinder correponding to the cube where it is
incribed. It is as:
V(cyclinder GH) = (Pi/4).V(cube GH)

Then, we can consider that the maximum of the cylinder volume is the
maximum if the one of its correponding cube GHEF.
It is because a cube or a parallepipede inscribed in the cube of side BC,
is maximum in volume if, all its sides are equal to BC where it is fully
filling thoughout the volume of its container where it is inscribed.

Therefore, the maximum of the cylinder inscribed in the cone ABC of
height and diameter (h), has precisely its heigh and its diameter (L)
equal to:
L = h/2

The volume of cone ABC is equal to 8 times the one of the cone GMH,

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

because the cube BC (4.4.4) contains eight cubes GHFE (2.2.2).

Générale formule de fonctions puissances.
Example ici de construction pour la forme du parabole
- diagram schematic de parabolas (Dominican Republic)

In Dakhiometry, movement in space can be classified in an unique

spatial formula as:

Any point of motion trajectories can be rationally and precisely

described by the summit of isoscele triangle. Its bases is refered by
parameters defined by one of its base vertex is tangent to a fixed point.
The second base vertex is refered as follow:
1) - For an ellipse, it describes a circle.
2) - For hyperbolas, it describes an arc of circle.
3) - For parabolas, it describes a straight line.

Somme of this formula illustrations are given in the following.

This has a wealthy consequences for describing the matter
Condensation Process for heavenly bodies.

- tangent meter (Switzerland csfb)

- draw a circle tangent to a point on a line and another circle (Canada

Saint John)

- geometry transformation and construction in a circle (New Zealand,

Global-Gateway GGI2)

- how to draw a circle tangent to a line and a circle (Norway, Intility din

Construction are done on following reasons:

1) - Center locus (T) of circles (Ci) tangent to a line D and to a point, or
a circle C, is a parabola.
Because the general definition of a parabola is as follows: A parabola is
the locus of equidistant points from a Centered-Point (C) and a line (D).

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

With a circle defintion as the locus of points equidistant from a center

2) - Inversely for a circle:
The locus of any circles (Ci) centers, tangent to a circle (C) is a circle
the radius of which is equal to the sum of their two radius.
3) - Locus of centers of any given circle (Ci) tangent to a line (D) is a
parallel to the line (D). It is the definition of points parallel to a line

- parabola between two tangents (Fraunhofer-Gesellshaft, Germany)

Some time it is more easyer to determine a parabola trajectory by its


- dakhiometrie (, Germany)

- draw circle general tangent (Mongolia)

- circle + tangent + to + a + line + and + a + circle (China)

- circle geometry tangent easy learn (USA)

- bisector line point parabola (Italy)

- geometry circle (, Estonia)

Until now Geometry while knowing how to draw a circle with a compass
it ignores what is a really a circle. The Geometry realm is only a linear
one. It is why this lack in knowledge give rise to irrationnality, the
incommensurable space Holes. In Mathematics curves are only
simulated by approximative Algebraic tools. Simulation is never a
precise definition method. Space is not created and can't be never
described only by lines. It is the case for number theory of the Line of
Reals number definitions.
Space is not obly Linear but necessarily Linear-And-Circular. More
exactly tell with a just order of reasons, basic space is Circular
generating Linear structures.
Only with a such basic understanding, human sciences can have a more
understanding on behavior of any object in space, the space on Earth
and the extraterrestrial space. The Dynamics is only a primary
simulation for beginning of a science. The forces is a verry narrow tool
for defining movement. Only true relationships according to space
structures is the authentic science knowledge of universal laws.
The following figures may appears as usual innocent ones. But really,
from there can be deduced precisely the how and the why are the
changes in the universe. True knowledge begings on reserach about the
absolute space and sciences begin there.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- formule de mathématiques horrible (, Netherlands)

Ce qui montre que vous avez vu que les constructions de paraboles

comme ci-après, sont si souples que l'on peut le faire dans tous les
sens pour étudier un cas de mouvement donné. Alors que la Géométrie
Analytique est figée raide, dans ses formalismes qui ne permet pas de
s'adapter aux cas réels des études.

- geométrie pour les petit, circle (, Chile)

- circles geometry (, St Teresa's Academy, Kansas

City, Missouri, USA)

- geometrija krog (, Slovania)

- tangency constructions (University of Belgrade, Bulgaria)

- "cricle" plane geometry (, Vietnam)

- ancient geometry circle trace (China)

- how to analyze sacred architecture with geometry (USA)

- interesting composition of rectangles and circles showing divergence

from a converging point (Pakistan)

- geometrija (Croatia) - Vietnam basketball (,


- fruit de vietnam (China,

- ICI PAINT for car in Pakistan (Pakistan)


- Vietnam fruit (Vietnam,

- parabole + et + circle (Vietnam)

Therefore, the construction of

any circle (Ci) tangent to a circle
(C) and to a line (D) at point P, is
given on this next figure.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Function general form:

The Algebraic formula
can also be extended directly as
when y=x

and more generaly, when (Y) is any quantity form one usually writes it
under so many algebraic number formalisms. Example given as root or
exponetial forms...
However, this is here a more generalized view point through spatial
figure forms. The usual geometric or algebraic parabola is nothing than
a very particular understanding of a more complete spatial structure.
In Dakhiometry, a parabola is nothing else than a whole spatial complex
description. For example, in spatial language, a parabola relationship
can represent an aera of a square! It is a new understanding of the
Potential law of matter in space. With basic understanding of matter
there is an unique science of matter. There is no dichotomy between
pure Ppatial Language and Physics.

Therefore, we have there the precise general formula of spatial
constructions for all power functions where are included the parabola,
hyperbola and exponent forms.
All these functions rest on an unique basic second degree parabola form

A parabola is a form belonging to the space structure. Consequently,
exponent functions are also space structure. The Algebraic forms are
only imperfect and approximations understanding of space when using
Numbers of conventional language.

- parabolas joke (, Waterloo Region District School Board,

Kitchener, Ontario, Canada)

- if + friction + be + neglected + what + is + the +

characteristics + of + the + motion + of + a + heavy + object +
thrown + violently + downward + from + a + tall + building

Throwing any object is to communicate to it a speed for an

uniform motion. So for this given above case it is usually written
the parabolic falling motion as follows:
y = V0 + at2
y is the object falling trajectory

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

V0 ; is the initial throwing speed

a; is the instantaneous potential of the object location
t; is the duration of the trajectoty from the starting point.

This is the usual algebraic mode of analytic geometry.

But according to the Dakhiometry's spatial language, this
phenomena can be easily constructed and directly measured
precisely any point of this trajectory. More this spatial
construction can be applied in any case of a given situation and in
any scale of the figure.
Examples of this Dakhiometry language is done in this web site
about the Foucault-Pendulum false so-called law.

Important Notes
If you are asking for such known problem, may be it is because
you want to know how is my answer about the "gravity" provide
that the classical known gravity is the Newton's central force one.
The parameter (a) here, is the location potential of a system that
have a Rest-point because, a Constant gravity as the (g) is false
as general factor. The (g), e.g. as 9.8, is false because the
Newton's Universal Gravitation is only a false empirical
The true universal law of space is that any celestial system is
basically the space duo parameters Potential/Rest-point.
Therefore, in such system, the gravity factor denoted here as (a),
should be an accelerated gravity factor of object falling motion
toward the Rest-Point. This is because the trajectory distance is
the square root of potential energy.
Remind that the Newton's central force is inversely proprtional to
the squared distance denoted as function of (1/R2). So, the usual
use of Earth gravity as (g=9.81) is only an approximation for
cases of Earth surface objects. But this central force theory
implies that the pressure in the Earth center is very high. While
with the Potential/Rest there is no such contradiction. A rest point
for an object means its equilibrium situation. Therefore, near the
rest point there is two cases of equilibrium:

1) - Or the object has no more internal kinetic energy then it

stand at Rest. All of its initial potential energy was transfered to
the other surounding matter
2) - Or during the formation state of interactions, this sobject
cannot lose all of its initial potential energy, then the amount of
this energy is distributed as kinetic energy in such manner that
this object will be orbiting aroung the Rest-point.

We have there, the shematic of the Dakhiometry matter

condensation process law when stars is forming in their
globe structure.

Therefore, in the case of the universal Space Potential/Rest law,

the Newton's Central Force is irrelevent to describe celestial

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

bodies as how they are formed and why a star and a galaxy
systems can appear as universal orbiting systems.
It is clear that the Newton's Central Force is not only a quite
simplistic but also a false model.

New simple and rational Spatial definitions and constructions of

- how to construct a circle to touch another circle externally and a given
point (United Arab Emirates)

You may have your own solution. Here is an another one proposed.

General Basic principle

Any spatial structure can be defined and genrerated from circle. The
basic one is the squaring a circle. From there comes first the squaring
an ellipse.
Example is given here for hyperbola figures with circle (Co) as line

You may have your own solution. Here

is an another one proposed.

The construction uses the radius (R) of

any given circle (C) that have to be
tangent to circle (Co) and the point

These constructions are nice
generators of hyperbola from all the
locus of (C) centers. Axis (x;y) of
these hyperbola are determined by the
middle of tangents from (P) to the fixe
circle (Co). OP is the bisector symmetrical axis of (x;y) angle. The
middle of OP is the axis intersection. It is clear that axis (x;y) are limits
of these hyperbola. These locus are really hyperbola because it is clear
that these axis are their limits as asymptotes. While a parabola can't
have any asymptote.

- using tangent to draw conic section (, University of

Manitoba, Canada)

Term Conic is originated from the formalism of solid cone sections.

Conics are then attached to these formalisms.
Howeve it is more wealthy to undestand that locus points of conics are
locations of a particular space structure for object displacements. Then

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

a tangent has the meaning of symmetry for the energies sources of

these displacements.

- a circle and its tangent which show the properties at the point of
tangency. (Carolina, USA)

Actually. From (P), it means here an asymptotic property of variables.

- como se hace un plato de parabola (Dominican Republic)

- easy + dependent + vaiable + picture (, USA)

- hyperbola stream function (, USA)

- hyperbola edge graph (Hong Kong)

- The Analysis of Beauty conics (, Pennsylvania,


- An Introductory Account of Certain Modern Ideas and Methods in

Plane Analytical Geometry (, USA)

- conic graph arts (, California, USA)

- tangents to hyperbola (, Australia)

- An introductory account of certain modern ideas and methods in plane

analytical geometry (Australia)

- conic drawing of Apple logo (, ELA Group,


- reciprocation of a circle to draw hyperbola ( (Hsinchu City

Education Department, Hisinchu City, Taiwan)

- architecture hyperbol (, HoChiMinh city, Vietnam)

- trisection hyperbola (Korea)

- Sydney + opera + house + hyperbolic + integration + calculus


- hyperbolic paraboloid apply real life (Vietnam)

- hyperbole math première résolution (Ecuador)

- what is "tha" relationship between parabola and hyperbolas (USA)

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

On these basis of isoscele triangle, deduction can unfold more wealthy

cases as liberty of large understanding about these elemental space
structure for movement. What can never be known by the usual conics
of the Analytic geometry.

This figure show how we can get the orthogonal axis hyperbola when
tangent from point P to (Co) form a rigth angle. The whole hyperbola is
generated by symmetry on the bisector axis for (Co) and P positions.

New main hyperbola characteristics are:

1) - Circle (Co) is the circular Line director. (Co) is a more precise basic
parameter for hyperbola then defining it as "any hyperbola point as a
constant difference between two fixe focus points"
2) - Pont (P) and (O) are the focus of each hyperbola branch. The one
is the director center of the other.
3) - (T) is the tangent of any hyperbola point defined as the bisector of
angle {oTp}

Conical belong wholy to rational and precise space structure. The
consequences are of great fertility.

- how to construct a hyperbole (, so California, USA)

Practical applications using simple tangent constructions

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- greatest constructions (Bulgaria)

For example, this next figure can be a collector at the focal (F), of the
surrounding electromagnetic and sound energy in a solid angle. An
another practical application is to use the hypebolic surface to produce
dimmed headlight of cars.

- ellipse AND maths AND headlight (Sri Lanka)

- greatest constructions (, Mexico)

- How to use mathematies (Cambodia)

- solid angle satellite (Netherlands)

- real math hyperbola (, Victoria, Australia)

It is interesting to use a hyperbola surface to focus by reflexion all the

electromagnetic of space in a whole solid angle. The simple spatial
hyperbola defined here is useful to adjust the hyperbola parameters for
construction of a choosen solid angle. It can be in 3D symmetrical to
one central axis (OF).
May be, a hyperbola is more interesting to concentrate for diffusing or
receiving not directional electromagnetic radius energy.
Emission of sound by a loud-speaker is there less directional and more
realistic - HiFi - than as for a spherical or parabolic speaker.

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- headlight hyperbola (, USA)

With the squaring circle law the unit solid angle denoted as (sr)
steradian, can be precisely defined as a circle of a sphere instead of
refering to a square surface. On this figure the solid angle is the one
with center (O) of sphere (Co).

- assimetrical speaker dispersion (, Spain)

- multiple hyperbolic paraboloid, architecture (, Texas A&M

University, USA)

Possibility of conics sparial constructions is very useful for architecs.

These latter are also engineer but they need artist form feeling for
designing environment interaction of city and individual living.
Therefore, it is more natural for them to manipulate forms from direct
drawing of projects. Computer can complete at final state for producing
practical dimensions of construction structures. But drawing spatial
forms is the direct contact for ergonomics in conception and design
between artist and engineer .

- parabolic solar cooker plans (, Mexico)

Kowing how to determine any tangent of a conics is useful for

determining electromagnetic ray reflection of a given conic surface.
Using parabola for Sun rays concerns only the direct Sun ray onto the
parabola surface. A parabola use only parallel Sun rays. It is more
interesting to collect non parallel rays in a whole solid angle because
Sun energy comes also from the whole atmosphere. Thus, an
association of a central parabola with a peripheral hyperbola surfaces
can be precisely determined by spatial construction for a maximal Solar
energy collector. This may be for an individual solar cooker as well as
for a biger installation.

Important practical notes

We are used with computer that can give any analytical conics
form. It is why these present spatial constructions of conics
seems to be only curious things. However, the importance of the
present spatial constructions should be understood as:
1) - Spatial constructions of conics curves are rational precise and
continous locus of points.
2) - The most importance of its properties is found in practice.
Because spatial method allows the mastering of conics curves. For
examples, a parabola or hyperbola can be defined anywhere in a
given structure, between two given points. Then, it can be
adjusted with factors from that we can match its curve to the
given structure. In architecture, one need only a conics form to
become harmoniously integrated with the other system form. In
brief these spatial methods of conics can be easily manipulated
with suppleness and are no more only primary forms produced by

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Complication and Error about Analytical Mathematics on Conic

- géométrie analytique joke (Canada)

- arabolic + hyperbola + boy + scouts (Luxembourg)

May be.

The so-called Conic is from the Anciant's empirism the thinking mode is
to Things and then to "analogically think" their everyday observations.

What is "conic?

One nows that Conic is originated from curiosity seen according to the
different Figures of light shadowed on this cone.

As light is linear then, the Conic are from Linear Figures. Whatever are
the algebraic function formalism and the semingly "curves" of these
conic functions,

It is why Conic Function espressed by X/Y, also by X/Y/Y or more higher

dimensions of lines system reference, these conic ares strictly of Linear

What is then a NOT-LINEAR function?

The Not-Linear function is simply the Curvilinear one.

Most of mathematicians ignore what is this curious thing as "Curvilinear


Therefore, I am sorry to tell them that all of the "conic" given in this
present text are precisely from Curvilinear constrution ones!

Any of the current Conic described in the current Mathematics have to
be thrown avay.
All of any functions is NECESSARY defined by CIRCLES!

Therefore, any of the current "Conic" defined by algebraic method are

not the exact expression. Their utility is nothing else than to "prove the
Infinity or the Nothingness ideology"

There is ONE basic universe Circular Function that shows the property
of the universe Circle not as the endless Infinity/Nothingness but as the
Permanence of a Circle. The Perimeter of a circle is not the infinity of

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Beginning and the Infinity of its Endless as was stated by Moebius. The
truth is that the perimeterr of a circle is the symbol of the Permanence.

However, the perimeter is not the correct expression to express the

Permanence. Because the Permanence should be described by the
Isotropic property of the universe Space. Because the Circle is the
characteristic of the Space Direction while the Distance is the Linear

Mathematicians with their simplistic empirical Mathematics come up

against a barrier of uncomprehension when they have to define the
Angle as long as they ignore what is the difference between the Circular
and the Linear space. It is why with Mathematics and their
Trogonometry they will NEVER resolve the Trisection of an Angle.

Precisely, to resolve not only a trisection but to resolve the Angle

Division they should at first resolve their "Circular Conic", the Conic
that has no Beginning and no End but rationally and wholy constructed.
Simply tell, the Dakhiometry had resolved this Universe UNIQUE
Circular Conic!

It is not usefull to expressed that the Dakhiometry can defined this

Unique Circular "Conic"... and then shows rationelly what is the
Trisection or the divison of an Angle.

In Mathematics parabola ellipse and hyperbola are define as;

Conic as generated by A POINT AND A LINE. And written as:

M(x,y), ax2 + by2 + dx + cy + f = 0

It is a great error and a confused false definition.

Here above was seen what is a parabola and a hyperbola according to
the Dakhiometry. The Analytical Mathematics for conic is proved as
contradiction according to the definition of what is an asymptote.
Because if conic is generated by a focus and a line it is only an artificial
process. The reason is given in the following:

Definition of an asymptote
Let a function y = f(x) (f-1),
1) - (f-1) has no asymptote if (x) and (y) are simultaneously unlimited
2) - (f-1) has an asymptote if only (y) goes toward zero when (x) goes
to unlimited quantities and inversely.

a) - A parabola is generated by a line director and a focus point or a

central point. Then a parabola has no asymptote because a distance
from a point to a line has no limit.
b) - A hyperbola is generated by a circle and a focus point. Then, the
tangent to this circle from the focus point has a limited possibility. This
limit is the condition of asymptotic situation for hyperbolic function.

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c) - Perimeters of an ellipse and the one of a circle are cyclic and have
no linear infinity. Therefore, generation of an ellipse is limited and has
no unlimited variation and no asymptotic conditions.

Therefore, analytical Mathematics defining conic as generated by a line

director and a fixe point, state that there is no possible asymptote for
hyperbola. While it is valid for parabola and strangely, for ellipses.

This error is originated from Anciants studies on conic that had a partial
view on parabola and in continuation for modern Mathematics. We see
there that the line plus a point for conic are artificial Mathematic

The present parabola and hyperbola exposed above in this text are
really a parabola an a hyperbola precisely and rationally defined
according to spatial language..

Les ellipses comme coniques

En l'espace on peut faire la moisson de joyaux que sont ses structures,
lorsque l'on sait les révéler. Les structures de l'espace sont les racines
par lesquelles toute lois universelles se manifeste. Une structure
rationnellement definie est une lumière permettant de comprendre les
milles et un phénomènes du monde.
Par exemple, une mono cellule est centrée autour d'un noyau. Que
fait-elle pour de multiplier? Elle dédouble son noyau, on le sait.
Ainsi, dans l'espace il existe une structure raison de base du
dédoublement d'un cercle d'où apparaît la forme d'une ellipse. Ce n'est
seulement par le langage de l'espace que l'on peut voir et comprendre
un tel joyau de raison. Depuis des millénaires, quel mathématicien peut
prétendre le voir à travers ses sciences de l'ellipse comme conique,
péniblement décrite par des formules abscons et approximatives de la
géométrie analytique? D'autant que les Mathématiques sont pour eux
que les manifestations d'un Esprit qui n'existe pas, ici-bas, mais qu'ils
croient que leurs corps ne sont que des pantins manipulé par lui. On
peut en rire, si ce n'était qu'une mauvaise plaisanterie mais
l'abrutissement de l'homme par de telle idéologie ne peut descendre
plus bas. Plus con que ça, tu meurs.

Il me faut un effort pour me decider à vous révéler le conique ellipse.

Lorsque je vous présente ce qu'est l'ellipse comme conique, le plus
libre d'entre-vous verront que les Mathématiques sont d'autant
compliquées qu'elle est nulles. Il n'y a pas de Mathématiques, cette
science dure. Il n'y a que des mathématiciens rigidifiés, pauvre en
réflexion, prompt à imiter les perroquets et robots.
L'équation générale des coniques, cité ci-dessus, reconnue et adulée
par tous, en milieu scolaire institutionnel, attribuée à Descartes et
autres des temps contenporains, n'est que bricolage sur les conique,

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qui ne dit rien si c'est que plus c'est compliquée, plus les Maths sont
forts. Cette tare est transmissible par contagion pour le formatage des
esprits des générations et générations de scolastiques.

L'ellipse comme conique selon le langage de l'espace est d'un

signification vaste et étendue, particuluèrement pour les mouvement
explixitant les situaions des astres et le processus de la Condensation
de la matière, selon les lois de l'espace comme Potentiel. Quelle sont
ces sciences qui ne sont que toute fauses de la tête aux ongles des
orteils, en math, astronomie, physique et science de la Terre?

Par expérience vécues, je sais que tout ce monde dit de science est
sourd aveugle et muet du penser.
Je vous laisse, essayer de sortir de vos coniques maladroits et fausses,
servant depuis des siècles à racconter des bobards sur la mécanique
céleste et qui continue encore malgré les résultats que je présente en
public sur Internet, depuis déjà 12 ans!

Allez, réjouissez de vos sciences infantiles et ne vous étonnez pas que

le Terre souffre de sa maladie imaginaire telle que l'Effet de Serre et de
son Enfer sous terre.
Au lieu des vos Pis folkloriques selon d'Archimède, faites la quadrature
de l'ellipse. La Constante de l'Espace qui vous a été grâcieusement
présentée, ne vous a servi à rien.

Conclusion sur les coniques

- la + solution + et + l'unicite + des + équation + de + la + forme +
parabolique (United Arab Emirates)

Vous aves là, la vue d'un regard se tenant à partir du centre du

En effet la racine des raisons des lois universelles est réellement le
cercle comme concept logique, d'où radiusonnent les raisons d'un
espace parfaitement défini de l'univers où tout n'est que solution et où
il n'existe ni problème du passé ni incertitude de l'avenir. Ce n'est pas
là des paroles de projections idéologiques d'homme. Ce n'est que le
rationnel des Faits de l'Espace des lois universelles.

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Enoncé de la Dakhiométrie: Les coniques sont pratiquement, deux sommets fixés et

déterminés, d'un triangle isocèle PFH, forment un système de référence et de
symétrie pour tout point de l'espace univers.

Dans le cas des figures classées comme conique, elles sont des
variations d'une même raisons de base. Ses aspects ne sont pas des
dispersions de similitudes que l'on a mis dans un même sac par
analogie formaliste. Elles sont bien l'unicité dans sa diversité. Le voir
ainsi appartient au domaine de la connaissance alors que ses
applications sont des qualités de science exacte.
La figure ci-contre, indique la définition pratique commune de tout
conique. Elle se fait par le triangle isocèle PFH. P est un point d'une
conique dont F est le focal et H un point de sa directrice. Il n'est
représenté ici que la parabole et l'hyperbole. L'ellipse n'y est pas
indiqué puisqu'il n'est pas encore explicité ici. Mais l'ellipse fait partie
de cette définition commune.
Tout l'espace de l'univers, peut être décrit par la forme de
conique. L'univers est un cercle et du cercle peuvent s'exprimer pour
la Condensation de la matière en astres qui se fait selon la
dégénérescence du cercle vers l'ellipse. Cette transformation est
l'expression du Potentiel de l'Espace en énergie cinétiique. L'Astronomie
est intéressée par la description des formes coniques. L'ellipse concerne
la formation des systèmes astraux. Puis, en interne seulement aux
systèmes astraux, peuvent s'appliquer le parabole et l'hyperbole.

La description d'une géométrie Non-Euclidienne par des espace courbe

n'est qu'une théorie fausse parce que née d'idéologie construite par

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génératio d'imageries de l'homme. Il est faux de croire que l'espace est

un plan hyperbolique courbe, parce que les lois universelles ne
s'exprime uniquement que dans un plan. Dans le cas de l'espace
comme plans courbés, nous avons l'expression de la preuve de
l'ignorance des mathématiciens et physiciens d'une ignorance de
l'Espace qui n'est que leur contradiction d'un Néant. Néant dans lequel,
oui selon la science officielle il y a des places dans le Néant, chacun y
place où il veut Sa théorie personnelle qui l'arrange. Sacrés savants!
Ceci dit, vous seriez dans le faux de conclure par là, que la Géométrie
Euclidienne est la bonne. Cette dernière n'est qu'une approche lointaine
de l'Espace par empirisme maladroit et que de toutes les générations
de mathématiques, aucun ne sait définir rationnellement l'espace si ce
n'est que par le témoignage de leurs dessins.

Voici ce que la Dakhiométrie donne.

1) - Expression de la connaissance:
Après la transformation du Cercle en carré qui est génération des
Directions en Distance, la mesure de l'espace peuvent se faire par
dégénérescence du cercle en expression selon les lois de coniques. La
dégénérescence du cercle se fait par dissociation du point centrale, qui
ne peut s'exprimer qu'en Direction, en deux points séparés marquant
de la Distance.
2) - Expression de science de mesure:
Tout l'espace de l'univers peut alors se décrire à partir de deux
sommets référencés d'un triangle isocèle, pout pour définir le troisième
sommet dans la totalité de l'espace univers. C'est là la vraie expression
des coniques.

Alors que les Mathématiques restent figées depuis des millénaires, sur
quelques spécificités des formes de paraboles, d'hyperbole et d'ellipse,
on peut constater la connaissance pleine de l'espace en Dakhiométrie.
Ainsi, sur la figure, on peut voir que dans le triangle isocèle PFH, si l'on
se réfère aux deux points F et H, on trouve dans l'espace les formes de
parabole, d'hyperbole et d'ellipse, décrivant par le troisième point P.
Mais que si l'on se réfère aux deux points {P, F} ou {P, H}, on trouve la
forme-source qui est celle d'un cercle. En variant les paramètres du
triangle PFH, on peut ainsi décrire toutes les variances de point de la
totalité de l'espace. C'est bien le cercle qui est la Source de toute
forme de l'espace. Ceci n'est que la réciproque. Parce qu'avec l'ellipse
on trouve la preuve du théorème directe où, d'un cercle, il naît une
ellipse et les autres formes de base de coniques. Voilà la science vraie
des lois de l'espace où il n'y a pas de dichotomie fantaisiste, un
mauvais mirage entre "Mathématiques et la Physique" ou Esprit-

Voilà en bref, le nectar des raisons qui fait la rationnalité

humaine. Il ne s'agit pas de croire ou de ne pas croire à mes
exposés. Il n'est que la nécessité d'être humain.

L'inertie des savants institutionnels s'accrochant à leur besace de

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Trucs et Astuces de croyance, est terriblement fautive dans le

reniement de la raison humaine. Leur inertie s'exerce à étouffer la
Dakhiométrie, la seule et unique chance pour l'humain de devenir

- what + is + the + meanning + of + "pout" (,

Sorry. "Pout" would hopes to tel for POUR or FOR. "Pout" is no
more the impudent vocabulary of heretical fingers that are
worying with the usual everyday inhospitable keyboard.

- loie + de + la + gravitation (Estvideo numericable,,


C'est au féminin il faut donc mettre le mot loi au féminin.

Alors, la loi loie de la Gravitation a été l'aboutissement, d'une
recherche désespérée qui avait été le tracas de toute une longue
époque où l'on ne sait pas pourquoi tous les dignités tombent par
terre, lorsqu'elles trébuchent.
Ayant réussit à façonner une définition du mouvement, appelé
Force, Newton y prenait appui et pensait à l'association "évidente"
de la masse et du mouvement. Il peut donc dire qu'il y a
mouvement, lorsqu'il y a une Force. C'est ce qu'il désignait
comme Vitesse ou variation de vitesse puisque lorsqu'il y a un
mouvement, il y a aussi, des mouvements-dans-le-mouvement.
C'est ce que Leibniz appelait la relativité. Justement, par la Force,
Newton ne défini pas vraiment le Mouvement car la Force n'est
valide que par le mouvement-du-mouvement, une "accélération".
C'est pourquoi, en utilisant les lois de Newton, la Mécanique a un
mal fou de s'acherner à définir le mouvement, prenant soin de
faire des acrobaties terribles de notations formelles pour justifier
l'écriture d'une force, en définissant chaque mouvement d'abord
par sa référence. Sans ces précautions, la Force ne dit rien du
tout sur le mouvement. C'est pourquoi, Einstein doit écrire sa
formule magique:

* non pas seulement par : E=mc2

* mais par: E=(mv2)i + mc2
qui veut dire que le mouvement est relatif à un mouvement initial
de "je n'en sais foutre rien". Hors de la dévotion, vous
constateriez que la vitesse limite obligatoire de ses photons, n'est
que de la connerie attrape-nigauds. C'est exactement, ce que
cette formule vous dit. parce qu'il faut y ajouter une vitesse que
l'on ne sait pas mesurer avec quoi? Mais voyons, avec la science
de la Force de Newtion!

Il reste à "trouver une raison", ce que l'on peut dire plus

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justement une justification ou mieux, "se faire une raison" pour la

masse. En conséquence, comme la légende de la pomme-
qui-tombe le dit, elle tombe bien sur Terre et non sur la Lune.
Oreu, comme la Lune est évidemment plus petite que la Terre, on
peut en faire-une-raison, consitant à associer la Masse comme la
Source de mouvement. Dans ce cas, la Terre plus grosse que la
Lune, mange donc la pomme. D'où la Loie de la Gravitation est
toute "fondée" selon le témoignage massif ou unanime de tous,
que la Terre et plus grasse que la Lune, d'abord parce qu'elle
donne des fruits et qu'ils y pleuvaient à gogo.
C'est ainsi que se passe la plus part des recherches scientifiques,
fondamentales ou appliquées. C'est vraiment l'empirisme de l'Art
de Se Faire une Raison.
La preuve, La Relativité a une raison toute trouvée dans la Loie
de la Gravitation Universelle de la Dynamique newtonnienne pour
édifier l'édifiante théorie des Champs. Lorsque l'on est d'accord
pour mettre au plus Haut, la valeur Sa Croyance Civilisatrice, qui
évidemment, est toujours la plus Haute, la plus Grande, la
dévotion nous tire par le bout du nez, pour "prouver" que, oui, la
Masse du Soleil, dévie bien les "photons". C'est juré, craché. Vous
êtes incrédule? Vous en recevrez le crachat à la figure, pour vous
placer an asile, parce qu'en ces temps modernes, on n'évite de
parler crûment, de la cuisson au bûcher...
Ceci dit, on ne critiquerait seulement que si l'on pouvait trouver
d'autre véritable raison de la nature, pour cette pomme qui tombe
toujours de son pommier.
a) - La pomme tombe parce qu'elle va se pourrir. C'est un
témoignage béton. Pourtant, aucun scientifique n'en a fait une
théorie... Détrompez-vous. La Croyance est aussi une science qui
ne porte pas la même robe. La pourriture est toute une
philosophie sur le vie et la mort, son destin. Evidemment, elle n'a
pas la robe que porte le BigBang et le Big Crunch, tous deux, sont
issus d'un Big Trou Noir, scientifié.
b) - Il reste une chance. Celle de savoir ouvrir les yeux pour se
rendre compte qu'en réalité, la science en cours, passe son temps
à courir derrière son ombre. Elle jure tout le temps par l'espace
mais jamais, ne se rend compte qu'elle parle d'un absent qui est
de taille. Vous remarquez l'association "Absence de Taille" ou
mathématiquement "la Grandeur de la quantité Zéro" ou mieux
enocre, "l'Immensité ou l'Infini du Néant".
c) - Finalement et en bref, il n'y a de science rationnelle que par
l'éclairage de l'Espace Matière, un Fait de l'univers si gros, que
nul intelligence ne daigne regarder. L'énoncé de la loi spatiale est
simple: Tout objet est défini dans l'espace par son point de repos.
Cette définition se fait par le phénomène Mouvement.

La voici:
1) - Il n'y a pas de mouvement absolu de l'objet, lorsque l'objet
est au point de repos.
2) - Il est en equilibre-par-le-mouvement, lorsqu'il n'est pas en
son point de repos.

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3) - C'est ainsi qu'apparaît le phénomène Energy qui n'est que

l'expression de l'espace comme l'Energie Potentielle

Prenez soin de lire ces définitions de la Dakhiométrie. Car, il s'agit

précisément de MOUVEMENT ABSOLU. Alors voici non pas
l'explication par l'art du discours mais, la raison qui explique que
si l'on tombe par terre, c'est que tout objet en surface de la Terre
et à sept lieux du centre de la Terre, le point de repos commun de
tout l'astre Terre... et non des objets de la Lune et d'ailleurs.
Evidemment, si l'on tombe et que la loi dit que vous êtes en
équilibre... Cependant, c'est là la difficulté des sciences du
Témoignage de comprendre que l'on tombe pour le plaiisr des lois
et qu'il préfère accepter de subir la justice d'une poigne de fer
d'une Force qui vous y oblige.
Mais, ce n'est pas ici, une autre évidence de témoignage. Une
construction de la structure immuable de l'espace peut se
démontrer par la transformation en énergie d'un point à une
distance de son point de repos.
Je le répète encore:
Le Potentiel propriété de l'espace, définit la Mouvement
absolu. C'est-à-dire, le mouvement en soi. C'est pourquoi, il n'y
a que l'énergie de vraie, pour décrire exactement le mouvement.
Voilà ce qu'avec l'habitude de déduire, on peut faire avec le fait
de l'espace comme Contenant et Contenu.

Proof of rational Circle into ellipse transformation.

A most basic transformation
as physical meaning after the squaring a circle
- Integration in 3d sphere and isosceles triangle (,
California, USA)

- exponential curve vs tangent curves (3Dexamples of internally

tangent circles in real life, Washington, USA)

- construction in the circle (, Bahamas)

- Jordan University of Science and Technology Doctors (,


To complete the spatial system of the Dakhiometry's conic figure, here

is the proof of the rational generation from a circle of any ellipse in

- how to "drown" an ellipse (, Manchester, UK)

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- how to construct ellipse my choosing points in a rectangle (USA)

Actually. It can be construted any ellipse inscribed in a given rectangle

with this next construction principle. Then with the four point on the
four sides middles, the circle (C) is determined to construct the seeking

- billard + en + forme + d'ellipse, + tirer + foyer + sur + le + rebord

+ sur + foyer (, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland)

La qualité des joueurs de billard est d'avoir l'esprit géomètre très aigue.
On le voit se manifester à coup sûr, par les champions qui voit l'espace
du billard non de manière analytique mais, cet espace dans son entier
complet, où il n'y a plus de passé ni de futur. C'est ça, l'espace.
Alors, avec un billard bien au point en forme d'ellipse, je crois que les
joueurs s'en régaleraient à y concevoir leurs coups magiques avec
précision. Parce que l'espace d'une ellipse est très bien plus riche en
relations spatiales que celles d'un rectangle.

- how do I teach ellipse by material (Turkey)

- ellipse in real life (Vietnam,


Because universe space is pure absolute structure. Therefore, matter
should be constructed according to self portant structure. It is why
archtectural estetic can found construction founding on natural function
logic without which geometrical forms are only coagulated sceneries.

- earth + rotation + basics (

An ellipse is from circle family.

A star orbit or any object in space is generally composed by two

energy components:

1) - A first enery type is the iso-potential circle relatively to a Zero

point energy of the system.

2) - A second energy type is the kynetic energy for rotation in the

perfect iso-potential circle around the Zero Center energy.

Both of these energy types are refered to its Zero Center

constitute the universal Location factors of any object in the
universe Spece.

In practice most of stars orbits are done as elleptic ones but not as a
perfect circle.
It is because they are not precicely done on a given iso-potential
circle. It is because stars are form from the Matter Condensation
Process where the energy distributions are not done by discrete
manner from the initial elemental matter cloud. Therefore a star is

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composed of:

EP + ER + Edelta(R)

The Edelta(R), is a delta-(rotation kinetic energy) is a cyclic variation

of the star rotation orbit.

The effect of this later is to pulse the star in an elliptic trajectory.

This latter is no more than a cyclic rotation energy done around a
given average circular iso-potential orbit.

The differential rotation orbit around a given average iso-potential

orbit is expressed in Spatial Language of the Dakhiometry as shown
in this next folowing basic construction of an ellipse.

The circle (C) of this system defines the characteristic of the initial
personal cloud from where the star was formed from a larger star
system. For example Matter-condensation produces the Galaxy, Star
series, Star systems and Planet systems.

One can note that in space everything is basicaly from a circle, not
only for the Square but particularly also for the Elipse forms.

According to the circle (C) one may note that it is wrong to tell
as by Kepler did it that an orbital ellipse has TWO FOCUS.
The truth is that an ellipse should be defined from a centered
structure defined by a Circles (C). It is a general property
from the Dakhiometry that allows to define all the ellipse
spatial form properties as aera and volume of ellipsoides.

One can note on this next figure that the ellipse (MN) form is
produced by two circles (C1) and (C2) rotating on the main circle
(C). The two ellipse focus is only a secondary property

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- architecture turkey (Vietnam,

- architecture, jardins, ellipses-architecture, jardins, ellipses

(Velizy, France)

Avec la possibilité de manipuler les courbes dites côniques

montrées ici, on peut ajouter les formes parabole-hyperbole-
ellispse à l'architecture en générale. On peut envisager les projets
de formes sur le plan du terrain et y placer les courbes voulues.
Courbes qui peuvent être maniées facilement comme on le voit
ici. Ensuite il suffit de les reporter en longueurs déterminées sur
le terrain.
Vous aurez intoduit par là, les caractéristiques esthétiques
modernes dans l'environnement urbanistique. La peinture cubiste
a été bien insolite dans les moeurs des formes rectilignes et
trompe-l'oeils. L'architecture ne doit plus servir à écrire des
messages linguistiques ou des symboles d'intentions
anthropomorphiques d'ambition démesurées des divinités qu'ils
soient Profanes ou Divins. Elle n'en ferait plus que son
enterrement en érigeant sa propre pierre tombale baroque. Nul ne
veut plus la lire ni la vivre parce que l'informatique s'en charge
pour tout ce qui est de discours à profusions.
L'architecture se doit d'être ce qu'elle devrait être : les justes
mouvements vécus de l'homme. Ce en quoi à côté desquelles sont
restés emprisonnés les architectes, fautes de moyens pratiques

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

offerts par l'enseignement des Mathématiques. Pourquoi rester

dans la ligne d'Euclide, la pyramidal symbolique, ou le cube des
formes? Est-ce parce que l'on ne sait pas doubler un cube sans
mentir? Il était temps de libérer un peu plus les formes dans le
paysage de vie pour briser la rigidité des mentalités de ce monde.
Monde qui voudrait avancer et qui donc est resté encore en
retrait, toujours endormi dans le Linéaire des Millénaires obscurs.

L'intelligence spatiale est plus que le bond en avant de la pensée

humaine. Ce serait un crime contre l'humanité que de chercher à
l'étouffer et le renier par le conservatisme nombriliste des
scientifiques et des responsables en cours.

Il me semble que seul l'architecture peut l'intégrer dans le vécu

et avec une meilleure efficacité, dans la mentalité du monde en
cours. Si l'on examine l'histoire de l'architecture moderne,
quoique se tenant en arrière du discours, l'architecture urbaine a
un rôle première dans l'évolution des mentalités. Pour le voir,
allez dans les quartiers de styles architecturals différents de votre
ville. Vous y verrez ces différences détonnantes de mentalités de
leurs habitants.
Les architectes osent exprimer par la liberté de leurs oeuvres
centrés sur l'être humain, là où les formes intitutionnelles
anciennes dans ses virtualités, le répriment dans son
conservatisme. Que nous dit le nid d'oiseau, si ce n'est que pour
mener les oisillons vers leur vie? C'est pourquoi le nid d'oiseau
parle de l'universel. Ainsi l'architecture se doit de s'orienter sur
l'universel de l'homme et non de ses idéologies qui en sont les

- transmutation + circle (, Japan)

Actually. A circle can be transmuted or transformed into different forms.

For example, on the above figure case, the circle (C) can be transmuted
into the line segment (yN) or any ellipse of axis (yN) or into the circle
of diameter (yN). There are also other basic transformations else than
these denoted figures. Only with more knowledge on the space
properties and when familar to spatial constructions one can get many
astonishing and deeply useful results.
The physical meaning is that le segment (yN) is the trajectory of a free
falling body, the ellipse is an mixted motion resulting from rotation and
falling motion components. The circle of diameter (yN) is only an
homothetic motion. More natural motion form can be deduced from

- transmutation circle sides (, Iowa State University of

Science and Technology, USA)

The matter condensation process is really a transmutation of Potential

into kinetic energy. This figure is siggnification of its rational definition.
The plane disk (C) is the surface of potential where the original

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

elemental matter can occupy in a plane surface. The condensation

process is to reduce this pure potential in reducing this surface to
produce motion of a final system. This planar law happens in any space
direction so that it happens in 3Dimensions.
a) - Condensing matter in the center of (C) is impossible according to
many basic principles as discretness, identity, conservation of space
matter,... ect.
b) - Then, only reducing matter space occupation can be done. The
concerning quantity is the aera. Transforming (C) aera in energy is then
transforming length dimension of (C) as the square root of aera.
c) - The perfect transformation of (C) give then a perfect another circle
with the half (C) diameter. But this case is only a particular possibility
in the condensation process liberty. Therefore, there is also same
dimension transformations but in elliptic forms. These wealthy final
condensation forms can be observed in Astronomy. The Earth orbit is
precisely a just elliptic form that can generate Earth internal energy
variation in such manner that complexe life can be developped and

Pure space locations transforming into kinetic energy for construction of

wealthy in life can be denoted as transmutation by universal laws.

- spherical astronomy

- examples of internally tangent circles in real life (,

Minnesota, USA)

- real life internal tangent circles (, USA)

From a circle (C) and any point (F1) of any of its radius and from (C)
center (F2), an isoscele triangle (F1PE) defines a point (P) of an unique
ellipse with diameter (MN). When (F1) goes until the (C) circonference
then, the figure define a pure Circle construction that is defined as
A circle is generated by a isoscele triangle (F1PE), the summit (P) of
which is a fixed point while the side (EP) is a constant length.

- règlement de construction fully (Switzerland)

- prove ellipse (Taiwan)

a) - From any given fixed point F1, draw any segment EF1
b) - Draw TP, a median of EF1
c) - Join E to F2 that intersect TP at point (P) as one of the ellipse to be

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Note that point (P) is the construction of the center of a circle internally
tangent to (C) and to this latter internal point F1.

It is directly proved from this spatial structure of isoscele triangle that

the total length from (P) to (F1) and (F2) is equal to its diameter (MN).
Both are equal to the circle (C) radius as a constant length during this

Explicitly tell,
EF2 = radiusC = Constant
EP = PF1; as isoscele triangle sides
PF1+PF2 = EP+PF2 = EF2 = Constant

The altutude TP of the tiangle isoscele (F1PE) are tangent to the ellipse
formed. Many others of the ellipse properties are deduced from this
basic spatial structure. For example, the ellipse center is defined by the
line joining the middle of two sides of the isoscele triangle intersecting
the diameter MN. On this figure is shown it as line (TO) where (O) is
the ellipse center.

The main principle of this transformation is that the Circle can divided
itself from one central center, into two separated ones. It is the case
seen for an alive cell multiplication.
When this doubling of circle center happens in such manner that the
isoscele triangle is exterior to the circle (C) then, the figure
transformed is a hyperbola when point (F1) is a point and a parabole
when point (F1) is a line.

The 3D figure for solid surfaces, are obtained when we considered e.g.
the axis (y) as an axis of symmetry.



This above five basic forms allow construction of complex composition

in space. Brcause the circle is source of forms..

- "sqaureroot" + oval + inside + a + circle (, Colombus, USA)

Right! Here following is an enigma to resolved for:

The two focus center of an ellipse is not two independent indistinct
things that have nothing to do each other. They have oriented meaning.
The one is the Origin the other is the Birth focus. It is why an egg is
born from a circle center of a hen. That is the solution of a true spatial
oval egg in 2D or 3D forms!
This not a joke.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Reciprocal problems from ellipse, hyperbola and parabola

Now from any given parameters, ellipse, hyperbola and parabola,
how can be found its initial generating parameters?

It is given above how from initial parameters ellipses, hyperbolas and

parabolas are generated. But, in practise we meet directly any of these
forms. Therefore, how can we determine their particular parameters?
These are the necessary reciprocal prolems in space.

Reciprocal from conics are ignored problems in Mathematics.

The usual mathematical Geometric manners of finding tricks to get

solution is no more valid. This problem need a capacity of deductive
thinking needed as in Dakhiometry where all solutions are found.
So I propose to mathematicians to find solution for this reciprocal of
how to find for:

a) - From any given ellipse

b) - From any given hyperbole
c) - From any given parabole

For example, from a given square surface, defined as points of ellipse
or of hyperbola or of parabola, how can we determine their different
parameters such that all of them constitute the fullness of this given
square surface? It can be extended for a 3D volume.

The current science of the Universal Gravitation laws has nothing to do
as Physics laws. It is quite an impotent fiction of man.

With deductive reasons as is for the Dakhiometry method, you will find
through these fundamental problems, the true universal laws of Matter
Condensation from where anything in the universe is constructed!

These are consequences of the basic absolute matter space knowledge.

- 3 + lois + universelles + du + mouvement (Lycée Jacques-Coeur,

Bourges, Académie Orléans-Toursn France)

Vous pouvez la dire, sans être assombri par un doute.

Par exemple la formation d'une ellipse traduit pleinement, le

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

phénomène du mouvement de gravitation, non pas celle de Newton qui

n'est réellement que fiction, mais décrivant l'énergie d'un objet éloigné
de son point de repos. Par exemple la Terre par rapport à son point de
repos près du Soleil ou la Lune au point de repos près de la Terre ou un
objet à la surface de la Terre, tombant sur le sol,... vers le centre

Remark about celestial mechanics according to difference of

It seems that there is no difference between the Kepler's ellipse and
the present Dakhiometry's one. Because an ellipse is an ellipse.
However, the difference is a fundamental capacity of deductive science
relative to empirical one denoted as science of observation.
a) - Empirical method is to search from observations a likely and
plausible forms in phenomena from there a formalism of mathematical
model can be constructed for describing them.
b) - While in deductive mode for successive reasons it goes first to
define the basic logic of the universe Facts. These latter when they are
justly and steady defined, are used as root reasons for deduction of
their consequences.
It is for example the case of the ellipse generation shown above where
from a complete Matter Space definition, a rational science can define
the reality of a space structure from there a phenomenon can't but be
defined as such. Here observations and experimentations are only
simple verifications as belonging to this defined structure.
This latter is what is known as the science goes from general view to
reveal the particular. It is the contrary of the usual science empirical
method that tempts from consequences to state a law.

Un joyau, une merveille de la structure de l'espace

- joining of ellipse form with rectangle (Bangladesh)

You are right to underline such construction. It is the case when we do

the squaring an ellipse.

Je profite pour signaler que cette construction de l'ellipse indiqué sur la

figure ci-dessus, est une lumière fantastique sur le commencement de
l'univers et le commencement de la vie.
Evidemment, enfoncé comme vous êtes tous par la vieille
Mathématique, croyant tout savoir parce que vous avez une panoplie de
fonctions analytiques de conique, le tout renforcé par les calculs

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

d'ordinateur puissants pour faire conquête de l'espace. Ecrasés encore

plus par la croyance à vos hautes civilisations high-Tech et vous grosses
têtes de Physiciens et Mathématiciens, vous n'avez cependant
nullement la capacité de la pensée déductive et aucune connaissance
de l'espace. Comment pouvez vous voir dans la construction que je
propose pour l'ellipse, une quelconque richesse de vue sur les lois
universelles que cette structure présente comme portail de la
connaissance rationnelle.
Vous n'y verrez que des trucs et astuces pour en conserver quelques
recettes et en faire une conquête des Mathématiques. Ce serait une
injure à la raison et une malhonêteté intellectuelle que de vouloir
soumettre la Dakhiométrie au carcan de la science empirique des

Je vous signale donc à tout hasard,

Que la construction de l'ellipse qui vous est exposée ici, est une
vue du joyau aux mille éclats, à l'ampleur de la connaissance de
En ce portail, les outres bien pleines ne passent pas. Vous pouvez y
aligner tous vos savants possibles, les uns après les autres. Nul n'est
capable d'y entrer, depuis des millénaires.

Il est temps que je mets les points sur les "i".

Voici quelques commentaires sur cette structure de l'espace Mère du

Monde. Ce n'est pas ici, de la rhétorique, du barratin idéologique, du
lyrisme de celui qui se pâme dans ses croyance. Ce n'est que de pures
raisons, encore faut-il que chacun sait-il ce que pourrait être la raison.
Et il est grave d'y voir que c'est une théorie ou un dogme de Croyance
farfelue comme toute autre. Ce que je dis ici, se démontre
rationnellemnt par la déduction de raison, comme tout ce qui est
démontrée en Dakhiométrie selon la Connaissance de l'espace matière

1) - Chacun croit que c'est évident mais, cette structure peut décrire
rationnellement et précisément la formation des astres.
2) - L'ellipse n'a pas deux foyers interchangeables que l'on ne sait que
faire de l'un ou de l'autre. L'ellipse a deux centres dont l'un est l'Origine
et l'autre la Naissance. Les deux a des fonctions complémentaires de
Création ou de Construction des lois de la matière.
3) - Cette structure de l'espace exprime la structure des lois mêmes de
l'univers, dans ses manifestations de construction.
a) - Elle éclaire le mécanisme du développement complexe du vivant
comme multiplication en cellules. Une étude plus complète peut y
révéler l'histoire de la formation de la matière atomique.
b) - Aussi incoyable que cela paraît aux esprits de robot, cette
configuration de l'espace, exprime clairement que l'ŒUF et la POULE
est Un.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Ces remarques vous semblent de la fiction. Mais vous pouvez être sûr
qu'aucune imagination fantaisiste que l'on prête jusqu'à maintenant sur
les extraterrestres, n'arrive à la cheville de telles réalités rationnelles.

Ne vous leurez pas.

Vous ne connaîtriez jamais de telles vérités. Sachez que j'ai 70 ans sur
cette Terre, parmis des "scientifiques" soildement institutionnalisés.
Depuis tout ce temps, ces cerveaux-gris perdent le temps précieux à ne
voir en moi que comme "plus con que lui, tu meurs". Dicton: Quand on
marche la tête en bas, on ne peut savoir ce qu'est le monde à l'envers.
C'est un fait et non quelques humeurs d'insatisfait de profane. Ceci
vous montre que l'esprit des humains civilisés stagne au fin fond de
leurs Labyrinthes Enfernals.
C'est sûr. L'homme a perdu sa seule chance UNIQUE d'être humain.

Loi du Comptage de la Dakhiomètrie

- la + somme + des + angles + d'un + triangle + est + égale + a +
180° + est-elle + absolue? (Algeria)

C'est très fondamentalle comme interrogation.

Voici un énoncé de Fait:
Toutes les Directions de l'espace sont ABSOLUES.

La raison est dérivée du Principe de Succession:

Toute quantité succédante ou précédente d'une autre quantité est une
quantité définie c'est-à-dire absolue.
Ainsi, la matière de l'univers est discrète. Elle est donc absolue puisque
étant finie, la matière est toujours succédante et précédante d'une
autre quantité. Ceci ne s'applique pas à l'idéologie de l'Infini car, l'infini
n'est pas une quantité.
Particulièrement, le point d'un cercle est toujours succédant et
précédant d'un autre point. Aussi, tout angle d'un cercle est une
quantité absolue. Le triangle n'est que trois points d'un cercle avec ses
angles et rien d'autre.

En déduction
Si l'homme sait compter, ce n'est pas parce qu'il y a des Nombres
comme modèle de l'univers. Il sait compter parce que la matière est
Quantité selon le Principe de Succession. Si la matière est accessible
par la quanrité, nous en déduisons que l'Espace matière est aussi
Quantité, selon la quantité de succession de localisations. Il y a donc
quantité de matière dans la quantité de localisation. Couramment, on le
désigne par Masse en un Centre dans l'espace. C'est pourquoi,
Etant quantité, l'espace est ABSOLU.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Ce qui implique que le Mouvement est Absolu.

Seul l'ignorance de la physique de l'espace, engendre l'idée de la

Relativité du mouvement.

- evolution + fundamental + laws + of + nature (Spain)

Logic of dicrete matter and space as Potential Energy imply that Motion
is necessarily ABSOLUTE. It is why the Dybamic definition of motion
with a Force is inconsistent because a Force law is a Relativity
expression according to that an acceleration is always a relativity
concept. Relativity means that motion can be measured only as motion-
in-background-of-motion. Relativity is generated from ignorance of
space reality where this latter is a contradictory concept of Infinity in
Nothingness. Nothingness is nothingness particularly it has no
dimension as for Mathematics, infinity is a dimension.

Preuves expérimantales du Mouvement Absolu

A vous chacun qui est encore libre d'esprit

Je me rends compte que si je dis que le Mouvement est Absolu, vous

êtes baba mais aussi, lorsque vous y retrouvez la raison, vous êtes
aussi baba de constater que les théories des Savants Scientifiques et
Philosophiques, sur la Relativité sont autant ignare sur le Mouvement.
La Flèche de Zénon est une preuve de l'incompréhension épaisse du
Mouvement Absolu. Le Mouvement qui étaient leur tracas le long des
sciècles de temps perdu et gaspillé pour la construction de la vie.

Voici des exemples concrets et incontestables sur le Mouvement Absolu.

Ce qui est absolu est saisissable.

Ainsi, chacun peut prendre tout objet dans sa main. Il peut le saisir,
simplement parce que l'objet dans l'univers est ABSOLU. La raison d'où
découle sa propriété de l'absolu vient du Principe d'Unicité dans
l'univers Discret. Seul le Discret est muni de la propriété d'être
saisissable par l'esprit de conscience et par les sens de chacun.

Appliquons ces propriétés au mouvement.

Qui a déjà vu du mouvement sans objet? A moins de cauchemar,
personne ne peut voir, mesurer, comprendre, un mouvement comme un
objet en Soi.
Ce qui signifie que le mouvement est un phénomène de la matière
objet. Il en est ainsi, de la lumière qui n'est que les manifestations de
la matière en particulier.
Comme tout objet est une matière absolue, il en vient directement que
son mouvement est nécessairement absolu.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Preuves expérimentales
a) - Il n'y a pas de Mouvement sans la présence d'objet matériel. On ne
peut jamais prétendre attraper un Mouvement. Attraper signifie aussi
b) - Etant une propriété de l'objet, le mouvement est absolu. Ce qui
signifie que l'on peut attrapper et mesurer le mouvement, en absolu. Il
suffit d'attrapper l'objet en question!

Jusqu'à ces lignes, vous êtes encore baba sur l'absolu du mouvement.
Mais, avec l'esprit moins formatté par les Savants des Institutions
Scientifiques, vous vous rendiez compte peut-être que,
EFFECTIVEMENT, on attrappe toujours le mouvement, dans la vie de
tous les jours!
1) - Quand vous portez un litre d'essence dans un bidon,
n'est-ce pas là le bidon, un moyen pour vous d'attrapper le
2) - Quand vous coincez l'eau dans une vallée, derrière la prison des
barrages hydrolyques,
n'est-ce pas là, le moyen d'attrapper le Mouvement?
3) - Quand vous vous donnez un mal fou de produire et conserver des
atomes de matière avec lesquelles, vous en tirez de l'énergie nucléaire,
n'est-ce pas là, le moyen d'attrapper le Mouvement, même rebelle?
4) - Quand l'on reçoit une baffe sur la figure,
n'est-ce pas là, une occasion de ne pas vouloir attrapper le Mouvement?
5) - Quand un athlète apprend à courir vite,
N'est pas là par le moyen de son corps, pour qu'il crée Son Mouvement
Absolu, rien qu'à lui, perdant ou gagnant?
6) - Quand, sur le sol on trébuche et tombe et que l'on grimace de
n'est-ce pas là, le souhait de ne pas attrapper le Mouvement?
7) - Si vous ne pouviez pas résister aux cyclones,
n'est-ce pas là que le Mouvement n'est pas Relatif? Parce qu'avec cette
relativité, on peut tuer les mouvements du cyclone, comme deux trains
roulant de concert à la même vitesse, peuvent annuler leurs
mouvements relatifs.
8) - Pourquoi, les bateaux ne peuvent jamais être en totale sécurité sur
la mer agitée?
N'est-ce pas là, pour la même raison, que le bateau reçoit le
Mouvement Absolu de la mer et ne peut pas y échapper par quelle
méthode de mouvement relativiste.
9) - Quand on a rien de toutes les avantages précédentes,
N'est-ce pas là, l'absence de Mouvement, la Non-Exisrence, la
complétude de la Mort?
Ajoutez [M.(vinconnue)2] dans la formule Relativiste d'Einstein,
E = [M.(vinconnue)2] + M.c2
Vous aurez incontestablement, la Mort dans l'Ignorance.

Voilà pour vous tous qui a encore quelque lumière de raison en

soi-même, ce que veut dire concrètement: LE MOUVEMENT ABSOLU.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

En conclusion:
Relisez ce texte en toute modestie.
Faites ce qui vous plaira, mais n'imitez pas par dévotion, l'Ignorance
des vieilles Sciences de la Croyance de l'homme, qui ne sont capables
que de fabriquer des moyens de Destructions de l'homme et de la

Du Principe d'Unicité des lois de la matière, l'univers est ABSOLU

en toutes ses manifestations.

- mécanique rationnelle

Notez la différence immense, entre la Relativité et L'Absolu de l'espace.

- what + caused + motion + in + the + universe (,


Actually. This a pertinent issue. "What is generating motion" mation is

the basic more enlightening question while "what describe a motion" is
only a practical one. This latter is the case of defining Force while the
first is a fundamental Physics question.

- step + by + step + tp + construct + a + perpendicular + bisector +

of + a + segment (USA)

- Euclid's second theorem practice (, USA)

- Einstein + la + matière + est + une + organisation (France)

On a fait un livre sur les proverbes d'Einstein comme cette expression

en est une.
N'y voit-on pas que c'est une expression de langue de bois?
Une expression qui ne dit ni oui ni non. Ce n'est donc pas une pensée
scientifique. Surtout que la matuère de sa Relativité, est un véritable
bordel dans l'univers où Temps et Espace se tordent et se crêpent les
cheveux à qui mieux mieux. Comment ose-t-on rappeler que la matière
est organisation ans un monde où l'on doit douter de ses formes? Un
monde de relativité où une Vitesse Constante (c), est toujours
constante, même relativement à tout autre vitesse!
Dire que l'on m'apprenait qu'il suffit d'une seule contradiction pour
affirmer que l'on est dans le Faux!

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Un mot sur les Coniqueries

Il n'y a pas d'intention de ma part de sentiment de mépris pour qui que
ce soit. De toute manière, mépriser l'Ignorance n'est pas mépriser
l'homme. J'utilise des expressions de langage seulement pour tenter de
secouer les uns et les autres de la léthargie qui fige le monde.

Maintenant que j'ai parlé des philosopheries de l'homme sur l'Absolu et

le Relatif, on peut peut-être songer à la philosophie consistant en
l'intérêt pour ce qui fait que l'homme vit.
L'appréhension du monde autour de soi selon la Relativité n'est pas
récente comme inventé par un génie de science moderne. La Relativité
est un défaut d'ignorance qui s'accroche à l'homme depuis des
millénaires pour en faire un croyant béton. Quel est ce défaut
d'ignorance qui transparaît en l'homme comme celui portant des
lunettes Relativiste? C'est l'ignorance de l'universel du monde, la vérité,
l'absolu du monde, en bref ignorer que le monde est un Principe
d'unicité, malgré le génie humain d'inventer le mot Uni-vers. L'univers
vient de l'intuition que l'homme a de l'Unicité. Le Soi, la Vérité,
l'univers sont entre autes, les présences de la permanence et
l'immuable du Un qui est l'Ubiquité de l'Unicité. Ce dernier n'est que
l'élément ultime de logique du monde particulièrement, l'élément du
Penser humain. Sa présence est si partout à la fois que l'homme ne le
voit pas.
Or l'homme est un malin, intelligent astucieux, le roi du "système D".
(D) comme Démerdeur, Débrouillard.
Alors, l'homme n'est pas une bête pensante. Il est effectivement une
bête, mais une "bête qui Sait tout". Il sait donc la monde par son
système (D) de la Relativité. Rassurez-vous, l'homme qui voyage à la
vitesse de la lumière et qui rajeunit, n'est rien par rapport à la nature
Relativiste de l'Ignorance de l'homme.
L'homme Relativiste ignore par:
- Le Témoignage
- L'Association
- Par Trucs, Astuces et Recettes.

Vous allez dire "mais il ignore donc tout"? Il faut une sacrée claivoyance
pour faire cette remarque. Car celui qui SAIT TOUT, est celui qui ne sait
vraiment rien.

Cette mise en scène d'introduction, me permet de vous faire entrer

dans le monde de la CONIQUERIE. Je vous précise que Coniquerie n'a
pas pour éthymologie CON et Conneries.
Il s'agit ici de vous montrer ce qu'est le procédé de témoignage
conférée par la pleine croyance inculquant le tic chez l'homme de voir
tout en Relativité.
La Coniquerie est la fameuse vision des mathématiciens de voir des
formes curieuses, grâce aux Témoignages ou aux Observations et par
associations de quoi, on a fait une science de Coniquerie.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Par débrouillardise l'homme finit par s'appercevoir et remarquer un

jour, que son chapeau est un Cône comme l'entonnoir de sa cuisine ou
de sa boîte à pharmacie. À force de l'admirer nuit et jour, ils finissent
par y distinguer les formes que l'ombre peut créer sur ce cône.
Débrouillard et Démerdeur, mais laborieux, il finit par énoncer des lois
de ces formes qu'ils dénomment comme des Coniques en mémoire de
la forme de cône de son chapeau. Vous savez qu'il y a qui en fait une
sculpture sur son tombeau...
En conséquence, je viens de vous introduire dans la fameuse science
des Coniqueries constituant les mille manière d'un cône de recevoir la
lumière. Même si ces coniqueries permet aux génies de parler de leur
mécanique céleste, ce n'est rien d'autre qu'une science des formalismes
de formes Témoignées par un Cône.

Certain d'entre-vous auriaient la réaction en protestant que :

"Critiquer, critiquer, c'est bien. Mais, que sait-on d'autre?"

Alors, si la Relativité est Fausse comme étant la créature de

l'Ignorance, il existerait donc le Juste ou le Vrai ou le Réel de ces
phénomènes de formes.
En effet, le Réel est l'Absolu du monde et de tout ce qui est dans ce
monde. Par exemple si l'on est convaincu qu'il y a le Soi, même sans
jamais savoir ce qu'est le Soi, c'est que le Soi veut dire l'Absolu d'une
certaine Réalité.
Alors, je vais vous faire ici, la danse de l'Absolu dans ces phénomènes
classés sous le chapeau de côniquerie.

a) - L'espace matière est absolu, sans quoi il n'y a pas d'univers de ces
astres dans le ciel. L'espace est absolu tel que les chose peuvent y être,
sans quoi, personne ne peut savoir s'il y a le Nord, le Sud, l'Est et
l'Ouest ni non plus qu'elle-est, son ici-et-maintenant.
b) - Or si l'espace absolu est tel qu'il est pour chacun et pour tous à la
fois, il y a néanmoins des personnes qui ne reste pas en place. Chacun
voit le monde dans ses Mouvements. Tout se déplace aussi.
c) - Comment peut-on décrire l'espace qui Est et l'espace qui se
déplace en mouvement? Si l'on prend les obejts qui bougent comme
témoin de mouvement, on se soumet nécessairement à la relativité des
uns aux autres. Or si l'on ne pense au Mouvement, que seulement
comme un rapport des uns aux autres, c'est que l'on IGNORE que
l'espace est absolu et qu'il faut le décrire autrement que par le FIGÉ!
Par exemple comme Newton et tous les Savants scientifiques, sans
exception, qui n'ont que des notions relatives.
d) - Un effort pour accéder à l'idée que l'espace est fixe dans l'absolu,
mais que l'espace est aussi à la fois le Contenant et le Contenu. Ce qui
veut dire que le Mouvement est contenu par l'espace ou que l'espace
est Mouvement. L'espace matière est donc à la fois le Lieu et à la fois le
Déplacement du Mouvement
e) - La loi de l'espace univers où tout se construit sans cesse où il n'y a
de Permanence que le Changement, se lit, pour ceux qui le peuvent. La
loi de l'espace univers se lit directement dans l'espace, par le langage
de l'espace.

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Faisons cette lecture qui doit indiquer nécessairement et le Lieu

et les localisations de Mouvement

1) - Déplacement en cercle
a) Le lieu se réfère à 1 point fixe F1 et un point d'un cercle de centre
b) Les localisations dans l'univers de ce déplacement, est indiqué par le
sommet d'un triangle isocèle intérieur au cercle F2, dont (F1F2) est la
2) - Déplacement en un autre type de courbe (ellipse)
a) Le lieu se réfère à 1 point fixe F1 et un cercle de centre F2.
b) Les points de localisation du mouvement sont indiqués par le
sommet d'un triangle isocèle intérieur au cercle (F2) dont un sommet
de la base se trouve sur le point F1 et le côté de l'autre passe par le
centre F2 du cercle.
3) - Déplacement en ligne droite
a) Le lieu se réfère à 2 points fixes F1 et F2. F1 et F2 peuvent être deux
cercles égaux.
b) Les localisations dans l'univers de ce déplacement, est indiqué par le
sommet d'un triangle isocèle dont (F1F2) est la base.
4) - Déplacement en courbe (hyperbole)
a) Le lieu se réfère à 1 point fixe F1 et un cercle de centre F2.
b) Les points de localisation du mouvement sont indiqués par le
sommet d'un triangle isocèle dont un sommet de la base se trouve sur
le point F1 et le côté de l'autre passe par le centre F2 du cercle.
5) - Déplacement en un autre type de courbe (parabole)
a) Le lieu se réfère à 1 point fixe F1 et une droite D.
b) Les points de localisation du mouvement sont indiqués par le
sommet d'un triangle isocèle dont les côtés sont pour l'un
perpendiculaire à (D) et l'autre passe par le centre F2 du cercle. Ici, le
cercle F2 peut être de rayon nul.

- the general meaning of space (, Greece)

- Aristotle + on + falling + objects + animation.gif (,


When he tell that any object goes toward its rest point, he didn't know
that he had an absolute space concept. However he was right.

- laws + of + motion + animation.gif (, Philippines)

- comment + faire + la + transformation + geometric + rotation + avec

+ un + compas (Canada)

Ce qui permet de définir ce qu'est un compas.

Un compas est un triangle isocèle. Il est un segment de droite (la base
du triangle) ou les 2 côtés du triangle isocèle. Un compas n'est pas un
cercle. Il ne peut créer un cercle. Mais le compas ne fait que reproduire

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

un cercle. Lequel? il reproduit le cercle que fait la main du dessinateur,

tenant le sommet du triangle.
Il n'y a aucun instrument réalisable qui puisse créer un cercle parce
que le cercle est une forme virtuelle, dans le sens d'innaccessible. Elle
est permanente et immuable en toute chose. Mais elle est
particulièrement dans la main et du pensée de l'homme qui le trace.
C'est pourquoi, construire une forme avec "le Compas et la Règle", ne
veut dire réellement qu'une tautologie comme "construire avec le
Segment et la Règle".
Le cercle est une forme transcendentale. Elle est la Forme Mère de tout
autre forme. Appliquer cet énoncé à la lettre est le seul cas qui veut
dire: ne pas être un perroquet mais plutôt être en conformité à la loi
universelle. Appliquez le comme concept en arrière fond, en soutien de
tout problème et vous verrez que des chemins s'ouvent, qui
conduiraient souvent aux trésors.

Les schémas ci-dessous, permettent de construire des instruments

macaniques de traçages de formes ou de courbes paramétrées. Ce que
les fonctions analytiques n'en disent pas grand chose.

- fundamental symmetry principles (, Illinois Mathematics and

Science Accademy, Aurora, USA)

- fundamental symmetry of the universe (United Arab Emirates)

Basic property of matter is the symmetry. The cercle central symmetry

is the ultimate rest state of matter. That is to tell that at this ultimate
state, there is ONLY the central symmetry logic as the unique universe
knowledge, and nothing else. Therefore, the symmetry is inherent to
space structure. This the permanent basic of any universal law and of
human deduction process of fertile thinking.

- machanical advantage (surewest, USA)

- parabolic transformation formulas to create art (, Canada)

The following spatial formulas can be easily done in practice of Arts. For
architectural drawing it can be realized with mechanic systems. There
are not only compass and rules for many practical uses.
Also, algorithms for computer can produce these different line forms, in
absolute situation without axis referent bothers of analytical geometry
calculations. This concerns 2D and 3D mode.

- what + is + a + defintion + of + a + straight-segment + on + a +

graph (, Tennessee, USA)

a) - A linear successive locations.

b) - A movement of material point according to its equidistance from
two different refering points.

- A + Closed-Form + Solution + to + the + Problem + of + Optimal +

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Tool-Path + Generation + for + Sculptured + Surface + Machining + on

+ Multi-Axis+NC + Machine (, Iraly)

It may concern also robot movements where too much freedom axis
cannot be easily resolved by complicated analytical linear calculations.

- Parabola math how to do it (, USA)

Here is a Dakhiometry new space consept that, may be, is yet difficult
to conceive for mathematicians and physicians:
What we see as Movement in space is only simple forms and
complex form structures of a material system. This is the space
property consequence where form is potential energy. Therefore we
should see heavenly bodies systems as fixe forms and not as random
movements according to some virtual Universal Gravity. This form can
be transformed under any interaction. Hyperbola and parabola are also
fixe forms that don't go to "infinity". They are limited by the system

- ilustration + of + motion + and + curvilines (USA)

Actually, here is how to construct real continous curvilinear lines.

- algebra hyperbola (, USA)

Algebaic calculation and all the analytical formula are necessarily

dicontinous values of pararbola curve.

- The Key to Universal Movement (, Clermont-Ferrand,


Even these descriptions of movements are defined by space structures,

its is however the basic of movement realities because placements of
any object is directly defined by the ansolute space structure. Changes
of object trajectories are only due to mutual interactions between them.
More generally and precisely tell, changes of trajectory are interaction
positioning in spatial structre for any system.
There is no uniform straight line motion according to the space Potential
where movement are necessarily change of position the phenomenon of
which depends to the space location energy.

- Uniqueness + vs. + universal + characteristics + fundamental

(Massachusetts, USA)

- Coriolis force demonstration (, Hewlett-Packerd, USA)

The Coriolis force is born from pure imaginary.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

It is false because of contradiction to mechanical basic principle

that is stated as follows:
Segregation necessary happens between two simple
material systems with different energies
This comes from the basic principle of matter Uniqueness where
energy can define them distintively. Examples:

a) - A meteorite can never hit the Earth if these two systems is

not different in energies.
b) - It is difficult to jump in or out of a running train if this latter
is displacing rapidly. The energy difference is too high.
c) - Why a rider falls as soon as the horse is suddenly stopping?
Because the movement energy of the rider is more greater than
the horse one.
d) - Why a bullet can be launched from a catapult? Because the
catapult beam is suddenly a zero energy while the bullet is
e) - Why an information bit on a computer Hard Disk remains
always at the same location on this disk? It is because this
information bit fixly defined on the whole hard Disk structure.
More generaly tell, the hard Disk information is internal to the
whole material disk sytem.

The Coriolis force is supposed that the Earth is action on any

object on its surface. This means that any object on the Earth
surface is distinctively an independent one. Consequently, the
atmosphere and the oceans are continually under strain and
pressure due to the Earth rotation. Under such condition of gaing
energy from the Earth as it is rotating during all the time toward
East then, the atmosphere and the ocean water should necessary
rotating towards the West. This whole oposite motions will
necessary end a futur day since some billions of the Earth
existence. May this equilbrium happens or not?
1) - If The equilibrium is not a dead end of these Earth movement
then, it means that the Earth is a continual energy source. Being
a perpetual energy source then there is a contradiction to the
Energy Conservation prinicple. Therefore, the Coriolos Force is a
false theory that ignore any basic mechanical principle.
2) - If there is the equillibrium of the two opposite motions on the
Earth, then, there is no more any Coriolis-Force on Earth.
Therefore, the Coriolis Force is also a false theory that states
possibility of mechanical law disappearance in the Nothingness.
The Coriolis Force is only a mirage due to impossibility of the
Dynamics to define movement phenomenon.

Now there is an another explaination from the Dakhiometry that

classes the Coriolis Force in mirage type.
We have above an example of a computer hard Disk seen as an
absolute permanent space structure where any information bit
can be placed practcally as immutable structure.

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Now, in Dakhiometry it can be precisely defined the matter

condensation process to form any heavenly body. There is no
Newton's Universal Masses Gravitation. But the matter
condensation process is done according to placement of elemental
matter according to ther potential energy. The potential energy
characterized the absolute space location around a rest point.
It can be compared to an information bit thare can be placed in a
Hard Disk. We know that a Hard Disk is logically placement of
memory. It is the case for elemental matter that are progressively
placed around a rest point. From the Zero Potential of a Rest
point, it can be placed discrete matter successively as function of
each energy.
For example, it is supposed that elemental energy quantities are
denoted as (1, 2, 3,..., n). Then, from a cloud of matter that will
be condensed towards the Rest point, it can be logically place
successively only a layer of energy quantity (1), then when there
is no more the quantity (1), it can be placed any quantuty (2),
succesively the condensation process do a such exhaustion of all
the elemental matter coming from their initial cloud. Any
heavenly body are built by a such logical placement of potential
energy. From such meticulous process any heavenly body can
appear as a nice spherical sphere.
In such universal mechanical law any heavenly body is ONE
UNIQUE WHOLE SYSTEM. As a Hard Disk, where no information
bit can be mechanical read without loosing any memory
information, any object in the Earth belong to internal system.
And in rotation as any information bit on Hard Disk can not be
displaced, it is the same for the Earth system where the Earth
rotation cannot affect energy of any internal object on its surface.
The Coriolis force is therefore only the imperfect Dynamic theory
producing mirages.
Note that if between two objects on the Earth can experience
mutual interaction, it is however impossible for any whole
system to produce a change in his internal energy. This is
only the consequences of the Energy and the Momentum
conservation principles.

The Coriolis-Force and the Foucault-Pendulum are contradictories

to these basic principles.

- Coriolis+force + bug + on + wheel + concentric (Michigan,


The Dynamics is separated in two parts as the Kinematics and the

Dynamics ones. The Kinematics is no more than the Geometry. It
is a serious error when tempting to make kninematic or geometric
descriptions as the Dynamics ones. Because Geometric figures
can't never be described with the Dynamic Force formula. This
error on foundation was done by Coriolis when he was confused in

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Geometry with Kinematics.

- the five basic life functions (, Honduras)

It is really such.
Because movement are phenomena of matter interactions.
Universe interactions are energy exchanges not for destruction
but always for construction. For exemple, from these five basic
movement functions it can be deduces the oval form of an egg.
The spatial construction of an ovale has nearly a structure like the
yolk in a bird egg.

With the spatial language and according to the Absolute Space,
orbits of heavenly body, is not observed relatively from the Earth
as an ellipse form. Precisely any observation of heavenly bodies
relatively from the Earth, should be as a perfect oval form. Far
from the Earth this oval form can be confused approximatly with a
circle. But near to the Earth as the Moon does, the orbit of this
latter should appears in measurement as a pefect oval a little
streched in its longest axis.

- relative motion (USA)

The one basic, the fundamental data between an observer and

observed is the Distance between these two points of view. It is
done when an animal is running to catch its prey. No matter what
are their trajectory for each of them, it is the instanteneous true
relative distance between them.
Thus, between two heavenly bodies that are in motions, the first
data of measurement is concerned by the distance length
between these two bodies. What are their true orbits are ignored
at first by the observer but are only the consequence of some
observation results.
It is why the first scientific job of an astronomer is to determine
the real distances at any points of their different orbit motion.
Thus when Kepler state that the planets observed through
telescope are elliptic orbit, it was only a theorical illusion. He
should at first only determined the distance-orbit between two
particular planets. Then theorically concluded that they may be
orbiting around the Sun according to deduction from the observed
relative distance-orbit from the Earth.
Such steps of observation is the true one. There is no other
possibility else than pure imaginary theorical prejudice method.
Therefore, the first scientific process is to determine heavenly
bodies orbits relativeley to the Earth observer that may be
shematically shown in the following figure.

- Relative motion (United Arab Emirates)

Note the difference between these figures from the empirical

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

reltivity of observations process that furnishe until now all the

science theories, e.g. the Newton Force.
The relative heavenly bodies orbits are denoted as relative but is
not the mirages from relativity concept. These relative orbit are
rather the absolute considerations of measurements. Because the
measurements of distance between an observer and a given
object are a true absolute length recording. Obviously space is
both distance and direction, therefore, a distance plus a direction
furnishe a trajectory description as orbit. This is necessary the
real measurement condition. Because an observer from the Earth
can never practically see directly Jupiter orbiting around the Sun.
The Jupiter elliptic orbit is only a theorical consequence from
practical observations.

- examples of absolute and relative motion (Mlaysia,

This next figure show the

relative motion that contradic
the Coriolis Force.
Observation point (M) in
rotation around point (O),
should see a point (P1) and (P2)
according to relative trajectories
(T1) and (T2) as in oval forms.
a) - (P1) is independnent to the
rotation sytem but is absolutly
b) - (P2) is also independnent
to the rotation system, but it is mouving in a linear and uniform
motion. It relative trajectory from (M) is also a nearly oval form
but not as a circle or an ellipse.

An artificial satellite with circular
orbit around the Earth is only an
absolute one. But relativeley to an
observer standing on the Earth
surface, the true observed orbit of
this satellite is as shown in this
next figure. This latter shows the relative orbit of a stallite at
1000 km altitude seen from a signal collector fixed on Earth. The
reality of hevanly orbits are Absolute ones and prove that tne
space is absolute. It is why the Einstein Relativities contradict the
universe reality.
Relatively from a fixed point on the Earth surface, any artificial
satellite should have rather an oval form!
This relative trajectory is not a virtual one calculated from an

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

analytical algebraic function as it is done with the Coriolis force.

From spatial construction the relative locations are real defined
data. In such case of relativity, this shows that the Coriolis force
is a bad artificial theory.
The trajectory shown here is only the basic general form.
According to the velocity of any object launched from the Earth,
its relative motion "discribes" the same form according to a
particular homothetic one. So, until now some weird thing,
particularly about gravitationnal interpretation, from observations
on satellites, probes and planets trajectories come from
systematic error when using the Newton's, Einstein's and the
Coriolis' inconsitent and false theories.

- physics gif animation relative movement (Serbia)

- translation + and + rotation + superposition (Germany)

Yes it is exactly the case.

It concerns not the Dynamics but only by the Cinematics. It is an
error that contradics the theory and complicates the formalism
when Coriolis introduced there a Force. This latter states a false
physic concept that between two independnent objects, there is
an interaction Force. We get there the contradiction to the First
Newton Law. Even if the Universal Gravitation is a curious oddly
exceptional Law that has a privilege to contradic the First Newton
All this show that the Newton's Law are incoherent and
fondamentally unvalid. It is terrifying that science of man is so
blind and thus very adaptable to contradiction!

- the + observed + motion + of + an + object + not + only +

depends + on + the + position + of + the + object + but + on +
the + position + of + the (, Michigan, USA)

Yes the two motions should be composed in the total relative one.
Yes the two motions should be composed in the total relative one.
It is why when we mesure only the distance between the
observer from the observed object while donot know the observer
motion, the result will be a virtual one.
Unhappily, it is the case for all the measures done in Astronomy!

The Force that is a Relativity view point theory is true a source of


Here next is the trajectory of one point

(P) seen relatively from an observer
(M). The two trajectories are perfect
circles. The frequency of (M) is twice
the (P) one.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

From (observer (M) the trajectory of

(P) is no more a circle but seems to be
an ellipse. However, it has not the
ellipse symmetry. More, the relative
(P) trajectory is not symmetric
between its two half-cycle.

The next figure is the construction

according to basic reasons perfectly
defined and not with hazardous imaninary. Also, it is not done
according to the old Analytical Geometry. It represents a same {M;P}
system in two absolute circular orbit where the cycle of (M) is two time
the (P) one. Their orbits are not concentric.

The relative (P) orbit

observed from (M) is not a
circle form while it
represent the exact distance
observed between this two
points. It is what should be
measured if an experimetal
technique can perform it.
The system {M;P} may
represent an equivalent of
real planets for example the
orbit of Mars seen measured
from the Earth. These two
are turning around a center
near the Sun.

- Kepler Mars orbit non opposition (

- diagram of pregnant woman (Alaska Airlines/Horizon Air, Alaska, USA)

- sun orbit of Lebanon (Australia)

- Ho-Chi-Minh city wind diagram (, Vietnam)

- pregnant woman body diagram inside (, USA)

- golden communications group Ho Chi Minh game show producer


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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

This next figure is a diagram for orbital

type of Pluto around the earth. This shows
that all the Solar planets have an relative
orbit around the Earth not as an ellipse.

Here is the type of Sun orbit

relatively to a given point on the
Earth during an entire day if the
Sun center is considered as fixed.
In this case, the Sun orbit is
exactly an oval form. During a
entire year this orbit will not be a
continous but a not closed form.
Its curve will be as a point on a
running wheel but this latter
should have an oval form.
It can not be concluded that at
midday the Sun is nearest than
during the night because of the
Sun distance. This difference is negligible because the Earth diameter is
too small relative to the faraway Sun.

From this real trajectory according to the real distance between the
earth from the Sun, we can note that the time of Hot-Sun is shorter
than the one of cooling Night during the Earth's 24h. Then, the
hot-house effect is quite invalidated. This so-called effect is more
pronounced when we consider this trajectory of real distance during a
whole year duration.
Consequently, on Earth it is the globe law as ring structure that furnish
a perpetual energy activity. There is not the Earth hot chore of magma
that is created by the Newton Gravitational law. A globe structure is
only deduced from the matter condensation process that in turn, rests
on the Absolute space potential/rest-point principle.

Note All these relative may seem too strange to you because until now
they are not mentionned in Astronomy.
However, these orbits are the everyday truth and practised by
everybody. For example any team playing ball are practising and
mastering such complicate relative trajectory. So when one run after a
ball, the one main thing is to look after this ball without worrying about
its trajectory form. While really, the whole ball trajectory is the most
complocated one. In fact the heavenly body relative trajectories are the

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

most simple as shown above.

All these spatial constructions of relative trajectories are reversible.
This is to say that if a relative trajectory is précisely measured then,
the absolute initial orbit of a heavenly body around its rest-center can
be deduced from there.
For example, if the relative orbit of Mars or Venus are measured then
their absolute orbit around the Sun can be defined. It is the possibility
for any star if their distance from the Earth can be well defined.
Therefore, science can proved that the Earth is not the Universe center.
Until now all the heavenly bodies orbit are defined theorically using the
hupothetic Newton's Universal Gravity as foundation. It is a false
method to search object location by the masses.

From this result, we can see that there are always stange behavior in
the different planet orbit, if astronomists are supposing that all the
planets of the Solar sytem are theoricaly a circle or nearly an ellipse.
From there they use the Relativity theory to justifyed any of this
strange orbital behavior.

This should be applied to any satellite around the Earth. The

deformations are more pronounced if the absolute orbit of the satellite
is an ellipse one. The distorsion is more imprdicable when the ratio of
their rotation frequency takes any value.

This trajectory of relative motion between two points is precisely

contructed according to space structure. It shows that the Coriolis Force
equation is a false one.

How the Dakhiometry can define rationally a parabola

- projectile goes 16.5m at 15 degrees above the horizon how fast was it going (USA)

Any parabola trajectory parameter can be determined easily by spatial construction.

For such conditions, if friction in this trajectory is negligible and the impact point is
on the horizontal plan of the launching one then, we have:

Horzontal speed = 17.6043 m/s;

Initial energy = 310.1313 J/kg
Horizontal efficient energy = 309.9117 J per 1kg
with a lost of the initial lauching energy of about 1/1000
Total trajectory time = 0.9372 s

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Height of trajectory = 1.0772 m

All these values define the parabola inscribed in this two given
data. Also from given initial energy and angle of trajectory it can
be determined precisely and simply all the other such trajectory

- algorithms and analytic geometry (Brazil)

These old mathematics methods are approximations of empirism

human manner to get an approach to realities. The reason of this
man working behavior is because he never had some knowledge
on the universe matter characteristics. The Nothingness had
produce ignorance of the Space Physic even though this latter is
the basic concrete matter of knowledge for science. All what are
denoted in Mathematics as the Conics are really a poor science
sigth on the wealthy space. The Newton's laws that gives rise to
the modern sciences is an example of a deep ignorance on the
matter prpoerties. If man wish for going further into extra-
terrestrial space he has to change all his manner to get a more
rationnal approch to true Astronomy else than with the erroneous
and monotonous so-called Universal Gravitation by Masses.

- a + scientific + that + do + work + "whith" + law + of + motion

(, Conroe Independent School District, Texas, USA)

- diagram of the overall universal law (, USA)

- Representation of addition and subtraction movement (United Arab


- Naruto five "mation" (, Washington dc, USA)

- types of basic motion graph (Malaysia,

- basic rigid motions of the plane (, Monmouth

University, New Jersey, USA)

The following figure shows the five basic FORMS seen as movements.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Figure resumes the Five Basic space stucture for universal laws of

Voilà comment, en se débarrassant de la Relativité comme une

propriété de l'univers,
Il Faut décrire l'Espace de l'univers, au-delà de toute notion de figé de
l'espace et de préjugé relativiste du Mouvement, car l'espace est à la
fois Lieux et Mouvement. Il n'y a pas de mouvement en soi, tout
comme il n'y a pas de Temps, pour courir derrière son ombre.

- geomatrical animation compass (Sri Lanka)

- line circle journeys (, UK)

- Changing + Universe + Concepts (, USA)

Do you know why it is difficult to build a steady aeroplane as an unique

wing system?
It is because its straight line trajectory is not generated by two fixed
independnat points as stated above in the first case of motion
generation. An classical aeroplane with a long tail can realize two
independent points in space. While an unique solid wing whatever its
forms, is only one point. Because a solid system has only one center.

- according + to + physics + + 2 + stone + one + 5 + kg + and +

other + 10 + kg + if + we + leave + these + from + hight + which +
one + is + come + down + first (United Arab Emirates)

According to natural law defined in Dakhiometry, if friction is neglected,

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

1) - The two masses is the first down because there is no last arrived.
2) - The two masses is the last down because there is no first arrived.

In conclusion
Potential between Location in space ignore the mass quantity hierarchy.
Absolute space means that a same Potential corresponds to a
defined distance and inversely, whatever is the distance

One uses to tell: what a paradoxical law. Because one uses to think the
conventional Force, as the mass time the acceleration of an object...

Maintenant, quoi d'autre?

Extirper les esprits des vielles croyances millénaires est un horrible
boulot. Car, si l'homme a son esprit capable de penser par déduction de
raison, tout ce que je dis dans mes textes, se complètent en étendus
lumineux par eux-même.

Vous avez vu ici, que l'espace matière est à la fois Contenu et

Contenant. Ne demandez-vous jamais pourquoi il y a la Cinématique et
à son côté, la Dynamique, tous deux séparés par une dichotomie
newtonnienne? Non, dans léthargie, on ronfle mais on ne se demande
rien d'autre que ce qui plaît ou ne plaise pas à son nombril. Ce qui
prouve que le science Mécanique est un résultat direct de l'empirisme
des esprits persévérant dans sa capacité de Tâtonner. D'ailleurs, la
Cinématique et la Dynamisme sont acceptées comme telles que parce
qu'elle fait la brillance de Grande Science, plus grand que ça, tu meurs.
Revenons aux raisons en considérant que l'Espace est Contenant et
a) - Le Contenant est ce que je viens de définir ci-dessus, comme
structures de localisations supports ayant son immuabilité comme
propriété de l'espace.
b) - Maintenant, il est nécessaire de voir quel est son Contenu. Dans
mes illustrations des 5 structures d'espace pour le mouvement, il y est
noté la présence générale d'un traingle se référant à deux centres de
Alors, Le Contenu de l'espace concerne la Matière Condensée des
constructions de l'univers. La Matière Condensée est régie par les lois
de Potentiel d'espace. Ce qui veut dire que la Matière Condensée est
NECESSAIREMENT descriptible par les énergies. L'Energie qui est
espace, s'exprime aussi par les éléments d'espace.
Alors, il y a longtemps que j'ai exposé en mes textes de ce site-ci, ce
qu'est le théorème de:

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

La Structure Triangulaire Générale

Ce théorème que chacun de vous cite comme le théorème de

Pythagore. Il n'y a pas de plus grand sacrilège de spoliation d'ignares!
L'Ignorance ne pardonne pas mais aussi, elle ne se pardonne pas. Parce
que vous croyez être cultivé et diplômé en Math...


celui qui permet d'entrer dans le monde de la Connaissance, en homme
adulte, sevré de ses Dieux.
Ce théorème permet de voir l'espace dans son aspect Matière
Condensée qui génère le phénomène MOUVEMENT.
J'ai donc explicité la généralité de la matière univers avec sa propriété
double de Contenant-Contenu. La VRAIE science Dakhiométrique
permet d'embrasser les phénomènes de Construction du TOUT univers.

Allez-y avec vos formules et baguette magique appelées Théorème de
(Pythagore, Thalès,... Newton, Einstein,...). Avec la vue Relativiste de
vos Dieux, dites moi ce que vous voyez à votre l'horizon. Je crois que le
fond d'un puit, ça s'appelle une impasse!

- mécanique rationnelle

Notez la différence immense, entre la Relativité et L'Absolu de l'espace.

La mécanique rationnelle est issue d'une contradiction que l'on ignore.
Elle est issue de:
a) - La Cinématique est absolue, parce que les considérations
mathématiques sont toujours Absolues.
b) - La Dynamique newtonnenne est une pure Relarivité. Avec les
meilleures volonté, on ne peut vraiment pas le nier. Il suffit de regarder
les définitions de la Force. On le sait très bien, sans jamais oser la
regarder en face. La Référence Galiléenne le montre clairement comme
référence relative. La mécanique rationnelle ne peut rien faire sans ses
références. Les contorsions de la Relativité d'Einstein sont les
symptomes de l'apogée de ces tourments de Référence Mécaniques.
L'exemple de l'impasse Relativiste est illustrée par le théorème de
d'Alembert avec la force virtuelle mais surtout celui de la Loi de Mondre
Action de Maupertuis, qui ne dit rien de commode et de pratique pour
la mécanique rationnelle. Cette confusion est illustré par la Principe
Optique de Fermat qui ne sait pas qu'il lui faut une référence absolue et
non la relativité d'une vitesse.

Aussi croire que la mécanique rationnelle est non-relativiste est une

ignorance que l'on ignore, parce que l'on a fait un cadre d'or pour la
Cinématique, ce borgne du couple borgne-aveugle.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

- decimal + system + of + measurement + whose + units + are +

based + on + certain + physical + standars + and + are + "sacaled" +
on + multiples + of + 10 (, Mexico)

- Draw a segment of 6.4 drawing (, Italy)

Here is how to draw any decimal length, provide that a unit length is

With the usual Thales property it can

be constructed any decimal length in
the unit defined.

Then, any given decimal length can be

constructed. Scale problem is resolved
according to homothetic construction.

Note that not only decimal is

concerned. There is general method of
construction. Any length can be
obtained as part of an unit length. It
can be defined rationnaly et precisely
by construction. There is no "hole" of
constructions in the succession of a
length. It is to state that there is no
irrational quantity.

Note that the inverse

(2/1.36...) = 1.47
should be done according to this
process on figure and not as what was done by Euclide using Number
Here also, the Dakhiometry has a general precise but simple method to
do divisions of length quantities.

- logic + division + axiom (The University of Utah, USA)

Actually. It is the idea of how was stated the Euclide's Division

Algorithm. We can see that this is mostly a congruent problem and
there are few rational solutions.

- Destiny + "Cululate" (


- the + sum + of + three + times + a + number + and + 7 +

more + than + the + numver + is + the + same + as + the +

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

difference + between + -11 + and + twice + the + number +

what + is + the + number (, Florida, USA)

A strange concept on FORM

- prove + a + circle + fits + in + any + triangle (Champion
Technologies, Chimical Company, West Texas, USA)

It is a basic intersting problem. However, one should pose this problem

in it inverse manner. That is to ask why a any triangle fits in a circle.
Because there is no independent form denoted as Triangles. Really
there are only three basic forms. They are: Circle, Square and
1) - A triangle is only a circle because 3 points always belong to a
circle. As one tells it, a triangle is a Three Angles. Angles are property
of circle Directions. What we know as properties in a triangle are the
ones of the circle.
Note that if one knows that a triangle is in fact a circle then, it is very
easy to resolve spatially the Morley's theorem.
2) - What polygon is inscribed in a circle? It does if all each set of 3
vertices are inscribed in a same circle.
We can see now that really there are only TWO BASIC forms: the circle
and the square!
3) - But we can do more:
There is only ONE UNIQUE Basic Form: the Circle. It is because a
square is no more then two rectangular triangles!

A circle is not really a form because it is only the remanence or the
persistence of vision or the memory of the matter space before the
beginning of the universe construction. A cirlce is only a BASIC
LOGIC of space!

What is unusual but wealthy view point on space structure or space as

Potential Energy.

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

Hereafter are texts on the Dakhiometry,

a rational method for determining properties of the dakhi, the Breath of the universe

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The dakhiometry, text DK001EN (sep 2001) The Simultaneity and the
Conservation are notions of the Permanence of the universe.

The dakhiometry, text DK002EN (oct 2001) The memory-universe built in

respect of rigorous conditions, but with simplicity.

The fundamental concepts in the Dakhiometry (nov 2001) In dakhiometry,

universal laws and phenomena show surprising wealthy relationships. The future
physical Laws are not yet established in the universe of nowadays.

The Accuracy, the Certainty and the Doubt (nov 2001) Mathematical
accuracy is a mechanical process while Certainty and Doubt are the engine of
the evolving Self. Some analysis of the Non Euclidean contradictions.

Proof of the Fermet's theorem (mars 2002) Equation xn+yn=zn,

has no solution....

Cyclone formations (mai 2002) Cyclones are phenomena attached to

the band structure of the atmosphere winds....

The First action of the beginning of the universe (sept 2002)

How to square a circle. This surface transformation is the first natural
operation at the beginning of the universe....

The Proof of the universe Evolution Process (oct, 2002) The beginning
of the universe construction used the squaring a circle to allows the central
symmetry to establish the left-right symmetry for the alive.

The Proof of the squaring a circle (oct, 2002) Proof of the surface
equality after the squaring a circle.

The basics of Matter. The proof of Thales' theorem. The proof of the
Pythagoras' theorem. (oct, 2002) Properties of Matter allows to state
some foundations on the knowledge. From these bases, simple proof can be
done one the Thales' and the Pythagoras' theorems.

The Archimedes' Property (jan, 2003) The Archimedes' property was

used by the resolution of the circle perimeter that was attributed to
Archimedes. Analysis are done on this resolution. This axiom is very used in
modern mathematics and some confusion are commented.

New Proof of Light Refraction and Reflection Laws (dec, 2004) New
Proof according to the Dakhiometry method that shows that light is not a
particle and a wawe that may have a trip of 13 billion of celerity distance...

New Proof of Light Refraction and Reflection Laws (dec, 2004) New
Proof according to the Dakhiometry method that shows that light is not a
particle and a wawe that may have a trip of 13 billion of celerity distance...

Properties of circular structures and their consequences. (jul, 2005)

This page introduces the contents of a work that constitutes the foundation
of the Dakhiometry...

Liquid Archimedes' property an the Potential as gravity. (jul, 2005)

Statement on Liquid proerties and object Potential energy as the
consequences of the condensed matter process localisations...

Archimedes' gravity center volume measurement method. (dec, 2006)

Proofs of solid aeras and volumes measurements, was all unsuccessfully

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The rational new Pi accurate value resolution

done and quite erroneous works...

Unbounded Energy Source Engine (In French)

"Le Moteur Source d'Energie de tous les temps"
(Aug, 2006) An application of the liquid law new understanding to build a
machine producing energy of high capacity. A reality for the near futur.

Succession allows Quantities. Basic of Counting. (august 2007) Unity

Succession Principle is the foundation of the universe Fullness. fullness is
necessarry to allow Quantity. Quantity is Reality of the World existence.

More detailed analysis written in french only:

Succession and Quantity analysis.

DOUBLING A CUBE. (2011/2012)

According to the universe principle of Matter Conservation, any construction
in the universe is done by matter Transformation. The Squaring a circle, the
Angle Trisection and the Doubling a Cube are the basic exemples of such
space property.
Incapacity of solving such bases, man cannot claim to have a sufficient
knowledge level to be abble to build a true science.

To read more aspects on this theory,

texts archived : CLICK HERE

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- Mails and critics ...


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